Lyrics/Songteksten: Oldies A-Z
Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd

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  • 28-12-1985
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.A Dollar For A Dime
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    A Dollar For A Dime Composer(s): Eubie Blake - Johnny Finke - Andy Razaf Performer(s): Joe Williams; Jim Cullum Jazz Band; John Sheridan

    That little jukebox right over there is like a magic key
    For it can take me anywhere on wings of memory

    I'd give a dollar for a dime
    I've got to hear that record play again
    Turn love's December into May again
    Bring me the thrill just one more time

    I'd give a dollar for a dime
    I've got to hear that sweet refrain again
    That carries me down lovers' lane again
    Back when the world was all in rhyme

    Seems that song was written for us
    Ev'ry word and note has charm
    Our two hearts would sing the chorus
    As I hold you in my arms

    I'd give a dollar for a dime
    My aching heart is on my sleeve again
    To close my eyes and make believe again
    I'd give a dollar for a dime

    To hear that record one more time

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Christmas Guest
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    The Christmas Guest
    Composer(s): Grandpa Jones; Bill Walker
    Performer(s): Johnny Cash;
    and various other artists

    It happened one day near December's end
    Two neighbors called on an old-time friend
    And they found his shop so meager and mean
    Made gay with a thousand boughs of green
    And Conrad was sitting with face a-shine
    When he suddenly stopped as he stitched a twine
    And he said, "Old friends, at dawn today
    When the cock was crowing the night away
    The Lord appeared in a dream to me
    And said, 'I am coming your guest to be'
    So I've been busy with feet astir
    Strewing my shop with branches of fir
    The table is spread and the kettle is shined
    And over the rafters the holly is twined
    And now I will wait for my Lord to appear
    And listen closely so I will hear
    His step as He nears my humble place
    And I open the door and look on His face ..."

    So his friends went home and left Conrad alone
    For this was the happiest day he had known
    For, long since, his family had passed away
    And Conrad had spent many a sad Christmas Day
    But he knew with the Lord as his Christmas guest
    This Christmas would be the dearest and best
    So he listened with only joy in his heart
    And with every sound he would rise with a start
    And look for the Lord to be at his door
    Like the vision he had a few hours before
    So he ran to the window after hearing a sound
    But all that he could see on the snow-covered ground
    Was a shabby beggar whose shoes were torn
    And all of his clothes were ragged and worn
    But Conrad was touched and went to the door
    And he said, "Your feet must be frozen and sore
    I have some shoes in my shop for you
    And a coat that will keep you warmer, too"

    So with grateful heart the man went away
    But Conrad noticed the time of day
    He wondered what made the Lord so late
    And how much longer he'd have to wait
    When he heard a knock and ran to the door
    But it was only a stranger once more
    A bent, old lady with a shawl of black
    With a bundle of kindling piled on her back
    She asked for only a place to rest
    But that was reserved for Conrad's Great Guest
    But her voice seemed to plead, "Don't send me away
    Let me rest for awhile on Christmas day"
    So Conrad brewed her a steaming cup
    And told her to sit at the table and sup
    But after she left he was filled with dismay
    For he saw that the hours were slipping away
    And the Lord had not come as He said He would
    And Conrad felt sure he had misunderstood

    When out of the stillness he heard a cry
    "Please help me and tell me where am I"
    So again he opened his friendly door
    And stood disappointed as twice before
    It was only a child who had wandered away
    And was lost from her family on Christmas Day
    Again Conrad's heart was heavy and sad
    But he knew he should make the litte girl glad
    So he called her in and wiped her tears
    And quieted all her childish fears
    Then he led her back to her home once more
    But as he entered his own darkened door
    He knew that the Lord was not coming today
    For the hours of Christmas had passed away
    So he went to his room and knelt down to pray
    And he said, "Dear Lord, why did you delay
    What kept You from coming to call on me
    For I wanted so much Your face to see ..."

