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    Health According to Dave
    Natural Health for the Common Sense Person
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Spring Outdoor Activities That Are Socially Distanced

    Spring is fast approaching, but unlike springs from previous years, we may have to limit how active we are. Covid-19 has restructured society that close physical contact has become taboo. Medical practitioners advise that we avoid physical contact with everyone to limit the spread of Covid-19. But does it mean we should sacrifice our spring and all the fun that comes with it? No. We can still enjoy our spring with fun activities.

    Socially distanced outdoor activities were reinvented last year to correspond to the difficulties of Covid-19. 

    These activities include:

    Scavenger Hunt

    A scavenger hunt is a group game that requires all its participants to gather specific items. While it's a group game, participants aren't meant to be in close proximity. This distancing makes it perfect for the requirements of Covid-19. You do not even need to meet physically as the game can be played online, using video conference calls. 


    A picnic shouldn't be hindered by covid-19. Parks are now open, but with strict laws. However, these laws allow a limited number of people in a space at a time, which you can leverage. 


    Biking is another fun outdoor activity that is adequately spaced. You and your friends can start from any destination. You can also bike alone, enjoying the city and nature as you exercise. 


    Swimming is a fun activity that has psychological and physical benefits. 

    Outdoor Workouts

    Because of the setup of an average gym, people are more likely to contract covid-19 within that space. However, nothing should stop you from keeping fit. Outdoor workouts enable you to enjoy working out without mistakenly coming in contact with a sweaty person.

    21-04-2021 om 18:50 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Tips for Making Wellness Goals Easier

    Wellness in all aspects of our lives is profitable and essential for a qualitative life. However, the pursuit of overall wellness can be tedious, and sometimes, overwhelming. These discomforts can make us abandon our wellness goals after a couple of days or weeks. But that's not what you want. Every wellness goal is achievable. But that requires certain tips that'll help you through the wellness phase. 


    If you're just starting a wellness program or you've started one already, be sure to follow these steps to achieve success. 

    Set Realistic Goals

    Realistic goals help us to achieve our goals faster. However, the pressure to achieve a lot in a short period compels people to set unrealistic goals, and they end up being so overwhelmed that they abandon the goals altogether. Start small and work your way to the top. Think of your wellness plan like a newborn. You'll crawl before you walk. 

    Take It Slow

    In addition to setting realistic goals, we should also set realistic timelines. Take it slow and don't rush your plans. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a break to continue later. However, don't fall into your break too deep that you lose motivation to get back on track.

    Use The Buddy System

    Researchers have discovered that the best way to achieve your wellness goals is by doing it with a friend. You're going to be more accountable and productive. You can also announce your goals to a couple of friends to create expectations you'll want to meet.

    21-04-2021 om 18:49 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How to Overcome Healthy Dieting Fatigue

    Burning calories is the number reason most people start a dieting plan, but for a number of that population, dieting could become another source of problem - metabolism dysfunction. Cutting calories is a healthy way of living, but while we cut down on calories, our bodies stop producing as much thyroid hormones and leptin, which are essential for increasing homeostasis and energy. This could cause an imbalance in input and output energy, thus resulting in poor bodily adaptation. So, how do you fix dieting fatigue, which occurs between body, calories, and exercising? In this article, we'll provide you with simple solutions.

    Increase Your Calories Intake

    If you're suffering from metabolic dysfunction, then slowly increasing your calorie intake is what's best for you. However, you need to measure how many calories you take in to avoid being overweight. Gradually adding about 100 or fewer calories weekly will do just fine. 


    Exercising differently and with less vigor will make a difference in your metabolism. Combined with eating well, your hormones and energy levels will increase. But you need to exercise differently. Don't exercise too vigorously. Maintain a resistance workout plan that never exceeds 45 minutes. Adding excessive weight lifting to your exercise routine would only interrupt how fast your hormones adapt to your body. If you're particular about looking ripped, then add cardio to your routine to cut body fat, but make sure it's minimal because cardio burns a lot of calories, and if you are calories deficient, your body will burn muscle for energy, which you want to avoid. 

