Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Lacrima E Pioggia ((English, French, & German Versions: Rain And Tears (by Aphrodite's Child); Quelques Larmes De Pluie (by Dalida); Regenzeit-Tränenleid (by Dalida)) Composer(s): Pallavincini - Pachelbel - E. Papathanassieu - Boris Bergman Performer(s): Dalida
Piangi e tu, dici che Non é, non è Che pioggia su di te Io lo so, so come sei E mai, e mai io crederti potrò
Già troppe volte ormai Han pianto gli occhi tuoi
Piangi e tu, dici che Non è, non è Che pioggia su di te
Già troppe volte ormai Han pianto gli occhi tuoi
Piangi e tu dici che Non è non è Che pioggia su di te Piangi e tu non lo sai Che ma che mai Lasciarti io potrei Piova o no, se vorrai Negli occhi tuoi Il sole porterò
Ballad Of The Green Berets
Composer(s): Barry Sadler - Robert Moore
Performer(s): Barry Sadler
and multiple other artists
Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Trained to live off nature's land
Trained in combat, hand-to-hand
Men who fight by night and day
Courage peak from the Green Berets
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Back at home a young wife waits
Her Green Beret has met his fate
He has died for those oppressed
Leaving her his last request
"Put silver wings on my son's chest
Make him one of America's best
He'll be a man they'll test one day
Have him win the Green Beret"
Lace Covered Window Performer(s): The Tidbits; The Small Faces
When you walk through the world all alone And your dreams went to ashes behind you Then the tears in your eyes will remind you Of a view through a lace covered window
Nothing seems very clear anymore In your world everything is uncertain How you wish you could pull back the curtain Just to see through that lace covered window See the world through that lace covered window
(But you'll never know just what life has in store) (What's waiting there to greet you) (So pull back the curtain and maybe once more) (True love is there to meet you)
So you'll walk side by side through the world No more times full of darkness and sorrow Every day is a bright new tomorrow When you go through that lace covered window
Every day is a bright new tomorrow When you go through that lace covered window Let the sun through that lace covered window
Ballad Of The Chrome Nun
Composer(s): David Freiberg - Grace Slick
Performer(s): Paul Kantner & Grace Slick
Look in the mirror you're lookin' guilty Did the devil just give you the nod You may be thinking you're funny lookin' Well you're right that's right you're plenty odd But think about it think about it If you were funny enough You could play great god
And I would fall down on my knees to you Fall down flat on my face I don't have to ask you where you're going I just sit here laughing & I watch the race
Nobody needs to baptize me Anytime I laugh I got religion Cross my forehead cross my knees I'll take any good sign I'm a clay pigeon Nobody needs to baptize me Anytime I laugh I got religion And I fall down on my knees to you I fall down flat on my face
L'accordéoniste Composer(s): Michel Emer First release by: Edith Piaf - 1942 Covered by multiple other artists
La fille de joie est belle Au coin de la rue là-bas Elle a une clientèle Qui lui remplit son bas Quand son boulot s'achève Elle s'en va à son tour Chercher un peu de rêve Dans un bal du faubourg Son homme est un artiste C'est un drôle d' p'tit gars Un accordéoniste Qui sait jouer la java Elle écoute la java Mais elle ne la danse pas Elle ne regarde même pas la piste Et ses yeux amoureux Suivent le jeu nerveux Et les doigts secs et longs de l'artiste Ça lui rentre dans la peau Par le bas, par le haut Elle a envie de chanter C'est physique Tout son être est tendu Son souffle est suspendu C'est une vraie tordue de la musique La fille de joie est triste Au coin de la ru là-bas Son accordéoniste Il est parti soldat Quand il reviendra de la guerre Ils prendront une maison Elle sera la caissière Et lui, sera le patron Que la vie sera belle Ils seront de vrais pachas Et tous les soirs pour elle Il jouera la java Elle écoute la java Qu'elle fredonne tout bas Elle revoit son accordéoniste Et ses yeux amoureux Suivent le jeu nerveux Et les doigts secs et longs de l'artiste Ça lui rentre dans la peau Par le bas, par le haut Elle a envie de pleurer C'est physique Tout son être est tendu Son souffle est suspendu C'est une vraie tordue de la musique La fille de joie est seule Au coin de la rue là-bas Les filles qui font la gueule Les hommes n'en veulent pas Et tant pis si elle crève Son homme ne reviendra plus Adieux tous les beaux rêves Sa vie, elle est foutue Pourtant ses jambes tristes L'emmènent au boui-boui Où 'y a un autre artiste Qui joue toute la nuit Elle écoute la java... ...elle entend la java ...elle a fermé les yeux les doigts secs et nerveux... Ça lui rentre dans la peau Par le bas, par le haut Elle a envie de gueuler C'est physique Alors pour oublier Elle s'est mise à danser, à tourner Au son de la musique... ... Arrêtez! Arrêtez la musique!...
