Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
If It Ain't Love (Let's Leave It Alone) Composer(s): Val Burton; Will Jason Performer(s): Billie Jo Spears and multiple other artists
If it ain't love then let's don't even let it start Let's leave it alone If it ain't love then let's don't temp our foolish hearts Let's leave it alone
Happiness is free just like a rollin' stone And only love can make it stay at home Feelin's have a way of mixin' right with wrong If it ain't love let's leave it alone If it ain't love...
Togetherness can fade like the music of a song It comes and goes like the breaking of the dawn How could we hang on to somethin' that was gone If it ain't love let's leave it alone If it ain't love... If it ain't love...
El Que Pierde Una Mujer Composer(s): Luis Arcaraz - Ernesto Cortázar
Performer(s): Javier Solís
and multiple other artists
El que pierde a una mujer no sabe lo que gana pues si se nos va un querer, otro vendrá mañana Dale amor a una mujer y verás como te paga o te engaña o te empalaga o se busca otro querer
El que no quiera sufrir que se mire en este espejo yo no más doy el consejo por si lo quieren seguir Si estás próximo a perder no lo dejes pa` mañana pues no sabes lo que gana el que pierde a una mujer
El que no quiera sufrir que se mire en este espejo yo no más doy el consejo por si lo quieren seguir Si estás próximo a perder no lo dejes pa` mañana pues no sabes lo que gana el que pierde a una mujer
If I'd Only Come And Gone Composer(s): Shel Silverstein Performer(s): Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show; Tompall Glaser; Earl Scruggs
If I'd only come and gone The way I'd always done With summer girls before Shared one night with you And never reached for more Then we wouldn't face this long And painful righting of the wrong If I'd only come and gone
If I hadn't stayed so long But merely parked my dusty boots Outside your door Tracked no footprints 'cross Your polished hardwood floor I'd have left you in your doorway Smilin' drowsy at the dawn If I'd only come and gone
And I'd be on a shinin' silver plane Dippin' into Denver Or on a schooner blowin' down To Biscayne Bay And you'd be safely tucked away Among the pleasure I'd remember 'Stead of lyin' here beside me Fearin' restless thoughts inside me That might awaken with the breakin' Of each new day
If you'd only stopped to read Cold hard words I carved On other bedroom walls And heard the mornin' coffee truths I told 'em all I'd still be on your lips Like some unfinished Half-remembered song You'd have never loved me If I'd only come and gone
Me vine remontando en un hilo marrón del río a la reina del Plata, a no estar mas con los míos era hijo de un pueblo de una simple mirada y un acorde disonante se metió en mi palabra con letra desafinada se durmió en mi corazón
El que pierde la inocencia y la sinceridad es un huerfano solitario que no puede ya cantar el que esconde la sonrisa bajo un arbol sin flor corre el riesgo de estar pálido sin las caricias del sol sin las caricias del sol
Me vine remontando en un hilo marrón del río a la reina del Plata, a no estar mas con los míos cuanto tiempo ha pasado para un día darme cuenta que ha la suerte de nacer en un lugar cualquiera pase lo que pase es mas lindo recordarla y quererla
El que pierde la inocencia y la sinceridad es un huerfano solitario que no puede ya cantar el que esconde la sonrisa bajo un arbol sin flor corre el riesgo de estar pálido sin las caricias del sol sin las caricias del sol
If I'd Been The One Composer(s): Don Barnes; Jeff Carlisi; Larry Steele; Donnie Van Zant Performer(s): .38 Special
I've been lost inside, empty space in my heart And some things never change, no How it hurts me and how it's tearin' me apart And it just goes on and on
Can you read my mind Take a good look at my face Could you take the time Just to stand here in my place
What if I'd been the one to say goodbye, goodbye Could you smile when inside you just wanna cry, look inside Can you read my mind? Oh oh
When I hear your name Feel so cold deep inside Still it's hard to explain, oh What your love meant to me They say time will heal the pain But it just goes on forever
