Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
The Last Time Composer(s): Robin Randall - Judithe Randall - Jeff Law Performer(s): Agnetha Fältskog
Oh, I can't believe the time has come What can I do, there's no place to run Hold me close, it's not too much to ask Help me forget, tonight might be our last Don't let it pass
If it's the last time Let me wrap my love around you Let me lose you like I found you Make it feel like paradise
If it's the last time There's no danger in the fire Let it burn and take us higher Let's give it one more try One last time before goodbye
We've got one more chance to make it right To share the days, the way we shared our nights Talkin' was so hard to do I turned away and kept on hurting you It can't be true, no...
If it's the last time Let me wrap my love around you Let me lose you like I found you Make it feel like paradise
If it's the last time There's no danger in the fire Let it burn and take us higher Let's give it one more try One last time before goodbye
Let the heartaches fade away Give them back to yesterday I need you to stay and hold me Touch me There must be a way
If it's the last time Let me wrap my love around you Let me lose you like I found you Make it feel like paradise
If it's the last time There's no danger in the fire Let it burn and take us higher Let's give it one more try
No... if it's the last time Let me wrap my love around you Let me lose you like I found you Make it feel like paradise
Chanson Sans Paroles
((Finnish Version: Sanaton Laulu (Markku Riikonen) - 1986))
Composer(s): Jacques Brel - François Rauber
First release by: Jacques Brel - 1962
J'aurais aimé ma belle T'écrire une chanson Sur cette mélodie Rencontrée une nuit J'aurais aimé ma belle Rien qu'au point d'Alençon T'écrire un long poème T'écrire un long "je t'aime"
Je t'aurais dit "amour" Je t'aurais dit "toujours" Mais de mille façons Mais par mille détours Je t'aurais dit "partons" Je t'aurais dit "brûlons Brûlons de jour en jour De saisons en saisons"
Mais le temps que s'allume L'idée sur le papier Le temps de prendre une plume Le temps de la tailler Mais le temps de me dire Comment vais-je l'écrire Et le temps est venu Où tu ne m'aimais plus {2x}
Fruit Tree Composer(s): Nick Drake Performer(s): Nick Drake; Au Revoir Borealis; Field of Blue; Beppe Gambetta
Time has told me you're a rare, rare find A troubled cure for a troubled mind And time has told me not to ask for more for someday our ocean will find its shore
So I'll leave the ways that are making me be what I really don't want to be Leave the ways that are making me love what I really don't want to love
Time has told me you came with the dawn, a soul with no footprint, a rose with no thorn Your tears they tell me there's really no way of ending your troubles with things you can say And time will tell you to stay by my side, to keep on trying till there's no more to hide
So leave the ways that are making you be what you really don't want to be Leave the ways that are making you love what you really don't want to love
Time has told me you're a rare, rare find A troubled cure for a troubled mind And time has told me not to ask for more for someday our ocean will find its shore
The Last Thing On My Mind Composer(s): Tom Paxton First release by: Tom Paxton - 1964 Covered by multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages: 1967 - C'était Bien La Dernière Chose (Nana Mouskouri) 1971 - Niet Slecht Bedoeld (Miek en Roel)
It's a lesson too late for the learning Made of sand, made of sand In the wink of an eye my heart is turning In your hand, in your hand
Are you going away with no word of farewell Will there be not a trace left behind I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind You know that was the last thing on my mind
You've got reasons a-plenty for going This I know, this I know For the weeds have been steadily growing Please don't go, please don't go
As I lie in my bed in the morning Without you, without you Every song in my heart lies a burning Without you, without you
Are you going away with no word of farewell Will there be not a trace left behind I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind You know that was the last thing on my mind
Chanson Pour Toi
Composer(s): Jean Ferrat
Performer(s): Jean Ferrat
Quand l'aube se prend pour Matisse Quand les papillons se déplissent Comme la fleur du grenadier Quand le premier soleil fragile Frappe aux volets clos de la ville Un à un pour les réveiller Quand le premier cheval qui trotte A de la fumée sous les bottes De la terre sous les souliers
J'ouvre les yeux et je te vois J'ouvre les yeux et je te crois J'ouvre les yeux et c'est pour toi Que je veux vivre, mon amour
Quand midi se prend pour Cézanne Qu'il met du vent dans les platanes Et du bleu dans les oliviers Quand tous les troupeaux s'effarouchent Que la chaleur les prend, les couche A l'ombre maigre d'un figuier Quand toutes les rues sont désertes Que nulle n'offre une place verte Un refuge, une ombre, un sentier
J'ouvre les yeux et je te vois J'ouvre les yeux et je te crois J'ouvre les yeux et c'est pour toi Que je veux vivre, mon amour
Quand le soir bleuit ses falaises Comme une estampe japonaise Comme un Renoir, comme un Manet Quand le soleil vibre, chavire Dans l'océan et qu'il s'étire Comme un éventail déplié Lorsque tout se métamorphose Et que seul le parfum des roses Continue de s'exaspérer
J'ouvre les yeux et je te vois J'ouvre les yeux, je tends les bras J'ouvre les yeux et c'est pour toi Que je veux vivre, mon amour Mon amour...
