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The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
NASA gaat Trojanen van Jupiter bezoeken
NASA gaat Trojanen van Jupiter bezoeken
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Ruimtevaartuig Lucy moet in 2021 al het luchtruim kiezen.
Dat heeft NASA bekend gemaakt. Het wordt een primeur; nog nooit heeft een ruimtevaartuig een bezoek gebracht aan de Trojanen, een verzameling planetoïden die zich in dezelfde baan als Jupiter beweegt.
Traject NASA werkt al geruime tijd aan de missie naar Jupiters Trojanen. Nieuwe missies zoals Lucy doorlopen een langdurig traject waarin stap voor stap onderzocht wordt of deze missies het uitvoeren waard zijn. Zo werden recent bijvoorbeeld nog de kosten en risico’s van de Lucy-missie in kaart gebracht. Ook is er al nagedacht over welke instrumenten het ruimtevaartuig mee moet torsen en wanneer er gelanceerd kan worden. Tot op heden verloopt het traject duidelijk naar tevredenheid, want NASA heeft de Lucy-missie nu het volgende stadium – aangeduid als Critical Design Review – in geloodst. Hierbij wordt er een gedetailleerd ontwerp van Lucy gemaakt. Als alles goed gaat, is de volgende stap het bouwen van Lucy.
Zeven Zoals het er nu naar uitziet, wordt Lucy in oktober 2021 gelanceerd. Tijdens een twaalf jaar urende reis zal het ruimtevaartuig maar liefst zeven verschillende planetoïden bezoeken: een planetoïde uit de planetoïdengordel en zes Trojanen.
Gehoopt wordt dat onderzoek naar de Trojanen meer inzicht geeft in hoe ons zonnestelsel – en dan met name de planeten in ons zonnestelsel – zijn ontstaan. In aanloop naar 2021 is er aan planetoïden-onderzoek overigens geen gebrek. Op dit moment onderzoekt Hayabusa2 de planetoïde Ryugu en in december meert OSIRIS-REx aan bij planetoïde Bennu.
4500 jaar oud transportsysteem ontdekt in Egyptische steengroeve
4500 jaar oud transportsysteem ontdekt in Egyptische steengroeve
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De geweldige vondst kan mogelijk verklaren hoe de oude Egyptenaren hun piramides bouwden.
De onderzoekers ontdekten het transportsysteem in de steengroeve Hatnub, gelegen ten zuidoosten van de stad Minya. Uit de groeve haalden de oude Egyptenaren gesteente dat ze gebruikten om beelden, grafkisten, tegels en vazen van te maken.
De steengroeve en helling van bovenaf.
Afbeelding: Egyptisch Ministerie van Oudheden.
Helling Al sinds 2012 wordt er nabij de steengroeve onderzoek gedaan. Bij het verwijderen van puin nabij de ingang van de steengroeve stuitten wetenschappers onlangs op een uniek systeem dat gebruikt werd om grote en zware stenen uit de groeve te trekken en te verplaatsen. Het systeem bestaat uit een vrij steile centrale helling met aan weerszijden een trap. Beide trappen worden gekenmerkt door talloze gaten waarin ooit stevige houten palen moeten hebben gestaan. Wanneer mijnwerkers een groot stuk steen uit de groeve moesten halen, legden ze het op een soort houten slee die op de centrale helling stond. Aan die slee zaten touwen vast die rond de houten palen op de trappen werden geslagen en de kracht die de mannen die de slee trokken, uitoefenden, vergrootten. Zo waren de oude Egyptenaren in staat om zware, grote stukken gesteente de steile helling op te trekken.
Uniek Volgens het Egyptisch Ministerie voor Oudheden is het voor het eerst dat er zo’n grootschalig transportsysteem in een Egyptische steengroeve is teruggevonden. De ontdekking geeft meer inzicht in hoe de Egyptenaren die leefden in de tijd dat de machtige piramides gebouwd werden, duizenden kilo’s zware blokken een steile helling op konden trekken. Het lijkt aannemelijk dat vergelijkbare transportsystemen werden gebruikt om die piramides te kunnen bouwen.
Afbeelding: Egyptisch Ministerie van Oudheden.
Het unieke transportsysteem van Hatnub zou stammen uit de regeringsperiode van farao Cheops. Hij regeerde tussen 2604 en 2581 voor Christus over Egypte en liet onder meer één van de zeven wereldwonderen bouwen: de piramide van Gizeh.
This could be a scene out of a spooky movie. But reality is just as morbid for this coffin-shaped iceberg. After 18 years at sea, B-15T has entered a region where Antarctic icebergs go to die.
On September 23, 2018, when an astronaut on the International Space Station shot this photograph, iceberg B-15T had already left the Southern Ocean. It was spotted in the South Atlantic between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The second image shows a wide view, acquired the same day by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite. Icebergs like this are known to melt rapidly as they make their way north into warmer waters.
B-15T’s journey to this iceberg graveyard has been a long one. Its parent berg (B-15) first broke away from the Ross Ice Shelf in March 2000. It fractured over time into smaller bergs, many of which continued riding the Antarctic Coastal Current (counter-clockwise) around Antarctica.
By late 2017, the Weddell Sea gyre had redirected B-15T from its near circumnavigation and sent the berg drifting north. This third image was acquired in October 2017 by MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite. It shows the iceberg when it was near Elephant Island, an icy bit of rock located a few hundred kilometers north-northeast from the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula.
