Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
A Mother Doesn't Matter Anymore Composer(s): Charles Strouse - Lee Adams
So, it's come at last At last it's come, the day I knew would come at last has come, at last My sonny-boy doesn't need me any longer Well, what are you waiting for? Get rid of me, put me out with the garbage Just throw me out with the used grapefruits and the empty cans from the tuna fish And never mind putting a lid on it Leave it open so a hundred thousand pussycats can walk all over a mother Who bronzed your baby shoes? Kissed ev'ry little bruise?
Who picked your dirty socks up off the floor? You coughed and who was there? It's just too hard to bear A mother doesn't matter anymore With bunions on my feet I trudged through snow and sleet To bring your lic'rice from the corner store I sold my Tiffany lamp So you could go to camp Now a mother doesn't matter anymore
That's it, I'm ready to go and I don't want you to spend a cent Fancy funerals are for rich people Just wrap me in a flag and throw me in the river on mother's day
And precious, by the way The doctor called today What I got's a condition Yes he's sure There's nothing they can do I'll last a week or two Because for a condition there's no cure That time you caught the croup Who made you chicken soup And read you "Bambi" till her throat was sore? You sacrifice your life, then, Bang! You get the knife Now a mother doesn't matter anymore
There, I feel better now Everything is as it should be A mother is lying on top of a sanitation truck, bound for the city dump And a son is running around with a floozie who came looking for a good time And stayed to ruin an American woman's life
Who gave up nights of rest To rub Vicks on your chest? Who nursed her sonny boy till he was four? My life has been in vain This country's down the drain 'Cause a mother doesn't matter No, a mother doesn't matter Yes, a mother doesn't matter anymore
How Long Is Too Long? Composer(s): Tony Asher; John Bahler Performer(s): The Partridge Family
You tell me you are through with him You'll soon be free just to be with me So I'll stay by the phone
I'm waitin' every night at home Watching tv shows and honey Heaven knows I'm always alone
Tho' you never call me I keep on loving you Hoping that if I do, you're gonna love me too And I won't have to wait too long
But how long is too long I got to know, you're makin' me lose my mind How long is too long Hopin' everything will turn out okay How long is too long To sit around and wait till you come my way
I see you walkin' around with him Holdin' hands and makin' plans You're never apart
I see the way you look at him When you're in a crowd I know it makes him proud While it's breakin' my heart
And all the time you tell me Keep on lovin' you And if I do, you're gonna love me too And I won't have to wait too long
How long is too long I've got to know, you're makin' me lose my mind How long is too long Cause baby I've been waitin' a long long time How long is too long Hopin' everything will turn out okay How long is too long To sit around and wait till you come my way
Eu vou seguir uma luz lá no alto Eu vou ouvir uma voz que me chama Eu vou subir a montanha e ficar bem mais perto de Deus E rezar Eu vou gritar para o mundo me ouvir e acompanhar Toda minha escalada e ajudar A mostrar como é o meu grito de amor e de fé Eu vou pedir que as estrelas não parem de brilhar E as crianças não deixem de sorrir E que os homens jamais se esqueçam de agradecer
Por isso eu digo Obrigado, Senhor, por mais um dia Obrigado, Senhor, que eu posso ver Que seria de mim sem a fé que eu tenho em você
Por mais que eu sofra Obrigado, Senhor, mesmo que eu chore Obrigado, Senhor, por eu saber Que tudo isso me mostra o caminho que leva a você
Mais uma vez Obrigado, Senhor, por outro dia Obrigado, Senhor, que o sol nasceu Obrigado, Senhor, agradeço obrigado, Senhor
Por isso eu digo Obrigado, Senhor, pelas estrelas Obrigado, Senhor, pelo sorriso Obrigado, Senhor, agradeço obrigado, Senhor
Mais uma vez Obrigado, Senhor, por um novo dia Obrigado, Senhor, pela esperança
Por isso eu digo Obrigado, Senhor, pelo sorriso Obrigado, Senhor, pelo perdão Obrigado, Senhor, agradeço obrigado, Senhor
À Mon Frère Revenant D'Italie Composer(s): Alfred de Musset - Georges Brassens Performer(s): Georges Brassens
Ainsi, mon cher, tu t'en reviens Du pays dont je me souviens Comme d'un rêve De ces beaux lieux où l'oranger Naquit pour nous dédommager Du péché d'Eve
Tu l'as vu, ce fantôme altier Qui jadis eut le monde entier Sous son empire César dans sa pourpre est tombé Dans un petit manteau d'abbé Sa veuve expire
Tu t'es bercé sur ce flot pur Où Naples enchâsse dans l'azur Sa mosaïque Oreiller des lazzaroni Où sont nés le macaroni Et la musique
Qu'il soit rusé, simple ou moqueur N'est-ce pas qu'il nous laisse au cur Un charme étrange Ce peuple ami de la gaieté Qui donnerait gloire et beauté Pour une orange?
