Lyrics/Songteksten: Oldies A-Z
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  • 03-11-1975
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Name Game
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    The Name Game
    Composer(s): Lincoln Chase - Shirley Ellis
    Performer(s): Shirley Ellis

    The name game!

    Shirley, Shirley bo Birley Bonana fanna fo Firley
    Fee fy mo Mirley, Shirley!

    Lincoln, Lincoln bo Bincoln Bonana fanna fo Fincoln
    Fee fy mo Mincoln, Lincoln!

    Come on everybody!
    I say now let's play a game
    I betcha I can make a rhyme out of anybody's name
    The first letter of the name, I treat it like it wasn't there
    But a B or an F or an M will appear
    And then I say bo add a B then I say the name and Bonana fanna and a fo
    And then I say the name again with an F very plain and a fee fy and a mo
    And then I say the name again with an M this time
    and there isn't any name that I can't rhyme

    Arnold, Arnold bo Barnold Bonana fanna fo Farnold
    Fee fy mo Marnold Arnold!

    But if the first two letters are ever the same
    I drop them both and say the name like
    Bob, Bob drop the B's Bo ob
    For Fred, Fred drop the F's Fo red
    For Mary, Mary drop the M's Mo ary
    That's the only rule that is contrary

    Okay? Now say Bo: Bo
    Now Tony with a B: Bony
    Then Bonana fanna fo: bonana fanna fo
    Then you say the name again with an F very plain: Fony
    Then a fee fy and a mo: fee fy mo
    Then you say the name again with an M this time: Mony
    And there isn't any name that you can't rhyme

    Every body do Tony!
    Pretty good, let's do Billy!
    Very good, let's do Marsha!
    A little trick with Nick!

    The name game

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Ci Sono Fiori
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    Ci Sono Fiori ((Adapted from: Summer Wine (Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood) - 1966)) ((French Version: Le Vin De L'été (Marie Laforêt & Gérard Klein) - 1969)) Composer(s): Lee Hazlewood - Claudio Mattone Performer(s): Dalida - 1969

    Ci sono fiori che non s'apriranno mai
    Ci sopo amori che non nasceranno mai

    Ero bambina e già segnavo accanto a me
    Due occhi grandi come quelli che tu hai
    Ed una voce che discesse amore moi
    Finchè avro vita sai t'amero
    Oh t'amero

    Per quanto tempo t'ho cercato non lo so
    T'immaginavo cosi proprio come sei
    E adesso che sei qui
    Tu non mi dici mai
    Finchè avro vita sai t'amero
    Oh t'amero

    Ci sono fiori che non s'apriranno mai
    Ci sono amori che non nasceranno mai
    E' meglio andare via e non pensare che
    Un vuoto resterà dentre di me
    Oh dentro me

    Una speranza in fondo al mare se ne va
    Ma già domani un'altra vita nascerà
    Sotto la cenere di un fuoco che
    Non è durato molto, no, fra di noi
    Oh fra di noi

    Ci sono fiori che non s'apriranno mai
    Ci sono amori che non nasceranno mai
    E' meglio andare via e non pensare che
    Un vuoto resterà dentro di me
    Oh dentro me

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Regarde Bien Petit
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    Regarde Bien Petit
    Composer(s): Jacques Brel
    Performer(s): Jacques Brel; Gabriel Yacoub

    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien
    Sur la plaine là-bas
    À hauteur des roseaux
    Entre ciel et moulins
    Y a un homme qui vient
    Que je ne connais pas
    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien

    Est-ce un lointain voisin
    Un voyageur perdu
    Un revenant de guerre
    Un montreur de dentelles
    Est-ce un abbé porteur
    De ces fausses nouvelles
    Qui aident à vieillir
    Est-ce mon frère qui vient
    Nous dire qu'il est temps
    De moins nous haïr
    Ou n'est-ce que le vent
    Qui gonfle un peu le sable
    Et forme des mirages
    Pour nous passer le temps