Ballad Of The Alamo
Composer(s): Dimitri Tiomkin - Paul Francis Webster
Performer(s): Marty Robbins
and multiple other artists
In the southern part of Texas, in the town of San Antone There's a fortress all in ruin that the weeds have overgrown You may look in vain for crosses and you'll never see a one But sometime between the setting and the rising of the sun You can hear a ghostly bugle as the men go marching by You can hear them as they answer to that roll call in the sky Colonel Travis, Davy Crockett and a hundred eighty more Captain Dickenson, Jim Bowie, present and accounted for
Back in 1836, Houston said to Travis "Get some volunteers and go fortify the Alamo" Well, the men came from Texas and from old Tennessee And they joined up with Travis just to fight for the right to be free
Indian scouts with squirrel guns, men with muzzle loaders Stood together heel and toe to defend the Alamo "You may never see your loved ones," Travis told them that day "Those that want to can leave now, those who'll fight to the death, let 'em stay"
In the sand he drew a line with his army sabre Out of a hundred eighty five, not a soldier crossed the line With his banners a-dancin' in the dawn's golden light Santa Anna came prancin' on a horse that was black as the night
He sent an officer to tell Travis to surrender Travis answered with a shell and a rousin' rebel yell Santa Anna turned scarlet: "Play Degüello," he roared "I will show them no quarter, everyone will be put to the sword"
One hundred and eighty five holdin' back five thousand Five days, six days, eight days, ten; Travis held and held again Then he sent for replacements for his wounded and lame But the troops that were comin' never came, never came, never came
Twice he charged, then blew recall On the fatal third time Santa Anna breached the wall and he killed them one and all Now the bugles are silent and there's rust on each sword And the small band of soldiers lie asleep in the arms of The Lord
In the southern part of Texas, near the town of San Antone Like a statue on his Pinto rides a cowboy all alone And he sees the cattle grazin' where a century before Santa Anna's guns were blazin' and the cannons used to roar And his eyes turn sort of misty, and his heart begins to glow And he takes his hat off slowly to the men of Alamo To the thirteen days of glory at the seige of Alamo
L'accident ((Adapted from: Vehicle (by The Ides of March) - 1970)) Composer(s): Jim Peterik - Eddy Mitchell Performer(s): Eddy Mitchell - 1970
Dès que j'étendis l'horrible choc Provoqué par l'accident J'ai bondi, bousculant des personnes Qui restaient là les bras ballants J'avais peur de savoir J'avais peur de te voir Couchée là, étendue Brisée et presque nue Et tu es là C'est toi L'accident ne t'épargne pas Pourquoi le ciel a-t-il voulu ça?
Et j'ai revu dans ma mémoire Les causes de l'accident Tu vivais perdue dans ta nuit noire Des amours de femme-enfant Je m'éloignais de toi Et tu doutais de moi Rongée par les remords Tu as cherché la mort Et tu es là C'est toi L'accident ne t'épargne pas Pourquoi le ciel a-t-il voulu ça? Mais pourquoi?