    Eating more and exercising less is the best way to create that balance back. But make sure everything is done in moderation to avoid compounding the existing problems.

    21-01-2021 om 15:20 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Benefits of Splashing Water on Your Face Throughout the Day

    It's advised that we wash our faces with cold water in the morning as it has many benefits. One of which is dealing with our early morning puffy faces. But how about splashing water on your face throughout the day? Now, that's something exciting and beneficial. So let's get to it then. 

    You're Refreshed All-Day

    Splashing water on your face throughout the day has a refreshing effect on your body and mood. Just like caffeine, water can keep you fully awake and energized for the day's work. It refreshes your skin, keeping it smooth, wet, and your entire mood lively. So, if you're looking to reduce your caffeine intake, splashing water on your face could be a healthy alternative.

    Keeps You Young

    While you may not notice on the first day, splashing water on your face has the long-term benefit of keeping the skin fresh and, consequently, sparkling young. A couple of skincare routines promises anti-aging at a price, but water assures young and radiant skin, year-in-year-out. 

    Protects you from the sun

    If your daily activities keep you in the sun or exposed to it, the rays would have adverse effects on your skin. An option is sunscreen cream, but if you like going natural, then splashing water on your face all-day-long will protect your face from the sun's harmful rays.

    Natural Toner

    Water acts as a natural toner for the skin. Instead of applying chemicals to your skin all week long, go with water and watch the revolution. You can also try natural health products designed for skin care to help make skin looking healthy, plump, and soft from Source Naturals and New Chapter.

    21-01-2021 om 15:19 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Organic Ranch Dressing Recipe

    Organic ranch dressing is delicious and healthy, as it is without additives and other things that may be potentially harmful to consume. Both children and adults love the smell and taste of ranch, so it's a delicacy that the entire household can enjoy. You could even make it for dinner with your friends and family, or with that new neighbor. Whatever your reasons are, we are here to guide you through the ingredients and preparations steps to make an organic ranch dressing.


    Getting the ingredients right could be more important than the preparations itself, hence why you should have everything, in the same measurement, before you put on your kitchen robe.

    • ½ cup mayonnaise.

    • ½ cup organic sour cream.

    • ¼ whole milk.

    • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    • ½ fresh parsley.

    • ⅓ teaspoon sea salt.

    • ½ teaspoon organic onion powder.

    • ⅛ dried organic dill.

    • ½ black pepper.

    • 1 teaspoon organic garlic powder.


    Preparing your organic ranch dressing is quite easy when you have your ingredients ready. Start by stirring your milk and lemon juice together, thoroughly, till you can see buttermilk. Then add your sour cream to the mixture and continue stirring until smooth. When you're sure it's smooth, add your remaining ingredients and keep mixing until you're sure everything is completely mixed.  

    When done, pour your organic ranch dressing into a bottle and refrigerate. Most people empty the bottle in under 2 days; however, if your preservation will be stronger than your craving, then storage shouldn't be more than 4 days.

    13-01-2021 om 20:30 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How to Prevent Stress Headaches

    Stress headaches, also known as tension headaches, are common among adults. This type of headache is categorized by forehead tightness, pressure, and mild pain, although some people experience severe discomfort, tiredness, temporary insomnia, trouble focusing, and muscle aches. If you've experienced stress headaches, I'm sure your productivity during that period was knocked down. To prevent stress headaches in the future, be sure to follow the steps below. 

    You can also provide additional support for temporarily relief from occasional pain with supplements from Terry Naturally and Quicksilver Scientific to see if they provide the additional support that you need.

    Home Remedy

    Causes of stress headaches include lack of sleep, eye strain, dehydration, emotional stress, skipping meals, etc. If you find yourself a culprit of one of the above, then your solution is quite simple and at-hand. Get enough sleep, eat at the right time, drink plenty of water, avoid anything that would emotionally bring you down, and rest your eyes from lights, especially your screens. One of these should help your body relax and combat stress headaches.

