Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
I'm A Sentimental One Composer(s): Philip Green - Purcell Performer(s): Jean Campbell
I'm a sentimental one, I believe in love I like stars that shine at night, I like moons above I'm a sentimental one, I believe in spring April never fails to make me sing
I'm a sentimental one, dreams are down my street I like dusk and candlelight, and my music sweet So let me give you warning, before the harm is done You're dealing with a sentimental one A very, very sentimental one
Beyond The Call Composer(s): David Batteau; Darrell Brown; Kevin Dukes Performer(s): John Farnham
I'm searching for the anger Consider it a gift Open up that window Come betray me with a kiss You have won, if nothing else Rope enough to hang yourself What is that to us?
Go beyond the call of love Beyond the dreams of man I have seen where glory falls At the touch of mercy's hand
The truth you would deny me Lying like a rock How you gonna wake up To the one that you forgot Cover up was your intent Acting like it's accident Isn't it enough
Someday when hearts grown stronger I'll know where darkness wandered But I won't wait much longer
Well, the first time I saw her In a pawn shop window She's my baby, she's my Belinda Now she's gone Someone threw her in the pawn Know what I mean You know I'm talkin `bout my horn
Well, the second time I saw her She's my baby, she's my Belinda I don't mean maybe Now she's gone Someone threw her in the pawn Know what I mean You know I'm talkin `bout my horn
Well, the first time I saw her In a pawn shop window She's my baby, she's my Belinda Now she's gone Someone threw her in the pawn Know what I mean You know I'm talkin `bout my horn
Well, the second time I saw her She's my baby, she's my Belinda I don't mean maybe Now she's gone Someone threw her in the pawn Know what I mean You know I'm talkin `bout my horn
That big ol' horn That's what I mean Blow man Yeah ...
Beyond The Blue Horizon Composer(s): Frank Harling; Leo Robin; Richard Whiting Performer(s): Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy and various other artists
.... blue horizon Waits a beautiful day Goodbye to things that bore me Joy is waiting for me
I see a new horizon My life has only begun Beyond the blue da-dum, dee-dum
Beyond the blue horizon Waits a beautiful day Goodbye to things that bore me Joy is waiting for me
I see a new horizon My life has only begun Beyond the blue horizon Lies a rising sun
Beyond the blue horizon Waits the beautiful day Goodbye to things that bore me Joy is waiting for me
I see a new horizon My life has only begun Beyond the blue horizon Lies a rising sun
Beyond the blue horizon Lies a rising sun
Beyond the blue horizon Waits a beautiful day Da-da, bum, da, bum.... Joy is waiting for me
Star Of The East Composer(s): Amanda Kennedy - George Cooper Performer(s): Judy Garland; Child So Dear
Star of the east, oh Bethlehem star Guiding us on to heaven afar Sorrow and grief are lulled by thy light Now hope of each mortal in death's lonely night
Fearless and tranquil, we look up to thee Knowing thou beams through eternity Help us to follow where thou still dost guide Pilgrims of earth so wide
Oh, star that leads to God above Whose rays are peace and joy and love Watch o'er us still till life has ceased Beam on bright star, sweet Bethlehem star
Star of the east, thou hope of the soul While round us here the dark billows roll Lead us from sin to glory afar Thou star of the east, thou sweet Bethlehem star
Ciao Amore Ciao Composer(s): Christian Anders Performer(s): Christian Anders
wenn tränen sprechen könnten dann sagten sie zu mir wir dürfen uns nicht trennen bitte bleib bei mir doch wir wussten beide es war ein glück auf zeit wir dachten nicht an morgen und darum sag ich heut oh ciao amore ciao ciao amore ciao was uns zwei verbindet fühlen wir genau wenn auch unsere spuren heut der wind verweht ich weiss meine liebe sie wird nie vergehen
mandolinen singen durch die sommernacht doch ihr lied heisst abschied wenn der tag erwacht morgen fährt ein zug dich in deine welt doch etwas bleibt in dir das für immer zählt oh ciao amore ciao du bist für mich die frau die ich nie vergesse ciao amore ciao vielleicht eines tages erfüllt sich unser traum dann sehen wir uns wieder ciao amore ciao
ciao amore ciao ciao amore ciao ciao amore ciao
ohohoho ciao amore ciao ciao amore ciao was uns zwei verbindet fühlen wir genau wenn auch unsere spuren heut der wind verweht ich weiss meine liebe sie wird nie vergehen oh ciao amore ciao du bist für mich die frau die ich nie vergesse ciao amore ciao ciao amore ciao
Something Wonderful Happens Performer(s): Nancy Wilson
When your arms caress me Something wonderful happens I can feel a thrill so heavenly! When your lips possess me Something wonderful happens Though it rains, it's beautiful to see!
