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  • 18-07-1998
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Alevosía
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    Composer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute
    Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute; Milton Cortez

    Más que amor, lo que siento por ti
    es el mal de] animal
    no la terquedad del jabalí
    ni la furia del chacal...
    Es el alma que se encela
    con instinto criminal
    es amar, hasta que duela
    como un golpe de puñal...
    ay, amor, ay, dolor...
    Yo te quiero con alevosía...

    Necesito confundir tu piel
    con el frío del metal
    0 tal vez con el destello cruel
    de un fragmento de cristal...
    Quiero que tus sentimientos
    sean puro mineral
    polvo de cometa al viento
    del espacio sideral ...
    ay, amor, ay, dolor ...
    yo te quiero con alevosía

    Nada envidio a la voracidad
    de tu amante más letal
    ella espera tu fatalidad
    yo pretendo lo inmortal
    el espíritu que habita
    tu belleza más carnal
    esa luz que resucita
    el pecado original...
    ay, amor, ay, dolor. .
    yo te quiero con alevosía...

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Where Do The Holes Go In Doughnuts

    Where Do The Holes Go In Doughnuts
    Composer(s): R. Carlson
    Performer(s): Billy James

    My father was a baker
    And oh, how he could bake
    His bread was heavy laden
    Aa also was his cake

    He surely knew his business
    That's how he made his dough
    But often he would say to me
    Here's what I'd like to know...

    Where do the holes go in doughnuts
    When we eat the doughnuts up?
    I've tried to find out the answer
    Ever since Hector was a pup (Woof woof!)

    Now, I know where mosquitos go in winter
    And I know it hurts to sit down on a splinter
    But tell me, where do the holes go in doughnuts
    When we eat the doughnuts up?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Além Do Cansaço
    Composer(s): Petrúcio Maia - Brandão
    Performer(s): Raimundo Fagner

    Quando não houver mais música no ar
    Nem houver sorrisos em volta
    Quando nada na tarde morta
    Além do cansaço da vida falar
    Quando o cigarro irritar a garganta
    E a bebida os lábios queimar
    E a presença de alguém que ainda canta
    Não consiga no peito cantar
    Quando a rua, a casa e a porta
    Não mais falem de ir ou chegar

    Quando não mais houver poesia
    Na triste canção de uma mesa de bar
    É preciso entender que perdida
    Pela vida uma estrada caminha
    E que uma cidade sozinha
    Não comporta a procura da vida
    É preciso sair pelo mundo
    Procurando somente encontrar
    É preciso alcançar a aurora
    Que a noite teimou em fazer não chegar
    É preciso entender que a vida
    Quer um jeito de resistir
    E é preciso saber que agora
    Aurora não pode esperar por vir

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Where Do The Children Play?
    Composer(s): Cat Stevens
    Performer(s): Cat Stevens;
    and various other artists

    Well I think it's fine, building jumbo planes
    Or taking a ride on a cosmic train
    Switch on summer from a slot machine
    yes, Get what you want to if you want, 'cause you can get anything
    I know we've come a long way
    We're changing day to day
    But tell me, where do the children play?
    Well you roll on roads over fresh green grass
    For your lorry loads pumping petrol gas
    And you make them long, and you make them tough
    But they just go on and on, and it seems that you can't get off
    Oh, I know we've come a long way
    We're changing day to day
    But tell me, where do the children play?
    Well you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air
    But, will you keep on building higher
    'til there's no more room up there?
    Will you make us laugh, will you make us cry?
    Will you tell us when to live, will you tell us when to die?
    I know we've come a long way
    We're changing day to day
    But tell me, where do the children play?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Aleluya N° 5
    Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute

