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  • 02-11-1977
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    This Strange Effect
    ((Dutch Version: Verkeerd Terecht (Wendy Van Wanten) - 1996))
    Composer(s): Ray Davies
    First release by: Dave Berry - 1965
    Covered by multiple other artists

    You've got this strange effect on me
    And I like it

    You've got this strange effect on me
    And I like it

    You make my world in white
    You make my darkness bright, oh yes
    You've got this strange effect on me
    And I like it, and I like it

    And I like the way you kiss me
    Don't know if I should
    But this feeling it's love and I know it
    That's why I feel good

    You've got this strange effect on me
    And I like it

    You've got this strange effect on me
    And I like it

    You make my world in white
    You make my darkness bright, oh yes
    You've got this strange effect on me
    And I like it, and I like it

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Crocodile Rock
    Composer(s): Elton John - Bernie Taupin First release by: Elton John - 1973 Covered by multiple other artists

    I remember when rock was young
    Me and Suzie had so much fun
    holding hands and skimming stones
    Had an old gold Chevy and a place of my own
    But the biggest kick I ever got
    was doing a thing called the Crocodile Rock
    While the other kids were rocking round the clock
    we were hopping and bopping to the crocodile rock

    Well crocodile rocking is something shocking
    when your feet just can't keep still
    I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will
    Oh lawdy mama those Friday nights
    when Suzie wore her dresses tight
    and the crocodile rocking was out of sight

    But the years went by and the rock just died
    Suzie went and left us for some foreign guy
    Long nights crying by the record machine
    dreaming of my Chevy and my old blue jeans
    But they'll never kill the thrills we've got
    burning up to the crocodile rock
    Learning fast as the weeks went past
    we really thought the crocodile rock would last

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    J'Arrive Où Je Suis Étranger
    Composer(s): Jean Ferrat
    Performer(s): Jean Ferrat

    Rien n'est précaire comme vivre
    Rien comme être n'est passager
    C'est un peu fondre comme le givre
    Et pour le vent être léger
    J'arrive où je suis étranger

    Un jour tu passes la frontière
    D'où viens-tu mais où vas-tu donc
    Demain qu'importe et qu'importe hier
    Le coeur change avec le chardon
    Tout est sans rime ni pardon

    Passe ton doigt là sur ta tempe
    Touche l'enfance de tes yeux
    Mieux vaut laisser basses les lampes
    La nuit plus longtemps nous va mieux
    C'est le grand jour qui se fait vieux

    Les arbres sont beaux en automne
    Mais l'enfant qu'est-il devenu
    Je me regarde et je m'étonne
    De ce voyageur inconnu
    De son visage et ses pieds nus

    Peu à peu tu te fais silence
    Mais pas assez vite pourtant
    Pour ne sentir ta dissemblance
    Et sur le toi-même d'antan
    Tomber la poussière du temps

    C'est long vieillir au bout du compte
    Le sable en fuit entre nos doigts
    C'est comme une eau froide qui monte
    C'est comme une honte qui croît
    Un cuir à crier qu'on corroie

    C'est long d'être un homme une chose
    C'est long de renoncer à tout
    Et sens-tu les métamorphoses
    Qui se font au-dedans de nous
    Lentement plier nos genoux

    O mer amère, ô mer profonde
    Quelle est l'heure de tes marées
    Combien faut-il d'années-secondes
    A l'homme pour l'homme abjurer
    Pourquoi pourquoi ces simagrées

    Rien n'est précaire comme vivre
    Rien comme être n'est passager
    C'est un peu fondre comme le givre
    Et pour le vent être léger
    J'arrive où je suis étranger

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    Verkeerd Terecht
    ((Adapted from: This Strange Effect (Dave Berry) - 1965))
    Composer(s): Ray Davies - Yvan Brunetti
    Performer(s): Wendy Van Wanten - 1996

    Jij komt verkeerd terecht, Johny
    Maar het deert niet
    Jij komt verkeerd terecht, Johny
    Maar het geeft niet
    Jij houdt zo van gevaar
    Pijn wordt jij nooit gewaar
    Ja... Jij komt verkeerd terecht, Johny
    en je weet het
    Ja, je weet het