    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien
    Sur la plaine là-bas
    À hauteur des roseaux
    Entre ciel et moulins
    Y a un homme qui vient
    Que je ne connais pas
    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien

    Ce n'est pas un voisin
    Son cheval est trop fier
    Pour être de ce coin
    Pour revenir de guerre
    Ce n'est pas un abbé
    Son cheval est trop pauvre
    Pour être paroissien
    Ce n'est pas un marchand
    Son cheval est trop clair
    Son habit est trop blanc
    Et aucun voyageur
    N'a plus passé le pont
    Depuis la mort du père
    Ni ne sait nos prénoms

    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien
    Sur la plaine là-bas
    À hauteur des roseaux
    Entre ciel et moulins
    Y a un homme qui vient
    Que je ne connais pas
    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien

    Non ce n'est pas mon frère
    Son cheval aurait henni
    Non ce n'est pas mon frère
    Il ne l'oserait plus
    Il n'est plus rien ici
    Qui puisse le servir
    Non ce n'est pas mon frère
    Mon frère a pu mourir
    Cette ombre de midi
    Aurait plus de tourments
    S'il s'agissait de lui

    Allons c'est bien le vent
    Qui gonfle un peu le sable
    Pour nous passer le temps

    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien
    Sur la plaine là-bas
    À hauteur des roseaux
    Entre ciel et moulins
    Y a un homme qui part
    Que nous ne saurons pas
    Regarde bien petit
    Regarde bien

    Il faut sécher tes larmes
    Il y a un homme qui part
    Que nous ne saurons pas
    Tu peux ranger les armes

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Mystery
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    The Mystery
    Composer(s): Van Morrison
    Performer(s): Van Morrison

    Let go into the mystery
    Let yourself go
    You've got to open up your heart
    That's all I know
    Trust what I say and do what you're told
    Baby, and all your dirt will turn
    Into gold

    Let go into the mystery
    Let yourself go
    And when you open up your heart
    You get everything you need
    Baby there's a way and a mystic road
    You've got to have some faith
    To carry on

    You've got to open up your heart
    To the Son
    You know he's looking out for you
    'Cause he's the one

    Let go into the mystery
    Let yourself go
    There is no other place to be
    Baby this I know
    You've got to dance and sing
    And be alive in the mystery
    And be joyous and give thanks
    And let yourself go

    I saw the light of ancient Greece
    Towards the One
    I saw us standing within reach
    Of the Son
    Let go into the mystery of life
    Let go into the mystery
    Let go into the mystery
    Let yourself go

    You've got to open up your arms
    To the Son
    You know you've got so many charms
    It's just begun
    Trust what I say and do
    What you're told
    And surely all your dirt will turn into gold

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Ci Si Risveglierà

    Ci Si Risveglierà ((French Version: On Se Réveillera (Charles Aznavour)) Composer(s): Georges Garvarentz - Charles Aznavour - Calabrese Performer(s): Charles Aznavour

    Ci si risveglierà
    E il giorno sembrerà
    Più chiaro accanto a te
    Nella mia nuova vita
    Ci si risveglierà
    Ci si risveglierà
    E gli occhi tu aprirai
    Sul mondo che tu qui
    Avevi immaginato
    Ci si risveglierà
    E ci sorprenderà
    E seria ancora noi
    Con una sola vita
    Ci si risveglierà
    Come un bambino che
    Si affaccia sulla vita
    E ci si spoglierà
    Del tempo corso via
    Degli spersi in cui
    Io non ti avevo avuto
    Ci si risveglierà
    E finirà la lunga notte
    Che avremmo attraersato
    Ci si risveglierà
    Guardando in fondo a me
    Rimpianto non avrò
    Perché domani so
    Che mi risveglierò, con te

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Regard Impressionniste
    Performer(s): Yves Duteil

    Il y avait au jardin des bouquets de lumière
    Le soleil traversait les couleurs du sous-bois
    Au bord du bel étang un pêcher solitaire
    S'endormait doucement, sa canne entre les bras

