Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Durch's offene Fenster dringt der Tag ins Zimmer und Morgenlicht durchflutet schon den Raum Ich spür' dich neben mir, du schläfst noch immer und suchst ihn festzuhalten, deinen Traum Wie gern hab' ich es, neben dir geborgen, noch nachzudenken über dich und mich wie gern mag' ich die hellen Sommermorgen, wie lieb' ich dich
Deutlicher hör' ich jetzt schon vor dem Hause Stimmen, Strassengeräusche, Autotüren Verstrichen ist die stille Atempause, du regst dich, als scheinst du es auch zu spüren und blinzelst zu mir mit verschlaf´nem Lachen, ich wart' auf diesen Blick allmorgendlich Wie gern spür' ich dich neben mir erwachen , wie lieb' ich dich
Wie hastig geht die Zeit später am Tage Komm einen Augenblick noch nah' zu mir Wann sag' ich , wenn ich es dir jetzt nicht sage dass ich glücklich bin mit dir Von deiner Wärme, deinem Rat umgeben von deiner Zärtlichkeit, wann sage ich Wie gut es ist an deiner Stelle zu leben, wie lieb' ich dich
Un giorno i vecchi amori sincontrano nei bar bugiardi ma sinceri a dirsi come va magari fuori piove e allora stanno lì pensando chissà dove chissà perché finì Un giorno i vecchi amori si dicono letà dolcissimi rancori ed altre verità Chi siamo noi sperduti qui così diversi dagli eroi del nostro film con lironia e un po di guai in questa immensa rapsodia dei nostri ormai Ma un giorno i vecchi amori si chiedono di più i sogni e i desideri di unaltra gioventù e lasciano famiglie tradiscono gli amici non vogliono consigli per essere felici E quando i vecchi amori si lasciano nei bar diventano canzoni di tanto tempo fa Chi siamo noi seduti qua ad ascoltare questa vita che non va Chi siamo noi buttati via in questa immensa e disperata rapsodia Chi siamo noi buttati via in questa immensa e disperata rapsodia
Sommerfuggel I Vinterland Composer(s): Halvdan Sivertsen Performer(s): Halvdan Sivertsen
Sommerfuggel i vinterland Æ så dæ i går på gata, da byen lå kald og stor Æ så du va ny i livet, æ så du va ny i nord Og mora di bar en koffert, med alt det ho eide i Og du gikk og bar på hennes drøm, om engang å få bli fri
Og du ga mæ et smil, Sommerfuggel i Vinterland Ingen får ta fra dæ Fargan du viste me Å, må drømmen du bær bli sann Sommerfuggel i Vinterland
Og mora di bær på minna, om alt det ho har forlatt Ho vet ikke om ho ser igjen, han som de tok ei natt Nu hold ho dæ fast i handa, så gjør ho dæ varm og go Ho håpa du e velkommen hit, så såran engang ska gro
Og du ga mæ et smil Sommerfuggel i Vinterland Ingen får ta fra dæ Fargan du viste me Å, må drømmen du bær bli sann Sommerfuggel i Vinterland
Æ håpe vi tar imot dæ, æ håpe du slepp å frys Æ vet du kan gi oss farge, og latter og liv og lys Æ så dæ i går på gata, da byen lå kald og stor Æ så du va ny i livet, og æ så du va ny i nord
Og du ga mæ et smil, Sommerfuggel i Vinterland Ingen får ta fra dæ Fargan du viste me Å, må drømmen du bær bli sann Sommerfuggel i Vinterland
Valley Of Tears Composer(s): Dave Bartholomew; Fats Domino Performer(s): Fats Domino; and various other artists
I want you to take me, where I belong where hearts have been broken, with a kiss and a song Spend the rest of my days, with out any cares everyone understands me, in the valley of tears
Some words have been spoken, so weak and low but my mind is made up, love has got to go spend the rest of my days, without any cares everyone understands me, in the valley of tears
Alt Det Som Ingen Ser Composer(s): Carsten Waming First performance by: Kenny Lübcke & Lotte Nilsson - 1992
Min fyr ble' sur og han er gået hjem Så er du lis'som mig til fest alene Jeg kender ham, der' ingen dør på klem Så' du vel fri i nat - sku' jeg mene Hør sig mig, tror du, at jeg' en pige, der falder for enhver? Det vidste jeg, du ville si', så hvorfor bli'r vi egentlig her?