    When soft in the silence a voice he heard
    "Lift up your head for I kept My word
    Three times My shadow crossed your floor
    Three times I came to your lowly door
    For I was the beggar with bruised, cold feet
    I was the woman you gave something to eat
    And I was the child on the homeless street
    Three times I knocked and three times I came in
    And each time I found the warmth of a friend
    Of all the gifts, love is the best
    I was honored to be your Christmas guest"

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Secret Side
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    Secret Side
    Composer(s): Nico
    Performer(s): Nico

    Without a guide, without a hand
    Unwed virgins in the land
    Unwed virgins in the land
    Tied up on the sand

    When there come ships into the land
    They'll be awaiting reverence
    They'll be awaiting reverence
    At their children's hands

    Are you not loyal to your pride
    Are you not on the secret side?
    It's not a crime, a gain to you
    Do you not understand?

    Without a guide, without a hand
    Unwed virgins in the land
    Unwed virgins in the land
    Tied up on the sand

    When there come ships into the land
    They'll be awaiting reverence
    They'll be awaiting reverence
    At their children's hands

    Are you not loyal to your pride
    Are you not on the secret side?
    It's not a crime, a gain to you
    Do you not understand?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Christmas Fancy
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    The Christmas Fancy
    Composer(s): Jimmy Keane
    Performer(s): Aengus

    In fancy my mind wanders back to my youth
    And just about this time each year
    The snow softly falls and the choir bells ring
    To welcome the Christmas time cheer

    In a quiet little town by the side of the sea
    What happiness Christmas will bring
    Where friends rare as diamonds content will be
    To dance and to laugh and to sing

    It was come into my house, so humble and small
    Let's drink a toast to us here
    To the twelve days of Christmas we'll drink to them all
    And we'll wish for a Happy New Year

    Come sit in the parlor how cozy and bright
    With the warmth of the old fashioned stove
    And its flickering flames and the kerosene light
    Makes a warm Christmas feeling of love

    Now each year at Christmas I think of it still
    No matter where ever I be
    In fancy my mind wanders back to my youth
    To that snug little spot by the sea

    It was come into my house so humble and small
    Let's drink a toast to us here
    To the twelve days of Christmas we'll drink to them all
    And we'll wish for a Happy New Year
    To the twelve days of Christmas we'll drink to them all
    And we'll wish for a Happy New Year

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Amore Mi Manchi
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    Amore Mi Manchi
    (Adapted from: Honey - 1968)
    Composer(s): Bobby Russell; Daniele Pace
    Performer(s): Peppino Gagliardi - 1968
    Covered by: Bobby Solo - 1968

    Titles In Other Languages:
    1968 - Tous Les Arbres Sont En Fleurs
    1968 - Kære
    2003 - Mijn Liefste Ik Mis Je

    Le rose già fiorivano
    L'inverno era pallido
    E se ne andò
    Quel giorno io mi ricordo che
    Volevo ancora bene a te
    Ma ti lasciai

    Dapprima non sapevi più
    Se vivere o morire
    Ma dopo un po
    Tornasti ancora a vivere
    Perchè nessuno è un angelo
    Come sei tu

    La nostra casa è piccola
    Ma la tenevi in ordine
    Solo per me
    Vivevi sola e triste ma
    Avevi una speranza
    Dentro di te

    E i mesi ormai passavano
    E diventavi pallida
    Sempre di più
    Finchè quel giorno limpido
    Trovasti una lettera
    Scritta da me

    Mi manchi
    Ma non tornerò
    Mi manchi
    Aspetta se vuoi

    Un giorno di dicembre ormai
    Ormai non mi pensavi più
    Quando tornai
    Ti vidi intorno all'albero
    E sorridesti subito
    Vedendo me

    Bastava una parola che
    Saresti ritornata
    In braccio a me
    Ma la mattina dopo
    Ti dissi questa cosa e poi
    Poi me ne andai

    Mi manchi
    Ma io non tornerò
    Mi manchi
    Non aspettarmi più

    Le rose già fiorivano
    L'inverno era pallido
    E se ne andò
    Le rondini mi han detto che
    In quella casa piccola
    Non ci sei più

    E sono io che non so più
    Se vivere o morire
    Senza di te
    Bastava una parola che
    Saresti ritornata
    In braccio a me

