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    Health According to Dave
    Natural Health for the Common Sense Person
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Is Popcorn Bad for Leaky Gut?

    For many reasons, maintaining a good gut health is important. So far, health experts have linked gut health to mental health, mood, and behavior. This means that it’s something to really look out for in order to ensure a healthy living.

    Many factors influence gut health, and one of them is your diet. What you eat affects the microbes in your gut, which in turn affects your overall wellbeing. 

    People with leaky gut may encounter different problems with digestion and other food-related issues. Hence, their choices of what to eat may be restricted. Some individuals also have trouble metabolizing grains, which brings the question: is popcorn bad for leaky gut?

    Popcorn is rich in fiber (about four grams per three cups), which helps to promote healthy gut bacteria. In addition to that, increased fiber intake has been linked to reduced risks of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. Popcorn is also a great snack for overeaters who often find it difficult to feel full or satiated.

    While popcorn is a healthy snack, its amazing benefits can be reduced by the common additives that are used to give it flavor. Additives such as butter and sodium-rich flavorings on popcorn add fat and extra calories which significantly reduce the snack’s benefits. 

    For individuals who find popcorn difficult to digest, or if it causes abdominal pain, inflammation, cramps, or gas, it’s wise to avoid it completely. If you have a leaky gut, or if popcorn causes you digestive discomfort, you can opt for popped sorghum or quinoa instead. You can also add digestive aids from Pharmax and Genestra.

    13-11-2020 om 19:20 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Does Moisturizing Help Acne?

    Battling acne comes with a lot of discomfort, and the scars that remain even after the whole episode somehow make things worse. You’ve probably wondered if many skincare routines, especially moisturizing helps acne. Does moisturizing help acne? Can it help to prevent acne? 

    The skin’s topmost layer is not just a stretch of dead cells. It’s much more. This layer protects you from a lot of damage – harmful ultraviolet radiation, pathogens and more. Also, it regulates moisture and helps to keep your internal organs alive. Therefore, moisturizing your skin is greatly recommended and highly beneficial.

    It’s not just some lucky coincidence that dermatologists sometimes include moisturizers in acne treatment plans. Although, acne can make your skin feel greasy and oily, and a moisturizer can just not help matters in that case, it comes in handy if you use some acidic acne treatments. 

    Acidic acne treatments such as isotretinoin, tazarotene, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and others may irritate and dry the skin. So, a daily dose of moisturizer can help your skin fight skin dryness in this situation.

    A moisturizer can also help during the harsh winter days, especially when your skin feels inflamed and dry. Your body makes more oil when your skin becomes dry, and this extra oil can clog your pores, resulting in more breakouts. Therefore, after you wash, applying an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer can help to trap required water in your skin and prevent skin dryness and irritation.

    Lastly, if you have acne and require guidance on what can really help clear your acne, it’s wise to consult a dermatologist for professional guidance.

    13-11-2020 om 19:19 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Are there Benefits to Wearing Diabetic Socks?

    Diabetic socks are designed to maintain dry feet, reduces the risk of a foot injury, and improve blood circulation. These socks are essential to foot care. And foot care is a vital aspect of diabetes management. This is because of potential damage to both the nervous and circulatory systems that is caused by high blood sugar levels.

    Functions of Diabetic Socks

    • Improves blood circulation to your feet.

    • Keep the feet dry.

    • Prevent fungal infections off your feet.

    • Offers cushion.


    All of these keep your feet healthy.


    The best diabetic socks have features like:

    • Flat with no seams to prevent blisters.

    • Stretchy cuffs that don’t affect blood flow.

    • Moisture-wicking materials for feet dry.

    • Softness with additional thickness in the ball and heel of your foot.

    Benefits of Wearing Diabetic Socks

    Now, not all diabetic patients need to wear these special socks. However, many diabetic patients are prone to foot injury. This is because of poor circulation and peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy causes a loss of feeling in your feet. If you have this, you could walk all day with a splinter without feeling a thing.


    When one has diabetes, small cracks, cuts, blisters, and calluses can cause a foot ulcer. Besides, diabetes can cause poor circulation. This makes it harder for wounds to heal. So, using these socks to keep infections and foot ulcers under control can save your feet, toes, and legs from amputation. Whether you don’t own a regular diabetic socks or you don’t see the need, you can consider getting a pair when traveling. You should also get a pair or more whenever you are physically active.

