Lyrics/Songteksten: Oldies A-Z
Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd

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  • 15-10-1975
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Motorcycle Song
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    The Motorcycle Song
    Composer(s): Arlo Guthrie
    Performer(s): Arlo Guthrie

    I don't want a pickle
    Just want to ride on my motorsickle
    And I don't want a tickle
    'Cause I'd rather ride on my motorsickle
    And I don't want to die
    Just want to ride on my motorcy... cle

    It was late last night the other day
    I thought I'd go up and see Ray
    So l went up and I saw Ray
    There was only one thing Ray could say, was

    I don't want a pickle
    Just want to ride on my motorsickle
    And I don't want a tickle
    'Cause I'd rather ride on my motorsickle
    And I don't want to die
    Just want to ride on my motorcy... cle

    This song is about the time that I was ridin' my motorcycle
    Going down a mountain road, at 150 miles an hour, playin' my guitar
    On one side of the mountain road there was a mountain, and on the other side there was nothin' - there was a cliff in the air

    Now, when you're going down a mountain road at 150 miles an hour you gotta be very careful, especially if you're playin' a guitar
    Especially if that guitar is an acoustic guitar
    Because if it's an acoustic guitar, the wind pressure is greater on the box side than on the neck side, because there's more guitar on the box side
    I wasn't payin' attention...

    Luckily I didn't go into the mountain - I went over the cliff
    I was goin' at 150 miles an hour sideways and 500 feet down at the same time

    I knew it was the end
    I looked down, I said ''Wow! Some trip"
    I thought it... well I knew it was...
    I knew it was my last trip, and in my last remaining seconds in world, I decided to write one last farewell song to the world

    Put a new ink cartridge in my pen
    Took out a piece of paper
    I sat back and I thought awhile
    Then I started writin'
    I don't want a pickle
    Just want to ride on my motorsickle
    And I don't want a tickle
    'Cause I'd rather ride on my motorsickle

    And I don't want to die
    Just want to ride on my motorcy... cle"

    I knew that, it wasn't the best song l ever wrote, but I didn't have time to change it
    I was comin' down mighty fast

    But as you all know, and as fate would have it, I didn't die
    I landed on the top of a police car
    And he died
    I drove away on the road that he was on
    I came into town at a screamin' 175 miles an hour, playin' the motorcycle song

    I came into town, I jumped off my bike, the bike went around the corner by itself, went up on the stand by itself, turned itself off

    I walked over to my friend
    He was standin' there eatin' pickles
    I said "Hi, what's happenin'?"
    He looked at me in the eye and said "Nothin'"

    You gotta sing it with that kind of enthusiasm
    Like you just squashed a cop...

    I don't want a pickle
    Just want to ride on my motorsickle
    And I don't want a tickle
    'Cause I'd rather ride on my motorsickle
    And I don't want to die
    Just want to ride on my motorcy... cle

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Christiansen Composer(s): Jacques Datin - Maurice Vidalin Performer(s): France Gall

    Il était venu de son pays de neige
    Tout droit vers le Sud, sans presque s'arrêter
    Mon Dieu que c'est loin, que c'est loin de la Norvège
    La Méditerranée

    C'était ses yeux verts, et c'était sa guitare
    Qui avaient payé ce voyage de fou
    Quand il en jouait, en lui offrait à boire
    On lui donnait des sous

    Il savait quelques mots de mauvais français
    Il savait quelques mots de mauvais anglais
    Et pourtant, je comprenais bien
    Même quand il ne disait rien

    Le jour où j'irai le rejoindre en Norvège
    Je reconnaîtrai cette maison d'Oslo
    Et ce vieux traîneau qu'il lançait sur la neige
    Comme on lance un bateau

    Je reconnaîtrai la fameuse Christine
    Dont il me parlait pour me faire enrager
    Je ne l'aime pas cette jolie cousine
    Elle l'a trop aimé

    Il dormait sur la plage entre deux rochers
    S'il mangeait quelques fois, c'est que j'y pensais
    Et pourtant, il était heureux, oui vraiment il était heureux

