Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
50 Plus ((Adapted from: 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (Paul Simon) - 1975)) Composer(s): Paul Simon - Fritz Van den Heuvel Performer(s): Tom Van Stiphout en Paul Poelmans - 2005
Versions In Other Languages: 1976 - Gute Gründe, Um Zu Gehen (Daliah Lavi) 1979 - Trente Manières De Quitter Une Fille (Michel Delpech)
We mogen niet meedoen met Big Brother en Idool Of met een wedstrijd voor piano of viool En uit de Wetstraat worden we verdreven Want we zijn vijftig plus en afgeschreven
We zijn niet geschikt als presentator op tv En ook bij miss-verkiezingen spelen we niet mee En onze jobs worden aan snotapen gegeven Want we zijn vijftig plus en afgeschreven vijftig plus en afgeschreven
Maar we kunnen nog springen We kunnen nog swingen Alleen gaan die dingen Niet meer zo snel We kunnen nog rijen En ja,we kunnen nog vrijen We voelen ons blij in ons rimpelig vel
We kunnen nog shaken Knolselder kweken En onze hypotheken Zijn al lang afbetaald We kunnen nog reizen We kunnen nog blij zijn Al doet onze rug pijn En worden we kaal
Michel Verschueren, Paul Van Himst en Luc Beaucourt En ook Jaak Gabriels is nog niet op zijn retour We zijn dynamisch en lang niet uitgeblust Ja, we zijn vijftig plus
En ook Will Tura is nog lang niet met pensioen Boogie Boy schept nog alle dagen poen We zijn dynamisch en we vinden het leven o zo heerlijk Want we zijn vijftig plus en onontbeerlijk vijftig plus en onontbeerlijk
We kunnen nog springen We kunnen nog swingen Alleen gaan die dingen Niet meer zo snel We kunnen nog rijen En ja,we kunnen nog vrijen We voelen ons blij in ons rimpelig vel
We kunnen nog shaken Knolselder kweken En onze hypotheken Zijn al lang afbetaald We kunnen nog reizen We kunnen nog blij zijn Al hebben we rugpijn Of een andere kwaal
I Only Have Eyes For You Danish Title: Jeg Lever Jo Kun For Dig - 1977 Composer(s): Harry Warren; Al Dubin First performance by: Dick Powell - 1934 Covered by multiple other artists
My love must be a kind of blind love I can't see anyone but you Sha bop sha bop
Are the stars out tonight I don't know if it's cloudy or bright I only have eyes for you dear
The moon may be high But I can't see a thing in the sky I only have eyes for you
I don't know if we're in a garden Or on a crowded avenue
You are here and so am I Maybe millions of people go by But they all dissappear from view And I only have eyes for you
Oh, four years long And oh, what a sigh to hear, my dear Four long years Now we stop to hear a whisper Alice Cooper All of the time we have All of the time we have you All of the time we have All of the time we have We are throwing all of our hands so high You out there Singing lovely dittie beautiful song for you to be aware All of the time we have All of the time we have you All of the time we have All of the time we have All of the time we have you You're the one your looking for Let me in, let me in Who's there, who's there, who's there
Gute Gründe, Um Zu Gehen ((Adapted from: 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (Paul Simon) - 1975)) Composer(s): Paul Simon - Miriam Frances Performer(s): Daliah Lavi - 1976
Versions In Other Languages: 1979 - Trente Manières De Quitter Une Fille (Michel Delpech) 2005 - 50 Plus (Tom Van Stiphout en Paul Poelmans)
Er ist noch immer der, der er schon immer war Wir sind noch immer sowas wie ein gutes Paar Und dabei wird es mir zum ersten Male klar Man braucht gute Gruende, um zu gehen
Ich fühle mich zurückversetzt in jene Zeit Erst wenn das alte hin war, gab's ein neues Kleid Nun sitz' ich da und warte auf den großen Streit Denn man braucht gute Gruende, um zu gehen