    15-10-2020 om 20:57 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Most Common Vitamins Missing from the Average Diet

    There are important vitamins that are missing from the average American diet. They are missing because of lack of understanding or in the atmosphere of losing weight. Here are some common vitamins that are missing:

    Vitamin A 

    Vitamin A is good for vision, tissue growth and immunity.


    How much do you need?

    • Men: 900 micrograms/day

    • Women: 700 micrograms/day


    Note that there are two types of vitamin A: carotenoids and retinol. The former are usually missing from many American diets. 


    Foods that contain carotenoids include: cooked fresh carrots, cooked winter squash, cooked fresh potato with skin, and cooked spinach. 

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C plays important roles in the body. It boosts the immune system and works as a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell damage. It also improves collagen production.


    How much is needed?

    • Men: 90 milligrams/day

    • Women: 75 milligrams/day

    Good sources are sweet red pepper, orange, strawberries, cantaloupe, and cooked broccoli.

    Vitamin E

    A lot of people don't get enough vitamin E. The primary reason for this is that people are trying too hard to eat healthy. The deal is vitamin E appears in foods with high fat content, like oils, nuts, and seeds. So, to eat low-fat and lose weight, people ignore the foods that are rich in vitamin E. But that's a big mistake. This is because vitamin E is a fantastic antioxidant that prevents cell damage.


    Regardless of the fat, you should include these foods in your diet. Although a low-fat diet is relevant to good health, there is need to distinguish between the typical bad fats (saturated fats) and the good ones (such as the polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated) which are in these vitamin E foods.  Remember that foods with the good fats are still significantly high in calories. So, you also need to eat moderately.


    The type of vitamin E that is most relevant is called alpha-tocopherol vitamin E (AT). To be specific, adults need about 15 milligrams of this per day.


    Good sources of vitamin E include:

    • Roasted sunflower seeds 7.4 milligrams (1 ounce)

    • Almonds 7.3 milligrams

    • Peanut butter 2.5 milligrams (2 tablespoons).

    • Tomato sauce 2.5 milligrams (1/2 cup).

    Give these suggestions a try and see if they make a difference to your health. If you are still struggling to get the nutrients that you need each day, check out vitamin products from Jarrow Formulas and Enzymedica. These supplement options may make all the difference and may provide you the support that you need each day.

    15-10-2020 om 20:56 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Vegetables for People Who Hate Vegetables

    I'm sure you've come across people who hate vegetables. It's either that or you personally don't like them. It's pretty difficult to convince people who hate vegetables to like them. However, most picky eaters find veggies like peas, corn and potatoes, acceptable. But veggies like spinach and broccoli are unacceptable to them. Regardless, it takes the right recommendation and recipes to convince people who hate vegetables to consume any kind.

    Here are some vegetables for people who hate vegetables:


    Loaded cauliflower is one vegetable option that you can recommend to anyone who hates vegetables. It is packed with natural and health goodness.

    Make Zucchini Patties

    Zucchini are the perfect summer vegetables. They are rich in nutrients and have a crunch feel. Make a twist by making patties with zucchini. It could work for people who hate vegetables.

    Add Broccoli to Feta Pasta

    Broccoli is one vegetable that people who hate vegetables try hard to avoid. But you can make something good out of it if you're a fan of pasta. When you make your pasta with feta cheese, spice it up with pieces of broccoli. You could stir fry the vegetable or use in its natural form. It's healthy and would give your feta pasta a crunch feel.

    Spinach Enchiladas

    Want to make something good out of your store bought or fresh spinach? Make spinach enchiladas. If you're a fan of Mexican food, this is a great way to do something with spinach. Throw up your spinach, cheese and other fresh ingredients in tortillas. You can also add chicken if you still need your meat. 

    Stir Fried Cabbage Combo

    Cabbage works well with, and in, almost everything! Fry your fresh cabbage slices with garlic, onion and other ingredients. You can also add bacon to satisfy your meat craving while enjoying cabbages. Even if you were not a fan of cabbage, you'll love this one.


    Other vegetable options for people who hate vegetables include squash and fried Brussels sprouts.

    14-09-2020 om 16:01 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Does Couch to 5k Work?