Ça y est l'ambulance est partie T'emmenant vers le repos Tu vivras, le docteur l'a dit J'ai bu chacun de ses mots Maintenant j'ai mes remords Bien sûr j'ai eu des torts Je me croyais très fort Bien plus que l'eau qui dort Et je reste là Sans toi L'accident ne m'épargne pas Pourquoi le ciel a-t-il voulu ça?
Et j'ai très mal Si mal Que tout au monde m'est égal Pourquoi le ciel a-t-il voulu ça?
L'absent Composer(s): Louis Amade - Gilbert Bécaud Performer(s): Gilbert Bécaud
Qu'elle est lourde à porter l'absence de l'ami L'ami qui tous les soirs venait à cette table Et qui ne viendra plus, la mort est misérable Qui poignarde le cur et qui te déconstruit
Il avait dit un jour: "Lorsque je partirai Pour les lointains pays au-delà de la terre Vous ne pleurerez pas, vous lèverez vos verres Et vous boirez pour moi à mon éternité"
Dans le creux de mes nuits, pourtant, je voudrais bien Boire à son souvenir pour lui rester fidèle Mais j'ai trop de chagrin et sa voix qui m'appelle Se plante comme un clou dans le creux de ma main
Alors je reste là au bord de mon passé Silencieux et vaincu, pendant que sa voix passe Et j'écoute la vie s'installer à sa place Sa place qui pourtant demeure abandonnée
La vie de chaque jour aux minuscules joies Veut remplir à tout prix le vide de l'absence Mais elle ne pourra pas, avec ses manigances Me prendre mon ami pour la seconde fois
Qu'elle est lourde à porter l'absence de l'ami Qu'elle est lourde à porter l'absence de l'ami!
Ballad Of Mott The Hoople
Composer(s): Buffin V. Allen - Ian Hunter - Mick Ralphs - Overend Watts
Performer(s): Mott The Hoople
I changed my name in search of fame To find the midas touch Oh I wish I'd never wanted then What I want now twice as much We crossed the mighty oceans And we had a few divides But we never crossed emotion For we felt too much inside
You know all the tales we tell You know the band so well Still I feel, somehow, we let you down We went off somewhere on the way And now I see we have to pay The rock'n'roll circus is in town
Buffin lost his child-like dreams And mick lost his guitar And verden grew a line or two And overend's just a rock'n'roll star Behind these shades the visions fade As I learn a thing or two Oh but if I had my time again You all know just what I'd do
Rock'n'roll's a loser's game It mesmerises and I can't explain The reasons for the sights and for the sounds We went off somewhere on the way And now I see we have to pay The rock'n'roll circus is in town
So rock'n'roll's a loser's game It mesmerises and I can't explain The reasons for the sights and for the sounds The greasepaint still sticks to my face So what the hell, I can't erase The rock'n'roll feeling from my mind
From my mind...from my mind...from my mind From my miiiiiind...from my miiiiind...from my miiiiiiiiind From my miiiiiiiiiiiind
Laberinto De Tinieblas Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute
Y este invento, de qué va qué se teje tras el nudo de vivir en el absurdo de la noche sideral obligados a buscar invidentes, sordomudos desde el pozo más profundo un poco de oscuridad
Qué guadaña habrá detrás de la muerte del Demiurgo que nos puso en este mundo al amparo del Azar libres frente a la verdad de saber que no hay más rumbo que la regla del embudo y su solución mortal
Si esto tiene algún sentido que venga Dios y lo vea y, si no entiende todo esto es el Delirio es que perdió la cabeza en este laberinto de tinieblas...