Can you read my mind Have you closed the door on love Can you be so blind Did you think I'd just give up
What if I'd been the one to say goodbye, goodbye Could you smile when inside you just wanna cry, wanna cry What if I'd been the one to say goodbye, goodbye Could you smile when it hurts so deep inside And it never fades away, Fade away
Time can't erase the reasons why Count my mistakes and the heartaches Since you said goodbye
What if I'd been the one to say goodbye, goodbye Could you smile when inside you just wanna cry, wanna cry What if I'd been the one to say goodbye, goodbye Could you smile when it hurts so deep inside And it never fades away, never fades away, no it don't fade away
El Problema Composer(s): Silvio Rodríguez
Performer(s): Silvio Rodríguez
El problema El problema no es si te buscas o no más problemas El problema no es ser capaz de volver a empezar El problema no es vivir demostrando a uno que te exige y anda mendigando El problema no es repetir el ayer como fórmula para salvarse El problema no es jugar a darse El problema no es de ocasión El problema señor sigue siendo sembrar amor
El problema no es de quien vino y se fue o viceversa El problema no es de los niños que ostentan papás El problema no es de quien saca cuenta y recuenta y a su bolsillo suma lo que resta El problema no es de la moda mundial ni de que haya tan mala memoria El problema no queda en la gloria ni en que falten tesón y sudor El problema señor sigue siendo sembrar amor
El problema no es despeñarse en abismos de ensueño porque hoy no llegó al futuro sangrado de ayer El problema no es que el tiempo sentencie extravío cuando hay juventudes soñando desvíos El problema no es darle un hacha al dolor y hacer leña con todo y la palma El problema vital es el alma El problema es de resurrección El problema señor será siempre sembrar amor
If I Were Your Woman Composer(s): Gloria Jones; Pam Sawyer; Clarence McMurray First release by: Gladys Knight & The Pips - 1970 Covered by multiple other artists
If I were your woman and you were my man You'd have no other woman, you'd be weak as a lamb If you had the strength to walk out that door My love would overrule my sense and I'd call you back for more If I were your woman If I were your woman and you were my man
She tears you down darlin', says you're nothing at all But I'll pick you up darlin' when she lets you fall You're like a diamond, but she treats you like glass Yet you beg her to love you, but me, you don't ask
If I were your woman, if I were your woman If I were your woman, here's what I'd do I'd never no no stop loving you
Life is so crazy, a love is unkind Because she came first darlin' will she hang on your mind You're a part of me and you don't even know it I'm what you need, but I'm too afraid to show it
If I were your woman, if I were your woman If I were your woman, here's what I'd do I'd never no no stop loving you
El Pozo Composer(s): Manuel Alejandro
Performer(s): Raphael
Tan cerca de mí te he tenido siempre Tan cerca de mí que no pude ver Que eras tú el amor, ese gran amor Que he buscado siempre y no encontré Yo buscaba amor con el mismo afán Que rescata el mar sus olas de la playa Y no lo encontré, y no lo encontraba Porque nunca en ti pensé Hay que aprovechar las horas que perdimos Y recuperar el tiempo que se fue Y querernos más que nadie se ha querido En un sólo día y una sola vez Cómo no pensé que tú me esperabas Ni escuché el amor que había en tus palabras Cómo si eras tú lo que yo buscaba Cómo no lo pude ver Que eras tú el amor, ese gran amor Que he buscado siempre y no encontré
El Porompompero Composer(s): Enrico Macias - Juan Solano
Performer(s): Enrico Macias
Mon cur enfermé dans ta cage Mon cur tu sembles gai Pourquoi brusquement ce langage Qu'as-tu donc à me raconter Dis-moi, dis-moi quel secret te fait battre de joie Dis-moi, s'il te plaît qui tu aim's réponds-moi Comment fais-tu réponds-moi Porompompon! Porom poron, pero, pero, pero, pero! Porom poron, pero, pero, pero, pero Porom, pero, pero pon
Je sais moi aussi qu'ell' est belle Mais toi tu me parles d'amour Si toi tu ne bats que pour elle Moi j'ai peur de souffrir un jour Dis-moi, dis-moi quelles sont les raisons de ton choix Comment es-tu sûr qu'elle m'aime déjà Comment sais-tu réponds-moi! Porompompon! Porom poron, pero, pero, pero, pero! Porom poron, pero, pero, pero, pero Porom, pero, pero pon
