Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Once upon a time there was a little boy who played the ukelele He'd go around town 'Blmp, blmp, blmp, blmp, blmp, blmp, blmp, blmp blmp blmp, blmp blmp, blmp!' Grown-ups said "Get that thing out of here!"
Not only that, the boy's father was a gettin' in trouble He was a magician He had a magic wand He could go 'Zoop! Zoop!' make things disappear But the father played too many tricks on people Somebody doing a hard job of work, 'zzt, zzt, zzt' Up comes the father with his magic wand 'Zoop!' no saw Come to someone about to drink a nice cold glass of something 'Zoop!' the glass disappears He'd come to someone about to sit down after a hard day's work 'Zoop!' no chair
People said to the father, "You get out of here, too Take your magic wand and your son!" The boy and his father were ostracized That means they made them live on the edge of town
Now in this town they used to tell stories The old people used to tell stories about the giants that lived in the old days They used to tell a story about a giant called Abiyoyo They said he was as tall as a house and could eat...people... up Of course, nobody believed it, but they told the story anyway
One day, one day, the sun rose, blood red over the hill And the first people got up and looked out of their window They saw a great big shadow in front of the sun And they could feel the whole ground shake 'Stomp, stomp' Women screamed, 'Ahh!' Strong men fainted "Ohh!" "Run for your lives! Abiyoyo's coming!"
He came to the sheep pasture, grabs a whole sheep, 'Yeowp!' Comes to the cow pasture, grabs a whole cow, 'Yeowp!' Daniel, "Grab your most precious possessions and run! Run!" Just then the boy and his father woke up "Hey, Paw, what's coming over the field?" Oh, Son, that's Abiyoyo Oh, if I could only get him to lie down, I could make him disappear"
The boy said "Come with me, Father" He grabs his father by one hand The father gets the magic wand, the boy gets the ukelele They run across the field Peopleyelled, "Don't go near him! He'll eat you alive!" There was Abiyoyo He had long fingernails cause he never cut 'em Slobbery teeth, 'cause he didn't brush them Stinking feet, 'cause he didn't wash 'em He raised up with his claws, the boy whips out his ukelele and starts to sing
Well, you know the giant had never heard a song about himself before And a foolish grin spread over the giant's face And the giant started to dance "Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo" The boy went faster, "Abiyoyo, yoyoyo, yoyoyo Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo" The giant got out of breath He staggered He fell down flat on the ground 'Zoop!, Zoop!' People looked out the window, Abiyoyo disappeared
They ran across the fields They lifted the boy and his father up on their shoulders They said, "Come back to town Bring your damn ukelele, we don t care anymore!" And they all sang
Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo (Oh, you sing it with me) Abiyoyo Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo, Abiyoyo
We Got A Way Composer(s): John Robinson; Franne Golde; Martin Walsh Performer(s): Agnetha Fältskog
How many times, looking at your picture I've liked the way that you talk to me But even in my dreams I've had to let you go I know, I know You're gonna say it's slippin' through our fingers And all I want is, darlin', to be wanting you Get away, don't give me the fever or the touch 'Cause it hurts too much
We've got a way with pulling in closer And treating love so recklessly We've got a way with pushing our luck Oh, I've got a way with you And you've got a way with me
We've got a way with taking it higher And hanging on so helplessly We've got a way with pushing our luck Oh, I've got a way with you And you've got a way with me
How many times, thinking of the feelings I like it better when you're close to me And in my heart, oh I'll never let you go I know, I know And when I look, look into your eyes I see The way you're holding and you're tempting me now I feel your kiss, oh I've got to get away But tell me this, tell me will you miss me?
We've got a way with pulling in closer And treating love so recklessly We've got a way with pushing our luck Oh, I've got a way with you And you've got a way with me
We've got a way with taking our chances And hiding things that lovers do But when you leave me, darling I just can't hold on to you
Only for second chances Only for words we had to say Only to my real love Why did you get away?
