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  • 27-04-2003
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Belle Est Arrivée
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    La Belle Est Arrivée
    Composer(s): Étienne Roda-Gil - Julien Clerc
    Performer(s): Julien Clerc

    Pour que la belle arrive
    Il faut avoir gagné
    Dans un excès de confiance
    Avoir perdu après
    Adieu le téléphone
    Les rendez-vous plombés
    Adieu toutes les autres
    La belle est arrivée

    Adieu la vie des hommes
    Les Saints du calendrier
    Pour le temps qui me reste
    La belle est arrivée...

    Pour que la belle arrive
    Il faut avoir perdu
    Dans un dernier coup de reins
    Avoir gagné après
    Il va falloir se battre
    Il va falloir gagner
    Adieu toutes les autres
    La belle est arrivée

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Don't Telephone, Don't Telegraph, Tell A Woman Composer(s): Al Stewart - Tex Williams Performer(s): Tex Williams

    If you want to spread the news
    There are lots of ways to use
    But the ordinary ways are much too slow

    There is just one thing to do
    Here is my advice to you
    Confidensh'ly it's the fastest way I know

    Don't telephone don't telegraph
    Tell a woman and the news will get around

    Don't telephone don't telegraph
    Tell a woman and she'll tell the whole darn town

    All my life I didn't think it was wrong
    To take a drink
    'Till one day my gal found out and I was sunk

    Seems a woman spread the word
    And the next things that I heard
    They were sayin' I was in the gutter drunk

    Don't telephone don't telegraph
    Tell a woman if you want to advertize

    Don't telephone don't telegraph
    Tell a woman and she'll build it up with lies

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Belle Debbie
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    La Belle Debbie
    Composer(s): Francis Cabrel
    Performer(s): Francis Cabrel

    La belle Debbie debout d'un bond
    Au tout début me bouda
    Puis elle trouva de bon ton
    Que je lui dise vous comme à une diva
    J'ôtais ses beaux boutons d'habits
    Je mis un vieux CD d'ABBA
    Alors, elle s'enhardit
    Et Dieu soit loué s'amadoua

    Elle voulu deux doigts de Bourbon
    "Merci ça finit mal quand je bois"
    Je me suis mis à faire le gibbon
    Elle se tordait comme le boa
    Je lui récitais ma leçon
    Doux comme un ourson venu pour ça
    Puis-je votre peau de bonbon
    L'effleurer comme une tumba?

    Et j'ajoute pour être tout à fait juste
    Ces miroirs où elle se projette
    Ces rires auxquels elle est sujette
    Et ses jolies mains qui s'agitent
    Oh j'ajoute...

    Je lui récitais du Rimbaud
    Elle disait peut-on tomber plus bas
    Elle borda ses yeux de charbon
    Pour me tendre un bâton de Cuba
    Les liqueurs, nous les avons bues
    Quand il n'est plus resté de tabac
    Elle m'avoua, je revis
    Désirez-vous que l'on se revoie?

    Et j'ajoute pour être tout à fait juste
    Ces miroirs où elle se projette
    Ces rires auxquels elle est sujette
    Et ses jolies mains qui s'agitent

    Et j'ajoute pour être tout à fait juste
    Ces moments salés où elle me laissa
    Ces secrets qu'elle me consacra
    Ces formes où je m'étais ancré
    Ces cris...
    Quand son mari entra

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Don't Tease Me Composer(s): Rudy Martinez ? & the Mysterians

    You put me under your skin
    And I need you right now
    Told me before you'd never put me down
    But you lied to me
    Now you're runnin' around
    You got me under your skin
    And I need you right now

    Girl, please don't tease me
    Girl, please don't tease me
    Girl, please don't tease me

    You got me under your skin
    And I need you right now
    Told me before you'll never put me down
    But you lied to me
    Now you're runnin' around
    You got me under your skin
    And I need you right now

    Girl, please don't tease me
    Girl, please don't tease me
    Girl, please don't tease me

    You got me under your skin
    And I need you right now
    You told me once before you'd never put me down
    But you lied to me
    Now you're runnin' around
    You put me under your skin
    And I need you right now

    Girl, please don't tease me now
    Girl, please don't tease me
    Said leave me alone

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    La Belle De Cadix
    Composer(s): Maurice Vandair
    Performer(s): Luis Mariano

    La Belle de Cadix a des yeux de velours
    La Belle de Cadix vous invite à l'amour
    Les caballeros sont là
    Si, dans la posada
    On apprend qu'elle danse!
    Et pour ses jolis yeux noirs
    Les hidalgos le soir
    Viennent tenter la chance!
    Mais malgré son sourire et son air engageant
    La Belle de Cadix ne veut pas d'un amant !
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    Ne veut pas d'un amant!

