Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
La Démagogie Composer(s): Yves Duteil Performer(s): Yves Duteil
La Démagogie est un oiseau diurne Qui pousse son cri sous les projecteurs Et qui fait son nid dans le creux des urnes Pour trouver sa voix chez les électeurs
Entre deux sondages elle replie ses robes Son costume en or ses promesses en l'air Elle couve ses ufs, mais quand on les gobe Leur saveur bizarre vous reste en travers
La Démagogie, c'est la clé des songes Elle ouvre plus grand les portes du ciel Avec des miracles et de pieux mensonges Elle met la pilule au milieu du miel
Tant pis si plus tard après le spectacle Le décor s'effondre sur les acteurs Et si le festin tourne à la débacle Il y aura demain d'autres spectateurs
La Démagogie c'est plus médiatique Ça traverse mieux le petit écran Que les vérités beaucoup trop techniques Et les statistiques où l'on perd son temps
C'est vrai que la vie serait bien plus terne Sans quelques couleuvres et quelques vessies Qu'il nous reste à prendre pour des lanternes Dans les accessoires de la panoplie Sans Démagogie ...
La Démagogie c'est le grand remède C'est de la pommade sur tous les mots Qui soigne l'image et qui vient en aide Au bonimenteur en mal de micros
J'ai tordu le cou à cet oiseau-lyre Qui chantait beaucoup devant la maison Je l'ai mis au clou, c'était un vampire Dressé sang pour cent pour les élections
La Démagogie court après la gloire Elle vole au secours de sa propre vie Cherche à rattrapper le cours de l'Histoire Et se prend les pieds dans tous les tapis
Mais elle se relève et revient plus fort Elle survit toujours à nos utopies On s'est fait avoir une fois encore Mais c'est la dernière après c'est fini La Démagogie
Downtown Composer(s): Neil Young - Danny Whitten
First release by: Crazy Horse - 1971
There's a place called Downtown Where the hippies all go And they dance the charleston And they do the limbo Yeah the hippies all go there 'Cause they want to be seen It's like a room full of pictures It's like a psychedelic dream
Downtown Let's go downtown Downtown at night Downtown Let's have a party Downtown at night
Yeah it's right around the corner Up and down the hill When you hear the band playin' It's gonna give you a chill Give your money to the gateman Young blood in his eye Hold on to your baby When you slip into the sky
Downtown Let's go downtown Downtown tonight Downtown Hear the band playin' Downtown all right
Jimi's playin' in the back room Led Zeppelin on stage There's a mirror ball twirlin' And a note from Page Like a water-washed diamond In a river of sin Goin' down like a whirlpool When you get sucked in
Downtown Let's go downtown Downtown tonight Downtown Hear the band playin' Downtown all right
Downtown Let's go downtown Downtown tonight Downtown Let's have a party Downtown all right
Guitarrerito quiscudo chacarera media noche Pícaro zorro coludo quirquincho paseando en coche Comadreja cola negra bichito ataja camino tortuguita de la arena rococó tomando vino Alarido medio' el monte tigre de la madrugada iguanita ojazos negros chancho, el monte y su manada Chacarera dedo mocho guitarra desafinada violinisto santigueño tócamelo hasta mañana Urpilita de la siesta encima de la lorada viejito chupando alhoja burrito cola parada Yegúita de la laguna changuito masca algarroba perro flaco come nunca ranchito encima 'e la loma Lagartija carretilla chivo negro mistolero quimili quishka puntuda solcito de enero a enero
Downpressor Man Composer(s): Peter Tosh First release by: Peter Tosh - 1977 Covered by multiple other artists
Downpressor man, where you gonna run to Downpressor man, where you gonna run to Downpressor man, where you gonna run to All along that day
You gonna run to the sea, but the sea will be boiling When you run to the sea, the sea will be boiling When you run to the sea, the sea will be boiling All along that day
You gonna run to the rocks, the rocks will be melting When you gonna run to the rocks, the poor rocks will be melting When you run to the rocks, the rocks will be melting I said all along that day
So I said downpressor man, where you gonna run to I said downpressor man, where you gonna run to I said downpressor man, where you gonna run to All along that day
You drink your big champagne and laugh, hahahahaha You drink your big champagne and laugh, hahahahaha You drink your big champagne and laugh, haha All along that day
I wouldn't like to be a flea, under your collar man I wouldn't like to be a flea, under your collar man I wouldn't like to be a flea, under your collar All along that day
You can run but you can't hide You can run but you can't hide You can run but you can't hide Telling you all along that day
You gonna run to the lord, begging him to hide you You gonna run to the lord, begging him to hide you You gonna run to Jah, begging him to hide you All, all along the day
And I say downpressor man where you gonna run to where you gonna run to Downpressor man where you gonna run to (Downpressor man) I said all along, along that day
(downpressor man) Downpressor man Downpressor man Downpressor man Downpressor man Where Downpressor man Where you gonna run to Downpressor man I don't know where you gonna run to All along that day Downpressor man You can't run You can't bribe Jah Jah
Can't call him in a bar ... drink some... Can't bribe him around the corner can't...
