Lyrics/Songteksten: Oldies A-Z
Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd

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  • 08-10-1968
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.N'Yot N'Yow
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    N'Yot N'Yow
    Composer(s): Dick Manning
    Performer(s): Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters

    Fontane Sisters:
    This is the story 'bout Perry who came home late one night!

    Perry Como:
    Must have been about a two or three am, something like that!

    "Gotta get me some sleep", he yawned
    as he turned out the light!

    Haaw! I guess I was too tired to do any reading!

    Whether he dreamed what happened
    or if he really heard it, he wouldn't bet
    but he swears it sounded like two cats singin' a duet!

    Come y'out, come y'out, come y'out my pretty kitten
    This is me, your boyfriend 'Tom'

    N'yot N'yow!

    Ah! come y'out, come y'out, come y'out my pretty kitten
    This is old Tom, 'Tom' the atom-bomb!

    N'yot N'yow!
    We assure you we'd come y'out if only we knew how
    They tell us that you really are the cat's 'Meow'!

    Ah! come y'out, come y'out, come y'out my pretty kitten now?

    N'yot N'yow!


    Come y'out, come y'out, come y'out our croonin' kitten
    We will serenade the moon!

    N'yot N'yow!

    Come y'out, come y'out, come y'out our little kitten
    We will sing a little tune!

    N'yot N'yow!
    When the folks got home tonight at twelve or thereabout
    They locked the door and they forgot to put me-yowt!


    Alone from night to night you'll find me!

    Come y'out, come y'out, come y'out our croonin' kitten

    Heh heh
    OK, now!

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Nya Perspektiv
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    Nya Perspektiv
    Composer(s): Ola Magnell
    Performer(s): Ola Magnell

    När du tappat alla fästen och kontakter
    Och blir varse ditt förrödda kapital
    När du rusat blint och hamnat på din akter
    Och sörjer dina svikna ideal
    När du saknar dina vänner och garanter
    Och står mol allena på din piedestal
    I en skock av illojala gratulanter
    Som väntar sig att du ska hålla tal

    Och när du inte längre har nån chans att vända
    Och har tappat sista tråden till ditt trygga gamla liv
    De är då först då som saker börjar hända
    Det är då som du kan börja skönja nya perspektiv

    När de vägar där du går blir alltför glatta
    Sen du lockats ut på livets hala is
    När du känner att din tanke börjar fatta
    Att du aldrig kommer till nåt paradis
    När du inte längre känner dig så säker
    På att Vänern inte flyter till Paris
    Och när hundarna omkring dig står och bräker
    Och din pappa står och ropar på polis

    Och när du inte längre har nån chans att vända...

    När de svarta molnen siktats över haven
    Och du inte väntar precis nåt vanligt rusk
    Medan Mussolini vänder sig i graven
    För att Mogens blivit fälld för skattefusk
    När Sven Stolpe får Das Kapital i läxa
    Och en Ivar för ett stunsigt temperament
    Och när Donny Osmond låtit muschan växa
    Och har blivit vald till Norges president

    Och när DE inte längre har nån chans att vända...

    Och när DU inte längre har nån chans att vända...

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    Nya Ord
    English Title: New Words
    Composer(s): Agnetha Fältskog; Bosse Carlgren
    Performer(s): Agnetha Fältskog

    Jag söker ord som ingen har sagt
    Ett gammalt sött ord blir lätt ett nött ord
    Jag söker ord som ingen har hört
    För vi förstår dom så fort vi hör dom
    Jag söker ord med nyhetens behag
    För dom banala gillar inte jag

    Nya ord för alla gamla är slut
    Om man ska sjunga om kärlek
    Det enda man minns av visor som finns
    Är att man har hört dom förut
    Nya ord finns kanske inte att få
    För ingenting är nytt under solen
    Jag älskar dej, jag älskar dej
    Är gammalt men en nyhet för mej

    Jag söker ord som ingen vet om
    Ett litet snällt ord, men originellt ord
    Jag söker ord som alla förstår
    Men inget blekt ord och gammalt segt ord
    Jag söker ord med nyhetens behag
    För dom banala gillar inte jag

    Nya ord för alla gamla är slut
    Om man ska sjunga om kärlek
    Det enda man minns av visor som finns
    Är att man har hört dom förut
    Nya ord finns kanske inte att få
    För ingenting är nytt under solen
    Jag älskar dej, jag älskar dej
    Är gammalt men en nyhet för mej
    Är gammalt men en nyhet för mej

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.N'Y Vas Pas, Manuel
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    N'Y Vas Pas, Manuel
    Composer(s): Michel Emer
    Performer(s): Edith Piaf