    La Belle de Cadix a des yeux langoureux
    La Belle de Cadix a beaucoup d'amoureux
    Juanito de Cristobal
    Tuerait bien son rival
    Un soir au clair de lune!
    Et Pedro le matador
    Pour l'aimer plus encor'
    Donnerait sa fortune!
    Mais malgré son sourire et son air engageant
    La Belle de Cadix n'a jamais eu d'amant!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    N'a jamais eu d'amant!

    La Belle de Cadix est partie un beau jour
    La Belle de Cadix est partie sans retour!
    Elle a dansé une nuit
    Dans le monde et le bruit
    Toutes les seguidillas!
    Et puis dans le clair matin
    Elle a pris le chemin
    Qui mène à Santa Filla!
    La Belle de Cadix n'a jamais eu d'amant!
    La Belle de Cadix est entrée au couvent
    Mais malgré son sourire et son air engageant
    La Belle de Cadix ne veut pas d'un amant!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay! Ay!
    Chi-ca! Chi-ca! Chic! Ay! Ay!

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Don't Talk To Strangers Composer(s): Bob Duran - Ron Elliott First release by: The Beau Brummels - 1965

    Follow your lone beaten path
    Wander where you can't be grabbed
    Be aware of hidden dangers
    And don't you go talkin' to strangers

    Travel on the midnight road
    Ramble where the winds don't blow
    Be aware of hidden dangers
    And don't you dare go unto strangers

    In these raging days and nights
    Look up on what's black and white
    And don't you go talkin' to strangers

    Take leave of what's behind you
    Go where no-one will find you
    Be aware of hidden dangers
    And don't you go runnin' to strangers



    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Belle Abeille
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    La Belle Abeille
    Composer(s): Guy Lafarge
    Performer(s): André Bourvil

    Sans crainte des embûches
    une abeille au réveil
    s'envola de sa ruche
    chantant l'hymne au soleil

    La belle abeille a butiné les blés barbus
    la belle abeille a bu
    la belle abeille a vu
    ce qu'abeille jamais de sa vie n'avait vu

    Posé sur une branche
    elle vit un bourdon
    qui fut pour elle cause
    d'une grande émotion

    Alors sans plus attendre
    le bourdon très galant
    l'invita d'un air tendre
    en son appartement

    Les parois sont de verre
    le plafond de papier
    Je suis seul locataire
    en pleine liberté

    Notre petite abeille
    écoutant le bourdon
    à ces mots s'émerveille
    et fait deux grands yeux ronds

    Bientôt leur apparurent
    tous les bonheurs promis
    c'est un pot d'confiture
    qui leur servit de nid

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Don't Talk To Me Of Love
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    Don't Talk To Me Of Love Composer(s): Lenoir - Charlie Skarbek - Tim Smit Performer(s): Mireille Mathieu & Barry Manilow

    Barry Manilow:
    Don't talk to me of love
    'Cause love is a dangerous thing
    I've heard the words before
    And I know the pain they can bring

    Mireille Mathieu:
    Don't talk to me of love
    It's all right for movies and songs
    Living for today
    I know the time makes me strong

    Don't talk to me of love
    What are you thinking of?
    Don't talk to me of love
    Don't talk of love again

    Don't talk to me of love
    What are you thinking of?
    The words are not enough
    Don't talk of love

    Barry Manilow:
    Oh, don't play these games of love
    `Cause love is a treacherous thing
    I've seen it all before
    And I know the tears they can bring

    Mireille Mathieu:
    Don't play those games of love
    What keeps me hanging on?
    Another lonely day
    So why do I cry when it's gone?

