Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
A Piece Of The Pie Composer(s): Randy Newman Performer(s): Randy Newman
Like us all you want the very best of life A car, a house, a neighborhood thats nice With flowers and trees and lots of little kids around Where public schools arent breeding grounds for vice
You say youre working harder than you ever have You say you got two jobs and sos your wife Living in the richest country in the world Wouldnt you think youd have a better life
If you lived in Norway Youd be fine right now Get sick there You make the doctor wait If you lived in Belgium You could mediate (Flemish/French debate) Hey knock it off! And the French fries are great Hey!
Jesus Christ it stinks here high and low The rich are getting richer I should know While were going up Youre going down And no one gives a shit but Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Jackson
Theres a famous saying someone famous said As General Motors goes so go we all Johnny Cougars singing its their country now Hell be singing for Toyota by the fall
Patriots: Thats not true Johns a patriot Hes not like you Hes a
Jesus Christ it stinks here low and high Some get rich And others just get by Bonos off in Africa hes never around The country turns its lonely eyes to who? Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne
A piece of the pie Thats all were asking for A piece of the pie
Automatic Lover ((aka See Me, Feel Me (by Scooter) - 2005)) Composer(s): Gary Unwin - Patty Unwin First release by: Dee D. Jackson - 1978
I am your automatic lover Automatic lover I am your automatic lover Automatic lover
I am your automatic lover Automatic lover I am your automatic lover
Love in space of time Theres no more feeling Automated love holdin Appealing
Im longing to be touched Longing for a kiss Whisper words of love Tell me that you missed me
See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me See me, feel me, hear me, love me, I can see you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me, I can feel you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, I can see you See me, feel me, hear me, touch me, I can hold you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, I...
Nothing to caress Not a hand to hold I dont need his touch Cause his bodys cold
Hes programmed to receive Automatic satisfaction Auto love is dead Was his true reaction
See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me See me, feel me, hear me, love me, I can hold you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me, I can feel you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, I wanna love you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me, I... See me, feel me, hear me, love me, how I need you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me, I can see you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, how I need you See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me, I...
I am your automatic lover Automatic lover I am your automatic lover Automatic lover
I am your automatic lover Automatic lover I am your automatic lover Automatic lover
I am your automatic lover Automatic lover I am your automatic lover Automatic lover
Dont Ever Walk In The Shadows Composer(s): Noel Bernard Performer(s): Flanagan & Allen
Dont ever walk in the shadows Just walk in the sun Get the blues on the run Dont ever walk in the shadows But come with me where things are free And dont ever walk when its cloudy Just walk when its bright Things will turn out alright Where everybody says howdee! For thats the place to be
Hold my arm and let me be your guide Well cross over to the sunny side Oh, lets go and see Mr Sunshine on this sunny day And I know what hell say Dont ever walk in the shadows Just walk right in the sun
Hold my arm and let me be your guide Well cross over to the sunny side Oh, lets go and see Mr Sunshine on this sunny day And I know what hell say Dont ever walk in the shadows
Just walk with me, where things are free Just walk right over in the sun
Automatic Composer(s): Brock Walsh - Mark Goldenberg Performer(s): Brock Walsh
Look what you're doing to me I'm utterly at your whim All of my defenses down Your camera looks through me With its X-ray vision And all systems run aground All I can manage to push from my lips Is a stream of absurdities Every word I intended to speak Wind up locked in the circuitry
No way to control it It's totally automatic Whenever you're around I'm walking blindfolded Completely automatic All of my systems are down Down down down Automatic Automatic
What is this madness That makes my motor run And my legs too weak to stand I go from sadness To exhilaration Like a robot at your command My hands perspire and shake like a leaf Up and down goes my temperature I summon doctors to get some relief But they tell me there is no cure They tell me
No way to control it It's totally automatic Whenever you're around I'm walking blindfolded Completely automatic All of my systems are down Down down down Automatic Automatic
(Don't Ever Take The) Ribbons From Your Hair Composer(s): Helen Hudgins Performer(s): Eddy Arnold
Don't ever take the ribbons from your hair Each tiny bow is tied with loving care You're pretty as a picture and I love each precious curl Your Mommy's little problem, but your Daddy's little girl
You'll never grow too old to wear your bows They'll always match your little turned up nose And even when you grow to be like Mommy, sweet and fair Don't ever take the ribbons from your hair
Don't ever take the ribbons from your hair And never lose that precious baby's stare You're lighter than a feather when I bounce you on my knee You're Daddy's little angel and that's what you'll always be