    Maar toch wil ik dat je mij kust
    'k Hou steeds meer van jou
    Nee, 't heeft geen zin dat je mij nu sust
    Ooit verlies ik jou

    Jij komt verkeerd terecht, Johny
    Maar het deert niet
    Jij komt verkeerd terecht, Johny
    Maar het geeft niet
    Jij houdt zo van gevaar
    Pijn wordt jij nooit gewaar
    Ja... Jij komt verkeerd terecht, Johny
    en je weet het
    Ja, je weet het

    Maar toch wil ik dat je mij kust
    'k Hou steeds meer van jou
    Nee, 't heeft geen zin dat je mij nu sust
    Ooit verlies ik jou

    Jij komt verkeerd terecht, Johny
    En je weet het
    Ja, je weet het

    Categorie:Nederl. Songs

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    Composer(s): P. Lepore; G. Sanjust; Roberto Satti
    Performer(s): Bobby Solo

    Scriverò per te Cristina
    le prime parole d'amor
    ruberò per te Cristina
    le stelle più belle del ciel

    La prima carezza
    che m'hai dato tu
    l'ho chiusa nel fondo del cuor
    e quel dolce bacio
    che mai mi darai
    il sogno più bello sarà

    Non avrò mai più Cristina
    le cose che ho avuto da te
    resterai per me Cristina
    un dolce ricordo d'amor

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Composer(s): Jacques Brel; Gérard Jouannest
    Performer(s): Jacques Brel;
    Juliette Gréco; François Rauber

    De chrysanthèmes en chrysanthèmes
    Nos amitiés sont en partance
    De chrysanthèmes en chrysanthèmes
    La mort potence nos dulcinées
    De chrysanthèmes en chrysanthèmes
    Les autres fleurs font ce qu'elles peuvent
    De chrysanthèmes en chrysanthèmes
    Les hommes pleurent les femmes pleuvent

    J'arrive j'arrive
    Mais qu'est-ce que j'aurais bien aimé
    Encore une fois traîner mes os
    Jusqu'au soleil jusqu'à l'été
    Jusqu'à demain jusqu'au printemps
    J'arrive, j'arrive
    Mais qu'est-ce que j'aurais bien aimé
    Encore une fois voir si le fleuve
    Est encore fleuve voir si le port
    Est encore port m'y voir encore
    J'arrive j'arrive
    Mais pourquoi moi pourquoi maintenant
    Pourquoi déjà et où aller
    J'arrive bien sûr, j'arrive
    N'ai-je jamais rien fait d'autre qu'arriver

    De chrysanthèmes en chrysanthèmes
    A chaque fois plus solitaire
    De chrysanthèmes en chrysanthèmes
    A chaque fois surnuméraire
    J'arrive j'arrive
    Mais qu'est-ce que j'aurais bien aimé
    Encore une fois prendre un amour
    Comme on prend le train pour plus être seul
    Pour être ailleurs pour être bien
    J'arrive j'arrive
    Mais qu'est-ce que j'aurais bien aimé
    Encore une fois remplir d'étoiles
    Un corps qui tremble et tomber mort
    Brûlé d'amour le cœur en cendres
    J'arrive j'arrive
    C'est même pas toi qui est en avance
    C'est déjà moi qui suis en retard
    J'arrive, bien sûr j'arrive
    N'ai-je jamais rien fait d'autre qu'arriver

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    This Sporting Life
    Composer(s): Ian Whitcomb
    Performer(s): Ian Whitcomb - 1965
    Covered by multiple other artists

    "I'm getting tired of just hangin around
    Am gonna find me a good girl and settle down
    Cause this sporting life is gonna be the death of me

    My baby left me, all of my own
    Ain't got no woman and ain't got no home
    And this sporting life, this night life, oh boy, it's killing me
    Yes it is, yes it is, i can't take it anymore

    There's only one thing here left to say
    I've gave all up, all my life away
    And this sporting life, this night life, oh boy, its killing me
    Finish them boy, don't you know don't you know

