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Maandag 17 februari 2025
The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Ruimteschip lanceert kleinere UFO's boven Chicago, USA ( Video )
Ruimteschip lanceert kleinere UFO's boven Chicago, USA ( Video )
Vorig jaar januari was er een moederschip boven Brazilië waaruit een aantal kleinere UFO’s tevoorschijn kwamen.
Dit keer is het in het Amerikaanse Chicago dat er iets vergelijkbaars gebeurt.
Het is bekend dat UFO’s en dan met name de grotere moederschepen, zich veelal vermommen in wolken waardoor ze niet vaak echt goed zichtbaar. Naast moederschip vervullen deze wolken een soort dubbelrol als dimensieportaal.
Soms echter zijn de moederschepen zichtbaar en dan zie je hoe ze de kleinere UFO’s als het ware lanceren.
Een prachtig voorbeeld hiervan was vorig jaar januari te zien in Brazilië.
In de volgende video zie je hoe het moederschip de kleinere UFO’s dropt die vervolgens in een bepaalde formatie wegvliegen.
Iets dergelijk gebeurde ook boven de Amerikaanse stad Chicago. In eerste instantie lijkt het alsof er een meteoriet naar beneden komt:
Even later komen vanuit het grote licht/object een aantal kleinere UFO’s tevoorschijn:
Nog wat later zijn er talloze UFO’s te zien die in formatie door de lucht dansen.
In de volgende video zie je het vreemde licht verschijnen aan de hemel, even later de kleinere exemplaren die stuk voor stuk verschijnen en als het ware door de lucht dartelen en “aan en uit” knipperen.
Nadering planeet Niburu veroorzaakt rode luchten ( Video )
Nadering planeet Niburu veroorzaakt rode luchten ( Video )
De enorme bedragen die in Amerika zijn verdwenen en waarvan niemand weet waar ze zijn gebleven, zijn gebruikt voor ondergrondse schuilplaatsen.
Om de planeet Nibiru nu in snel tempo dichterbij komt, zijn er steeds vaker rode luchten te zien als gevolg van de ijzeroxide die in een grote wolk rondom onze planeet zweeft.
Iemand die tot vergelijkbare conclusies komt voor wat betreft de cover up van de planeet Nibiru is de Amerikaanse onderzoeker Bob Fletcher.
Hij houdt zich al jaren lang bezig met onderzoeken naar vooral corruptie en dergelijke binnen de Amerikaanse overheid en andere praktijken die niet door de beugel kunnen.
Eén van de meest uitgebreide onderzoeken die Bob Fletcher ooit heeft uitgevoerd is die naar Nibiru en dan vooral ook de manier waarop men dit voor het grote publiek verborgen probeert te houden.
Bob Fletcher weet uit zijn onderzoeken dat de onbekende Planet X of Nibiru wel degelijk bestaat en dichterbij is dan wij denken.
Volgens wat Fletcher vertelt, moet deze planeet aan het einde van dit jaar duidelijk zichtbaar worden voor iedereen:
Verder zegt hij dat het vroegst mogelijke moment dat we deze planeet kunnen waarnemen over ongeveer een jaar zal zijn. Tegen Kerst volgend jaar. Het zou ook wat later kunnen zijn, maar niet eerder.
Wanneer dit het geval is, zal de planeet zichtbaar worden als een heldere ster aan de hemel en de passage en de gevolgen voor de aarde zullen daarna niet lang op zich laten wachten.
Als de planeet verschijnt op het door Fletcher genoemde moment dan zal de werkelijke passage plaatsvinden ergens in het voorjaar daarna.
Naast alle andere, inmiddels bekende, verschijnselen zoals sterk toenemende vulkanische uitbarstingen, aardbevingen en meteoren, spreekt hij ook van torenhoge vloedgolven die de aarde zullen teisteren.
Voor diegenen die niet zo goed op de hoogte zijn van wat Planet X of Nibiru precies inhoudt volgt hier een ruim zes minuten durende video die een heldere uitleg geeft.
Ook voor mensen die twijfelen aan het bestaan van Nibiru is deze video een aanrader.
In het jaar 2012 werd contact opgenomen met Bob Fletcher door het Amerikaanse Congres. Met de vraag of hij wilde helpen met het onderzoek om uit te vinden waar biljoenen Amerikaanse belasting Dollars waren gebleven.
Bob besefte al snel dat al het goud dat Amerika zogenaamd voor veel andere landen bewaart, allang verdwenen is samen met nog veel meer Amerikaans bezit. Zonder enige uitleg of tastbare voordelen die daarvoor in de plaats zijn gekomen. Het ene leidde tenslotte tot het andere en dankzij zijn eerdere werk voor de CIA aangaande witwassen van geld, slaagde Fletcher erin vast te stellen dat er in het begin van de jaren tachtig enorme bedragen achterover werden gedrukt voor de aanleg van ondergrondse faciliteiten en wegen.
Verder onderzoek wees uit dat Amerika ook andere landen helpt met het financieren van dergelijke ondergrondse faciliteiten in ruil voor steun tegen terrorisme en dergelijken. Naar nu blijkt heeft sinds 1983 ieder land ter wereld zich beziggehouden met ondergrondse activiteiten.
Hetzelfde jaar waarin Nibiru werd ontdekt door de infrarode telescoop IRAS. Nibiru is eveneens waargenomen door bekende Vaticaantelescoop Lucifer:
Duitsland en Italie maakten op 21 april 2010 bekend dat op Mount Graham, Tucson, Arizona USA, het observatorium uitgebreid is met de Lucifer telescoop. De VORG, Vatican Observatory Research Group werkt daar met de grootste optische telescoop om de verste objecten in de ruimte te kunnen waarnemen.
Lucifer, genaamd naar de duivel, is onderdeel van een LBT, Large Binocular Telescope, naast het Vaticaans observatorium dat bemand wordt door Jezuïtische astronomen. De naam komt van: Large binocular telescope near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field unit for Extragalactic Research De keuze van deze naam laat volgens critici zien waar het Vaticaan werkelijk voor staat.
Om terug te keren naar Bob Fletcher en een lang verhaal niet al te lang te maken:
Fletcher’s onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat er alleen al in Amerika 100 tot 103 ondergrondse faciliteiten zijn, inclusief die waar nu nog aan wordt gebouwd. Wat dit onderzoek eigenlijk niet zo heel moeilijk maakte, was dat er biljoenen Dollars aan zijn gespendeerd. Wanneer dat soort bedragen zouden zijn gespendeerd aan bovengrondse infrastructuurprojecten dan was dit door iedereen opgemerkt.
Naarmate Nibiru dichterbij komt, zullen wij meer gaan merken van het roodachtige ijzeroxidestof dat zich als een soort staart achter Nibiru aan beweegt. Soms wordt dit rode stof enigszins zichtbaar, maar de donkere luchten die dit veroorzaakt zullen wij volgens Nancy Lieder over niet al te lange tijd steeds meer meemaken.
Dan komen we vrij automatisch weer terug op de oude profetieën en voorspellingen. Zelfs in de bijbel wordt de komst van Niburu aangekondigd, inclusief de rode luchten en de elite die zich probeert veilig te stellen in ondergrondse schuilplaatsen:
Openbaringen 6:
12 En ik zag, toen Het het zesde zegel geopend had, en ziet, er werd een grote aardbeving; en de zon werd zwart als een haren zak, en de maan werd als bloed.
13 En de sterren des hemels vielen op de aarde, gelijk een vijgenboom zijn onrijpe vijgen afwerpt, als hij van een groten wind geschud wordt.
14 En de hemel is weggeweken, als een boek, dat toegerold wordt; en alle bergen en eilanden zijn bewogen uit hun plaatsen.
15 En de koningen der aarde, en de groten, en de rijken, en de oversten over duizend, en de machtigen, en alle dienstknechten, en alle vrijen, verborgen zichzelven in de spelonken, en in de steenrotsen der bergen.
Volgens Nancy zijn de donkere luchten gearriveerd en volgens Bob Fletcher is aangetoond waar de Amerikaanse belasting Dollars aan zijn uitgegeven.