Ischia! c'est là qu'on a des yeux C'est là qu'un corsage amoureux Serre la hanche Sur un bas rouge bien tiré Brille, sous le jupon doré La mule blanche
Pauvre Ischia! bien des gens n'ont vu Tes jeunes filles que pied nu Dans la poussière On les endimanche à prix d'or Mais ton pur soleil brille encor Sur leur misère
Quoi qu'il en soit, il est certain Que l'on ne parle pas latin Dans les Abruzzes Et que jamais un postillon N'y sera l'enfant d'Apollon Ni des neuf Muses
Toits superbes! froids monuments! Linceul d'or sur des ossements! Ci-gît Venise Là mon pauvre cur est resté S'il doit m'en être rapporté Dieu le conduise!
Mais de quoi vais-je ici parler? Que ferait l'homme désolé Quand toi, cher frère Ces lieux où j'ai failli mourir Tu t'en viens de les parcourir Pour te distraire?
Frère, ne t'en va plus si loin D'un peu d'aide j'ai grand besoin Quoi qu'il m'advienne Je ne sais où va mon chemin Mais je marche mieux quand ta main Serre la mienne
À Mon Fils Composer(s): B. Sebastian - L. Sebastian Performer(s): Joe Dassin
Maintenant que tu es là si fragile Je ne me suis jamais senti aussi petit Tu sais je ne suis pas tranquille J'ai très peur que tu tombes de mes bras Tu me ressembles un peu, tu sera trop nerveux Pas toujours très sérieux, mais je pense Qu'on sera heureux tous les deux
On a le même sang dans nos veines Pourtant on se regarde étonnés Tu ne sais pas encore que tu m'aimes Et que pour que tu viennes j'ai aimé Tu me ressembles un peu, tu seras généreux Près à n'importe quoi et je pense Qu'on sera heureux tous les trois
Tu sais, je ne vais pas te voir grandir Et c'est pas moi qui va t'apprendre A lire ou à taper dans un ballon Tu diras "papa" parfois comme ça Tu seras grand quand je sortirai d'ici Laissez-le-moi un peu, juste une minute Prenez-le doucement, voilà tout doucement
À Mon Enterrement Composer(s): Jean Ferrat - Maurice Vandair Performer(s): Léo Ferré
À mon enterrement j'aurai des cheveux blancs Des dingues et des Pop aux sabots de guitare Des cheveux pleins de fleurs des champs dedans leurs yeux Hennissant des chansons de nuit quand y'en a marre J'aurai des mômes de passe, ceux que j'ai pas finis Des filles de douze ans qui gonflent sous l'outrage Des Chinoises des Russes des Nordiques remplies Des rues décapitées par des girls de passage
À mon enterrement
Et je ferai l'amour avec le croque-mort Avec sa tête d'ange et ses dix-huit automnes Douze pour la vertu et six mourant au port Quand son navire mouillera comme un aumône A mon enterrement j'aurai un cur de fer Et me suivrai tout seul sur le dernier bitume Lâchant mon ombre enfin pour me mettre en enfer Dans le dernier taxi tapinant dans la brume
À mon enterrement
Comme un pendu tout sec perforé de corbeaux A mon enterrement je gueulerai quand même J'aurai l'ordinateur facile avec les mots Des cartes perforées me perforant le thème Je mettrai en chanson la tristesse du vent Quand il vient s'affaler sur la gueule des pierres La nausée de la mer quand revient le jusant Et qu'il faut de nouveau descendre et puis se taire
À mon enterrement
À mon enterrement je ne veux que des morts Des rossignols sans voix des chagrins littéraires Des peintres sans couleurs des acteurs sans décor Des silences sans bruits des soleils sans lumière Je veux du noir partout à me crever les yeux Et n'avoir jamais plus qu'une idée de voyance Sous l'il indifférent du regard le plus creux Dans la dernière métaphore de l'offense
How Long Composer(s): Mark Knopfler Performer(s): Dire Straits
How long, how long baby How long has it been How long you gonna keep me wondering How long before you see Stallin' me was wrong; how long
How long How long you gonna keep Slappin' my hands away How long you gonna keep my love at bay How long before you're sure My love is strong; how long
How long, how long you gonna keep Tellin' me y'like me fine How long until I'm gonna make you mine How long before you wake up And find your good man gone; how long
How Long Composer(s): Paul Carrack Performer(s): Ace
How long has this been going on? How long has this been going on?
