The Quintessenge of the matter.
A man walking on the beach and profoundly sunk in prayer.
Suddenly he said loud :God,let me do a wish.
The sky burst obove his head and the loud voice of God called :
Because you always has been faithful, I will allow one wish !
The man said :Build a bridge for me towards Hawaii,in that way I can drive
over there whenever I that want.
God answered : Your wish is very materialist,think once to the enormous challenges needful for to build that bridge. The pillars should have to extend as far as the bottom of the sea,because of not to talk from the distance,do you have somewhat idea how much
I should have need on iron and concrete ?
Of course I can fulfil your wish,but nevertheless Id like you wish something less terrestrial.
Only think deep and do an other wish.
The man thought long and at the end he said :
Id want I understood the women,I want to know what they feel,what they think when they
not want to speak, what it want to say when they say nothing, and how I can make happy they.
After that God said :That bridge , has it to be with two or with four carriageways ?.