UFO Footage: Something Strange At Space Station Leading To Conspiracist Claims
UFO Footage: Something Strange At Space Station Leading To Conspiracist Claims
From nearly day one of the modern UFO eras, the subject has been associated and clouded with all sorts of conspiracy theories – official censorship and deliberate cover-ups of information and releases of disinformation. Of course, there are things that need to be kept secret. But not all, especially when the images were taken from credible people.
Alien Chasers think that astronauts on board are being monitored by extraterrestrials daily. As it spans across space, there is the latest video being taken from NASA footage in one of the ISS cameras. The object is in only momentarily, but also appears to be a light in color with a pinkish tail. The footage was being filmed by a watcher of NASA camera who posted the videos to the YouTube channel under Streetcap1. While some viewed it as a hoax material, he insisted that his material comes from NASA footage. The agency seems like a fuel conspiracy theorist on anomalies that is being caught on camera.
Despite enabling public access, the Ufologists claim NASA is withholding information about strange objects from the public. One UFO enthusiast at Youtube, claimed that he loved how the camera pans to the right, focusing on the object and then continues its way as if nothing happened. Since the recording appears to be dramatic, a lot of speculations have been circulating. Another commenter asked regarding the occurrence us one of a secret program trying to disclose the information by appearing it something incidental.
Well, the government would never or is not willing to share any information or knowledge with any other nation. The reason is for military advantage and national security. Hence, people were not informed if the strange sightings were your enemies or allies. As time goes by, it becomes even harder to admit to having done this.
Despite well-liked belief, the word UFO is an abbreviation of an Unidentified Flying Object. Apparently, the word does not signify a flying saucer or a spaceship. In fact, it applies to an object captured in the sky. Since it is unidentified, it is not readily identified by the observer. This may apply to unusual weather conditions or military plane that are not commonly noticed in the human eyes. Because they are rare, people connect them with aliens and spacecraft.
Yes, it is rare but the occurrences are increasingly becoming a standard sighting. Day by day, several witness report sightings on their vicinities. These witnesses range from professional pilots, celebrities, and the random public. In Oak Park, IL, one witness claimed to have captured an unidentified object when he tried to capture a video of a storm cloud currently emitting the heat lightning. The said occurrence happened on the back porch of the house. But later on, the witness discovered that it caught something else other than the indeed shooting. He reported seeing a streak of light that cannot be explained or rationalized. Since he could not identify, he filed the sighting as a Case 68838 from the MUFON witness reporting database.
As he slowed down the video and showed it to friends, the latter could not identify what the objects were. The so-called orb appears eleven seconds in. The sighting seems to be a glowing orb that is moving in a downward motion. The movement moves toward the ground level. Sam Maranto, the Illinois MUFON State Director and Roger Laurella, the Assistant State Director are both investigating. The report was being filed on July 31, 2015, by the witness, as advised by the latter’s friends.
Regardless of what individuals say about their sightings in the past, extraterrestrial sightings are still practically regular occurrences. Admit it! Lots if different sighting is being reported day by day.
12bn suns, 13bn light years away: Ancient black hole blows scientists’ minds
12bn suns, 13bn light years away: Ancient black hole blows scientists’ minds
An artist's impression of a quasar with a supermassive black hole in the distant universe. (Image: Zhaoyu Li/NASA/JPL-Caltech/Misti Mountain Observatory) / NASA
A gigantic black hole has been discovered with an astonishing mass 12 billion times bigger than the sun’s. Its age – it was formed 900 million years after the Big Bang – undermines modern scientific theories.
The new “object,” dubbed SDSS J0100+2802, was found 12.8 billion light years from Earth at the center of a quasar – a core element of a galaxy that emits radiation – with a million billion times the sun's energy output.
The results of the finding by an international team of astronomers were published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.
The black hole was formed right at the dawn of our 13.8 billion-year-old universe, and was called “the brightest lighthouse in the distant universe” by Xue-Bing Wu, the leading author of the paper. What astronomers find unexplainable is the fact that such an enormous black hole was formed following the first stars and galaxies, which contradicts theories that black holes are formed while sucking in celestial objects nearby.
“Forming such a large black hole so quickly is hard to interpret with current theories,” co-author Fuyan Bian from Australian National University said in a statement. “This black hole at the center of the quasar gained enormous mass in a short period of time.”
The team of astronomers from China, the US, Australia, and Chile were studying materials obtained by several telescopes from all over the globe, when they found the brightest ever quasar with a black hole, with a “redshift” of 6.30. The “redshift” is a way to measure the distance and age of an object emitting light by the stretching of light to the red end of the spectrum. Quasars exceeding a “redshift” of 6.0 are extremely rare – only 40 of them have been discovered so far.
“Our finding of an ultra-luminous object with a mass of 12 billion times than the mass of our Sun in the early Universe is a surprising discovery. Before our work, there is no black hole with so huge mass within 1 billion years after the Big Bang. That makes our discovery unique and important,” Wu told RT.
Mysterious quasars were discovered in the 1950s. For the time being, scientists have counted over 200,000 quasars, which are extremely difficult to find. They are believed to consist of heated matter, surrounding supermassive black holes that can be found in the center of galaxies. The black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy has a mass of three million suns.
“This quasar is a unique laboratory to study the way that a quasar’s black hole and host galaxy co-evolve. Our findings indicate that in the early universe, quasar black holes probably grew faster than their host galaxies, although more research is needed to confirm this idea,” co-author Yuri Beletsky from the Carnegie Institution said.
“It's very difficult to explain how to grow the black hole to 12 billion solar masses within just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. It requires either very special ways to grow the black hole or a huge seed black hole mass. Both are difficult to be explained by the current theories,” Wu told RT. “We need to improve our theories or input some new physics to explain the discovery of this supermassive black hole.”
Located in Mali West Africa, the Dogon have a rich culture dating to around 3200 BCE, and are believed to be a hybrid ethnic group descended from a mixing of the ancient Egyptians of North Africa with various other sub-Saharan tribal populations.
Deeply rooted traditions of the Dogon people speak of the Nommos who visited from a companion star to Sirius. The Nommos are known as advanced beings who have also appeared in numerous related myths found in the Sumerian and other Mesopotamian cultures.
Sirius’ companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit and is not visible to the naked eye. According to some research, modern astronomers did not know the companion star existed until the Dogon myth was discovered.
They tell us how the Nommos shared the knowledge of Sirius with them and left behind several artifacts.
One artifact depicting the Sirius constellation carbon dates to 400 years ago, a little over 230 years before astronomers suspected the existence of the companion star.
The Dogon people were first documented over a several year study performed by anthropologist Marcel Griaule.
In his research notes we find conversations between Griaule and a Dogon elder named Ogotemmeli, who speaks of multiple companion stars in the Sirius system.
There are entries suggesting the Nommos visited on a very large star ship on several occasions, and the notes also indicate Dogon people knew of Saturn’s rings, and the many moons of Jupiter.
Every 60 years, the Dogon people celebrate the cycle of Sirius A and B which rises further questions considering Sirius B’s 50 year cycle.
Dogon mysteries mention another star in the system, which would be called Sirius C if confirmed by modern telescopes. Nommos are believed to inhabit a planet orbiting Sirius C though mainstream science does not consider the Sirius constellation to be a prime candidate for life.
Credo Mutwa, the 94-year-old Zulu shaman or “sanusi” in South Africa, claims that this picture he had painted of tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed beings had been seen by black African tribes people throughout that continent long before the white Europeans arrived.
Credo, the official historian of the Zulu nation, said that when the Europeans first came, the black Africans thought they were the return of these same white “gods”, which they called the Mzungu (see his paintings below). As a result they called the European settlers by the same name, which is still used today.
This was very much the same reaction as the Central American peoples when Cortes and his Spanish invasion party arrived in 1519 and they thought that he was the returning god, Quetzalcoatl, another god described as tall, bearded, and with piercing blue eyes.
The Feathered Serpent God appears in many ancient cultures and Mesoamerican legends. He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He and his ‘men’ were usually described as being bearded, with white skin, and deep blue eyes.