    Ne parles pas d'amour
    Que sais-tu de l'amour?
    Ne parle pas d'amour
    N'en parle pas

    MM: Ne parle pas d'amour
    BM: Ne parle pas d'amour
    MM: On peut mourir d'amour
    BM: On peut mourir d'amour
    MM: Si tu crois à l'amour, n'en parle pas

    Don't hurt me with your love
    `Cause love is a dangerous thing
    The words are not enough
    So, I'm begging don't talk to me of love

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Beauté Du Diable (Joe Dassin)
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    La Beauté Du Diable
    ((Adapted from: A Mellow Melody (by Charlie Rich) - 1975))
    Composer(s): Billy Sherrill - Charlie Rich - Claude Lemesle - Pierre Delanoë
    Performer(s): Joe Dassin - 1979

    Toi qui a l'air d'un petit ange, d'une p'tite bête à bon Dieu
    Qui a les yeux de l'innocence, du moins à mes yeux
    Je sais qu'au fond de toi sommeille un vrai petit démon
    C'est vrai que la beauté du diable porte bien son nom

    On t'imagine rougissante sortie du couvent
    Allons au bal de débutante aux bras d'un débutant
    On a envie de te donner l'amour sans confession
    C'est vrai que la beauté du diable porte bien ton nom

    Lorsque je tend les mains
    Ne m'en veut pas si je m'adresse plutot à tes seins
    Le ciel est bien trop loin
    Et tes fruits défendus et nos jeux interdits
    Me font un joli paradis

    Toi qui as l'air d'un petit ange avec tes cheveux blonds
    Pour qui un nouveau Michel-Ange perdrait la raison
    Jamais rien sur cette Terre ne peut m'en empêcher
    C'est vrai que la beauté du diable n'est pas un péché

    Toi qui a l'air d'un petit ange, d'une p'tite bête à bon Dieu
    Qui a les yeux de l'innocence, du moins à mes yeux
    Je sais qu'au fond de toi sommeille un vrai petit démon
    C'est vrai que la beauté du diable porte bien son nom

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Don't Talk To Him
    Composer(s): Cliff Richard - Bruce Welch
    Performer(s): Cliff Richard; Bachman Cummings

    If some guy tells you I don't care
    And tells you lies while I'm not there
    Don't talk to him

    And if he tells you I'm untrue
    And now and then what you must do
    Don't talk to him

    And if he tells you I've been seen
    Walking round with Sue and Jean
    He's lying again
    Do anything that you want to
    But darling this I beg of you
    Don't talk to him

    If you hear the words he has to say
    He'll break your heart
    Let your love for me prove strong while we are far apart

    So just remember what I say
    And trust in me while I'm away
    For I'll be true
    And just remember my true love
    Is brighter than the moon above for only you
    And if this guy should try to say
    My love for you is only plainly a whim
    Just close your eyes and count to ten
    And think of me again
    But don't you talk to him

    If you hear the words he has to say
    He'll break your heart
    Let your love for me prove strong while we are far apart

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    La Beauté Du Diable
    Composer(s): Françoise Hardy - Rodolphe Burger
    Performer(s): Françoise Hardy

    plus ou moins connue...
    porté ou non
    pas sûr...
    passé pas simple
    avenir exclu...
    la beauté du diable
    le rend identifiable
    entre tous...
    sa beauté du diable
    aveugle qui
    la regarde en face
    et malgré lui
    cloue sur place
    vous crucifie
    par sa présence...
    sans domicile
    histoires décousues...
    cœur pur...
    vie dissolue
    mort violante prévue...
    la beauté du diable
    le rend inoubliable
    entre tous...
    sa beauté du diable
    entraîne qui
    la voit de trop près
    vers la folie
    à jamais
    vous démolit
    par son absence...

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Don't Talk Now
    Composer(s): James Taylor
    Performer(s): James Taylor; Charlie Starr

    Where I've been
    You don't know
    And what I've got
    Baby, it don't show
    Now, I won't try
    To teach you how
    Don't talk now

    Don't talk roads
    Don't talk sand
    Don't talk dust
    Don't talk no man
    Don't talk rules
    Don't talk vows
    Don't talk now

    I don't wanna hear the same old song
    And too many rights still make her wrong, baby
    I know she can't hurt me less by talking more
    She can't make good what was bad before

    No, It's too late now for me to lie
    And I can't make a second try
    I just came on back baby got to say good - bye, good bye
    Don't talk now...
    Don't talk now

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    La Beata
    Composer(s): Victor Jara
    Performer(s): Victor Jara

    Estaba la beata un dia
    enferma del mar de amor
    el que tenia la culpa
    era el frayle confesor

    a la beata le gustaba
    con el frayle la cuestion

    No queria que le pusieran
    zapato ni zapaton
    sino la sandalias viejas
    del frayle confesor

    a la beata le gustaba
    con el frayle la cuestion

    No queria que le pusieran
    mortaja ni mortajon
    sino la sotana vieja
    del frayle confesor

    a la beata le gustaba
    con el frayle la cuestion

    No queria que la velaran
    con vela ni con velon
    sino con la vela corta
    del frayle confesor

    a la beata le gustaba
    con el frayle la cuestion

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Don't Take Your Love From Me
    Composer(s): Henry Nemo
    Performer(s): Frank Sinatra