    I'm getting tired of just hangin' around
    Am gonna find me a good girl and settle down
    And this sporting life, this sporting life is gonna be the death of me

    Yes it is, yes it is
    Yes it is, yes it is, yes it is, yes it is
    Yes it is, yes it is
    I can't take it anymore
    please, oh come on, oh come on"

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Crisis Total
    Composer(s): Miguel Gallardo Performer(s): Miguel Gallardo

    Tus miradas encierran misterios que no sé aclarar
    tus palabras me piden respuestas que no te sé dar
    laberintos que me hacen llegar a la locura
    crucigramas, delante de mi, sin solución
    Crísis total, otra vez, de nuestro amor
    crísis total, otra vez, del corazón
    el sol vuelve a estallar, regresa la oscuridad
    crísis total, otra vez, entre los dos
    Tus sentidos son garras salvajes que no sé amansar
    tus llamadas son mares confusos que no sé cruzar
    laberintos que me hacen llegar a la locura
    crucigramas, delante de mi, sin solución
    Crísis total, otra vez, de nuestro amor
    crísis total, otra vez, del corazón
    el sol vuelve a estallar, regresa la oscuridad
    crísis total, otra vez, entre los dos
    La tierra y el mar, la luna y el sol
    se llenan de confusión
    de una gran confusión
    Crísis total, otra vez, del corazón
    el sol vuelve a estallar, regresa la oscuridad
    crísis total, otra vez, entre los dos
    Crísis total, otra vez, entre tu y yo

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Jardin Secret
    Composer(s): Pierre Rapsat
    Performer(s): Pierre Rapsat

    Parle-moi sans pudeur
    De tout c'que t'as sur le coeur
    Dis-le moi, Dis-le moi
    As-tu croisé le bonheur?

    Et tout ce qu'on ne dit pas
    Qu'on garde au fond de soi
    N'attends pas, dis-le moi
    Même si ça m'regarde pas

    Parle-toi, parle-toi
    Moi je n'y arrive pas
    Jamais les mots ne viennent
    J'sais pas pourquoi
    Qu'elle tremble de joie, de tristesse
    Se révolte, se confesse
    ta voix est une caresse

    Sur quel chemin de l'enfance
    As-tu perdu l'innocence?
    Souviens-toi et dis-moi
    Aimerais-tu qu'elle recommence?

    As-tu beaucoup de regrets?
    Les échecs, les succès
    Dis-les moi et dis-moi
    As-tu un jardin secret?

    Parle-toi, parle-toi
    Moi je suis trop maladroit
    Surtout n'arrête pas, n'arrête pas
    Qu'elle soit remplie de promesses
    Ou un cri de détresse
    Ta voix toujours me caresse

    Je n'ai jamais su parler
    J'ai toujours écouté
    Tout ce que je ressens
    C'est par toi que je l'entends

    Parle-moi de tes colères
    Es-tu toujours sincère
    Dis-le moi, oui dis-moi
    Es-tu heureuse ou amère

    Dévoille-moi tes désirs
    Qu'est-ce qui te fait rougir
    Même tout bas dis-le moi
    T'es-t-il arrivé de haïr

    Parle-toi, parle-toi
    Moi je n'y arrive pas
    Jamais les mots ne viennent
    J'sais pas pourquoi
    Qu'elle tremble de joie, de tristesse
    Se révolte, se confesse
    Ta voix est une caresse

    Qu'elle soit remplie de promesses
    Ou un cri de détresse
    Ta voix toujours me bouleverse

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    This Song Is Green
    Composer(s): Billy Nicholls
    Performer(s): Pete Townshend

    Of this man I must
    Sing a song or turn to dust
    'cos I know eventually, he will sing to me
    Whispering through the leaves
    Whispering songs of silent bliss
    Such a love I can't resist
    And it is both you and me
    And the stars above
    Whispering through the leaves
    Whispering songs of love

    But this song is green
    'cos the world I've never seen
    And it's just another light
    Breaking out the day
    Bringing on the night
    What it is I cannot say
    And the tune I cannot play
    But I know there is a key
    Lift your eyes and see
    It's reality
    And this song is green

