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  • 29-12-1975
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Proposal
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    The Proposal
    Composer(s): Alan Bergman - Marilyn Bergman - Norman Luboff
    Performer(s): Norman Luboff Choir; The Brothers Four

    Barma says je vous aime pour tu Marie
    How I want to marry you
    Never, never have I proposed before
    What I tell you is true

    Barma says je vous aime pour tu Marie
    How I want to marry you
    I can promise most happy life with me
    If you answer "I do"

    I travel over mountain and hill
    I even sail the tropical sea
    I never feel excitement until
    You look in the direction of me

    Now the situation is clear
    No more travelling will I do
    Because I have a romantic ideal
    And you know it's all about you

    I'll build a house for you in the sun
    And from the window we'll see the moon
    We'll be the envy of ev'ryone
    And we'll be more than two very soon

    Barma says je vous aime pour tu Marie
    How I want to marry you
    Never, never have I proposed before
    What I tell you is true

    Barma says je vous aime pour tu Marie
    How I want to marry you
    I can promise most happy life with me
    If you answer "I do"

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    ((Dutch, English, & Italian Versions:
    Chiribiribin (Willy & Willeke Alberti); Ciribiribin (They're So in Love) (Harry James); Ciribiribin (Grace Moore))
    Composer(s): Alberto Pestalozza - Léo Lelievre - Henri Christiné
    Performer(s): Elyane Célis
    and multiple other artists

    Délaissant sa jeune femme
    Qui pousse un profond soupir
    Le mari vieux et sans flamme
    Dans sa chambre va dormir
    Alors se sentant renaître
    Et bravant le Bartolo
    Elle court à la fenêtre
    Écouter son Roméo
    Dans son refrain le troubadour
    Redit joyeux ce mot d'amour

    Ciribiribin, vite ouvre-moi
    Je veux chanter auprès de toi
    Ciribiribin, ce mot n'est rien
    Cependant tu le comprends bien
    Ciribiribin, je veux monter
    Te prendre afin de me griser
    Ciribiribin, un doux baiser

    N'étant pas du tout rebelle
    Pour mieux l'entendre chanter
    Sa charmante ritournelle
    Elle dit: tu peux monter
    Puisque mon époux me sèvre
    De ce refrain si charmant
    Je l'apprendrai sur ta lèvre
    En t'enlaçant tendrement
    Bientôt après au troubadour
    Elle disait ce mot d'amour

    Ciribiribin, cet air me plaît
    Reprenons le dernier couplet
    Ciribiribin, mon mari dort
    Mon chéri répétons encore
    Ciribiribin, ô mon amant
    Viens me refaire gentiment
    Ciribiribin, un doux serment

    Tout à coup l'époux s'éveille
    En entendant le duo
    Sa fureur est sans pareille
    Pourtant il ne souffle mot
    Car il n'empêchera guère
    Les deux amants de chanter
    Et ne pouvant rien y faire
    Il murmure dépité
    Entre les bras du troubadour
    Elle a chanté ce mot d'amour

    Ciribiribin, l'air menaçant
    La lune me montre un croissant
    Ciribiribin, quand il ne peut
    Chanter ce refrain amoureux
    Ciribiribin, le vieux mari
    Par son épouse, est chaque nuit
    Ciribiribin, toujours puni

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Rendez-Vous À Brazilia
    Composer(s): Charles Aznavour;
    Georges Garvarentz; Clement Nicolas
    Performer(s): Charles Aznavour