    Il n'avait que dix ans mais il était déjà
    Bagarreur, insolent, plein de violence
    Il voulait être un dur tout comme au cinéma
    Et partout, c'est lui qui menait la danse
    Il passait ses journées à courir dans les rues
    Ne pensant qu'à se battre, qu'à cogner...
    Sa mère désespérée et qui n'en pouvait plus
    Passait tout son temps à supplier

    "N'y vas pas, Manuel, n'y vas pas
    'y a des choses dans la vie qu'on ne fait pas
    Et plus tard, tu le regretteras
    N'y vas pas! N'y vas pas!
    Quand enfin un jour tu comprendras
    Que vraiment t'as eu tort de faire ça
    Il sera bien trop tard, n'y vas pas
    Manuel, n'y vas pas"

    C'est maintenant un monsieur qui n'aime pas les agents
    Il veut pas qu'on se mêle de ses affaires
    Pour avoir la belle vie, il faut beaucoup d'argent
    Et pour ça, 'y pas trente-six manières
    Le travail, ça l'ennuie et puis, c'est fatiguant
    Il se débrouille très bien sans trop d'effort
    Sa femme qu'il gâte beaucoup mais qui n'en demande pas tant
    Lui répète tous les soirs quand il sort

    "N'y vas pas, Manuel, n'y vas pas
    'y a des choses dans la vie qu'on ne fait pas
    Et plus tard, tu le regretteras
    N'y vas pas! N'y vas pas!
    Quand enfin un jour tu comprendras
    Que vraiment t'as eu tort de faire ça
    Il sera bien trop tard, n'y vas pas
    Manuel, n'y vas pas"

    Mais de tous leurs sermons, Manuel se fout bien
    Ce soir, il fait un coup magnifique
    Ce sera le dernier car, dès demain matin
    Il va faire peau neuve en Amérique
    D'un pas souple et léger il s'en va tranquillement
    Vers l'endroit où ils ont rendez-vous
    Tout est calme et pourtant, il entend vaguement
    Une voix qui vient on ne sait d'où

    "N'y vas pas, Manuel, n'y vas pas...
    'y des choses dans la vie qu'on ne fait pas...
    Et plus tard, tu le regretteras...
    N'y vas pas! N'y vas pas!
    Attention, Manuel, sois prudent!
    Attention, Manuel, n'y vas pas!...
    Manuel, ATTENTION MA-NU-EL...!
    ...ohhh!... Manuel!..."

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    Nuvole Barocche
    Composer(s): Fabrizio de André; Lario; Stanisci
    Performer(s): Fabrizio de André

    Poi un'altra giornata di luce
    poi un altro di questi tramonti
    e portali colonne fontane
    Tu mi hai insegnato a vivere
    insegnami a partir
    Ma il cielo è tutto rosso
    di nuvole barocche
    sul fiume che si sciacqua
    sotto l'ultimo sole
    E mentre soffio a soffio
    le spinge lo scirocco
    sussurra un altro invito
    che dice di restare
    Poi carezze lusinghe abbandoni
    poi quegli occhi di verde dolcezza
    mille e una di queste promesse
    Tu mi hai insegnato il sogno
    io voglio la realtà
    E mentre soffio a soffio
    le spinge lo scirocco
    sussurra un altro invito
    che dice devi amare
    che dice devi amare

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    Nutbush City Limits
    Composer(s): Ike Turner; Tina Turner
    Performer(s): Ike & Tina Turner;
    and various other artists

    A church house gin house
    A school house outhouse
    On highway number nineteen
    The people keep the city clean
    They call it Nutbush, oh Nutbush
    They call it Nutbush city limits

    Twenty-five for speed limit
    Motorcicle not allowed in it
    You go to store on Friday
    You go to church on Sunday
    They call it Nutbush, oh Nutbush
    They call it Nutbush city limits

    You go to the fields on weekdays
    And have a picnic on Labor Day
    You go to town on Saturday
    And go to church every Sunday
    They call it Nutbush, oh Nutbush
    They call it Nutbush city limits

    No whiskey for sale
    If you get drunk no bail
    Salt pork and molasses
    Is all you get in jail
    They call it Nutbush, oh Nutbush
    They call it Nutbush city limits

    A little old town in Tennessee
    A quiet little community
    A one-horse town
    You have to watch what you're putting down
    In old Nutbush, oh Nutbush

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    Nursery School
    Composer(s): Joyce Grenfell
    Performer(s): Joyce Grenfell