Ich möchte gern' raus hier ich halt' das nicht aus hier Ich kann dieses Haus hier schon lang' nicht mehr sehen Denn wie ich's auch drehe ich taug' nicht zur Ehe Denn ich geh', wenn ich gehe gar nicht, um fremd zu gehen gar nicht, um fremd zu gehen
Wie kannst Du sagen, dass ich nicht die Alte bin? Wie kannst Du fragen, wo ist uns're Liebe hin? So viel and're Möglichkeiten wären drin Doch keine Gründe, um zu gehen
Ich gäbe viel dafür, wenn Du darüber lachst Ich mach' mir ein paar Sorgen die Du Dir nicht machst Ich blieb' auch hier damit Du nicht alleine wachst Doch gib mir gute Gründe, um zu gehen
Ich möchte gern' raus hier ich halt' das nicht aus hier Ich kann dieses Haus hier schon lang' nicht mehr sehen Denn wie ich's auch drehe ich taug' nicht zur Ehe Denn ich geh', wenn ich gehe gar nicht, um fremd zu gehen gar nicht, um fremd zu gehen
Earthquake Composer(s): Roky Erickson - Tommy Hall
First release by: The 13th Floor Elevators - 1967
The sound of the earthquake The rhythms that you make Are makin' my head shake in two Magnitized by you Your love will pull me through You pull through earth and stone You pull through flesh and bones The sounds of the earthquake The movements that you make Are shakin' my head right in two You know I was never leaving In each other, we're believin' Lust will never catch us grieving Along the way we command it to stay Everytime our fate is taken All around the ground is breakin' We're safe! it's the love we're makin' It won't fly apart from the beat of our heart Like the ground and the sound of the earthquake And the rhythms that you make You're makin' it shakes my head in two Rivers, waves they burst and pull The pilot's ways beneath our oars Canyons, mountain we just swore We keep our cool inside heart Through the massive walls that hit us All this power will never quit us No result can ever split us in two The sound of the earthquake The exchanges that we make are takin' my head right in two Mmmmmmmmmhmmmmmm! The sounds! You know I was never leaving In each other, we're believin' Lust will never catch us grieving Along the way we command it to stay Everytime our fate is taken All around the ground is breakin' We're safe! in the love we're makin' It won't fly apart from the beat of our heart Like the ground and the sound of the earthquake and the rhythms that you make You're makin' it shakes my head in two Magnitized by you Your love will pull me through You pull through earth and stone You pull through flesh and bones The sounds of the earthquake And the rhythms that you make Are shakin' my head right in two Right in two Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmm! The sounds of... Yeah!
Trenètement CComposer(s): Charles Aznavour - Charles Trénet Performer(s): Charles Aznavour
Ma page est vierge Je suis devant Il me faut écrire un roman Et je gamberge Me tiens le front En cherchant une inspiration Si dans une heure J'ai pu noircir quelques feuillets Mon éditeur Pourra me consentir un prêt Que ma concierge Guette déjà Car mon loyer N'est pas payé Depuis six mois
Je me concentre Mais rien ne vient Et je suis mangé par la faim Car dans mon ventre Au désespoir Il n'y a pas même un café noir J'ai beau chercher Comment faire un repas gratuit Dans le quartier Je n'obtiens plus aucun crédit Et quand je rentre Chez eux parfois Les commerçants Sont menaçants Dès qu'ils me voient
Muse ma reine Ma tendre amie Mon doux cur et mon pur esprit Mets-moi en veine Je suis à court Je t'en prie, viens à mon secours Donne-moi donc Trois personnages et un décor Qui connaîtront La vie, l'amour et puis la mort Que ça devienne un best-seller Qui m'offre un jour Et le Goncourt Et l'habit vert