    Couch to 5k is a nine-week training plan that's made to help people to go from couch potato to athlete who can run a 5K in just a few months! This is a popular exercise program that seeks to get individuals in good shape to complete a 3.1 mile run when the program ends in the space of 9 weeks. This program was introduced by Josh Clark in 1996.

    The question a lot of people have is: Does Couch to 5k work?

    In summary, the Couch to 5k program uses interval training, that is, moving at different levels of speed during a running session. The plan states what the interested individual must do during the 6-12 weeks of training. These different pace levels help the body to adapt to different levels of speed. It helps your lungs and heart adapt to varying strenuous activities.

    So in the course of weeks, Couch to 5k bolsters the amount of time you spend on running. It also cuts back on time you walk till you can run 3.1 miles without taking a break. 

    Does Couch to 5K work? Yes, it does. But it will help you run 5 kilometers if you stick to the entire training program. Another reason why the program will work is if you fix your diet. 

    If you are struggling with your diet, healthy eating habits, or exercise-related pain, then you can consider supplements from brands like ​New Chapter, Integrative Therapeutics, and Thorne Research. All of these brands can help you stay in top shape. Once you go through the program, you can hit the 5 kilometers mark, and you may even reach amazing new fitness goals!

    10-09-2020 om 16:16 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Why Do I Have Stomach Pain After Eating?

    Discomfort or stomach pain after eating has several causes. Most times, if the pain happens after you eat and go away, the problem is the food. But if you have other symptoms or experience the pain after changing your diet, it could be a medical condition. Ahead, here are some reasons why you have stomach pain after eating. 


    The food you eat may lead to a stomach ache after eating. Pain could be caused by food poisoning, consuming acidic foods, trapped air in the digestive tract, indigestion, eating too much,a food allergy, or consuming spicy food. Drinking alcohol or caffeine can also cause stomach ache after eating. 

    Medical Conditions

    Some medical issues can make your stomach hurt after eating. The conditions include gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, stomach ulcer, irritable bowel system, gallstones, as well as heartburn. Other medical conditions include celiac disease, and overactive thyroid.


    Klaire Labs, Nordic Naturals, and Thorne Research are natural supplement brands for your wellbeing.  


    Stress can lead to tense muscles. This creates discomfort or pain in the stomach. To prevent this, take slow deep breaths before you eat. This helps to relax the muscles. You should also eat slowly. 


    Poor bowel movement or difficulty in passing stool may cause constipation. A stomach ache is a common symptom of constipation. Fluid intake can reduce it.

    Being Overweight

    You can develop conditions such as heartburn and stomach ulcer if you are overweight. You can lose some pounds to limit the risk of stomach pain after eating.


    There you have it. You can change your eating pattern or visit a medical practitioner if you experience stomach pain on a regular basis.

    17-08-2020 om 18:20 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Why You Should Use Silver to Clean Your Skin

    A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealed that colloidal silver functions as many health practitioners’ go-to medication before the creation of modern antibiotics. Now, as patients grow resistant to modern antibiotics, colloidal silver is slowly on the comeback as a treatment for several health issues.


    Colloidal silver has become a common skin care solution. However, colloidal silver is a name for silver particles suspended in liquid. It is a naturally-occurring mineral. Although it is possible to make colloidal silver yourself at home, it is risky. This is because you are not able to evaluate the potency or purity of your batch. This silver is affordable and available online and from many health distributors.

    Health Properties of Silver

    Colloidal silver is a natural antibacterial agent. This means that it contains natural properties that fight the impact and spread of bacteria, microbes, viral matter, fungi, and other irritants. It keeps the skin sanitary and clean so it can recover. Besides, it is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that works actively against infection and inflammation. Applying this silver on a regular basis can help treat skin issues from acne to rosacea to aging.


    You can’ always find silver on a store shelve, but you can check out Sovereign Silver, Quicksilver Scientific, or Argentyn 23 to get silver if you need it.


    Colloidal silver works in three ways to boost the skin’s ability to heal. For one, it can produce more infection-fighting oxygen molecules that can help break down viral and bacterial matter. It can also work against bacteria by attaching to the cell membranes to help the body fight against the invaders. 


    When you start using colloidal silver to treat acne or clean your skin, refrain from using cosmetics and other potentially pore-clogging skin care products. This allows the silver to work effectively.