    1. Free Activity Period

    Oh, hello, Mrs Hingle
    I'm so glad you could come along
    As you see, we're just having a Free Activity Period
    and in our Free Activity Period each little individual chooses his or her own occupation
    Some are painting, some are using plasticine, and some work at a sand-table
    We feel that each little one must get to the bottom of his or herself
    and find out what he really wants of life
    Who is making that buzzing noise?
    Well, stop it please, Neville
    Hazel, dear, come away from the door and get on with your plasticine
    I love to see them so happily occupied, each one expressing his little personality...
    George - don't do that...
    Now, children, I want you all to say 'Good morning' to Mrs Hingle
    Good morning, Mrs Hingle
    No, Sidney, not good-bye
    Mrs Hingle has only just come
    You don't want her to go away yet?
    No, she hasn't got a funny hat on, that's her hair
    So sorry, Mrs Hingle
    Sometimes we ARE just a trifle outspoken
    We try to encourage honesty, only sometimes it doesn't always...
    And this is my friend Caroline, and Caroline is painting such a lovely red picture
    aren't you, Caroline?
    I wonder what it is?
    Perhaps it's a lovely red sunset, is it?
    Or a big red orange?
    It's a picture of Mummy!
    For a moment I thought it was a big red orange, but now you tell me
    I can see it is a picture of Mummy
    Aren't you going to give her any nose?
    No nose
    It's so interesting the way they see things
    Sidney, don't blow at Edgar, please
    I know I said you could choose what you are going to do
    but you cannot choose to blow at Edgar
    Because it isn't a good idea
    Yes, I know it makes his hair go up and down, but I don't want you to do it
    Now get back to the sand-table, there's a good boy
    Yes, there is room, Sue; there's heaps of room
    Just move up a bit
    Susan! We never bite our friends
    Say you are sorry to Sidney
    You needn't kiss him
    No, you needn't hug him
    Susan, PUT HIM DOWN
    No fisticuffs, please
    She hasn't made any teeth marks, has she, Sidney?
    Well then... don't fuss
    Sometimes our little egos are on the big side, I'm afraid...
    Hazel, dear, I don't want to have to say it again: please come away from the door
    Why can't you?
    Well, you shouldn't have put your finger in the key hole,
    and then it wouldn't have got stuck
    Children, there is no need for everyone to come and have a look
    just because poor Hazel has caught her finger in the keyhole
    Back to your work, please
    No, Sidney, I don't think it is stuck in there for ever and ever
    I don't for one minute think we will have to get the Fire Brigade
    to come and take the door down to set her free
    You do exaggerate, Sidney
    Well, if we haven't got her finger out by dinner-time she'll have to have it here
    And her tea
    And her supper and stay the night
    But we are going to get it out, aren't we, Hazel?
    Turn round, please, David
    Right round
    Use your hanky, please, David
    And again
    And again
    And now wipe
    Thank you, David
    Hazel, why did you put your finger in the keyhole?
    To see if it would go in!
    Well, now let's see if we can get it out!
    Who is making that buzzing noise?
    I know you are a busy bee, but boy busy-bees don't buzz
    Only bee busy-bees buzz
    I can still hear you, Neville
    I should think so
    He's such a musical child, and one doesn't want to discourage him
    Sidney, take that paint-brush out of your ear and give it back to Lavinia
    Yes, you do want it back, Lavinia
    You like painting
    Yes, you do
    We're hoping she is going to take to it soon
    Now then, Hazel, have you tried wiggling it?
    You know, Mrs Hingle, this child's finger really is caught in the keyhole...
    I think the Fire Brigade are the best in an emergency
    Yes, there is a telephone - at the end of the passage
    Would you? Oh, that is good of you
    I'll stay here and hold the fort and prepare the children
    Thank you so much
    Children, I don't want anyone to get excited, but kind Mrs Hingle has gone to see
    if we can get one of those clever men from the Fire Brigade
    to come and help us get Hazel's finger out...
    Oh, you've got it out, Hazel
    Well done
    That's lovely
    You are not to go near the keyhole
    Can you get it out?
    Oh, Sidney...


