Now I ame active as hobby on LOBBYING at the EU-INSTITUTIONS for the benefit of THE NON CAT AIRSPACE USERS their intrest at a individual level and not connected to any organisation as in the past 1980-2004 period as non remunerated IAOPA LIAISSON OFFICER at the EU in BRUSSELS
One of the MAJOR PROBLEMS about the introduction and aceptance of the NON CAT AIRSPACE USERS in the EU-INSTITUTIONS is the probleme thad to many ORGANISATIONS are aproching the EU - POLITICAL ,TECHNICAL and ADMINISTRATIF services without coordination between themself
In the past for IAOPA via AOPA GERMANY their was a student who made a evaluation of the number of ORGANISATIONS involved in what I call the EU-ARENA and located 125 of them of witch whe could clasify 60 of them in the NON CAT AIRSPACE USERS activity.
Also at NATIONAL leven do I see many organisations involved in this area of AVIATION without coordination and without knowing from each other in what they are involved and in some occasions in conflict with each other.
When I started in 1980 for IAOPA on rgquest of " DOC" was the introduced mainly USA dominated but during my period their was slowly introduced a ZUROPEAN flavor in the aproche to the representation og GENERAL AVIATION & AERIAL WORK operations as defined by ICAO( definition witch changes at ICAO level)
The introduction was initial dominated by the UK then by GERMANY and also FRANCE played a vital role folowed by SWITZERLAND and ITALY and les by the other smaller EUROPEAN AOPA,s
The MAJOR difficulty at EU level concern the problem thad each of this AOPA havz a different aproche to the GA & AWO requirements due to their NATIONAL ACTIVITY witch is not the same in each of their country and dificult to develop a EU-common requirement, procedure and aproche for a homgene requirement toward the EU-INSTITUTIONS such as EP, EC( DG-TREN),EASA,SESARJU;EUROCONTROL,COR,EESC,COREPER and toward the MEP intrested in GA&AWO
In function of this I ame now on many occasions aproched as a INDIVIDUAL and ORGANIATIONAL independant NEUTRAL person on various very important subjects in preparation of CONFIDENTIAL nature
I try to develop my input on a neutral base for the benefit of al the AIRSPACE USERS at GLOBAL level, in vieuw of my used slogan !!!