Når alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af - næ, tak, jeg bli'r tilbage Alt det som ingen ved Det ka' ikke komme nogen andre vid, forstår du? Ja, alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af, et frikvarter er OK Hvis det' til kærlighed, og hvis det kun er os der ved besked...
Hva' si'r du, syn's du bare vi ska' gå? Gi' mig en grund til at vi ikk' sku' gør' det Et øjeblik, mens jeg ta'r frakken på Det' er om at turde, mens man tør det Vi ta'r en vogn, mens der er en at få, uden at sanse tid og sted Er det ulovligt at satse på en times tid til kærlighed?
Når alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af - som denne her affære Alt det som ingen ved Det ka' ikke komme de andre ved
Hva' gør vi nu hvis nogen ser os gå fra festen? Jo for resten Jeg har et trick der ikk' blamer' os: Vi er gået, for du har fået En enkelt tår mer' end du sku' ha' Ja, den er go' med dig Nu finder jeg en dør at ta', så ingen ser vi er på vej
For alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af - som denne her affære Alt det som ingen ved Det ka' ikke komme de andre vid Du ved at - alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af, et frikvarter er OK Lynet ka' let slå ned, vi' kun et silaveund fra kærlighed
Valley Girl Composer(s): Frank Zappa; Moon Unit Zappa Performer(s): Frank Zappa
Valley Girl She's a Valley Girl Valley Girl She's a Valley Girl Okay, fine Fer sure, fer sure She's a Valley Girl In a clothing store Okay, fine... Fer sure, fer sure She's a Valley Girl In a clothing store
Like, OH MY GOD! (Valley Girl) Like - TOTALLY (Valley Girl) Encino is like SO BITCHEN (Valley Girl) There's like the Galleria (Valley Girl) And like all these like really great shoe stores I love going into like clothing stores and stuff I like buy the neatest mini-skirts and stuff It s like so BITCHEN cuz like everybody's like
Super-super nice It's like so BITCHEN
On Ventura, there she goes She just bought some bitchen clothes Tosses her head 'n flips her hair She got a whole bunch of nothin in there
Anyway, he goes are you into S and M? I go, oh RIGHT . Could you like just picture me in like a LEATHER TEDDY Yeah right, HURT ME, HURT ME... I'm sure! NO WAY! He was like freaklng me out... He called me a BEASTIE... That's cuz like he was totally BLITZED He goes like BAG YOUR FACE! I'm sure!
Valley Girl She's a Valley Girl Valley Girl She's a Valley Girl Okay, fine... Fer sure, fer sure She's a Valley Girl So sweet 'n pure Okay, fine Fer sure, fer sure She's a Valley Girl So sweet 'n pure It's really sad (Valley Girl) Like my English teacher He's like (Valley Girl) He's like Mr. BU-FU (Valley Girl) We're talking Lord God King BU-FU (Valley Girl) I am SO SURE He's like so GROSS
He like sits there and like plays with all his rings And he like flirts with all the guys in the class It's like totally disgusting I'm like so sure It's like BARF ME OUT... Gag me with a spoon!
Last idea to cross her mind Had something to do with where to find A pair of jeans to fit her butt And where to get her toenails cut
So like I go into this like salon place, y'know And I wanted like to get my toenails done And the lady like goes, oh my God, your toenails Are like so GRODY It was like really embarassing She's like OH MY GOD, like BAG THOSE TOENAILS I'm like sure... She goes, uh, I don't know if I can handle this, y'know... I was like really embarassed.. .