    2. Going Home Time

    Children - it's time to go home, so finish tidying up and put on your hats and coats
    Some of our mummies are here for us, so hurry up
    Billy won't be long, Mrs Binton
    He's on hamster duty
    Now let's see if we can't all help each other
    Janey - I said help each other
    Help Bobbie carry that chair, don't pin him against the wall with it
    We're having a go at our good neighbour policy here, Mrs Binton, but it doesn't always...
    Neville, off the floor, please
    Don't lie there
    And Sidney, stop painting, please
    Because it's time to go home
    Well, you shouldn't have started another picture, should you
    What is it this time?
    Another blue man!
    Oh, I see, so it is
    All right, you can make it just a little bit bluer
    but only one more brushful, please, Sidney
    We don't think he's very talented
    but we feel it's important to encourage their self-expression
    You never know where it might lead...
    Gently - help Teddy gently into his coat
    It's a lovely coat, Teddy, what's wrong with it?
    It looks like a boy's coat when you wear it
    And lots of boys wear pink
    Poor wee mite, he has three older sisters!
    Neville, I said get up off the floor
    Who shot you dead?
    David did?
    Well, I don't suppose he meant to
    He may have meant to then, but he doesn't mean it now, and anyhow I say you can get up
    No, don't go and shoot David dead, because it's time to go home
    What did I tell you not to do?
    Well, don't do it
    And Sidney, don't wave that paint-brush about like that, you'll splash somebody
    Sidney! ...
    It's all right, Dolores, you aren't hurt, you're just surprised
    It was only a nice soft brush
    But you'd better go and wash your face before you go home
    Because it's all blue
    Sidney, I saw you deliberately put that paintbrush up Dolores's little nostril
    No, it wasn't a jolly good shot
    It ..... I don't want to discuss it, Sidney
    Now go and tell Dolores you're sorry
    Yes, now
    Thank you, Hazel, for putting the chairs straight for me
    You are a great helper
    Thank you
    And thank you, Dicky, for closing the cupboard door for me
    Dicky... is there somebody in the cupboard?
    Well, let her out at once
    Are you all right, Peggy?
    What did you go into the cupboard for?
    But we don't have mices - I mean mouses - in our toy cupboard
    Mouses only go where there is food, and we don't have any food in our toy cupboard
    When did you hide a bicky in there?
    Every day!
    Well, perhaps we have got mices in our toy cupboard
    I'll have to look
    No, you go and get your coat on
    Dicky - We never shut people in cupboards
    Because they don't like it
    What do you mean, she's puggy?
    Peggy's puggy?
    Oh, she's got puggy hands
    But you don't have to hold her hand...
    Well, you must ask her nicely to let go
    Well, if she won't let go...
    You'll have to work it out for yourself, Dicky
    Edgar and Timmy... your knitted caps are not for playing tug-of-war with
    Look, now the pom-pom's come off
    Whose is it?
    Well, give it back to Sidney
    Where are your caps?
    Well, go and ask Sidney to give them back to you
    Turn round, Geoffrey
    You've got your wellingtons on the wrong feet
    Yes, you have. You'll have to take them off and start again
    Why can't you reach?
    Well, undo your coat and then you can bend
    Take off your woolly gloves
    And your scarf
    You can keep your balaclava on
    How many jerseys are you wearing?
    No wonder you can't bend.
    Caroline, come and help Geoffrey
    Don't kick her, Geoffrey
    She's come to help
    Sidney, I told you to put that paint-brush down ...
    Well, that wasn't a very good shot, was it?
    You didn't mean to put it in her ear, did you?
    Well, you shouldn't have
    You're all right Dolores
    It was just a bit of a surprise, but you'll have to go and wash again
    Because you've got a blue ear
    Sidney, I'm ashamed of you, a big boy of four, and she's only just three
    And Sidney, what have you done with Timmy and Edgar's caps?
    No, I'm not going to guess
    And I don't want to know they are hidden in a special secret place
    I want to know exactly where they are
    No, I'm not going to try and find them
    You're going to tell me where they are
    Well, go and get them out of the waste-paper basket at once
    Waste-paper baskets aren't for putting caps in
    Now go and say you are sorry to Dolores
    Yes, again
    We think his aggression is diminishing, but we do have setbacks
    Lavinia, is that your coat you've got on?
    It looks so enormous
    Oh, you're going to grow into it
    I see
    Hazel, thank you for helping Betty into her jacket
    Just zip her up once
    Not up and down
    No, Neville, you can't have a turn
    No, children, you can't all zip Betty
    Jenny, come here
    Jenny, when we have paid a visit to the littlest room, what do we do?
    We pull our knickers up again
    Good-bye, Hazel
    Good-bye, Bobbie
    Good-bye, everybody
    Good-bye, Mrs Binton
    Hurry up, Sidney, because you'll keep your Mummy waiting
    Well, your Granny then
    Somebody is coming to take you away, aren't they, Sidney?
    No, you won't see me tomorrow, Sidney
    Tomorrow is Saturday... thank heaven


