Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Amour On T'aime Composer(s): Alain Morisod - Pierre Alain First performance by: Arlette Zola - 1982
Love we love you On peut traverser la mer, voler autour de la Terre Courir l'aventure, chercher de l'or On peut quitter sa patrie Refaire son nez et sa vie Il nous faut l'amour d'abord
Amour, on t'aime, mieux que nous-mêmes Mieux que l'argent, la politique et les chansons Et quand bien même tu nous enchaînes On a l'cur qui bat comme les ailes d'un papillon
On peut croire au fantastique Avoir des goûts éclectiques Penser Rossini ou Travolta On peut faire de la vitesse, du yoga ou du business Sans amour, ce n'est pas ça
Amour, on t'aime, malgré nous-mêmes Tu nous balances comme des voiliers aux quatre vents Et quand bien même, tu tiens les rênes On se sent libre et l'on plane comme des goélands
Amour, on t'aime, malgré nous-mêmes Tu nous entraînes comme des poissons dans l'océan Pourtant on aime, comme tu nous mènes C'est un peu fou, mais on ne peut vivre autrement
Amour, on t'aime, mieux que nous-mêmes Mieux que l'argent, la politique et les chansons Amour, on t'aime, amour en s'aime On a les yeux tout pleins de rire et de lampions On a l'cur qui bat comme les ailes d'un papillon
Pretty Little Angel Eyes Composer(s): Curtis Lee; Tommy Boyce Performer(s): Curtis Lee
Pretty little angel eyes Pretty little angel eyes Pretty little angel, pretty little angel Pretty little, pretty little, pretty little angel (Ba-bom) ooooo-oo, ooooo-oo (ha-ha-ha-ha) Ooooo-oo, pretty, pretty, pretty little angel eyes...
Angel eyes, I really love you so Angel eyes, I'll never let you go Because I love you, my darlin' angel eyes (Pretty, pretty, pretty little angel eyes)
Angel eyes, you are so good to me And when I'm in your arms you be so heavenly You know I love you, my darlin' angel eyes (Angel eyes, bom-bom-bom-bom)
I know you were sent from heaven a-bo-ove You rule my life with your wonderful lo-ove I know we'll be hap-py For e-ter-ni-ty 'Cause I know-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow That our love is really real
Angel eyes, I really love you so Angel eyes, I'll never let you go Because I love you, my darlin' angel eyes, angel eyes
Pretty little angel eyes Pretty little angel eyes Pretty little angel, pretty little angel Pretty little, pretty little, pretty little angel
(Pretty, pretty, pretty) (Angel eyes) Angel eyes, I really love you so Angel eyes, I'll never let you go Because I love you My darlin' angel eyes (Pretty, pretty, pretty little angel eyes) Oooooo-oo, oooooo-oo (ha-ha-ha-ha) Oooooo-oo, oo, oo, oooooo Oo-oo-oo-oo ...
Jos joku nakkaa ydinkakkaa kohta tänne Eurooppaamme Niin mitä haastat, kun kaikki saastat sieltä kasvoillemme saamme Jos joku viskaa pommin niskaan, niin sä tuskin huomaatkaan
Ja nuku pommiin, pommiin, nuku pommiin, niin on helpompaa Nuku pom, nuku pom, nuku pommiin, se rauhoittaa
Nyt jengi istuu, osallistuu neuvotteluseurantaan Tieteen aivot ja toisten raivot, punoo salajuoniaan Jos et sä herää tällä erää, niin et herää ollenkaan
Softly As I Leave You (Adapted from: Piano - 1960) Composer(s): Antonio DeVita - Giorgio Calabrese - Hal Shaper Performer(s): Matt Monro - 1962 and multiple other artists
Softly, I will leave you softly For my heart would break if you should wake and see me go
So I leave you softly long before you miss me Long before your arms can beg me stay For one more hour or one more day
After all the years, I can't bear the tears to fall So, softly as I leave you there
Softly, long before you kiss me Long before your arms can beg me stay For one more hour or one more day
After all the years I can't bear the tears to fall So, softly as I leave you there As I leave I you there As I leave I you there
Pretty Girl Performer(s): Hogsnort Rupert's Original Flagon Band
The other day as I made my way I heard the music start to play Happy sound, people all around I knew that I was here to stay Suddenly, by the tree, goodness me...