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Cris, Tambours Et Masques De Guerre
    Composer(s): Étienne Roda-Gil - Julien Clerc Performer(s): Julien Clerc

    Du plus profond de la terre
    Retentissement des cris de guerre
    Debout sur leurs étriers
    Tous les aigles noirs vont charger

    De toutes ces tribus guerrières
    De la première à la dernière
    Nul ne m'arrachera de toi
    Par la ruse ou par le combat

    Cris, tambours et masques de guerre
    Envahissent toute la terre
    Tant que tu seras dans mes bras
    Je ne tremblerai pas pour toi

    Sur les montagnes et dans les plaines
    De toute la terre américaine
    Nous promènerons notre amour
    Du premier jusqu'au dernier jour

    De toutes ces tribus guerrières
    Tu es la princesse héritière
    Nul ne t'arrachera de moi
    Par la ruse ou par le combat

    Cris, tambours et masques de guerre
    Envahissent toute la terre
    Tant que tu seras dans mes bras
    Je ne tremblerai pas pour toi

    Nous traverserons les plaines
    Dont tu deviendras la reine
    Et nous franchirons les gués
    De tous les torrents déchaînés

    Et les soirs de lune pleine
    Nous irons boire aux fontaines
    Que connaissent les sorciers
    Les vieillards et les renards argentés

    Cris, tambours et masques de guerre
    Envahissent toute la terre
    Tant que tu seras dans mes bras
    Je ne tremblerai pas pour toi

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Jardim Dos Animais
    Composer(s): Raimundo Fagner; Fausto Nilo
    Performer(s): Raimundo Fagner

    Amanhece na luz da campina
    Anoitece no meu coração
    Tanta terra cabe nessa rima
    Só não cabe minha solidão

    Maninha, meu amor
    Onde é que eu vou?
    Qual o caminho
    Há de haver lugar
    Pra iluminar
    Nosso carinho

    Eu quero todo teu amor
    Que todo mundo saiba
    Quero muito fogo
    Pra toda essa palha
    Quero um verso novo pra continuar

    A fera quer que o mundo morra
    E todo mundo corra
    Vem rasgando dólar
    Vem cuspindo bala
    Queimando as estrelas
    Respirando gás
    Assim a minha natureza não aguenta mais

    Fazer amor, fazer amor
    No paraíso
    Fazer a luz com teu sorriso é natural
    Correr atrás do teu amor
    Tão sem juízo
    Viver contigo no jardim
    Dos animais

    Por isso o coração dispara
    Quando você chega
    Minha noite é cega
    Meu sonho é de brasa
    Eu erro de casa
    E volto sem chegar

    Perigo é tudo que separa
    A dor e o sorriso
    Porta do inferno
    Luz do paraíso
    Quando te procuro não encontro mais
    Aí a minha natureza não aguenta mais

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    This Should Go On Forever
    Composer(s): Bernard Jolivette - J. Miller
    Performer(s): Rod Bernard

    This should go on forever
    It should never, ever end
    If it's wrong to really love you
    I'll forever live in sin

    This should go on forever
    Let me stay in your arms
    Just to gaze into your eyes, dear
    And to capture all your charms

    If it's sin to really love you
    Then a sinner I will be
    If it's wrong to hug and kiss you
    Oh, my soul will never be free-ee-ee-ee

    This should go on forever
    It should never, ever end
    If it's wrong to really love you
    I'll forever live in sin

    If it's sin to really love you
    Then a sinner I will be
    If it's wrong to hug and kiss you
    Oh, my soul will never be free-ee-ee-ee

    This should go on forever
    It should never, ever end
    If it's wrong to really love you
    I'll forever live in sin

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Crippled Inside
    Composer(s): John Lennon Performer(s): John Lennon

    You can shine your shoes and wear a suit
    You can comb your hair and look quite cute
    You can hide your face behind a smile
    One thing you can't hide
    Is when you're crippled inside

    You can wear a mask and paint your face
    You can call yourself the human race
    You can wear a collar and a tie
    One thing you can't hide
    Is when you're crippled inside