We've got a way with pulling in closer And treating love so recklessly We've got a way with pushing our luck Oh, I've got a way with you And you've got a way with me
We've got a way with taking our chances And hiding things that lovers do But when you leave me, darling I just can't hold on to you
We've got a way with pulling in closer And treating love so recklessly We've got a way with pushing our luck Oh, I've got a way with you And you've got a way with me
We go together like
ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong Remembered forever as
shoo-bop sha whada whadda yippidy boom da boom Chang chang changity chang shoo bop that's the way it should be Waooo Yeah
We're one of a kind like dip da dip da dip do whap de dobby do Our names are signed like boogy boogy boogy boogy shooby shoo wap shoo wap Chang chang changity chang shoo bop we'll always be like one Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-one
When we go out a night (oh oh) And stars are shining bright (oh, oh) Up in the skies above Or at the high school dance Where you can find romance maybe it might be oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh
Ramma lamma lamma ka dingity ding da dong Shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yippity boom da boom Chang chang changity chang shoo bop Yip da dip da dip shoo bop sha dooby do Boogy boogy boogy boogy shooby sho wap sho wap Sha na na na na na na na yippity dip da do Ramma lamma lamma ka dingity ding da dong Shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yippity boom sha boom Chang chang changity chang shoo bop Yip da dip da dip shoo bopp sha dooby do Boogy boogy boogy boogy shooby sho wap sho wap Sha na na na na na na na yippity dip da do A womp bop a looma a womp bam boom
We're for each other like womp bop a looma a womp bam boom Just like my brother is sha na na na na na na na yippity dip da do Chang chang changity chang shoo bop we'll always be together Waooo Yeah!
We'll always be together We'll always be together We'll always be together We'll always be together We'll always be together We'll always be together We'll always be together
Abigail Beecher Composer(s): Richard Heard - Robert Boulanger Performer(s): Freddy Cannon
Hey, everybody get out of the street now I hear the roar of an XKE now Sloppy sweater and pony tail And the cop on the corner is turnin' pale Whoo! It's Abigail Beecher, our history teacher
All the kids are just crazy about her Central High would be a drag without her She knows her history from A to Z She digs the monkey and the Watusi Whoo! It's Abigail Beecher, our history teacher
We're out in the hall and a-changin' classes Plays guitar, wears blue sunglasses She's prim and proper and a real swinger She's gonna be a rock-and-roll singer Whoo! It's Abigail Beecher, our history teacher
History class is getting' bigger and bigger They come from miles `cause they really dig her The P.T.A. was real sore When she walked in with a red surf board Whoo! It's Abigail Beecher, our history teacher
(We Get Along So Easily) Don't You Agree Composer(s): Davies; Stillman Performer(s): Morecambe & Wise
We get along so easily, dont you agree We like each others company, don't you agree When you stop to consider, how close we have grown You know that we couldn't make it alone
We hit it off terrifically, in every way Not just a day specifically, but every day There's a deep understanding, between you and me Don't you agree, dont you agree
We hit it off terrifically, in every way Not just a day specifically, but every day Cos we're birds of a feather, in every degree Don't you agree, dont you agree
De kleinzoon van de olieman van 't pleintje zag per post Zijn kinderbijslag netjes binnenrollen De kleine man riep: "Poen! En mammie heeft haar rijbewijs Op naar Scheveningen, Zandvoort of de bollen!" En 's zondags trok de vierdehandse vollekswagen vol Naar d'ouwe blauwe Zuiderzee, op tekst van Jacques van Tol
We gaan naar buiten, waar de vogeltjes fluiten Waar het zonlicht straalt en waar het melkvee loeit Waar brede rivieren traag door oneindig laagland gaan Tussen wei en bos en hei In 't paradijs der burgerij Waar de vrijheid zo vrolijk bloeit
Voor Duivendrecht reeds maakte kleine Jantje groot stampij Hij trappelde en kronkelde en kwekte Het jochie zat rechts onder de Vapona-strip, die ma Had meegenomen tegen de insekten Gelukkig was ie 't kind, dat men het beste missen kon 't Schaap was al nooit om aan te zien (gevolg van Softenon) Pa borg het stoffelijk overschot naast zijn reservewiel En met een beetje vouwen en wat passen Kon Sjaantje 'r ook nog bij, die in de file bij de brug Het afgelegd had tegen de uitlaatgassen En vrolijk zingend kruiste men de Schiphol-bulderbaan Die Henk op twee gescheurde trommelvliesjes kwam te staan