Fruit Trader Composer(s): John Mellencamp Performer(s): John Mellencamp
Cain told Abel, "Brother, you'd better get busy We got watermelon burnin' up out there in the sun" Abel said, "Cain, brother, you're drivin' me silly Raisin' up this fruit trader bull, you know it ain't no fun"
Chorus: We're just yellin' in the dark We're just pissin' in the wind From underneath the sheets that we pray from Better let a little bit of this goodness get in
So Cain rose up and he slay his brother The human soul and violence sometimes can be the next of kin And feelings are real in moments of desperation When the lowest dimension of the animal is let in
Chorus: We're just yellin' in the dark We're just pissin' in the wind From underneath the sheets that we pray from Better let a little bit of this goodness get in
Ain't got no purpose, ain't got no direction, I ain't got no morals Ain't got no politics, ain't got no particular point of view What I've got is plenty of time on my hands, Ol' Skinny's playground Hey, Lord, tell me again, what you want me to do?
Chorus: We're just yellin' in the dark We're just pissin' in the wind From underneath the sheets that we pray from Better let a little bit of this beauty Better let a little bit of this goodness get in
C'était Bien La Dernière Chose ((Adapted from: The Last Thing On My Mind (Tom Paxton) - 1964)) ((Dutch Version: Niet Slecht Bedoeld (Miek en Roel) - 1971)) Composer(s): Tom Paxton - Vline Buggy Performer(s): Nana Mouskouri - 1967
Le bonheur n'est-il donc en ce monde Que fumée, que fumée? N'attends pas des racines profondes À s'aimer, à s'aimer!
Ne pars pas sans un mot Demain, il fera jour J'ai eu tort bien souvent, je le sais Me pardonneras-tu jamais Si je t'ai fait de la peine? C'était bien la dernière chose que je voulais
Je n'ai plus que des larmes pour me défendre À tes yeux, à tes yeux J'aurais pu t'aimer mieux et te rendre Plus heureux, plus heureux
Ne pars pas sans un mot Demain, il fera jour J'ai eu tort bien souvent, je le sais Me pardonneras-tu jamais Si je t'ai fait de la peine? C'était bien la dernière chose que je voulais
Tu t'en vas oublier notre histoire Pour longtemps, très longtemps Mais le temps ne peut rien à la mémoire Pour autant, pour autant
Ne pars pas, ne pars pas Demain, il fera jour Mon amour, si jamais tu partais, J'en aurais bien trop de peine Mais si tu me pardonnais Ce serait bien la plus belle chose qui m'arriverait
Ce serait bien la plus belle chose qui m'arriverait Ce serait bien la plus belle chose qui m'arriverait
Chanson Pour Que Tu M'aimes Un Peu
Composer(s): Robert Gall - P. Gall
Performer(s): France Gall
Je ne demande pas que tu sois gentil Pour moi dans la vie Mais que tu m'aimes un peu Je ne demande pas que tu me souris Quand je suis jolie Mais que tu m'aimes un peu
Car tu ne me vois pas Et pourtant je suis là
Je ne demande pas D'effleurer ma main Quand je dis je suis bien Mais que tu m'aimes un peu
Je ne demande pas Que pour mes chansons Tu dises sans façon Bien sûr je t'aime un peu
Car tu ne me vois pas Et pourtant je suis là
Mais souvent je demande Que tes yeux s'éclairent Quand je dis des vers Pour que tu m'aimes un peu Mais souvent je demande Le cur malheureux Des larmes dans les yeux Quand m'aimeras-tu un peu
Car tu ne me vois pas Et pourtant je suis là Car tu ne me vois pas Et pourtant je suis là
Friar hermit stumbles over The cloudy borderline Frozen warnings close to mine Close to the frozen borderline Frozen warnings close to mine Close to the frozen borderline
