Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Noturno Composer(s): Graco; Caio Sílvio Performer(s): Raimundo Fagner; Ivo Pessoa
O aço dos meus olhos E o fel das minhas palavras Acalmaram meu silêncio Mas deixaram suas marcas Se hoje sou deserto É que eu não sabia Que as flores com o tempo Perdem a força E a ventania vem mais forte Hoje só acredito No pulsar das minhas veias E aquela luz que havia Em cada ponto de partida Há muito me deixou, há muito me deixou... Ai, coração alado Desfolharei meus olhos Neste escuro véu Não acredito mais No fogo ingênuo da paixão São tantas ilusões Perdidas na lembrança Nesta estrada Só quem pode me seguir sou eu Sou eu, sou eu, sou eu... Ai, coração alado...
Notte Prima Degli Esami Composer(s): Antonello Venditti Performer(s): Antonello Venditti
Io mi ricordo, quattro ragazzi con la chitarra e un pianoforte sulla spalla Come pini di Roma, la vita non li spezza questa notte è ancora nostra Come fanno le segretarie con gli occhiali a farsi sposare dagli avvocati? Le bombe delle sei non fanno male è solo il giorno che muore, è solo il giorno che muore Gli esami sono vicini, e tu sei troppo lontana dalla mia stanza Tuo padre sembra Dante e tuo fratello Ariosto stasera al solito posto, la luna sembra strana sarà che non ti vedo da una settimana Maturità ti avessi preso prima le mie mani sul tuo seno, è fitto il tuo mistero Il tuo peccato è originale come i tuoi calzoni americani non fermare ti prego le mie mani sulle tue cosce tese chiuse come le chiese quando ti vuoi confessare Notte prima degli esami, notte di polizia certo qualcuno te lo sei portato via Notte di mamma e di papà col biberon in mano notte di nonno alla finestra, ma questa notte è ancora nostra Notte di giovani attori, di pizze fredde e di calzoni notte di sogni, di coppe e di campioni Notte di lacrime e preghiere la matematica non sarà mai il mio mestiere E gli aerei volano in alto tra New York e Mosca ma questa notte è ancora nostra, Claudia non tremare non ti posso far male, se l'amore è amore Si accendono le luci qui sul palco ma quanti amici intorno, mi viene voglia di cantare Forse cambiati, certo un po' diversi ma con la voglia ancora di cambiare se l'amore è amore, se l'amore è amore se l'amore è amore, se l'amore è amore se l'amore è amore
Notte Di Natale Composer(s): Claudio Baglioni Performer(s): Claudio Baglioni
Quanto è tardi e qui a casa mia Lei non chiama più È un Natale da buttare via Lei non viene più Guardo il telefono e penso a lei Vetri appannati son gli occhi miei Quanta neve sta venendo giù Chi la fermerà La candela è ancora accesa Presto si consumerà
Dio, tu stai nascendo e muoio io Tu che faresti al posto mio Ora che perdo pure lei Ho dato un calcio ai sogni miei Dio, ma che Natale è questo mio Campane a festa anche per me Anche per me, anche per me, anche per me Se tu mi senti ma perché Non fai tornare chi non c'è più
Notte Di Luna Calante Composer(s): Domenico Modugno Performer(s): Domenico Modugno; Mina; Giancarlo Cardini; Silvano Chimenti; Peppino Di Capri
Oh, oh oh oh Oh, oh oh oh Oh,oh oh oh Oh, oh oh oh che profumo di mare Oh, oh oh oh piove argento dal cielo Notte di luna calante notte d'amore con te Lungo le spiagge deserte a piedi nudi con me Notte di luna d'estate ultima notte d'amor Quando col vento l'autunno ritornerà nulla di noi resterà Oh, oh oh oh Oh,oh oh oh Oh, oh oh oh Oh,oh oh oh che profumo di mare Lungo le spiagge deserte a piedi nudi con me Notte di luna d'estate ultima notte d'amor Quando col vento l'autunno ritornerà nulla di noi resterà Oh, oh oh oh che profumo di mare Oh, oh oh oh piove argento dal cielo Oh, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Notte Di Ferragosto Composer(s): Francesci Migliacci; Bruno Zambrini; L. Enriquez Performer(s): Gianni Morandi