    Il est repartis vers son pays de neige
    Et la plage d'or où l'on s'est tant baignés
    A le sable gris, des plages de Norvège
    Il a tout emporté
    Pour me le redonner
    Quand je le reverrai

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Redemption Song
    Composer(s): Bob Marley
    Performer(s): Bob Marley;
    and various other artists

    Old pirates, yes, they rob I
    Sold I to the merchant ships
    Minutes after they took I
    From the bottomless pit
    But my hand was made strong
    By the 'and of the Almighty
    We forward in this generation
    Won't you help to sing
    These songs of freedom?
    'Cause all I ever have
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs

    Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
    None but ourselves can free our minds
    Have no fear for atomic energy
    'Cause none of them can stop the time
    How long shall they kill our prophets
    While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
    Some say it's just a part of it
    We've got to fullfil the book

    Won't you help to sing
    These songs of freedom?
    'Cause all I ever have
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs

    Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
    None but ourselves can free our mind
    Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy
    'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time
    How long shall they kill our prophets
    While we stand aside and look?
    Yes, some say it's just a part of it
    We've got to fullfil the book
    Won't you help to sing
    These songs of freedom?
    'Cause all I ever had
    Redemption songs
    All I ever had
    Redemption songs
    These songs of freedom
    Songs of freedom

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    Motivator Composer(s): Marc Bolan Performer(s): Marc Bolan & T. Rex

    I love the way you walk Don't you know you're a cool motivator Love the way you walk Love the way you walk I love the way your eye It doth shine like an Egyptian ruby Love the way it shines Love the way it shines Shine on I love the clothes you wear They're so mean they're so fine Love the clothes you wear Love the clothes you wear I love the broken crown The one you stole from the King Love the broken crown Love the broken crown I love it I love the golden cat You know the one that you keep In your bedroom Love the golden cat Love the golden cat I love the velvet hat You know the one that caused A revolution Love the velvet hat Love the velvet hat I love it

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Performer(s): Gerard Cox

    Ik denk niet dat 't ooit nog overgaat
    Want anders was ik je allang vergeten
    Wat 'r ook verder te gebeuren staat
    Ik zal wel altijd van je blijven weten
    En aan je moeten denken nu en dan
    Alleen om m'n geheugen op te frissen
    En zeker weten dat 't pijn doen kan
    Chrisje, ik zal je altijd blijven missen

    Natuurlijk stelde 't maar weinig voor
    Zelfs wonderen moeten met de jaren rijpen
    Maar wie heeft als 'ie achttien is dat door
    Ik was te jong om zoiets te begrijpen
    M'n enige, m'n eerste grote vangst
    Hoewel ik nog maar nauwelijks kon vissen
    Je hebt me afgeholpen van m'n angst
    Chrisje, ik zal je altijd blijven missen

    M'n enige, m'n eerste grote vangst
    Hoewel ik nog maar nauwelijks kon vissen
    Je hebt me afgeholpen van m'n angst
    Chrisje, ik zal je altijd blijven missen

    De jaren maakten mettertijd verschil
    Ik heb m'n leven denk ik wel op orde
    De vrouw waarmee ik best graag leven wil
    En de dingen die ik toen nog wilde worden
    Maar desondanks blijft alles relatief
    Omdat ik nooit jouw spoor meer uit kan wissen
    Ik was pas achttien en ik vond je lief Chrisje
    ik zal je altijd blijven missen

    Categorie:Nederl. Songs

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    Composer(s): Johnny Cash
    Performer(s): Johnny Cash;
    and various other artists

    From the hands it came down
    From the side it came down
    From the feet it came down
    And ran to the ground
    Between heaven and hell
    A teardrop fell In the deep crimson dew
    The tree of life grew

    And the blood gave life
    To the branches of the tree
    And the blood was the price
    That set the captives free
    And the numbers that came
    Through the fire and the flood Clung to the tree
    And were redeemed by the blood

    From the tree streamed a light
    That started the fight 'Round the tree grew a vine
    On whose fruit I could dine
    My old friend Lucifer came
    Fought to keep me in chains
    But I saw through the tricks
    Of six-sixty-six

    And the blood gave life
    To the branches of the tree
    And the blood was the price
    That set the captives free
    And the numbers that came
    Through the fire and the flood Clung to the tree
    And were redeemed by the blood

