Presently there are a lot of NICE DREAMS in various EU-ORGANISATIONS.
At EP there is the project thad the EC would be the single representand for the 27 +1 +2 members via the EU.
ICAO-EUR/NAT is also dreaming to play a more important role in the EU structure
Also ECAC want to strenghten his power in EU-AVIATION
EASA has of cours plans in the pipeline
SESAR/JU want to have a futher after the SESAR fase
EUROCONTROL has a number of targets to recover in the EU-SES
The DG-MOVE is also looking for development in the EUROPEAN-AVIATION
There are also projects for a EU-MEDICAL BUREAU
Also the LARGER EU DGAC, ANSP( FAB) and NSA are looking to play a vital role in the EU development for the benefit of their personnel
Also NATO is looking to have some parts of the CAKE in SECURITY and MILITARY COORDINATION in the EU-SES( ATM-activity)
There is also the dream of a ETSB ( as the USA-NTSB)
More information to be made avaible !!!