Those silken strands of ribbon match your eyes They're bluer than the blue up in the skies Your Daddy feels as wealthy as the richest millionaire Don't ever take the ribbons from your hair
Autograph Composer(s): John Denver Performer(s): John Denver
Here I am closing my eyes again Trying so hard not to see All the things that I see Almost willing to lie again I swear that it just isnt so It just isnt me
We are never alone Even though wed like to be
Then I go and open my eyes again Love in your eyes is the thing That Id most like to see Id be willing to die again To know of a place and a time Where it always could be
To be always with you And you always with me
This is my autograph Here is the songs I sing Here is my cry and my laugh Here is the love that I bring
To be always with you And you always with me
Say a prayer and open your heart again You are the love and the life That we all need to see Always willing to shine and then Peace on this earth is the way That it always can be
To be always with you And you always with me
This is my autograph Here is the songs I sing Here is my cry and my laugh Here is the love that I bring
Don't Ever Love Me Composer(s): Lord Burgess Performer(s): Harry Belafonte
While in that gay tropic isle I first saw that maiden smile Though I had failed in the past I said "this is true love at last" But then she whispered to me That our love never could be
Destiny, oh when will I see the day? Hopelessly, I've wandered so long this way "This could never be" she said pleadingly "Don't ever love me, I'm just fancy-free" "This could never be" she said pleadingly "Don't ever love me"
My love was motion and grace The moonlight soft on her face I held her close in my arms My heart was quick to her charms But then I saw in her glance It was just an evening's romance
Destiny, oh when will I see the day? Hopelessly, I've wandered so long this way "This could never be" she said pleadingly "Don't ever love me, I'm just fancy-free" "This could never be" she said pleadingly "Don't ever love me"
"This could never be" she said pleadingly "Don't ever love me"
Autobiographie Composer(s): Charles Aznavour - Georges Garvarentz Performer(s): Charles Aznavour
J'ai ouvert les yeux sur un meublé triste Rue Monsieur Le Prince au Quartier Latin Dans un milieu de chanteurs et d'artistes Qu'avaient un passé, pas de lendemain Des gens merveilleux un peu fantaisistes Qui parlaient le russe et puis l'arménien
Si mon père était chanteur d'opérette Nanti d'une voix que j'envie encore Ma mère tenait l'emploi de soubrette Et le troupe ne roulait pas sur l'or Mais ma sur et moi étions à la fête Blottis dans un coin derrière un décor
Tous ces comédiens chargés de famille Mais dont le français était hésitant Devaient accepter pour gagner leur vie Le premier emploi qui était vacant Conduire un taxi ou tirer l'aiguille Ça pouvait se faire avec un accent
Après le travail les jours de semaine Ces acteurs frustrés répétaient longtemps Pour le seul plaisir un soir par quinzaine De s'offrir l'oubli des soucis d'argent Et crever de trac en entrant en scène Devant un public formé d'émigrants
Quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles Quand il faisait froid, qui le pain manquait On allait souvent honteux et fébrile Au Mont de piété où l'on engageait Un vieux samovar, des choses futiles Objets du passé, auxquels on tenait
On parlait de ceux morts près du Bosphore Buvait à la vie, buvait aux copains Les femmes pleuraient et jusqu'aux aurores Les hommes chantaient quelques vieux refrains Qui venaient de loin, du fond d'un folklore Où vivaient la mort, l'amour et le vin
Nous avions toujours des amies à table Le peu qu'on avait on le partageait Mes parents disaient: "Ce serait le diable Si demain le ciel ne nous le rendait" Ce n'est pas là geste charitable Ils aimaient les autres et Dieu nous aidaient
Tandis que devant poêles et casseroles Mon père cherchait sa situation Jour et nuit sous une lampe à pétrole Ma mère brodait pour grande maison Et nous avant que d'aller à l'école Faisions le ménage et les commissions
Ainsi je grandis sans contrainte aucune Me soûlant la nuit, travaillant le jour Ma vie a connu diverses fortunes J'ai frôlé la mort, j'ai trouvé l'amour J'ai eu des enfants qui m'ont vu plus d'une Fois me souvenir le cur un peu lourd
Rue Monsieur Le Prince au Quartier Latin Dans un milieu de chanteurs et d'artistes Qu'avaient un passé, pas de lendemain Des gens merveilleux un peu fantaisistes Qui parlaient le russe et puis l'arménien
Don't Ever Leave Me Composer(s): Paul Anka; Joe Sherman Performer(s): Paul Anka
Don't ever leave me, don't say good-bye If you do, I'll be the lonely one I'll sit down and I will cry
Don't ever tell me, don't say we're through If you do, I'll be the lonely one I'll sit down and I'll cry over you
No matter what you should say to me no matter what you'll do, it would be nothing at all to me because I'm so in love with you
I love you, don't ever change dear no, don't say we're through If you do, I'll be the lonely one and I'll sit down and I'll cry over you and I'll sit down and I'll cry over you
Mialem dziesiec lat, gdy uslyszal o nim swiat W mej piwnicy byl nasz klub Kumpel radio zniósl, uslyszalem "Blues Sued Shoes" I nie moglem w nocy spac Wiatr odnowy wial, darowano reszty kar Znów sie mozna bylo smiac W kawiarniany gwar jak tornado jazz sie wdarl I ja tez chcialem grac Ojciec, Bóg wie gdzie, martenowski stawial piec Mnie paznokiec z palca zszedl Z gryfu zostal wiór, gralem milion róznych bzdur I poznalem co to seks Pocztówkowy szal, kazdy z nas ich piecset mial Zamiast nowej pary dzins A w sobotnia noc byl Luksemburg, chata, szklo Jakze sie chcialo zyc!