Qué pecado fue el de Adán que aún pagamos su insolencia padeciendo la condena de vivir la dualidad de ser Dios t Satanás combatiendo esquizofrenias con la espada maniquea que separa el bien del mal
Qué se propondrá este vals de acróbatas y piruetas en la pista de una esfera que no cesa de girar recorriendo la Espiral que barrenan las estrellas de la inmensa voltereta que va de siempre a jamás
Si esto tiene algún sentido que venga Dios y lo vea y, si no entiende todo esto es el Delirio es que perdió la cabeza en este laberinto de tinieblas...
The Ballad Of Easy Rider
Composer(s): Roger McGuinn
First release by: Roger McGuinn - 1969
Covered by multiple other artists
The river flows It flows to the sea Wherever that river goes That's where I want to be Flow river flow Let your waters wash down Take me from this road To some other town
All he wanted Was to be free And that's the way It turned out to be Flow river flow Let your waters wash down Take me from this road To some other town
Flow river flow Past the shaded tree Go river, go Go to the sea Flow to the sea
The river flows It flows to the sea Wherever that river goes That's where I want to be Flow river flow Let your waters wash down Take me from this road To some other town
Cuando soy un taxista siempre el mar está cerca Cuando soy un pianista acaricio las notas de tu corazón Cuando soy un pintor pinto tu alma de almendros Cuando soy cocinero sabe tu boca a cabellos de ángel
Y cuando soy yo mismo te regalo las llaves de mi laberinto
Cuando soy un obispo son tus besos catedrales Cuando soy un ladrón robo todas tus penas Cuando soy un piloto te veo en cada nube Cuando soy un mendigo brillo de codicia al verte
Y cuando soy yo mismo te regalo las llaves de mi laberinto
Cuando soy un albañil te construyo un palafito Cuando soy un profesor apruebo tu conducta Cuando soy un marinero te regalo los vientos Y cuando soy un juez te declaro inocente
Y cuando soy yo mismo te regalo las llaves de mi laberinto
Ballad Of A Teenage Queen
Composer(s): Jack Clement
First release by: Johnny Cash - 1957
Covered by multiple other artists
(Dream on, dream on teenage queen prettiest girl we've ever seen)
There's a story in our town Of the prettiest girl around Golden hair and eyes of blue How those eyes could flash at you (How those eyes could flash at you) Boys hung 'round her by the score But she loved the boy next door who worked at the candy store (Dream on, dream on teenage queen prettiest girl we've ever seen)
She was tops in all they said It never once went to her head She had everything it seems Not a care, this teenage queen (Not a care, this teenage queen) Other boys could offer more But she loved the boy next door who worked at the candy store (Dream on, dream on teenage queen you should be a movie queen)
He would marry her next spring Saved his money, bought a ring Then one day a movie scout Came to town to take her out (Came to town to take her out) Hollywood could offer more So she left the boy next door working at the candy store (Dream on, dream on teenage queen see you on the movie screen)
Very soon she was a star Pretty house and shiny car Swimming pool and a fence around But she missed her old home town (But she missed her old home town) All the world was at her door All except the boy next door who worked at the candy store (Dream on, dream on teenage queen saddest girl we've ever seen)
Then one day the teenage star Sold her house and all her cars Gave up all her wealth and fame Left it all and caught a train (Left it all and caught a train) Do I have to tell you more She came back to the boy next door who worked at the candy store
(Now this story has some more, you'll hear it all at the candy store)
Là-Bas C'est Naturel Performer(s): Serge Gainsbourg; Cyro Baptista
Là-bas c'est naturel là-bas Au Ke- Nya Pour tous les naturels C'est O.K. Chacune Est en deux pièces moins une Chacun dans ce noir paradis En monokini
Si nous allons un jour Là-bas Au Ke- Nya Je te dirai alors C'est O.K. Aucune Pudeur aucun souci Tu te cacheras si tu veux Derrière tes cheveux
Mais si nous n'allons pas Là-bas Au Ke- Nya Je te dirai quand même C'est O.K. Rien qu'une Petite pièce moins l'autre Et pour l'amour en moins de deux En deux pièces moins deux