    Tear a star from out the sky and the sky feels blue
    Tear a petal from the rose and the rose weeps too
    Take your heart away from mine and mine will surely break
    My life is yours to take, so please keep the spark awake

    Would you take the wings from birds so that they can’t fly?
    Would you take the ocean’s roar and leave just a sigh?
    All this, your heart won’t let you do
    This is what I beg of you
    Don’t take your love from me

    All this, your heart won’t let you do
    This is what I beg of you
    Don’t take your love from me
    Don’t take your love from me

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    La Baya
    Composer(s): Marcel Heurtebise - Henri Christiné
    Performer(s): Suzy Delair
    and multiple other artists

    Un jeune officier de marine
    Un soir rencontra dans Pékin
    Une petite Chinoise divine
    Qu'on promenait en palanquin
    En l'apercevant la toute belle
    Arrêta bien vite ses porteurs
    "Mon gentil petit Français, dit-elle
    Veux-tu connaître le bonheur!"

    Chin', Chin', Chin', Chin'
    Viens voir comme en Chine
    On sait aimer au pays bleu
    Chin', Chin', Chin', Chin'
    Je serai câline
    Si tu veux bien m'aimer un peu
    Tous deux nous ferons un joli duo
    Oh! Oh! Oh!
    Timélou, lamélou, pan pan timéla
    Paddy lamélou, concodou la Baya!
    Timélou, lamélou, pan pan timéla
    Paddy lamélou, concodou la Baya!

    Dans une tour de porcelaine
    Se rendirent les amoureux
    Et pendant toute une semaine
    Ils vécurent des jours heureux!
    La petite Chinoise folichonne
    Savait très bien charmer son amant
    Et de sa voix la plus polissonne
    Elle répétait au bon moment

    Chin', Chin', Chin', Chin'
    Voilà comme en Chine
    On sait aimer au pays bleu
    Chin', Chin', Chin', Chin'
    Extase divine
    Qu'il est charmant ce petit jeu
    Répétons encore ce joli duo
    Oh! Oh! Oh!
    Timélou, lamélou, pan pan timéla
    Paddy lamélou, concodou la Baya!
    Timélou, lamélou, pan pan timéla
    Paddy lamélou, concodou la Baya!

    Avant de partir pour la France
    Le marin dit à la mousmé
    "Je suis ravi de ta science
    De ton amour je suis charmé!
    Dis-moi maintenant chère petite
    Qui donc aussi bien t'apprit l'amour?
    Est-ce un Japonais, un Annamite?
    "Mais non" fit-elle sans détour

    Chin', Chin', Chin', Chin'
    Je n'suis pas d'la Chine
    Je suis née au quartier latin
    Et j'ai fait
    La danse serpentine
    Pendant six mois à Tabarin
    C'est là que j'ai appris mon petit numéro
    Oh! Oh! Oh!
    Timélou, lamélou, pan pan timéla
    Paddy lamélou, concodou la Baya!
    Timélou, lamélou, pan pan timéla
    Paddy lamélou, concodou la Baya!

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Don't Take Your Guns To Town
    Composer(s): Johnny Cash
    Originally performed by: Johnny Cash
    Covered by various other artists

    A young cowboy named Billy Joe
    Grew restless on the farm
    A boy filled with wanderlust
    Who really meant no harm
    He changed his clothes and shined his boots
    And combed his dark hair down
    And his mother cried as he walked out

    "Don't take your guns to town, son
    Leave your guns at home, Bill
    Don't take your guns to town"

    He sang a song as on he rode
    His guns hung at his hips
    He rode into a cattle town
    A smile upon his lips
    He stopped and walked into a bar and laid his money down
    But his mother's words echoed again

    "Don't take your guns to town, son
    Leave your guns at home, Bill
    Don't take your guns to town"

    He drank his first strong liquor then to calm his shaking hand
    And tried to tell himself at last he had become a man
    A dusty cowpoke at his side began to laugh him down
    And he heard again his mother's words

    "Don't take your guns to town, son
    Leave your guns at home, Bill
    Don't take your guns to town"