    Well now you know that your
    Cat has nine lives
    Nine lives to itself
    But you only got one
    And a dog's life ain't fun
    Mamma take a look outside

    You can go to church and sing a hymn
    You can judge me by the color of my skin
    You can live a lie until you die
    One thing you can't hide
    Is when you're crippled inside

    Well now you know that your
    Cat has nine lives
    Nine lives to itself
    But you only got one
    And a dog's life ain't fun
    Mamma take a look outside

    You can go to church and sing a hymn
    You can judge me by the color of my skin
    You can live a lie until you die
    One thing you can't hide
    Is when you're crippled inside

    One thing you can't hide
    Is when you're crippled inside
    One thing you can't hide

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    January, April And Me
    Composer(s): Billy Mize
    Performer(s): Jimmy Dean;
    Roy Clark; Dick Curless

    In the nineteen-fifty-seven blue and green, two door sedan
    We divided all we own, I've packed all that I can
    The back seat's piled high with things, in the front seat tears are flowin'
    I'm drivin' down a lonely road without a single thought to where we're goin'

    But January, April and me
    We're pulling out so you can be the girl you wanna be
    Go get 'em Little Miss Uptown, ride high, ride free
    But say goodbye to January, April and me

    The tiny rocker, teddy bear and dolls are gone and won't be in your way
    I forgot to take the old pipe you never liked, just throw it away
    I don't think April understands, but January's cryin'
    I know what her heart is goin' through
    Here we are, the three of us leavin' the rest of us
    Knowin' you're a part of all we do

    But January, April and me
    We're pulling out so you can be the girl you wanna be
    Go get 'em Little Miss Uptown, ride high, ride free
    But say goodbye to January, April and me

    Come here, January
    Don't cry, Baby
    Daddy loves you
    You know you gotta be my big girl now
    Help Daddy take care of April too
    Daddy's gonna get you and April a puppy when we get to our new home
    C'mon, you gonna help Daddy drive
    Sure, we're gonna be happy.......

    Say goodbye to January, April and me
    January, April and me
    We're pulling out so you can be...........

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    This Same Heart
    Composer(s): Rudolph Friml - Johnny Burke
    Performer(s): Oreste Kirkop

    This same heart that lightly laughed at love
    This same heart now sighs for you
    This same heart that told the moon above
    That it must to be free
    Now could be true

    This same heart that once sang any song
    Only cares to sing your name
    This same heart used to say
    Forever's too long, you changed this heart for me
    Now it never can be the same

    This same heart that once sang any song
    Only cares to sing your name
    This same heart used to say
    Forever's too long, you changed this heart for me
    Now it never can be the same

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Criollita Decí Que Sí
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    Criollita Decí Que Sí
    Composer(s): Carlos Gardel; Alfredo Le Pera
    Performer(s): Carlos Gardel; Jorge Sareli

    Criollita, decí que sí
    que ya no alumbra el lucero
    porque tus ojos que quiero
    ya no brillan para mí
    Un pedacito de cielo
    es mi dicha y es mi antojo
    y yo lo guardo escondido
    como un tesoro querido
    el mechoncito de pelo
    que me he amarrado a tus ojos

    Criollita, no digas nada
    si al viento doy mi lamento
    que la amargura que siento
    está en mi pecho clavada
    Una florcita me diste
    y un beso yo te robé
    y nunca sabrás, chinita
    todo el daño que me hiciste
    con el besito robado
    que aquella tarde perdiste

    Criollita, decí que no
    que de tormento me muero
    porque tu boca que quiero
    todo su fuego me dio
    Dos angustias voy teniendo
    amarradas en mi pecho
    y voy llevando maltrecho
    las penas que voy sufriendo
    que si tu desdén me mata
    tu amor me va consumiendo

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. January
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    Composer(s): David Paton
    Performer(s): David Cassidy; Pilot

    January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me
    You make me sad with your eyes
    You're telling me lies
    Don't go, don't go

    January, don't be cold, don't be angry to me
    You make me sad come and see
    Oh January
    Don't go, don't go