    Over the Counter (OTC)

    Another viable remedy for preventing stress headache is getting pain relief drugs from a nearby pharmacy. While some medications are popular, the pharmacy might prescribe something different for you. However, OTC drugs could create a dependency and lure you into an unintended addiction. When this happens, abuse of the drug becomes the only way to fight off stress headaches, hence, the need to consult a doctor if you're unfamiliar with a type of pain. 


    Antidepressants are another way to cope with stress and using them can help your brain cope with daily stress before it culminates into a stress headache.

    13-01-2021 om 20:30 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How to Make Preserves From Your Spring Garden

    Your harvest is bountiful and that could be a problem. Since you can't consume all your veggies or the other farm produce all at once, and you can't leave them to rot in the fridge or elsewhere, you will need to preserve them for the coming months. In this article, you'll learn the most effective and simplistic methods of making preservations from your spring garden.


    Freezing is a common way of preserving harvest from your spring garden. Although, not all your farm produce can be frozen. Freezables include berries, broccoli, cucumber, pepper, green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, and summer squash. Immediately after harvest, pack them into an airtight bag before storing them in your fridge. Also, know those veggies that require blanching before storage to avoid ending up with soggy veggies.


    Leaving some fruits and veggies to ripen under direct sunlight could easily induce rot. To combat this, pick them before they are fully ripe and store them on the kitchen counter. Fruits that need room temperature before a visit to the fridge include citrus, peaches, nectarines, and melons. It is important to know the difference between your harvests as not to store them wrongly. 

    Washing and Handling

    Washing helps to remove unwanted particles and germs from our fruits and veggies, however, washing your produce when you're not consuming them immediately reduces its life span, thus, leading to quick rot. Also, a minor scratch on fruits creates room for air, leading to decay. Lastly, do not store bad fruits with the goods ones. One bad fruit could damage the good ones.

    13-01-2021 om 20:29 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What Should You Do Before Fasting

    Fasting is a traditional culture with numerous benefits. People all over the world fast mainly for religious reasons and weight loss. But engaging in this activity without adequately preparing your body could lead to serious medical issues. Hence, the need to acquaint yourself with precautionary measures before you kickstart your next fast. 

    Consult Your Doctor

    Not everyone has the immune system to withstand any period of fast. However, not everyone is aware of how long their body shouldn't go without food. Consulting your doctor will reveal if you should or shouldn't fast. Also, a doctor could reveal any strange underlying medical problem that could intensify if you fast. 

    Change Your Schedule

    If you're going to fast, changing your schedule for that period allows you to perform maximally. Reduce your physical activities and take on smaller and less demanding tasks for that period. This allows you the opportunity to finish your fast without exhaustion.

    Reduce Your Meals Before Your Fast

    Your body needs to acclimatize with hunger before you begin a fast. A sudden change in your meal size could lead to major discomforts and stomach aches. So, changing your diet 1 or 2 weeks before you kickstart enables your body the opportunity to acclimatize to less food and water, and still function properly. 

    Get Lots of Rest

    Resting is for when you start fasting, however, resting before you start could help your body relax and get used to needing rest before you start.


    Exercising is important to keep you fit, before and during fast. 

    Final Thoughts

    If you are looking to start fasting, make sure that you follow all of the essential steps outlined here and as directed by your doctor. If you need additional support in the form of appetite suppressants or meal replacements, check out Garden of Life and Source Naturals, and see if they provide the support that you need each day.

    13-01-2021 om 20:29 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Goat Versus Cow Milk: Which Should You Drink?

    Like many others, you may have found yourself in the goat versus cow milk dilemma and wondered which is the better option – or healthier alternative. Although Americans tend to have a bias for cow milk or plant-based milks, goat milk is gaining a steady popularity too. In fact, about 65 percent of the global population drinks goat milk. 