    Llévame contigo a la cumbre más alta
    para tentarme con mil ciudades
    de oro y carne que pondré a tus pies
    Aparta de mí tus labios
    son puñales sus palabras traidoras
    acércame todos sus besos
    que me matan dulcemente en el silencio
    Condéname por los siglos de los siglos
    a vivir clavado a tu cuerpo apasionado
    así podrán nuestras almas
    redimiese de la condena eterna
    Flagélame si merezco penitencia
    somos la herida
    mis llagas serán los surcos
    que encauzarán tus iras
    Ponme, si es nobleza lo que obliga
    la corona de espinas
    la sangre que mane de mis sueños
    purificará tus pensamientos
    Enjúgame el sudor y las lágrimas
    con tu mirada
    que quede eternamente en tus pupilas
    grabado el rostro de quien más te amó
    Si no supone una cruz sobre tus hombros
    ayúdame a soportar este ingrávido peso
    que me aferra al centro de tu gravedad
    Expóliame, si el deseo te lo exige
    desnúdame ante ti
    te ofreceré mi cuerpo en sacrificio
    de amor y muerte
    Crucifícame, si no te tiembla el pulso
    crucifícame; pero hazlo con los clavos
    de tus ojos, con los golpes
    de tu corazón
    Recógeme en tu regazo cuando caiga
    te lo suplico
    junto a tu vientre consumado mi bien amada
    te encomendaré mi espíritu

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Where Do I Go From Here?
    Composer(s): Parker McGee
    Performer(s): Barry Manilow

    Autumn days lying on a bed of leaves
    Watching clouds up through the trees
    You said our love was more than time
    But it's colder now
    The trees are bare and the nights are long
    Can't get warm since you've been gone
    I can't stop singing sad songs

    Where do I go from here
    Tell me where do I go from here
    You said you'd take me through the years
    So where do I go from here

    Lover's plans like fallen leaves on windy days
    Flutter past and they fly away
    I thought I knew you oh so well
    And I need you now
    I need to feel you in the night
    I need your smile so warm and bright
    I wish my mind could let you go

    Where do I go from here
    Tell me where do I go from here
    You said you'd take me through the years
    So where do I go from here

    Where do I go from here
    Tell me where do I go from here
    You said you'd take me through the years
    So where do I go from here
    You said that you'd take me through the years
    So where do I go from here

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Aleluya N° 1
    Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute

    Aleluya nº1
    Una lágrima en la mano
    un suspiro muy cercano
    una historia que termina
    una piel que no respira
    una nube desgarrada
    una sangre derramada

    Gritos mudos que suplican
    una tierra que palpita
    la sonrisa de un recuerdo
    la mentira de un te quiero
    unos cuerpos que se anudan
    una niña que pregunta

    Mil silencios de un olvido
    un amor que se ha perdido
    tres guirnaldas en el pelo
    el aliento de unos besos
    el perdón de los pecados
    unos pies que están clavados

    La razón de la locura
    una luz de luna oscura
    unos ojos en la noche
    una voz que no se oye
    una llama que se apaga
    una vida que se acaba

    Sombras sobre luces en la clara oscuridad
    de este mundo absurdo que no sabe adónde va
    aleluya, aleluya, aleluya

    Una madre que amamanta
    tengo seca la garganta
    el color de un tiempo abierto
    un mañana siempre incierto
    el sudor en una frente
    el dolor de aquella gente

    Una llaga que se cierra
    una herida que se entierra
    unos labios temblorosos
    unos brazos calurosos
    dos palabras en la arena
    una ola se las lleva

    Un reloj con treinta horas
    el cartel de No Funciona
    una piedra en el vacío
    otra piedra en el sentido
    una lluvia en el alma
    un incendio en las entrañas

    Unos pasos sin destino
    por cuarenta mil caminos
    un acorde disonante
    nueve infiernos sin el Dante
    unas flores en mi tumba
    siempre nunca, nunca, nunca

    Sombras sobre luces en la clara oscuridad...