    17-08-2020 om 18:19 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Natural Sleep Remedies for Toddlers

    It's not uncommon for kids to have issues with sleeping at night. Per research conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, the average American child gets 11.7 hours of sleep per night. However, the recommended sleep time is 12 to 14 hours. If your toddler or child is missing out on sleep due to issues, try out these natural sleep remedies for toddlers.

    Bedtime Snacks

    Going to bed hungry can pose sleeping difficulties for your toddler. But feeding him or her the wrong food choices could make your toddler hyperactive. This can make sleep more difficult to achieve. The right snack should be high in calcium and carbohydrates and moderate to low amounts of protein. Recommendations include milk, whole-grain cereal, or a banana. 

    Bedtime Routine

    Remember that humans are creatures of habit. Toddlers are no different. You can help prepare your kid's body and mind for bed when you create a nightly bedtime routine that signifies the start of sleep. For example, this routine could include playing a cool game, bathing your child, or reading a bedtime story. Do these things in the same order every night.

    Use a Nightlight

    If your child wakes up at night and seems upset, it could be because of the lack of light. 

    Toddlers might grow confused and unsettled when they wake up in a dark room and find it hard to see anything. An easy way to resolve this is to put a nightlight in your child's bedroom. This helps to illuminate the room without putting on enough light to keep your child awake. This will keep your child settled down and allow them to fall asleep faster. Do well to set a timer on the nightlight to switch off when it's morning.

    23-07-2020 om 22:00 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Under the Desk Exercise You Can Do Secretly at Work

    To tackle the adverse effects of the 9-to-5 routine, it's important to exercise. But the question is when can you find enough time to exercise? Workplace workouts can help you to get the most of the limited hours at your disposal. With a dash of creativity, you can utilize the few minutes you have between deadlines or daily tasks and try to exercise while you work.


    One trick is to perform under the desk exercises. The deal with this technique is that your co-workers will catch you reading a document but won't see you relieving your tired legs or strengthening your abs.

    Simple Under the Desk Exercise

    1. Begin with your feet flat on floor.

    2. Sit tall while at your desk.

    3. Hold your abdominal muscles tightly.

    4. Extend a leg until its level with your hip.

    5. Hold this position for ten seconds.

    6. Slowly set your leg down.

    7. Repeat this 15 times.

    8. Then change legs.

    Chair Squats

    Chair squats are effective body-strengthening routines. Do a few of these every time you get up from your chair and sit back down. Here’s how to do chair squats:

    • Stand tall with your back straight.

    • Lower to an inch of chair, almost like you are sitting down.

    • Hold this position for ten seconds.

    • Lift back up to standing position.

    Leg Toning Under the Desk Routine

    • With your legs straight, cross a leg on top of the other.

    • Lift them off the floor.

    • Press the top leg down and resist this with bottom leg.

    • Do this until your muscles are tired.

    • Repeat this with opposite legs top and bottom.

    Twinlab and Gaia Herbs  has a broad range of high performance health and wellness products.

    23-07-2020 om 21:59 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Do Cats Help With Anxiety?

    Most cat owners enjoy the warmth and companionship from their pet. It’s not quite a hidden fact that their cute meows, fuzzy faces, whiskers, and head nudges are a great signs that cats are vital to the mental health of their owners. However, not everyone knows this. Those who don’t own cats miss out on the appeal of cats. Do cats help with anxiety? The fact is that behind all of the soothing cuddles of the purring, cats do improve mental health by decreasing anxiety and stress, and offering companionship.


    How does one know if cats help with anxiety? First, you should know that these fuzzy companions are fantastic stress relievers. The deal here is that adopting a cat is like adopting a walking, sassy, stress and anxiety reliever. This pet has displayed anxiety relieving qualities in a number of ways, by simply being their natural selves. If you’ve had a hard day at work, coming home to spend time with your fuzzy companion can reduce anxiety and help your body produce stress reducing hormones. When this happens, your blood pressure and heart rate decreases and your anxiety levels become normal.


    Indeed, many people can benefit from a relationship with cats. In addition to helping college students when they battle with anxiety and stress, they are useful in other places. In places like nursing homes and hospitals, cats help patients navigate stressful and anxious-induced situations. It gives patients a sense of companionship in hospitals and an all round positive mental health.