    E sono io che non so più
    Se vivere o morire
    Senza di te
    Le rose sono morte ormai
    Amore, amore mio
    Mi mancherai

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Christmas Dance
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    The Christmas Dance
    Composer(s): Richard Starkey;
    Mark Hudson; Jim Cox; Steve Dudas
    Performer(s): Ringo Starr

    Tonight's the Christmas dance in London town
    The lights are up, the snow is falling down
    Like ev'ry year, I catch your eye across the floor
    But too afraid to do much more

    At the Christmas dance
    That magic time of year when dreams come true
    Yeh, the Christmas dance
    The only dance I wanna dance is you
    The music's playing, hearts are swaying to the rhythm of romance
    At the Christmas dance

    I combed my hair and straightened out my tie
    This year I'm gonna ask you do or die
    And I'll need ev'ry ounce of courage I can find
    Feet don't fail me, love be kind

    At the Christmas dance
    That magic time of year when dreams come true
    The Christmas dance
    The only dance I wanna dance is you
    The music's playing, hearts are swaying to the rhythm of romance
    At the Christmas dance

    No more searching, love at last (No more searching, love at last)
    No more ghosts of Christmas past (No more ghosts of Christmas past)
    Under the mistletoe we kissed and danced so slow, Ho!

    And when our children ask of the meaning of romance

    At the Christmas dance
    That magic time of year when dreams come true
    At the Christmas dance
    The only dance I wanna dance is you
    The music's playing, hearts are swaying to the rhythm of romance
    At the Christmas dance

    (Oh, the Christmas dance)
    (Yeah, the Christmas dance)
    (Oh, the Christmas dance)
    (Yeah, the Christmas dance, yeah)

    Merry Christmas
    (Yeah, the Christmas dance, yeah)
    Merry Christmas, Yeah,
    Merry Christmas, Yes! Yeah! Yeah!

    At the Christmas dance

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Tous Les Arbres Sont En Fleurs
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    Tous Les Arbres Sont En Fleurs
    (Adapted from: Honey - 1968)
    Composer(s): Bobby Russell; Michel Jourdan
    Performer(s): Nana Mouskouri - 1968

    Titles In Other Languages:
    1968 - Amore Mi Manchi
    1968 - Kære
    2003 - Mijn Liefste Ik Mis Je

    Tous les arbres sont en fleurs
    Et la forêt a ces couleurs
    Que tu aimais
    Les pommiers roses sur fond bleu
    Ont le parfum des jours heureux
    Rien n'a changé
    Un peu de neige est restée
    La neige que tu enlevais
    Je m'en souviens
    En m'éveillant je ne voyais
    Que le printemps qui grandissait
    Dans notre jardin
    Tu riais comme un enfant
    Tu ne faisais jamais semblant
    Lorsque tu riais
    Quand tes yeux clairs me regardaient
    Tu savais lire à travers moi
    Chaque pensée
    Tu étais si fort et pourtant
    Je te berçais comme un enfant
    Quand tu pleurais
    Je t'ai fait du mal bien des fois
    Pourtant toute ma vie c'est toi
    Que j'aimerai
    Pierrot je t'aime
    Je n'avais que toi
    Et tu n'es plus qu'une ombre
    Qui dort près de moi

    Lorsque je rentrais tard parfois
    Tu ne t'endormais pas sans moi
    Tu m'attendais
    Tu m'as parlé toute une nuit
    De ce que serait notre vie
    Si je voulais
    Un soir d'orage avant Noël
    Tu m'as dit qu'il faisait soleil
    Et j'y croyais
    Je me souviens tu me disais
    Qu'on ne se quitterait jamais
    Et j'y croyais
    Pierre je t'aime
    Je n'avais que toi
    Et tu n'es plus qu'une ombre
    Qui dort près de moi

    Pourquoi ces fleurs dans le jardin
    Cette nuit bleue illuminée
    Par les étoiles
    Je sens que le printemps revient
    Mais qu'il ne me sert plus à rien
    Qu'à me faire mal
    Malgré tout malgré le temps
    Je te revois rire et courir
    A travers champs
    Ce fût mon dernier vrai printemps
    Tu t'es endormi pour longtemps
    Pour trop longtemps
    Dans un autre monde très loin
    Y a parait-il un jardin
    Plus beau qu'ici
    Un grand théâtre où mon amour
    Joue et continue chaque jour
    D'aimer la vie......