Into numberless reflections Rises a smile from your eyes into mine Frozen warnings close to mine Close to the frozen borderline Frozen warnings close to mine Close to the frozen borderline
Over railroad station tracks Faintly flickers a modest cry From without a thousand cycles A thousand cycles to come A thousand times to win A thousand ways to run the world In a similar reply
Friar hermit stumbles over The cloudy borderline Frozen warnings close to mine Close to the frozen borderline Frozen warnings close to mine Close to the frozen borderline
Close to the frozen borderline Close to the frozen borderline Close to the frozen borderline
Niet Slecht Bedoeld ((Adapted from: The Last Thing On My Mind (Tom Paxton) - 1964)) ((French Version: C'était Bien La Dernière Chose (Nana Mouskouri) - 1967)) Composer(s): Tom Paxton - Miel Appelmans Performer(s): Miek en Roel - 1971
Wie op liefde een luchtkasteel wil bouwen Bouwt op zand, bouwt op zand Net als water loopt illusie en vertrouwen Uit m'n hand, uit m'n hand
Ga je zo van me weg zonder woord van vaarwel Zonder spoor van wat eens is geweest Ik kon meer van je houden, je hebt je gekwetst gevoeld Maar weet, dat had ik echt niet slecht bedoeld
Daar het onkruid van het wantrouwen groeide Om ons heen, om ons heen En je zag hoe wij uit elkander groeiden Ging je heen, ging je heen
Ga je zo van me weg zonder woord van vaarwel Zonder spoor van wat eens is geweest Ik kon meer van je houden, je hebt je gekwetst gevoeld Maar weet, dat had ik echt niet slecht bedoeld
Al m'n woorden van spijt hoor ik sterven In m'n mond, in m'n mond Een herinnering breekt eenzaam aan scherven Op de grond, op de grond
Ga je zo van me weg zonder woord van vaarwel Zonder spoor van wat eens is geweest Ik kon meer van je houden, je hebt je gekwetst gevoeld Maar weet, dat had ik echt niet slecht bedoeld
Weer een nacht die zich buigt voor de morgen Waar ben jij, waar ben jij En de dag stroomt me tegen met z'n zorgen Draai weer bij, draai weer bij
Ga je zo van me weg zonder woord van vaarwel Zonder spoor van wat eens is geweest Ik kon meer van je houden, je hebt je gekwetst gevoeld Maar weet, dat had ik echt niet slecht bedoeld Maar weet, dat had ik echt niet slecht bedoeld
Chanson Pour Mes Amis
Composer(s): Claude Lemesle - Michel Fugain
Performer(s): Michel Fugain
Peut-être qu'on se voit Pour la dernière fois Mes vieux copains mes amis Et je vais sans pudeur Déshabiller mon cur Dire ce qu'on n's'est jamais dit
Je ne sais pas du tout Je ne sais pas pourquoi Ce sont croisés nos chemins C'est parce que c'était vous C'est parce que c'était moi Il faut pas chercher plus loin
J'étais tout seul et paumé dans ma vie On me demandait pas mon avis Et puis j'ai été deux J'ai été trois et c'est drôle J'ai plus jamais eu froid Alors pour ça je veux vous dire merci Et tant pis si ça vous fait sourire
Peut-être qu'on se voit Pour la dernière fois Mes amis mes vieux copains Alors je veux vous dire Sans honte et sans rougir Voilà, je vous aime bien
J'ai essuyé des grands coups de cafard Des nuits blanches bourrées d'idées noires Et vous comme par hasard Vous étiez là et j'étais tout content D'être moi Alors pour ça je veux vous dire merci Et tant mieux si ça vous fait sourire
Peut-être qu'on se voit Pour la dernière fois Mes vieux copains mes amis Alors je vais quand même Vous dire que je vous aime Et je vous aurais tout dit! Oui je voulais quand même Vous dire je vous aime Et je vous ai tout dit...