    Life, gets me higher (higher)
    I can show, I can blow
    I can wake up the world, little world
    Gotta know you, gotta show you
    Sun, like a fire (fire)
    Carry on, don't be gone
    Bring me out of my home, sweet home
    Gotta know me, gotta show me
    You've been facing the world
    You've been chasing the world

    January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me
    You make me sad with your eyes
    You're telling me lies
    Don't go, don't go

    January, don't be cold, don't be angry to me
    You make me sad come and see
    Oh January
    Don't go, don't go

    Time, it's a flier (flier)
    Sunny day, fly away
    English summers are gone, so long
    Gotta go up, gotta blow up
    Sun, like a fire (fire)
    Carry on, don't be gone
    Bring me out of my home, sweet home
    Gotta know me, gotta show me
    You've been facing the world
    You've been chasing the world

    January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me
    You make me sad with your eyes
    You're telling me lies
    Don't go, don't go

    January, don't be cold, don't be angry to me
    You make me sad come and see
    Oh January
    Don't go, don't go

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.This Place Hotel
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    This Place Hotel
    Composer(s): Michael Jackson
    Performer(s): The Jackson 5; The Spinners; Marcus Johnson

    Live in sin
    Ten years ago on this day my heart was yearning
    I promised I would never ever be returning
    Where my baby broke my heart and left me yearning

    As we walked to the room
    There were faces staring, glaring, tearing through me!
    Someone said welcome to your doom
    Then they smiled with eyes that looked as if they knew me
    This is scaring me!

    We walked up the stairs, still concealing the gloom
    There were two girls (Sitting in my room!)
    She walked up to my face, said this is the place
    You said meet you right here at noon

    This is Heartbreak Hotel!
    Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel!
    So this is Heartbreak Hotel!
    This place is Heartbreak Hotel!

    Hope is dead
    She thought that I had cheated for another lover
    I turn my back to see that I’m undercover
    Now I can't convince this girl there ain't no other!

    Someone's evil to hurt my soul
    Every smile's a trial thought in beguile to hurt me!
    This is scaring me!
    Then the man next door had told
    She's been here in tears for fifteen years!
    This is scaring me!

    We came to this place where the vicious dwelt
    Found that wicked women (Run this strange hotel!)
    There was Sefra and Sue, every girl that I knew
    And my baby said love is through

    This is Heartbreak Hotel!
    Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel!
    So evil, Heartbreak Hotel!
    This place is Heartbreak Hotel!
    Someone’s stabbin’ my heart!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    This is Heartbreak Hotel!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    Ten years ago today!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    This is Heartbreak Hotel!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)


    Someone’s stabbin’ my heart!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    This is Heartbreak Hotel, hoo!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    Ten years ago today!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    Hurting my mind, hoo!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    You break my baby’s heart!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    This is Heartbreak Hotel!
    (Heartbreak Hotel)
    Just welcome to the scene, woo!

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Crimson Ship
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    Crimson Ship
    Composer(s): Tom Evans; Pete Ham
    Performer(s): Badfinger

    My life was coloured, painting pictures out of tune
    You came from nowhere in a song
    It might have been the way I laughed, he made the jokes
    Could only show me what was wrong

    He took me flying on his crimson ship
    He never left me his number
    He took me flying on his crimson ship
    Then he was gone and I wondered

    Who put the knots on all the crosses on the hill?
    Why did the old man wash his hands?
    Who grew the flower that was big enough to kill?
    And blew the trumpet in the van, a-an

    He took me flying on his crimson ship
    He never left me his number
    He took me flying on his crimson ship
    Then he was gone and I wondered
    Oh-oh, oh-oh

    When they were busy throwing kisses at the moon
    A father lost his mother's son
    And though they knew the resurrection would be soon
    The time was spent, they carried on, o-on

    He took me flying on his crimson ship
    He never left me his number
    He took me flying on his crimson ship
    Then he was gone and I wondered

    Wondered Wondered Wondered . . . . .

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    We zoeken deze teksten (we're looking for):
    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
    --> Ela-Ela/Popcorn/Ding Dong Bell (Medley)
    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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