Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Ekino homu de mikaketa Anata wa mukashi no koibito sono, natsukashi yokogao Omowazu koe o kaketa watashi Anata wa odoroita yo o ni Tabako o otoshite shimatta Kudake chitta honoo no hibi ga Tsuka no mani, yomigaeri Mitsume au doo shiteru ima wa Arekara kimi wa Genki ni shiteru wa Itsu datte watashi Ocha demo nomou Sukoshi no jikan Densha wa Toori sungite yuku
Anata wa koohi kappu ni Kakkusatoo futatsu irete Ima no boku wa konna mono sato Warai nagara Kami o kaki ageta Soo dakedo fushigi ne Anohi wakareta koto mo Tada amari ni wakasugita dakedato futari Tagai ni yurushi aeru
Aishitawa, watashi Anata no koto o ima wa betsu betsu no Yume o ou kedo Meguri aiwa Sutekina koto ne Amayodori suru yoo ni futari
Aishitawa, watashi Anata no koto o ima wa betsu betsu no Yume o ou kedo Meguri aiwa Sutekina koto ne Amayodori suru yoo ni futari
What would make this shell of house I live in seem like home Wood would, you could too if you would and wanted too What would make this rickety shack more solid than stone Wood would, you could too if you would and wanted too
You could make the paint worth peeling Stop that creepy leaky old ceiling You could take the bow out of the rafters And fill this empty house with happy laughter
What would make this shack of mine fine as a mansion on a hill Wood would, you could too if you would and say you will
What would keep that shivery quivery wind from blowing through Wood would, you could too if you would and wanted too What would give these dreary old walls a homier brighter hue Wood would, you could too if you would and wanted too
You could make the paint worth peeling Stop that creepy leaky old ceiling You could take the bow out of the rafters And fill this empty house with happy laughter
What would make this shack of mine fine as a mansion on a hill Wood would, you could too if you would and say you will
Amarsi Un Po' Composer(s): Lucio Battisti First release by: Lucio Battisti - 1977 Covered by multiple other artists
Amarsi un po' più facile e' respirare basta guardarsi e poi avvicinarsi un po' e non lasciarsi mai impaurire no, no amarsi un po' e' un po' fiorire aiuta sai, a non morire senza nascondersi manifestandosi si può eludere, la solitudine però, volersi bene no partecipare, e' difficile quasi come volare ma quanti ostacoli e sofferenze e poi sconforti e lacrime per diventare noi veramente noi uniti, indivisibili vicini, ma irraggiungibili
Wood And Wire Composer(s): Kenny Beard; Michael Mahler Performer(s): George Jones; Hal Sherfey
Fame...A dream put off for the familys needs he puts in 8 down at the factory when he gets home his feet are tired if he had his way he'd been a workin.. with his hands on wood and wire
Saganaw spruce Tennessee maple Sears and robuck black diamond strings late a night he fans that fire... when he grabs a hold of that wood and wire
Days...years...his dream just disappears they never once heard him complainin' their every wish is his desire and without then he might have made it... with his hands on wood and wire.. Late a night he fans that fire when he grabs a hold of that wood and wire
Saganaw spruce Tennessee maple Sears and robuck black diamond strings late a night he fans that fire... when he grabs a hold of that wood and wire
If u ask him..he will tell u... that he don't have no regrets then he'll take his calloused fingers and let 'em fly across those frets
Saganaw spruce Tennessee maple Sears and robuck black diamond strings late a night he fans that fire... when he grabs a hold of that wood and wire
Amarillo Highway Composer(s): Terry Allen Performer(s): Robert Earl Keen Jr. and multiple other artists
I'm a high straight in Plainview A side bet in Idalou An' a fresh deck in Mobile Yeah some call me high handed Some call me low handed But I'm holdin' what I am the wheel
'Cause I'm panhandlin' manhandlin' Post holin' hugh rollin' dust bowlin' Daddy I ain't got no blood in my veins I just got them four lanes Of hard Amarillo Highway
I don't wear no Stetson But I'm willin' to bet son That I'm as big a Texan as you are There's a girl in her bare feet Asleep on the back seat And the trunk's full of Pearl beer and Lone Star
'Cause I'm panhandlin' manhandlin' Post holin' hugh rollin' dust bowlin' Daddy I ain't got no blood in my veins I just got them four lanes Of hard Amarillo Highway
Gonna hop outta bed Pop a pill in my head Bust a hub for the Golden Spread Under Blue Skies Gonna stuff my hide Behind some Power Glide Get some southern fried back in my hide
'Cause I'm panhandlin' manhandlin' Post holin' hugh rollin' dust bowlin' Daddy I ain't got no blood in my veins I just got them four lanes Of hard Amarillo Highway
As close as I'll ever get to heaven Is makin' speed up old eighty-seven Of that hard Amarillo Highway
Amargura Composer(s): Gonzalo Curiel Performer(s): Javier Solís
Voy cargando en mi vida una cruz voy cruzando esos mares sin luz Soy inconforme y rebelde a todo lo que da el destino y se me forma en el alma este negro desatino, ¡ay!