    According to the USDA, a side-by-side comparison of goat milk and cow milk shows that both types of milk have an almost similar composition. Precisely, a one-cup serving of goat milk contains 170 calories, 9 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat, 11 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of sugars and 25 milligrams of cholesterol.  

    Meanwhile, a one-cup serving of whole cow milk offers 160 calories, 8 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat, 11 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of sugars and 30 milligrams of cholesterol.

    This shows that goat offers a high amount of protein and cholesterol, while cow milk contains a slightly lower amount of fat. 

    In terms of other nutrients, goat milk contains more potassium, calcium, and vitamin A than cow milk. However, cow milk offers more vitamin B12, folic acid and selenium.

    So, who wins the goat vs. cow milk debate? People often prefer goat milk to cow milk because it’s easier to digest. This is because goat milk contains a slightly lower amount of lactose than cow milk. Therefore, goat milk might be a better choice for people with mild lactose intolerance. However, cow milk gets the edge when it comes to the price and availability and the milky taste.

    14-12-2020 om 20:23 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Benefits of Eating Honey in the Morning

    Known as one of the healthiest and most nutritious food across the world, honey has a myriad of benefits. Honey remains a popular and widely-used sweetener. It is also used by several cultures around the world as a base for many traditional medicines. 

    Here are some health benefits of eating honey in the morning. But make sure that when you choose honey, only choose honey that is made pure and raw, without artificial sweeteners, or other ingredients. Patz Honey and YS Organic Bee Farms are ideal for shopping for these quality honey products.

    Quick Supply of Energy

    Do you feel tired even after sleeping? Consider eating just after you wake up. Honey is an excellent and quick source of natural energy as the natural unprocessed sugar it contains goes directly into the bloodstream. 

    Memory Boost

    Honey is also known to increase brain power and boost memory. Honey contains natural antioxidants and has therapeutic properties that help to boost the brains’ cholinergic system. Starting your day with honey helps to prevent metabolic stress, calms and soothes the brain, which helps to curb memory loss.

    Weight Management

    Honey is one of the best foods for losing weight. Eating a spoonful of honey before bed helps you burn body fat even while when you are sleeping. Similarly, consuming a little honey on empty stomach early in the morning helps increase body metabolism, which in turn helps reduce weight faster. 

    Immune System Augmentation

    Honey has antioxidants and bacteria-fighting constituents that help with fighting infections caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Eating honey every morning before breakfast or pre-workout helps supply energy for the whole day. 

    Enhancing Digestion

    Eating honey in water, especially in the morning can help alleviate and prevent indigestion by easing the passage of food. Honey contains antioxidants that helps to neutralize gases produced in the body.

    14-12-2020 om 20:23 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Why You Keep Having Bad Dream

    Nightmares aren’t just for children. They affect everyone, young and old. Have you been having bad dreams lately? Do you wonder why they happen and how to overcome them? This article briefly explains what you need to know about the causes of nightmares and the effective solutions for nightmares. 

    Triggers of Adult Nightmares

    A nightmare is simply a dysfunctional dream. Nightmares often happen during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the deepest stage of slumber, in which the brain stays active while the body is almost fully at rest. REM periods get longer as the night goes on, and nightmares often happen in the longer REM periods.

    Not Sleeping Enough and Staying Up Late

    Depriving yourself of sleep and delaying it altogether can increase your chances of having a nightmare. Most importantly, any activity that disrupts your regular circadian rhythms, such as jetlag, all-night movies and partying, is likely to increase the possibility of having bad dreams. For your best sleep, it’s best to sleep at the same time every night.

    Eating too Close to Bedtime

    Another common cause of nightmares is eating just before bed. Eating too close to bedtime can increase your metabolism and brain activity during REM sleep and thus, increase the chances of having bad dreams. 

