Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Why not get in on the boom It's a boom It's a boom Pay no heed to tales of gloom It's a boom It's a boom We've no doubt, although our golds run out There'll be some more about to buy a foreign car
Let's all get in on the graft It's a boom It's a boom There won't be an overdraft It's a boom It's a boom Don't discount that there's a good amount on your expense account To cover caviar
I hear from my broker when an issue is hot As always a shortage, there's no chance of being caught A small speculation on a piece of real estate Never brings profit if you wait
So, why not get in on the boom It's a boom It's a boom Have your sunken living room It's a boom It's a boom Here's your dutch, get in the local lodge Have a two-car garage and you'll be popular
Some people cry Aye, aye, aye, aye That we're simpling seeing pie in the sky Aye, aye, aye, aye But as long as we are able to buy Aye, aye, aye, aye Who could find a single fault Drop the profits, profits, profits, profits, profits, profits
We've got it made Aye, aye, aye, aye Though we might be stopping our coronade Aye, aye,aye,aye We've no worries on the salaries we're paid We just take you to the vaults Profits, profits, profits, profits, profits, profits, profits
Why not get in on the boom It's a boom It's a boom Pay no heed to tales of gloom It's a boom It's a boom Learn the facts how every stock transacts and that your income tax Don't play it by the rules
Why not get in on the graft It's a boom It's a boom There won't be an overdraft It's a boom It's a boom It's not hard, just use your credit card To fill up your backyard with private swimming pools
I'm told by good friends, money won't buy me health But we were feeling that there are no ills in wealth One thing for certain, it's the only known cure To keep healthy men from feeling poor
So, why not get in on the boom It's a boom It's a boom Pay no heed to talk of doom It's a boom It's a boom Not your soul as much as your bankroll will help achieve your goal In modern times like these Not your soul as much as your bankroll will help achieve your goal In modern times like these
Who cares about economies In such delightful times as these
When the last Kalender-sheets Flattern through the winter-streets And Decemberwind is blowing Then is everybody knowing That it is not allzuweit She does come, the Weihnachtszeit
All the Menschen, Leute, people Flippen out of ihr warm Stüble Run to Kaufhof, Aldi, Mess Make Konsum and business Kaufen this and jenes Dings And the churchturmglocke rings!
Manche holen sich a Tännchen When this brennt, they cry "Attention!" Rufen for the Feuerwehr "Please, come quick to rescue her!" Goes the Tännchen off in Rauch They are standing on the Schlauch
In the kitchen of the house Mother makes the Christmasschmaus She is working, schufting, bakes Hit is now her Yoghurtkeks And the Opa says als Tester "We are killed bis to Silvester!"
Then he fills the last Glas wine Yes, this is the Christmastime! Day by day does so vergang And the Holy Night does come You can think, you can remember This is immer in December!
Then the childrenlein are coming Candle-Wachs is abwärts running Bing of Crosby Christmas sings While the Towerglocke rings And the angels look so fine Well, this is the Weihnachtstime
Baby-eyes are big and rund The family feels kerngesund When unterm Baum is hocking Then nothing can them shocking! They are happy, are so fine This happens in the Christmastime!
The animals all in the house The Hund, the Katz, the bird, the mouse Are running round the Weihnachtstree Enjoy this day as never nie Weil they find Kittekat and Schappi Im Geschenkkarton von Pappi
The family begins to sing And wieder does a Glöckchen ring Zum song vom grünen Tannenbaum The Tränen rennen down and down Bis mother plötzlich flennt "The Gans im Ofen brennt!" Her nose is very fine And that nicht nur at Christmastime
Bring A Torch, Jeanette Isabella (Traditional) Performer(s): Ralph Carmichael
Bring a torch, Jeanette Isabella Bring a torch, come swiftly and run Christ is born, tell the folk of the village Jesus is sleeping in His cradle Ah, ah, beautiful is the Mother Ah, ah, beautiful is her Son
Hasten now, good folk of the village Hasten now, the Christ Child to see You will find Him asleep in the manger Quietly come and whisper softly Hush, hush, peacefully now He slumbers Hush, hush, peacefully now He sleeps
It's A Big, Wide, Wonderful World Composer(s): John Rox Performer(s): Wynn Murray & Walter Cassel and multiple other artists
It's a big, wide, wonderful world you live in When you're in love, you're a master Of all you survey You're a gay Santa Claus
There's a brave, new, star-spangled sky above you When you're in love you're a hero A Nero, Apollo The Wizard of Oz
You've a kingdom, power and glory The old, old, oldest of stories Is new, true You've built your Rome in just one day