Chorus: Pretty girl, can I take you home On a bright and sunny morning? We danced all night in the pale moonlight And now the day is dawning
She worked all week in a disco-teek She looked at me but she didn't speak The beat was good, and I knew I should Have brought an extra pair of feet What a day, so I say, hip-hooray!... Chorus
"Come on, my lover, give us a kiss!" (Boom boom boom boom) Chorus
I had to weep, 'cause I had to keep On dancing in a tired heap The only sound was the aching ground The band had all gone home to sleep Day had come, gone the sun, oh what fun..... Chorus x2
One Step Further Composer(s): Simon Jefferies First performance by: Bardo - 1982
One step further and I would have been there
Can't seem to get your attention no matter how I try I just want you to prefer me to the other guys So when you looked at me, you only turned away So I walked up beside you But I forgot all the things that I planned to say I don't know if I tried to
I could have taken one step further And I would have been there You could have turned around And hit me and I wouldn't have cared All this time I didn't get anywhere I could have taken one step further And I would have been there
Ain't got the courage to speak when you're sometimes near Well I can't seem to think of the things that a girl likes to hear But when I saw you again, you were all alone So I walked up beside you But I was too shy to even ask you home I don't know if I tried to
I could have taken one step further And I would have been there You could have turned around And hit me and I wouldn't have cared All this time I didn't get anywhere I could have taken one step further And I would have been there
If you read my letters or my telegrams You'd have got around to asking me just who I am 'Cause you know I'm gonna get ya I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna get ya
One step further and I would have been there You could have turned around And hit me and I wouldn't have cared All this time I didn't get anywhere I could have taken one step further And I would have been...
One step further and I would have been there You could have turned around And hit me and I wouldn't have cared All this time I didn't get anywhere
One step further and I would have been there You could have turned around And hit me and I wouldn't have cared All this time I didn't get anywhere I could have taken one step further And I would have been...
(One step further and I would have been there) I could have tooken one step further (One step further and I would've been there) One step, one step
The sidewalk surface was dancing with tricks In mad whirling circles they look for kicks They book each other like drugs do their blood And draw trumps and tramps when they're playing stud
And they're pretty folks, pretty folks bending the trend Pretty folks, pretty folks, they'll never mend
Splitting their cells, looking for pills They blow their change and they don't pay their bills Modified modular spandex decay Flocks of flash zeros with nothing to say
In funhouse mirrors they don't seem to age As they decompose in memory's cage But total loss is not something to hide When the last big sleep has started inside
Softly Composer(s): Neal Schon - Bob Marlette - Gregg Rolie - Glen Burtnik Performer(s): Neal Schon
Soon the sun will shine into this window Find your body laying next to mine The world outside will wake up all around us So kiss me while there's still a little time It gives me the strength to face another day When I hold you in my arms (Softly) When I hear you call my name (Softly) The tears fall, the tears fall like gentle rain (Softly) Softly in the morning light (Softly) You touch me and it feels so right
When the day dissolves into darkness Nightfalls as far as you can see Then I'll try to leave behind the madness Once again you will come to me It gives me the strength to know you belong to me Give me all of your love
(Softly) When I hear you call my name (Softly) The tears fall like gentle rain (Softly) Softly in the candlelight (Softly) You touch me and it feels so right (Softly) When I hear you call my name (Softly) The tears fall like gentle rain (Softly) Softly in the candlelight (Softly) We're deep in love forever (Softly) We're deep in love (Softly)...
Pretty Flamingo Composer(s): Mark Barkan Performer(s): Manfred Mann; and various other artists
On our block all of the guys call her flamingo 'Cause her hair glows like the sun And her eyes can light the sky When she walks she moves so fine like a flamingo Crimson dress that clings so tight She's out of reach and out of sight When she walks by she brightens up the neighbourhood Oh every guy would make her his if he just could If she just would
Some sweet day I'll make her mine pretty flamingo Then every guy will envy me 'Cause paradise is where I'll be
Pretty flamingo Pretty flamingo
When she walks by she brightens up the neighbourhood Oh every guy would make her his if he just could ha If she just would
Some sweet day I'll make her mine pretty flamingo Then every guy will envy me 'Cause paradise is where I'll be
Si meg, hva betyr adieu? Er det bare trist, no' som sårer deg? Tro meg, vi skal ta adieu Ikke sånn som sist, da jeg gikk fra deg Jeg vil alltid huske deg som en venn Om vi aldri mere ses igjen
Vi har våre minner, de vil aldri dø Nå er tiden inne til å si adieu
Si meg, hva betyr adieu? Kan det ha verdi om alt er forbi? Tro meg, vi skal ta adieu Vise kjærlighet om vi skilles helt Jeg vil alltid huske deg som en venn Om vi aldri mere ses igjen
Vi har våre minner, de vil aldri dø Nå er tiden inne til å si adieu Adieu