downpressor man, lord downpressor man I said downpressor man Don't run downpressor man Where you gonna run to Downpressor man You can't bribe no one Them no want the money ... money 'Cause money gets funny (downpressor man)
La Déclaration D'amour Composer(s): Michel Berger Performer(s): France Gall
Quand je suis seule et que je peux rêver Je rêve que je suis dans tes bras Je rêve que je te fais tout bas Une déclaration, ma déclaration
Quand je suis seule et que je peux inventer Que tu es là tout près de moi Je peux m'imaginer tout bas Une déclaration, ma déclaration
Juste deux ou trois mots d'amour Pour te parler de nous Deux ou trois mots de tous les jours C'est tout
Je ne pourrai jamais te dire tout ça Je voudrais tant mais je n'oserai pas J'aime mieux mettre dans ma chanson Une déclaration, ma déclaration
Une déclaration, ma déclaration Juste deux ou trois mots d'amour Pour te parler de nous Deux ou trois mots de tous les jours C'est tout
Quand je suis seule et que je peux rêver Je rêve que je suis dans tes bras Je rêve que je te fais tout bas Une déclaration, ma déclaration
Je veux des souvenirs avec toi Des images avec toi, Des voyages avec toi Je me sens bien quand tu es là Une déclaration, ma déclaration
J'aime quand tu es triste Et que tu ne dis rien Je t'aime quand je te parle Et que tu ne m'écoutes pas Je me sens bien, quand tu es là Une déclaration, ma déclaration
Downhearted Blues Composer(s): Lovie Austin - Alberta Hunter First release by: Eubie Blake Orch. with Alberta Hunter - 1922 Covered by multiple other artists
Gee, but it's hard to love someone when that someone don't love you I'm so disgusted, heartbroken, too I've got those down hearted blues Once I was crazy 'bout a man He mistreated me all the time The next man I get he's got to promise to be mine, all mine
If I could only find the man oh how happy I would be To the good Lord ev'ry night I pray Please send my man back to me I've almost worried myself to death wond'ring why he went away But just wait and see he's gonna want me back some sweet day
Trouble, trouble, I've had it all my days Trouble, trouble, I've had it all my days It seems that trouble's going to follow me to my grave
Got the world in a jug, the stopper's in my hand Got the world in a jug The stopper's in my hand Going to hold it, baby, till you come under my command
Say, I ain't never loved but three men in my life No, I ain't never loved but three men in my life 'T'was my father, brother and the man who wrecked my life
'Cause he mistreated me and he drove me from his door Yeah, he mistreated me and he drove me from his door But the good book says you'll reap just what you sow
Oh, it may be a week and it may be a month or two Yes, it may be a week and it may be a month or two But the day you quit me honey, it's coming home to you
Oh, I walked the floor and I wrung my hands and cried Yes, I walked the floor and I wrung my hands and cried Had the down hearted blues and couldn't be satisfied
Downhearted Composer(s): Bob Hilliard - Dave Mann
Performer(s): Eddie Fisher
Ever since we parted, Ive been downhearted Whoever thought that I would miss you so Oh please come back I beg, please baby please What fools are we who cannot see the forest for the trees Now I am the one that I outsmarted and I am downhearted I lost the truest love Ill ever know Oh how I yearn to hold you in my arms once again And I will be downhearted till then
Oh please come back I beg you, please baby please What fools are we who cannot see the forest for the trees Now I am the one that I outsmarted and Im downhearted I lost the truest love Ill ever know Oh how I yearn to hold you in my arms once again And I will be downhearted till then
El bárbaro vino del oro Con Técnicas y fantasías De la iluminada razón... Vendía, por ricos tesoros Futuros de mercadería Cegando la filosofía De hacer de la vida, pasión Procesado en memoria La trascendencia Desde el fin de la historia Nace otra ciencia La decadencia Atrás han quedado los rosas de arcadias que fueron espinas clavadas en el corazón "Ya no es el por qué de los cosas la luz de la llama divina" proclama la luz asesina de su propia contradicción Procesada en memoria... El cuerpo ya no busca el alma que es una erupción de la mente en la tumba de la Reflexión... Por fin ha llegado la calma y Oriente ya esta en Occidente comprémosle a Dios la patente y la marca de su Creación Procesado en memoria...