    From his hands it came down
    From his side it came down
    From his feet it came down
    And ran to the ground
    And a small inner voice
    Said "You do have a choice"
    The vine engrafted me
    And I clung to the tree

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Most Expensive Statue In The World
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    The Most Expensive Statue In The World
    Composer(s): Irving Berlin
    Performer(s): Philip Bourneuf, Charles Dingle, Donald McClelland and Emile Renan

    Citizens of New York, I greet you
    With the hundred thousand dollar check
    The money that my readers have contributed
    For the pedestal of the statue

    Citizens of New York, I greet you
    With the news that soon our flag will be unfurled
    On the most expensive statue in the world
    On the most expensive statue in the world

    When it's finally installed, tell us, what will it be called?
    When it's finally installed, tell us, what will it be called?

    When we finally install it
    What's the diff'rence what we call it?
    It's the best that money can buy
    And will stand three hundred feet high
    And I understand before we're through the cost may not be known
    A hundred thousand dollars for the pedestal alone
    And our flag will soon be unfurled
    On the most expensive statue in the world
    On the most expensive statue in the world

    When it finally is claimed, tell us, what will it be named?
    When it finally is claimed, tell us, what will it be named?

    When at last we come to claim it
    What's the diff'rence what we name it?
    What's important is the expense
    What it means in dollars and cents
    From the French across the ocean it was sent to me and you
    And now I'd like to call upon and hear a word or two
    From our friend the French ambassador

    Your honor, I speak not for my government, but my people
    For it is not my government, but my people who give this statue
    Creation of the genius of Bartholdi
    May it arise in your harbor and give the light of
    Liberty, equality, fraternity

    Finally, when we install it, why don't we call it "Liberty"?
    "The Statue of Liberty"!
    "The Statue of Liberty"!
    And the most expensive statue in the world!
    And the most expensive statue in the world!

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Chouette La Vie
    Performer(s): Johnny Hallyday

    Dès cordes d'une guitare magique
    Un jour le rock est né
    Il a traversé l'Atlantique
    Et il m'a tout donné
    Ce soir c'est jour de paie
    Et on va s'éclater

    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    En mettant dans le juke-box
    Un bon vieux rock'n'roll

    Les filles dans le drugstore
    À chaque instant guettaient
    Les bagnoles américaines
    Où les gars frimaient
    En se payant des glaces coca
    Tout le monde dansait

    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    En mettant dans le juke-box
    Un bon vieux rock'n'roll

    Ouais quand le rock a marqué nos vies
    A tout jamais
    Pour moi c'était bien clair
    Je devais le chanter
    Durant ma vie entière
    Il ne m'a pas quitté

    Il faut l'aimer en étant sincère
    Pour le mériter
    On est en vie comme un vrai rocker
    Pour l'éternité
    Ce soir c'est jour de paie
    Et on va s'éclater

    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    En mettant dans le juke-box
    Un bon vieux rock'n'roll

    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    Chouette la vie est drôle
    En mettant dans le juke-box
    Un bon vieux rock'n'roll

    La vie est drôle

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Red, Red Wine
    Composer(s): Neil Diamond
    Performer(s): Neil Diamond

    Red red wine
    go to my head
    make me forget that I
    still need her so
    Red red wine
    it's up to you
    all I can do, I've done
    but memories won’t go
    No memories won’t go

    I'd have sworn
    that with time
    thoughts of you would leave my head
    I was wrong
    and I find
    just one thing makes me forget
    Red red wine
    stay close to me
    Don't let me be alone
    it's tearing apart
    my blue, blue heart

    I'd have sworn
    that with time
    thoughts of you would leave my head
    I was wrong
    and I find
    just one thing makes me forget
    Red red wine
    stay close to me
    Don't let me be alone
    it's tearing apart
    my blue, blue heart

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    The Most Beguiling Eyes
    Composer(s): Stephen Fearing
    Performer(s): Clive Gregson & Christine Collister

    You have the most beguiling eyes
    that I have ever seen
    They can catch me up and spin me
    and leave me in a dream
    Though the words you speak are truthful
    you know, you hurt me when you say
    that the time you spend with me
    is but a small part of your day

    It seems that i'm the one
    that always comes a calling
    and I'm asking you away
    from other friends

    but I'm waiting for the sounds
    of your step outside my door
    when the sun is setting low
    and the evening ends...