notte di ferragosto calda la spiaggia e caldo il mare freddo questo mio cuor senza te notte di ferragosto il mio pensiero torna da te forse tra le tue braccia c'e' lui, c'e' lui e mi accorgo di amarti ogni giorno di più anche se mi ripeto che l'amore non c'e' non c'e', non c'e' no,perché se ci fosse un amore così come quello che provo questa notte per te per te, per te tu saresti con me e mi accorgo di amarti ogni giorno di più anche se mi ripeto che l'amore non c'e' non c'e', non c'e' no, perché se ci fosse un amore così come quello che provo tu saresti con me con me, con me
Notre-Dame De Paris Composer(s): Eddy Marnay; Marc Herrand Performer(s): Edith Piaf
Dans le Paris de Notre-Dame De Notre-Dame de Paris 'y a un clochard qu'en a plein le dos De porter Notre-Dame sur son dos Il se prend pour Quasimodo Regarde en l'air, la vie qui grouille Au lieu de faire des ronds dans l'eau Tu peux pas vivre comme une grenouille Moitié sur terre, moitié sur l'eau Moi, je préfère rester là-haut
Dans le jardin de Notre-Dame Où l'on se fait de bons amis 'y a qu'à se promener chaque matin Un peu de maïs au creux des mains Les pigeons, moi, je les aime bien Les péniches Se fichent Des pigeons de la Cité Goélettes Mouettes Elles n'ont que ça dans l'idée
Oui, mais autour de Notre-Dame 'y a des voyages à bon marché Et ces petits coins où le bonheur Empêche les maisons de pousser On l'appelle "Marché aux fleurs" Henri Quatre Verdâtre Aime sous son verre de gris La vieille flèche Qui lèche Le plafond gris de Paris
Et toi, sous le pont de Notre-Dame Regarde en l'air, tu comprendras Que si tout le monde faisait comme toi Dans ton pina' y aurait de la pluie Même les ponts, ça se construit Car, pour aller à Notre-Dame De Notre-Dame jusqu'à Paris Il a bien fallu se mettre au boulot Et porter de pierres sur son dos Pour passer par-dessus l'eau
Voilà pourquoi Paris s'enroule S'enroule comme un escargot Pourquoi la terre s'est mise en boule Autour des cloches du parvis De Notre-Dame de Paris...
Notre Roman Composer(s): Salvatore Adamo Performer(s): Salvatore Adamo
Un jour ma mie nous écrirons notre roman Le cur content, comme un livre d'image À chaque page il y aura un serment À chaque instant il y aura ton visage
Et, si pauvre est la prose Elle aurait ton charme Car j'y mettrais tes larmes Sur des pétales de roses
Non pas une ombre morose Rien que les plus belles choses Un jour ma mie nous écrirons notre roman Sans un nuage comme un ciel de vacances
Pour y enchaîner le meilleur de notre temps Pour mettre en cage le vent de notre chance Et nous aurons pour emblème sur un flocon de neige Notre premier je t'aime léger léger comme un arpège
Non pas une ombre morose Rien que les plus belles choses Un jour ma mie nous ouvrirons notre roman Le cur tremblant à son plus beau passage
Et nous soufflerons sur la poussière des ans Et nous lirons en riant de notre âge Alors comme au temps de nos vingt ans Nous écrirons notre plus belle page
Notre Façon De Vivre Composer(s): Domenico Modugno;
Stefano Jurgens; Bruno Zambrini Performer(s): Dalida
Tu t'en vas je reviens
c'est toujours comme ça entre nous Les avions et les trains nous font le coup du grand va et vient Tu m'appelles à minuit pour me dire bonjour Tu as l'air étonné de ma voix endormie pour toi il est midi
On s'est dit Plus d'un au revoir Mais jamais adieu, adieu
Ecris-moi très souvent les mots un peu fous Qu'on ne prend plus le temps De dire ou d'écouter quand on en a le temps On s'est dit Plus d'un au revoir Mais jamais adieu
Notre amour est fou de vivre Ça lui va bien d'être libre On ne peut pas mettre en cage la vie Mes amis me l'ont dit fais bien attention Ça ne peut pas durer quand l'autre n'est pas là on se prend à rêver Mais tant pis ou tant mieux
Moi je l'ai choisi Cette vie qui s'écrit sur un billet d'aller, d'aller et de retour
Mes amis me l'ont dit fais bien attention Ça ne peut pas durer quand l'autre n'est pas là on se prend à rêver Mais tant pis ou tant mieux Moi je l'ai choisi Cette vie qui s'écrit sur un billet d'aller, d'aller et de retour