Mon cur bat vite Ça y est, je crois Mon roman s'écrit malgré moi Quand je cogite Ma plume court J'en oublie tout ce qui m'entoure Je suis génial J'ai fini l'uvre en une nuit Le point final Est au bas de mon manuscrit Je sollicite Mon éditeur Qui m'éconduit Avec mépris Ah! Quel malheur
Dès lors je sombre Dans la folie Et je dis adieu à la vie Dans la pénombre Sans oraison Je me fais un trou dans le front Je vois d'en haut Les gens s'arracher mes bouquins Souvent il faut Mourir pour devenir quelqu'un Mais comme une ombre Souvent la nuit Je reviendrai Je le promets Et sans répit
Je ferai peur Aux éditeurs Toutes les nuits Je ferai peur Aux éditeurs Toutes les nuits
I Never Will Marry French & German Titles: Jamais Je Ne Me Marierai; Ich Kann Nicht Vergessen Composer(s): Alvin P. Carter First recording/First release by: The Carter Family - 1933/1939 Covered by multiple other artists
They say that love's a gentle thing To me brought only pain Since the only man I ever loved Is gone on the morning train
I never will marry I'll be no man's wife I will remain single For the rest of my life
Well the train pulled out The whistle blew With a long and lonesome moan He's gone, he's gone Like the morning dew And left me all alone
I never will marry I'll be no man's wife I will remain single For the rest of my life
Well there's many a change in the winter wind And a change in the clouds design There's many a change in the youg girl's heart But never a change in mine
I never will marry I'll be no man's wife I will remain single For the rest of my life
I never will marry I'll be no man's wife I will remain single For the rest of my life
Trem Das Onze Composer(s): Adoniran Barbosa First release: Demônios da Garoa - 1965 Covered by multiple other artists
Não posso ficar , não posso ficar Nem mais um minuto com você Sinto muito amor, mas não pode ser Moro em Jaçanã Se eu perder esse trem Que sai agora às onze horas Só amanhã de manhã E, além disso, mulher Tem outra coisa Minha mãe não dorme enquanto eu não chegar Sou filho único Tenho minha casa pra olhar Não posso ficar...
I Never Thought It Peculiar Composer(s): Tommy Boyce; Bobby Hart Performer(s): The Monkees
I never thought it peculiar That you never gave me a smile I wasn't socially suited To make it worth your while
Oh no and I never thought it peculiar That my heart always beat like a drum Each time I would see you walk by me You were as pretty as they come
So I sent some flowers to your doorstep And wrote on the card "I love you" I don't know why but I do know that I Had a feeling that you liked me too
So I never thought it peculiar When you stopped to ask me the time And I don't think it's terribly peculiar That now, little girl, you are mine
So I sent some flowers to your doorstep. And wrote on the card "I love you" I don't know why but I do know that I Had a feeling that you liked me too
So I never thought it peculiar When you stopped to ask me the time And I don't think its terribly peculiar That now, little girl, you are mine That now, little girl, you are mine That now, little girl, you are mine
Earth Song ((Dutch Version: Aardsong (Liliane Saint-Pierre) - 1997)) Composer(s): Michael Jackson First release by: Michael Jackson - 1995
What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain... What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood weve shed before Did you ever stop this notice This crying earth this we make sure?
Aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaah
What have we done to the world Look what weve done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son... What about flowering fields Is there a time What about all the dreams That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the children dead from war Did you ever stop to notice This crying earth this we make sure?
Aaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaah
I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I dont know where we are Although I know weve drifted far
Hey, what about yesterday (what about us) What about the seas (what about us) The heavens are falling down (what about us) I cant even breathe (what about us) What about everything (what about us) I have given you (what about us) What about natures worth (ooo,ooo) Its our planets womb (what about us) What about animals (what about it) Weve turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) What about elephants (what about us) Have we lost their trust (what about us) What about crying whales (what about us) Were ravaging the seas (what about us) What about forest trails (ooo, ooo) Burnt despite our pleas (what about us) What about the holy land (what about it) Torn apart by creed (what about us) What about the common man (what about us) Cant we set him free (what about us) What about children dying (what about us) Cant you hear them cry (what about us) Where do we go wrong (ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why (what about us) What about baby boy (what about it) What about the days (what about us) What about all their joy (what about us) What about the men (what about us) What about the crying man (what about us) What about abraham (what was us) What about death again (ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn
Trem Das Cores Composer(s): Caetano Veloso Performer(s): Caetano Veloso; Quarteto em Cy
A franja da encosta Cor de Laranja Capim rosa chá O mel desses olhos luz Mel de cor ímpar O ouro ainda não bem verde da serra A prata do trem A lua e a estrela Anel de turquesa Os átomos todos dançam Madruga Reluz neblina Criancas cor de romã Entram no vagão O oliva da nuvem chumbo Ficando P'ra trás da manhã E a seda azul do papel Que envolve a maçã As casas tão verde e rosa Que vão passando ao nos ver passar Os dois lados da janela E aquela num tom de azul Quase inesistente azul que não há Azul que é pura memória de algum lugar Teu cabelo preto Explícito objeto Castanhos lábios Ou p'ra ser exato Lábios cor de açaí E aqui trem das cores Sabe os projetos Tocar na central E o céu de um azul Celeste celestial
The Trees Composer(s): Nick Banks - Jarvis Cocker - Candida Doyle - Steve Mackey - Mark Webber Performer(s): Pulp
I took an air rifle Full of buckeye to the ground And it died without a sound
Your skin's so pale Against the fallen autumn leaves No-one saw us but the trees
Yeah, the trees Those useless trees Produce the air That I am breathing
Yeah, the trees Those useless trees They never said That you were leaving
I carved your name With a heart just up above Now swollen, distorted Unrecognisable, like our love
You smell of leaf mould And the sweetness of decay Or the incense at the funeral procession here today
And the trees Those useless trees Produce the air That I am breathing
Yeah, the trees Those useless trees They never said That you were leaving
Try to shape the world to what you want the world to be Carving your name a thousand times won't bring you back to me
Oh, no, I might as well I might as well go tell it to the trees, yeah
Oh yeah, the trees Those useless trees Produce the air That I am breathing
Yeah, the trees Those useless trees They never said That you were leaving
Go and tell it to the trees, yeah Go tell it to the trees, yeah Go tell it to the trees, yeah Go tell it to the trees, yeah Go tell it to the trees, yeah
I Never Loved Anyone Composer(s): George "Funky" Brown Performer(s): Steve Conway and multiple other artists
I never loved anyone, any time, any place With anything like the love I feel for you I never saw anyone more than once, maybe twice But I had no ties until my eyes saw you
I may have kissed one or two Three or four, maybe more But after all I didnt fall And who they were I cant recall
For I never loved anyone, any time, any place With anything like the love I feel for you
I may have kissed one or two Three or four, maybe more But after all I didnt fall And who they were I cant recall
I never loved anyone, any time, any place With anything like the love I feel for you For everything that I love I find in you
Trees Composer(s): Joyce Kilmer - Oscar Rasbach First recording/First release: Isham Jones' Orch. - 1930 Covered by multiple other artists
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair Upon whose bosom snow has lain Who intimately lives with rain Poems are made by fools like me But only God can make a tree
I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You) Composer(s): Ronnie Shannon First release by: Aretha Franklin - 1967 Covered by multiple other artists
You're a no good heart breaker You're a liar and you're a cheat And I don't know why I let you do these things to me My friends keep telling me That you ain't no good But oh, they don't know That I'd leave you if I could
I guess I'm uptight And I'm stuck like glue Cause I ain't never I ain't never, I ain't never, no, no (loved a man) (The way that I, I love you)
Some time ago I thought You had run out of fools But I was so wrong You got one that you'll never lose The way you treat me is a shame How could ya hurt me so bad Baby, you know that I'm the best thing That you ever had Kiss me once again
Don'cha never, never say that we we're through Cause I ain't never Never, Never, no, no (loved a man) (The way that I, I love you)
I can't sleep at night And I can't even fight I guess I'll never be free Since you got, your hooks, in me
Whoa, oh, oh Yeah! Yeah! I ain't never loved a man I ain't never loved a man, baby Ain't never had a man hurt me so bad