Bylo nas trzech, w kazdym z nas inna krew Ale jeden przyswiecal nam cel Za kilka lat miec u stóp caly swiat, wszystkiego w bród Alpagi lyk i dyskusje po swit Niecierpliwy w nas ciskal sie duch Ktos dostal w nos, to poplakal sie ktos, cos dzialo sie
Poróznila nas, za jej Poli Raksy twarz Kazdy by sie zabic dal W pewna letnia noc, gdzies na dach wynioslem koc I dostalem to, com chcial Powiedziala mi, ze klopoty moga byc Ja jej, ze egzamin mam Odkrecila gaz, nie zapukal nikt na czas Znów jak pies bylem sam
Stu róznych ról, czym ugasic mój ból Nauczylo mnie zycie jak nikt W wyrku na wznak przechlapalem swój czas, najlepszy czas W knajpie dla braw klezmer kazal mi grac Takie rzeczy, ze jeszcze mi wstyd Pewnego dnia zrozumialem, ze ja nie umiem nic Sluchaj mnie, tam, pokonalem sie sam Oto wysnil sie wielki mój sen Tysieczny tlum spija slowa z mych ust, kochaja mnie W hotelu fan mówi: "Na tasmie mam To, jak w gardlach im rodzi sie spiew!" Otwieram drzwi i nie mówie juz nic do czterech scian
Don't Ever Change Composer(s): Walter Hirsch - Lou Handman Performer(s): Warren Hull and multiple other artists
Don`t ever change Just stay the way you are tonight You`re just exactly right, sweetheart Don`t ever change Let`s live and love and go along Let`s keep our lives a song, sweetheart Oh, I would rather see the ocean Change its motion, and cease to flow I`d rather see the showers change The flowers, so they won`t grow Don`t ever change in anything you say or do Just be the same sweet you, sweetheart
Autobahn ((aka Blitzkrieg Bahn (by Sherman & KPW) - 2002)) Composer(s): Florian Schneider-Esleben - Ralf Hütter First release by: Kraftwerk - 1974 Covered by multiple other artists
Wir fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der Autobahn Vor uns liegt ein weites tal Die sonne scheint mit glitzerstrahl Die fahrbahn ist ein graues band Weisse streifen, gruener rand Jetzt schalten wir das radio an Aus dem lautsprecher klingt es dann Wir fahr'n auf der Autobahn...
Authority Song Composer(s): John Cougar Mellencamp First release by: John Cougar Mellencamp - 1983 Covered by multiple other artists
They like to get you in a compromising position They like to get you there and smile in your face They think they're so cute when they got you in that condition Well I think it's a total disgrace
I fight authority, Authority always wins I fight authority, Authority always wins I been doing it since I was a young kid I come out grinnin' I fight authority, Authority always wins
So I call up my preacher I say, "Give me strength for Round 5" He said , "You don't need no strength, you need to grow up son" I said, "Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying "And dying to me don't sound like all that much fun"
I fight authority, Authority always wins I fight authority, Authority always wins I been doing it since I was a young kid I come out grinnin' I fight authority, Authority always wins
Oh no oh no I fight authority Authority always wins
I fight authority, Authority always wins I fight authority, Authority always wins I been doing it since I was a young kid I come out grinnin' I fight authority, Authority always wins
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
Composer(s): Frank Zappa
Performer(s): Frank Zappa
Dreamed I was an Eskimo
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Frozen wind began to blow
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Under my boots 'n around my toe
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Frost had bit the ground below
(Boop-boop aiee-ay-ah!)
Was a hundred degrees below zero
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
And my momma cried
Boo-a-hoo hoo-ooo
And my momma cried
Nanook-a, no no (no no...)