    Le coeur du Brésil s'élance
    Dans un carnaval immense
    Tout le pays est en transe
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    Aujourd'hui c'est jour de fête
    C'est un long cri de conquêtes
    Qui raisonne dans nos têtes
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    Que l'on soit pauvre ou bien riche
    Croyant Dieu ou les fétiches
    C'est la joie que l'on affiche
    De Rio jusqu'à Bagna
    On a refermé les églises
    Et la foule se déguise
    Pour s'amuser à sa guise
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    Du marché à la chapelle
    Les piazzas jusqu'aux ruelles
    On s'appelle on s'interpelle
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    De toutes parts la joie fuse
    Les gens rient les gens s'amusent
    Les chanteurs trouvent leur muse
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    Dans ce joyeux tintamarre
    De couicases et de guitares
    Dansent des masques bizzares
    Frappant leur sol de leurs pas
    Et les confettis en cascade
    Tombent sur les mascarades
    L'amour est en embuscade
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    Bras au ciel on s'abandonne
    Mais que Rio nous pardonne
    Si déjà ce cri raisonne
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    Non ce n'est plus un mirage
    Tout est prêt pour le voyage
    Carioca fait tes bagages
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia
    Oh samba samba légendaire
    Voit le sang de cette terre
    Vers la ville de lumières
    Demain tu nous conduiras
    Que l'amour brûle dans nos veines
    Que la danse nous déchaîne
    Pour la féerie brésilienne
    Rendez-vous à Brazilia

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    The Proper Ornaments
    Composer(s): Chris Dedrick
    Performer(s): The Free Design

    Ba Ba Ba...
    Ornaments of Life, ornaments of life
    There’s your brand new car, sir, here’s your hat and gloves
    There’s your pretty wife, sir, whom you almost love

    There’s your color TV set and your impressive pad
    There’s your little baby girl you’re almost glad you had
    Such a pretty dress, miss, such a graceful walk
    Bubbling femininity, authoritative talk
    There’s your man he’s prominent; treats you like a queen
    All your little secrets kept, your reputations clean
    The proper ornaments of life

    Gotta have status
    have a paid vacation
    have an intellectual education
    ornaments of life
    proper ornaments of life

    Fur coats, jewels and laces, bright red lipstick, big cars, money, tuxes and top
    hide behind the mask of clothes and makeup: ornaments
    There’s your brand new car, sir, here’s your hat and gloves
    There’s your pretty wife, sir, whom you almost love
    There’s your color TV set and your impressive pad
    There’s your little baby girl you’re almost glad you had

    What’s behind that countenance
    What’s behind the lace
    What is in your mind and heart
    Thats hidden by your face
    Behind the ornaments in your life?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Ciribiribin (They're So in Love) ((Dutch, French, & Italian Versions: Chiribiribin (Willy & Willeke Alberti); Ciribiribin (Elyane Célis); Ciribiribin (Grace Moore)) Composer(s): Alberto Pestalozza - Harry James - Jack Lawrence Performer(s): Harry James and multiple other artists

    When the moon hangs low in Napoli, there's a handsome gondolier
    Every night he sings so happily, so his lady love can hear
    In a manner oh gravissimo, he repeats his serenade
    And his heart beats so fortissimo, when she raises her Venetian shade
    Ciribiribin, chiribiribin, ciribiribin

    Ciribiribin, he waits for her each night beneath her balcony
    Ciribiribin, he begs to hold her tight, but no, she won't agree
    Ciribiribin, she throws a rose and blows a kiss from up above
    Ciribiribin, ciribiribin, ciribiribin, they're so in love

    Ciribiribin, ciribiribin, ciribiribin, they're so in love

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    ((Adapted from: Go! Go! Go! (Roy Orbison) - 1956; aka Down The Line (Ricky Nelson) - 1958)) Composer(s): Roy Orbison - Eddy Mitchell Performer(s): Eddy Mitchell - 1965