Valley Girl She's a Valley Girl Valley Girl She's a Valley Girl Okay, fine Fer sure, fer sure She's a Valley Girl And there is no cure Okay, fine Fer sure, fer sure She's a Valley Girl And there is no cure
Like my mother is like a total space cadet (Valley Girl) She like makes me do the dishes and (Valley Girl) CLEAN the cat box (Valley Girl) I am sure That's like GROSS (Valley Girl) BARF OUT! (Valley Girl) OH MY GOD (Valley Girl
Hi! Uh-huh (Valley Girl) My name? My name is Ondrya Wolfson (Valley Girl) Uh -huh That's right, Ondrya (Valley Girl) Uh -huh... I know (Valley Girl) It's like... I do not talk funny... I'm sure (Valley Girl) Whatsa matter with the way I talk? (Valley Girl) I am a VAL, I know But I live in like in a really good part of Encino so it's okay (Valley Girl) So like, I don't know I'm like freaking out totally Oh my God!
Hi - I have to go to the orthodontist I'm getting my braces off, y'know But I have to wear a retainer That's going to be really like a total bummer I'm freaking out I'm SURE Like those things that like stick in your mouth They're so gross... You like get saliva all over them But like, I don't know, it's going to be cool, y'know So you can see my smile It'll be like really cool Except my like my teeth are like too small But NO BIGGIE... It's so AWESOME It's like TUBULAR, y'know Well, I'm not like really ugly or anything It's just like I don't know You know me, I'm like into like the clean stuff Like PAC-MAN and like, I don't know Like my mother like makes me do the dishes It's like so GROSS. . . Like all the stuff like sticks to the plates And its like, it's like somebody elses food, y'know It's like GRODY... GRODY TO THE MAX I'm sure It's like really nauseating Like BARF OUT GAG ME WITH A SPOON GROSS I am SURE TOTALLY...
Sommartider Composer(s): Per Gessle Performer(s): Gyllene Tider and multiple other artists
Sommartider Jag känner det är nånting på gång Sommartider Sommartider Kom och stanna ute natten lång Sommartider
Snurra runt i en stad som glöder som viskar: Bli min inatt...
Sommartider Hej Hej Sommartider Ge mej din hunger, ge mig din hand Ge mej allt du vill och allt du kan Sommartider Hej Hej Sommartider Läppar mot läppar som tar mej iland som ger sommartider till varann
Sommartider Sommar Sommar våt och het Sommartider Sommartider Kom och lek en sommarlek Sommartider
Lev ditt liv i den tid som brinner som lockar: Stanna inatt...
Sommartider Hej Hej Sommartider Ge mej din hunger, ge mig din hand Ge mej allt du vill och allt du kan Sommartider Hej Hej Sommartider Läppar mot läppar, två hjärtan i brand som ger sommartider till varann
Du tar mej du tar mej du tar mej du tar mej till en annan värld...
Sommarnatt Composer(s): Dille Diedricson - Tobbe Ferm Performer(s): Snowstorm
Rosa lock och kromad list, I 59 års modell Jag öser på för fullt i stan, som en 50-tals rebell Jag sveper över landsvägar, ja jag sveper genom natten Och tar de cool till Clarions sound, med en säker hand på ratten
Sommarnatt - När jag svävar fram i mörkret Sommarnatt - Ger en skön Highway Feelin Sommarnatt - när jag glider fram på gatan Sommarnatt - I min jättemaskin
De e en ganska enkel sak att få en brud till att åka med En enda liten kort signal ja där ligger de flesta i lä I stadens vilda nattrafik där trivs ja allra bäst Där gäller bara hålligång och vem som hörs och låter mest
Sommarnatt - När jag svävar fram i mörkret Sommarnatt - Ger en skön Highway Feelin Sommarnatt - När jag glider fram på gatan Sommarnatt - I min jättemaskin
Rosa lock och kromad list I 59 års modell Ja öser på för fullt i stan som en 50-tals rebell
Sommarnatt - När ja svävar fram i mörkret Sommarnatt - Ger en skön Highway Feelin Sommarnatt - När jag glider fram på gatan Sommarnatt - I min jättemaskin
Valerie Composer(s): Will Jennings; Steve Winwood Performer(s): Steve Winwood
So wild, standing there, with her hands in her hair I can't help remember just where she touched me There's still no face here in her place So cool, she was like jazz on a summer's day Music, high and sweet, then she just blew away Now she can't be that warm with the wind in her arms
Valerie, call on me-call on me, Valerie Come and see me - I'm the same boy I used to be
Love songs fill the night, but they don't tell it all Not how lovers cry out just like they're dying Her cries hang there in time somewhere Someday, some good wind may blow her back to me Some night I may here her like she used to be No it can't be that warm with the wind in her arms
So cool, she was like jazz on a summer's day Music, high and sweet, then she just blew away Don't tell me you're warm with the wind in your arms
One Step Out Of Time Composer(s): Paul Davies - Tony Ryan - Victor Stratton First performance by: Michael Ball - 1992
(One step out of time) Ooh yeah...