    Unregulated Stress Level

    Anxiety and high levels of stress can also increase the probability of having nightmares. Our emotional levels during active hours can affect our brain activity during the night. Therefore, going to bed with an unclear head and unsettled mind can make you have bad dreams.

    Other common causes of nightmares include: Drinking alcohol before bed, taking certain medications, degenerative neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, recent traumatic experiences, and never-healed wounds from the past unmasked by a recent event.

    17-11-2020 om 22:07 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How Many Squats Should I Do a Day

    Squats are one of the best and effective activities you can do to get in good shape, maintain balance, and achieve good posture. This is because squats focus on many muscles in your entire body: core, glutes, quads, thighs, and calves. While squatting, your body uses more than 200 muscles. Squats can be done by almost anyone and can be performed just about anywhere: at home, at work, the gym, or in the park.

    Furthermore, squats effectively burn more calories than many other known exercises. Doing squats helps to raise metabolism levels, thereby burning more fat and helping with weight loss. However, you need to master the art of squatting appropriately before you can get noticeable results with squats.

    How Many Squats Should You Do a Day For Noticeable Results?

    Now to the big question: how many squats should you do a day for noticeable results? Fitness experts agree that the number of squats you should perform per day will mostly depend on your fitness goals and overall fitness level. For beginners, 20 squats a day is a good place to start, and you can increase the number as you go. For those who are interested in boosting their metabolism and improve their posture, 50 squats per day are just great. However, 100 squats per day are ideal for people who are targeting muscle growth, stamina, and an overall lifestyle change. For effectiveness, 2-3 reps are recommended. 

    Getting an incredible figure with squats isn’t about how many squats you do per day. The efficacy of your squats is mostly determined by the recurrence, consistency, and impact of the activity. Another way to boost the potency of your squats is to incorporate heavier weights and increase the reps. If you need additional support when recovering from doing squats or are looking for additional energy to get through your workout, check out Terry Naturally and Premier Research Labs to find what works for you.

    17-11-2020 om 21:48 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Is Popcorn Bad for Leaky Gut?

    For many reasons, maintaining a good gut health is important. So far, health experts have linked gut health to mental health, mood, and behavior. This means that it’s something to really look out for in order to ensure a healthy living.

    Many factors influence gut health, and one of them is your diet. What you eat affects the microbes in your gut, which in turn affects your overall wellbeing. 

    People with leaky gut may encounter different problems with digestion and other food-related issues. Hence, their choices of what to eat may be restricted. Some individuals also have trouble metabolizing grains, which brings the question: is popcorn bad for leaky gut?

    Popcorn is rich in fiber (about four grams per three cups), which helps to promote healthy gut bacteria. In addition to that, increased fiber intake has been linked to reduced risks of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. Popcorn is also a great snack for overeaters who often find it difficult to feel full or satiated.

    While popcorn is a healthy snack, its amazing benefits can be reduced by the common additives that are used to give it flavor. Additives such as butter and sodium-rich flavorings on popcorn add fat and extra calories which significantly reduce the snack’s benefits. 

    For individuals who find popcorn difficult to digest, or if it causes abdominal pain, inflammation, cramps, or gas, it’s wise to avoid it completely. If you have a leaky gut, or if popcorn causes you digestive discomfort, you can opt for popped sorghum or quinoa instead. You can also add digestive aids from Pharmax and Genestra.

    13-11-2020 om 19:20 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Does Moisturizing Help Acne?

    Battling acne comes with a lot of discomfort, and the scars that remain even after the whole episode somehow make things worse. You’ve probably wondered if many skincare routines, especially moisturizing helps acne. Does moisturizing help acne? Can it help to prevent acne? 

    The skin’s topmost layer is not just a stretch of dead cells. It’s much more. This layer protects you from a lot of damage – harmful ultraviolet radiation, pathogens and more. Also, it regulates moisture and helps to keep your internal organs alive. Therefore, moisturizing your skin is greatly recommended and highly beneficial.