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Theme From Love Story ((aka Love Story (Where Do I Begin) (Tony Bennett) - 1970))
    Composer(s): Francis Lai
    First release by: Francis Lai & His Orch. - 1970
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1971 - Une Histoire D'amour (Mireille Mathieu)
    1971 - Schicksalsmelodie (Andy Williams)
    1971 - Love Story (Italian Version) (Patty Pravo)
    1971 - Søker Etter Ord (Anne Lise Gjøstøl)
    1972 - Historia De Amor (Berthina)
    1972 - Love Story (Romanian Version) (Aurelian Andreescu)
    2000 - Istoriya Lubvi (Nikolai Baskov)
    2001 - La Llave Del Amor (Frank Galan)
    2010 - Passione (Vanessa Calcagno)

    Where do I begin
    To tell the story of how great a love can be
    The sweet love story that is older than the sea
    The simple truth about the love she brings to me
    Where do I start

    With her first hello
    She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine
    There'd never be another love, another time
    She came into my life and made the living fine
    She fills my heart

    She fills my heart with very special things
    With angels' songs , with wild imaginings
    She fills my soul with so much love
    That anywhere I go I'm never lonely
    With her around, who could be lonely
    I reach for her hand-it's always there

    How long does it last
    Can love be measured by the hours in a day
    I have no answers now but this much I can say
    I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away
    And she'll be there

    How long does it last
    Can love be measured by the hours in a day
    I have no answers now but this much I can say
    I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away
    And she'll be there

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Aleluya Del Silencio
    Composer(s): Maria Ostiz
    Performer(s): Raphael; Maria Ostiz

    Escuchar el aire
    Cuando en la mañana azul
    Todas las estrellas duermen
    Al nacer la luz
    Cuando el arco iris llora
    Sólo el aire escuchareis
    Llamas que no queman rezareis
    Todo corre deprisa
    Sin ver, nada ves ni de color
    Nuestras manos sólo piden amor
    Nuestras voces gritarán
    Unidas siempre cantarán
    Aleluya, aleluya
    Aleluya, aleluya
    Aleluya, aleluya
    Aleluya, aleluya
    Para los que sufren
    Al otro lado del mar
    Los niños que lloran
    Sin saber porqué llorar
    Para los que pasan hambre
    Para los que tienen sed
    Llamas que no queman
    Salmos encendidos
    Como lirios secos van
    Sólo el campo verde crecerá
    Todo corre deprisa
    Sin ver, nada ves ni de color
    Nuestras manos sólo piden amor
    Nuestras voces gritarán
    Unidas siempre cantarán

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Where Do Broken Hearts Go
    Composer(s): Frank Williams; Chuck Jackson
    Performer(s): Whitney Houston;
    and various other artists

    I know it's been some time
    But there's something on my mind
    You see, I haven't been the same
    Since that cold November day...
    We said we needed space
    But all we found was an empty place
    And the only thing I learned
    Is that I need you desperately...

    So here I am
    And can you please tell me... oh

    Where do broken hearts go
    Can they find their way home
    Back to the open arms
    Of a love that's waiting there
    And if somebody loves you
    Won't they always love you
    I look in your eyes
    And I know that you still care, for me

    I've been around enough to know
    That dreams don't turn to gold
    And that there is no easy way
    No you just can't run away...
    And what we have is so much more
    Than we ever had before
    And no matter how I try
    You're always on my mind


    And now that I am here with you
    I'll never let you go
    I look into your eyes
    And now I know, now I know...


    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Composer(s): Enrique Mora
    Performer(s): Pedro Infante
    and multiple other artists

    Eres tú
    reina de mi amor
    como un sueño azul
    que a mi vida llegó

    Te adoré
    desde que te vi
    mi alma te entregué
    y por ti soy feliz

    Oye mi cantar
    mi corazón llamar al tuyo
    déjame decirle que eres tú mi amor
    mi obsesión, mi ilusión
    déjame decir que yo por ti dejé mi orgullo
    te quiero Alejandra con todo mi amor

    Ya por ti
    mi cielo es de arrebol
    ya por ti
    llevo en el alma un sol

    Oye mi cantar
    mi corazón llamar al tuyo
    déjame decirle que eres tú mi amor
    mi obsesión, mi ilusión
    déjame decir que yo por ti dejé mi orgullo
    te quiero Alejandra con todo mi amor