Another week, another day When I call you're miles away In the arms of another All my friends say I'm crazy Night after night I'm waitin' You say that I'm wrong Then you tell me that I'm comin' on too strong
One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time
(One step, one step out of time) (One step, one step out of time)
When I sleep I dream of you You're in my mind in everything I do Well, I still don't feel it's over I know what's right I could be with you holdin' you tight Now that you're gone Won't you tell me where I've been goin' wrong?
One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time
Don't walk away, just let your heart Decide that love is gonna stay I know it's right, just think about it Girl, ooh... for a while
Another week, another day When I call you're miles away And I still don't feel that it's over
(One step out of time) One reason to put this love on the line Oh... again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time
(One step, one step out of time) (One step, one step out of time) One step, one step out of time One step out of time
Valerie Composer(s): Brian Howe; Mick Ralphs Performer(s): Bad Company
Valerie, ooh yeah
We were laughing, and hangin' 'round some hotel bar And we were so young, and now I wonder where you are 'Cause that was years ago, but how was I to know we'd part Don't wanna hear you say, you don't know me, Valerie
There is somethin', somethin' that you gotta know And Valerie you were the first, though I never told you so You were the main event, you didn't need to steal the show I'm telling you, you don't know me
Valerie - do you remember me, when we were wild and free Valerie - do you remember me - do you remember
I'm recalling all the crazy things we've done Hey but when your folks found out, they said that we were way too young That was way back when, maybe it will be again Don't wanna hear you say, you don't know me
Valerie - do you remember me, when we were wild and free Valerie - do you remember me - do you remember, yeah
Do you remember me - ooh yeah - when we were wild and free Valerie - do you remember me - just tell me how you feel Valerie - do you remember me, when we were wild and free Yeah, Valerie - do you remember me - just tell me how you feel Do you remember me - oh Valerie - when we were wild and free Valerie - do you remember me, just tell me how you feel...
Somewhere, My Love
((Adapted from: Lara's Theme (Maurice Jarre) - 1965))
Composer(s): Maurice Jarre - Paul Francis Webster
Performer(s): Ray Conniff and The Singers - 1966
and multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages:
1966 - La Chanson De Lara (Les Barbecues)
1966 - Dove Non So (Connie Francis)
1967 - Weißt Du Wohin! (Karel Gott)
1967 - Et Sted, Min Ven (Poul Bundgaard & Ole Høyers Orkester)
1967 - Enquanto O Verde Reflorir (Trio Irakitan)
1967 - Larina Pjesma (Tereza Kesovija)
1969 - Doktor Schiwago (Iwan Rebroff)
1998 - Ooit Komt De Dag (Ann De Winne)
Somewhere, my love, there will be songs to sing Although the snow covers the hopes of spring Somewhere a hill blossoms in green and gold And there are dreams, all that your heart can hold
Someday we'll meet again, my love Someday whenever the spring breaks through
You'll come to me out of the long-ago Warm as the wind, soft as the kiss of snow Till then, my sweet, think of me now and then Godspeed, my love, till you are mine again
Someday we'll meet again, my love I said "someday whenever that spring breaks through"
You'll come to me out of the long-ago Warm as the wind, and as soft as the kiss of snow Till then, my sweet, think of me now and then Godspeed, my love, till you are mine again!
