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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Budi the baby orangutan who is critically video Nederlands

    Budi the baby orangutan who is critically ill at IAR's Orangutan Rescue Centre

    Our team in Indonesia is providing intensive care for a baby orangutan that is seriously ill after suffering months of neglect. For the first year of his life little Budi was kept as a pet in a chicken cage and fed entirely on condensed milk. 

    Budi arrived at IAR’s Orangutan Rescue Centre in Ketapang in December. A local from Kubing in Ketapang had informed the authorities that she was willing to hand over a small baby orangutan that she had been keeping as a pet. She also admitted that the baby was very sick. The rescue team, Rudi from the Agency for Natural Resources Conservation in Ketapang (BKSDA), Andi from the Gunung Palung National Park, and Dr Ayu Handayani and Riyan from IAR, responded to the call immediately. After a journey of more than 10 hours by boat and by road, Budi arrived safely at the centre.

    Budi's condition was extremely critical during the journey and on arrival at the centre. "Budi had spent more than 10 months in a chicken cage, drinking only condensed milk," said Dr Ayu Handayani. Ever since Budi was captured while still a small baby, until he was rescued by IAR and BKSDA, this infant had been given no solid food. "The owner said that she was afraid to give Budi any fruits and thought that giving condensed milk would be sufficient.”

    Inevitably Budi presented signs of severe malnutrition. His body was swollen up with fluid owing to the lack of protein. Initial reports from Dr Ayu state that Budi was extremely weak, unable to move and also suffering from severe anaemia. Budi is being monitored and observed round the clock by IAR’s team of vets.

    "We cannot even imagine how much pain this small baby has suffered", says Dr Karmele L Sanchez, IAR’s Programme Director in Indonesia. "His eyes fill with tears every time he's moved by the doctors and he screams in pain. It's really amazing that Budi has been able to survive this long."

    Budi is now making a slow recovery in the International Animal Rescue clinic. At first he didn’t have the strength even to sit up on his own but can now sit unsupported for short periods of time. He is also being treated for a severe metabolic disease affecting his bones. His limbs are malformed because malnutrition has prevented them from developing properly. Budi has a very long way to go on the road to recovery and it is still too early to know whether he has sustained any permanent damage. 

    Karmele adds:"At the moment we are still worried for his life and trying to minimise his pain. But Budi is a very strong little baby and he is fighting very hard to survive."

           Ondervoede baby oerang-oetang na tien maanden bevrijd uit kippenhok

    Screenshot. © Youtube.

    Een baby orang-oetang, die de eerste tien maanden van zijn leven in een klein kippenhok doorbracht en enkel overleefde op gecondenseerde melk, heeft eindelijk de zorg gekregen die hij nodig heeft. Toen Budi overhandigd werd aan de International Animal Rescue (IAR) was het jonge dier verschrikkelijk ondervoed en werd gevreesd voor zijn overlevingskansen. Ondanks alles blijft hij vechten.

    Budi arriveerde in december van vorig jaar in een opvangcentrum van IAR, nadat zijn eigenaar hem overhandigd had. De vrouw gaf toe dat het dier heel erg ziek was en bijna een jaar in een kooi had gezeten. "Zijn eigenaar zegt dat ze bang was om Budi fruit te geven en dacht dat de gecondenseerde melk voldoende zou zijn", verklaart IAR-dierenarts Ayu Handayani. 

    Bij zijn aankomst was zijn kleine lijfje helemaal opgezwollen door het voedingstekort en waren ook zijn gewrichten gezwollen en misvormd. "Geen enkel levend wezen zou gedwongen mogen worden om maandenlang verschrikkelijke pijn en ellende te moeten doorstaan - zeker niet een hulpeloze baby orang-oetang zonder moeder om hem te troosten", voegt CEO Alan Knight eraan toe. 

    Helse pijn
    De schattige orang-oetang wordt intussen de klok rond verzorgd in Indonesië. "We kunnen ons niet voorstellen hoeveel pijn deze baby heeft doorstaan", aldus Karmele L. Sanchez, een van de dierenartsen in Indonesië. "Zijn ogen beginnen te tranen telkens hij wordt verlegd en hij schreeuwt dan van de pijn. Het is ongelooflijk dat Budi dit zo lang heeft volgehouden." 

    Budi zou niet langer in levensgevaar zijn, maar is nog steeds heel zwak. Volgens zijn dierenartsen is het verder ook nog te vroeg om te zeggen wat mogelijk de permanente schade is van zijn behandeling. "Maar Budi is een erg sterke baby en hij is heel hard aan het vechten om te overleven." 

    Jammer genoeg is het verhaal van Budi niet uniek. Volgens berichten van het WWF, worden de vrouwtjes vaak gevangen genomen en gedood zodat hun jongen verkocht kunnen worden. En zonder hun moeder, overleven de baby's niet lang.HLN

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    29-01-2015 om 18:10 geschreven door Rosa  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Nieuws Belgiƫ Stop endorsing Greenpalm Certificates!

    Corporations are buying palm oil from destroyed forests and driving animals to extinction while using GreenPalm certificates to claim their palm oil is "sustainable."

    Ben Jenkins from ABC Australia says using Greenpalm Certificates is like saying

    “We just bought some certificates so we could say we support sustainability even though we have no idea whether our palm oil is made from the tears of homeless orangutans”

    We demand the RSPO stop endorsing these fraudulent certificates. They are a sham and allow companies to greenwash the actual palm oil in their products which leaves a trail of destruction behind it. We're not buying it!


    29-01-2015 om 17:49 geschreven door Rosa  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.top_right Charlie Hebdo Dog Survives Paris Attack and more story's

    Charlie Hebdo Dog Survives Paris Attack

    In an interview with France’s Le Monde newspaper, a survivor of the shootings at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo described how the office dog, Lila, was there as the Kouachi brothers killed 12 of her colleagues.

    Crime reporter Sigolène Vinson said the Cocker Spaniel, who wears a Charlie Hebdo collar, had greeted the staff members she loved as they arrived at the office after the holidays. Vinson said the sound of Lila running from room to room during the Jan. 7 attack helped her get through the terrible situation.

    One of the gunmen told Vinson he wouldn’t kill her because she was a woman, and she kept still behind an office wall until she heard them flee. “As I lay there, not sure if they were really gone, shots rang out in the distance, in the street. And then I heard Lila with her tiny steps,” Vinson said. She thought Lila was searching for her favorite cartoonist, Jean Cabut, who was killed.

    In Wednesday’s new, sold-out edition of Charlie Hebdo, Vinson wrote an ode to Lila. It read in part, “At Charlie Hebdo, we have a dog, a red Cocker Spaniel who signals to us that it’s OK, that we can get up now, that (the terrorists) have gone.” — Read it at the U.K.’s Telegraph

    By Amy Sinatra Ayres

    More on Vetstreet.com:

    Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/char

    29-01-2015 om 17:41 geschreven door Rosa  

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