Het is toch onvoorstelbaar dat bepaalde adminstraties berope doen op zogenaamde experts en daarvoor grote budgetten beschikbaar hebben??
Deze week ontmoete ik een expert welk aktief is in de bestudering van het invoeren in de EU van de nieuwe ELT 406MHZ.( ICAO definition) Hij haalde aan als een voordeel voor het zweefvliegen dat met deze uitrusting het zeer intresant zal zijn omdat de ophaalploeg dan onmidelijk de juiste plaats van buitenlanding zal kennen.
Toen ik hem er op wees dat dit geen noodgeval is maar een normaal voorziene procedure, wees hij er mij op dat hij elke landing buiten een erkend luchtvaartterein in de wet wordt beschouwd als een noodlanding en dus via de ELT zou gemeld worden aan de reddingsdiensten ??
The SPECTRUM used by AVIATION for CNS is under sever threat ??
In the present era of COMMUNICATION there are proposals to have ALL USE of SPECTRUM to be SOLD.
The ICAO, EU, and EUROCONTROL are oposing such a aplication to give financial revenue for the spectrum used in AVIATION.
However in 2011 is tis on the agenda of the WRC for the ITU and nor ICAO EU or EUROCONTROL dont have a VOTE at the ITU. The VOTING RIGHTS are in hand of the NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS DELEGATE. and each country schould LOBBY very strong to opose such a proposals because many BILKION DOLLAR COMPANIES are intresting in obtaining aditional SPECTRUM against very hich financial price.
This is not only a theat for the CAT but mainly for the NON CAT VFR AIRSPACE
Some persons are asking clarification concerning ERNST HAUFF .
I met ERNST many years ago in his activity of communication expert in HQ EUROCONTROL in Rue DE LA LOI in BRUSSELS
Beeing a PPL a developed close contacts with him and was intoduced via his activity the ACEC the AEROCLUB og the EUROPEAN COMMISION in the the project FLY FOR EUROPE witch was organised on many ocasions to breng GENERAL AVIATION also to the attention of the EU services.
In a later stadium was I promoted from adviser of the ACEC to HONORARY MEMBER.
I also introduced ERNST to the AOPA BELGIUM as Board member and as representation for AOPA-BELGIUM to the IAOPA.
ERNST was very active for IAOPA in many of the meetings in the EU and obtained thad IAOPA o,n behave of GENERAL AVIATION & AERIAL WORK ( New ICAO definition) was taken in consideration at the various EU-INSTITUTIONS
He also was very actif in the many projects of CNS for AVIATION
I can asure thad ERNST had a very important role to play in the IAOPA-EUR development and many of his iniatifs are now giving IAOPA a voice in the complex EUROPEAN AVIATION WORLD
Whe will mis his knowledge and tenacity for our beloved GENERAL AVIATION & AERIAL WORK operations of the 21th CENTURY