    I have always thaught
    that the picture's what you make it
    and I've always believed
    that my actions were my own
    Tell me can you see
    that to give without recieving
    is bound to leave my heart
    like a piece of molten stone

    Because it seems that I'm the one
    that always comes a-calling
    and I'm asking you away
    from other friends

    But Im waiting for the sounds
    of your step outside my door
    when the sun is setting low
    and the evening ends...

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Choro Bandido Composer(s): Chico Buarque - Edú Lobo Performer(s): Chico Buarque and multiple other artists

    Mesmo que os cantores sejam falsos como eu Serão bonitas, não importa São bonitas as canções Mesmo miseráveis os poetas Os seus versos serão bons Mesmo porque as notas eram surdas Quando um deus sonso e ladrão Fez das tripas a primeira lira Que animou todos os sons E daí nasceram as baladas E os arroubos de bandidos como eu Cantando assim Você nasceu para mim Você nasceu para mim Mesmo que você feche os ouvidos E as janelas do vestido Minha musa vai cair em tentação Mesmo porque estou falando grego Com sua imaginação Mesmo que você fuja de mim Por labirintos e alçapões Saiba que os poetas como os cegos Podem ver na escuridão E eis que, menos sábios do que antes Os seus lábios ofegantes Hão de se entregar assim Me leve até o fim Me leve até o fim Mesmo que os romances sejam falsos como o nosso São bonitas, não importa São bonitas as canções Mesmo sendo errados os amantes Seus amores serão bons

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Red Red Rose
    Composer(s): David Mallett
    Performer(s): Emmylou Harris; David Mallett

    You may wonder if you know me
    You may wonder if I care
    Or if I'll leave you sad and lonely
    Or if I'll always be right there

    Well, there's no need for doubt now, darlin'
    'Cause I have come to know
    This love of ours is no common flower
    You know this love is like a red, red rose

    And you may wonder about this dreamer
    If she's all you thought she'd be
    And, oh, if anything but someday
    Ever comes from lovin' me

    But hold me close and tell me darlin'
    That you have come to know
    This love I bring you is no common thing
    You know this love is like a red, red rose

    When you're all caught up in sweet surrender
    Simple truth is sometimes hard to see
    Here between the tough times and the tender
    It all comes down to you and me

    And you may see my heart of darkness
    I may stumble now and again
    But underneath this heart of darkness
    There's a heart that's lovin' you right till the end

    So hold me close, come hold me, darlin'
    'Cause I want you to know
    This love of ours is no common flower
    You know this love is like a red, red rose

    This love of ours is no common flower
    You know this love is like a red, red rose

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    The Morning Side Of The Mountain
    Composer(s): Dick Manning - Larry Stock
    Performer(s): Tommy Edwards
    and multiple other artists

    There was a girl, there was a boy
    If they had met they might have found a world of joy
    But she lived on the morning side of the mountain
    And he lived on the twilight side of the hill

    They never met, they never kissed
    And they will never know what happiness they missed
    For she lived on the morning side of the mountain
    And he lived on the twilight side of the hill

    For love's a rose that never grows
    Without the kiss of the morning dew
    And every Jack must have a Jill
    To know the thrill of a dream that comes true

    And you and I are just like they
    For all we know our love is just a kiss away
    But you are on the morning side of the mountain
    And I am on the twilight side of the hill

    For love's a rose that never grows
    Without the kiss of the morning dew
    And every Jack must have a Jill
    To know the thrill of a dream that comes true

    And you and I are just like they
    For all we know our love is just a kiss away
    But you are on the morning side of the mountain
    And I am on the twilight side of the hill

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Chopin Composer(s): Jimmy Frey - Penny Els Performer(s): Jimmy Frey