Ballad In Plain D
Composer(s): Bob Dylan
First release by: Bob Dylan - 1964
Covered by multiple other artists
I once loved a girl, her skin it was bronze With the innocence of a lamb, she was gentle like a fawn I courted her proudly but now she is gone Gone as the season she's taken
Through young summer's breeze, I stole her away From her mother and sister, though close did they stay Each one of them suffering from the failures of their day With strings of guilt they tried hard to guide us
Of the two sisters, I loved the young With sensitive instincts, she was the creative one The constant scapegoat, she was easily undone By the jealousy of others around her
For her parasite sister, I had no respect Bound by her boredom, her pride to protect Countless visions of the other she'd reflect As a crutch for her scenes and her society
Myself, for what I did, I cannot be excused The changes I was going through can't even be used For the lies that I told her in hopes not to lose The could-be dream-lover of my lifetime
With unknown consciousness, I possessed in my grip A magnificent mantelpiece, though its heart being chipped Noticing not that I'd already slipped To a sin of love's false security
From silhouetted anger to manufactured peace Answers of emptiness, voice vacancies Till the tombstones of damage read me no questions but "Please What's wrong and what's exactly the matter?"
And so it did happen like it could have been foreseen The timeless explosion of fantasy's dream At the peak of the night, the king and the queen Tumbled all down into pieces
"The tragic figure!" her sister did shout "Leave her alone, God damn you, get out!" And I in my armor, turning about And nailing her to the ruins of her pettiness
Beneath a bare light bulb the plaster did pound Her sister and I in a screaming battleground And she in between, the victim of sound Soon shattered as a child 'neath her shadows
All is gone, all is gone, admit it, take flight I gagged twice, doubled, tears blinding my sight My mind it was mangled, I ran into the night Leaving all of love's ashes behind me
The wind knocks my window, the room it is wet The words to say I'm sorry, I haven't found yet I think of her often and hope whoever she's met Will be fully aware of how precious she is
Ah, my friends from the prison, they ask unto me "How good, how good does it feel to be free?" And I answer them most mysteriously "Are birds free from the chains of the skyway?"
Laat Ons Vergeven En Vergeten
Composer(s): Jimmy Frey - Cahelo
Performer(s): Jimmy Frey
Laat ons vergeven en vergeten
Je weet een mens leeft maar een keer
We zijn niet bij elkaar gebleven
Te jong, en dat gebeurt wel meer.
Laat ons vergeven en vergeten
We zijn zo radeloos geweest
En hadden toen al moeten weten
Dat onze liefde nooit geneest
Want zeg nu eerlijk
Wat is er mooier
Dan samen gelukkig te zijn
En daarom vraag ik je weer
Laat ons vergeven voor de laatste keer
Laat ons vergeven en vergeten
Nu gaan we leven voor elkaar
Een nieuwe liefde weer beleven
In elk gevoel, in elk gebaar
Want zeg nu eerlijk
Wat is er mooier
Dan samen gelukkig te zijn
En daarom vraag ik je weer
Laat ons vergeven voor de laatste keer
Ballad For The Fallen Soldier
Composer(s): Ronald Isley - Rudolph Isley - O'Kelly Isley - Ernie Isley - Marvin Isley - Chris Jasper
Performer(s): The Isley Brothers
I remember when I was much younger than now I used to sit and listen to the news I was the only child And another day and another night Wishin' daddy would come home Me and mom couldn't sleep at night
He had just went off to fight For the things we thought were right So determined to survive I believe he's still alive
I sing the ballad for the fallen soldiers This is a ballad for the fallen soldiers
I wrote to my Congressman He sends his regrets That he's missing in action But don't give up yet
So many people Waitin' like me Who's got the answer What could it be
His country wanted him to fight For the things they thought were right And he tried to give his all In DC his name is on the wall