    3. The Nativity Play

    Hello, Mrs Binton
    I'm so glad you could get along to see a rehearsal of our Nativity Play!
    Can you squeeze in there?
    I'm afraid our chairs are a wee bitty wee, as they say north of the border!
    Now then, children
    We are going to start our rehearsal
    Where are my Mary and Joseph?
    That's right, Shirleen, take Denis by the hand
    and come and sit nice and quietly on this bench in the middle
    Don't drag him
    He'll come if you leave him alone!
    Don't hit each other, Mary and Joseph were friends
    Now, who are my Wise Men?
    You're a Wise Man, aren't you, Geoffrey?
    Oh, aren't you?
    What are you then?
    Oh, you're a cattle, are you?
    And you are going to low
    Go over to Miss Boulting, will you, please?
    Miss Boulting...
    You are organising the animals and the angets?
    He is one of yours
    Now, my Wise Men here, please!
    Billy, Peter and George
    And George
    Wise Men never do that...
    Now my Kings, please
    Of course, Mrs Binton, we know that by tradition
    the Wise Men and the Kings are one and the same
    but we did want everyone in our Nursery School Nativity Play to have a chance
    so we have taken a few liberties, and I don't think any one will mind
    Now Kings: Sidney, Neville, Cliff and Nikolas Anoniodes
    Four Kings, I'm afraid
    We happen to have four lovely crowns, so it seemed a pity not to use them
    Sidney, put your crown on straight please, not over one eye
    What have you got under your jersey?
    That's not the place for a hamster, is it
    Put him straight back in his little pen, please
    Sidney, which one have you got, Paddington or Harold Wilson?
    Well, who's got Paddington?
    Neville, put him back at once
    Poor Paddington and Harold Wilson, it isn't very Christmassy for them under your jersey
    Sidney, I think it serves you right if Harold Wilson bit you, and don't bite him back
    Because he's smaller than you are
    Are you bleeding?
    Then don't make such a fuss
    Cliff, put your crown on, please
    It's too big?
    Let's see
    Ah, yes it is
    Where are you!
    Oh, there you are!
    Nice to see you again!
    Change with Nikolas
    Nikolas, you can manage a big crown, can't you?
    You've got just the ears for it
    I think if you pull your ears down a bit that will hold it up
    And lean back a bit
    That's it
    Stay like that, dear
    Don't move
    Wise Men and Kings, don't muddle yourselves with each other
    Now then, Shepherds
    Jimmy, you are my First Shepherd and not a racing car
    Yes, Caroline, you're a shepherd
    No, dear you can't wear your Little Bo-Peep costume
    because there aren't any little girl shepherdesses in our play
    They're all boy shepherds, and you are a girl being a boy shepherd
    Yes, it is rotten
    But we just have to settle for it
    I think if you are very good perhaps you can wear a lovely grey beard; wouldn't that be fun?
    George, what do Wise Men never do?
    Jimmy, do you remember what you see up in the sky?
    Something lovely, isn't it?
    No, not a baby
    Try again
    It's a lovely silver star, and you are going to put your hand up and point to it
    And what are you going to say when you do that?
    No, Sidney, he isn't going to say, 'Please may I go to the bathroom?'
    Children, that isn't funny; it's a perfectly natural function
    and we might as well get used to it
    Come on, Jimmy
    You are going to say, 'Behold!' aren't you?
    Yes, you are, dear
    You said it yesterday
    You'd rather say it tomorrow?
    Perhaps you are right
    We have broken the back of the play, so you may as well get ready to go home
    Hand in your crowns gently, please
    No Sidney, you can't wear your crown home on the bus
    I think - I HOPE it will be all right on the night
    But you know, Mrs Binton, I think perhaps next year we might make do with a Christmas carol


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    Nunca Podrás Sacarme Mi Amor
    Composer(s): Fito Paez
    Performer(s): Fito Paez

    Puedes decirme que si
    puedes decirme que no
    Pero nunca podrás sacarme mi amor
    Puedes quemarme los pies
    puedes dejarme sin vos
    Pero nunca podrás sacarme mi amor
    Y si es folclore o si no
    y si es Urano o Plutón
    Pero nunca podrán sacarme mi amor
    Ni un analista, ni un doctor
    ni un cura, ni un doctor
    te solucionan los problemas
    La gente busca una razón
    yo estoy buscando una canción
    que me sacuda la cabeza
    Y poder verte feliz
    cuando acá todo es un bajón
    Pueden vender un país
    y estar del lado de Dios
    Pero nunca podrás sacarme mi amor
    Ni un analista, ni un doctor
    ni Stubrin, ni el gobernador
    te solucionan los problemas
    La gente busca una razón
    yo estoy buscando un rock & roll
    que me sacuda la cabeza
    Puedes echarme de aquí
    por no pensar como vos
    Pero nunca podrás sacarme mi amor

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    Nunca Jamás
    Composer(s): Lalo Guerrero
    Performer(s): Javier Solis;
    and various other artists

    Nunca jamás pensé llegar a quererte tanto
    nunca jamás pensé llegar a quererte así
    Nunca jamás pensé derramar mi llanto
    por un amor que había de tratarme así

    Sé que te vas, te vas porque tú ya no me quieres
    piénsalo bien porque me matarás
    Mírame, miénteme, pégame mátame si quieres
    pero no me dejes, no, no me dejes nunca jamás

    Sé que te vas, te vas porque tú ya no me quieres
    piénsalo bien porque me matarás
    Mírame, miénteme, pégame mátame si quieres
    pero no me dejes, no, no me dejes nunca jamás

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    Nunca Como La Primera Vez
    Composer(s): Miguel Gallardo
    Performer(s): Miguel Gallardo