Even the showers Can bring a thrilling refrain A street without flowers Becomes a garden in Spain!
Strange what love can do, dear And 'cause I love you, dear Something wonderful happens to me Something wonderful happens to me!
Tausend kleine Sterne seh'n Dich jeden Abend schlafen geh'n Tausend kleine Sterne, die möchten Dich so gerne glücklich seh'n Immerzu hält einer unter ihnen Wacht daß Dich niemand kränkt und niemand traurig macht Das sieht er genau jede Nacht
Bevor Du einschläfst, denk immer daran daß Du mir gehörst und daß Du glücklich wirst wie es nur irgendwie geht Bevor Du einschläfst, vergiß bitte nie daß ein guter Stern über uns und uns'rer Liebe steht
Einer unter ihnen ist der kleine Stern, der Träume schenkt Und da ist ein and'rer, der so gut er kann, Dein Schicksal lenkt Durch Dein kleines Fenster, da schaut ein dritter rein Und er sagt Dir leise, Du wirst glücklich sein mit dem, der Dich liebt ganz allein
Bevor Du einschläfst, denk immer daran daß Du mir gehörst und daß Du glücklich wirst wie es nur irgendwie geht Bevor Du einschläfst, vergiß bitte nie daß ein guter Stern über uns und uns'rer Liebe steht
Sleep, My Baby, Sleep Composer(s): Archie Pokan - Eddie Pola - Franz Vienna Performer(s): Judy Garland & Harry Sosnick
There's an old love refrain that is known the whole world over It's sweetness both princes and peasants may claim Like a bird on the wing or a bee in the clover No matter the language the song is the same
Go to sleep, my baby go to sleep While the stars above begin to peep They're lighting the windows of heaven Angels watch over you from the windows of heaven
Mother's watching you too
Sleep, my baby, sleep From the windows of heaven, mother's watching you too
Du bist meine Liebe der Tag mit dir war wunderbar ich weiss genau, dass ich noch nie so glücklich war Und immerzu denk ich daran dass ich Dich nie im Leben, nie vergessen kann
Du bist meine Liebe, du, nur du allein Nur in deiner Liebe kann ich glücklich sein
Seit jenem Tag ist viel gescheh'n Doch sagt mein Herz mir, dass wir uns bald wiederseh'n Bist du auch heut' wer weiss wie weit nicht einer Stunde unserer Träume tut mir leid
Du bist meine Liebe, du, nur du allein Nur in deiner Liebe kann ich glücklich sein Nur in deiner Liebe kann ich glücklich sein
Betty Jo Marshall Composer(s): William Ellis - Dexter Shaffer Performer(s): Connie Francis
Betty Jo Marshall goes to work from nine to five Betty Jo Marshall wears a ring she had to buy Ev'ry evenin' on the other side of town Betty Jo Marshall becomes Lucinda Brown
Betty Jo Marshall was a hometown beauty queen Kiss her mama then she left to chase her dream She wrote home about the good life ev'ry day Town folks all figured Betty Jo was on her way [ dobro ] Now time and trouble took the fire out of her eyes Beauty faded everytime she compromised Cocktail parties stole the rose out of her cheek And left a common face of ninety bucks a week
And there were no fur jackets on a secretary's pay Betty Jo knew she'd have to go back home someday How could she face up to those she'd left behind And all those letters full of lies that she had signed
Clothes and money were the least she could expect And pay was good down at the local discotech Name and address just in case the man comes round New York City and my name's Lucinda Brown [ dobro ] So Betty Jo Marshall sacrifice her high ideals All across the pain Lucinda Brown conceals Did she dare give up her job from nine to five And if she did how long would Lucy Brown survive
Now Betty Jo Marshall made the papers yesterday Go go dancer found floatin' in the bay Local beauty will be brought back to home town Betty Jo Marshall victim of Lucinda Brown Betty Jo Marshall victim of Lucinda Brown
Beyond Beautiful Composer(s): Marti Frederiksen; Mark Hudson; Joe Perry; Steven Tyler Performer(s): Aerosmith
U gave up the love u got and that is that she loves me now she loves u not and that's where it's at just when u thought your love was deep it's finders keepers losers weep love me love my love du jour sheza mine all mine my mind's made up yeah i'm so sure cuz there's none so fine this ain't about no losin' sleep it's all about the love you keep yeah she's a beyond beautiful yeah she's never been no body's fool that you be stuck with yeah it's all about me and u believe it or not this love that we got is beyond beautiful full on lust to full on love without no clue and all i was so unsure of and then came you into my life it served me right nobody ever did it quite like you yeah she's a beyond beautiful yeah she's never been no body's fool that you be stuck with yeah it's all about me and u believe it or not this love that we got is beyond beautiful yeah she's a beyond beautiful yeah, she's never been no body's fool you can f~~~ with yeah it's all about me and u believe it or not yeah what we got is beyond beautiful