    Te adoré
    desde que te vi
    mi alma te entregué
    y por ti soy feliz

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Where Did You Get That Hat?
    Composer(s): James Rolmaz
    Performer(s): Stanley Holloway; Al Simmons

    Now how I came to get this hat, 'tis very strange and funny
    Grandfather died and left to me his property and money
    And when the will it was read out, they told me straight and flat
    If I would have his money, I must always wear his hat

    "Where did you get that hat? Where did you get that tile?
    Isn't it a nobby one, and just the proper style?
    I should like to have one Just the same as that!"
    Where'er I go, they shout "Hello! Where did you get that hat?"

    If I go to the op'ra house, in the op'ra season
    There's someone sure to shout at me without the slightest reason
    If I go to a concert hall to have a jolly spree
    There's someone in the party who is sure to shout at me


    At twenty-one I thought I would to my sweetheart get married
    The people in the neighbourhood had said too long we'd tarried
    So off to church we went right quick, determined to get wed
    I had not long been in there, when the parson to me said


    I once tried hard to be M.P. but failed to get elected
    Upon a tub I stood, round which a thousand folks collected
    And I had dodged the eggs and bricks (which was no easy task)
    When one man cried, "A question I the candidate would ask!"


    When Colonel South, the millionaire, gave his last garden party
    I was amongst the guests who had a welcome true and hearty
    The Prince of Wales was also there, and my heart jumped with glee
    When I was told the Prince would like to have a word with me


    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Composer(s): Ernesto Sabato - Anibal Troilo
    Performer(s): Ben Molar

    He vuelto a aquel banco del Parque Lezama
    Lo mismo que entonces se oye en la noche
    la sorda sirena de un barco lejano
    Mis ojos nublados, te buscan en vano
    Despues de diez años he vuelto aqui solo
    sonando aquel tiempo, oyendo aquel barco
    El tiempo y la lluvia, el viento y la muerte
    ya todo llevaron, ya nada dejaron

    En que soledades
    de hondos dolores
    en cuales regiones
    de negros malvones
    estas, Alejandra?
    Por cuales caminos
    con grave tristeza
    oh, muerta princesa?

    He vuelto a aquel banco del Parque Lezama
    Lo mismo que entonces se oye en la noche
    la sorda sirena de un barco lejano
    Mis ojos nublados, te buscan en vano
    Despues de diez años he vuelto aqui solo
    sonando aquel tiempo, oyendo aquel barco
    El tiempo y la lluvia, el viento y la muerte
    ya todo llevaron, ya nada dejaron

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Where Did You Get That Girl?
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    Where Did You Get That Girl?
    Composer(s): Bert Kalmar; Harry Puck

    Lonesome Johnnie Warner, sitting in a corner of a swell cafe
    eating his heart away because he had no girl
    at another table, sat a girl named Mable with a fellow who Johnnie knew
    and his brain began to whirl
    The girl had caught his eye and John began to cry

    Johnnie found a corker, started in to walk her down the avenue
    Down to the parson who would make them man and wife
    Parson Lee received him, and when he relieved him of the marriage fee
    Parson Lee said never on my life, have I seen such a miss
    say Johnnie tell me this

    Where did you get that girl?
    Oh! you lucky devil
    Where did you get that girl?
    tell me on the level
    Have you ever kissed her
    if she has a sister lead me, lead me, lead me to her mister
    Gee! I wish that I had a girl
    I'd love 'er I'd love er
    Oh goodness how I'd love er
    If you can find another, I'll take her home to mother
    Where! Where! Where did you get that girl?

