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          De toekomst van het verleden
               is het heden .
          En het heden is de toekomst
              verleden tijd.

    10-09-2006 om 21:37 geschreven door oma

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    >> Reageer (0)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Jij
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Ik weet niet hoe je eruit ziet
    Ik weet niet wie jij bent
    en ik weet ook heel zeker
    dat jij mij nog niet kent
    Maar ik droom van je
    elke nacht weer
    Je loopt dan voor me uit
    en hoe ik ,t ook probeer
    Ik haal je niet in
    je loopt te hard
    en laat mij achter
    in mij smart
    Maar eens zal ik je ontmoeten
    waar je ook bent
    Eens zal ik je inhalen
    hoe hart je ook rent

    10-09-2006 om 21:34 geschreven door oma

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    >> Reageer (0)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.De laatste rozen.
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen De laatste rozen
    lieve schat
    stil, staande bij jou
    voel ik de diepe smart van rouw
    nu besef ik pas goed hoeveel ik van je hou!

    De laatste rozen
    stil, staande bij de kist
    wenste ik .... dt ik hierop het andwoord wist
    dit is het afscheid...onbetwist!

    De laatste rozen
    de laatste zomer
    jouw laatste wens: Eens zijn we weer samen!
    Wat ik van harte wil beamen.

    Verslagen heb ik voor het afscheid gekozen
     deze eenendertig 'laatste rozen.

    10-09-2006 om 21:31 geschreven door oma

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Optimisme
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen

    Gedachten hebben we om te zwijgen
    over onrecht wat wordt aan gedaan
    Een ziel om te lijden
    over misverstanden die bestaan.

    Ogen hebbeb we om te kijken
    naar alles wat scheef is en verkeerd
    hoe armen lijden onder rijken
    een mens die van honger krepeert.

    Monden hebben we om te spreken
    over wat waarheid is of niet
    maar we blijven vaak in gebreke
    verloren moed die ons onrustig achterliet.

    Handen hebben wij om te vouwen
    om te bidden voor rechtvaardigheid
    om opnieuw een wereld op te bouwen
    een waarin geen mens meer lijdt.

    10-09-2006 om 21:26 geschreven door oma

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    >> Reageer (0)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Hoe zeg ik het?
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen De taal bestaat uit zoveel woorden
    Alles is uit te drukken in de taal
    behalve waar mijn leven
    werkelijk om draait.

    Jaren heb ik gezocht
    naar de juiste woorden
    om je te vertellen
    hoeveel ik van je hou
    hoeveel ik om je geef.

    Ik denk dat we nu
    onze mond maar eens moeten houden
    en elkaar op en andere wijze
    onze gevoelens duidelijk moeten maken.

    Onze liefde bestaat niet allleen
    uit een dagelijks: ik hou van jou
    maar omvat veel , veel meer
    Maar dat is niet in woorden uit te drukken
    Begrijp je wel?

    10-09-2006 om 21:20 geschreven door oma

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    >> Reageer (0)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Afscheid van een tweezijdige opdracht
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Zoveel verdriet heb ik je gedaan
    zo moeilijk heb ik het voor ons gemaakt
    Ik kan je niet laten gaan
    dat is iets dat mij te diep raakt.

    Zonder jou is mijn leven incompleet
    voel ik mij zo leeg
    Gun mij wat tijd, ik wist niet wat ik deed
    Had mijzelf niet meer in bedwang
    en gaf jou een veeg
    En jij...?  Jij zweeg!

    Ik wil met jou een toekomst opbouwen
    samen gelukkig zijn
    Alles delen, pure liefde, van elkaar houden
    een waardevol leven, met niet te veel pijn.

    Hopelijk is dit ideaal te realiseren
    Ik ben bereid ervoor te vechten
    en zal jij mij niet de rug toekeren
    zodat wij ook geen wonden hoeven te hechten.

    Onze liefde zal de stormen kunnen overwinnen
    waardoor wij aan een mooie,zonnige toekomst
    kunnen beginnen.
    En , om hieraan te bouwen
    geef ik je mijn hele vertrouwen.