    C'était un jour d'été, léger comme un dimanche
    L'air était transparent sous le feuillage clair
    Le bonheur était là, paisible, entre les branches
    Et les reflets mouvants des arbres et des fougères

    Le soleil inondait le bord de la rivière
    Des couples enlacés dansaient sur le ponton
    Près des tables encombrées de bouteilles et de verres
    Des guirlandes accrochées croulaient sous les balcons

    Une femme debout regardait quelque chose
    Une lueur magique au fond de son regard
    Son bras disparaissait sous un bouquet de roses
    Elle était appuyée sur un divan bizarre

    C'était au Grand Palais, sur des toiles de maîtres
    Il y avait un Monet et deux ou trois Renoir
    Le cœur dans les tableaux je me sentais renaître
    Et en fermant les yeux je pourrais les revoir

    Le monde a la beauté du regard qu'on y pose
    Le jardin de Monet, le soleil de Renoir
    Ne sont que le reflet de leur vision des choses
    Dont chacun d'entre nous peut être le miroir

    La vie nous peint les jours au hasard du voyage
    En amour en douleur ou en mélancolie
    C'est un peu de ce temps qu'on laisse en héritage
    Enrichi du regard qu'on a posé sur lui

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    The Musketeers Composer(s): Bert Kalmar - Harry Ruby Performer(s): The Marx Brothers

    Unless we tell you who we are, you'll never guess
    We're not Napoleon or da Vinci
    A lot of people think we are, but none the less
    We're not Napoleon or da Vinci
    We're not even Washington or Lincoln
    Jefferson or Alexander Carr
    You'd be wrong whoever you begin on
    So we'll let you in on who we are
    So stand by, unseen listeners

    We're four of the three musketeers
    We've been together for years
    Eenie, meenie, minee (car horn)
    Four of the three musketeers
    We live by the sword, by the sea, by the way
    And we fight day and night
    And we sleep night and day
    My country 'tis of thee
    Land of the light wines and beers
    We're cheered from Cologne to Algiers
    Each time our motto appears
    It's one for all and two for five
    We're four of the three musketeers

    When the Queen needs recreation
    And she strolls along the path
    Where are we?
    Right by her side

    When she's filled with jubilation
    Or consumed with raging wrath
    Where are we?
    Right by her side

    We've sworn that we'd shield and protect her
    We're her guardsmen, true and tried

    When she gets up in the morning
    And she slips into her bath
    Where are we?
    Far from the old folks at home

    We're four of the three musketeers
    We've been together for years
    Athos, Pathos, Mathos (car horn)
    Four of the three musketeers
    We fight for the King, for the Queen, for the Jack
    And we're first at the front
    When the front's at the back
    Three cheers for Richelieu
    Here's how we give him the cheers
    The foe trembles each time it hears
    This motto ring in its ears
    It's one for all and two for five
    We're four of the three musketeers

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Chuva, Suor E Cerveja Composer(s): Caetano Veloso Performer(s): Caetano Veloso and multiple other artists

    Não se perca de mim
    Não se esqueça de mim
    Não desapareça
    A chuva tá caindo
    E quando a chuva começa
    Eu acabo de perder a cabeça

    Não saia do meu lado
    Segure o meu pierrô molhado
    E vamos embora ladeira abaixo
    que a chuva ajuda a gente a se ver
    o que Deus quiser

    A gente se embala
    se embora
    se embola
    Só pára na porta da igreja

    A gente se olha
    Se beija se molha
    De chuva suor e cerveja

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Regalo De Reyes
    Composer(s): David Lama
    Performer(s): Javier Solis;
    and various other artists

    Ya va llegando diciembre y sus posadas
    se va acercando ya también la Navidad
    el año nuevo me traerá nuevas tristezas
    y por tu ausencia lloraré mi soledad

    Si tú te encuentras brindando en tu alegría
    algún recuerdo de mi amor te llegará
    tal vez evoques el calor de mis caricias
    y con tu copa al terminar me olvidarás

