Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Mañana De Carnaval (Manha Do Carnival) ((Adapted from: Manhã De Carnaval (Breno Mello) - 1959)) Composer(s): Luiz Bonfá - Antônio Maria Araújo de Morais - Jesús María Arozamena Berastegui Performer(s): Luis Miguel - 1997
Versions In Other Languages: 1959 - La Chanson D'Orphée (by Dalida) 1959 - La Canzone Di Orfeo (by Dalida) 1960 - Yön Väistyessä (by Vieno Kekkonen) 1963 - Carnival (by Perry Como) 1966 - A Day in the Life of a Fool (by Jack Jones) 1970 - Das Glück Kam Zu Mir Wie Ein Traum (by Alexandra)
Azul la manana es azul el sol si le llamo vendra se detendra en mi voz y hasta la eternidad en su camino ira hacia otro azul Despues, yo no se si hay despues si el sol volvera a despertar porque la cancion no ha de ser verdad porque en carnaval es que te busco yo aunque no habras de estar y mentira tu voz en el azul Despues, yo no se si hay despues si el sol volvera a despertar porque la cancion no ha de ser verdad porque en carnaval Cantara el corazón, la razón de vivir cantara sin hablar, ni sentir
Door To Door Composer(s): Stu Cook Performer(s): Creedence Clearwater Revival
Find me out awalkin', time the whistle starts acallin' Maybe stoppin' early, knockin' at your door Take so long to answer, Lord knows it ain't the milkman Could be stoppin' early, sellin' Door To Door
Here's my latest sample; like to show you how to use it First, you pull the curtain while I spread some here Wipe the surface gently, try to use a circle motion Safe for all your problems, and my price is fair
This stuff'll get the stain out if you use it loosely wadded This here'll take the pain out and won't mess your hair Place your order early 'cause you know I'm in a hurry Your neighbor's in her doorway, won't you sign right here
Place your order early 'cause you know I'm in a hurry Your neighbor's in her doorway, won't you sign right here
Man is on the last train, all that work and no play Could be stoppin' early, knockin' at your door Time for me to head on; pack my kit and 'So long' Catch you bright and early sellin' Door To Door
This stuff'll get the stain out if you use it loosely wadded This here'll take the pain out and won't mess your hair Place your order early 'cause you know I'm in a hurry Your neighbor's in her doorway, won't you sign right here
Place your order early 'cause you know I'm in a hurry Your neighbor's in her doorway, won't you sign right here Place your order early 'cause you know I'm in a hurry Your neighbor's in her doorway, won't you sign right here (repeat 2x)
La Chanson D'Orphée ((Adapted from: Manhã De Carnaval (Breno Mello) - 1959)) Composer(s): Luiz Bonfá - Antônio Maria Araújo de Morais - François Llenas Performer(s): Dalida - 1959 and multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages: 1959 - La Canzone Di Orfeo (by Dalida) 1960 - Yön Väistyessä (by Vieno Kekkonen) 1963 - Carnival (by Perry Como) 1966 - A Day in the Life of a Fool (by Jack Jones) 1970 - Das Glück Kam Zu Mir Wie Ein Traum (by Alexandra) 1997 - Mañana De Carnaval (Manha Do Carnival) (by Luis Miguel)
Matin, fais lever le soleil Matin, à l'instant du réveil Viens tendrement poser Tes perles de rosée Sur la nature en fleurs Chère à mon cur Le ciel a choisi mon pays Pour faire un nouveau paradis Où loin des tourments Danse un éternel printemps Pour les amants
Chante chante mon cur La chanson du matin Dans la joie de la vie qui reviens
Matin, fais lever le soleil Matin, à l'instant du réveil Mets dans le cur battant De celui que j'attends Un doux rayon d'amour Beau comme le jour Afin que son premier soupir Réponde à mon premier désir Oui, l'heure est venue Où chaque baiser perdu Ne revient plus... Oui, l'heure est venue Où chaque baiser perdu Ne revient plus
Chante chante mon cur La chanson du matin Dans la joie de la vie qui reviens
Doonaree Composer(s): Eilish Boland Performer(s): Vera Lynn and various other artists
If you ever go to Ireland I'm sure you will agree To take the road from Dublin town Way down to Doonaree 'Tis there you'll find a wishing well Beyond a chestnut tree In a shady nook, by a winding brook Will you make this wish for me