I sing the ballad for the fallen soldiers This is a ballad for the fallen soldiers I sing the ballad for the fallen soldiers This is the ballad for the fallen soldiers
He had just went off to fight For the things we thought were right So determined to survive I believe he's still alive
I sing the ballad for the fallen soldiers This is a ballad for the fallen soldiers I sing the ballad for the fallen soldiers This is a ballad for the fallen soldiers
Laat Ons Goede Vrienden Zijn Composer(s): Rocco Granata - Ke Riema Performer(s): Marva
Laat ons goede vrienden zijn Ook al wensen wij misschien Meer voor elkaar te betekenen Veel meer in elkaar te zien
Laat ons goede vrienden Neem m'n hand en geef me raad Spreek me echter nooit van liefde Nu is het daarvoor te laat
Omdat m'n hart reeds aan een ander toebehoort En omdat jij ook trouw moet blijven aan je woord Om niet te leven, voortgedreven door bedrog en valse schijn Mogen wij twee alleen maar goede vrienden zijn
Zo jij werkelijk om me geeft Ook al doet het je wat pijn Mocht je mij het nu bewijzen Laat ons goede vrienden zijn
Omdat m'n hart reeds aan een ander toebehoort En omdat jij ook trouw moet blijven aan je woord Om niet te leven, voortgedreven door bedrog en valse schijn Mogen wij twee alleen maar goede vrienden zijn
Laat ons goede vrienden zijn Waarom zou dit niet volstaan Meer kan jij echt niet verlangen Dring dus maar niet verder aan Laat ons goede vrienden zijn
Ballad For Americans
Composer(s): Earl Robinson - John LaTouche
Performer(s): Paul Robeson; Earl Robinson
In seventy-six the sky was red
thunder rumbling overhead
Bad King George couldn't sleep in his bed
And on that stormy morn, Ol' Uncle Sam was born
Some birthday!
Ol' Sam put on a three cornered hat
And in a Richmond church he sat
And Patrick Henry told him that while America drew breath
It was "Liberty or death"
What kind of hat is a three-cornered hat?
Did they all believe in liberty in those days?
Nobody who was anybody believed it
Ev'rybody who was anybody they doubted it
Nobody had faith
Nobody but Washington, Tom Paine, Benjamin Franklin
Chaim Solomon, Crispus Attucks, Lafayette
The nobodies ran a trea party at Boston
Betsy Ross organized a sewing circle
Paul Revere had a horse race
And a little ragged group believed it
And some gentlemen and ladies believed it
And some wise men and some fools, and I believed it too
And you know who I am
Who are you mister?
Yeah, how come all this?
Well, I'll tell you
It's like this...
No let us tell you
Mister Tom Jefferson, a mighty fine man
He wrote it down in a mighty fine plan
And the rest all signed it with a mighty fine hand
As they crossed thier T's and dotted their I's
A bran' new country did arise
And a mighty fine idea
"Adopted unanimously in Congress July 4, 1776
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal
That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights
That among these rights are
Life, Yes sir!
Liberty, That's right!
And the pursuit of happiness"
Is that what they said?
The very words
That does sound mighty fine
Building a nation is awful tough
The people found the going rough
Still nobody who was anybody believed it
Everybody who anybody they stayed at home
But Lewis and Clarke and the pioneers
Driven by hunger, haunted by fears
The Klondike miners and the forty niners
Some wanted freedom and some wanted riches
Some liked to loaf while others dug ditches
But they believed it
And I believed it too
And you know who I am
No, who are you anyway, Mister?
Well, you see it's like this
I started to tell you
I represent the whole...
Why that's it!
Let my people go
That's the idea!
Old Abe Lincoln was thin and long
His heart was high and his faith was strong
But he hated oppression, he hated wrong
And he went down to his grave to free the slave
A man in white skin can never be free while his black brother is in slavery
"And we here highly resolve that these dead shall not haave died in vain
And this government of the people, by the people and for the people
Shall not perish from the Earth"
Abraham Lincoln said that on November 19, 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
And he was right
I believe that too
Say, we still don't know who you are, mister
Well, I started to tell you...