    Bottom Line

    Owning or adopting a cat is a fantastic idea. Cats have the ability to calm humans, offer genuine companionship, lower the body’s stress levels, and are effective therapy animals for a variety of uses and patients.

    15-06-2020 om 19:40 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Why People are Addicted to Tanning

    Yes, tanning addiction is a thing. You will know if you have an addiction if you feel a strong urge to use indoor tanning facilities. You will crave exposure to UV light and and want to head home darker than you arrived. Having similar urges to tan outdoor, almost all the time, can also tell you that you are a compulsive tanner. And just like other kinds of addiction, you may feel the burden that comes with the need to cut back on tanning. Thinking about all these even makes you feel anxious. 


    This begs the question of why are people addicted to tanning. For one, tanning addiction may be the result of addiction to UV light. One article suggests that the excessive craving to tan outdoors or hit the tanning bed might be driven by an addiction or dependency to the mood-changing effects of the UV light.


    All Terrain and Skin MD offer all-natural skin relief. Kiss My Face not your average skin care product.


    Addiction to tanning may also be caused by a psychiatric disorder. The deal here is that excessive tanning has been linked to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body dysmorphic disorder. These two are kinds of psychiatric disorders. Researchers from Brown University Medical School discovered that among every 200 individuals with BDD, 25% revealed tanning in response to BDD-related anxieties. Also, a good number of compulsive indoor tanners may be determined by an underlying mood disorder or anxiety. Compulsive tanners have twice the rate of moderate-to-severe anxiety and depression of infrequent indoor tanners. Research also suggests that compulsive tanners might be more prone to seasonal affective disorder.

    As much as you want to look good with tanning, it’s best to control your need to tan or use tanning beds. In 2009, the International Agency for Research on Cancer included tanning beds in its highest cancer risk. This is based on an analysis of 20 studies that revealed that use of a tanning bed before age 30 increases the risk of having melanoma by 75%. Even the World Health Organization suggests that no one under age 18 should use a tanning bed.

    15-06-2020 om 19:39 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Tips for Surviving Allergy Season

    The change in season is always nice. Warm weather brings blooming flowers, fresh grass and budding trees in some places. This is always a good time to stay out and enjoy nature. 


    However, regardless of how this might sound for some, it’s not all fun for people with allergies. According to the Food and Drug Administration, over 30 million people in the United States struggle with fall and spring allergies.


    That being said, to prevent you from sneezing regularly and struggling with itchy eyes, you can try these few tips. Indeed, these tips can help you triumph over your symptoms.


    First and foremost, you need to stay indoors in the morning. It’s important to note that allergen levels are quite higher in the early part of the day. So, it’s pertinent that you schedule your outdoor activities or yard work for the afternoon.


    Moreover, you should always close your doors and windows. Note that seasonal allergens come from outside. So, ensuring your doors and windows are shut would limit the amount of pollen entering your home and car.


    Moreover, you should always protect yourself. Now, if you have to spend time outside, especially when you’re working in your yard, do well to wear a filter mask or a protective eye gear. Make sure you wash your clothes and hair properly to prevent bringing the pollen in your living area or home.


    Before heading out, you can also find out the pollen count for the day. How can you get this? Several websites including reveals details on current allergen levels. You can then schedule your outdoor activities for days with lower pollen count.


    In all, remember other non-seasonal allergens that might cause your symptoms. Dust mites are common indoor allergens. You should also seek medical care if you suffer symptoms.

    13-05-2020 om 16:37 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Lunges With Weights Benefits

    Lunges, like a workout routine, targets large muscle groups in the lower body. This helps to build lean muscles and works to reduce body fat. Both functions increase an individual’s resting metabolism, which in turn allows one to trim excess weight and burn more calories. Lunges also help to secure leaner legs, and it activates the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Lunges with weights benefit also improve balance, stability, and lower body strength.


    So, if you need to lose weight, you can include lunges in a high-intensity circuit workout routine. You can also add weights. These are some types of lunges with weights benefits.

    1. Standard Lunge

    Stand with the feet together. As you keep your left foot in place, Step forward with the right foot. Bend your knees and then drop the left knee to the floor. Keep your right knee at the back of your front toes. Once the knees are at 90 degrees, push your right foot and stand. Repeat this with the opposite leg.