Vaticaanse hoofdastronoom gelooft in UFO's en aliens Vaticaanse hoofdastronoom gelooft in UFO’s en aliens
Vaticaanse hoofdastronoom gelooft in UFO’s en aliens
De Argentijnse jezuïet José Gabriel Funes, de hoofdastronoom van het Vaticaan, heeft bevestigd dat de Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht in Rome gelooft in intelligent leven op andere planeten.
Hoewel het ooit vasthield aan het idee dat de aarde het middelpunt van het universum was en dat de zon om onze planeet draaide, lijkt het erop dat de denkbeelden van het Vaticaan over de rol van de mensheid in het heelal erg zijn veranderd.
De Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht, die al sinds 1582 namens de Rooms-katholieke Kerk de hemel bestudeert, heeft gezegd dat het door de ontdekking van de vele exoplaneten in de laatste jaren goed mogelijk is dat er elders intelligente levensvormen bestaan.
In de Vaticaanse krant L’Osservatore Romano zegt broeder Funes: “Ons sterrenstelsel bevat meer dan 100 miljard sterren. Gezien het aantal ontdekte exoplaneten lijkt het erop dat rond de meerderheid van alle sterren in ons sterrenstelsel planeten draaien waarop leven mogelijk is.”
The Pope’s chief astronomer does not believe that Jesus Christ visited other alien lifeforms as he has Earth.
Photo by: Getty Images
Ondanks de erkenning dat elders in het heelal leven kan bestaan, denkt Funes niet dat we binnenkort oog in oog zullen staan met aliens. “Door de ontdekking van de nieuwe planeet Kepler 452b herleeft het idee dat contact met intelligente wezens van een buitenaardse beschaving in de nabije toekomst kan plaatsvinden. De mogelijkheid bestaat dat er leven is en zelfs een vorm van intelligent leven, maar ik denk niet dat we ooit een Mr. Spock zullen ontmoeten.”
De ontdekking van intelligent leven betekent volgens Funes echter niet dat er ook een andere Jezus is. “De incarn
atie van de zoon van God is een unieke gebeurtenis in de geschiedenis van de mensheid en van het universum, en als er intelligent leven is op een andere planeet, is dat niet in tegenspraak met het christelijke geloof.”
Broers en zussen
Funes deed zijn uitspraken na de recente aankondiging van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA over een aardachtige planeet die volgens wetenschappers leven zou kunnen herbergen. Kepler 452b staat op 1400 lichtjaar van de aarde en er kan water stromen, wat één van de basisvoorwaarden voor leven is. Kepler 452b is echter 1,5 miljard jaar ouder dan onze planeet.
De astronoom beweert al jaren dat er geen conflict hoeft te zijn tussen de mogelijkheid van intelligent buitenaards leven en de leer van de Rooms-katholieke Kerk. “Net zoals er op aarde veel verschillende levensvormen bestaan, kan dat elders ook. Dit is niet in strijd met ons geloof omdat we Gods creatieve vrijheid niet kunnen beperken tot één planeet. Zoals Franciscus van Assisi al zei: als we op aarde broers en zussen van elkaar zijn, dan zouden buitenaardse families net zo goed tot onze schepping kunnen behoren.”
“De Bijbel is geen wetenschappelijke publicatie,” zei hij. “We mogen in dat boek dus geen antwoorden zoeken op wetenschappelijke vragen.”
Slechts 380 jaar geleden kwam Galileo Galilei in conflict met de Kerk omdat hij zei dat de aarde niet het middelpunt van het universum was. In 1992 sprak paus Johannes Paulus II een excuus uit, waarmee de naam van Galilei werd gezuiverd. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Ligt voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten een tweede Atlantis begraven? Ligt voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten een tweede Atlantis begraven?
Ligt voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten een tweede Atlantis begraven?
De Perzische Golf bevat zeer waarschijnlijk archeologische schatten die duizenden jaren geleden als gevolg van een overstroming zijn begraven. Het blootleggen van de resten van oude beschavingen is lastig en bovendien is er veel geld voor nodig, zo zegt aardwetenschapper David Millar.
Millar, een Brit die in Canada woont, leefde 10 jaar lang in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten toen hij in de olie-industrie werkzaam was. Hij ontwikkelde een voorliefde voor de geschiedenis van het land. Zijn boek ‘Beyond Dubai: Seeking Lost Cities in the Emirates’ is in augustus 2014 gepubliceerd.
Voordat hij naar de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten ging dacht hij dat het niet meer was dan een stuk woestijn. Al snel kwam hij in aanraking met de verrassend rijke geschiedenis van het land. Wetenschappers en historici menen dat er heel veel archeologische schatten verborgen liggen voor de kust van het land, dat ooit een vruchtbare landmassa was voordat het omstreeks 8000 jaar geleden werd overstroomd.
Dikke laag modder
Tijdens de laatste IJstijd viel de hele Perzische Golf droog. Door de enorme hoeveelheid ijs daalde de zeespiegel ongeveer 120 meter. De Perzische Golf is gemiddeld 24 tot 30 meter diep.
Millar merkte op dat het zoeken naar de overblijfselen van oude beschavingen extreem moeilijk zal zijn. Artefacten liggen mogelijk onder een dikke laag modder verscholen. Als je in het gebied duikt is het zicht bovendien beperkt.
Geen relatie
Sommige onderzoekers denken dat de bevolkingsgroepen zich na de overstroming hebben gevestigd in de kustgebieden van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten en andere landen in de regio. Scherven aardewerk laten echter zien dat de bevolkingsgroepen die aan de kust leefden geen relatie hadden met eerdere kolonisten.
Met uitzondering van de Universiteit van Oslo, zijn er op dit moment maar heel weinig universiteiten die voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten onderzoek doen. Millar denkt dat ze interessante voorwerpen zullen tegenkomen als ze in de Perzische Golf opgravingen zullen doen. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Date of sighting: August 8, 2015 Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA News Source: MUFON
This UFO was seen in New York City this week and looks a lot like the UFO seen in the Netherlands back in May 16, 2015 (click here to view). The human eye is less perfect than the digital eye so its understandable that the person didn't see it till they got home to upload it. If has seen this UFO in NY, please tell us in comments.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: I was walking north on 10th Ave taking pictures. I didn't notice that I had photographed anything until i downloaded my images several hours later at home. When I first saw them I thought they might have been lights from a helicopter but it wasn't dark enough for the whole body of an aircraft to be obscured. Whatever it is, looks segmented with gaps between the lights.In one picture you can see a light seemingly ascending in the distance. I really don't have feelings either way as I've always been a believer in UFO's. Always thought that i would see something sooner or later. As i mentioned, i didn't see these images until i downloaded them.
UFO Sighting: Black Triangle Seen Hovering Past Blue Moon
UFO Sighting: Black Triangle Seen Hovering Past Blue Moon
From 1947, the flying discs or flying saucers were not viewed as a scientific problem or issue, but something that is related to national security. After all, unidentified objects were regularly tracked on the radar and were observed by several credible witnesses, from pilots to random people. By the time it became obvious UFOs were a scientific problem (as in are their alien spaceships), it was too little, too late for scientists to risk their careers on this topic. It was easier, wiser, and better to give a thumbs-down to the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.
At 2 AM on July 31, 2015, the witness from West Covina, California has reported seeing a black triangle hovering in the sky on the night of the blue moon. After seeing the mysterious happenings, the witness filed it in the Mutual UFO Network’s database as case number 69009. On the next day, while reviewing the pictures, the witness observed a black triangle object flying across the Moon’s lower side in the one of the photos taken. According to the witness, the object appears to be an extraterrestrial vessel. Scott Waring, the editor of UFO Sightings Daily, described it as a “flying pyramid” hovering over the front of the Moon. As for the assessment as to how the object came and where it is being originated, it is very difficult to assess. The object could have been a massive object or small kite sailing across the night sky. Among all the sightings, triangle-shaped mysterious objects are remarkably familiar. Sightings of these shapes have also been reported about the Moon.
When it comes to the black triangle, UFOlogists are interested in it because of the connection with alleged secret programs or USAF black projects. The Astra or TR-3B Aurora and the TR-3A Black Manta were the subjects of conspiracy theories and rumored sighting, although no one was able to provide convincing evidence of their existence.