Oh to be in Doonaree With a sweetheart I once knew To stroll in the shade of the leafy glade Where the rhododendrons grew To sit with my love on the bridge Above the rippling waterfall But to go back home, never more to roam Is my dearest wish of all
And if you take the hilly path To the woods where bluebells grow Where we as barefoot children played So many years ago You'll find a slumbering castle there Enshrined in memory In a shady nook, by a winding brook Will you make this wish for me
Oh to be in Doonaree With a sweetheart I once knew To stroll in the shade of the leafy glade Where the rhododendrons grew To sit with my love on the bridge Above the rippling waterfall But to go back home, never more to roam Is my dearest wish of all
To go back home, never more to roam Is my dearest wish of all
Back home, never more to roam Is my dearest wish of all
Das Glück Kam Zu Mir Wie Ein Traum ((Adapted from: Manhã De Carnaval (Breno Mello) - 1959)) Composer(s): Luiz Bonfá - Antônio Maria Araújo de Morais - Ernst Bader - Hans Ewer Performer(s): Alexandra - 1970
Versions In Other Languages: 1959 - La Chanson D'orphée (by Dalida) 1959 - La Canzone Di Orfeo (by Dalida) 1960 - Yön Väistyessä (by Vieno Kekkonen) 1963 - Carnival (by Perry Como) 1966 - A Day in the Life of a Fool (by Jack Jones) 1997 - Mañana De Carnaval (Manha Do Carnival) (by Luis Miguel)
Das Glück kam zu mir wie ein Traum Musik aus dem endlosen Raum so wie ein Sonnenstrahl auf zartem Blütentau im ersten Morgengraum so war dein Kuß
Noch nie war das Glück mir so nah noch nie war ein Herz für mich da die MAske zerbrach ich hab dein Gesicht gesehen die Zeit blieb stehen ein vergessener Kuß ein verlorener Blick kommen nie mehr im Leben zurück
Noch nie war das Glück mir so nah noch nie war ein Herz für mich da
Composer(s): Rodney Dillard - Mitch Jayne
Performer(s): The Dillards
and multiple other artists
Dooley was a good old man, lived below the mill Dooley had two daughters and a forty gallon still One gal watched the boiler, the other watched the spout and mama corked the bottles when old Dooley fetched them out
Chorus Dooley, slippin' up the holler, Dooley, tryin' to make a dollar Dooley, gimmee a swaller and I'll pay you back some day
They revenuers came for him, a-slippin' thru the woods Dooley kept behind them all and never lost his goods Dooley was a trader when into town he come Sugar by the bushel and molasses by the ton
I remember very well the day old Dooley died the women folk looked sorry and the men stood 'round and cried Now Dooley's on the mountain, he lies there all alone they put a jug beside him and a barrel for a stone
La Canzone Di Marinella ((French Version: La Romance De Marinelle (by Roberto Ferri) - 2003)) Composer(s): Fabrizio De André First release by: Fabrizio De André - 1964 Covered by multiple other artists
Questa di Marinella è la storia vera che scivolò nel fiume a primavera ma il vento che la vide così bella dal fiume la portò sopra una stella Sola senza il ricordo di un dolore vivevi senza il sogno di un amore ma un re senza corona e senza scorta bussò tre volte un giorno alla tua porta Bianco come la luna il suo cappello come l'amore rosso il suo mantello tu lo seguisti senza una ragione come un ragazzo segue un aquilone E c'era il sole e avevi gli occhi belli lui ti baciò le labbra ed i capelli c'era la luna e avevi gli occhi stanchi lui pose le sue mani suoi tuoi fianchi Furono baci e furono sorrisi poi furono soltanto i fiordalisi che videro con gli occhi delle stelle fremere al vento e ai baci la tua pelle Dicono poi che mentre ritornavi nel fiume chissà come scivolavi e lui che non ti volle creder morta bussò cent'anni ancora alla tua porta Questa è la tua canzone Marinella che sei volata in cielo su una stella e come tutte le più belle cose vivesti solo un giorno, come le rose E come tutte le più belle cose vivesti solo un giorno, come le rose
Doo Dah Blues Composer(s): Fred Rose - Eddie White
What will become of me what will become of me something it's plain to see is wrong with me yes wrong with me I'm always sighing I'm always crying Sad am I here's the reason why Just only yesterday my sweetie went away I thought t'was all in play but when I heard her say "Doo Dah, good-bye to you Doo Dah, that means that I'm thru" Oh! Lordy