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Christmas Child
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    The Christmas Child
    Performer(s): Graham Kendrick

    All the bells are ringing
    For the Christmas Child
    In the streets the lights are glowing
    But there is no knowing
    Of the Christmas Child

    Oh, let this child be born in your heart
    Oh, let this child be born in your heart
    Tonight, tonight
    Tonight, tonight

    Will our wars go on forever
    And will peace be never
    At Christmastime?
    If we keep him in the manger
    Then there is no danger
    From the Christmas Child

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Secret Lovers
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    Secret Lovers
    Composer(s): David Lewis; Wayne Lewis
    Performer(s): Atlantic Starr

    Here we are, just the two of us togetHer
    Takin' this crazy chance to be all alone
    We Both know that we should not be togetHer
    ‘Cause if we’re found out, it could mess up
    Both our happy homes

    I hate to think about us all meetin' up togetHer
    ‘Cause as soon as I look at you it will show on my face, yeah
    Then they’ll know that we’ve been loving each otHer
    We can’t let ‘em know, no, no, no
    We can’t leave a trace

    Secret lovers, yeah, that’s what we are
    We shouldn't be togetHer
    But we can’t let go, no, no
    ‘Cause we love each otHer so

    Sittin’ at home, I do nothin’ all day
    But I think about you and hope that you’re okay
    Hopin’ you’ll call before anyone gets home
    I wait anxiously alone by the phone

    How could something so wrong be so right
    I wish we didn’t have to keep our love out of sight, yeah
    Livin' two lives just ain’t easy at all
    But we gotta hang on in tHere or fall

    Secret lovers, yeah, that’s what we are
    Tryin’ so hard to hide the way we feel
    ‘Cause we Both belong to someone else
    But we can’t let go
    ‘Cause what we feel is, oh, so real
    So real, so real

    You and me, are we fair
    Is this cruel or do we care
    Can they tell what’s in our minds
    Maybe they’ve had secret loves all of the time

    In the middle of makin' love we notice the time
    We Both get nervous ‘cause it’s way after nine
    Even though we hate it, we know it’s time that we go
    We gotta be careful so that no one will know

    Secret lovers, yeah, that’s what we are
    Tryin’ so hard to hide the way we feel
    ‘Cause we Both belong to someone else
    But we can’t let go
    ‘Cause what we feel is, oh, so real
    So real, so real

    So real, so real

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Christmas Blues
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    The Christmas Blues
    Composer(s): Sammy Cahn; David Holt
    Performer(s): Dean Martin

    The jingle bells are jingling
    The streets are white with snow
    The happy crowds are mingling
    But there's no one that I know

    I'm sure that you'll forgive me
    If I don't enthuse
    I guess I've got the Christmas blues

    I've done my window shopping
    There's not a store I've missed
    But what's the use of stopping
    When there's no one on your list
    You'll know the way I'm feeling
    When you love and you lose
    I guess I've got the Christmas blues

    When somebody wants you
    Somebody needs you
    Christmas is a joy of joy
    But friends when you're lonely
    You'll find that it's only
    A thing for little girls and little boys

    May all your days be merry
    Your seasons full of cheer
    But 'til it's January
    I'll just go and disappear
    Oh Santa may have brought you some stars for your shoes
    But Santa only brought me the blues
    Those brightly packaged tinsel covered Christmas blues

    Oh Santa may have brought you some stars for your shoes
    But Santa only brought me the blues
    Those brightly packaged tinsel covered Christmas blues

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Secret Corrida
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    Secret Corrida
    Composer(s): John Cale
    Performer(s): John Cale

    When I find you listening
    And I find you seaching
    And I find you thinking
    I'll be waiting

    When I'm lookin' for you
    You'll see the difference
    You're caught in a web
    Your deceit

    In the roar of the crowd
    Of the work of the picador
    Roar of the crowd
    From the work of the picador

    Blood on sawdust
    The door slam shut
    Beast of Eden
    You can't get enough