Notre Espoir Composer(s): Maurice Chevalier; H. Betti Performer(s): Maurice Chevalier
J'ai chanté l'amour j'ai chanté y a d'la joie Sans grand' joie pourtant J'entonnais donc un p'tit air à pleine voix L'air fut étouffant Désormais quels seront donc les pauvres mots Sur les chansons gaies qu'pour vous on invente On os'ra placer et sans hésiter trop Pour ne pas m'tromper moi voilà c'que j'chante
{Refrain:} Tra la la la la-la Tra la la la la-la Dzim pa poum pa la Dzim pa poum pa la Avec un ou deux p'tits hop-là hop-là Si vous voulez savoir C'que mon cur pense ce soir En chantant comme ça Dzim pa poum pa la C'est notre espoir
En somme l'important c'était d'recommencer Qu'importe l'expression L'essentiel était de pouvoir dispenser Du rêve en chansons Un poète aurait trouvé les mots qu'il faut Qui aurait rimé ses vux l'espérance Moi mon espoir c'est qu'le ciel redevienne beau Et qu'on chante en paix dans notre vieille France
{au Refrain}
Mmmmm... Mmmmm... Dzi la dzi la dza Dzi la dzi la dza Ri ri ri C'est moi qui fait ça Ri ri ri ri ri rir Pa-la-pa pa-la-pa pa-la-pa Pa pa pa pa-pa-pa Oooh palapala pa la Ah-ah Ce que joue comme ça cet orchestre là C'est notre espoir
Hier nous étions amants Et demain nous serons Père et mère Je porte dans mes flancs L'avenir de ton nom Par mon sang Je porte le printemps L'espoir et la moisson De la terre Pose tes mains sur moi Il nous entend déjà Notre enfant
Notre enfant, notre enfant J'insiste sur le mot nôtre Sera différent des autres Moitié toi Moitié moi Notre enfant, notre enfant Dieu fera qu'il nous ressemble Nous l'avons rêvé ensemble Tant de fois
Je le sens jours après jour Qui se nourrit de moi De mon être Me fait le ventre lourd Me prouvant qu'il est là Bien vivant Rappelant l'amour Qu'entre deux cris de joie Il va naître De moi le premier cri Et le second de lui Notre enfant
Notre enfant, notre enfant J'insiste sur le mot nôtre Sera différent des autres Moitié toi Moitié moi Notre enfant, notre enfant Dieu fera qu'il nous ressemble Nous l'avons rêvé ensemble Tant de fois
Notre Amour Renaîtra Composer(s): Charles Aznavour; Georges Garvarentz Performer(s): Gélou; Billy Bridge
Je sais qu'un jour prochain tu reviendras vers moi Notre amour renaîtra Moi qui t'ai pardonné je t'ouvrirai les bras Notre amour renaîtra Je te bercerai, je sécherai tes pleurs Notre amour renaîtra Dans nos coeurs brisés en ce jour de bonheur Notre amour renaîtra Et je verrai la vie s'allumer dans tes yeux Notre amour renaîtra Et nous redeviendrons des amants merveilleux Notre amour renaîtra Quand nous reprendrons les chemins délaissés Qui espèrent nos pas Quand nous oublierons les erreurs du passé Notre amour renaîtra Viens mon coeur est lourd Il attend ton retour Viens et tu verras Notre amour renaîtra Notre amour renaîtra
Noticiero T.V. Composer(s): Miguel Mateos; Alejandro Mateos Performer(s): Miguel Mateos
La mujer gorda corría el ladrón la perseguía cuando la iba a alcanzar la tele llegó al lugar
(Que rara ley que burla la ley) Noticiero TV, en directo (uh!) el video del crimen ha salido perfecto gracias a la información en detalle (uh!) puedo reconocer a un ladrón en la calle
Joven mucamo de Belgrano siempre con la tele a mano para comprar papa barata se tiene que ir hasta La Plata hasta La Plata, hasta La Plata
(No hay un rey que no tenga su buey) Noticiero TV adulterado (uh!) con esa información el pueblo está controlado la hora de la verdad empaquetada (uh!) si no cantan la justa mejor no digan nada la hora de la verdad empaquetada (uh!) si no cantan la justa mejor no digan nada nada, nada
Nothing's Impossible Composer(s): Cass; Myers Performer(s): Cliff Richard
Nothing's impossible, if your heart is really in it It's a fight, but you can win it If only you will trust your dreams