You've heard my tale of woe and now I know you know just why I'm worried so Yes worried so and flurried so I loved her only that's why I'm lonely and I miss most of all her kiss maybe if she could see Just what she did to me sorry perhaps she'd be and set my poor heart free but I suppose she's thru there's nothing else I can do
Oh! those Doo Dah Blues I want to lose those Doo Dah Blues for all night long till early dawn they seem to come and never leave me Lordy but they grieve me Do they, they do I'll say they do Oh! I know those Doo Dah Blues will sure refuse poor me to lose I've got 'em now and oh! somehow I know that if you'd had 'em you'd a long to lose the Doo Dah Blues
La Canzone Dell'amore Perduto Composer(s): Fabrizio De André First release by: Fabrizio De André - 1966 Covered by multiple other artists
Ricordi sbocciavano le viole con le nostre parole "non ci lasceremo mai mai e poi mai" Vorrei dirti, ora, le stesse cose ma come fan presto, amore ad appassire le rose così per noi L'amore che strappa i capelli é perduto ormai Non resta che qualche svogliata carezza e un po' di tenerezza E quando ti troverai in mano quei fiori appassiti al sole di un aprile ormai lontano li rimpiangerai Ma sarà la prima che incontri per strada che tu coprirai d'oro per un bacio mai dato per un amore nuovo E sarà la prima che incontri per strada che tu coprirai d'oro per un bacio mai dato per un amore nuovo
Don't You Worry, Dearie Composer(s): Al. W. Morse - Percy Wenrich
A winsome little maid in an everglade With her soldier boy in blue Maiden softly sighs lovelight in her eyes For she loves him fond and true Boy has come to tell girl he loves so well Duty calls him far away Maiden is in tears for his life she fears Then she hears him softly say
The war is over now boy has kept his vow Nothing can their love destroy They are not alone in their little home There's a bouncing baby boy Happy is their lot, trouble they forgot As they stand behind his bed Oft when stars shine bright they recall the night When to her he softly said
Don't you worry Dearie Dearie don't you sigh See the moon is smiling In the deep blue sky Soon I'll be returning Then I'll claim my own Wedding bells will gaily ring And the birds will sweetly sing Little girlie when I come back home
La Canzone Del Sole Composer(s): Lucio Battisti - Mogol First release by: Lucio Battisti - 1971 Covered by multiple other artists
Le bionde trecce gli occhi azzurri e poi le tue calzette rosse e l'innocenza sulle gote tue due arance ancor più rosse e la cantina buia dove noi respiravamo piano e le tue corse, l'eco dei tuoi no,oh no mi stai facendo paura Dove sei stata cosa hai fatto mai? Una donna, donna dimmi cosa vuol dir sono una donna ormai Ma quante braccia ti hanno stretto, tu lo sai per diventar quel che sei che importa tanto tu non me lo dirai purtroppo Ma ti ricordi l'acqua verde e noi le rocce, bianco e il fondo di che colore sono gli occhi tuoi se me lo chiedi non rispondo O mare nero, o mare nero, o mare ne... tu eri chiaro e trasparente come me O mare nero, o mare nero, o mare ne... tu eri chiaro e trasparente come me Le biciclette abbandonate sopra il prato e poi noi due distesi all'ombra un fiore in bocca può servire, sai più allegro tutto sembra e d'improvviso quel silenzio fra noi e quel tuo sguardo strano ti cade il fiore dalla bocca e poi oh no, ferma, ti prego la mano Dove sei stata cos'hai fatto mai? Una donna, donna donna, dimmi cosa vuol dir sono una donna ormai Io non conosco quel sorriso sicuro che hai non so chi sei, non so più chi sei mi fai paura oramai purtroppo Ma ti ricordi le onde grandi e noi gli spruzzi e le tue risa cos'è rimasto in fondo agli occhi tuoi la fiamma è spenta o è accesa? O mare nero, o mare nero, o mare ne... Il sole quando sorge,sorge piano e poi la luce si diffonde tutto intorno a noi le ombre dei fantasmi della notte sono alberi e cespugli ancora in fiore sono gli occhi di una donna ancora pieni d'amore
Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing
Composer(s): Stevie Wonder
First release by: Stevie Wonder - 1973