    J'ai un rendez-vous pour ce soir
    Vers les dix heures un quart
    Avec une fille folle de moi
    Je ne vous dis que ça
    J'avoue, oui j'ai un succès fou
    Les filles se battent pour avoir rendez-vous
    Il est maint'nant onze heures un quart
    Que veut dire ce retard?
    J'attends encore un moment
    Car je suis bon de temps en temps
    J'avoue, oui j'ai un succès fou
    Les filles se battent pour avoir rendez-vous
    Il est maint'nant minuit un quart
    Vraiment là tu es en retard
    J'attends encor' un moment
    Car je suis bon de temps en temps
    J'avoue, oui j'ai un succès fou
    Les filles se battent pour avoir rendez-vous
    Waou, il est deux heures du matin
    Vraiment ça c'est un lapin
    Mais j'attends un moment
    Car je suis bon de temps en temps
    J'avoue, oui j'ai un succès pas très fou
    Non, non, non
    Il est très dur d'avoir rendez-vous
    Mon succès n'est pas fou du tout
    Mon succès n'est, n'est, n'est pas, pas fou du tout

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    The Promise
    Composer(s): Costandinos - Vangelis
    Performer(s): Demis Roussos

    The promise that I never asked for
    yet somehow I long for was my only possession
    a shelter and changing through fire and rain

    a reason to go on and live for
    never took the game for and afraid of the season
    the lost dream that found me

    and I loved again
    an hour, do I go from here

    I love you forever
    you meant it when you said it
    I love you, I still do
    what will I do without you?

    it can't be, just simply can't be
    you and I can't take it we've been (through) of moments
    tomorrow will guide us
    tomorrow will show

    I love you forever
    you meant it I know
    an hour, do I go from here

    I love you, I still do
    what will I do without you?
    it can't be, just simply can't be
    you and I can't take it we've been (through) of moments
    tomorrow will guide us
    tomorrow will show

    I love you forever
    you meant it I know

    the promise, the promise

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Circus Day In Dixie Composer(s): Albert Gumble - Jack Yellen Performer(s): American Quartet and multiple other artists


    Get lively!

    Circus day in Dixie
    Circus day in Dixie
    Always is a holiday
    You'd better hurry, honey, the parade is coming
    Led by that leader man, don't he look mighty grand
    See the funny lion, seems as if he's tryin'
    To keep time with that ragtime band
    Here come the clowns who wear the funniest clothes
    There's one who looks just like my old Uncle Mose
    See the cunning little monkey riding on a donkey
    At the Circus day in Dixieland

    Now, the other way!

    Enjoy yourself!

    Let me see you smile!

    Swing your head back!

    Circus day in Dixie
    Circus day in Dixie
    All we need's a holiday
    You'd better hurry, honey, the parade is coming
    Led by that leader man, don't he look mighty grand
    See the funny lion, seems as if he's tryin'
    To keep time with that ragtime band
    Here come the clowns who wear the funniest clothes
    There's one who looks just like my old Uncle Mose
    See the cunning little monkey riding on a donkey
    At the Circus down in Dixieland

    How's that?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Composer(s): Bill Hudson;
    Brett Hudson; Mark Hudson; Bruce Johnston
    Performer(s): The Hudson Brothers

    Come on there, think I'm back
    That doesn't mean you have to be so sad
    'Cause I'm gonna see you anyway tonight
    rendezvous underneath the moonlight

    I'm gonna meet you on a rendezvous, oh
    Rendezvous, rendez-rendez-rendez-rendezvous
    Rendezvous, oh, rendezvous, rendez-rendez-rendez-rendezvous

    I found a place that's all our own
    Where we can talk and be left alone
    Oh, I'm gonna see you later on tonight
    Rendezvous with you underneath the moonlight

    I'm gonna meet you on a rendezvous, oh
    Rendezvous, rendez-rendez-rendez-rendezvous
    Rendezvous, oh, rendezvous, rendez-rendez-rendez-rendezvous

    All right!