With your kind attention, a song I will trill all ye who must toil with the pick and the drill and sweat for your bread in that hole in Oak Hill that goes down, down, down
When I was a boy my Daddy said to me "Stay out of the mines, take my warning", said he "Or with dust you'll bechoked and a pauper you'll be broken down, down, down
But I went to Oak Hill and I asked for a job a mule for to drive, or a gangway to rob The boss said "Come out, Bill, and follow the mob, that goes down, down, down
Said Pete McAvoy, "Here's Bill Keatin' the scamp" Just back, Pete suggested, from a million mile tramp Then he showed me a windle where I'd get a lamp to go down, down, down
The lamp man he squints through the windle at me "What's your name and your age and your number?" said he "Bill Keatin', I'm thirty, number twenty-three, mark that down, down, down
With a frown for disfavor, my joke it was met For an argument plainly, Jim Griffiths was set For he told me that divil a lamp would I get to go down, down, down
With an old greasy apron he polished his speck he declared of the rules he'd be makin' a wreck if he'd give me a lamp without a brass check to go down, down, down
A contraption he gave me, a hose on a box 'twas so heavy I thought it was loaded with rocks If a car jumped the road, you could use it for blocks while you're down, down, down
I asked him what tools would I need in the place "Very few," said the boss with a grin on his face "One number-six shovel and darn little space while you're down, down, down
When you're drivin' the gangway you needs lots of tools and you bring them yourself, it's the anthracite rules but a laggin' suffices to drive balky mules, when you're down, down, down
At drivin' a mule I'm not overly slick but the plugs in Oak Hill I showed many's a trick when I hollered, "Yah," if they started to kick, they went down, down, down
Then up to the head of the shaft I made haste I saluted the top man and stood on my place I says, "Give me a cage for I've no time to waste, let me down, down, down
"All aboard for the bottom!" the top man did yell we stepped on the cage, and we gave her the bell Then from under our feet, like a bat out o'hell, she went down, down, down
La Décadanse Composer(s): Serge Gainsbourg Performer(s): Serge Gainsbourg; Jane Birkin
Tourne-toi - Non - Contre moi - Non, pas comm'ça - ...Et danse La décadanse Bouge tes reins Lentement devant les miens - Reste là Derrièr' moi Balance La décadanse Que tes mains Frôlent mes seins Et mon cur Qui est le tien - Mon amour De toujours Patience La décadanse Sous mes doigts T'emmènera Vers de lointains Au-delà - Des eaux troubles Soudain troublent Mes sens La décadanse M'a perdue Ah tu me tues Mon amour Dis m'aimes-tu? - Je t'aimais Déjà mais Nuance La décadanse Plus encore Que notre mort Lie nos âmes Et nos corps - Dieux Pardo- Nnez nos Offenses La décadanse A bercé Nos corps blasés Et nos âmes égarées - Dieux! Pardonnez nos offenses La décadanse A bercé Nos corps blasés Et nos âmes égarées
Down Yonder Composer(s): L. Wolfe Gilbert
Performer(s): Red Foley
and multiple other artists
Railroad train, railroad train, hurry some more Put a little steam on just like never before Hustle on, bustle on, I've got the blues Yearning for my Swanee shore Brother if you only knew, you'd want to hurry up, too
Down yonder, someone beckons to me Down yonder, someone reckons on me I seem to see a race in memory Between the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee Swanee shore, I miss you more and more Ev'ryday, my mammy land, you're simply grand Down yonder, when the folks get the news Don't wonder at the hullabaloo There's Daddy and Mammy, there's Ephram and Sammy Waitin' down yonder for me
Summer night, fields of white, bright cotton moon? My, but I feel glad I'm gonna see you all soon! 'Lasses cakes mammy bakes, I taste them now I'll see my sweetie once more There's lots of kissing in store
La Danseuse Du Sud Composer(s): Bernard Lavilliers Performer(s): Bernard Lavilliers
Je m'souviens d'une fille, au rire cassé Au passé perdu dans le grand brouillard Trop d'amours blessés, trop de faux départs Trop de mains glacées
Elle a des souvenirs qui lui appartiendront Après la dernière larme, la dernière chanson
Le miroir brisé emportant ma voix La nuit tombe encore cruelle et tragique Les néons sanglants, notre désarroi Comme un soleil froid
Tous mes souvenirs nous appartiendront Après la dernière larme la dernière chanson
Le ventre sucré, l'humour qui fait mal Petite main tremble, le bar de plastic Tu dis que tu m'aimes, qu'il est bien trop tard J'ai joué trop longtemps, j'ai joué trop longtemps J'ai joué trop longtemps
Elle a les yeux lavés par l'alcool et les larmes Et la peau perméable aux mains des voyageurs Comme la grève blanche attend pendant des heures Le corps de l'océan qui arrive en vainqueur Le corps de l'océan qui arrive en vainqueur