Your UFO reports: 18th July June – 8th August 2015
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Fremont, ca – 8/6/15 I have been looking at the night sky every clear night since I was about 10. Just now I went outside and looked to the north and saw two stars stacked vertically in the sky about a hand-spread down from the “W” of the constellation Cassiopeia and a hand-spread to the right of the star Polaris. The uppermost star was brighter than the lowermost one. The uppermost looked like a planet…not twinkling as stars do. Neither of these stars should have been there. Additionally, this is no where near the plane of the ecliptic…so there could never be a planet there. Neither of these two “stars” were moving AT ALL! Then I looked away from them for a moment. When I looked back BOTH WERE GONE…completely gone. I have never seen anything like this. These things were solid in the sky. The were immediately apparent as out of place…then they just disappeared
In the same way that stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight any small object in the atmosphere is also masked. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion, so scanning the sky in the infrared or in the short radio wave(radar) portion of the spectrum is a lot more effective than scanning the sky in visible light. Dual optical systems exploit this fact. Dual optical systems are to anomalies what microscopes are to microorganisms. After observing anomalies systematically the idea that they are living beings is a natural one. Some anomalies respond with bright flashes to direct light signals in daylight or at night. Some anomalies had responded by morphing into digit shapes correlated to the signals sent to them. From a scientific point of view the strongest possible evidence for any fact or theory is observational data consistent/recurrent across multiple independent observers, anomalies have plenty of that, so the reality of anomalies is based on very solid scientific grounds, the fact that this reality have not been acknowledged still by “scientific circles” is really irrelevant, they will be forced to recognize that sooner or latter in the same way that the Church was forced to recognize the heliocentric worldview. Seeing UFOs as “crafts” is a myth nurtured by people expectations and media abuse of that expectation. There is also a widely believed myth of only or bigger nighttime UFO activity. The time of calling UFOs to glowing dots in a black background without knowing the structure behind the dot is long gone, but old habits dye hard and many people still do that keeping the myth alive.
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east los angeles – 08/05/2015 11:35 pm I was hanging out in the backyard of a friend’s house and while I was peeing on a corner something caught my attention in the sky. I saw a blue light with green in the middle and was flying quick down to the horizon of the earth. Did not see much only about 4 sec. Before it vanished into horizon. i was facing westward when this happened (towards downtown los Angeles) it had a blue aura around it.
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Wesley chapel, North Carolina – 08/05/2015 Triangular shaped aircraft with distinctive lights on the ends with light in middle of aircraft, lights were blinking. Was driving home from work around 9pm when I saw a really bright light in the distance. Thought it was a planet but then it moved a little across the road in front of me and I realized it was an aircraft of some kind. I assumed it was a plane but it didn’t seem to be getting closer or further away. When I drove further it crossed the road again and I was close enough to make out the light pattern and see the a dark, triangular silhouette against the dark sky. The oddest part was it didn’t make any noise, nor did it move. I was able to overtake it when passing by in my car and had to look behind me at one point while driving to see it was in fact not moving. Looked like a classic triangular UFO. This skeptic became a believer…
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Longmont, Co – 8/4/2015
If you look at both pictures there is a white “dot” which when you zoom in has shape and a line through the middle, one is on the left side of the sun and the next is on the right. These were taken about 15 seconds apart and both have the same exact shape.
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Newport Beach CA – August 3, 2015 This video covers the case study and analysis of the flying “Humanoid UFO” recorded over my apt in Newport Beach California. We applied digital filters and motion tracking to the recording to maximize the ufo features and examine it’s humanoid like qualities. The object was flying vertically and fast when recorded. I could see it clearly in the viewfinder. The camera was sitting still on a tripod. The ufo appeared to be a flying humanoid type object. It had a round head, two eyes, upper body and legs. It looked like it was running in the sky. The ufo had repeated flashes on either side and was activating the flashes by triggering some mechanism on itself. Given the unique nature of the ufo sighting I felt it needed to be further studied, re-analyzed and presented for review. Youtube link:
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Killarney Vale NSW heading from the west to south – 6.30 pm 2 August 2015 Was a big red ball thought it was some thing on fire. Watched it cross along the sky line to see if it dropped but just kept drifting across the sky until I couldn’t see it any longer. Was amazing couldn’t believe what l saw. Wow was to afraid to run in side to get camera.
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Rolling Meadows, Illinois – 31 July 2015
Yesterday over Rolling Meadows, Illinois around 2pm a big round transparent UFO was a hundred feet from me, when I took out my phone it took off. April 30th 2015 2pm Youtube video link:
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Elk Grove / Sacramento Delta I-5 NORTHBOUND near Hood Franklin exit – Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 While driving northbound on I5 in the Elk grove ares at just about 8pm, my friend and I noticed at nearly the exact same time a round, reflective shape in the sky to the left of the freeway. It looked like the reflection off of a dome or circular shape object, and was relatively close to the fields it was hovering over, lower than a helicopter. The object lowered then seemed to move around in an odd motion for about 30 seconds to a minute just before shooting straight up and disappearing.
pictures we took in Morgantown WV on July 28 th around 10 pm
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Orange ,Virginia – 7/28/2015
Around 4 pm on the eve of the 28th of july 2015 , i saw a strong thunderstorm in the distance but noticed 4 to 5 little black dots flying in in out of the storm one was very noticeable in the orginal pic but then when i blew it up you notice more please take a look at my photos
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Loomis, CA – 7/25/2015 Out my window in my room I saw a triangular shaped object with three blinking white lights. The object had a faint muffled engine sound and it was flying very low. I was very struck by how bright the lights were and how low the object was when I looked at it in the sky. I continued to watch the object and just ahead of me it stopped and hovered in the air. At this point I was very freaked out by the object. I could not keep my eyes off of it and about 30 seconds later the object shot up in the sky at a very fast speed and vanished in the sky. I wish I captured a photo or video of the object but it happened so fast and I wasn’t able to.
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Perth – 25/07/2015
I was hanging out the washing one day and something caught my eye. I looked up and saw this thing hovering about maybe 5 metres from me. I quickly ran inside to see if I can get a photo of it so, I grapped my phone ran outside again and managed to snap two photos. It happened very quickly with literary seconds between the two photos – before it dissapeared out of my sight. There was no sound and very odd to see something hovering without any sound.It had a shiny colour but the photo makes it look black due to the light behind it. Please see the photos attached. It was around 4:45 pm or so. And I guess about 50cm in diameter.
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NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Camera – 21-07-2015 A NASA camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite has returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth from one million miles away. The image was taken July 6, 2015, showing North and Central America. The central turquoise areas are shallow seas around the Caribbean islands. This Earth image shows the effects of sunlight scattered by air molecules, giving the image a characteristic bluish tint. The EPIC team is working to remove this atmospheric effect from subsequent images. Once the instrument begins regular data acquisition, EPIC will provide a daily series of Earth images allowing for the first time study of daily variations over the entire globe. These images, available 12 to 36 hours after they are acquired, will be posted to a dedicated web page by September 2015. Analysing the picture you can see a giant object. Youtube link:
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Kingsville, Texas – July 18 2015 Ball of light flew over the sky at cruising speed then disappear into nothingness, I observed it for two to three minutes before it vanished!
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Tampa, fla – 7-14-2015
These pics actually came from my mom.She was taking pics of sunset and noticed looks like a rocket launch i know but she said the streak actually started from the top then descended.Then just before it went out of sight it stoped and a little ball appeared and then disappeared totally after about a minute.I have tried coming up with anything i could think of but am stumped.If anyone else was in the area at the time and saw this or anyone has any clue as to what it may have been please let me know.
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British Grand Prix – 5 july 2015
taken from the British grand prix jets were doing a display but just behind the jet seems to be an object which looks like a silver disc
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Sudbury On Canada – July 10 / 2015 at 9:16 pm
DAYTIME SIGHTING Observation made from a parking lot East end of the city of Sudbury, On, Canada. Clear sky, sun was setting. I viewed an object that appeared to hover in the distance silently. It caught my eye as it looked out of place. I watched it for 5 min as it made no movement. I asked an individual in the parking lot to verify what I saw. She thought it was weird and had no idea what it could be. Before I left the area I snapped one pic with my Samsung s4 cell phone. When I arrived at home, I uploaded the picture to my PC. I was surprised when I viewed the pic zoomed in. It had the appearance of a concession of possible lights along what looks like an elongated body. I’m not sure what to make of it. …is it an illusion, trick of light or something more? when i zoomed the picture in …although fuzzy , there is enough definition of something in the sky that day that i cant explain. i tryed to submit a zoomed in version ,but the site said file was to large.