    2. Diagonal Lunge

    Stand with your feet together. With the right foot, step forward at a 45-degree angle. Drop your back knee to the floor. Then use your right foot to get off the floor. Return to your starting position. Change your legs. You can hold weights if it’s too easy.

    3. Reverse Lunge

    Stand with your feet together. Step backward with the right foot, and drop your right knee on the floor. This should create a 90-degree angle. Now, push off your right foot to ensure that both feet are back together to the starting position. Change legs. Reverse lunges work well for the glutes.

    There you go! Try out these lunges with weights benefits. Douglas Laboratories produces healthy vegetarian capsules.

    06-05-2020 om 16:00 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Read These Self Help Career Books to Create a Better Life

    Self-help career books can help one achieve a better life. There are tons of self-help career books in the market, but these are our recommendations:

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey

    This book is great for those that want to develop better or improved work habits. Although the book was first published in 1990, it still sells pretty well. The reason being that it transcends issues of life in the workplace. It also teaches individuals how to change their perception of the workings of the world around them.

    Moving the Needle, by John Sweeney

    If you've hit a brick wall or feeling stuck in your career, Sweeney’s book gives a detailed system for those who seek a career change. If you desire actionable advice concerning your career, this is a great read. There are also lessons that are applicable to personal aspirations.

    The Up Side of Down, by Megan McArdle

    This book is fantastic for people who want to recover from career failure. It helps people understand that failure is a part of life. The key thing is how to manage it. McArdle teaches how to convert failure into learning experiences. The book also tells stories of people from different career paths.

    Thrive, by Arianna Huffington

    If you want to learn how to achieve work-life balance, this is a great read. It teaches that living a good life is more than earning a huge sum of money. The desperate pursuit of more (and more) money has caused many to burn out.

    09-04-2020 om 18:54 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How to Get the Most From an Athlete's Diet to Lose Weight

    As an athlete, it's important to stay in shape around the year. Moreover, when it's off-season or when the weather turns bad, you'll find that athletes tend to pack on the pounds and have a hard time returning to normal health. 


    Not to worry, because most trainers usually advise that they follow a strict diet to lose weight. The good news is that there are several diets that can help athletes to lose weight. But it is important to get the most out of these diet plans. For this reason, we'll give you a rundown of how to successfully navigate an athlete's diet to lose weight. 


    One tip associated with an athlete's diet to lose weight is avoiding crash diets. The deal here is when you decide to cut calories in an overly dramatic manner, your nutrient intake may fight against proper training and recovery. When this happens, you'll be more susceptible to injury, illness, and may also experience an overtraining syndrome. Moreover, cutting calories too quickly may negatively affect metabolism and hormones. 


    Another way to lose weight through a healthy diet without significantly threatening your health is by consuming less sugar and eating more fiber. Note that low-carb diets provide less than 40% of calories from carbohydrates that are effective at promoting fat loss. However, a drastic restriction of carbs is not best for athletes. The reason being that it can negatively affect training and performance. One of the healthiest ways to reduce total carb intake via dieting is to cut out added sugars.

    Another great way to get the most of an athlete's diet to lose weight is by eating more protein. High-protein diets provide a feeling of fullness. This diet also increases the number of calories burned during the process of digestion. Protein-rich diets are also great because while you lose weight, you won't lose muscle mass.

    26-02-2020 om 20:41 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What is the Yoga Diet and Can it Help You Lose Weight?

    A yoga diet is a balanced diet that is believed to have a positive influence on not only your physical self, but also your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Sometimes this diet is called Lacto-vegetarian, meaning that it comprises of non-animal foods, excluding honey and dairy items. 


    So, with constant awareness regarding the body via the yoga diet, you may discover that vegetarian foods are an ideal natural choice to support your mind and body. The yoga diet can help you to stay energized and to feel light, both literally and figuratively. For spiritual-minded individuals, non-animal foods may help you to attain a higher level of spirituality through positive energy. 


    For those struggling to lose weight, or on the look-out for healthier ways to secure an ideal weight, the yoga diet can come in handy. Why is this so? The deal is the science of yoga rewards faithfuls with a natural solution that works to balance the body and reinvigorate your metabolism. All of this makes it easier to shed those added pounds in a healthy way.


    A smart way to help support your daily wellbeing and weight loss through physical activity is with supplements that seek to support a healthy lifestyle. Brands like Arthur Andrew Medical and Health Concerns offer a range of supplements that may be ideal for your needs.