Mon cur j'ai reçu ton message Et comprends que dans ta voix Tu veux que je partes en voyage Avec un amour à mon bras Dis-moi, dis-moi que son cur en accord avec toi Est comme un écho qui répond à ta voix Mon cur redoublons de joie Porompompon! Porom poron, pero, pero, pero, pero! Porom poron, pero, pero, pero, pero Porom, pero, pero pon
If I Were A Rich Man (French Version: Si J'avais Des Millions - 1968) Composer(s): Jerry Bock; Sheldon M. Harnick First release by: Zero Mostel - 1964 Covered by multiple other artists
Tevye: "Dear God, you made many, many poor people I realize, of course, that it's no shame to be poor But it's no great honor either! So, what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune?"
If I were a rich man Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum All day long I'd biddy biddy bum If I were a wealthy man I wouldn't have to work hard Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum If I were a biddy biddy rich Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man
I'd build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen Right in the middle of the town A fine tin roof with real wooden floors below There would be one long staircase just going up And one even longer coming down And one more leading nowhere, just for show
I'd fill my yard with chicks and turkeys and geese and ducks For the town to see and hear And each loud "cheep" and "swaqwk" and "honk" and "quack" Would land like a trumpet on the ear As if to say "Here lives a wealthy man"
If I were a rich man Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum All day long I'd biddy biddy bum If I were a wealthy man I wouldn't have to work hard Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum If I were a biddy biddy rich Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man
I see my wife, my Golde, looking like a rich man's wife With a proper double-chin Supervising meals to her heart's delight I see her putting on airs and strutting like a peacock Oy, what a happy mood she's in Screaming at the servants, day and night
The most important men in town would come to fawn on me! They would ask me to advise them Like a Solomon the Wise "If you please, Reb Tevye..." "Pardon me, Reb Tevye..." Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes! And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong When you're rich, they think you really know!
If I were rich, I'd have the time that I lack To sit in the synagogue and pray And maybe have a seat by the Eastern wall And I'd discuss the holy books with the learned men, several hours every day That would be the sweetest thing of all
If I were a rich man Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum All day long I'd biddy biddy bum If I were a wealthy man I wouldn't have to work hard Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum If I were a biddy biddy rich Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man
If I Were A Moose Composer(s): Fred Small Performer(s): Fred Small
If I were a moose and you were a cow Would you love me anyhow? Would you introduce me to your folks Would you tell your friends "No moose jokes!" If I were a moose and you were a cow
Would you invite me to your club And risk a cruel bovine snub Would you lead me down the receiving line And boldly boast "This moose is mine!"
Would your parents watch us graze Shake their heads, "It's just a phase" Or would they thank the stars above Their precious heifer's found her love?
Would your grandparents change their will? They'd really expected a Holstein bull "For this we toiled before the plow You bring home someone who's not even a cow
There's lot's of proper stock around Like that nice young Guernsey at Farmer Brown's Or that last one we ridiculed and cursed On second thought you could do worse
But if you think this thing will last Could he learn to moo and eat our grass Shed his antlers in the dirt Could you persuade him to convert?"
If our anatomies did not quite fit Would you make the best of it Would you nuzzle up so near And hum sweet cow tunes in my ear?