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La Habra Ca. – July 4, 2015
White circular orbs changing colors to a orange/red then to white. They moved up and down. Then stayed next to each other. Watched for a few hours. From 8:30 pm- 12:30 am
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mountain home, Arkansas – July 1 2015 Large yellow glowing orb moving slowly south very low to the ground.
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google earth – june 25 2015 there is a ‘USO’ in the waters off Nova Scotia, apparently caught by google earth, it appears to be moving & water can be seen churning on one end. video can be seen on my youtube channel under my real name; also had daylight sighting in 2009 up against the San Gorgonio Mts
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Wisconsin – May 2015 I live in northeast Wisconsin..from May of 2015 to now I have noticed lights in the night sky that move and skitter about, usually in tandem with another light..the lights are very high in the sky and at 1st I thought they were stars..when I 1st noticed them they caught my eye because something didn’t seem right..I noticed they seemed to move..there are usually another light a distance away and they move up and down and sideways in tandem…I’ve seen these everytime I’ve looked at the night sky this summer..the other night there 7 or 8 in different parts of the sky..I have no clue what they are or what they are doing…one night I observed one of the lights flying veryclose to another light and then a bright light—very powerful and intense came from the other light as if to observe the other you know if this is a common event?
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Rest Area at the y on south bound Interstate 35 near Ft. Worth Texas – March 10th 11pm 12am I pulled to the rest area at 11pm and at about midnite I looked out the window and it looked like it was daytime I saw my car clock it was on 12 so I got out of my car thought it was noon so I didn’t look up directly at the sun I thought was directly over head I could see across the hiway to the next rest area so I got in my car to leave and when I pulled out of the rest area it was dark so I thought why can’t I see the road and realized well my headlights were off when I turned them on I thought and was shocked but it was daytime back in the rest area and stopped right there fifty feet from where I was and sleeped right there on the sholder
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Price, Utah – Frequently Disks every time you go out I see them there almost out around the carbon county area every night
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N41 51 51.3 W76 01 09.7 300 yards NW of 242 Mill Creek Rd, Mansfield, PA – 27 Dec 2014 Appox. 1300EST
I am deer hunting with Flintlock. Setting on a bucket with my back to a large sugar maple tree, scanning the open field in front of me with 10×50 binoculars. I observe a strange robotic looking thing 300 yards to my left at about 330 degrees (30 degrees West of North) It appears to be over 9 feet tall, two tone brown. I calculated the height in relationship to the oak brush it was standing in. there did not seem to be any seams or joints. It appeared like it was rounded as if made from stove pipe. I could not see the feet as it stood in weeds. Arms ended in rounded 6 inch diameters made me think of mittens. Legs where of the same 6 inch diameter body was about 14 inches diameter. There was no neck, head was 10 inches diameter, 12 inches tall, with a black strip where you would expect eyes. I observed it for about 6 minutes, I looked away to see if any deer had entered the field none had. At this point I realized there was no normal outside sounds. When I looked back it was no longer there. I made careful notes before leaving my stand. I could have wrote this off as some play of light in the oak brush but once I put the 10x50s on it there was little question it was something else.
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Crewe, Cheshire, England – September 18 2009. 11.15pm I witnessed two oblong sheets of light (each I guess the size of a tennis court) fly slowly over my head…moving very slowly. watched them for over a minute. they made no sound whatsoever, they consisted of dull and brighter lights like the filament in a light bulb. they passed straight over my head and I stood open mouthed…any ideas?
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FLYING SAUCER PHOTOGRAPHED OVER AVELLINO, ITALY Sir Angelo Carannante, President of C.UFO.M (Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo) – one of the most known UFO research center spread throughout Italy −, announces a very significant sighting of a flying saucer. Several months ago the center received many pictures and their negatives showing a flying saucer. The pictures were taken in October 1996, maybe in 1997, in Avellino (Italy) when a young man, while returning from school by car with his father, saw an unidentified flying object shaped like a flying saucer. He tried to draw the attention of his father’s who said that they were all fantasies. The day after the young man returned to the place of the sighting with a compact film camera and took lots of pictures. The UFO seemed black and moved with rectilinear motion, then it changed position on its axis. Later the flying saucer disappeared up the atmosphere. Since then, the boy who made the shots kept all the pictures and their negatives into a drawer, until he decided to deliver them to C.UFO.M. that finally conducted the investigations. Analysed by experts and photographers the negatives have been considered authentic. The trailer of the pictures is available on youtube at:
Camden, Arkansa – june 7 1983 One evening in the projects were we lived back then we were all playing touch football in the street. An here comes this disk flipping over our heads maybe 16 feet high so we all chase it as it flip n flip then it went up so quick maybe 60 to 80 feet an slowly stop flipping sitting in one spot it will take me to show u an finish this story it was so amazing an I been watching. UFOs on TV that people claim they seen
Several strange phenomena have let some to believe that the eternal companion of the Earth, the Moon is in fact some sort of a huge spaceship. Crazy theory? Well heres why.
A curious video taken from a backyard telescope, which showed an alleged UFO fleet over the moon, caused a stir worldwide. This makes us wonder about what could possibly hide in that celestial body. Is it possible that there are civilizations living there if so what is their purpose? and what is its real origin of the moon?
Those who believe in the Alien Moon theory state that the moon had to be created by a highly developed civilization, much more than ours. Under this unusual logic, our artificial satellite would have to be hollow inside so that, within it, the aliens could place fuel for machinery, materials and accessories that would be used to repair working instruments, navigational instruments, observation equipment and all kinds of machinery, but most importantly, it could actually be used as a gigantic underground base or even as a giant spaceship.
If to all of the above we add the fact that there are some astronauts, those who went on NASA’s missions such as the “Apollo”,the now retired astronauts, have publicly said they have had contact with UFO’s and aliens, and that are even extraterrestrial beings living there having that said, for some, this does not sound so crazy after all.
Google Moon Photographs used in the Sea of Muscovy ( were several mysteries have been spotted) come from the Japanese probe Kaguya, also known as SELENE (selenological and Engineering Explorer), which for nearly two years was analyzing various aspects of our satellite, the distribution of elements on its surface, the magnetic and gravitational field, etc. The interest in this particular area is very big, ugolofists claim that this specifica area is very attractive when looking for anomalies thus it is a very interesting part of the moon that holds the answer for several questions that have been postulated throughout the years.
Recently triangular objects have been spotted on the surface of the moon, leading ufologists to speculate about the purpose of the odd objects but sceptics argue that the mysterious objects are actually simple pixels that do not appear in the original image. In addition, they argue that if you look closely you can see a set of other points “scattered” by other areas of the Moon.
The answer to this is that Google stores multiple image frames in various resolutions, using filters that create noise along the boundaries between light and dark regions, creating curios spots that some might interpret as out-of-place-objects. But the pixel theory does not explain geometrical patterns in these objects, if you take in count the pixelation theory, then you would expect the pixels to create random dots not connected, but the objects that have been identified on the moon follow specific geometrical patterns; like triangles and rectangles. Here are some interesting images that can debunk the pixel theory about the lunar bases/objects.
Science might one day provide conclusive evidence of alien beings on the moon, bases, vehicles etc. But the truth is all of us can only wonder and propose theories at this point. Skeptics that debunk the alien moon base theories do not have the slight idea what is going on up there, or why human beings have not traveled to the moon even though it is a point of interest for us not only because of its proximity but also because of the exploitable natural resources present on the moon.
The truth is that the mystery of UFO’s continues, reports of anomalies appear again and again and will probably continue to do so. We can only form our own opinion about these mysterious objects and their origin and purpose.
A storm was above Moscow on the night of July 27, 2015 at approximately 11:15 pm local time dazzling local residents with an epic light show.