    It’s not just some lucky coincidence that dermatologists sometimes include moisturizers in acne treatment plans. Although, acne can make your skin feel greasy and oily, and a moisturizer can just not help matters in that case, it comes in handy if you use some acidic acne treatments. 

    Acidic acne treatments such as isotretinoin, tazarotene, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and others may irritate and dry the skin. So, a daily dose of moisturizer can help your skin fight skin dryness in this situation.

    A moisturizer can also help during the harsh winter days, especially when your skin feels inflamed and dry. Your body makes more oil when your skin becomes dry, and this extra oil can clog your pores, resulting in more breakouts. Therefore, after you wash, applying an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer can help to trap required water in your skin and prevent skin dryness and irritation.

    Lastly, if you have acne and require guidance on what can really help clear your acne, it’s wise to consult a dermatologist for professional guidance.

    13-11-2020 om 19:19 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Are there Benefits to Wearing Diabetic Socks?

    Diabetic socks are designed to maintain dry feet, reduces the risk of a foot injury, and improve blood circulation. These socks are essential to foot care. And foot care is a vital aspect of diabetes management. This is because of potential damage to both the nervous and circulatory systems that is caused by high blood sugar levels.

    Functions of Diabetic Socks

    • Improves blood circulation to your feet.

    • Keep the feet dry.

    • Prevent fungal infections off your feet.

    • Offers cushion.


    All of these keep your feet healthy.


    The best diabetic socks have features like:

    • Flat with no seams to prevent blisters.

    • Stretchy cuffs that don’t affect blood flow.

    • Moisture-wicking materials for feet dry.

    • Softness with additional thickness in the ball and heel of your foot.

    Benefits of Wearing Diabetic Socks

    Now, not all diabetic patients need to wear these special socks. However, many diabetic patients are prone to foot injury. This is because of poor circulation and peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy causes a loss of feeling in your feet. If you have this, you could walk all day with a splinter without feeling a thing.


    When one has diabetes, small cracks, cuts, blisters, and calluses can cause a foot ulcer. Besides, diabetes can cause poor circulation. This makes it harder for wounds to heal. So, using these socks to keep infections and foot ulcers under control can save your feet, toes, and legs from amputation. Whether you don’t own a regular diabetic socks or you don’t see the need, you can consider getting a pair when traveling. You should also get a pair or more whenever you are physically active.

    15-10-2020 om 20:57 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Most Common Vitamins Missing from the Average Diet

    There are important vitamins that are missing from the average American diet. They are missing because of lack of understanding or in the atmosphere of losing weight. Here are some common vitamins that are missing:

    Vitamin A 

    Vitamin A is good for vision, tissue growth and immunity.


    How much do you need?

    • Men: 900 micrograms/day

    • Women: 700 micrograms/day


    Note that there are two types of vitamin A: carotenoids and retinol. The former are usually missing from many American diets. 


    Foods that contain carotenoids include: cooked fresh carrots, cooked winter squash, cooked fresh potato with skin, and cooked spinach. 

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C plays important roles in the body. It boosts the immune system and works as a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell damage. It also improves collagen production.


    How much is needed?

    • Men: 90 milligrams/day

    • Women: 75 milligrams/day

    Good sources are sweet red pepper, orange, strawberries, cantaloupe, and cooked broccoli.

    Vitamin E

    A lot of people don't get enough vitamin E. The primary reason for this is that people are trying too hard to eat healthy. The deal is vitamin E appears in foods with high fat content, like oils, nuts, and seeds. So, to eat low-fat and lose weight, people ignore the foods that are rich in vitamin E. But that's a big mistake. This is because vitamin E is a fantastic antioxidant that prevents cell damage.


    Regardless of the fat, you should include these foods in your diet. Although a low-fat diet is relevant to good health, there is need to distinguish between the typical bad fats (saturated fats) and the good ones (such as the polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated) which are in these vitamin E foods.  Remember that foods with the good fats are still significantly high in calories. So, you also need to eat moderately.