The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll ((French Version: La Mort Solitaire De Hattie Carroll (Hugues Aufray) - 1965)) Composer(s): Bob Dylan First release by: Bob Dylan - 1964 Covered by multiple other artists
William Zanzinger killed poor Hattie Carroll With a cane that he twirled around his diamond ring finger At a Baltimore hotel society gath'rin' And the cops were called in and his weapon took from him As they rode him in custody down to the station And booked William Zanzinger for first-degree murder
But you who philosophize, disgrace and criticize all fears Take the rag away from your face, now ain't the time for your tears
William Zanzinger, who at twenty-four years Owns a tobacco farm of six hundred acres With rich wealthy parents who provide and protect him And high office relations in the politics of Maryland Reacted to his deed with a shrug of his shoulders And swear words and sneering, and his tongue it was snarling In a matter of minutes on bail was out walking
But you who philosophize, disgrace and criticize all fears Take the rag away from your face, now ain't the time for your tears
Hattie Carroll was a maid of the kitchen She was fifty-one years old and gave birth to ten children Who carried the dishes and took out the garbage And never sat once at the head of the table And didn't even talk to the people at the table Who just cleaned up all the food from the table And emptied the ashtrays on a whole other level Got killed by a blow, lay slain by a cane That sailed through the air and came down through the room Doomed and determined to destroy all the gentle And she never done nothing to William Zanzinger
But you who philosophize, disgrace and criticize all fears Take the rag away from your face, now ain't the time for your tears
In the courtroom of honor, the judge pounded his gavel To show that all's equal and that the courts are on the level And that the strings in the books ain't pulled and persuaded And that even the nobles get properly handled Once that the cops have chased after and caught 'em And that the ladder of law has no top and no bottom Stared at the person who killed for no reason Who just happened to be feelin' that way without warnin' And he spoke through his cloak, most deep and distinguished
And handed out strongly, for penalty and repentance William Zanzinger with a six-month sentence
Oh, but you who philosophize, disgrace and criticize all fears Bury the rag deep in your face, for now's the time for your tears
The Last Ten Years (Superman) Composer(s): Tommy Conners - D. Vincent Williams Performer(s): Kenny Rogers
Oh, the last ten years, it's been quite a trip Over thirty-six-hundred spins around without a cosmic slip But within the realm of our atmosphere We're 'bout as out of whack as we've been in a million years We watched the Y2K scare with the panic An' we watched as time proved Nostrodamus wrong An' we watched as Mother Nature shook the planet An' cellular replaced the telephone We lost Charlie Brown, Ray Charles an' Johnny Cash We even lost Superman, mmmm
Well, the last ten years, look at the hills we've climbed The best golfer's black, the best rapper's white an' it's about damn time But we best beware, there's a brand new fight, you see An' I hate to say we might be our own worst enemy We watched Oklahoma sifting through the damage An' we watched a US President get caught We watched shareholders watch their savings vanish We all cried when we watched those towers fall We lost Minnie Pearl, Ron Reagan and Sam I Am We even lost Superman, mmmm
Expensive gas an' free downloads The dot-com boom, an' reality shows What's gonna happen next is anybody's guess Satellite radio and hybrid cars Hand-held computers an' a trip to Mars It's all become a part of who we are In the last ten years
In the last ten years We lost George Harrison, John Paul and June Carter-Cash Hell, we even lost Superman Gonna miss you, Chris...