Want je kan buiten naar de vogeltjes fluiten Waar de luchtvloot stralend en beschermend loeit Waar goor-grauwe wolken traag en zwanger Boven het oneindig laagland staan Met z'n olie-industrie In 't paradijs van de chemie Waar 't bedrijfsleven vlijtig bloeit
De rit naar Muiderberg liep naar omstandigheden vlot Alleen kreeg pa nog eventjes een doodschop Omdat ie "Zijkerd!" zei tegen een smeris, toen die ma Bekeurde bij een sanitaire noodstop Maar ginder naakte Muiderberg! En pa riep: "Dat is dat Klim uit je klamme kleren voor een duik in 't frisse nat!" Snel plonsden ma en Koba tussen scholen dooie vis Die daar (door kwik vergiftigd) liggen drijven Maar kwik verlamt ook mensen. En het was een raar gezicht Zoals je daar hun tweeen zag verstijven Ze zonken in het halve-meter-diepe zeemansgraf Wat nog een heel gezoek, en last met de politie gaf
En alle vissen zijn zo onderhand pisse Waar de industrie haar zegeningen sproeit Waar brede riolen traag en geurig Door oneindig treurig laagland gaan Langs de wasmiddelfabriek In 't paradijs van de techniek Waar 't bedrijfsleven vlijtig bloeit
Met hun restanten op 't imperiaal reed pa terug Om op de Dam een beetje bij te komen Waar hij vergetelheid zocht in een lekker stikkie hasj Dat echter snel werd inbeslaggenomen Hijzelf vloog in de cel, omdat hij met die rokerij De volksgezondheid ondermijnde. En daar zong die high
Ik zweef naar buiten, waar de engeltjes fluiten Waar de welvaart straalt en met de rijkdom stoeit Waar brede riolen traag door oneindig laagland gaan 't Is de stroom van dividend Voor 't aandeelhoudersrendement Waar 't bedrijfsleven vlijtig bloeit En al het andere leven mooi wordt uitgeroeid
Abide With Me (aka Eventide) Composer(s): Henry Francis Lyte Performer(s): Thelonius Monk and multiple other artists
Abide with me, fast forth the eventide The darkness deepens, Lord abide with me When other helpers fail and comforts flee Help of the helpless, O abide with me
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless Ills have no weight and tears no bitterness Where is death's sting, where, grave, that victory I triumph still if Thou abide with me
Hold Thou thy cross before my closen eyes Shine throught the gloom and point me to the skies Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee In life, in death, O Lord abide with me In life, in death, O Lord abide with me
We Fit Together Composer(s): Joe Belmaati; Michael Hansen; Marchell Remeeus Performer(s): O-Town
I've been waiting for the stars to come out Dinner it was fine But I can't lie cause I've been waiting For you to come back to mine
I've been thinking of you 24-7 and 365 And now the girl from Ipanema she's here lying by my side
I've got you now and I just wanna Show you how to play Goosebumps on your body guide the way
Chorus: I wanna go all night Ain't no stopping til the break of dawn I wanna go inside Every corner, girl you really turn me on I wanna go knock-knock-knock, our bodies to the beat And when the morning comes We're letting the sun shine, and stay in bed It can't separate us, we fit together...
I can feel you coming closer Dancing in the dark I touch your lips and kiss your shoulder Send a letter to your heart I can't explain to which extreme I'm feeling you How many triple-x dreams that's been starring you
I've got you now and I just wanna Show you how to play Goosebumps on your body guide the way
Mid-8 I won't get nothing done of what I ought to do It doesn't really matter to me I am here with you I can't explain to what degree I'm feeling you How many triple X dreams I've had starring you
Taking a trip up to Abergavenny Hoping the weather is fine If you should see a red dog running free Well, you know he's mine
A chase in the hills up to Abergavenny I've got to get there and fast If you can't go Then I promise to show you a photograph
Ah, passing the time with paradise people Paradise people are fine by me Sunshine forever, lovely weather Don't you wish you could be.....
Taking a trip up to Abergavenny Hoping the weather is fine If you should see a red dog running free Well, you know he's mine
Ah, passing the time with paradise people Paradise people are fine by me Sunshine forever, lovely weather Don't you wish you could be.....