    The type of vitamin E that is most relevant is called alpha-tocopherol vitamin E (AT). To be specific, adults need about 15 milligrams of this per day.


    Good sources of vitamin E include:

    • Roasted sunflower seeds 7.4 milligrams (1 ounce)

    • Almonds 7.3 milligrams

    • Peanut butter 2.5 milligrams (2 tablespoons).

    • Tomato sauce 2.5 milligrams (1/2 cup).

    Give these suggestions a try and see if they make a difference to your health. If you are still struggling to get the nutrients that you need each day, check out vitamin products from Jarrow Formulas and Enzymedica. These supplement options may make all the difference and may provide you the support that you need each day.

    15-10-2020 om 20:56 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Vegetables for People Who Hate Vegetables

    I'm sure you've come across people who hate vegetables. It's either that or you personally don't like them. It's pretty difficult to convince people who hate vegetables to like them. However, most picky eaters find veggies like peas, corn and potatoes, acceptable. But veggies like spinach and broccoli are unacceptable to them. Regardless, it takes the right recommendation and recipes to convince people who hate vegetables to consume any kind.

    Here are some vegetables for people who hate vegetables:


    Loaded cauliflower is one vegetable option that you can recommend to anyone who hates vegetables. It is packed with natural and health goodness.

    Make Zucchini Patties

    Zucchini are the perfect summer vegetables. They are rich in nutrients and have a crunch feel. Make a twist by making patties with zucchini. It could work for people who hate vegetables.

    Add Broccoli to Feta Pasta

    Broccoli is one vegetable that people who hate vegetables try hard to avoid. But you can make something good out of it if you're a fan of pasta. When you make your pasta with feta cheese, spice it up with pieces of broccoli. You could stir fry the vegetable or use in its natural form. It's healthy and would give your feta pasta a crunch feel.

    Spinach Enchiladas

    Want to make something good out of your store bought or fresh spinach? Make spinach enchiladas. If you're a fan of Mexican food, this is a great way to do something with spinach. Throw up your spinach, cheese and other fresh ingredients in tortillas. You can also add chicken if you still need your meat. 

    Stir Fried Cabbage Combo

    Cabbage works well with, and in, almost everything! Fry your fresh cabbage slices with garlic, onion and other ingredients. You can also add bacon to satisfy your meat craving while enjoying cabbages. Even if you were not a fan of cabbage, you'll love this one.


    Other vegetable options for people who hate vegetables include squash and fried Brussels sprouts.

    14-09-2020 om 16:01 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Does Couch to 5k Work?

    Couch to 5k is a nine-week training plan that's made to help people to go from couch potato to athlete who can run a 5K in just a few months! This is a popular exercise program that seeks to get individuals in good shape to complete a 3.1 mile run when the program ends in the space of 9 weeks. This program was introduced by Josh Clark in 1996.

    The question a lot of people have is: Does Couch to 5k work?

    In summary, the Couch to 5k program uses interval training, that is, moving at different levels of speed during a running session. The plan states what the interested individual must do during the 6-12 weeks of training. These different pace levels help the body to adapt to different levels of speed. It helps your lungs and heart adapt to varying strenuous activities.

    So in the course of weeks, Couch to 5k bolsters the amount of time you spend on running. It also cuts back on time you walk till you can run 3.1 miles without taking a break. 

    Does Couch to 5K work? Yes, it does. But it will help you run 5 kilometers if you stick to the entire training program. Another reason why the program will work is if you fix your diet. 

    If you are struggling with your diet, healthy eating habits, or exercise-related pain, then you can consider supplements from brands like ​New Chapter, Integrative Therapeutics, and Thorne Research. All of these brands can help you stay in top shape. Once you go through the program, you can hit the 5 kilometers mark, and you may even reach amazing new fitness goals!

    10-09-2020 om 16:16 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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