A schort revieuw of my activity on EUROPEAN AIRSPACE DIVISION in the past!!
Via IAOPA was I içntroduced in 1990 to the EUROCONTROL various activity on AIRSPACE:
A first target was to study the present utulisation of the AIRSPACE in the then EUROCONTROL memberstates , this was already a very complex subject
Then the way the IFR and VFR where operating in the AIRSPACE
in EUROPE the ICAO -AIRSPACE CLASSES A,B,C,D,E,F, and G where used but many states where also having aditional requerements in this AIRSPACE CLASSES aditional to the ICAO requirements.
At high level it was decided to have only twy type of AIRSPACE in EUROPE -MANAGED -UNMANAGED
I was introducing the needs of the GA & AW IFR and VFR requirements, taking in acount the various activity as mentioned in the AVIATION ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATIONS diagram of IAOPA ( see WWW.IAOPA.ORG)
From 1992 till 2002 I was the ONLY person involved with FLYING EXPERIENCE in VFR OPERATION in AIRPLANE,GLIDER and HELICOPTER in MILITARY and CIVILIAN operations, and having contacts with PILOTS and OWNERS of the 50 IAOPA memberstates and contacts with other AIRSPACE USERS active in CAT and also ULM/DPM,DELTA's,GYROCOPTERS,BALLOONS,AIRSHIP and PARACHUTISME.
I tryed to obtain comprimeses for the operation of the CAT and the NON CAT AIRSPACE USERS
In 2002 there where under my inpuls other persons active in VFR allowed to the team's
However eacht of them where only having experience in their specifique VFR ,activity be it as AIRPLANE,GLIDER,ULM,DPM, BALLOON or HELICOPTER PILOT, where to strongly introcucing their specifique needs without taking in consideration the activity of the other AIRSPACE USERS
I was also keeping close contact with the MILITARY via the NATO who however in the beginning not involved in the AIRSPACE TEAM.
The project extended from the proposed to use THREE ICAO AIRSPACE CLASSES in line with the ICAO SARPS
In 2004 dit I leaf the IAOPA organisation and was requested to participate as INDIVIDUAL EU-LOBBYIST in my nickname MISTER GENERAL AVIATION
After 2004 under the strong inpuls via NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION the project was put on a low profile in vieuw of the EU-SES for the 27 EU-MEMBERSTATES
I ame stil in contact with some of the EXPERTS in EUROCONTROL and in the EC and EU-COUNCIL.
Now is again the target to have a homogeen EU AIRSPACE DIVISION and CLASIFICATION used intial above FL245 ( EU) and later in LOWER AIRSPACE. Each of the 27 EU memberstates are mainly sticking to their own procedure, and a lot of AIRSPACE has been brought towar the ICAO 'C" AIRSPACE but the pusch for a homogene aplication is presently on a low profile .
Only IATA,IFALPA,IATCA,AEA,IBAC,ECA seems to be having consultation witch is orientated to the CAT (IFR) operation, the VFR operators organisation are on a low profile presently .