    Si con los meses y los años tú no vuelves
    y si una gracia el cielo a mí me puede dar
    le pediré como regalo un dia de Reyes
    besar tus labios y estrecharte junto a mí

    Y si cansada de la vida a mí regresas
    y si el destino no te da felicidad
    habrá una cruz en el final de tu camino
    serán mis brazos que por ti esperando están

    Si con los meses y los años tú no vuelves
    y si una gracia el cielo a mí me puede dar
    le pediré como regalo un dia de Reyes
    besar tus labios y estrecharte junto a mí

    Y si cansada de la vida a mí regresas
    y si el destino no te da felicidad
    habrá una cruz en el final de tu camino
    serán mis brazos que por ti esperando están

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    The Music That Makes Me Dance
    Composer(s): Bob Merrill - Jule Styne
    First release by: Barbra Streisand - 1964
    Covered by multiple other artists

    I know you're around when the sky and the ground start in ringing
    I know you're around by the thunder I hear in advance
    Your words and your words alone are the words that start my heart singing
    And yours is the only music that makes me dance

    You'll sleep and you'll rise in the light of two eyes that adore you
    Bore you it might, but you won't leave my sight or glance
    In every way, every day, I need less of myself and need more you, more you
    Yours is the only music that makes me dance

    In every way, every day I need less of myself, and need more you, more you
    Yours is the only music that makes me dance

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Church In The Wildwood Composer(s): Dr. William S. Pitts Performer(s): Charley Pride and multiple other artists

    There's a church in the valley by the wildwood
    No lovelier spot in the dale
    No place is so dear to my childhood
    As the little brown church in the vale

    (Oh, come, come, come, come)

    Come to the church by the wildwood
    Oh, come to the church in the vale
    No spot is so dear to my childhood
    As the little brown church in the vale

    How sweet on a clear Sabbath morning
    To listen to the clear ringing bells
    Its tones so sweetly are calling
    Oh come to the church in the vale

    (Oh, come, come, come, come)

    Come to the church by the wildwood
    Oh, come to the church in the vale
    No spot is so dear to my childhood
    As the little brown church in the vale

    There, close by the church in the valley
    Lies one that I loved so well
    She sleeps, sweetly sleeps, 'neath the willow
    Disturb not her rest in the vale

    (Oh, come, come, come, come)

    Come to the church by the wildwood
    Oh, come to the church in the vale
    No spot is so dear to my childhood
    As the little brown church in the vale

    There, close by the side of that loved one
    'Neath the tree where the wild flowers bloom
    When farewell hymns shall be chanted
    I shall rest by her side in the tomb

    (Oh, come, come, come, come)

    Come to the church by the wildwood
    Oh, come to the church in the vale
    No spot is so dear to my childhood
    As the little brown church in the vale

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Regálame Esta Noche
    Composer(s): Roberto Cantoral
    Performer(s): José Feliciano;
    and various other artists

    No quiero que te vayas
    la noche está muy fría
    abrígame en tus brazos
    hasta que vuelva el día

    Tu almohada está impaciente
    de acariciar tu cara
    tal vez te dé un consejo
    tal vez no diga nada

    Mañana muy temprano platicarás conmigo
    y si estás decidida a abandonar el nido
    Entonces será en vano tratar de detenerte
    regálame esta noche, retrásame la muerte

    Mañana muy temprano platicarás conmigo
    y si estás decidida a abandonar el nido
    Entonces será en vano tratar de detenerte
    regálame esta noche, retrásame la muerte

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Music Played
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    The Music Played
    ((Adapted from: Was Ich Dir Sagen Will (Udo Jürgens) - 1967))
    Composer(s): Udo Jürgens - Joachim Fuchsberger - Mike Hawker
    Performer(s): Matt Monro - 1968

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1967 - Che Vuoi Che Sia (Udo Jürgens)
    1968 - Alguien Canto (Matt Monro)
    1968 - E A Orquestra Tocou Uma Canção (Agnaldo Timóteo)
    1968 - Rakkauden Jälkeen (Carola)
    1969 - Bos Sokak (Ajda Pekkan)