Life is mystic A mid-summer's night you live in A Turkish delight, you're in heaven It's swell when you're really in love It's swell when you're really in love
Breath Of Heaven Composer(s): Chris Eaton; Amy Grant Performer(s): Amy Grant; and various other artists
I have traveled many moonless nights Cold and weary, with a babe inside And I wonder what I've done Holy Father, you have come And chosen me now To carry your son
I am waiting in a silent prayer I am frightened by the load I bear In a world as cold as stone, Must I walk this path alone? Be with me now Be with me now
Breath of heaven Hold me together Be forever near me Breath of heaven Breath of heaven Light up my darkness Pour over me your holiness For you are holy
Do you wonder as you watch my face If a wiser one one should have had my place But I offer all I am For the mercy of your plan Help me be strong Help me be Help me
Breath of heaven Hold me together Be forever near me Breath of heaven Breath of heaven Light up my darkness Pour over me your holiness For you are holy
Breath of heaven Hold me together Be forever near me Breath of heaven Breath of heaven Light up my darkness Pour over me your holiness For you are holy
Breath of heaven Breath of heaven Breath of heaven
Bonjour Noël, voici que dans les rues La neige est revenue comme un tapis tout blanc Bonjour Noël, bonjour belles vitrines Qui le soir s'illuminent pour la joie des passants Les petits nez s'écrasent pour mieux les admirer Et les yeux pleins d'extase sont tout émerveillés
Bonjour Noël, chacun fait sa demande Toutes les mains se tendent vers les jouets rêvés Bonjour Noël, sonnez, sonnez les clochettes C'est aujourd'hui la fête de la terre et du ciel
Petit Noël, j'ai vu des ta de choses Pardonnez-moi si j'ose vous demander tout ça Un long tunnel pour un train mécanique Une boîte à musique, une poupée pour moi Ils mettent leurs galoches près de la cheminée Au loin sonnent les cloches Il est minuit passé
Bonjour Noël, dormez chers petits anges Soyez sages, en échange vous serez exaucés Bonjour Noël, sonnez, sonnez les clochettes C'est aujourd'hui la fête de la terre et du ciel
Joyeux Noël, bravo, j'ai ma toupie Moi, ma poupée chérie, et moi, mon martinet Joyeux Noël, dans l'arbre qui scintille Toutes les bougies brillent quelle belle journée! Dansons, dansons la ronde autour du grand sapin Et dans le vaste monde, c'est le même refrain
Noël, Noël, c'est la joie sur la terre C'est le cur qui espère du bonheur pour chacun Bonjour Noël, sonnez, sonnez les clochettes C'est aujourd'hui la fête de la terre et du ciel Bonjour Noël
It's A Big Old Goofy World Composer(s): John Prine Performer(s): John Prine; Dylan Thomas Vance
Up in the morning Work like a dog Is better than sitting Like a bump on a log Mind all your manners Be quiet as a mouse Some day you'll own a home That's as big as a house
I know a fella He eats like a horse Knocks his old balls Round the old golf course You oughta see his wife She's a cute little dish She smokes like a chimney And drinks like a fish
There's a big old goofy man Dancing with a big old goofy girl Ooh baby It's a big old goofy world
Now Elvis had a woman With a head like a rock I wished I had a woman That made my knees knock She'd sing like an angel And eat like a bird And if I wrote a song She'd know ever single word
Kiss a little baby Give the world a smile If you take an inch Give 'em back a mile Cause if you lie like a rug And you don't give a damn You're never gonna be As happy as a clam
So I'm sitting in a hotel Trying to write a song My head is just as empty As the day is long Why it's clear as a bell I should have gone to school I'd be wise as an owl Stead of stubborn as a mule
Bomma Is Overreeje Deur De Kerstman (Adapted from: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer) Composer(s): Randy Brooks) Performer(s): De Strangers
Bomma is overreeje deur de Kerstman 't was op Kerstmisnacht rond hallef drij Bompa kon en wou het ni gelove mor Bomma wel..die was 'r zellef bij ....
z'had bà ons teveel gedronke en zo rond 'n uur of twee zee ze " 'k zien het nimîer zitte.. 'k trappet af ik gon nor Bompa deur de sneeu'" 's morges hemme w'heur gevonde hîemol koud en hîemol stijf z'had ne stamp g'had van e rendier en z'had spore van 'n slee over heur lijf
Bomma is overreeje deur de Kerstman 't was op Kerstmisnacht rond hallef drij Bompa kon en wou het ni gelove mor Bomma wel..die was 'r zellef bij ....
ze vertelde toen ze bijkwam "'k zag 'n slee in volle vaart mè daarin 'n heel oud ventje in e rood kostuum en mè ne witten baard veur da kik tegoei kon zegge wa rij d'hier nà deur die straat riep dîe vent nog..Merry Christmas.. en toen ree hem mè z'n slee over m' n graat"
Bomma is overreeje deur de Kerstman 't was op Kerstmisnacht rond hallef drij Bompa kon en wou het ni gelove mor Bomma wel..die was 'r zellef bij....