    I caught you laughing
    On the day you left
    This subtle difference
    That I could sense

    And the daylight comes
    And the streets lie empty
    In the roar of the crowds
    At the work of the picador

    And the daylight comes
    And the streets lie empty
    In the roar of the crowds
    At the work of the picador

    The train moves on
    Through the valley
    The whistle carries
    A long, long way

    To the beast of the mounting
    A long time ago
    We can still hear
    The whistle blow

    And the days light comes
    And the streets lie empty
    In the roar of the crowd
    Of the work of the picador

    And the daylight comes
    And the streets lie empty
    And the moon looks down
    On the work of the picador

    And the daylight comes
    And the streets lie empty
    At the roar of the crowd
    On the art of the picador

    And the daylight comes
    And the streets turn ugly
    And the moon smiles down
    On the art of the picador

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
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    The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) Composer(s): Ross Bagdasarian Performer(s): The Chipmunks and multiple other artists

    All right you Chipmunks! Ready to sing your song? I'll say we are! Yeah! Let's sing it now! Okay, Simon? Okay! Okay, Theodore? Okay! Okay, Alvin? Alvin? Alvin! Okay!!! Christmas, Christmas time is near Time for toys and time for cheer We've been good, but we can't last Hurry Christmas, hurry fast Want a plane that loops the loop Me, I want a hula hoop We can hardly stand the wait Please Christmas, don't be late Okay fellas get ready That was very good, Simon Naturally Very good Theodore Ahhh Ah, Alvin, you were a little flat, watch it Ah, Alvin, Alvin, Alvin! Okay Want a plane that loops the loop I still want a hula hoop We can hardly stand the wait Please Christmas, don't be late We can hardly stand the wait Please Christmas, don't be late Very good, boys Lets sing it again! Yeah, lets sing it again! No, That's enough, lets not overdo it What do you mean overdo it? We want to sing it again! Now wait a minute, boys Why can't we sing it again? Alvin, cut that out.. Theodore, just a minute Simon will you cut that out? Boys.....

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Secret Agent Man
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    Secret Agent Man
    Composer(s): Phil Sloan; Steve Barri
    First release by: Johnny Rivers - 1966
    Covered by multiple other artists

    There's a man who lives a life of danger
    To everyone he meets, he stays a stranger
    With every move he makes
    Another chance he takes
    Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow

    Secret agent man, secret agent man
    They've given you a number
    And taken away your name

    Beware of pretty faces that you find
    A pretty face can hide an evil mind
    Don't let the wrong word slip
    While kissing persuasive lips
    Or odds are you won't live to see tomorrow

    Secret agent man, secret agent man
    They've given you a number
    And taken away your name

    Swinging on the Riviera one day
    Lying in a Bombay alley next day
    Be careful what you say
    Or you'll give yourself away
    Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow

    Secret agent man, secret agent man
    They've given you a number
    And taken away your name

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Chimney Song
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    The Chimney Song
    Composer(s): Dennis Amero; Bob Rivers; Brian Silva
    Performer(s): Bob Rivers

    There's something stuck up in the chimney
    And I don't know what it is
    But it's been there all night long
    Well, I waited up for Santa all Christmas night
    But he never came and it don't seem right
    And there's something in the chimney
    And it doesn't make a sound
    But I wish you Merry Christmas

    There's something stuck up in the chimney
    And I don't know what it is
    But it's been there all week long
    Well, the dog keeps barking up the chimney flue
    And we don't know what we're going to do
    'Cause there's something in the chimney
    And it doesn't move around
    And it's been a week since Christmas

    There's something stuck up in the chimney
    And I don't know what it is
    But it's been there all month long
    Well, it's jammed up tight above the fireplace
    Now the house smells funny, such a big disgrace
    That there's something in the chimney
    And it doesn't talk at all
    And it's been there since last Christmas

    There's something stuck up in the chimney
    And I don't know what it is
    But it's been there all year long
    I'll been waiting up for Santa like I did last year
    But my brother says, "He's already here"
    And he's stuck up in the chimney
    And he doesn't say a word
    And he'll be there every Christmas
    And we'll have him every Christmas