    An angry silence stayed where love had been
    And in your eyes a look I've never seen
    If I had found the words you might have stayed
    But as I turned to speak the music played

    As lovers danced their way around the floor
    I suddenly watched you walk forward the door
    I heard a friend of yours suggest you have to stay
    And as you took his hand the music played

    Across the darknessed room the fatal signs I saw
    We'd been something more than friends before
    Well, I was hurting you by clinging to my pride
    He had been waiting and as I drove him to your side
    I couldn't say the things I should have said
    refused to let my heart control my head
    But I was made to see the pride I paid
    and as he held you close
    The music played
    And as I lost your love
    the music played

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Church In An Old Hawaiian Town
    Composer(s): John Noble
    Performer(s): C.J. Helekahi

    In a little village church
    In an old Hawaiian town
    That's when I met the girl of my dreams

    When the organ played a song
    And the choir sang along
    It was just like heaven to me

    And when the preacher said: Amen
    I took her by the arms and then
    Down the aisle we strolled together

    That's when I found my happiness
    With the girl that God had blessed
    In that church in an old Hawaiian town
    Yes, in that church, in an old Hawaiian town

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Regal Zone
    Composer(s): John McKay; Kenny Morris;
    Steve Severin; Siouxsie and the Banshees
    Performer(s): Siouxsie and the Banshees

    Coronets rest on a death's head mask
    No-one is safe while the curfew lasts
    But crusted orbs glitter, sceptres gleam
    While helmets of blood fill the screen

    They look away
    and then they say
    "For the good of the land
    for the love of the man"
    Standing alone sitting alone
    on the throne of the regal zone

    Old limbs hang in the torture room
    While old kings hang in the portrait room
    Their noble eyes gaze on the uneasy dance
    of the squirming body on the marble plate

    They look away
    and then they say
    "For the good of the land
    for the love of the man"
    Standing alone sitting alone
    on the throne of the regal zone

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    Was Ich Dir Sagen Will
    Composer(s): Udo Jürgens - Joachim Fuchsberger
    First release by: Udo Jürgens - 1967
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1967 - Che Vuoi Che Sia (Udo Jürgens)
    1968 - The Music Played (Matt Monro)
    1968 - Alguien Canto (Matt Monro)
    1968 - E A Orquestra Tocou Uma Canção (Agnaldo Timóteo)
    1968 - Rakkauden Jälkeen (Carola)
    1969 - Bos Sokak (Ajda Pekkan)

    Was ich dir sagen will, fällt mir so schwer
    Das Blatt Papier vor mir bleibt weiß und leer
    Ich find' die Worte nicht, doch glaube mir
    Was ich dir sagen will, sagt mein Klavier

    Was ich dir sagen will, wenn wir uns seh'n
    Ich kann nur stumm an dir vorübergeh'n
    Ich dreh' mich nach dir um und denke mir
    Was ich dir sagen will, sagt mein Klavier

    Was man nicht sagen kann, weil man allein nur fühlt
    Wie eine Brandung, die den Fels umspült
    Die dich erfaßt und mit sich in die Tiefe reißt
    Ich kann es fühlen, doch nicht sagen, wie es heißt

    Was ich dir sagen will, bist du bei mir
    Ist so unsagbar viel, doch glaube mir
    Wenn du mich nicht verstehst, versprech ich dir
    Was ich dir sagen will, sagt mein Klavier

    Was ich dir sagen will, sagt mein Klavier

    Categorie:Duitse Songs

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    Composer(s): Bob Welch
    Performer(s): Bob Welch

    Welcome down from your church
    And talk to a man
    Who knows that he loves you
    And wants to understand
    He knows why you cry

    When you were young
    You got down on your knees
    You prayed for someone
    Someone you could believe
    Yeah, you put your faith
    Right in his hands
    Oh, when he let go
    You couldn´t understand