Well, if friends with their fancy persuasion Don't admit that it's part of a scheme Then I can't help but have my suspicions 'Cause I ain't quite as dumb as I seem And you said you was never intending To break up our singing this way But there ain't any use in pretending It could happen to us any day
How long has this been going on? How long has this been going on?
Oh, your friends with their fancy persuasion Don't admit that it's part of a scheme But I can't help but have my suspicions 'Cause I ain't quite as dumb as I seem Oh, you said you was never intending To break up our singing this way But there ain't any use in pretending It could happen to us any day
And how long has this been going on? How long has this been going on? How long? How long has this been going on? How long has this been going on? How long has this been going on? How long? How long has this been going on?
À Moi L'Afrique Composer(s): Jean Ferrat - Michelle Senlis Performer(s): Jean Ferrat
Rouge et jaune coloriés Par la main d'un écolier En madras, en tablier À moi, à moi, à moi l'Afrique Les seins lourds de tes nourrices Nous rappellent les délices D'une enfance qui résiste À moi, à moi, à moi l'Afrique Mangeant des noix de cajou Flirtant le soir à genoux Comme la liane enroulée Avec le singe des blés À moi, à moi, à moi À moi l'Afrique
Tapant des mains et des pieds Au rythme fou des sorciers Sous des rubans de papier À moi, à moi, à moi l'Afrique Mon enfance retrouvée Tu te reprends à rêver Tous tes livres, ils étaient vrais À moi, à moi, à moi l'Afrique Voilà les fruits et les fleurs Les sources bleues, les couleurs Les pagnes et les colliers Au pas lent des chameliers À moi, à moi, à moi À moi l'Afrique
Serpent de lune et parfum L'odeur du thé au jasmin Monte à portée de la main À moi, à moi, à moi l'Afrique Et face aux tentes rayées En plein désert appuyées J'ai le coeur débarbouillé À moi, à moi, à moi l'Afrique Tout redevient neuf et beau Mon âme marche en sabots Mes bras s'ouvriront demain L'avenir n'est pas si loin À moi, à moi, à moi À moi l'Afrique
How Little We Know Composer(s): Johnny Mercer; Hoagy Carmichael Performer(s): Susannah McCorkle; and various other artists
Maybe it happens this way Maybe we really belong together But after all, how little we know
Maybe it's just for a day Love is as changeable as the weather And after all, how little we know
Who knows why an April breeze never remains Why stars in the trees hide when it rains Love comes along, casting a spell Will it sing you a song Will it say a farewell Who can tell
Maybe you're meant to be mine Maybe I'm only supposed to stay in your arms a while As others have done
Is this what I've waited for, am I the one Oh, I hope in my heart that it's so In spite of how little we know
Is this what I've waited for, am I the one Oh, I hope in my heart that it's so In spite of how little we know
A Misunderstood Man Composer(s): John Farrar - Tim Rice Performer(s): Cliff Richard
The story is a famous one Now worshipped, now dismissed Rehearsed and trawled for meanings That may well not exist The demon at the story's heart The cuckoo in the nest Gives so little of himself away Which is the reason why you will stay In case he falters, should betray By whom or what possessed These are the facts of the matter These are the names in the case This the story, the passion The time and the place They're laid here before you So judge if you can The devil incarnate or A misunderstood man
His origins, his way of life His motives - they're all news No shortage of detractors To air their noisy views The man inspires a thousand lies The lover takes his choice Remaining coldly in control Aware that sadly, on the whole It is the fool who bares his soul I'll give the man a voice!