    10-09-2006 om 21:17 geschreven door oma

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    >> Reageer (0)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Tranen
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen De tranen die nu vloeien
    waar komen ze vandaan?
    Van verdriet of vreugde
    of door droefheid in het bestaan?

    De wereld draait steeds sneller
    je houdt het haast niet bij
    het is net een mallemolen
    je voelt je niet meer vrij.

    De haast waarmee je doorleert
    geen tijd en ook misschien
    wil je geen tijd meer voor die ander
    zijn pijn en zorg niet zien

    Je hebt je eigen leven
    je snelt er vlug doorheen
    geen rustpunt kun je vinden
    mijn god,waar gaat dat heen?

    Want kom je eens tot rust
    dan gaan de tranen vloeien
    bedenk dan heel bewust
    aan waarden diie nog boeien.

    10-09-2006 om 21:09 geschreven door oma

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    Hier wat foto,s  van een  lekker weekendje weg
    met mijn zusje en zwager  in Moers Duitsland

    10-09-2006 om 00:00 geschreven door oma

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    >> Reageer (0)
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    No Life Aint
    Always what I wish
    But in this big ocean
    I am but one tiny fish

    Some days are hard
    other days are even harder
    but the path upon which I walk
    I pray can only get better

    In You I have to trust
    But some days I do question
    But it is to You I look
    as my only guiding beacon

    There are days
    full of confusion
    as I try to sort
    thru each illusion

    Days when my heart is heavy
    Yet my faith is steadfast
    I drink Your word
    as my only breakfast

    Yet here I sit
    with worry and confusion
    And wrongly question
    what You place on my children

    In my desperation
    when my fist at you I shake
    I pray it is my heart you see
    and know how bad it aches

    But I know in my heart's depths
    that as I walked life's road
    When reflecting back
    It is You that has carried my load.

    To borrow a lyric from the song
    'No Life Aint Always Beautiful
    but I know I'll be fine
    Hey Life Aint Always Beautiful
    But Its a Beautiful Ride'

    08-09-2006 om 14:25 geschreven door oma

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    The you my heart came to know
    I refuse to lose sight
    The joy you gave
    took the dark into light

    The lonely times filled
    The laughter and your dream we shared
    Your soul to me
    that was so openly bared

    The reflection I gaze upon
    does not reveal the flaw
    I search and search
    and yet can not see what you saw

    Is what I give
    too much
    or is it I am not
    of the right stuff

    To change who I am
    that path I can not trod
    I am who I am
    a creation of God

    So I walk my path
    as always before
    for who knows for me
    what God has in store

    With head held high
    this road of life I climb
    With God as my guide
    I search for my Place In Time


    08-09-2006 om 14:24 geschreven door oma

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    Many times I have been asked
    what I need of love
    You mean the kind that is Angel blessed
    and sent from above?

    Well this is not one
    I need to ponder
    for deep in my heart
    there is no wonder

    To be met at the door
    with a tender sweet kiss
    You know the kind
    that brings heavenly bliss

    That warm loving arm
    in the cold of nite
    that draws me close
    and holds me tight

    That strong shoulder
    for me to lean upon
    but wise enough to know
    when I need to be alone

    That joyful laughter
    in my memory to burn
    the one that sees me thru
    when life's ocean begins to churn

    The tender loving eyes
    that will hold me in trance
    well into the years
    when it becomes difficult to dance

    I want a love
    to have and to hold
    I want a love
    that has yet to be told

    Oh just love me
    like nobody's loved me ....


    08-09-2006 om 14:23 geschreven door oma

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    On September 11, 2001
    we had the blood
    of 5,727 innocent lives
    shed upon American soil
    all in the name of hate..

    They Will All Be
    In Our Hearts Forever

    It is a beautiful sun filled morning
    yet I have an unexplained sense of
    evil and sadness around me.
    The city is awake as travelers
    make their way to work and
    parents getting their children to school.
    I look across at Time Square
    and notice the time is 8:45am
    and thinking you better hurry
    or you will be late for work.

    Suddenly I hear an explosion.
    I look in the direction of the sound
    and see smoke coming from the
    North Tower of the World Trade Center.
    An airplane has crashed into it's side.