A chase in the hills up to Abergavenny I've got to get there and fast If you can't go Then I promise to show you a photograph A little photograph, a little photograph Up to Abergavenny
We Don't Want The Bacon (What We Want Is A Piece Of The Rhine)
We Don't Want The Bacon (What We Want Is A Piece Of The Rhine) Composer(s): Howard Carr; Harry Russell; Jimmie Havens Performer(s): Ben Lessey
If you read your history, why it will show That we have always held our own with any kind of foe We've always brought the bacon home, no matter what they done But we don't want the bacon now, we're out to get the Hun
We don't want the bacon, we don't want the bacon What we want is a piece of the Rhine We'll feed "Bill the Kaiser" with our Allied appetizer We'll have a wonderful time Old Wilhelm Der Gross will shout "Vas is Los?" The Hindenburg line will sure look like a dime We don't want the bacon, we don't want the bacon What we want is a piece of the Rhine
When this trouble started they said we did not have a chance They could not figure out how we could get our men to France But we defied the U-boats, for our motto is to win We've got them into France right now, they're headed for Berlin
We don't want the bacon, we don't want the bacon What we want is a piece of the Rhine We'll crown "Bill the Kaiser" with a bottle of Budweiser We'll have a wonderful time We'll defeat the submarine, their Hindenberg machine There won't be any stop, when we go over the top We don't want the bacon, we don't want the bacon What we want is a piece of the Rhine
Aber Die Liebe Bleibt
((Adapted from: L'amour En Héritage (by Nana Mouskouri) - 1984))
Composer(s): Vladimir Cosma - Pierre Delanoë - Michael Kunze
Performer(s): Nana Mouskouri - 1985
Versions In Other Languages:
1984 - Only Love (by Nana Mouskouri)
1985 - Come Un'eredità (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - Liefde Alleen (by Liliane Saint-Pierre)
1986 - La Dicha Del Amor (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - Rakkaus (by Lea Laven)
1986 - Najljepi Poklon Tvoj (by Tereza)
Zeit wird raum, aber die liebe bleibt Zeit wird Raum, aber die Liebe bleibt Wunsch wird Traum, aber die Liebe bleibt Wenn uns auch das Leben vieles nahm Was ich von dir bekam das werd ich nie verlieren Der Schmerz vergeht, aber die Liebe bleibt Und gibt der Hoffnung einen Sinn Was die Welt in goldene Bücher schreibt Macht nicht wirklich reich, aber die Liebe bleibt Manchmal bin ich wie ein Vogel im Wind Frierend im Schnee und vom Sonnenschein blind Und wenn ich doch noch Geborgenheit find Denn weil du mir nah bist
Ja wird nein, aber die Liebe bleibt Wahrheit - Schein, aber die Liebe bleibt Gehst du auch nie wieder neben mir Was ich erhielt von dir werden wir bald erleben Die Spur vergeht aber die Liebe bleibt Und gibt der Sehnsucht einen Halt Was im Strom der Zeit vorübertreibt Wird Erinnerung, aber die Liebe bleibt
Zeit wird Raum, aber die Liebe bleibt Wunsch wird Traum, aber die Liebe bleibt Wenn uns auch das Leben vieles nahm Was ich von dir bekam das werd ich nie verlieren Der Schmerz vergeht, aber die Liebe bleibt Und gibt der Hoffnung einen Sinn Was die Welt in goldene Bücher schreibt Macht nicht wirklich reich, aber die Liebe bleibt
We Don't Talk Anymore German Title: Ich Werde Geh'n Heute Nacht
Composer(s): Alan Tarney Performer(s): Cliff Richard; and various other artists
Used to think that life was sweet Used to think we were so complete I can't believe you'd throw it away
Used to feel we had it made Used to feel we could sail away Can you imagine how I feel today
Well it seems a long time ago You were the lonely one Now it comes to letting go You are the only one Do you know what you've done
It's so funny how we don't talk anymore It's so funny why we don't talk anymore But I ain't losing sleep And I ain't counting sheep It's so funny how we don't talk anymore Oohh, we don't talk
Well it really doesn't matter to me I guess you're leaving was meant to be It's down to you now you wanna be free Well I hope you know which way to go You're on your own again Don't come crying to me When you're the lonely one Remember what you've done
It's so funny how we don't talk anymore It's so funny why we don't talk anymore But I ain't losing sleep And I ain't counting sheep, no, no, no It's so funny how we don't talk anymore
Oohh, We don't talk Oohh, We don't talk But I ain't losing sleep No, I ain't counting sheep It's so funny how we don't talk anymore
But I ain't losing sleep And I ain't counting sheep It's so funny how we don't talk............
