~ Happy Birthday to My Beautiful Daughter ~
Happy Birthday dear one, The years certainly have flown by havent they? Once you were cradled in my arms And the next day Youre grown and have moved away.
There isnt a hour that goes by When I do not think about you; I ponder what youre doing this very minute, and I wonder if you are happy? Have you found your station in life And is it what you dreamed about When you were a little girl?
You have a wonderful mind, and spirit, You have drive, and fortitude, You have compassion, and You are not self-centered. You are full of gratitude when others are kind to you.
Whatever you set your mind to You can not fail; Above all, you have put God first in your life, God can surely say to you, Well done, my good and faithful servant.
I am ever so thankful that you Have permitted God to be your pilot.
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