    In essence, the yoga diet, which is largely based on whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits, seeds and nuts, beans, and a limited amount of dairy, is a proven way to hit your ideal body weight and maintain it. These kinds of foods work naturally to nourish and balance the body. They also support the immune system and eliminate toxins.


    Maintaining your yoga diet largely depends on your body type, climate, and availability of healthy food. For instance, in the summer, lower-fat diets, including lots of raw vegetables, may work well. In the cold, you may opt for warm, cooked foods with healthy fats.

    26-02-2020 om 20:41 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Ideas to Help You Start Your Creative Crafting

    Most times, creativity is not hereditary – that means you don’t have to be born with it. Like any other habit or skill, creativity can be developed, built, boosted, nurtured, and even evolved. Regardless of your career path – whether you are a writer, artist, or hobbyist, you can always try some new methods to start or boost your creative crafting at any time. This article is for anyone looking for ideas to get their creative juice flowing. 


    Firstly, you need to have a colossal database of ideas cutting across several fields in your head. While some of it may seem useless at the beginning, the larger your repository of ideas, the more ideas you can pick from it. Truth is, armed with a comprehensive arsenal of ideas, you never know where inspiration may come from.


    Furthermore, the second part of creativity lies in the ability to connect these ideas. However, the mind needs to be adequately trained to extract, connect, and apply the concepts it gets from everything it sees and experiences. This is hard and requires practice and patience. Frankly speaking, it takes a little time to train one’s mind to remember and see the parallels and synthesize two very different sources.


    It is suggested that reading unusual magazines is one great idea to help you start creative crafting, and it works effectively. Simply pick a magazine from a completely unfamiliar niche and go through it. No doubt, it may seem difficult and even uninteresting at first, but keep an open mind and flip through the pages.T o stay energized, you can purchase some of BioRay’s products. It can also be purchased for your kids from BioRay Kids.


    Even if you can’t read all the articles, take time to read the headlines and some important paragraphs. This will help you understand the key developments in this niche – the challenges, the innovations, and of course, the trends.


    Playing with building blocks, cars, dolls, or any toy is recommended for kids. This activates the portion of the brain responsible for the motor and muscular functions. Playing relaxes the mind and can actually help to visualize a problem or a solution.


    What is creativity without good health? You can purchase some of Neuroscience products for various health concerns.

    03-02-2020 om 16:43 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How Stretching Exercises Before Walking Keep You Active

    So far, walking has been proven to be a great way to include physical activity in your daily life. Walking is simple and requires no special equipment other than shoes, and maybe a knee brace, or orthotics for your shoes. Best of all, its benefits can be quite numerous!


    Although often overlooked, experienced fitness coaches, trainers, and athletes know that stretching is an essential part of any fitness or physical activity regimen. Just like walking and jogging, it requires no unique tool, and its benefits are many, especially for fitness enthusiasts. That is why stretching exercises before walking, or other workout sessions are important. This period is often known as "warming up." It only takes about 5 minutes to loosen the muscles and be ready to exercise.


    When you are in high spirits on a beautiful day or just as part of your routine, you may be eager to get started on your walk. However, just like you treasure your walk, make time to properly warm-up and stretch before you start walking or cooling down before you stretch again after your walk.


    Stretching before you walk has been found to reduce the chance of injury and increase flexibility, thereby boosting your performance as you walk and decreasing muscle soreness after your walk. Tight muscles can create tension in other areas of your body, pulling you out of proper alignment and making you cranky. However, when you take time to stretch before your walk, it helps to keep your body in the right position and mood, so you become more efficient at walking — and potentially burn more calories — and reduce your risk of being affected by an injury.


    There are several types of stretching exercises before walking for different parts of the body. As important as the stretching exercises are, a post-walk stretch is also good for your joints and limbs. If the weather is good, you can stretch outside. Otherwise, head indoors, switch on the blender for a recovery smoothie and sip some healthy juice while you stretch.