    Welcome down from your church
    And talk to a man
    Who knows that he loves you
    And wants to understand
    He knows why you cry

    Fallen angel, temptation had you lost
    Single girl, you´ve been double-crossed
    Hold on holy one, some day you´ll be saved
    And I want to be the one
    On that blessed day
    When you come down from your church
    And talk to a man
    Who knows that he loves you
    And wants to understand
    Fly down from your perch
    And walk with a man
    Who knows how to love you
    Yes, I believe I can
    I know why you cry

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Composer(s): Mike Campbell; Tom Petty
    Performer(s): Tom Petty;
    The Chipmunks; Melissa Etheridge; Project 7X

    We got somethin' we both know it
    We don't talk too much about it
    Yeah it ain't no real big secret all the same
    Somehow we get around it
    Listen it don't really matter to me baby
    You believe what you want to believe
    You see you don't have to live like a refugee

    Somewhere, somehow somebody
    Must have kicked you around some
    Tell me why you wanna lay there
    And revel in your abandon
    Listen it don't make no difference to me baby
    Everybody's had to fight to be free
    You see you don't have to live like a refugee
    Now baby you don't have to live like a refugee

    Baby we ain't the first
    I'm sure a lot of other lover's been burned
    Right now this seems real to you
    But it's one of those things
    You gotta feel to be true

    Somewhere, somehow somebody
    Must have kicked you around some
    Who knows, maybe you were kidnapped
    Tied up, taken away and held for ransom
    It don't really matter to me
    Everybody's had to fight to be free
    You see you don't have to live like a refugee
    I said you don't have to live like a refugee

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    Alguien Canto
    ((Adapted from: Was Ich Dir Sagen Will (Udo Jürgens) - 1967))
    Composer(s): Udo Jürgens - Joachim Fuchsberger - Leonardo Schultz
    Performer(s): Matt Monro - 1968
    and multiple other artists

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1967 - Che Vuoi Che Sia (Udo Jürgens)
    1968 - The Music Played (Matt Monro)
    1968 - E A Orquestra Tocou Uma Canção (Agnaldo Timóteo)
    1968 - Rakkauden Jälkeen (Carola)
    1969 - Bos Sokak (Ajda Pekkan)

    Quizás no supe hablar cuando debí
    hay algo en tu mirar que nunca vi
    silencio sin piedad en vez de amor
    mas cuando quise hablar alguien cantó

    Juntos bailando van alrededor
    mientras me iba yo frente a los dos
    sentí que alguien habló y era tu voz
    cuando te acarició alguien cantó

    Y en la oscuridad de pronto comprendí
    que mi orgullo fue el que cedio
    Ya ves que sin querer yo mismo te guié
    junto a su lado como antes ya pasó

    Quizá no pude hablar cuando debí
    mi mente controló mi corazón
    el precio que pagué fue verte así
    y cuando te abrazó, alguien cantó

    Cuando perdí tu amor, alguien cantó

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Chug-A-Lug Composer(s): Mike Love - Gary Usher - Brian Wilson Performer(s): The Beach Boys

    Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug
    Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

    Gary likes a girl's tight black pants
    Larry knows he doesn't stand a chance
    Carl says hurry up and order it quick
    Dave gets out to chase that chick

    Dennis wonders what's under the hood
    A big chrome tach and it sounds real good
    I go down to the root beer stand
    And drink up all that I can

    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Cold beer, root beer
    Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

    Brian's still glued to the radio
    Louie's lookin' out the rear window
    Guy's got around to orderin' fries
    But root beer's my best buy

    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Cold beer, root beer
    Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Give me some root beer (chug-a-lug chug-a-lug chug-a-lug)
    Cold beer, root beer
    Here a mug, there a mug, everybody chug-a-lug

    Root beer, need another mug now
    Root beer, chug-a-lug-a-lug now
    Root beer, need another mug now
    Root beer, chug-a-lug-a-lug now
    Root beer, need another mug now
    Root beer, chug-a-lug-a-lug now

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
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    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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