A possible UFO actually appears to dive into a bolt of lightning, then bounce back to its original location. Other than that brief moment it does not appear to move…very obvious.
And on Aug 1, 2015 at approx 10:29 a lightning hits an unknown object in the sky over Delaware.
Witness report: My boyfriend and I were outside his house taking videos of the lightning in a storm that was approaching. While we were taking the videos we did not see the ball of light it was observed the next day while I was reviewing the videos.
I took the videos while facing northwest at the back of the house. There is a farm field and woods there are no home or street lights or any other kind of lights there.
I contacted our local TV station to ask their weather staff whether they thought this could be ball lightning or something else they did not respond.
I am pursuing this with you (Mufon) because clearly lightning hit the ball of light twice it seems way to big in comparison to the lightning to be a plane.
We at first thought it could be a light reflection caught on the camera but again clearly reflections don’t get hit by lightning.
NASA Selects Leading-Edge Technology Concepts for Continued Study
NASA Selects Leading-Edge Technology Concepts for Continued Study
Montage of several newly awarded NIAC Phase II concepts from fellows Bruce Wiegmann, Adrian Stoica, Steven Oleson, and Justin Atchison.Credits: L to R, B. Wiegmann/MSFC, A. Stoica/JPL, S. Oleson, J. Atchison › Larger image
A technology concept developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory would involve a "transformer" that reflects sunlight and projects energy onto a rover or astronauts in cold, dark places. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech › Larger image
NASA has selected seven technology proposals for continued study under Phase II of the agency's Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program, including one from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. The selections are based on the potential to transform future aerospace missions, introduce new capabilities or significantly improve current approaches to building and operating aerospace systems.
The selected proposals address a range of visionary concepts, including metallic lithium combustion for long-term robotics operations, submarines that explore the oceans of icy moons of the outer planets, and a swarm of tiny satellites that map gravity fields and characterize the properties of small moons and asteroids.
"NASA's investments in early-stage research are important for advancing new systems concepts and developing requirements for technologies to enable future space exploration missions," said Steve Jurczyk, associate administrator for the Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This round of Phase II selections demonstrates the agency's continued commitment to innovations that may transform our nation's space, technology and science capabilities."
The JPL proposal, "Trans-Formers for Lunar Extreme Environments: Ensuring Long-Term Operations in Regions of Darkness and Low Temperatures," led by Adrian Stoica, is a concept for assisting in the exploration of extreme environments. This technology would unfold itself, origami-style, from a small volume into a large reflective surface. Then, the transformer would reflect sunlight and project energy onto a rover or astronauts. The idea is to warm up cold, dark places, provide solar energy and charge the solar panels of rovers operating in permanently shaded regions like the lunar south pole craters.
NIAC Phase II awards can be worth as much as $500,000 for a two-year study, and the awards allow proposers to further develop their concepts from previously selected Phase I studies. Phase I studies must demonstrate the initial feasibility and benefit of a concept. Phase II studies allow awardees to refine their designs and explore aspects of implementing the new technology.
NASA selected these projects through a peer-review process that evaluated innovativeness and technical viability. All projects are still in the early stages of development, most requiring 10 or more years of concept maturation and technology development before use on a NASA mission.
"This is an excellent group of NIAC studies," said Jason Derleth, NIAC Program executive at NASA Headquarters. "From seeing into cave formations on the moon to a radically new kind of solar sail that uses solar wind instead of light, NIAC continues to push the bounds of current technology."
NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate innovates, develops, tests and flies hardware for use in future missions. Through programs such as NIAC, the directorate is demonstrating that early investment and partnership with scientists, engineers and citizen inventors from across the nation can provide technological dividends and help maintain America's leadership in the new global technology economy.
For a complete list of the selected proposals and more information about NIAC, visit:
L’Univers dessine une sorte de toile cosmique. Les astronomes pensent que les amas de galaxies se développent aux intersections. Crédits: Springel et al.,Virgo Consortium
Comme si les mystères de la matière noire et de l'énergie noire n'étaient pas assez frustrants, un autre puzzle cosmique déroutant a été découvert.
Des galaxies entières de matières dans l'univers semblent se déplacer à des vitesses très élevées et dans une direction uniforme qui ne peut être expliquée par aucune des forces gravitationnelles connues dans l'univers observable. Les astronomes appellent le phénomène "Flux Noir" (The Dark Flow).
"La chose qui tire cette matière doit être en dehors de l'univers observable", concluent les chercheurs.
Lorsque les scientifiques parlent de l'univers observable, ils ne parle pas seulement d'aussi loin que l'œil peut voir, ou même le télescope le plus puissant. En fait, il y a une limite fondamentale qui fait que nous ne pourrons jamais observer une grande partie de l'univers, quelle que soit l'avancée de nos instruments visuels. L'univers est supposé s'être formé il y a environ 13,7 milliards d'années. Donc, même si la lumière a commencé à voyager vers nous immédiatement après le Big Bang, le plus éloigné que nous pourrons jamais obtenir est de 13,7 milliards d'années-lumière de distance. Il peut y avoir des parties de l'univers qui sont plus loin (nous ne pouvons pas connaître l'ampleur de tout l'univers), mais nous ne pouvons pas voir plus loin que la lumière pouvant se déplacer sur l'âge de l'univers entier...
Images en fausses couleurs du "bullet cluster". En bleu la matière noire associée aux amas de galaxies, en rouge les gaz chauds émettant des rayons x (Crédit : NASA).
L'amas de galaxies 1E0657-56, dit encore le « bullet cluster », est en fait un groupe de deux amas de galaxies entrés en collision il y a 150 millions d’années. Le « bullet cluster », ou encore « amas du boulet » et même « amas de la boulette » pour certains astrophysiciens, est devenu célèbre en 2006. Des chercheurs comme Maxim Markevitch ont annoncé alors qu’il constituait une preuve extrêmement convaincante de l’existence de la matière noire et, au contraire, une objection redoutable contre la théorie MOND invoquée comme explication alternative à cette même matière noire pour les courbes de rotation des galaxies et la stabilité des amas de galaxies. (précisions complémentaires à l'article, Ndt)
Mouvements mystérieux
Les scientifiques ont découvert le Flux par l'étude de certaines des plus grandes structures du cosmos : les amas géants de galaxies. Ces grappes sont des conglomérats d'environ un millier de galaxies(1 galaxie comporte des millions de soleils), ainsi que du gaz très chaud qui émet des rayons X. En observant l'interaction des rayons X avec le fond diffus cosmologique (CMB), qui est un rayonnement fossile du Big Bang, les scientifiques peuvent étudier le mouvement des amas.
Les rayons X dispercent les photons dans le CMB, en modifiant leurs températures avec un effet connu sous le nom Kinématique Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ). Cet effet n'a pas été observé dans le suivi des amas de galaxies auparavant, mais une équipe de chercheurs dirigée par Alexander Kashlinsky, un astrophysicien de la NASA Goddard Space Flight Center à Greenbelt, Maryland, l'a trouvé quand ils ont étudié un vaste catalogue de 700 amas, en cherchant jusqu'à 6 milliards d'années-lumière, soit la moitié de l'univers. Ils ont comparé ce catalogue à la carte de la CMB prise par la NASA Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) par satellite.
Ils ont découvert que les amas se sont déplacés de près de 2.000.000 mph (3,2 millions de kilomètres par heure !) vers une région dans le ciel entre les constellations de Centaurus et Vela. Ce mouvement est différent de l'expansion vers l'extérieur de l'univers (qui est accéléré par la force appelée énergie noire).
" Nous avons trouvé une vitesse très importante, et, en outre, cette vitesse ne diminue pas avec la distance, aussi loin que nous pouvons mesurer ", a dit Kashlinsky " La matière dans l'univers observable ne peut pas produire le débit que nous mesurons."
Image de la zone par le télescope Magellan de 6,5 mètres au Chili. L’énorme force de gravitation de l’amas récemment découvert forme un mirage cosmique, visible sous la forme d’un arc au centre de l’image. Crédits : Werner et al. 2007
Bulle inflationniste
Les scientifiques en ont déduit que tout ce qui dirige les mouvements des amas doit se situer au-delà de l'univers connu.