No cuento más que fronteras hacia cualquier dirección Mi estrella fue de tercera no mi sol
Mi cuerpo reta mil leyes para cambiar de lugar Mi sueño, rey entre reyes echa a andar
Tengo un paraíso de fantasía sin embargo prescindo del mundo en que vivo Cada confín es un agravio a mi visión, mi verso, mi sangre
Fronteras de tierra fronteras de mares fronteras de arena fronteras de aire Fronteras de sexo fronteras raciales fronteras de sueños y de realidades
Fronteras famosas fronteras quemantes fronteras de fastuosas fronteras de hambre Fronteras de oprobio fronteras legales fronteras de odio fronteras infames
Mi país es pobre, mi piel mejunje mi gobierno proscrito, mis huestes utópicas Mi voz no cuenta en las campanas de información por no ser globable
Fronteras de rejas y de libertades fronteras de bienes que a veces son males Lo mismo perpetuas que provisionales me envuelven fronteras por todas mis partes
The Last Shot Composer(s): Lou Reed Performer(s): Lou Reed
The last shot should have killed me Pour another drink Let's drink to the last shot And the blood on the dishes in the sink Blood inside the coffee cup Blood on the table top
But when you quit, you quit But you always wish That you knew it was Your last shot When you quit, you quit But you always wish That you knew it was Your last shot
I shot blood at the fly on the wall My heart almost stopped hardly there at all I broke the mirror with my fall With my fall, fall, fall; fall, fall, fall Gimme a double, give yourself one too Gimme a short beer, and one for you, too And a toast to everything that doesn't move That doesn't move
But when you quit, you quit But you always wish That you knew it was Your last shot When you quit, you quit But you always wish That you knew it was Your last shot
Whiskey, Burbon, Vodka, Scotch I don't care what it is you got I just wanna know that it's my last shot My last shot I remember when I quit feeling good See, this here's where I chipped my tooth Shot a vein in my neck and I coughed up a Quaalude On my last shot My last shot
Here's a toast to all that's good and Here's a toast to hate An' here's a toast to toasting and I'm not boasting When I say I'm getting straight When I say I'm getting straight
'Cause when you quit, you quit But you always wish That you knew it was Your last shot When you quit, you quit But you always wish That you knew it was Your last shot
Frontal Lobotomy Blues Composer(s): Steven Fromholz Performer(s): Steven Fromholz
Well, there must be a potion, a lotion A poultice that I could apply A spell I could cast or a hex that would last Or a pill I could buy I've been to brujos in shacks, I've seen charlatan quacks And I called on a wizard I knew But the sorcerer said I'd be better off dead Said, "There's nothin' we wizards can do" So....
I'm gonna get me a frontal lobotomy Any old doctor will do I'm gonna get me a frontal lobotomy Maybe then, Baby, I'll quit thinkin' 'bout you I'm gonna get me a bottle in front of me Any old whiskey will do I'm gonna get me a bottle in front of me Drink 'til the drinkin' and the thinkin' are through
'Cause thinkin' 'bout you is all that I do I'm goin' crazy, Baby, thinkin' 'bout you
I talked to my preacher, my second grade teacher And a prominent priest Well, I consulted the eight-ball, a friend who's a shrink And my aunt who's deceased And I've been to Bombay, to the ashram to pray And to sit with the holy Hindu But the Baba just smiled, said, "God loves you my child But there's nothin' we gurus can do" So....
I'm gonna get me a frontal lobotomy Probably gonna take two I'm gonna get me a frontal lobotomy Maybe then, Baby, I'll quit thinkin' 'bout you I'm gonna get me a frontal lobotomy Bibbity, bobbity, boo I'm gonna get me a frontal lobotomy Maybe then, Baby, I'll quit thinkin' 'bout you
'Cause thinkin' 'bout you is all that I do I'm goin' crazy, Baby, thinkin' 'bout you
The Last Roundup Composer(s): Billy Hill Performer(s): Gene Autry and multiple other artists
Git along little doggie, git along Git along little doggie, git along
I'm heading for the last roundup Gonna saddle old Paint for the last time and ride So long, old pal, it's time your tears were dried I'm heading for the last roundup
Git along little doggie, git along, git along Git along little doggie, git along Git along little doggie, git along, git along Git along little doggie, git along
I'm heading for the last roundup To the far away ranch of the Boss in the sky Where the strays are counted and branded there go I I'm heading for the last roundup
I'm heading for the last roundup Gonna saddle old Paint for the last time and ride So long, old pal, it's time your tears were dried I'm heading for the last roundup
Git along little doggie, git along Git along little doggie, git along
I'm heading for the last roundup There'll be Buffalo Bill with his long snow-white hair There'll be old Kit Carson and Custer waiting there A-riding in the last roundup