w'hemme Bomma heel voorzichtig bà den open haard gelee en daar was zij on 't vertelle van dîe Kerstman mè z'n rendier en z'n slee zij zee " 'k moet dîe vent ni hemme want dîe rijdt zo dwaas as iet a'k me nog laat overrij-je lateket doen deur Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet
Bomma is overreeje deur de Kerstman 't was op Kerstmisnacht rond hallef drij Bompa kon en wou het ni gelove mor Bomma wel..die was 'r zellef bij Bomma is overreeje deur de Kerstman 't was op Kerstmisnacht rond hallef drij Bompa kon en wou het ni gelove mor Bomma wel..die was 'r zellef bij .....
It's A Beautiful Evening Composer(s): Ray Rash; Dotty Wayne Performer(s): Nat King Cole and multiple other artists
And so it begins but you can't have them all Your heart has to settle down somewhere and sure enough one night it happens The crickets, the mockingbirds, the perfume in the air, it's all there You get the feeling mother nature is working overtime and you say to yourself this is it
It's a beautiful evening, what a beautiful evening It's a beautiful evening for falling in love The moon winked his eye The stars agree that this is the night for you and me And as soft as a willow every cloud is our pillow And all heaven and earth know what we're thinking of And darling they're so right so kiss and hold me tight It's a beautiful evening for falling in love And darling they're so right so kiss and hold me tight It's a beautiful evening for falling in love
Bobby Wants A Puppy Dog For Christmas Composer(s): Merle Haggard Performer(s): Merle Haggard
Bobby wants a puppy dog for Christmas I know you plan to bring electric trains Bobby wants a puppy dog for Christmas That's the only song we hear him sing
Santa, please remember Bobby's lonely The closest neighbour's farm is quite a ways And the country school don't have no children Bobby's size And I'd like to give him something he can raise
And Bobby wants a puppy dog for Christmas I know you plan to bring electric trains But, Bobby wants a puppy dog for Christmas And that's the only song we hear him sing
Butch and Susie won't be here for Christmas And he won't see his cousins now till spring If we can find a playmate he can play with Santa, that'll be all you have to bring
And Bobby wants a puppy dog for Christmas I know you plan to bring electric trains But, Bobby wants a puppy dog for Christmas That's the only song we hear him sing
Beautiful Day
Composer(s): Bono - The Edge - Adam Clayton - Larry Mullen
First release by: U2 - 2000
The heart is a bloom, shoots up through the stony ground But there's no room, no space to rent in this town You're out of luck and the reason that you had to care The traffic is stuck and you're not moving anywhere You thought you'd found a friend to take you out of this place Someone you could lend a hand in return for grace
It's a beautiful day, the sky falls You feel like it's a beautiful day It's a beautiful day Don't let it get away
You're on the road but you've got no destination You're in the mud, in the maze of her imagination You love this town even if it doesn't ring true You've been all over and it's been all over you
It`s a beautiful day Don`t let it get away It`s a beautiful day
Touch me, take me to that other place Teach me, I know I'm not a hopeless case
See the world in green and blue See China right in front of you See the canyons broken by clouds See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out See the bedouins fires at night see the oil fields at first sight See the bird with a leaf in her mouth After the flood all the colours came out It was a beautiful day A beautiful day Don`t let it get away
Touch me, take me to that other place Reach me, I know I'm not a hopeless case
What you don't have you don't need it now What you don't know you can feel it somehow What you don`t have you don't need it now You don't need it now, you don't need it now Its a Beautiful day
Blue Christmas Tree Composer(s): Eddie Miller; Bob Morris Performer(s): Buck Owens; Ernest Tubb
Green is the color and joy it should be But I've got a blue blue Christmas tree You took the happiness God gave you and me And all you left for Christmas is a blue Christmas tree
Beneath it sets of package addressed to me from you That I'm afraid to open I know it contains the blues But merry Christmas darling wherever you may be And I hope you will never have a blue Christmas tree
Beneath it sets of package addressed to me from you That I'm afraid to open I know it contains the blues But merry Christmas darling wherever you may be And I hope you will never have a blue Christmas tree
Blue Christmas Lights Composer(s): Buck Owens; Red Simpson Performer(s): Buck Owens; Chris Hillman; Honky Tonk Confidential
(Excuse me Miss but do you have any) Blue Christmas lights for my Christmas tree I want some blue Christmas lights just as blue as me The one I love has set me free but I still got her memory Give me blue Christmas lights for my Christmas tree