Nanook-a, no no (no no...)
Don't be a naughty Eskimo-wo-oh
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Save your money: don't go to the show
Well I turned around an' I said
Ho Ho
Well I turned around an' I said
Ho Ho
Well I turned around an' I said
Ho Ho
An' the Northern Lites commenced t' glow
An' she said
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop...)
With a tear in her eye
Watch out where the huskies go
An' don't you eat that yellow snow
Watch out where the huskies go
An' don't you eat that yellow snow
Autant D'amour Autant De Fleurs Composer(s): Henri Bassis Performer(s): Jean Ferrat
Il y a dans Harlem À se manger des yeux Un couple d'amoureux Qui dansent et quand ils s'aiment La nuit moule leurs corps Leurs gestes et leurs phrases Et leur rire est sonore Comme un sanglot de jazz
Autant d'amour autant de fleurs Y'en a de toutes les couleurs De flamme ou d'ombre De neige ou miel Toutes les roses se confondent Tous les amours qui sont au monde Font comme une arche d'arc-en-ciel
Il y a dans mon coeur Un cocktail d'amoureux J'invente les aveux Je mêle les liqueurs Il est noir elle est blanche Elle est jeune il est beau La main le long des hanches Glisse comme un oiseau
Autant d'amour autant de fleurs Y'en a de toutes les couleurs De flamme ou d'ombre De neige ou miel Toutes les roses se confondent Tous les amours qui sont au monde Font comme une arche d'arc-en-ciel
Qu'importent au long des rues Les regards qui s'attardent Qu'importent les échardes Aux amours défendues Il y a dans mon coeur Libres comme les dieux Un couple d'amoureux Qui croise ses couleurs
Autant d'amour autant de fleurs Y'en a de toutes les couleurs De flamme ou d'ombre De neige ou miel Toutes les roses se confondent Tous les amours qui sont au monde Font comme une arche d'arc-en-ciel
Don't Drop My Love Composer(s): Frederick Knight Performer(s): Anita Ward
When your hand, I squeeze it tight I'm putting my trust in you If you take your time and love me right There ain't nothing that I won't do
Take me higher and higher Baby, let's have a ball (Let's have a ball) Take me higher and higher Don't you let me fall
[Chorus] Don't drop my love Don't drop my love Baby, handle me with care (Handle me, handle me) Don't drop my love Don't drop my love I'll follow you anywhere (Anywhere you want now, baby)
Heaven knows you're good for me So I'm letting myself go In your arms is where I wanna be Come on and hold me close
Take me higher and higher Baby, let's have a ball (Let's have a ball) Take me higher and higher Baby, don't let me fall
[repeat Chorus 2x]
Take me higher and higher Baby, let's have a ball (Let's have a ball) Take me higher and higher Don't you let me fall
[repeat Chorus 2x]
[repeat Chorus 2]
Don't you drop Don't drop my love Baby, baby, don't drop it Baby, baby, now don't you drop it
Australia Land Of Today Composer(s): Judith Durham Performer(s): Judith Durham
Australia land of today, every way We'll sing your praise as a country far and wide We'll sing of loving and living here each day We'll tell the world of endless beauty And the sun that warms our way
Australia land of today, every way We'll take the cares of the world within our stride When there are troubles we'll always lend a hand And we will love you because you are our land
And in days of strife and woe There's no better way to show That Australia is great among them all Than to care for everyone Every colour, we're all one We're Australian - so never let them fall
Australia land of today, we will pray That there could always be peace within your shores The Aussie spirit's riding high and our voices fill the sky That Australia's a great place to be And Australian are we, you and me
Don't Drop Inn/Workin' On My Attitude
Composer(s): Judy Freudberg - Tony Geiss - Van Dyke Parks
Performer(s): Ronnie Milsap
"Meanwhile everyone from Sesame Street
was trying to find Big Bird
Even me; I love a wild goose chase
One night we ate at a real grunge café
with grunge food and grunge..."
Here I really feel great
When I sing the blues and make you cry
Bye bye
Guess I was born to be
A dark cloud in a sunny sky
If I can't make it rain on your parade
I shouldn't be so rude
And I'm workin' on my attitude
Anti-sociable, unemotional, insensitive
Right down to the bone
My personality has possibility
Only a flaw or two
So I'm workin' on my attitude
There's nothing like a friend
Who'll... for hours on end and never smiles
... affection
... and disrespect in style
Say, life's a piece of cake
And I don't watch my weight at all
I approach you somewhat rude
But I'm workin' on my attitude
Anti-sociable, unemotional, insensitive
Right down to the bone
My personality has possibility
Only a flaw or two
And I'm workin' on my attitude