Voy buscando una huella de amor persiguiendo un perfume de flor Era mujer y mintió igual que todas las mujeres qué amargura Señor me dejó
Era mujer y mintió igual que todas las mujeres qué amargura Señor me dejó
Wont You Come Home (And Talk To A Stranger) Composer(s): Wayne Kemp Performer(s): Ernest Tubb & Loretta Lynn; George Strait
Well I was out a drinkin with a couple friends of mine When the bartended handed me the telephone Said: Theres a wife on the line
Well I told her I was just a drinkin' with a couple of buddies I knew But she told me in a few short words just what she wanted me to do
She Said: Wont You Come Home And Talk To A Stranger You might even make yourself a friend Wont You Come Home And Talk To A Stranger Its the only place in days you havent been
Well I sat their about an hour a talking with the rest of the guys When she walked through that front door she had get home in her eyes She said You talked and dance with every women in town but me "If youll just come around the house you might like my company"
She said: Wont You Come Home And Talk To A Stranger Im listening Honey
Yeah You might even make yourself a friend Ah Honey I can use a good friend
Wont You Come Home And Talk To A Stranger you dont have to hold my ear
Its the only place in days you havent been Im ready Honey, Im ready
Amargura Composer(s): Carlos Gardel - Le Pera Performer(s): Carlos Gardel
Me persigue implacable su boca que reía acecha mis insomnios ese recuerdo cruel ¡Mis propios ojos vieron como ella le ofrecía el beso de sus labios rojos como un clavel! Un viento de locura atravesó mi mente deshecho de amargura yo me quise vengar Mis manos se crispaban mi pecho las contuvo su boca que reía yo no pude matar
Fue su amor de un día toda mi fortuna conté mi alegría a los campos y a la luna Por quererla tanto por confiar en ella hoy hay en mi huella sólo llanto y mi dolor
Doliente y abatido mi vieja herida sangra ¡bebamos otro trago que yo quiero olvidar! Pero estas penas hondas de amor y desengaño como las hierbas malas son duras de arrancar Del fondo de mi copa su imagen me obsesiona ¡es como una condena su risa siempre igual! Coqueta y despiadada su boca me encadena se burla hasta la muerte la ingrata en el cristal
Won't Somebody Dance With Me Composer(s): Lynsey de Paul Originally performed by: Lynsey de Paul Covered by: Bruce Johnston
And now the band is playing very slow and once again, I'll get my coat and go a lonely wallflower waiting by the wall without the will power to face the music at all
Please, won't somebody dance with me start up a romance with me just someone somewhere someone who dare take a chance with me
I feel so silly in my patent shoes so many partners but one of them will choose a lonely wall flower feeling rather tired feeling undesired
Please, won't somebody dance with me start up a romance with me just someone somewhere someone who dare take a chance with me
Won't Get Fooled Again Composer(s): Pete Townshend Original Performers: The Who Covered by various other artists
We'll be fighting in the streets With our children at our feet And the morals that they worship will be gone And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgment of all wrong They decide and a shotgun sings the song I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin at the change all around Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again I'll move myself and my family aside If we happen to be left half alive Get all my papers and smile at the sky Tho' I know that the hypnotized never lie
There's nothing in the street Looks any different to me And the slogans are replaced by the by The parting on the left Is now the parting on the right And the beards have all grown longer overnight Make the new boss, same as the old boss
De wijk wordt gesaneerd en de huizen moeten plat En de mensen staan te kijken en ze zeggen: "Zie je dat" In die ouwe afbraakwoning woont toch nog een heel gezin Stel je voor, zo'n vochtig huis, nou ja, wat zien ze daar nu in Kijk, dat stel is amper twintig en die hebben al een kind Nou, die denken zeker dat ze kunnen leven van de wind En dan knikken ze tevreden, en dan gaan ze gauw naar huis Naar hun baan en naar hun auto, naar de televisie thuis