Pretty City Lady Composer(s): Bob McBride Performer(s): Bob McBride
You're my lovely, pretty city lady Take my hand and hold it gently like a rose You are everthing that has a meaning Like a sunny day with no clouds in the sky All the gentleness that you believe in Go with you like the wings of a butterfly
Love is flowin', always growin', baby Softer than a candle when it glows You are like the river running through the forest Giving all you can and you don't ask why Everything that's beautiful and bright Go with you like the wings of a butterfly
Lovely, lovely, pretty city lady Living in the country in your mind Lying in a field full of flowers Watching as the bluebird passes by All the gentleness that you believe in Go with you like the wings of a butterfly
All the gentleness that you believe in Go with you like the wings of a butterfly
Pretty Boy Floyd Composer(s): Woody Guthrie Performer(s): Woody Guthrie
If you'll gather 'round me children A story I will tell Of Pretty Boy Floyd an outlaw Oklahoma knew him well It was in the town of Shawnee It was Saturday afternoon His wife beside him in his wagon As into town they rode There a deputy sheriff approached him In a manner rather rude Using vulgar words of language And his wife she overheard Pretty Boy grabbed a log chain And the deputy grabbed a gun And in the fight that followed He laid that deputy down
He took to the trees and timbers And he lived a life of shame Every crime in Oklahoma was added to his name Yes, he took to the trees and timbers On that Canadian River's shore And Pretty Boy found a welcome At a many a farmer's door
There's a many a starving farmer The same old story told How this outlaw paid their mortgage And saved their little home Others tell you 'bout a stranger That come to beg a meal And underneath his napkin Left a thousand dollar bill
It was in Oklahoma City It was on a Christmas Day There come a whole car load of groceries With a letter that did say You say that I'm an outlaw You say that I'm a thief Here's a Christmas dinner For the families on relief
Now as through this world I ramble I see lots of funny men Some will rob you with a Six gun And some with a fountain pen But as through your life you travel As through your life you roam You won't never see an outlaw Drive a family from their home
Cours Après Le Temps Composer(s): Cyril Assous - Michel Jouveaux First performance by: Svetlana - 1982
Cours après le temps, cours après l'argent Cours sans t'arrêter si tu veux gagner Cours après la gloire, va vers la victoire Cours sans regarder ceux qui sont tombés
(Cours après le temps, cours après l'argent) Ce jeu doit courir tout le temps, à quoi me servira l'argent? (Cours sans t'arrêter si tu veux gagner) Et le temps comme on l'attrapait, si je ne le vois pas passer (Cours après la gloire, va vers la victoire) Ce n'est pas très glorieux, la gloire, ça disparaît dans le miroir (Cours sans regarder ceux qui sont tombés) Et souvent pour y arriver, tout nos esprit à garder
Cours de cur en cur, cours vers le bonheur Il y a trop d'amour pour vivre un amour Cours sans te soucier du mal que tu fais Il faut être fou pour vivre à genoux
(Cours de cur en cur, cours vers le bonheur) Je n'ai pas le cur assez fort pour pouvoir battre des records (Il y a trop d'amour pour vivre un amour) Et meme s'il est un peu trop grand, un seul amour il sent dedans (Cours sans te soucier du mal que tu fais) Je n'ai jamais connu la haine, je ne sais pas faire de la peine (Il faut être fou pour vivre à genoux) Et s'il existait d'autre fou, il me donne rendez-vous
Cours après le temps, moi j'ai tout le temps Au tableau d'honneur, on brûle son cur
La la la la la la la la la la Toi tu veux gagner, moi je vais aimer
Now that you're gone I'm alone on the shore You're not walking with me So the song of the sea Isn't sweet anymore
But the soft soft sands Are the same soft sands Where we once had such fun In the warm summer sunshine
There is the rock That you dared me to climb Darling, that was the place Where we shared an embrace For the very first time
Yes, the rock still stands On the soft soft sands And it's more than my heart can bear
Why do I still dream of that storybook ending When will my heart ever learn Why do I sit here pretending That you will, that you will, that you will return
Time and again, since you told me goodbye I come back to this spot 'Cause it's all that I got to remember you by And I run my hands through the soft soft sands Where you once said you'd always care
Pretty Belinda Composer(s): Chris Andrews Performer(s): Chris Andrews
She lived in a boathouse down by the river Every one called her pretty Belinda Went to the boathouse down by the river Just for a look at pretty Belinda All of my loving wanted to give her Soon as I saw her pretty Belinda Lived in a boathouse down by the river Wanted to have her pretty Belinda Her eyes are exciting, her hair it looks golden Her lips were inviting, and my heart she's stolen Now we're together, me and Belinda Now and forever, me and Belinda She lived on a boathouse down by the river Every one called her pretty Belinda Went to the boathouse down by the river Just for a look at pretty Belinda She lives in a boathouse down by the river Every one called her pretty Belinda Went to the boathouse down by the river Just for a look at pretty Belinda Now I have wed her, my pretty Belinda And that's where I send her, my pretty Belinda She gave her heart and made me a promise We'll never part, for Belinda is honest We live in a boathouse down by the river Every one calls her pretty Belinda We live in a boathouse down by the river Me and my wife called pretty Belinda