    El vino, ya, jamás te sabe igual
    ni un beso te extremece hasta temblar
    las cosas no las sientes nunca más
    como la primera vez
    No lloras de tristeza al fracasar
    ni el éxito te sacia, ya, jamás
    la vida no la vuelves a probar
    como la primera vez
    Nunca como la primera vez
    que la tienes cara a cara
    que eres suyo sin saber porqué
    y te rompes al amar
    Nunca como la primera vez
    que la robas hasta el alba
    y amaneces en su amanecer
    nunca como la primera vez
    Después, se hace rutina hasta el hablar
    y el tacto se desgasta de tocar
    te inventas mil caricias sin vibrar
    como la primera vez
    Nunca como la primera vez
    que la besas en los labios
    que conquistas de cabeza a piés
    su mas bella intimidad
    Nunca como la primera vez
    que la amas sin engaños
    que le entregas hasta el fin, tu ser
    y te dejas arrastrar
    Nunca como la primera vez
    que la amas sin engaños
    que le entregas hasta el fin, tu ser
    nunca como la primera vez

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    Nun Parlà
    Composer(s): Lucio Dalla
    Performer(s): Lucio Dalla

    La luna era piantata lì in mezzo al cielo
    Una lampadina accesa sopra il mare
    Che era di un colore inchiostro quasi nero
    Nel silenzio lo sentivo respirare
    Non lo so
    Ma sembrava che il mare volesse parlare con me
    Fosse più solo di me

    Nun parlà, nun parlà, nun parlà, nun parlà
    'Stammèccà, 'stammèccà, 'stammèccà, 'stammèccà,
    Sottò è stelle una varca dè notte s' addorme nun sape cche ffà
    Stattenè ccà ccù mme

    Mmiezè strada, i rumori, le voci, le moto, le luci dei bar
    Stattenè ccà ccù mme

    Io in quel mare dall'accento un pò bagnato un pò napoletano
    Ho provato a fare il bagno
    Così la solitudine che avevo accumulato
    Sparì dietro a un fulmine lontano

    Non lo so
    Ma sentivo la calma del mare che entrava in me
    Non pensavo che a te e a me

    Nun parlà, nun parlà, nun parlà, nun parlà
    'Stammèccà, 'stammèccà, 'stammèccà, 'stammèccà,
    Sottò è stelle una varca dè notte s' addorme nun sape cche ffà
    Stattenè ccà ccù mme

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    Composer(s): Shel Silverstein
    Performer(s): Bobby Bare

    I was sittin' here Friday suppin' on a glass of wine
    When in walked a chick who almost struck me blind
    Had wet blue eyes and her legs were long and fine
    On a scale of ONE to TEN.........I'd give her a NINE

    Now on my scale there ain't no TEN's, you know
    NINE is about as far as any chick can go
    So I flashed her a smile, but she didn't even look at me
    So for brains and good judgement, give her a THREE

    I said, hey sweet thing, you look like a possible EIGHT
    You and me could, uh! make EIGHTEEN, if your head's on straight
    She looked up and down my perfect frame
    And said these words that burned into my perfect brain

    She said, well, another one of those macho Texas men
    Tryin' to grade all women on scales of ONE to TEN
    And, uh!, you give me an EIGHT, well, that's a generous thing to do
    Now, let's just see, just how much I give you.

    She said you comin' on to me with that phony NUMBERS jive
    Your style makes me smile, I give it a FIVE
    When you walked up I noticed that suit of your's
    It's last year's double knit-french cuffs, give it a FOUR

    That must be your car parked out on the kerb
    That 'SIXTY-NINE homemade convertible, A THREE and A THIRD
    I saw that build, I guess you're less than FIVE
    Said, for your pot belly, I'd give that a TEN for size

    That wine you're pourin' might be fine to you
    But I'm used to fine champagne, I give it a TWO
    It's hard to tell what your flashin' smile is worth
    I give it a SIX, you could use some dental work

    But, It's your struttin' rooster act that really makes me laugh
    It may be a TEN to these country hens, but to me a THREE and A HALF
    And there really ain't much to add once the subtractin's done
    And since there ain't no ZEROs, I give you a ONE

    She walked out, while up and down the line
    The whole bar was laughin', sayin' BARE, what happened to your NINE
    NINE says I, hell soon as she started to talk I knew
    She didn't have no class, I barely gave her a TWO

    Yeah! No matter how good they look at first
    There's flaws in all of them
    That's why on a scale of TEN to ONE, friend
    There ain't no TEN

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    Number The Brave
    Composer(s): Andy Powell; Steve Upton; Laurie Wisefield
    Performer(s): Wishbone Ash

    In another time and space
    You meet your maker face to face
    You know who cast the spell
    And turned his eye on you
    Can’t lose sight of it
    Never fading out
    Fading out of view

    Number the brave
    In your heart
    Number the brave
    For they died for you