The machine age came with a great big roar
As America grew in peace and war
And a million wheels went around and 'round
The cities reached into the sky
And dug down deep into the ground
And some got rich and some got poor
But the people carried through
So our country grew
Still nobody who was anybody believed it
Everybody who was anybody they doubted it
And they are doubting still
And I guess they always will
But who cares what they say whem I am on my way
Say, will you please tell us who you are?
What's your name, Buddy?
Where you goin'?
Who are you?
Well, I'm the everybody who's nobody
I'm the nobody who's everybody
What's your racket?
What do you do for a living?
Well, I'm an
Engineer, musician, street cleaner, carpenter, teacher
How about a farmer?
Office clerk?
Yes sir!
That's right
Factory worker?
You said it
Yes ma'am
Truck driver?
Miner, seamstress, ditchdigger, all of them
I am the "etceteras" and the "and so forths" that do the work
Now hold on here, what are you trying to give us?
Are you an American?
Am I an American?
I'm just an Irish, Jewish, Italian
French and English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Polish
Scotch, Hungarian, Swedish, Finnish, Greek and Turk and Czech
And that ain't all
I was baptized Baptist, Methodist, Congregationalist, Luthern,
Atheist, Roman Catholic, Jewish, Presbyterian, Seventh Day Adventist
Mormon, Quaker, Christian Scientist and lots more
You sure are something
Our country's strong, our country's young
And her greatest songs are still unsung
From her plains and mountains we have sprung
To keep the faith with those who went before
We nobodies who are anybody believe it
We anybodies who are everybody have no doubts
Out of the cheating, out of the shouting
Deep as our valleys
High as our mountains
Strong as the people who made it
For I have always believed it, and I believe it now
And now you know who I am
Who are you?
America! America!
Laat Ons Een Bloem ((Adapted from: Leave Them A Flower (by Wally Whyton) - 1969)) Composer(s): Wally Whyton - Phil Van Cauwenbergh Performer(s): Louis Neefs - 1970
Dit is een lied voor de mensen die zorgen Dat morgen de mensen al dood zullen zijn Dit is een lied voor de doden van morgen Begraven, bekist in een stenen woestijn
Laat ons een bloem en wat gras dat nog groen is Laat ons een boom en het zicht op de zee Vergeet voor één keer hoeveel geld een miljoen is De wereld die moet nog een eeuwigheid mee
Je breekt en je hakt en je boort door de bergen Je maakt elke heuvel gelijk met de grond De reuzen van nu lijken morgen maar dwergen Vooruitgang vernield wat er gisteren nog stond
Laat ons een bloem en wat gras dat nog groen is Laat ons een boom en het zicht op de zee Vergeet voor één keer hoeveel geld een miljoen is De wereld die moet nog een eeuwigheid mee
De vis in de zeeën vergiftigd, gestorven Het zand op de stranden vervuild door mazout En jij door je tankers en chequeboek bedorven Je weet zelfs niet meer waar de meeuw heeft gebroed
Laat ons een bloem en wat gras dat nog groen is Laat ons een boom en het zicht op de zee Vergeet voor één keer hoeveel geld een miljoen is De wereld die moet nog een eeuwigheid mee
En zo zal dan morgen het leven verdwijnen Verslagen door staal en gewapend beton De maan zal dan koud op je nachtmerrie schijnen Geen mens die nog weet hoe het einde begon
Laat ons een bloem en wat gras dat nog groen is Laat ons een boom en het zicht op de zee Vergeet voor één keer hoeveel geld een miljoen is De wereld die moet nog een eeuwigheid mee
De wereld die moet nog een eeuwigheid mee Een eeuwigheid mee Een eeuwigheid mee Een eeuwigheid mee Een eeuwigheid mee Een eeuwigheid mee Een eeuwigheid mee Een eeuwigheid mee