Het waren slechte huizen en ze woonden clandestien Ze hadden daar geen licht en ook geen water bovendien Maar ze waren daar gelukkig met vier muren en een dak Verder hadden ze aan luxe en aan dure meubels lak Maar het huis moet afgebroken want er komt een groot kantoor Het gezin staat nu op straat, maar ja, het geld gaat altijd voor En dat kan je makk'lijk zeggen in je eigen mooie huis Met je baan en met je auto, bij de televisie thuis
Ook al waren ze nu dakloos, 1 ding hadden ze geleerd Om gewoon te mogen leven moet je eerst geregistreerd Eerst een huis en dan pas trouwen, dus dan moet je een paar jaar Enkel vriend'lijk en gelaten zitten kijken naar elkaar Als je dan het wachten moe bent en er komt dan toch een kind Moet je zien dat je dan zelf maar iets om in te wonen vindt Want de mensen roepen: "Schande", en ze blijven veilig thuis En bespreken de problemen op de televisiebuis
En 't gezin trekt dan weer verder naar een and're afbraakbuurt En ze worden na een tijdje dan ook daar weer uitgestuurd En sta je met je meubels en je kind dan weer op straat Dan zal het niet veel helpen als je je beklagen gaat Want als je dan die ambtenaren op de toestand wijst Dan zeggen ze: "Het spijt me, u staat achter aan de lijst" En dan denken ze tevreden aan hun eigen mooie huis Aan hun baan en aan hun auto, aan de televisie thuis
Amar, amar, amar amar de frente! Amar desde la vida hasta la muerte amar, amar las cosas y la gente amar de cara al sol sin esconderse Ay! Amar como ama el niño sus juguetes amar como ama el pájaro su nido amar, amar la flor amar el trigo y tu cintura fresca de rocío Ay! No puedo vivir sin andar amando amar como te amé y me has amado amar, amar, amar sin que sea pecado amar, amar, amar amando Lararara...
Recitado: Amar es dar la vida a cada rato amar es no hacer trampas es dar la cara amar es el jugarse por su pueblo amar como te amé y tú me amabas!... No puedo vivir sin andar amando ...
Wond'ring Aloud Composer(s): Ian Anderson Performer(s): Jethro Tull
Wond'ring aloud how we feel today Last night sipped the sunset my hands in her hair We are out own saviours as we start both our hearts beating life into each other Wond'ring aloud will the years treat us well As she floats in the kitchen I'm tasting the smell of toast as the butter runs Then she comes, spilling crumbs on the bed and I shake my head And it's only the giving that makes you what you are
Amapola ((Adapted from: Amapola (by Miguel Fleta) - 1925)) Composer(s): Joseph LaCalle Performer(s): Tino Rossi - 1935 and multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages: 1934 - Amapola (by The Castillians) 1958 - Amapola (by Will Tura) 1997 - Amapola (by Frank Michael) 1999 - Amapola (by Nana Mouskouri)
D'où vient le pouvoir que tu possèdes Ton charme impérieux qui m'obsède D'où vient que je vois tout resplendir Et tout refleurir au gré de ton sourire?
Amapola l'oiseau léger qui passe La rose et le lilas chantent ta grâce Amapola l'onde où les cieux se mirent N'a pas autant d'éclat que ton sourire Le vent même t'apportant le poème Que je lui ai confié ce soir pour toi Amapola, Amapola, dans sa chanson te dira: "Je t'aime!"
Le soir lorsque l'ombre étend son voile Je dis mon amour à chaque étoile Et quand l'aube annonce enfin le jour Au ruisseau qui court je chante le cur lourd
Wonderous Stories Composer(s): Jon Anderson Performer(s): Yes; Bill Bruford; World Trade
I awoke this morning love laid me down by a river Drifting I turned on upstream Bound for my forgiver In the giving of my eyes to see your face Sound did silence me leaving no trace I beg to leave, to hear your wonderous stories Beg to hear your wonderous stories
He spoke of lands not far or lands they were in his mind Of fusion captured high where reason captured his time In no time at all he took me to the gate In haste I quickly checked the time if I was late I had to leave to hear your wonderous stories Had to hear your wonderous stories
Hearing Hearing Hearing your wonderous stories Hearing your wonderous stories It is no lie I can see deeply into the future Imagine everything You're close and were you there to stand so cautiously at first and then so high As he spoke my spirit climbed into the sky I bid it to return to hear your wonderous stories Return to hear your wonderous stories