(Pardon me but do you have any) Blue Christmas lights blue they've gotta be Blue Christmas lights for that's how you left me Although sweetheart you're far away I'll kiss your picture Christmas Day Under blue Christmas lights on my Christmas tree
The one I love has set me free but I still got her memory Give me blue Christmas lights for my Christmas tree I'll have have a blue Christmas cause you're not here with me
It'll Come Back Composer(s): Glenn Martin Performer(s): Red Sovine
On our little girls' third birthday She got a sandbox in the backyard to play Sand was everywhere as she played and she laughed I fussed at her for it killed all my grass
It'll come back ... It'll come back ... Daddy dont be mad God and the rain will bring it back
When our little girl just turned ten She got a bike to ride with all her friends She skinned both her knees as she played and she laughed I fussed at her for it killed all my grass
When our little girl turned seventeen We built her a pool in the backyard that spring All her friends came and they swam and they splashed I fussed at her for it killed all my grass
My wife and I sit on the porch all alone As I look out across at my beautiful lawn The house is quiet there's no children at play And I said to my wife
"Honey, if you'll listen real close You can still hear her say"
It'll come back (It'll come back) It'll come back (It'll come back) Daddy don't be mad God and the rain will bring it back
It'll come back (It'll come back) It'll come back (It'll come back) Daddy don't be mad God and the rain will bring it back
Blue Christmas
Composer(s): Jay W. Johnson; Billy Hayes
First release by: Doye O'Dell - 1948
Covered by multiple other artists
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you I'll be so blue just thinking about you Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree Won't mean a thing, if you're not here with me
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin' That's when those blue memories start callin' You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain And when that blue heartache starts hurtin' You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white But I'll have a blue, blue, blu, blue Christmas
It'll Be Me Composer(s): Jack Clement First release by: Jerry Lee Lewis - 1957 Covered by multiple other artists
Titles In Other Languages: 1975 - Ma Chérie, C'est Moi 1984 - Det Ku' Ha' Været Mig
If you hear somebody knockin' on your door If you see somebody crawlin' across the floor Baby it'll be me, I'll be lookin' for you And if you see somebody climbin' up a telegraph pole If you find a new lump in your sugar bowl Baby it'll be me, I'll be looking for you
I'm gonna look in the mountains Down in the deep blue sea I'm gonna look in the forest And look and look in every tree
If you find a new bait on your fishin' hook And if you find a funny face in your comic book Baby it'll be me I'll be lookin' for you (Well, keep on lookin')
I'm gonna look in the cities Where the lights are blue Gonna search the country side And the haystacks too
Well if you see something shootin' out across the stars If you see a rocket ship in it's way to Mars Baby it'll be me Yeah I'll be lookin' for you I'll be lookin' for you Well, I'll be lookin' for you
Blanca Navidad
(Adapted from: White Christmas - 1942/1949)
Composer(s): Irving Berlin
Performer(s): Eydie Gorme - 1966
and multiple other artists
Titles In Other Languages:
1971 - Noël Blanc
1973 - Witte Kerstmis
Oh, blanca navidad, sueño
y con la nieve alrededor
blanca es mi quimera
y es mensajera de paz
y de puro amor
Oh, blanca navidad, nieve
una esperanza y un cantar
recordar tu infancia podrás
al llegar la blanca navidad
Ma Chérie, C'est Moi (Adapted from: It'll Be Me - 1957) (Danish Version: Det Ku' Ha' Været Mig - 1984) Composer(s): Jack Clement; Michel Mallory Performer(s): Johnny Halliday - 1975
Si quelqu'un frappe à ta porte à minuit Si ton téléphone sonne toute la nuit Ma chérie, c'est moi Et j'ai besoin d'amour
Et si tu trouves quelqu'un de caché sous tes draps Sous ton lit et sous ta porte Ma chérie, c'est moi Et j'ai besoin d'amour
Ne sois pas cruelle Et ouvre-moi ton lit Dehors la nuit, il gèle Ne me laisse pas sous la pluie
Si tu entends une voix à la radio Si, à la télé, tu vois un gars très, très beau Ma chérie, c'est moi Et j'ai besoin d'amour
Let's go!
Si tu croises dans tes rêves, un héros Qui t'embrasse et qui t'enlève en moto Ma chérie, c'est moi Et j'ai besoin d'amour
Si quelqu'un, à ta fenêtre vient frapper Toi qui habites au quinzième, ne sois pas étonnée Ma chérie, c'est moi Et j'ai besoin d'amour
Ne sois pas cruelle Et laisse-moi entrer Ou sinon j'appelle Et je réveille tout le quartier
Si quelqu'un frappe à ta porte à minuit Si ton téléphone sonne toute la nuit Ma chérie, c'est moi Et j'ai besoin d'amour