    Out of the free zone
    Into the night
    There has to be a sacrifice
    It’s such a scary feeling
    You must feel it too
    From a fallen angel fading in and fading out of view

    So when we reach the other side
    You know their fight is justified
    Now you see the meaning
    Of the dream they share with you
    It’s a burning light
    Never fading out
    Fading out of view

    Number the brave
    In your heart
    Number the brave
    For they died for you

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    Numa Sala De Reboco
    Composer(s): Luiz Gonzaga; José Marcolino
    Performer(s): Raimundo Fagner;
    and various other artists

    Todo tempo quanto houver
    Pra mim é pouco
    Pra dançar com meu benzinho
    Numa sala de reboco

    Enquanto o fole
    Tá tocando, tá gemendo
    Vou dançando e vou dizendo
    Meu sofrer pra ela só
    E ninguém nota
    Que eu tô lhe conversando
    E nosso amor vai aumentando
    E pra que coisa "mais mió" ...

    Só fico triste
    Quando o dia amanhece
    Ai, meu Deus, se eu pudesse
    Evitar a separaão
    Pra nós viver
    Igualado a sanguessuga
    Nosso amor pede mais fuga
    Do que essa que nos dão...

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    Nul Ne Guérit De Son Enfance
    Performer(s): Jean Ferrat

    Sans que je puisse m'en défaire
    Le temps met ses jambes à mon cou
    Le temps qui part en marche arrière
    Me fait sauter sur ses genoux
    Mes parents l'été les vacances
    Mes frères et soeurs faisant les fous
    J'ai dans la bouche l'innocence
    Des confitures du mois d'août

    Nul ne guérit de son enfance

    Les napperons et les ombrelles
    Qu'on ouvrait à l'heure du thé
    Pour rafraichir les demoiselles
    Roses dans leurs robes d'été
    Et moi le nez dans leurs dentelles
    Je respirais à contre-jour
    Dans le parfum des mirabelles
    L'odeur troublante de l'amour

    Nul ne guérit de son enfance

    Le vent violent de l'histoire
    Allait disperser à vau-l'eau
    Notre jeunesse dérisoire
    Changer nos rires en sanglots
    Amour orange amour amer
    L'image d'un père évanouie
    Qui disparut avec la guerre
    Renaît d'une force inouie

    Nul ne guérit de son enfance

    Celui qui vient à disparaître
    Pourquoi l'a-t-on quitté des yeux
    On fait un signe à la fenêtre
    Sans savoir que c'est un adieu
    Chacun de nous a son histoire
    Et dans notre coeur à l'affût
    Le va-et-vient de la mémoire
    Ouvre et déchire ce qu'il fût

    Nul ne guérit de son enfance

    Belle cruelle et tendre enfance
    Aujourd'hui c'est à tes genoux
    Que j'en retrouve l'innocence
    Au fil du temps qui se dénoue
    Ouvre tes bras ouvre ton âme
    Que j'en savoure en toi le goût
    Mon amour frais mon amour femme
    Le bonheur d'être et le temps doux

    Pour me guérir de mon enfance

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    Nuit Et Brouillard
    Composer(s): Jean Ferrat
    Performer(s): Jean Ferrat; Isabelle Aubret

    Ils étaient vingt et cent, ils étaient des milliers
    Nus et maigres, tremblants, dans ces wagons plombés
    Qui déchiraient la nuit de leurs ongles battants
    Ils étaient des milliers, ils étaient vingt et cent

    Ils se croyaient des hommes, n'étaient plus que des nombres
    Depuis longtemps leurs dés avaient été jetés
    Dès que la main retombe il ne reste qu'une ombre
    Ils ne devaient jamais plus revoir un été

    La fuite monotone et sans hâte du temps
    Survivre encore un jour, une heure, obstinément
    Combien de tours de roues, d'arrêts et de départs
    Qui n'en finissent pas de distiller l'espoir

    Ils s'appelaient Jean-Pierre, Natacha ou Samuel
    Certains priaient Jésus, Jéhovah ou Vichnou
    D'autres ne priaient pas, mais qu'importe le ciel
    Ils voulaient simplement ne plus vivre à genoux

    Ils n'arrivaient pas tous à la fin du voyage
    Ceux qui sont revenus peuvent-ils être heureux
    Ils essaient d'oublier, étonnés qu'à leur âge
    Les veines de leurs bras soient devenues si bleues

    Les Allemands guettaient du haut des miradors
    La lune se taisait comme vous vous taisiez
    En regardant au loin, en regardant dehors
    Votre chair était tendre à leurs chiens policiers

    On me dit à présent que ces mots n'ont plus cours
    Qu'il vaut mieux ne chanter que des chansons d'amour
    Que le sang sèche vite en entrant dans l'histoire
    Et qu'il ne sert à rien de prendre une guitare