    Heel zachtjes sluipt de nacht de dag voorbij
    Concerto van de dag vervaagd en zwijgt
    Een betoverende sonate van Chopin
    Verjaagt m'n eenzaamheid
    Heel zachtjes sluipt de nacht de dag voorbij
    Met beelden uit een lang vervlogen tijd
    Chopin vertolkt z'n angsten en z'n pijn
    En ik, ik wou dat jij bij mij kon zijn
    Geen woorden kunnen zeggen wat ik voel
    Want woorden zijn berekend en te koel
    Alleen Chopin begrijpt wat in mij leeft
    En die eindeloze leegte met me deelt
    Heel zachtjes klopt de nacht tot bij me aan
    M'n ogen worden zwaar
    M'n geest vertraagt
    En als Chopin me dan ook nog verlaat
    Laat ik je eindelijk gaan
    Heel zachtjes glijdt de wind aan mij voorbij
    Ik laat je terug gaan naar die andere tijd
    Zolang Chopin m'n pijn niet meer ophoudt
    Verlang ik niet dat jij naast mij ontwaakt

    Categorie:Nederl. Songs

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    Red Wing
    Composer(s): Thurland Chattaway; Irving Mills
    Performer(s): Bob Wills;
    and various other artists

    There once was an Indian maid a shy little prairie maid
    who sang all day a love song gay as through the fields she'd while the hours away
    She loved an Indian brave this shy little prairie maid
    and then one day he rode away to battle far away..

    Oh the moon shines tonight on pretty Red Wing
    the breeze is sighing, the night birds crying
    For a far far away her brave is dying
    and Red Wings's crying her heart away

    She watched for him day and night
    She kept all the campfires bright
    And under the sky
    Each night she would lie
    And dream about his coming by and by
    But when all the braves returned the heart of Red Wing yearned
    for far far away her warrior brave fell bravely in the fray

    Now the Moon shines tonight on pretty Red Wing
    the breeze is sighing, the night birds crying
    for a far'neath his star her brave is sleeping
    while Redwing's weeping her heart away

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Morning After
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    The Morning After (aka The Song from 'The Poseidon Adventure')
    Composer(s): Al Kasha - Joel Hirschhorn
    First performance: Renée Amand - 1972

    There's got to be a morning after
    If we can hold on through the night
    We have a chance to find the sunshine
    Let's keep on looking for the light

    Oh, can't you see the morning after
    It's waiting right outside the storm
    Why don't we cross the bridge together
    And find a place that's safe and warm

    It's not too late, we should be giving
    Only with love can we climb
    It's not too late, not while we're living
    Let's put our hands out in time

    There's got to be a morning after
    We're moving closer to the shore
    I know we'll be there by tomorrow
    And we'll escape the darkness
    We won't be searching anymore

    There's got to be a morning after
    (There's got to be a morning after)
    There's got to be a morning after
    (There's got to be a morning after)
    There's got to be a morning after
    (There's got to be a morning after)
    There's got to be a morning after
    (There's got to be a morning after)
    There's got to...

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Choo'n Gum
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    Choo'n Gum ((aka Chewin' Gum (Ella Fitzgerald))
    Composer(s): Manny Curtis - Vic Mizzy
    Performer(s): Teresa Brewer
    and multiple other artists

    Choo'n gum, choo'n gum
    Choo'n, choo'n, choo'n gum

    My mom gave me a nickel
    To buy a pickle
    I didn't buy a pickle
    I bought some choo'n gum

    Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo'n gum
    How I love choo'n gum
    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    I chew, chew, chew

    My aunt gave me a quarter
    For soda water
    I didn't buy the water
    I bought some choo'n gum

    Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo'n gum
    How I love choo'n gum
    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    What can I do?

    I chew the day away, it seems
    I'm even blowin' bubbles in my dreams

    My pop gave me a dollar to buy a collar
    You should have heard him holler
    When I bought choo'n gum

    Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo'n gum
    How I love choo'n gum
    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    I chew, chew, chew

    Choo'n gum, choo'n gum
    Choo'n, choo'n, choo'n gum

    My mom gave me a nickel
    To buy a pickle
    I didn't buy a pickle
    I bought some choo'n gum

    Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo'n gum
    How I love choo'n gum
    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    I chew, chew, chew

    My aunt gave me a quarter
    For soda water
    I didn't buy the water
    I bought some choo'n gum

    Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo'n gum
    How I love choo'n gum
    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    What can I do?