    I found love with you every night
    I'll take good careof you the rest of your life
    Boy and girl become a woman and man
    Comin' toether sharin' all what we can

    I'm gonna meet you on a rendezvous, oh
    Rendezvous, rendez-rendez-rendez-rendezvous
    Rendezvous, oh, rendezvous, rendez-rendez-rendez-rendezvous

    Rendezvous, rendezvous, rendez-rendez-rendez-rendezvous

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    Si Seulement
    ((Adapted from: Dirty, Dirty Feeling (Elvis Presley) - 1960))
    Composer(s): Jerry Leiber - Mike Stoller - Eddy Mitchell - Georges Vesta
    Performer(s): Les Chaussettes Noires - 1961

    Si seulement tu voyais ma peine
    Tu reviendrais entre mes bras
    Au fond, je sais bien que tu m'aimes
    Et que tu n'aimeras que moi
    Nous sommes deux gosses, oui, mais quand même
    Rappelle-toi depuis toujours
    Tu m'as dit et redit «Je t'aime»
    Dans notre square du vieux faubourg
    Si seulement tu voulais comprendre
    Que mon amour n'a pas changé
    On s'était promis de s'attendre
    Dis-moi ce qui peut te troubler

    Nous sommes deux gosses, c'est le problème
    Comprends enfin que le bonheur
    N'est pas là-bas où l'on t'entraîne
    Il te faut écouter ton cœur
    Quand, demain, tu verras ma peine
    Tu reviendras entre mes bras
    Au fond, tu sais bien que tu m'aimes
    Et que tu n'aimeras que moi

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Composer(s): Rod Argent
    Performer(s): Rod Argent

    In the circus, each must play a part
    The clown the jester, mirror the meaning of their art
    In the circus you can be fool or may be king
    The sound of laughter is in the wedding of the ring

    But all are found
    Seeking the love of the crowd
    And all are reaching out
    In the circus, in the circus, in the circus

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Circo Beat
    Composer(s): Fito Páez
    Performer(s): Fito Páez

    Buenas noches
    ladies and gentlemen
    bon soir
    sean bienvenidos a la primera función
    del Circo Beat
    el circo mas sexy
    mas alto
    mas tonto del mundo
    desde ahora y para siempre
    cualquier semejanza con hechos reales
    correrán por vuestra propia imaginación
    arrivederci é buona fortuna
    queste sono le ultime parole
    d'il terzo angelo di Cristo
    dopo parlare in l'strada
    con il uomo che non sapeva piú di niente!!!

    Psicodélica star de la mística de los pobres
    de misterio, de amor, de dinero y soledad...
    yo no vine hasta acá a ayudarte buscando cobre
    mi pasado es real y el futuro es libertad

    Circo beat, circo beat
    todo el mundo juega aquí en el circo beat
    circo beat, circo beat
    rayos y culebras en al circo beat

    Casi todos tendrán un instante su touch de gloria
    llegaremos en jeep, llegaremos a la ciudad...
    no me gusta cantar
    yo me muero con Gena Rowlands
    y los monos están devastando este lugar

    Un circo vi, un circo vi
    cuando yo era pibe algún circo vi
    un circo vi, un circo vi
    no pasaba nada pero un circo vi circo beat

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Remove This Doubt
    Composer(s): Brian Holland;
    Lamont Dozier; Edward Holland, Jr.
    Performer(s): The Supremes; Elvis Costello

    It's hurting me, it's hurting me
    This doubt is hurting me

    So remove this doubt
    From my heart, little boy
    And let me live my life
    Knowing you care

    Remove this doubt
    From my mind, little boy
    And let me breathe again
    Feeling my love you share

    Each time we meet
    You make me feel so incomplete
    There's no joy in the air
    I just don't think you care

    Close the door of doubt forever more
    And may it never more make me unsure
    Turn the key and lock away this doubt in me
    Keep it in the dark, not in my heart
    Be more tender
    Completely surrender your love to me
    Be sweet and not discreet

    Remove this doubt
    From my mind, little boy
    And let me breathe again
    Feeling my love you share

    Each time we meet
    You make me feel so incomplete
    There's no joy in the air
    I just don't think you care