    There is mass confusion.
    Police and Fire Fighters are rushing into
    the Tower to help the people exit to safety.
    Oh Dear Lord people are jumping
    out of the windows and falling to
    the street below. What is this hell
    that has been cast upon us?

    People stare in shock and disbelief
    now as a second plane flies directly
    into the South Tower.
    Looking back at Time Square
    I see the time now is 9:03 am.
    The streets are littered with paper
    and debris from the offices in the two Towers.
    It's now 10:05am and people
    are now running from that direction
    as I witness the the South Tower
    crumbling to the street below.
    Trapping thousands ...
    Moms and Dads,
    Sisters and Brothers,
    Sons and Daughters.


    Oh the dust,
    the smoke,
    the flying debris is so thick
    you can see nothing.
    It is all but impossible to breathe.
    The pain of what has happened is so
    great you can feel nothing else.

    It is 9:43 am there are reports
    of another plane flying into the Pentagon
    in Washington D.C.
    I don't understand.
    What is happening?
    Who could wish such horrid wishes
    or even entertain such unthinkable thoughts.
    Why is this happening in a country
    that represents Freedom and
    welcomes strangers from
    any land to pursue a better life?

    A life of Freedom,
    in my America?

    I try to reason
    when I know deep inside there is none.
    I hear the words echoing in the air 'Lets Roll'.
    It is now 10:10 am and yet another report
    of a hijacked plane crashing
    in Summerset County in Pennsylvania

    It is now 10:28 as I witness the
    North Tower tumbling to join her sister
    that already lay upon the street below
    I look across at the Lady of the city.
    Even though the air is thick
    and visibility is poor,
    I see something glistening
    on her cheek in the last few remaining rays
    of the morning sun.

    It is but one lone tear.

    08-09-2006 om 14:22 geschreven door oma

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    She stands upon the stage
    a radiant beauty in the spotlight
    Her elegant costume barely covering
    Yet it is only here she feels all is right

    For it is this nite
    she can be who she wishes to be
    and spread her wings wide
    and soar the heavens so free

    The beat of her heart quickens
    as the music begins and possesses her body
    She feels the chains breaking free
    for when she dances there is no boundary

    Her body moves
    as gentle as a ripple upon a lake
    with burning men wishing to ride
    just once in her wake

    But she does not dance
    for any other pleasure than her own
    This nite she stands as one upon the stage
    where her spirit is set free and reborn

    Her dance of liberation
    is like nothing else you will ever see
    It's like that of a beautiful butterfly
    struggling to be set free

    So your Private Dancer
    I'm afraid she will never be
    She will be the first to say
    Oh when I dance I dance for me

    08-09-2006 om 14:11 geschreven door oma

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    Looking thru this rain speckled window
    With no purpose or reason
    Wondering why
    it never seems to be my season

    I have so much love to give
    I stand strong and stable
    Yet my heart is always
    just left upon the table

    What is the great flaw
    that I just can't seem to see
    voiding me from the taste of love
    that will finally set me free

    Life could be so easy
    if my heart you would only see
    Just open up yours
    and trust in me

    Are those rain drops I see
    or tears from my heart
    why can't I ever see
    the end from the start

    Your heart I would treasure
    Your laughter I cast on the wind
    If you could only love me
    as more than just a friend.


    08-09-2006 om 14:00 geschreven door oma

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    A Door or Adore

    There are lots of ways to say things,
    and lots of ways to rhyme.
    If I say I adore you,
    does it open a door in my mind?

    There are things that sound like,
    but are not the same at all.
    Communications is so important,
    some people’s feelings may take a fall.

    It matters how you word things,
    and the way you say them too.
    The tone of your voice is important,
    it matters whatever you do.

    If I always scream things,
    who will listen when I speak?
    People like to be spoken to kindly,
    so watch your words and make them meek.

    Niceness makes everyone happy,
    God says this way is best.
    People will listen if you use,
    words that give hearts a true quest.