    Where did you get that girl?
    Oh! you lucky devil
    Where did you get that girl?
    tell me on the level
    Have you ever kissed her
    if she has a sister lead me, lead me, lead me to her mister
    Gee! I wish that I had a girl
    I'd love er
    I'd love er
    Oh goodness how I'd love er
    If she's here long I'm liable to give away my bible
    Where! Where! Where did you get that girl?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Alegria, Alegria
    Composer(s): Caetano Veloso
    Performer(s): Caetano Veloso; Nana Caymmi; Flávio Venturini

    Caminhando contra o vento, sem lenço, sem documento
    No sol de quase dezembro, eu vou
    O sol se reparte em crimes, espaçonaves, guerrilhas
    Em Cardinales bonitas, eu vou

    Em caras de presidentes, em grandes beijos de amor
    Em dentes, pernas, bandeiras, bomba e Brigite Bardot

    O sol nas bancas de revista me enche de alegria e preguiça
    Quem lê tanta notícia
    Eu vou por entre fotos e nomes os olhos cheios de cores
    O peito cheio de amores vãos
    Eu vou, por que não? Por que não?

    Ela pensa em casamento, e eu nunca mais fui à escola
    Sem lenço, sem documento, eu vou
    Eu tomo uma coca-cola, ela pensa em casamento
    E uma canção me consola, eu vou
    Por entre fotos e nomes, sem livros e sem fuzil
    Sem fone e sem telefone no coração do Brasil

    Ela nem sabe, até pensei em cantar na televisão
    O sol é tão bonito
    Eu vou sem lenço, sem documento, nada no bolso ou nas mãos
    Eu quero seguir vivendo, amor

    Eu vou, por que não? Por que não?
    Por que não? Por que não? Por que não?

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go (With Friday On Saturday Night)?
    Composer(s): Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; George W. Meyer
    Performer(s): Al Jolson;
    and various other artists

    Over a thousand years, or maybe more
    Out on an island on a lonely shore
    Robinson Crusoe landed one fine day
    No rent to pay
    No wife to obey
    His good man Friday was his only friend
    He didn't borrow or lend
    They built a little hut
    Lived there till Friday, but
    Saturday night it was shut

    Where did Robinson Crusoe go with Friday on Saturday night?
    Every Saturday night they would start in to roam
    And on Sunday morning they'd come staggering home
    They went hunting for rabbits when the weather grew colder
    But Crusoe came home with a hare on his shoulder
    Now, where did Robinson Crusoe go with Friday on Saturday night?

    Robinson Crusoe was a good old scout
    Robinson Crusoe knew his way about
    He'd go out hunting chickens now and then
    But he knew when
    He was chasing a hen
    Once he told Friday, "You must stay at home
    I've got to go out alone"
    Friday felt very blue
    He said, "It's wrong of you
    Couldn't you fix it for two?"

    Where did Robinson Crusoe go with Friday on Saturday night?
    One fine Saturday night they had nothing to do
    So they started counting all the girlies they knew
    Friday counted to thirteen, and Crusoe said, "Brother
    You know, thirteen's unlucky
    Let's go get another"
    So, where did Robinson Crusoe go with Friday on Saturday night?

    Where did Robinson Crusoe go with Friday on Saturday night?
    Every Saturday night they would start in to roam
    And on Sunday morning they'd come staggering home
    On this island lived wild men and cannibal crimmin
    And you know where there are wild men, there must be wild women
    So, where did Robinson Crusoe go with Friday on Saturday night?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Composer(s): Joe Darion - Mitch Leigh
    Performer(s): Jacques Brel

    Je suis née comme une chienne une nuit où il pleuvait
    Je suis née et ma mère est partie en chantant
    Et je ne sais rien d'elle que la haine que j'en ai
    J'aurais dû venir au monde en mourant

    Eh bien sûr, il y a mon père, on dit, on dit souvent
    Que les filles gardent leur père au profond de leur cœur
    Mais je n'ai pas su mon père, mon père était plusieurs
    Car mon père était un régiment
    Je ne peux même pas dire s'ils étaient andalous ou prussiens
    Sont-ils morts vers le nord, sont-ils morts vers le sud
    Je n'en sais rien!

    Une Dame, et comment veut-il que je sois une Dame?