I had a big surprise today while in a ten cent photo play I really saw my old home town way down in Dixieland It was simply grand, just to sit right there and gaze on the scenes of bygone days made me yearn to return to the land and people, I will love always I even saw the same old school, where I learned the golden rule
I'd like to meet the movie man, I want to shake him by the hand I want to tell him that he wrote a grand scenario, he knew where to go plain as day upon the screen, Hezakiah can be seen Little Mose on his toes, looking at the camera, nearly spoiled the scene I saw the cotton white as foam, I saw my home sweet home
Down where the Swanee River flows I want to be there Down where the cotton blossom grows I want to see there, my little sister Flo', keepin' time with Uncle Joe singing a song and raggin' on his old banjo I see my dear old Mother Oh, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, how I love her when the birds are singing in the wildwood My happy childhood comes back once more my heart is sore that's why I'm going back where they care for me Every night they say a little prayer for me down where the Swanee River flows
La Danza Di Zorba ((Adapted from: Zorba's Dance (by Mikis Theodorakis Popular Orch.) - 1964)) ((French Version: La Danse De Zorba (by Henri Salvador) - 1965)) Composer(s): Mikis Theodorakis - Giorgio Calabrese Performer(s): Dalida - 1965
Di là, da est, la melodia Culò, la mia, malinconia Si alzò, per me che andavo via Un canto senza età
Se vuoi mettere le ali Ad un sogno che fini Fa disolvere i tuoi mani Nel danzare il sirtaki Se vuoi correre nel vento Galopando finche puoi Tu potrai sicuramente Se con Zorba danzerai Danza, danza, e non pensare che la notte finirà
Di là, da est, la melodia Culò, la mia, malinconia Si alzò, per me che andavo via Un canto senza età
E tu, chi sa Dove sarai Chi sa, con chi, tu danzerai Chi sa, se mai io rivedrò Grecia, Zorba e te
Se vuoi pingere di rosa Tutto il griggio intorno a te Se la vita ti e noiosa Fa una danza insieme a me Se tu vuoi vedere sparire Tutte le contrarietà Come puoi ringiovanire Zorba te lo insegnera Se vuoi mettere le ali Ad un sogno che fini Fa disolvere i tuoi mani Nel danzare sirtaki Se vuoi correre nel vento Galopando finche puoi Tu potrai sicuramente Se con Zorba danzerai Danza, danza e non pensare che la notte finirà
Down Where The River Bends Composer(s): Jack Anglin - George Peck - Johnnie Wright
Performer(s): The Osborne Brothers
and multiple other artists
It's hard to keep the tears out of my eyes
For this might be our last goodbye
Your country calls you to defend this great land
So do your part just like a man
Down where the river bends
With God's help, we'll meet again
Under the same old sycamore tree
Proud of each other in the land of the free
I'll go down to the ocean blue
And get just as close as I came to you
Though the ocean wide may keep us apart
It won't keep you, dear, from out of my heart
Down where the river bends
With God's help, we'll meet again
Under the same old sycamore tree
Proud of each other in the land of the free
Proud of each other in the land of the free
If the worst should happen and the poppies should wave
Over your far and distant and lonely grave
All the rest of my life I would spend in prayer
I'll meet you in heaven, they'll be no war there
Down where the river bends
With God's help, we'll meet again
Under the same old sycamore tree
Proud of each other in the land of the free
Proud of each other in the land of the free
La Danse De Zorba ((Adapted from: Zorba's Dance (by Mikis Theodorakis Popular Orch.) - 1964)) ((Italian Version: La Danza Di Zorba (by Dalida) - 1965)) Composer(s): Mikis Theodorakis - Françoise Dorin Performer(s): Henri Salvador - 1965
Là-bas, Zorba, dans son pays S'élance, il danse, le sirtaki Déjà, la joie conduit ses pas Vient il nous tend les bras
Si tu veux couvrir de roses tous ceux que tu vois en gris Si tu es vraiment morose vient danser le sirtaki Si tu veux que disparaissent tes soucis et tes tracas Si tu cherches ta jeunesse vient danser avec Zorba Vient danser pour qu'on oublie que le jour se lèvera
Le vent, d'orient, vient d'apporter Des notes, qui flottent Au ciel d'été, déjà, je sens que cet air-là Va soulever nos pas
Là-bas, déjà, la nuit descend, les jours Sont courts, pour les amants L'été, va bientôt nous quitter Il faut en profiter
Si tu es celui qui vole au temps des instants d'oubli Qui se méfie des paroles vient danser le sirtaki Si tu es celui qui pense et au milieu de ces tracas Au bateau qui se balance viens danser avec Zorba
Si tu es celui qui vide le bonheur jusqu'à lie En se moquant bien des rides vient danser le sirtaki Si tu es celui qui use être fier d'un cur qui bat En regardant une rose vient danser avec Zorba Viens danser avec Zorba, vient danser avec Zorba
Down Under Composer(s): Ron Strykert - Colin Hay First release by: Men At Work - 1982 Covered by multiple other artists
Travelling in a fried-out combie On a hippie trail, head full of zombie I met a strange lady, she made me nervous She took me in and gave me breakfast And she said...