    Remove this doubt in our hearts
    Remove this doubt from my heart

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    The Prisoner's Song
    First release by: Vernon Dalhart - 1924
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Oh, I wish I had someone to love me
    Someone to call me their own
    Oh, I wish I had someone to live with
    'Cause I'm tired of livin' alone

    Oh, please meet me tonight in the moonlight
    Please meet me tonight all alone
    For I have a sad story to tell you
    It's a story that's never been told

    I'll be carried to the new jail tomorrow
    Leavin' my poor darlin' alone
    With the cold prison bars all around me
    And my head on a pillow of stone

    Now I have a grand ship on the ocean
    All mounted with silver and gold
    And before my poor darlin' would suffer
    Oh, that ship would be anchored and sold

    Now if I had wings like an angel
    Over these prison walls I would fly
    And I'd fly to the arms of my poor darlin'
    And there I'd be willin' to die

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Circles Composer(s): Harry Chapin First release by: The New Seekers - 1972 Covered by multiple other artists

    All my life's a circle Sunrise and sundown The moon rose through the nighttime Till the day break comes around All my life's a circle But I can't tell you why The seasons spinning round again The years keep rolling by It seems like I've been here before I can't remember when But I've got this funny feeling That I'll be back once again There's no straight lines make up my life And all my roads have bends There's no clear-cut beginnings And so far no dead-ends All my life's a circle Sunrise and sundown The moon rose through the nighttime Till the day break comes around All my life's a circle But I can't tell you why The seasons spinning round again The years keep rolling by I've found you a thousand times I guess you've done the same But then we lose each other It's just like a children's game And as I see you here again The thought runs through my mind Our love is like a circle Let's go round one more time All my life's a circle Sunrise and sundown The moon rose through the nighttime Till the day break comes around All my life's a circle And I can't tell you why The seasons spinning round again The years keep rolling by All my life's a circle Sunrise and sundown The moon rose through the nighttime Till the day break comes around All my life's a circle But I can't tell you why The seasons spinning round again The years keep rolling by All my life's a circle Sunrise and sundown The moon rose through the nighttime Till the day break comes around All my life's a circle But I can't tell you why The seasons spinning round again The years keep rolling by All my life's a circle Sunrise and sundown The moon rose through the nighttime Till the day break comes around All my life's a circle But I can't tell you why The seasons spinning round again The years keep rolling by

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Remote Romance
    Composer(s): Andrew Latimer; Kit Watkins
    Performer(s): Camel

    It's automatic
    There's too much static
    Ooh your signal's fading
    Down goes my rating
    Ooh your signal's fading

    Remote - remote
    Romance - romance

    Rush-button passion
    I won't repeat it
    I won't repeat it
    I won't repeat (ha ha ha)

    Wait a minute
    Wait a minute but...

    It's just a sequence
    It makes no real sense
    It's just a sequence
    It makes no real sense

    It's automatic
    There's too much statix
    Can't get no feed-back
    I'm on the wrong track

    Wait a minute
    It don't make a lot of sense
    Just a sequence
    It makes no real sense

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    The Prisoner
    Composer(s): Sayer Courtney - Roger Daltrey - Todd
    Performer(s): Roger Daltrey

    Days go - so slow
    Life just slipping away
    Day after day
    The wall's too close to me now
    Oh I can't take too much more
    All the lying
    Is it just an illusion
    I've been feeling the strain
    And it's more than just pain
    I can't help myself
    'Cause I've lost myself

    If I could see you through the wire
    And just forget about tomorrow
    No one listens to what I am saying
    I'm just a sad man another sad man
    They say I'm no bad man
    But I'm no bad man

    Wasted - wasted
    All my life's been wasted
    Sitting here in this room
    I can get no release
    It's all war and no peace

    If I could see you through the wire
    And just forget about tomorrow
    Someone listen to what I am saying
    I'm just a sad man another sad man