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Secret
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    Composer(s): Tom Kelly; Rick Nielsen; Billy Steinberg; Robin Zander
    Performer(s): Robin Zander

    Baby come close
    So no one can hear
    I want to whisper something whisper something
    In your ear
    I want to tell you things
    That I told no one else
    I want to tell you things
    From deep inside myself

    Ow ow ow cause I have to whisper
    Ow ow ow

    Can you keep a secret
    Locked inside your heart
    Can you keep a secret
    It's tearing me apart
    If I, if I trust in you
    Will you give it back to me
    Can you keep a secret

    What good is a door
    If it's always kept shut
    What could happen to me
    If I open up
    I want to tell you things
    Beacause I'm surprised girl
    I hope you won't be distant
    Look in my eyes

    Oh, oh, oh come a little closer oh, oh oh

    But can you keep a secret
    Locked up in your heart
    Can you keep a secret
    It's tearing me apart
    If I give my love to you
    Would you give it back to me
    Ooh can you keep a secret

    (repeat chorus)

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Children's Christmas Song
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    Children's Christmas Song Composer(s): Isabelle Freeman - Harvey Fuqua Performer(s): Diana Ross & The Supremes

    Ding dong, ding dong, hear the bell
    Ringing out the first Noël
    Joyeus chimes ring loud and clear
    Spreading word the saviour's here

    Humble men kneel down to pray
    On this very special day
    Wise men bearing gifts of love
    Following a star above

    No come on kids, I want you to gather around me, unfould your legs on the floor
    And we're gonna tell the story about the first Christmas
    Alright Chico, open your book
    Joy, Berry, Terry, everybody open your book and we're gonna sing the song
    And when I say Ding and Dong, I want you to say the same with me
    Alright ready?
    Aaha now, open your books
    Good, let's go, yes

    Ding dong, ding dong, hear the bell
    Ringing out the first Noël
    Joyeus chimes ring loud and clear
    Spreading word the saviour's here

    Humble men kneel down to pray
    On this very special day
    Wise men bearing gifts of love
    Following a star above

    Very good, now darlings
    And now we're gonna sing ding dong to all the children around the world
    and wish them a very merry Christmas, alright?

    Ding dong, ding dong, hear the bell
    Ringing out the first Noël
    Joyeus chimes ring loud and clear
    Spreading word the saviour's here

    Humble men kneel down to pray
    On this very special day
    Wise men bearing gifts of love
    Following a star above

    Ding dong, ding dong
    Ding dong, ding dong
    Merry, merry Christmas everybody!
    Ding dong, ding dong
    Ding dong, ding dong
    Ding dong, ding dong

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Second Hand Rose
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    Second Hand Rose
    Composer(s): James Hanley; Grant Clarke
    Performer(s): Ted Lewis Jazz Band - 1921
    and multiple other artists

    Father has a business strictly second hand
    Everything from toothpicks to a baby-grand
    Stuff in our apartment came from father’s store
    Even clothes I’m wearing someone wore before
    It’s no wonder that I feel abused
    I never get a thing that ain’t been used
    I’m wearing second hand hats
    Second hand clothes
    That’s why they call me
    Second hand Rose
    Even our piano in the parlor
    Daddy bought for ten cents on the dollar
    Second hand pearls
    I’m wearing second hand curls
    I never get a single thing that’s new
    Even Jake, the plumber, he’s a man I adore
    He had the nerve to tell me he’s been married before!
    Everyone knows that I’m just
    Second hand Rose
    From second Avenue!
    From Second Avenue!