Nothing's impossible, no you stand around and sighing If you try and keep on trying Then you bring up your wildest schemes Sing all, state your faith in the human race Why doll, your own personal miracle is about to take place
Nothing's impossible Faith can move a slab of granite Any day we reach a planet or two Yeah, that's what we'll do Nothing we can't achieve Because nothing's impossible, as long as you believe
Just take Everest, what did they say? No-one could climb it anyway Oh yeah, what happened Coronation day? I guess, nothing's impossible
Space, they said we'd never win They said around the earth, a man could never spin Ever heard of Major Gagarin You see, nothing's impossible Impossible ? Never It's always so easy saying something can't be done But, don't they realize There's always a prize to be won
Someone said something couldn't be done At which point, someone went out and did it
The city of Jerico could not been defeaten That's why General Joshua said 'Sound Retreat' And just at that moment, those trumpets hit that rock and roll beat Down came the wall as you doubtless recall With an Almighty fall, proving once and for all
Sing all, state your faith in the human race Why doll, your own personal miracle is about to take place
Nothing's impossible Faith can move a slab of granite Any day we reach a planet or two That's what we'll do Nothing we can't achieve Because nothing's impossible, as long as you believe Nothing's impossible, as long as you believe Nothing's impossible, as long as you believe As long as you believe
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now Composer(s): Diane Warren; Albert Hammond Performer(s): Jefferson Starship; and various other artists
Lookin' in your eyes I see a paradise This world that I've found is too good to be true Standin' here beside ya, want so much to give you This love in my heart that I'm feelin' for you
Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that Put your hand in my hand, baby, don't ever look back Let the world around us just fall apart Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart
And we can build this dream together Standing strong forever Nothing's gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We'll still have each other Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now, whoa no
I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you Take you to the good times, see you through the bad times Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do
Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know? Put your arms around me, baby, don't ever let go Let the world around us just fall apart Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart
And we can build this dream together Standing strong forever Nothing's gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We'll still have each other Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us, ooh
All that I need is you All that I ever need All that I want to do Is hold you forever, forever and ever
(instrumental interlude)
And we can build this dream together Standing strong forever Nothing's gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We'll still have each other Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
Build this dream together Standing strong forever Nothing's gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We'll still have each other Nothing's gonna stop us now
And we can build this dream together Standing strong forever Nothing's gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We'll still have each other Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
Nothing Was Delivered Composer(s): Bob Dylan Performer(s): Bob Dylan; The Byrds; Buddy Emmons; Howard Fishman
Nothing was delivered And I tell this truth to you Not out of spite or anger But simply because it's true Now, I hope you won't object to this Giving back all what you owe The fewer words you have to waste on this The sooner you can go.