((Adapted from: L'amour En Héritage (by Nana Mouskouri) - 1984))
Composer(s): Vladimir Cosma - Pierre Delanoë - Chrisse Johansson
Performer(s): Lea Laven - 1986
Versions In Other Languages:
1984 - Only Love (by Nana Mouskouri)
1985 - Aber Die Liebe Bleibt (by Nana Mouskouri)
1985 - Come Un'eredità (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - Liefde Alleen (by Liliane Saint-Pierre)
1986 - La Dicha Del Amor (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - Najljepi Poklon Tvoj (by Tereza)
Rakkaus muistoja synnyttää rakkaus menneitä säilyttää maailmaan nuoruutta hehkuvaan riensimme kulkemaan sua niin kuin silloin muistan kun rakkaus merkitsi kaikkea elämään pohjan loit sä vain hengitin kuin osa oisin sua sydän rinnassain arkana tunteistain
Lämpöä päivät ja yöt tulvillaan kankailla kauneus haaveiden maan itkut ja naurut ja toiveemme nuo kehyksiin jäi eilisiin
Rakkaus muistoja synnyttää rakkaus menneitä säilyttää täyttäen toistemme tyhjyyden elimme loppuun sen sua niin kuin silloin muistan Kun rakkaus merkitsi kaikkea elämään pohjan loit sä vain hengitin kuin osa oisin sua sydän rinnassain arkana tunteistain (2x)
We Didn't Start The Fire Composer(s): Billy Joel Performer(s): Billy Joel
Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe, Rosenbergs H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom, Brando, The King And I and The Catcher in the Rye Eisenhower, vaccine, England's got a new queen Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye!
We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it But we tried to fight it
Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser aand Prokofiev Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc Roy Cohn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, dacron Dien Bien Phu falls, "Rock Around The Clock" Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Krushchev Princess Grace, Peyton Place, trouble in The Suez!
We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it But we tried to fight it
Little Rock, Pasternak, Mickey Mantle, Kerouac Sputnik, Chou En-Lai, Bridge On The River Kwai Lebanon, Charlse de Gaulle, California baseball Starkweather, homicide, children of thalidomide Buddy Holly, Ben Hur, space monkey, Mafia Hula hoops, Castro, Edsel is a no-go U-2, Syngman Rhee, payola and Kennedy Chubby Checker, Psycho, Belgians in the Congo!
We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it But we tried to fight it
Hemingway, Eichmann, Stranger In A Strange Land Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion Lawrence Of Arabia, British Beatlemania Ole Miss, John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British politician sex JFK blown away, what else do I have to say?
We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it But we tried to fight it
Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon back again Moonshot, Woodsto, Watergate, punk rock Begin, Reagan, Palestine, terror on the airline Ayatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan Wheel Of Fortune, Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide Foreign debts, homeless vets, AIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz Hypodermics on the shores, China's under martial law Rock and roller cola wars, I can't take it anymore!!!!
We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire But when we are gone Will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on...?