    Bill was raged and Billy Joe reached for his gun to draw
    But the stranger drew his gun and fired before he even saw
    As Billy Joe fell to the floor the crowd all gathered 'round
    And wondered at his final words

    "Don't take your guns to town, son
    Leave your guns at home, Bill
    Don't take your guns to town"

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Don't Take Me Alive
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    Don't Take Me Alive Composer(s): Walter Becker - Donald Fagen Performer(s): Steely Dan

    Agents of the law
    Luckless pedestrian
    I know you're out there
    With rage in your eyes and your megaphones
    Saying all is forgiven
    Mad Dog surrender
    How can I answer
    A man of my mind can do anything

    I'm a bookkeeper's son
    I don't want to shoot no one
    Well I crossed my old man back in Oregon
    Don't take me alive
    Got a case of dynamite
    I could hold out here all night
    Yes I crossed my old man back in Oregon
    Don't take me alive

    Can you hear the evil crowd
    The lies and the laughter
    I hear my inside
    The mechanized hum of another world
    Where no sun is shining
    No red light flashing
    Here in this darkness
    I know what I've done
    I know all at once who I am

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Barca
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    La Barca
    Composer(s): L. Beretta - Adriano Celentano - Vito Pallavicini - G. Santercole
    Performer(s): Adriano Celentano

    Mattino di sole sulla barca
    sperduti nel mare io e lei
    la scema e' li' che si riposa
    io remo pensando ai fatti miei
    sarebbe il momento proprio giusto
    rovescio la barca e lei va giu'
    ma dopo da solo cosa faccio
    io senza di lei non vivo piu'

    oh oh
    oh oh

    voi cuori di pietra come fate
    voi che ammazzate la gente per sport
    la guardo non sembra neanche piu' scema
    sfiorarla di baci io vorrei
    son cose neanche da pensare
    ti beccano tutti prima o poi
    e' dentro di voi che dovete ammazzare
    il vostro pensiero se perde l'amor

    oh oh
    oh oh

    due piccole onde la svegliano piano
    non parla mi guarda coss'ha?
    se certo non fossi che lei mi vuol bene
    direi che la pelle mi vuol far
    son cose nanche da pensar
    son bravo a nuotare e lei lo sa
    non so cosa ho fatto piu' che remare
    stasera se vuole la porto anche al nigh

    oh oh
    oh oh

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Don't Take It So Hard
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    Don't Take It So Hard
    Composer(s): Mark Lindsay
    Performer(s): Paul Revere & The Raiders

    I've tried to let you down so easy
    I'd like to still be just a friend
    We shared such memories together
    But all good things come to an end

    You should not take it so hard
    You should not take it so hard
    You should not take it so hard
    You should not take it so hard
    You should not take it so hard
    You should not take it so hard

    You wonder when you are going to see me
    I might just pass this way again
    Until then don't you wait up for me
    Cause now I'm getting in the wind
    Don't you remember what I told you from the start
    When people fall in love too much
    It can cause a broken heart that won't mend easy
    But if you just wait sometime
    I may come walking to you in the sunshine

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Baraka (Italian Version)
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    La Baraka
    Composer(s): Charles Aznavour - Giorgio Calabrese
    Performer(s): Charles Aznavour - 1974

    La Baraka
    È quando tu stai sorridendo stretta a me
    La Baraka
    È solo io te sul leggero vento di incoscienza
    La Baraka
    È solo io che sono già nell'esistenza
    Ed ogni giorno se sei qua
    È il nostro amor la Baraka
    La Baraka
    È quando tu stai sorridendo stretta a me
    È solo io che sono già nell'esistenza
    Ed ogni giorno se sei qua
    È il nostro amor la Baraka
    Una felicità ad oltranza
    Nessuno mai conoscerà
    Se tocca a te aprire la danza
    E poi sarà quel che sarà
    La Baraka
    È quando tu stai sorridendo stretta a me
    La Baraka
    È io non ho sul leggero vento di incoscienza
    La Baraka
    È solo io e solo te nell'esistenza
    È notte e giorno se sei qua
    È il nostro amor la Baraka

    Io non credevo troppo al caso
    Ed ecco che succede a me
    Arrivi tu all'improvviso
    E sono qui già legato a te
    La Baraka
    È quando tu stai sorridendo stretta a me
    La Baraka
    È io non ho sul leggero vento di incoscienza
    La Baraka
    È solo io e solo te nell'esistenza
    È notte e giorno se sei qua
    È il nostro amor la Baraka
    La Baraka

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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