Une théorie appelée inflation pose que l'univers que nous voyons est juste une petite bulle d'espace-temps qui s'est rapidement étendue après le Big Bang. Il pourrait y avoir d'autres parties du cosmos au-delà de cette bulle que nous ne pouvons pas voir.
Dans ces régions, l'espace-temps peut être très différent, et probablement ne contient ni étoiles et ni galaxies (qui ne se forment qu'en raison du modèle de densité de masse dans notre bulle). Il pourrait s'agir de géants, de structures massives beaucoup plus grandes que quelque chose comme notre propre univers observable. Ces structures sont ce que les chercheurs soupçonnent d'exister en attirant sur eux les amas de galaxies, ce qui provoque le Flux Noir.
« Les structures responsables de cette situation ont été poussés si loin par l'inflation, je pourrai estimer qu'elles peuvent être à des centaines de milliards d'années-lumière de distance, que nous ne pouvons pas voir, même avec les plus puissants télescopes, car la lumière émise ne nous aurait pas (encore) atteint avec l'âge de l'univers, " dit Kashlinsky dans une entrevue téléphonique. « Plus probablement, pour créer un tel flux cohérent il doit y avoir des structures très étranges, peut-être un peu d'espace-temps déformé. Mais ce n'est que pure spéculation."
L'amas galactique 1E 0657-56 (connu sous Bullet Cluster) situé à 3.8 milliards d'années lumière. C'est un des centaines d'amas qui apparaissent comme attirés au loin par un mystérieux flux cosmique. CREDIT: NASA/STScI/Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al.
Etonnante découverte
Bien que la théorie de l'inflation prévoit de nombreuses diverses facettes de l'univers lointain, peu de scientifiques ont prédit le Flux Noir.
" C'était vraiment surprenant pour nous, et je soupçonne pour tout le monde également," a déclaré Kashlinsky. " Pour certains modèles particuliers de la théorie de l'inflation nous pouvons nous attendre à ces types de structures, et il y avait quelques suggestions dans la littérature qui n'ont pas été prises au sérieux, je pense jusqu'à présent."
"Cette découverte pourrait aider les scientifiques à savoir ce qu'il s'est passé dans l'univers avant l'inflation, et ce qui se passe dans ces domaines inaccessibles, que nous ne pouvons pas voir ".
We have computed the dipole at the cluster locations using the same techniques for WMAP and Planck. We find a “dark flow” signal which correlates with X-ray properties, and is therefore likely related to cluster gas, and not to the primary CMB, foregrounds or noise. The results are in excellent agreement with our earlier findings and are consistent both in WMAP 9 yr and in Planck 1 yr. Those instruments used different scanning strategies, which resulted in different systematics and, while small differences remain, the close agreement is reassuring of the real nature of the dipole signal. Specifically we found that:
• The dipole at the zero monopole aperture remains at cluster positions at the same level as in KAEEK.
• The dipole at cluster positions correlates with the TSZ monopole, a proxy for X-ray luminosity.
• The signal is consistent among the different multi-year WMAP integration filters and with all Planck frequencies, except for a small, typically ∼ 1σ, offset at 30 GHz.
• The noise of the measurement in our filtered maps is in good agreement with the analytical and numerical theory developed in AKEKE and summarized here.
• The overall statistical significance of the dipole signal in WMAP is similar to that found in KAEEK, and is larger for Planck than for WMAP.
• Within the uncertainties the signal points in the direction of the all-sky CMB dipole.
• If one accepts the KSZ interpretation of the detected statistically significant signal the equivalent velocity is ∼ 600 − 1, 000km/s, within the systematic and statistical calibration uncertainties discussed by Kashlinsky et al. (2009), KAEEK and Atrio-Barandela et al. (2012).
" Nous avons calculé le dipôle aux endroits du cluster (concentration, densité, conglomérat, grappe) en utilisant les mêmes techniques de WMAP et Planck. Nous trouvons un signal "flux noir" qui est en corrélation avec les propriétés des rayons X, et est donc probablement lié au cluster (concentration) de gaz, et non au CMB primaire, aux avant-plans ou au bruit. Les résultats sont en excellent accord avec nos résultats antérieurs et sont compatibles à la fois sur les 9 ans de WMAP et à Planck sur 1 an. Ces instruments ont utilisé différentes stratégies de numérisation, qui ont abouti à différentes systématiques et, tandis que les petites différences demeurent, l'accord proche est rassurant sur la nature réelle du signal du dipôle. (leurs estimations semblent vérifiées pour l'instant...). "
Traduction :Yves Herbo - S,F,H, 08-2012, MAJ 09-08-2015
EEN gigantische monoliet, die door mensen zo'n 9.350 jaar geleden zou zijn uitgehouwen, is aangetroffen op de bodem van de Middellandse Zee.
De term 'monoliet' wordt gebruikt wanneer iets uit één blok natuursteen gehouwen is. Het waargenomen object is in totaal twaalf meter lang maar ligt nu in twee stukken op de zeebodem. De ontdekking werd gedaan door wetenschappers van de universiteit van Tel Aviv. Zij vonden de monoliet op veertig meter diepte op een zandplaat genaamd Pantelleria Vecchia in het Kanaal van Sicilië, dat tussen het Italiaanse eiland en Tunesië is gesitueerd. Dat staat te lezen in het 'Journal of Archaeological Science'.
De monoliet bevat drie gaten van ongeveer dezelfde grootte. De onderzoekers zijn dan ook overtuigd dat het rotsblok werd uitgehouwen door mensen, meer bepaald zo'n 9.350 jaar geleden toen die regio onder water kwam te staan na de laatste ijstijd. Het is te vroeg om te achterhalen waarvoor de monoliet werd gebruikt maar het zou kunnen gaan om een onderdeel van een soort van 'vuurtoren' of om iets te verankeren.
"Er zijn geen natuurlijke processen bekend die deze elementen kunnen produceren," schrijft Zvi Ben-Avraham van de Universiteit van Tel Aviv. De onderzoekers schatten dat de monoliet wel eens zo'n vijftien ton zou kunnen wegen.
De vondst van het object toont aan dat technologische innovatie van de 'primitieve' bewoners uit het stenen tijdperk wel eens groter zou kunnen zijn dan oorspronkelijk gedacht.
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09-08-2015 om 23:01
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
My best friend and I were returning to Long Island from Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada. It was late and we knew we would never make it so we decided to stop along the way. We saw a billboard advertising Howe Caverns and we decided to go there for the night and then visit the caves in the morning. It was Labor Day weekend and it was Saturday night. We followed the signs into the parking lot of the caverns. It was about 11-11:15 at night. We were young foolish kids and didn’t have much money so we decided to sleep in the car. It was a white 1961 Chevy Impala. We were the only car in the lot and I remember saying, “let’s park in a corner so if we oversleep I don’t want people looking in the windows.” I parked the car in such a way that I backed against a hill declining away from the car. The trunk overhung the start of the decline. You basically couldn’t stand behind the car. I parked with the passenger doors also at the edge of the lot. I remember saying, “at least the car is protected from passer-byes on 2 sides…the rear and passenger side.” I was in the front seat and my friend Bill was in the rear seat, ready to go to sleep. We locked the doors. I laid down with my head where the passenger would sit and Bill was the same way in the rear. Since it was pitch black, I had my eyes closed. Bill, then calmly said “look at the lights in the trees”. I said, “Damn, it’s probably the sheriff, he saw our car lights come up here and we are going to be caught”. That was the last rational comment made for several hours. Now, first you must know the dynamics between Bill and I.
Best friends from 7th grade, we were now juniors in college. He went to N Y Maritime College, and I went to Hofstra University. He was always better than me in every sport we tried, from skiing to tennis. He could run faster, swim better and do more pushups than me. I always felt “safe” around him. I knew I could count on a stronger, more rational guy to protect me. Well, he suddenly started screaming, almost berserk like, at me to “get away, drive away”. He kept shouting, “THEY’RE BEHIND US, THEY’RE OVER THE CAR”. For a few seconds I didn’t respond in a scared manner. I remember thinking that its just the cops. In seconds I slowly started to react. An intense light was shining in my eyes. Even though they were still closed, I could see the reds and harsh whites of light….and at the same time, Bill was sitting up and pounding on the seat and me to get up and go. I never saw him like this, and I was now reacting to his fear. I opened my eyes and he was climbing into the front seat..I told him calm down, I’ll drive away. The car’s interior was lit up like day, yet it was pitch black outside. I realized the light was coming in from the rearview window. I thought that strange, since nothing could be behind us. I saw the keys on the dashboard, I put them in the ignition, he was next to me, and I calmly drove away.