Covered by multiple other artists
Everybody's got a thing But some don't know how to handle it Always reachin' out in vain Accepting the things not worth having but
Don't you worry 'bout a thing Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama 'Cause I'll be standing on the side When you check it out
They say your style of life's a drag And that you must go other places But just don't you feel too bad When you get fooled by smiling faces but
Don't you worry 'bout a thing Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama 'Cause I'll be standing on the side When you check it out... When you get off... your trip Don't you worry 'bout a thing... Don't you worry 'bout a thing...ooh
Don't you worry 'bout a thing Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama 'Cause I'll be standing on the side When you check it out... When you get off... your trip
Everybody needs a change A chance to check out the new But you're the only one to see The changes you take yourself through but
Don't you worry 'bout a thing Don't you worry 'bout a thing, pretty mama 'Cause I'll be standing in the wings When you check it out
Don't You Want Me
Composer(s): John William Callis - Philip Oakey - Sally Christine Woodall
First release by: The Human League - 1981
Covered by multiple other artists
You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar When I met you I picked you out, I shook you up and turned you around Turned you into someone new Now five years later on, you've got the world at your feet Success has been so easy for you But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now And I can put you back down too
Don't, don't you want me You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me Don't, don't you want me You know I don't believe you when you say that you don't need me It's much too late to find You think you've changed your mind You'd better change it back Or we will both be sorry
Don't you want me baby Don't you want me Don't you want me baby Don't you want me
I was working as as waitress in a cocktail bar That much is true But I always knew I'd find a much better place Either with or without you The five years we have had have been such good times I still love you But now I think it's time I live my life on my own I guess it's something I must do
La Canción Del Trabajo ((Adapted from: Work Song (by Nathaniel Adderley) - 1960; (by Oscar Brown Jr.) - 1960)) Composer(s): Nathaniel Adderley - Oscar Brown Jr. - Manuel Clavero Performer(s): Raphael - 1966
Arrastrar la dura cadena Trabajar sin tregua y sin fin Es lo mismo que una condena Que ninguno puede eludir El trabajo nace con la persona Va grabado sobre su piel Y ya siempre le acompaña Como el amigo más fiel Trabajar con nieve y con frío Con la fe del que ha de triunfar Porque el agua que lleva el río No regresa nunca del mar El trabajo nace con la persona Va grabado sobre su piel Y ya siempre le acompaña Como el amigo más fiel Vale más tener confianza Y luchar por algo mejor Trabajar con fe y esperanza Por lograr un mundo de amor
Don't You Rock Me Daddy-O Composer(s): Bill Varley - Wally Whyton Performer(s): Lonnie Donegan and multiple other artists
Me an' my brother was goin' to town Sing away, ladies, sing away Ridin' a billy goat, leadin' a hound Sing away, ladies, sing away Hound dog bark, billy goat jump Sing away, ladies, sing away Throw'd my brother right over that stump Sing away, ladies, sing away
Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O
Well, my old auntie promised me Sing away, ladies, sing away When she died she's will to me Sing away, ladies, sing away Well, she lived so long her head got bald Sing away, ladies, sing away Why, she got out the notion of dyin' at all Sing away, ladies, sing away
Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O
Sing away, ladies, sing away
Sing away, ladies, sing away
Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O
Ah, me an' my brother was comin' into town Sing away, ladies, sing away Ridin' a billy goat, leadin' a hound Sing away, ladies, sing away
Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me, Daddy-O Don't you rock me... Daddy-O!