    Mais qui donc est de taille à pouvoir m'arrêter?
    L'ombre s'est faite humaine, aujourd'hui c'est l'été
    Je twisterais les mots s'il fallait les twister
    Pour qu'un jour les enfants sachent qui vous étiez

    Vous étiez vingt et cent, vous étiez des milliers
    Nus et maigres, tremblants, dans ces wagons plombés
    Qui déchiriez la nuit de vos ongles battants
    Vous étiez des milliers, vous étiez vingt et cent

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    Nuit D'Amour
    Composer(s): Bernard Lavilliers
    Performer(s): Bernard Lavilliers

    Quartier louche
    Qui m'attire et m'fascine
    Comme ta bouche
    Rouge dans la vitrine
    Sous la couche
    De lumières assassines
    J'ai traversé les quartiers lourds
    Suant l'angoisse
    Puant le crime
    Pour cette unique et clandestine
    Nuit d'amour

    La woman
    Martienne venue des beaux quartiers
    La woman
    Tendue de cuir à en craquer
    La woman
    Cheveux noirs aux reflets bleutés
    La woman
    Ongles vernis, bras tatoués
    J'ai shooté ceux qui rodent autour
    De tes fesses musclées et félines
    Pour mon unique et clandestine
    Nuit d'amour

    J'ai cherchée
    Dans tous les bars toute la nuit
    Je t'ai trouvée
    Abandonnée dans un grand lit
    Aux limites
    De l'immense quartier chinois
    Où l'on entre
    Mais dont on ne sort pas
    Juste entre l'amour et la mort
    Nous mélangeons nos peaux qui brillent
    Comme un chirurgien de Manille
    Nuit d'amour

    Quartier louche
    Qui m'attire et m'fascine
    Comme ta bouche
    Rouge dans la vitrine
    Sous la douche
    De lumières assassines
    T'as fait mouche
    Deux fois dans ma poitrine
    Rouge dans la vitrine
    Rouge dans la vitrine ...

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    Nuestro Tema
    Composer(s): Silvio Rodríguez
    Performer(s): Silvio Rodríguez; Jacqueline Dankworth

    Nuestro tema está
    cantado con arena
    espuma y aves del
    Nuestro tema está listo
    para ser
    brisa de las alas
    Nuestro tema es para
    ver llover

    Nuestro está desnudo
    en un balcón
    fotografiando espigas
    de la mar
    Nuestro está
    viéndonos juntar
    besos a las seis de la
    Nuestro tema es para

    Nuestro tema de amor
    tiene quebranto
    pero su empeño
    sana el dolor

    Nuestro tema de amor
    nos cuesta tanto
    que ya es un sueño
    y una canción

    Nuestro tema está en
    un solo de piano
    y en el radio más
    Nuestro tema está en el
    de un hotel que se ha
    quedado sólo
    Nuestro tema es
    humedad de amor

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    Nuestro Juramento
    Composer(s): Benito de Jesús
    Performer(s): José Feliciano

    No puedo verte triste porque me matas
    tu carita da pena mi dulce amor
    me duele tanto el llanto que tu derramas
    que se llena de angustia mi corazón

    Yo sufro lo indecible si tu entristeces
    no quiero que la duda te haga llorar
    hemos jurado amarnos hasta la muerte
    si es que los muertos aman
    después de muertos amarnos más

    Si yo muero primero, es tu promesa
    sobre de mi cadáver dejar caer
    todo el llanto que brote de tu tristeza
    y que todos se enteren de tu querer

    Si tu mueres primero yo, yo te prometo
    escribiré la historia de nuestro amor
    con toda el alma llena de sentimiento
    la escribiré con sangre, con tinta sangre del corazón

    Oh del corazón, mmm, mmm del corazón
    oye con tinta sangre del corazón

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    Nuestro Hogar Será El Mundo
    Composer(s): José Luis Armenteros; Pablo Herrero
    Performer(s): Nino Bravo

    Sé de un lugar
    donde solos tú y yo
    podremos ver
    la luz del sol brillar
    al clarear
    nos iremos los dos
    y tú sabrás
    lo dulce que es amar

    Nuestro hogar será el mundo
    que vaga sin cesar sin rumbo
    que sigue con su andar profundo
    sin descansar

    Te daré lo que es mío
    el nuevo atardecer de estío
    el lento caminar del río
    que va hacia el mar

    Yo te daré
    lo mejor de mi ser
    te haré sentir mi gran amor
    por ti

    Nuestro hogar será el mundo
    que vaga sin cesar sin rumbo
    que sigue con su andar profundo
    sin descansar

    Te daré mi mañana
    mi lento envejecer
    mi techo
    mi incierto porvenir
    mi lecho
    mi corazón

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
    --> Ela-Ela/Popcorn/Ding Dong Bell (Medley)
    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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