If You Don't, Somebody Else Will Composer(s): Johnny Mathis - Jimmy Lee Fautheree - Geraldine Hamilton Performer(s): Jimmy & Johnny and multiple other artists
If you don't wanna kiss me say so baby Somebody else will, somebody else will Well you know they will If you don't wanna kiss me say so baby Somebody else will Somebody else could kiss me better
Now I ain't a gonna beg you for your love anymore Ever since the first time I have done learned the score I thought I had to have you once but that's in the past And since I found out I'm free from you Well I'm free at last
If you don't wanna hold me say so baby Somebody else will, somebody else will Well you know they will If you don't wanna hold me say so baby Somebody else will Somebody else could hold me better
If you don't wanna be mine say so baby Somebody else will, somebody else will Well you know they will If you don't wanna be mine say so baby Somebody else will, somebody else could love me better
È La Pioggia Che Va ((Adapted from: Remember The Rain (Bob Lind) - 1966)) Composer(s): Bob Lind - Mogol Performer(s): The Rokes - 1966 and multiple other artists
Sotto una montagna di paure e di ambizioni c'è nascosto qualche cosa che non muore Se cercate in ogni sguardo dietro un muro di cartone troverete tanta luce e tanto amore
Il mondo ormai sta cambiando e cambierà di più ma non vedete nel cielo quelle macchie di blu è la pioggia che va e ritorna il sereno
Quante volte ci hanno detto sorridendo tristemente le speranze dei ragazzi sono fumo Sono stanchi di lottare e non credono più a niente proprio adesso che la meta è qui vicino
Ma noi che stiamo correndo avanzeremo di più ma non vedete che il cielo ogni giorno diventa più blu è la pioggia che va e ritorna il sereno è la pioggia che va (e ritorna il sereno)
Non importa se qualcuno sul cammino della vita sarà preda dei fantasmi del passato il denaro ed il potere sono trappole mortali che per tanto e tanto tempo han funzionato
Rote Rosen, Rote Lippen, Roter Wein Performer(s): René Carol
Sind die weißen Segel gesetzt Fahren wir jetzt, fahren wir jetzt Sind die schlanken Boote soweit Sind sie zur Fahrt bereit
Rote Rosen, rote Lippen, roter Wein Und Italiens blaues Meer im Sonnenschein Rote Rosen, rote Lippen, roter Wein Laden uns ein, laden uns ein Rote Rosen, rote Lippen, roter Wein Laden uns ein, laden uns ein
Denn wenn die Sterne stehn Ist Italien doppelt schön Wenn die Nacht herniederfällt Vergißt man die Welt Denn wenn die Sonne sinkt Und das Lied der Lieder klingt Ist schon bald die große Macht Der Liebe erwacht
Bewitched Composer(s): Howard Greenfield; Jack Keller Performer(s): Peggy Lee and various other artists
Bewitched, Bewitched, you've got me in your spell Bewitched, Bewitched, you know your craft so well Before I knew what I was doing I looked in your eyes That brand of woo you've been brewin' took me by surprise
You witch, you witch, one thing is for sure That stuff you pitch just hasn't got a cure My heart was under lock and key, but somehow it got unhitched I never thought that I could be had But now I'm caught and I'm kinda glad To be Bewitched
Le Chiffon Rouge Composer(s): Maurice Vidalin - Michel Fugain Performer(s): Michel Fugain
Accroche à ton cur un morceau de chiffon rouge Une fleur couleur de sang Si tu veux vraiment que ça change et que ça bouge Lève-toi car il est temps
Allons droit devant vers la lumière En levant le poing et en serrant les dents Nous réveillerons la terre entière Et demain, nos matins chanteront
Compagnon de colère, compagnon de combat Toi que l'on faisait taire, toi qui ne comptais pas Tu vas pouvoir enfin le porter Le chiffon rouge de la liberté Car le monde sera ce que tu le feras Plein d'amour de justice et de joie
Accroche à ton cur un morceau de chiffon rouge Une fleur couleur de sang Si tu veux vraiment que ça change et que ça bouge Lève-toi car il est temps
Tu crevais de faim dans ta misère Tu vendais tes bras pour un morceau de pain Mais ne crains plus rien, le jour se lève Il fera bon vivre demain
Compagnon de colère, compagnon de combat Toi que l'on faisait taire, toi qui ne comptais pas Tu vas pouvoir enfin le porter Le chiffon rouge de la liberté Car le monde sera ce que tu le feras Plein d'amour de justice et de joie