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gekregen van Nancy
Gekregen van Nikki
Gedichten Bundel
Voor gedichten freaks!Met dank aan Elisabeth
A friend
A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace. And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place.
Dear Santa, I'm writing you this letter as I'm feeling a little blue, so I hope you don't think I am asking too much of you. You visit every year and leave everyone such wonderful things, but I'm wondering if you also visit our loved ones who have wings? I know you must be busy, so much to do in just one night, but could you please make an extra trip to the stars that shine so bright? ...You see we have special loved ones -too perfect for life on earth, no presents could we send them to truly show their worth. So could you please leave them all a gift and put a stocking on their cloud, filled full of precious presents from their loved ones on the ground. Please stroke their sleepy heads, tell them their families love them so, that their hearts ache with sadness and their tears just seem to flow. If you could do this for me Santa, their families might be able to smile, even if it is just for a tiny, little while. So thank you very much Santa for everything you do, after all it is Christmas, up in heaven too !!
This beautiful text is comes from Kasie Mayer (click on the little star)
"A"ccepts you as you are "B"elives in you "C"alls you just to say "hi" "D"oesn't give up on you "E"nvisions the whole of you "F"orgives your mistakes "G"ives unconditionally "H"elps you "I"nvites you over "J"ust there for you "K"eeps you close at heart "L"oves you for who you are "M"akes a difference in your life "N"ever judges you "O"ffers support "P"icks you up "Q"uiets your fears "R"aises your spirits "S"ay nice things about you "T"ells you the truth you need to hear it "U"nderstands you "V"alues you "W"alk besides you "X"plains things you don't understand "Y"ells when you won't listen and... "Z"aps you back to reality
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Carine, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Crientje.
Ik ben een vrouw en woon in Herent (België) en mijn beroep is Horeca.
Ik ben geboren op 26/03/1965 en ben nu dus 59 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Mijn vriend, mijn kids en men blog.