Liefde Alleen
((Adapted from: L'amour En Héritage (by Nana Mouskouri) - 1984))
Composer(s): Vladimir Cosma - Pierre Delanoë - Mary Boduin
Performer(s): Liliane Saint-Pierre - 1986
Versions In Other Languages:
1984 - Only Love (by Nana Mouskouri)
1985 - Aber Die Liebe Bleibt (by Nana Mouskouri)
1985 - Come Un'eredità (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - La Dicha Del Amor (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - Rakkaus (by Lea Laven)
1986 - Najljepi Poklon Tvoj (by Tereza)
Liefde alleen Deel van herinnering Liefde alleen Deel van de eeuwigheid Hoe voor mij 't leven opnieuw begon Met enkel licht en zon En ik zie jou nog voor me
Toen liefde kwam Hevig als laaiend vuur Alles werd eindeloos en puur Ik was jong M'n hart en ziel zo vrij 'k Werd een deel van jou En jij een deel van mij
Licht was de klank van ons eeuwig bestaan Ieder gebaar, ieder woord, elke traan Tedere kleuren vol warmte als jij Leefde in mijn gedachten
Liefde alleen Deel van herinnering Liefde alleen Deel van de eeuwigheid Elke dag was weer een nieuw verhaal Met weer een nieuwe taal En ik zie jou nog voor me
Toen liefde kwam Hevig als laaiend vuur Alles werd eindeloos en puur Ik was jong M'n hart en ziel zo vrij 'k Werd een deel van jou En jij een deel van mij
Tedere kleuren vol warmte als jij Leefde in mijn gedachten
Liefde alleen Deel van herinnering Liefde alleen Deel van de eeuwigheid Elke dag was weer een nieuw verhaal Met weer een nieuwe taal En ik zie jou nog voor me
Toen liefde kwam Hevig als laaiend vuur Alles werd eindeloos en puur Ik was jong M'n hart en ziel zo vrij 'k Werd een deel van jou En jij een deel van mij
L'amour En Héritage
Composer(s): Vladimir Cosma - Pierre Delanoë
First release by: Nana Mouskouri - 1984
Covered by multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages:
1984 - Only Love (by Nana Mouskouri)
1985 - Aber Die Liebe Bleibt (by Nana Mouskouri)
1985 - Come Un'eredità (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - Liefde Alleen (by Liliane Saint-Pierre)
1986 - La Dicha Del Amor (by Nana Mouskouri)
1986 - Rakkaus (by Lea Laven)
1986 - Najljepi Poklon Tvoj (by Tereza)
J'ai reçu l'amour en héritage Un matin au pays des cigales La folie et le génie voyagent Bien au-delà du temps Bien par-dessus les océans
J'en ai lu j'en ai tourné des pages Pendant mes années folles ou sages Pour quelqu'un qu'on ne met pas en cage C'est un beau cadeau l'amour en héritage
Et si ma vie se traduit en je t'aime Si mes chemins ont croisé des torrents On est toujours un oiseau de bohème Une enfant du printemps
J'ai reçu l'amour en héritage Un matin au pays des cigales La folie et le génie voyagent Bien au-delà du temps Bien par-dessus les océans
J'en ai lu j'en ai écrit des pages Avant de poser mes bagages J'en ai vu tomber des pluies d'orage Avant de trouver l'amour en héritage
J'ai reçu l'amour en héritage Un matin au pays des cigales La folie et le génie voyagent Bien au-delà du temps Bien par-dessus les océans
J'en ai lu j'en ai écrit des pages Avant de poser mes bagages J'en ai vu tomber des pluies d'orage Avant de trouver l'amour en héritage
We Can Work It Out Composer(s): John Lennon - Paul McCartney
First release: The Beatles - 1965
Covered by multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages:
1966 - Tout Peut s'Arranger (Richard Anthony)
1966 - Nelle Mani Tue (Mike Liddell & Gli Atomi)
Try to see it my way Do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on? While you see it your way Run a risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone We can work it out We can work it out
Think of what you're saying You can get it wrong and still you think that it's all right Think of what I'm saying We can work it out and get it straight, or say good night We can work it out We can work it out
Life is very short and there's no time For fussing and fighting, my friend I have always thought that it's a crime So I will ask you once again
Try to see it my way Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong While you see it your way There's a chance that we might fall apart before too long We can work it out We can work it out
Life is very short and there's no time For fussing and fighting, my friend I have always thought that it's a crime So I will ask you once again
Try to see it my way Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong While you see it your way There's a chance that we might fall apart before too long We can work it out We can work it out
Aber Dann ... Composer(s): Maria Grever - R.M. Siegel Performer(s): Greta Keller
Es begann wie ein Spiel Als wir zwei uns gesehen Nein, wir fragten nicht viel Und schon war es geschehen Aber dann, aber dann Als der Sturm sich gelegt War es das aller wert Daß wir zwei uns gehört Trafen wir uns zu zweit Waren wir schon so froh Für ein Glück ohne Zeit Irgendwann, irgendwo Aber dann, aber dann Als der Sturm sich gelegt War die Angst das nicht wert Daß wir zwei uns gehört Jeder Tag, jede Nacht Bin ich jetzt ohne dich Niemals hätte ich gedacht Du kamst aus ohne mich Aber dann, aber dann Es war doch etwas wert Daß wir zwei uns gehört Denn nun weiß ich allein Wie mit dir wird es hier Nie wieder sein