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Carol Singers

    The Carol Singers
    Composer(s): Sir William Sterndale Bennett; Charles Haynes

    In our village, Christmas time, I says to several mates
    "Look 'ere, lads," I says, "Now what about some Waits?"
    We gets a carol, lairns it up, and on an evenin' wintry
    We muffles up and sallies forth to try it on the Gentry
    "Good King Wenceslas looked out," sings we with splendid power
    Several neighbours looked out too, to see what all the row were!
    We sings forte (sounded like a hundred)
    Even in the soft bits 'ow we thundered
    Bill, our bass, 'e 'urt 'is face , we thought that it was torn
    Yet all agreed there were none like we to 'ail the 'appy morn

    Perkins took the treble line (a lovely voice 'e's got)
    I were tenor, Bill were bass, and Fred sang all the lot!
    'E wandered up and down the scale, but still 'e rather marred it
    All cos 'e never knew the words, and so 'e "lah-lah-lahed" it
    "Lah-lah-lah-lah looked out" sings 'e with splendid power
    Several neighbours looked out, too, to see what all the row were!
    We sings forte (sounded like an 'undred)
    Even in the soft bits 'ow we thundered
    Every verse got worse and worse, and though we all felt worn
    Yet all agreed there were none like we to 'ail the 'appy morn

    Still we never got no cash, which didn't seem quite just
    Seein' we'd stood there for hours, a-singin' fit to bust
    Then our policeman, old Bob Bates, comes down, a-scowlin' proper
    "Good old Bob", young Perkins cries, "At last we've got a copper!"
    Good King Wenceslas looked out, we still kept on recordin'
    Bob said "yes, you'll come too, it's seldom I've heard more din"
    Then a change came o'er the situation
    Bob got nasty and took us to the station
    "Look 'ere, Bates, we're Christmas Waits," I says to him with scorn
    He said, with a sneer, "Now wait in here and greet the 'appy morn"

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Second Hand Dealer
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    Second Hand Dealer
    Composer(s): Frank Allen; Mike Pender
    Performer(s): The Searchers

    A painted jug without a handle
    A torn and shabby faded rug
    He's a secondhand dealer
    Getting deeper into debt
    He's a secondhand dealer
    And he wants what he can get for nothing

    His body's broken like that handle
    His clothes are shabby like that rug
    He's a secondhand dealer
    Dragging rubbish up a stair
    He's a secondhand dealer
    Breathing heavy 'cause the air costs nothing

    Trips on a ?????
    Knocks a cuckoo clock onto the floor
    Leans on a table
    Which collapses and falls right into the door of a cupboard

    Secondhand dealer with his eyes so dim that it could be night
    Secondhand dealer, it's a pity for he's not a pretty sight
    A man in such a poor condition
    Can't have so very long to go
    For the secondhand dealer life is quickly rushing by
    And the secondhand dealer will be glad 'cause he can die for nothing

    Gets out a bottle
    He's a heavy whiskey-drinkin' man
    Walkin' in circles, doesn't see the stairs
    He falls and breaks his neck, he's a goner

    Secondhand dealer with his eyes so dim that it could be night
    Secondhand dealer, it's a pity for he's not a pretty sight

    Will anybody mourn his passing
    Will they pull down the dirty shop
    Of the secondhand dealer, can we say that someone cried?
    For the secondhand dealer, he was born and then died for nothing
    For nothing, secondhand dealer

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Borning Day
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    The Borning Day
    Composer(s): Fred Hellerman; Fran Minkoff
    Performer(s): The Brothers Four

    Mary and the baby hungry
    Yes, we know what hungry be
    So we bring them peas and rice
    And a little ginger tea
    Only pigeon peas and rice
    A little ginger tea
    Mary thank us with her eyes
    She poor the same as we
    She poor the same as we

    Mary and the baby lonely
    Lonely is not good to be
    So we sit awhile and chat awhile
    To keep them company
    Stay awhile makes the baby smile
    Pass the time of day
    When we see how pleased they be
    It make us glad we stay
    So glad that we could stay

    Mary and the baby weary
    Oh, we know what weary be
    So we make a bed and pillow for their head
    With down from the muhow tree
    Only down from the muhow tree
    To rest them soft and good
    We feel bad this was all we had
    We do the best we could
    We do the best we could

    Mary and the baby rest easy
    We go away and let them be
    On hush tip toe and voice kept low
    We look up and see
    Stars of hope shine in the sky
    To mark the baby's birth
    Seemed to say it's borning day
    Of better times on earth
    Of better times on earth

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    We zoeken deze teksten (we're looking for):
    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
    --> Ela-Ela/Popcorn/Ding Dong Bell (Medley)
    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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