    07-09-2006 om 23:06 geschreven door oma

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    Will it stop the pain?
    Will it make me feel better?
    It is unbearable, and I can’t help but


    Why must everything be this or that?
    Why must everything be so hard?
    Especially to love
    And to stay in love


    My eyes are red
    And I dry them and wonder if you know what is happening to me
    What I am going through
    Do you even care?
    What kind of man are you
    Is it easy to take and take?
    Is it easy to walk away to another?
    Do you care of my pain and my lost


    Will it stop the pain?
    Will it make me feel better?
    It is unbearable, and I can’t help but
    To cry

    So tonight I lie upon my bed
    And tears flow and I wonder
    What was it all for?
    All this time--
    All the conversations, plans, dreams,
    The I Love Yous
    The never to live without me
    or that I was the best thing that ever happened to you

    Was it all a sham?
    To obtain only what you need and wanted
    And you never thought about me
    That I am also a human, who feels, who breathes air,
    who loves, and who loved you.
    Did you know, it all left me so all alone and left me





    07-09-2006 om 23:05 geschreven door oma

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    Dry your tears

    dry your eyes
    let the salty water touch your fingers
    feel the icy chill
    the taps flowing
    the water running
    what is the cause of this
    my child
    my angel
    my life
    why do you cry?
    does your soul feel shattered?
    does your body feel broken?
    Did you let down your barrier?
    The one you hold so dear
    The one you yearn for
    Did you let him in?
    With out knowing it
    Only to have a little bud grow in the barrier
    To grow
    To consume
    Till the very essence that was there before
    Fell into pieces
    Like a ruin of a palace
    Beautiful when alive
    Haunting and chilling
    Once the life is gone
    And the rain falls
    The palace can never be how it was before
    It can be replaced…
    But not as strong
    Not as stable
    Or it can be replaced by a different palace
    One that is blacker
    Harder to crack
    And fall to pieces
    But the door will be harder to move
    When the time comes
    What palace will you chose?
    Either way
    My child
    My angel
    My life
    Dry your eyes
    And live to see another day


    07-09-2006 om 23:01 geschreven door oma

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    Granny Angel

    Granny Angel watches over me
    She's not really my granny
    But she is to me.
    Even though you'd never ask
    Or feel bad about
    Taking her charity
    She's just one of those people
    Who reaches out
    With genoristy and kindness,
    To lend a helping hand,
    She knows she
    Doesn't have to
    But she does
    It's nice to know
    That someone cares,
    She's always there
    Whether it be
    In good times or need.
    Granny Angel, thank you!
    It's a blessing
    That we have
    A special angel like you!


    07-09-2006 om 23:00 geschreven door oma

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    Ill see you in deaths time
    In a another world
    Ill miss you so much and more
    But it is time I let you go

    There is nothing I can do for you
    I say this for truth
    I love you with all my heart
    Forever more will this be true

    I watch your life go by
    With pain and suffering
    Now it is time to let go
    And finally say goodbye

    Ill miss you
    Ill always love you
    But now there is nothing to be said
    And nothing to be done

    Ill see you sometime
    In that heaven your in
    Because that is where you’ll be
    When I come in

    Until then
    Ill be seeing you
    Ill miss you a lot
    But remember this is not a good bye
    For I will join you
    Somewhere out there

    07-09-2006 om 22:59 geschreven door oma

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    little ones

    Watching them sleep,they are so sweet,
    my 3 angels from god,was gonna tickle their feet.
    I hear their laughs and see their smiles everyday
    there is nothing I wouldnt do for my kids,and no price i wouldnt pay.
    without them in my life i would be so lost,
    they keep me going,and i would do anything for them at any cost.
    Lifes so short not to enjoy the little things
    I look at my kids and my heart just sings.
    I never thought in a million years I could love anyone
    like I do them,They make my life so complete
    and full of joy,and at christmas they get alot of toys.
    Bedtime stories they love to hear,I hold those times close
    and very dear.To see them hurt and eyes full of tears
    makes me wrap my around them,and hold them near.
    Wipe the little noses dry and send them off to school.oopps wait
    you forgot your kiss goodbye.Off they go to learn new things
    a,b,c's 1,2,3s.Your mommys little girls,thats without a doubt,but to daddy
    your sam,guts and dork.Your my daughters,my angels that shine so bright,
    its late now,,so mommy will say goodnight.......


    07-09-2006 om 22:59 geschreven door oma

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