    J'ai grandi comme une chienne de carrefour en carrefour
    J'ai grandi et trop tôt sur la paille des mules
    De soldat en soldat, de crapule en crapule
    J'ai connu les bienfaits de l'amour
    Et je vis comme une bête, je fais ça comme on se mouche
    Et je vis sans savoir ni pour qui ni pour quoi
    Pour un sou je me lève, pour deux sous je me couche
    Pour trois sous je fais n'importe quoi!
    Si vous ne me croyez guère, pour trois sous venez voir le restant
    De la plus folle des fiancés au plus crapuleux des brigands de la terre

    Mais chassez donc vos nuages et regardez-moi telle que je suis
    Une Dame, une vraie Dame a une vertu, a une âme
    Dieu de Dieu, de tous les pires salauds que j'ai connus
    Vous qui parlez d'étoile, vous qui montrez le ciel
    Vous êtes bien le plus infâme, le plus cruel
    Frappez-moi, je préfère le fouet à vos chimères
    Frappez-moi jusqu'au feu, jusqu'au sol, jusqu'à terre
    Mais gardez votre tendresse, rendez-moi mon désespoir
    Je suis née sur le fumier et j'y repars
    Mais je vous en supplie, ne me parlez plus de Dulcinéa
    Vous voyez bien que je ne suis rien, je ne suis qu'Aldonza la putain

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Where Did Our Love Go?
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    Where Did Our Love Go?
    Composer(s): Brian Holland; Lamont Dozier; Edward Holland, Jr.
    Performer(s): Diana Ross

    Baby, baby
    Baby don't leave me
    Ooh, please don't leave me
    All by myself

    I've got this burning, burning
    Yearning feelin' inside me
    Ooh, deep inside me
    And it hurts so bad

    You came into my heart
    So tenderly
    With a burning love
    That stings like a bee

    Now that I surrender
    So helplessly
    You now wanna leave
    Ooh, you wanna leave me

    Ooh, baby, baby
    Where did our love go?
    Ooh, don't you want me
    Don't you want me no more
    Ooh, baby

    Baby, baby
    Where did our love go
    And all your promisses
    Of a love forever more

    I've got this burning, burning
    Yearning feelin' inside me
    Ooh, deep inside me
    And it hurts so bad

    Before you won my heart
    You were a perfect guy
    But now that you got me
    You wanna leave me behind
    Baby, baby, ooh baby

    Baby, baby don't leave me
    Ooh, please don't leave me
    All by myself

    Ooh, baby, baby
    Where did our love go?

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Alcina De Jesus
    Composer(s): Nino Ferrer
    Performer(s): Nino Ferrer

    Son pays c'est tellement loin
    Au bout du continent
    Et pourtant ce n'est qu'une enfant
    Mais elle a dû partir
    Elle travaille chez des gens très gentils
    Elle s'occupe de leur bébé joli
    Pendant que là-bas c'est le printemps
    Et fleurit la révolution

    Il y a des gens dans les rues
    Qui chantent la liberté
    Le monde est en train de changer
    Mais elle n'en voit rien du tout
    Alcina de Jesus

    Pourtant c'est comme un parfum
    Amer comme un premier amour
    Et ça ne dure qu'un temps très court
    Puis on est vieux pour toujours
    Alcina de Jesus

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Where Could I Go But To The Lord
    Composer(s): James B. Coats
    Performer(s): Emmylou Harris

    Living below in this old sinful world
    Hardly a comfort can afford
    Striving alone to face temptation so
    Now won't you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord

    Where could I go oh where could I go
    Seeking the refuge for my soul
    Needing a friend to save me in the end
    Won't you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord

    Life here is grand with friends I love so dear
    Comfort I get from God's own word
    Yet when I face that chilling hand of death
    Won't you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord

    Where could I go oh where could I go
    Seeking the refuge for my soul
    Needing a friend to save me in the end
    Won't you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
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    --> Mirror
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    --> Semester I Rom

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