"Do you come from a land down under? Where women glow and men plunder? Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover"
Buying bread from a man in Brussels He was six-foot-four and full of muscles I said, "Do you speak-a my language?" He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich And he said...
"I come from a land down under Where beer does flow and men chunder Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover" Yeah
Lyin' in a den in Bombay With a slack jaw, and not much to say I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me Because I come from the land of plenty?" And he said...
"Oh! Do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah) Where women glow and men plunder? Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover"
Living in a land down under Where women glow and men plunder Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover
Living in a land down under Where women glow and men plunder Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover
Living in a land down under Where women glow and men plunder Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover
Living in a land down under Where women glow and men plunder Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover
La Dame Patronnesse Composer(s): Jacques Brel Performer(s): Jacques Brel
Pour faire une bonne dame patronnesse Il faut avoir l'il vigilant Car comme le prouvent les événements Quatre-vingt-neuf tue la noblesse Car comme le prouvent les événements Quatre-vingt-neuf tue la noblesse
Et un point à l'envers et un point à l'endroit Un point pour saint Joseph un point pour saint Thomas
Pour faire une bonne dame patronnesse Il faut organiser ses largesses Car comme disait le duc d'Elbeuf "C'est avec du vieux qu'on fait du neuf" Car comme disait le duc d'Elbeuf "C'est avec du vieux qu'on fait du neuf"
Et un point à l'envers et un point à l'endroit Un point pour saint Joseph un point pour saint Thomas
Pour faire une bonne dame patronnesse C'est qu'il faut faire très attention À ne pas se laisser voler ses pauvresses C'est qu'on serait sans situation À ne pas se laisser voler ses pauvresses C'est qu'on serait sans situation
Et un point à l'envers et un point à l'endroit Un point pour saint Joseph un point pour saint Thomas
Pour faire une bonne dame patronnesse Il faut être bonne mais sans faiblesse Ainsi j'ai dû rayer de ma liste Une pauvresse qui fréquentait un socialiste Ainsi j'ai dû rayer de ma liste Une pauvresse qui fréquentait un socialiste
Et un point à l'envers et un point à l'endroit Un point pour saint Joseph un point pour saint Thomas
Pour faire une bonne dame patronnesse Tricotez tout en couleur caca d'oie Ce qui permet le dimanche à la grand-messe De reconnaître ses pauvres à soi Ce qui permet le dimanche à la grand-messe De reconnaître ses pauvres à soi
Et un point à l'envers et un point à l'endroit Un point pour saint Joseph un point pour saint Thomas
Down To You Composer(s): Joni Mitchell - Don Airey Performer(s): Joni Mitchell; Luciana Souza
Everything comes and goes Marked by lovers and styles of clothes Things that you held high And told yourself were true Lost or changing as the days come down to you Down to you Constant stranger You're a kind person You're a cold person too It's down to you It all comes down to you You go down to the pick up station Craving warmth and beauty You settle for less than fascination A few drinks later you're not so choosy When the closing lights strip off the shadows On this strange new flesh you've found Clutching the night to you like a fig leaf You hurry To the blackness And the blankets To lay down an impression And your loneliness
In the morning there are lovers in the street They look so high You brush against a stranger And you both apologize Old friends seem indifferent You must have brought that on Old bonds have broken down Love is gone Ooh, love is gone Written on your spirit this sad song Love is gone
Everything comes and goes Pleasure moves on too early And trouble leaves too slow Just when you're thinking You've finally got it made Bad news comes knocking At your garden gate Knocking for you Constant stranger You're a brute - you're an angel You can crawl - you can fly too It's down to you It all comes down to you