    03-02-2020 om 16:43 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Try a Subѕсrірtіоn to Thеѕе Senior Citizens Magazines

    Being retired and being able to enjoy time reading is a perk of growing older. If this sounds like you, or a loved one, a magazine ѕubѕсrірtіоn іѕ an ideal gift that will help to keep their mind focused and active throughout the year. Whether they аrе a hоmеmаkеr or globetrotter, vеrу асtіvе, or саlm, there is a wide ѕеlесtіоn of magazines available tо hеlр them еnjоу their frее tіmе. TV, gаmеѕ, сооkіng, trаvеl, creative hоbbіеѕ, animals, оr gаrdеnіng. 


    Rеаdіng іѕ indeed an activity that ѕtіmulаtеѕ your brain and improves уоur cognitive function. Tоdау seniors are no longer ѕееn іn thе same way, and they benefit more from their "second уоuth." Thіѕ іѕ why senior сіtіzеn mаgаzіnеѕ hаvе mаnу ѕесtіоnѕ far from thе "ageing" image оf what wе thіnk оf with оldеr реорlе. 


    If you are concerned about your image while aging, you may want to consider supplements that work to support aging and health. Brands to consider include Ancient Nutrition, ReNew Life, and Acure. These brands offer a variety of products for a range of needs.


    Indееd, in ѕеnіоr сіtіzen magazines, you can find tорісѕ in daily life, tірѕ, health tорісѕ, trаvеl, fаѕhіоn, or even tорісѕ оn fаmіlу relationships. 


    Senior citizen magazines are аdарtіng more аnd mоrе tо уоur aspirations аnd lіfеѕtуlеѕ. Thеrе are many different types.


    Here are a few top senior cіtіzеn magazines to consider:

    Our Tіmе

    Our Tіmе іѕ a mаgаzіnе fоr all senior citizens. It соvеrѕ tорісѕ of news, retirement, rеfоrmѕ, hеаlth, wеll-bеіng, recreation, gаmеѕ, оr еvеn the family. The senior сіtіzеn'ѕ magazines, оur, аlѕо rеlіеѕ on rеаdеrѕ' experiences tоо tеll ѕtоrіеѕ оf lіfе. 

    Better Homes & Garden

    This magazine is one that seniors will love! It аlѕо tаrgеtѕ fаnѕ of gаrdеnіng! Of соurѕе, mаnу ѕеnіоrѕ take mоrе and more time tо tаkе саrе оf their gаrdеnѕ and grееn ѕрасеѕ bу сultіvаtіng flowers and plants. 

    Sеnіоr Mоrе 

    Sеnіоr Pluѕ іѕ a mаgаzіnе fоr 60-уеаr-оldѕ. Thіѕ senior citizens magazine іntеndеd fоr bаbу bооmеrѕ whо wаnt to master new tесhnоlоgіеѕ, which are соnnесtеd and mоdеrn. The goal of Senior Pluѕ іѕ to ѕhоw that aging саn bе оnе in ѕеlf-fulfillment and ѕеrеnіtу. 

    Full Lіfе 

    Full Life mаgаzіnе is more fоr ѕеnіоr wоmеn. The соntеnt, therefore, fосuѕеѕ оn fеmаlе subjects. You can find thеmеѕ such as bеаutу, fashion, cooking, dесоrаtіоn, trаvеl, аnd аdvісе оn everyday lіfе. 

    Gеnеrаtіоn Plus

    Generation Pluѕ is primarily intended for ѕеnіоrѕ, mеn, оr wоmеn. Dealing with nеwѕ topics оf аn іnfоrmаtіvе nаturе, іt аlѕо focuses оn hеаlth, travel, or сulturе. Themes that affect the over 50 year old crowd fоr whom this modern mаgаzіnе hаѕ become a monthly must-read followed with more and more іntеrеѕt. 

    Tempo Health 

    Tеmро health іѕ a ѕеnіоr сіtіzens magazine about thе theme оf hеаlth, prevention, and care. Eating well and рrасtісіng a ѕроrt рrеѕеrvе your vіtаlіtу. In thіѕ senior сіtіzеn'ѕ mаgаzіnе, уоu саn fіnd tірѕ for how to maintain your shape. 

    Sеnіоr Mаgаzіnе 

    Sеnіоr magazines offer information on several topics across a number of саtеgоrіеѕ ѕuсh as retirement, health, wеll-bеіng, fаmіlу, аnd recreation. The mаgаzіnе аіmѕ to аnѕwеr ѕоmе of your соnсеrnѕ.

    17-01-2020 om 20:33 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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