Valentine's Day Composer(s): James Taylor Performer(s): James Taylor; Lezlee Peterzell
Beneath the tide the fishes glide fin to fin and side to side For fishy love has now begun fishy love, finny fun
Paper moon, paper heart, pink balloon, work of art Al Capone, Bugs Moran, Valentine's Day Bootleg gin, porkpie hat, dew Drop Inn, dirty rat through the heart Cupid's dart, Valentine's Day
Oh, day to repay the one that you love Gentlemen, take off your hats as I speak thereof Just a brief break from the push and the shove we may go a few rounds without boxing gloves
Land your punch, I stand my ground we break for lunch and a second round We set them up, we knock them down, Valentine's Day
Me and you, you and him, him and her, us and them we keep score love as war, Valentine's Day
I lost my teeth, I lost my hair, I lost my mind, you don't care Love is war, all is fair on Valentine's Day
Ooit Komt De Dag
((Adapted from: Lara's Theme (Maurice Jarre) - 1965))
Composer(s): Maurice Jarre - Daniel Ditmar
Performer(s): Ann De Winne - 1998
Versions In Other Languages:
1966 - Somewhere, My Love (Ray Conniff and The Singers)
1966 - La Chanson De Lara (Les Barbecues)
1966 - Dove Non So (Connie Francis)
1967 - Weißt Du Wohin! (Karel Gott)
1967 - Et Sted, Min Ven (Poul Bundgaard & Ole Høyers Orkester)
1967 - Enquanto O Verde Reflorir (Trio Irakitan)
1967 - Larina Pjesma (Tereza Kesovija)
1969 - Doktor Schiwago (Iwan Rebroff)
Blijft de herinnering jong Hoe het met sleeën begon Door jou betoverd, in jou geborgen Is dit voorbij, voorgoed voorbij
Ooit komt de dag, klinkt tederzacht dit lied Hoop, droom en lach, tot je de lente ziet Ooit smelt de sneeuw, kleuren de heuvels groen Brandt in ons twee eeuwige zonnegloed
Die dag, zal ik jou weer ontmoeten Die dag, al weet ik niet waar of hoe
Blijft de herinnering jong Hoe het met sleeën begon Door jou betoverd, in jou geborgen Is dit voorbij, voorgoed voorbij
Ooit kom jij weer, als uit een ver verhaal Dan proef ik zeer, hoe zoet jouw adem smaakt Ga nu, ik wacht Denk af en toe aan mij Weet dat ik tracht, dat jij terug bij me blijft
Valentine Moon Composer(s): Jools Holland; Sam Brown Performer(s): Sam Brown
The first time you kissed me at the end of our street The gas lamps shone above us, young lovers we'd meet But the old town has gone now and it's winter too soon Still we waltz beneath our valentine moon
The streets and the market and the old dog and bell We've gone through the changes, we've lived our lives well But the old town is gone now and it's winter too soon Still we waltz beneath our valentine moon
Valentine moon, valentine moon We danced together as old lovers do Valentine moon, valentine moon We'll always remember our valentine moon
Cette fois que tu m'embrasse, au bout de notre rue Les lampes de gaz nous allumiere, toi et moi jeunes amants But the old town is gone now and it's winter too soon Still we waltz beneath our valentine moon
Versions In Other Languages:
1966 - Somewhere, My Love (Ray Conniff and The Singers)
1966 - La Chanson De Lara (Les Barbecues)
1966 - Dove Non So (Connie Francis)
1967 - Weißt Du Wohin! (Karel Gott)
1967 - Et Sted, Min Ven (Poul Bundgaard & Ole Høyers Orkester)
1967 - Enquanto O Verde Reflorir (Trio Irakitan)
1969 - Doktor Schiwago (Iwan Rebroff)
1998 - Ooit Komt De Dag (Ann De Winne)
Tvoj smijeh, Lara umro je s danom tim kada si ti zadnji put bila s njim
Znam, znam, Lara da mrzis onaj vlak lica kroz dim ledeni zimski zrak
Ti si posla kroz snijeg, Lara a on u pakao vatre te pamtis li zvuk pjesme vojnika tih i njegov glas tuzan i tako tih
Ti si posla kroz snijeg, Lara a on u pakao vatre te al' suncan dan vratit ce drage sne vjeruj, Lara k'o prije bit ce sve