Nothing is better, nothing is best Take heed of this and get plenty of rest
Nothing was delivered But I can't say I sympathize With what your fate is going to be Yes, for telling all those lies Now you must provide some answers For what you sold has not been received And the sooner you come up with them The sooner you can leave
Nothing is better, nothing is best Take heed of this and get plenty of rest
Now you know Nothing was delivered And it's up to you to say Just what you had in mind When you made ev'rybody pay No, nothing was delivered Yes, 'n' someone must explain That as long as it takes to do this Then that's how long that you'll remain Nothing is better, nothing is best Take heed of this and get plenty of rest Open The Door, Homer
Now, there's a certain thing That I learned from Jim That he's always make sure I'd understand And that is that there's a certain way That a man must swim If he expects to live off Of the fat of the land Open the door, Homer I've heard it said before Open the door, Homer I've heard it said before But I ain't gonna hear it said no more
Now, there's a certain thing That I learned from my friend, Mouse A fella who never blushes in And that is that ev'ryone Must always flush out his house If he don't expect to be Goin' 'round housing flushes Open the door, Homer I've heard it said before Open the door, Homer I've heard it said before But I ain't gonna hear it said no more
"Take care of all your memories" Said my friend, Mick "For you can not relive them And remember when you're out there Tryin' to heal the sick That you must always First forgive them" Open the door, Homer I've heard it said before Open the door, Homer I've heard it said before But I ain't gonna hear it said no more
Nothing To Declare Composer(s): Steve Hogarth Performer(s): Steve Hogarth
A hundred thousand hearts a day Are vacuumed in along these runways In specks of iron from around the world Drawn to the magnetism in this place I've watched them land in the Heathrow haze Through 'Nothing to Declare' into cars that speed away
I'm watching the aeroplanes comin' in Waiting for a miracle Watching the aeroplanes comin' in Wonderin' if I'll see you again Wonder if I'll see you again
I understand how you had to leave You said 'back soon' and I must believe My feelings haven't changed since that fateful day You left me grounded and you flew away
Over my house into the clouds To foreign lands in the sunshine I watch the seven forty sevens climb Over my house into the clouds To foreign lands in the sunshine
I wave bye bye, bye bye,
A hundred thousand hearts a day Come gliding down but they don't explain An empty seat on a sold out flight A year ago on an empty night I watched you down but you never came Through 'Nothing to Declare' like a sign hangin' on my name
I'm watching the aeroplanes comin' in Waiting for a miracle Watching the aeroplanes Wonderin' if I'll see you... again
Nothing Takes The Place Of You Composer(s): Toussaint McCall; Alan Robinson Performer(s): Toussaint McCall; and various other artists
I moved your picture From my walls And I replaced them Both large and small And each new day Finds me so blue Nothing Takes the place of you
I read your letters one by one And I still love you When it's all said and done And oh, my darling, I'm so blue Because nothing Oh nothing Takes the place of you
I, I write this letter It's raining on my window pane I, I feel the need of you Because without you Nothing seems the same
So I'll wait Until you're home Again I love you But I'm all alone And oh my darling I'm so blue Because nothing Oh, but nothing takes the place of you
Nothing Seems To Matter Composer(s): Bonnie Raitt Performer(s): Bonnie Raitt
Seems like such a long time
since I held you in my arms and felt you close and warm beside me another night is getting late and I'm alone with just the ache and the memory of you beside me
Darling, I've never been so blue I've tried to see it through there's nothing I can do I won't make it on my own so won't you please hurry home 'cause nothing seems to matter without you
Last time I saw you there was nothing we could say We knew it was a time for a change a time to think you said that night and I lied and said all right I left you in the morning I watched you in the window and Mexico will never be the same
It was time to be apart but somehow it seems this heart of mine will never find a way to live without you And now I'm out here on the road and I'm feeling bought and sold and tonight I just can't but think about you
Darling, I've never been so blue I've tried to see it through there's nothing I can do I won't make it on my own so darling won't you hurry home because nothing seems to matter without you No, nothing seems to matter without you