    If I could see you through the wire
    And just forget about tomorrow
    Someone listen to what I am saying
    I'm just a sad man another sad man
    Don't say I'm a bad man
    'Cause I'm no bad man

    They say it's wrong to set me free
    I'll do no harm
    'Cause I'm no bad man

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Circles (Captain & Tennille)
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    Composer(s): Toni Tennille
    Performer(s): Captain & Tennille

    He drew a circle that shut me out
    he was afraid of what life was all about
    Whenever I saw him he'd be there inside him
    locking his heart in a place to hide it
    But oh love and I knew just where to begin
    Yes love and I started a circle within
    oh love and I
    We drew a circle, a beautiful circle
    a wonderful circle that took him in
    He was a quiet and lonely one
    he didn't know that his life had just begun
    I knew that I'd be the one to unwind him
    get him to put all his fears behind him
    And oh love and I, knew just where to begin
    Yes, love and I started a circle within
    oh love and I
    We drew a circle, a beautiful circle
    a wonderful circle that took him in
    lost in a circle, a beautiful circle, a wonderful circle of love
    la la la la
    lost in a circle, a beautiful circle, a wonderful circle of love
    Oh love and I, knew just where to begin
    yes love and I, started a circle within
    oh love and I
    We drew a circle, a beautiful circle
    a wonderful circle that took him in

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Remise De Peine
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    Remise De Peine
    Composer(s): E. Miossec; David Hallyday
    Performer(s): Johnny Hallyday

    Ils m'ont laissé sortir hier soir
    Tu sais j'avais hâte de te revoir
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    T'es toujours la même

    Tu sais jamais je n'aurais
    Pur croire
    Qu'au monde quelqu'un
    Garde l'espoir
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    Une étoile dans le ciel

    J'ai purgé ma peine
    A en trancher mes veines
    J'veux plus que tu me craignes
    J'te ferai plus de peine

    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    Qu'est-ce que je t'aime
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    A en crever le ciel

    J'aimerais tant ne plus
    Te décevoir
    Faire comme les autres quand
    Tombe le soir
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    A en crever le ciel

    J'vivrai plus sur le fil du rasoir
    J'essaierai de changer de trottoir
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    Mon dieu comme je t'aime

    Ce ne sera plus pareil
    Fini la dévaine
    Les nuits sans sommeil
    Je n'veux plus que tu saignes

    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    Qu'est-ce que je t'aime
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    Mon étoile dans le ciel

    J'aimrerais tant
    Que tu puisses me croire
    Tu sais j'ai de nouveau l'espoir
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    T'es toujours la même

    J'ai purgé ma peine
    A en trancher mes veines
    J'veux que tu me reprennes
    Je te ferai plus de peine
    Ce ne sera plus pareil
    Fini la déveine
    Les nuits sans sommeil
    Je n'veux plus que tu saignes

    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    Qu'est-ce que je t'aime
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    A en crever le ciel

    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle
    Qu'est-ce que t'es belle

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Vuil Water
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    Vuil Water
    ((Adapted from: Dirty Water (The Standells) - 1966))
    Composer(s): Ed Cobb - Walter Grootaers
    Performer(s): De Kreuners - 1984

    Ik zal eens iets vertellen
    Iets vertellen over mijn stad
    Ik wil wel iets vertellen, mensen
    en dat gaat over mijn stad

    Ja daar bij dat water
    Aan de oever van de Nete
    Ja daar kan je ons vinden
    in het kruiske gaan wij swingen

    Want ik ben zot op dat vuil water
    Oh, Lier daar ben ik thuis

    Maar alle knappe grieten
    Zijn om twaalf uur thuis
    Maar ik blijf zoeken en proberen
    Oh, griet, draag jij mijn kruis

    Oh, ik ben zot op dat vuil water
    Oh, Lier daar ben ik thuis

    Categorie:Nederl. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
    --> Ela-Ela/Popcorn/Ding Dong Bell (Medley)
    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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