When we reached the main road, there were no signs of any cops. I stopped, and remember saying, “let’s get a motel”. I turned left and drove not more than a mile and we came across an old motel. I pulled into the lot and saw that it was almost 3:30 and said “it’s crazy to pay for a room for a few hours, let’s sleep in the car. Bill calmly said ‘OK’, and I remember saying, “let’s put up something to block the windows so the lights don’t get us” We calmly went to sleep, not discussing what just happened or even realizing 3 hours went by. We awoke around 8, and took the maps out of the windows, that we used to block the “lights” and went up to the caverns. I went back to that parking spot and we looked around and couldn’t understand anything that happened. We shrugged it off, toured the caverns, and around noon headed to Long Island. Nothing about last night was was like we couldn’t rationalize it. It was a blur. An aside about me…I am the hysterical one, I react to things, I can get out of control in a flash…and yet that night I was the calm one and Bill was the screamer. Anyway, I dropped him home and then went to my house. We both still lived with our parents.
When I walked in the house, my father was watching T V and on the coffee table was Newsday, Long Islands newspaper. The headlines screamed at me…”UFO’S sighted over upstate New York….I rushed to the phone to call Bill…He answered, and I said “did you see the paper?” He was shaken and said ,”yes”…I said, “what happened, what did we see?” He refused to talk about it..He wouldn’t answer me. For 35 years we lost contact. When we finally did reconnect, he was married and living in Oceanside, California. I was living in the Hudson Valley. I asked him about that night in 1967, and his voiced changed and wouldn’t even acknowledge what I was asking. He died in 2005. I am still left with untold answers of what happened that night. Now for the real “crazy” stuff. I am almost afraid to write this because it is so bizarre…I had incidents like this in 1977, 1987, 1997, and 2007. I often thought, what happened in 1957, when I was 9 years old? Well, I remember waking up one morning, we lived in Flushing NY, and I had an object embedded under my skin on my right thigh. I showed my mother. It was clearly under the skin, yet there was no mark, cut or pain. She looked at it and said, “you must have stuck a pencil point into your leg. Don’t worry, it will go away”. I remember thinking I didn’t do that, besides that would hurt. It took about 6-8 months to “disappear” into my thigh. If I coughed, my mother had the doctor there, yet she was absolutely unconcerned about this object in my leg. It resembled a lead pencil point, with a dull tip.
In 1977, in California, in 1987, in the Hudson Valley, in 1997, in NYC and in 2007, in the Hudson Valley, other “incidents” occurred. I am now 66, I have seen all the shows about abductions, missing time implants, etc…and would like an answer. I am not seeking publicity and am quite embarrassed about all this. People laugh when I tell them, they ridicule and tease. Let me tell you, the fear is overwhelming, like I have never felt. Thank you for reading this. And yes, I saw the “greys”….How sick does that sound?
Human skulls deliberately warped into strange, alien-like shapes have been unearthed in a 1,000-year-old cemetery in Mexico, researchers say. The practice of deforming skulls of children as they grew was common in Central America, and these findings suggest the tradition spread farther north than had been thought, scientists added.
The cemetery was discovered by residents of the small Mexican village of Onavas in 1999 as they were building an irrigation canal. It is the first pre-Hispanic cemetery found in the northern Mexican state of Sonora.
The site, referred to as El Cementerio, contained the remains of 25 human burials. Thirteen of them had deformed skulls, which were elongate and pointy at the back, and five had mutilated teeth. Dental mutilation involves filing or grinding teeth into odd shapes, while cranial deformation involves distorting the normal growth of a child’s skull by applying force — for example, by using cloths to bind wooden boards against their heads.
“Cranial deformation has been used by different societies in the world as a ritual practice, or for distinction of status within a group or to distinguish between social groups,” said researcher Cristina García Moreno, an archaeologist at Arizona State University.
“The reason why these individuals at El Cementerio deformed their skulls is still unknown.” “The most common comment I’ve read from people that see the pictures of cranial deformation has been that they think that those people were ‘aliens,’” García added. “I could say that some say that as a joke, but the interesting thing is that some do think so. Obviously we are talking about human beings, not of aliens.”
GHOST PARTICLE: The picture proof that shows aliens ARE out there
THIS extraordinary image is further proof that aliens DO EXISTS, scientists have sensationally claimed.
University of Sheffield GETTY
The spectre-like ghost particle was discovered in debris
The eerie and never-before seen picture reveals a spectral-like ‘ghost particle’ discovered in debris gathered from outer space.
Exclusively unveiled by the Daily Express, it shows what is thought to be a ‘living balloon’ which once used to carry microscopic alien organisms.
Discovered by Professor Milton Wainwright and his team from the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, it is, they claim, the latest proof aliens exist.
It could even be the next step in piecing together the age-long conundrum of where life on Earth came from, with experts firmly pointing the finger outside our planet.
Professor Wainwright insists the particle, found in dust and particulate matter collected from the stratosphere, is biological.
Sheffield University
The ghost particle resembles a wisp of smoke
Resembling a wisp of smoke under the microscope the minuscule organism, could hold the key to the long-pondered question “are we alone?”.
Professor Wainwright said: “This is nothing short of a New Year’s present from outer space.
“The width of a human hair and resembling a chiffon scarf with a ghostly appearance, the particle is definitely biological.
“We can speculate that in its space environment this ‘ghost particle’ is a living balloon which an alien microscopic organism might inflate with lighter than air gasses allowing it to float in the air or the seas of an unknown space environment.
“The particle in the picture looks is more like a collapsed balloon, however in its natural state is probably inflated”.
It is set to throw the scientific community into a frenzy of excitement and comes after the discovery last October of a similar ‘dragon particle’ by Professor Wainwright and his team.
Both particles were found by sending balloons into the stratosphere 27 km above the Earth’s atmosphere and examining debris pulled back from space.
Professor Wainwright said: “These are like nothing previously found on Earth.
“It is amazing is that they appear on the sampling stubs in an absolutely pristine condition with no contamination like pollen, grass or pollution particles “Unless a means of lifting them from Earth exists which selectively sieves them out from other Earth-derived debris then they must be incoming from space.
“They also produce tiny dents we call impact craters when they land on the sampler so there is almost no doubt of their space origin.”
Last year astronauts announced they had found traces of life on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS) which orbits Earth.
The discovery of tiny plankton on the ISS was the first time complex organisms were discovered in outer space.
Experiments previously showed bacteria can survive outside our planet but the discovery of the so-called diatoms supports the theory that the biochemical catalyst for human life originated elsewhere in the universe.
The research lent credence theories that not only does life exist in outer space, but extraterrestrial organisms including unknown viruses are continually raining down on earth.
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in England, said newly released research shows DNA – the building blocks of life – can survive harsh extra-terrestrial conditions.
A small piece of DNA called a ‘plasmid’ was sent into space from Sweden in 2011 on the exterior of a TEXUS-49 rocket.
After enduring 1,000C heat it was found to still be intact and with its biological properties when it returned to Earth.
Professor Wickramasinghe, who has long-maintained that alien life does exist, hailed the finding as further proof of this.
He said viruses and viral particles are constantly raining down on Earth from space in a process called cometary panspermia.
“DNA carries the blueprint of all life, and its survival during space travel is essential if life is to be regarded a cosmic phenomenon,” he said.
“This finding shows that DNA and viruses can survive the rigours of space travel – escape at high speed through the atmosphere of one planet and land in tact on another.
“The result gives strong support for the Hoyle-Wickramasinghe theory of Evolution from Space.
“It lends very strong support to the theory of cometary panspermia.”
Professor Wainwright added: “Everything that we have on the Earth is derived from space, including humans.”
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.