Or would you sadly break it off When all the hillside sneered and scoffed "You know those moose are all the same They're lazy, they're stupid, they come from Maine"
It's true things slip a moose's mind That cows remember all the time Bulbous nose and knobby knees A coat that harbors ticks and fleas
But a moose can be a handy thing When hungry wolves come visiting In icy gust of winter storm Our fur is deep and dry and warm
And someday should your milk run dry And farmer stare with baleful eye In dead of night I'd slip your noose And lead you home to the land of moose If I were a moose and you were a cow
If hunters came to do me harm Would you hide me in the barn Would all the herd come on the run And glare until they dropped their guns?
Might you permit a goodnight kiss Could you learn to love wet moose lips? If I were a moose and you were a cow If you were a cow and I were a moose
Hay una luz, en algún lugar adonde van los sueños de la humanidad Hay una luz dentro de ti adonde van los sueños que van a venir para volver a despertar no te olvides: nunca dejes de soñar, nunca dejes de soñar Hay una luz que no se ve, brilla desde adentro desde la niñez hay una luz en algún lugar, allí donde los sueños se hacen realidad Más allá del sol, más allá del mar, más allá del tiempo sé que hay un lugar donde quiero ir, donde quiero estar, hoy la fantasía se hace realidad...
If I Were A King Composer(s): Joe Bataan; Nitollano Performer(s): Joe Bataan
If I were a king (if I were a king) I'd tear me crown And if I were a millionaire, oh baby (oh baby) You'd own all that I own Just tell me that you care And you're going where I want to
If you say you love me (tell me you love me) I'll give you that as ???? girl Just whisper that you want me And you'll be me girl And, you can have pearls in your hand Just as long as I'm your man
Darling, there is gonna be no rule in the whole wide world That's gonna stop this guy from walking against you There's gonna be no river deep enough baby That I can't swim, to be beside you (If I were a king ) (If I I were a king)
And if that's all to ????, I write a song to you I'll climb the last mountain top And shout up there that I love you, you
If I were a pet, girl I ???? for you ????? And if I were a poor boy, I'd offer you a toy But, nothing's gonna stop me, yeah To try to get next to you, oh Just as long as I can, I'm your man
That's right darling There"s gonna be no rule long enough in the whole wide world That's gonna stop this guy from getting to you Believe me, you found a king And if all the riches and all the treasures in the whole wide world Aren't enough to satisfy you, darling But you can have my heart And believe me, yes you better believe With my heart you can go a long, long way I'm telling you All it's gonna take, all it's gonna take Is for you to be my queen
El pintor de las mujeres soles abandonado en su empecinada claridad Hizo su último viaje ya muy solo sobre el Atlántico y fue sepultado cuando llegó
El pintor brilloso como la Luna con su pelo largo con su barba culta de polvo Escupió al cangrejo desde un dibujo y le puso fecha a su despedida Y siguió queriendo aunque no fue amado ni como ser humano Y siguió aprendiendo el camino de la soledad en todo momento
Y se fue entre ceras alucinantes con su pelo largo con su barba culta de polvo Descargando gritos sobre las armas mientras los beatos se persignaban y el no tuvo iglesias pero algo de altares al amor hubo entre sus lienzos Y en la fantasía iba platicando su viaje hacia el universo
El pintor de las enredaderas de luz escribió sus últimos signos con triste desesperación Y dejó sus restos a los amigos y dejó sus restos a los amigos pidiéndole sólo paredes para sostenerlos pidiéndole sólo paredes para sostenerlos
El Perdido Composer(s): Adán Moreno H.
Performer(s): Javier Solís
Se terminó el camino y no logré encontrarte las sombras del recuerdo se agigantaron más Y yo desesperado perdido en lo perdido con los ojos marchitos de llorar y llorar
Te busqué entre las sombras te busqué en el pecado te busqué entres las almas te busqué en el dolor Y si no he de encontrarte porque tú ya no existas que se extingan los cielos que me perdone Dios
Te busqué entre las sombras te busqué en el pecado te busqué entres las almas te busqué en el dolor Y si no he de encontrarte porque tú ya no existas que se extingan los cielos que me perdone Dios que se extingan los cielos que me perdone Dios