La Cancion Del Tamborilero ((Adapted from: Carol Of The Drum (The Jack Halloran Singers - 1957)) Composer(s): Katherine Davis - Henry Onorati - Manuel Clavero Performer(s): Raphael - 1966
Versions In Other Languages: 1958 - Little Drummer Boy (The Harry Simeone Chorale) 1965 - L'enfant Au Tambour (Nana Mouskouri) 1965 - Den Lille Trommesla'r (Bjørn Tidmand) 1973 - Kleine Trommelaar (Will Tura) 1982 - Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy (David Bowie & Bing Crosby) 1987 - Der Kleine Trommler (Heintje) 2009 - Trommedrengen (Linda Andrews, Malmö Symfoniorkester, Dobbeltkvartetten)
El camino que lleva a belén baja hasta el valle que la nieve cubrió los pastorcillos quieren ver a su rey le traen regalos en su humilde zurrón al redentor, al redentor ha nacido en un portal de belén el niño dios Yo quisiera poner a tus pies algún presente que te agrade, señor más, tú ya sabes que soy pobre también y no poseo más que un viejo tambor viejo tambor, viejo tambor en tu honor frente al portal tocaré con mi tambor El camino que lleva a belén yo voy marcando con mi viejo tambor nada mejor hay que yo pueda ofrecer su ronco acento es un canto de amor al redentor, al redentor cuando dios me vió tocando ante el me sonrió
Don't You Lie To Me
Composer(s): Tampa Red
First release by: Tampa Red - 1940
Covered by multiple other artists
Let's talk it over babe before we start I heard you had a way of over playing your part But don't lie to me Don't you lie to me You see it makes me mad and I get as evil as a man can be
Well there's two kinds of people that I just can't stand That's a sneakin' woman and a lyin' man Now don't lie to me Don't you lie to me You see it makes me mad and I get as evil as a man can be
I'm gonna love you 'til the cows come home But don't let me catch you out on your own And don't lie to me Don't you lie to me You see it makes me mad and I get as evil as a man can be
Here's a proposition that I'll give to you I'm gonna give you my love, won't you give me yours too But don't lie to me Don't you lie to me You see it makes me mad and I get as evil as a man can be
Carol Of The Drum
((aka Little Drummer Boy (The Harry Simeone Chorale) - 1958; Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy (David Bowie & Bing Crosby) - 1982))
Composer(s): Katherine Davis - Henry Onorati
First release by: The Jack Halloran Singers - 1957
Covered by multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages:
1965 - L'enfant Au Tambour (Nana Mouskouri)
1965 - Den Lille Trommesla'r (Bjørn Tidmand)
1966 - La Cancion Del Tamborilero (Raphael)
1973 - Kleine Trommelaar (Will Tura)
1987 - Der Kleine Trommler (Heintje)
2009 - Trommedrengen (Linda Andrews, Malmö Symfoniorkester, Dobbeltkvartetten)
Come they told me, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum Our newborn King to see! Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum Our finest gifts we'll bring, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum To lay before the King! Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum Rum-pa-pum-pum, Rum-pa-pum-pum So to honour Him, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum When we come
Baby Jesus, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum I'm a poor boy, too, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum I have no gift to bring, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum That's fit to give a King, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum Rum-pa-pum-pum, Rum-pa-pum-pum Shall I play for you, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum On my drum?
Mary nodded, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum Ox and ass kept time, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum I played my drum for Him, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum I played my best for Him, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum Rum-pa-pum-pum, Rum-pa-pum-pum Then He smiled at me, Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum! Me and my drum!
Don't You Know What The Night Can Do? Composer(s): Will Jennings; Steve Winwood Performer(s): Steve Winwood
Hear the night music playing? Don't you know what it's saying? We should feel it together For forever
Feel the beat and just hold on To the sweet midnight flowing Feel the music inside you I'll be there too
Now's the time our dreams are finally coming true Feels so good we're crying Now's the time when it's down to me and you Spread these wings - we'll be flying
Don't you know what the night can do? Don't you know when it's touching you? Don't you know what the night can do?
Time to show all your feeling All the night is revealing Let the rhythm enfoled you Let me hold you
Now we turn into music Now we never will lose it When the rhythm and night ride No heart can hide
There are times that never ever come again Mem'ries there for making When the night calls, we better let it in All this love for the taking
Don't you know what the night can do? Don't you know when it's touching you? Won't you help me to let it through? Don't you know what the night can do?