    I chew the day away, it seems
    I'm even blowin' bubbles in my dreams

    My pop gave me a dollar to buy a collar
    You should have heard him holler
    When I bought choo'n gum

    Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo'n gum
    How I love choo'n gum
    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    I chew, chew, chew

    Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo'n gum
    How I love choo'n gum
    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    I chew, chew, chew

    Choo'n gum, choo'n gum
    Choo'n, choo'n, choo'n gum

    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    I chew, chew, chew

    Choo'n gum, choo'n gum
    Choo'n, choo'n, choo'n gum

    I'm crazy over choo'n gum
    I chew, chew, chew

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Red Top
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    Red Top
    Composer(s): Ben Kynard; Lionel Hampton
    Performer(s): Lionel Hampton;
    and various other artists

    My little red top
    See how you got me spinning
    Going 'round and 'round
    And I don't want to stop
    You've got me so if I don't go around
    I'm sure gonna drop, gonna drop, gonna drop

    So red top
    You just go right on spinning
    You go 'round and 'round
    And don't you ever stop
    Remember that if you don't go 'round
    We are sure gonna drop, gonna drop, gonna drop

    My sweet little flower you win
    I'm spinnin' and I promise I will love you forever
    I know that there is no one who can thrill me
    No one can kill me baby like you do

    And I tell the world I'm in love with you
    Yes I'm in love with you
    Any old thing you say and everything that you do
    So baby won't you tell me you're mine
    And hold me tight through the night If you love me

    Gonna go spinning and spinning
    Don't you ever stop
    `Cause I'm high upon a dream
    And I don't wanna drop now

    I would take a solo but I don't know
    I gotta go right on spinning
    It's a symbol of my little red top
    I gotta go right on spinning
    I gotta go 'round and 'round
    Until I tumble down and fall with a drop mornin' glory
    Now you know the story of my little red top

    My little red top
    See how you got me spinning
    Going round and round
    And I don't want to stop
    You've got me so that if I don't go around
    Well I'm sure gonna drop, gonna drop, gonna drop

    So red top you just keep right on spinning
    Going 'round and 'round
    And don't you ever stop, mmm-aah-uuh
    Remember that if you don't go around
    Slow down baby 'cause I'm sure gonna drop

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    The More I See You
    Composer(s): Mack Gordon - Harry Warren
    First release by: Dick Haymes with Victor Young and His Orch. - 1945
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1966 - Gewoon... Een Man (Conny Vandenbos)
    1966 - Ei Syytä Huoleen (Johnny)
    2009 - Beeld Van Jou (Will Tura & Kim Buttafuoco)

    Each time I look at you
    Is like the first time
    Each time you're near me
    The thrill is new
    And there is nothing
    That I wouldn't do for
    The rare delight of the sight
    Of you for

    The more I see you
    The more I want you
    Somehow this feeling
    Just grows and grows
    With every sigh
    I become more mad about you
    More lost without you and so it goes

    Can you imagine how much I love you?
    The more I see you as years go by
    I know the only one for me can only be you
    My arms won't free you, my heart won't try

    I know the only one for me
    Can only be you
    My arms won't free you
    My heart won't try

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Choo Choo Train
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    Choo Choo Train Composer(s): Donnie Fritts - Eddie Hinton Performer(s): The Box Tops; Terry Manning; The Ventures

    I got a present for brother, choo choo train
    And I'm just dyin to see my dear old mother
    Choo Choo train
    So don't slow down till you see my home town
    Choo choo train, choo choo train

    I know you're not a jet aero plane
    But you see my baby's waitin at the station
    So give me just a little more exceleration
    Choo choo train

    I got me a one-way ticket on choo choo train
    All my wild oats choo choo done been sown
    Choo choo train
    So don't slow down till you see my home town
    Choo choo train, choo choo train

    I know you're not a jet plane
    But you see my baby's waitin at the station
    So give me just a little more exceleration
    Choo choo train, choo choo train

    Can't you see the poor boys goin insane
    Choo choo train, choo choo train
    I gotta see my baby one more time
    Choo choo train ...

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> Semester I Rom

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