These are the facts of the matter These are the names in the case This the story, the passion The time and the place They're laid here before you So judge if you can The devil incarnate or A misunderstood man
(How Little It Matters) How Little We Know Composer(s): Carolyn Leigh; Philip Springer Performer(s): Frank Sinatra; and various other artists
How little we know! How much to discover What chemical forces flow from lover to lover! How little we understand what touches off that tingle That sudden explosion when two tingles intermingle
Who cares to define what chemistry this is? Who cares, with your lips on mine, how ignorant bliss is? So long as you kiss me, and the world around us shatters How little it matters, how little we know
How little we understand what touches off that tingle That sudden explosion when two tingles intermingle
Who cares to define what chemistry this is? Who cares, with your lips on mine, how ignorant bliss is? So long as you kiss me, and the world around us shatters How little it matters, how little we know How little we know How little we know
A Mission In Life Composer(s): Stan Ridgway Performer(s): Stan Ridgway
Sue, turn out the lights It`s time to close up we`re through Gotta clear it out so let`s drink up It`s past two Girl, don`t push `em out They can walk out on their own How many times I gotta tell you Bob, you gotta drink up and go home I don`t run a business just to talk to you all day
Clear ou the backroom Sue Stack up the chairs Who broke this glass? No one really cares Go take the trash out and vacuum the stairs What do I pay you for? And don`t foget to sweep the glass off the floor
Once I had plans to fix up this place A room where you could go to And meet people with taste They`d talk and they`d laugh and forget the rat race And I`d be just like on of those guys With the moustache and face Hey, help me lift up this case
Hey, I`m really sorry I blew up Then I`ve had no sleep I`ve been up all night with my wife and brother-in-law You know Pete. At times this world can seem just like a cold icy ball But don`t let that discourage you `Cause you`re young...take that call And if it`s my wife, just try and stall
I was just wondering how you get home Do you have a boyfriend or do you live alone? I`m going your way if you`re going mine No...I feel fine But before you go just let me paass on one thing
You got a mission in life To hold out your hand to help the other guy out Help your fellow man That`s why I own this bar They`re thirsty outside I give them oceans to drink Then they drown in the tide They just drown in the tide...
How It Lies, How It Lies, How It Lies Composer(s): Sonny Burke; Paul Francis Webster Performer(s): Dean Martin and multiple other artists
If you think candy's sweet There's a girl you oughta meet Sugar drips from her lips when she sighs But the lovelight that lies Within my baby's eyes How it lies, how it lies, how it lies
She has style, she has charms And a pair of lovin' arms That I'm dyin' to try on for size But the lovelight that lies Within my baby's eyes How it lies, how it lies, how it lies
Oh her name tops the list of every florist Her beaux stand ten deep in line With all of the trees in the forest Why should I be the only clingin' vine
Oh there's heartbreak in store Where the one that you adore Is a devil in the angel disguise But the lovelight that lies Is the lovelight that dies How it lies, how it lies, how it lies
À Mireille Composer(s): Paul Fort Performer(s): Georges Brassens
Ne tremblez pas, mais je dois le dire elle fut assassinée au couteau par un fichu mauvais garçon, dans sa chambre, là-bas derrière le Panthéon rue Descartes, où mourut Paul Verlaine
O! oui, je l'ai bien aimée ma petite "Petit Verglas" à moi si bonne et si douce et si triste Pourquoi sa tristesse? Je ne l'avais pas deviné, je ne pouvais pas le deviner
Non, je l'ai su après tu me l'avais caché que ton père était mort sur l'échafaud, Petit Verglas! J'aurais bien dû le comprendre à tes sourires
J'aurais dû le deviner à tes petits yeux, battus de sang, à ton bleu regard indéfinissable, papillotant et plein de retenue
Et moi qui avais toujours l'air de te dire " Mademoiselle, voulez-vous partager ma statue?" Ah! J'aurais dû comprendre à tes sourires, tes yeux bleus battus et plein de retenue
Et je t'appelais comme ça, le Petit Verglas, que c'est bête un poète! O! petite chair transie! Moi, je l'ai su après que ton père était mort ainsi...
How Is It (We Are Here) Composer(s): Michael Pinder Performer(s): The Moody Blues
How is it we are here on this path we walk In this world of pointless fear filled with empty talk Descend from the ape as scientist-priests all think Will they save us in the end, we're trembling on the brink
Men's mighty mine-machines digging in the ground Stealing rare minerals where they can be found Concrete caves with iron doors bury it again While a starving frightened world fills the sea with grain
Her love is like a fire burning inside Her love is so much higher it can't be denied She sends us her glory, it's always been there Her love's all around us, it's there for you and me to share
Men's mighty mine-machines digging in the ground Stealing rare minerals where they can be found Concrete caves with iron doors bury it again While a starving frightened world fills the sea with grain
How is it we are here How is it we are here How is it we are here