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which funnels through the Drake Passage, then steered the iceberg toward the east and its current location. Water at this latitude—about 54 degrees South—is generally warmer than the Southern Ocean and deadly for icebergs. NASA/UMBC glaciologist Chris Shuman noted that Southern Hemisphere winter was just ending when the astronaut spotted the berg, so the return of abundant sunlight could further warm the water around it. The lack of sea ice in the vicinity of B-15T implies that the water was above the freezing point.
The spooky shape of B-15T was acquired long before it moved into this iceberg graveyard. For more than a decade, B-15 had numerous collisions—smashing back into the Ross Ice Shelf where it originated, hitting bedrock along the coast, and bumping into other tabular icebergs. Such collisions can be strong enough to abruptly fracture the crystalline ice and produce linear edges—similar to the rectangular iceberg that debuted this month near the Larsen C ice shelf and iceberg A-68. That iceberg is visible in the photograph below, acquired October 16 during an Operation IceBridge science flight.
“This fracturing is akin to ‘cleaving’ a mineral crystal with a sharp tap of hammer,” Shuman said. Of course, the edges are not always so linear. Other bergs have edges that are curved. Some become jagged when the pull of gravity or the cutting action of waves causes ice to irregularly splinter.
“The coffin shape is an accident of time and space, given the approximately 18.5-year voyage of B-15T,” Shuman said. “We can only guess at the forces that have acted on this remnant of B-15 along the long way around Antarctica.”
Astronaut photograph ISS056-E-195042 was acquired on September 23, 2018, with a Nikon D5 digital camera using a 800 millimeter lens and is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The image was taken by a member of the Expedition 56 crew. The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory as part of the ISS National Lab to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin and Jeff Schmaltz, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS/LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Airborne photograph by NASA/Jeremy Harbeck. Story by Kathryn Hansen.
References & Resources
Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth (2018, September 23) ISS056-E-195042. Accessed October 30, 2018.
NASA kiekt bejaarde ijsberg met een wel heel bijzondere vorm
NASA kiekt bejaarde ijsberg met een wel heel bijzondere vorm
Vivian Lammerse
De ijsberg is na achttien jaar aangekomen op een plek waar ijsbergen ‘sterven’. En de vorm? Puur toeval, aldus NASA.
Astronauten op het Internationaal ruimtestation ISS hebben wel een heel bijzondere ijsberg gespot. Zo zagen ze een groot brok ijs in de vorm van een doodskist over de oceaan dobberen. De ijsberg drijft op dit moment steeds warmer wordend water in en is – na bijna twee decennia verdwaald te zijn op zee – onderweg naar zijn laatste rustplaats.
IJsberg B-15T die in de vorm van een doodskist over de oceaan drijft.
Afbeelding: NASA
B-15T De stervende ijsberg heeft de naam B-15T en drijft op dit moment op de Zuid-Atlantische Oceaan, tussen Zuid-Georgia en de Zuidelijke Sandwich eilanden. De winter op het zuidelijke halfrond loopt op dit moment ten einde. Hierdoor bereikt meer zonlicht het oppervlak, waardoor de zon het omliggende water verder opwarmt. Ook is er rondom de ijsberg geen zee-ijs te zien, wat inhoudt dat de watertemperatuur al boven het vriespunt is uitgekomen.
De plek waar ijsberg B-15T ronddobbert.
Afbeelding: NASA
Reis De reis van B-15T naar het ijsbergkerkhof is lang geweest. Zo begon het allemaal in maart 2000, toen de Ross-ijsplaat op Antarctica een record brekend groot stuk ijs kwijtraakte. Nog nooit hadden satellieten zo’n groot stuk ijs van Antarctica los zien komen. Het ging om de ijsberg B-15 die een oppervlak van ongeveer 11.000 km2 besloeg. In de jaren die volgden, brak B-15 in meerdere stukken, waaronder B-15T. De ijsberg doolde vervolgens voor achttien jaar rond op zee.
Botsingen De eigenaardige vorm heeft B-15T te danken aan de talloze botsingen die hij in zijn leven onderging. Zo smashte hij terug tegen de Ross-ijsplaat en klapte vervolgens tegen andere ronddobberende ijsbergen aan. Hierdoor zijn er telkens stukken van het ijs afgebroken, waardoor er lineaire randen en lijnen ontstaan. Dit zagen we onlangs ook nog gebeuren bij een ijsberg die voor de Larsen C-ijsplaat ronddreefen wel hele scherpe en rechte hoeken had.
Dat ijsberg B-15T de vorm van een doodskist heeft aangenomen, is “een ongeluk van tijd en ruimte,” stelt onderzoeker Chris Shuman. “We kunnen alleen maar gissen naar alle processen waaraan dit overblijfsel van B-15 is blootgesteld tijdens zijn lange tocht rond Antarctica.”
UFO filmed over Réunion Island near Madagaskar 27-Oct-2018
UFO filmed over Réunion Island near Madagaskar 27-Oct-2018
This UFO (possible TR-3B) video was filmed over Saint-Pierre, a port town on the southwestern coast of Réunion Island, a French department in the Indian Ocean. This happened on 27th October 2018.
Witness report:
On SATURDAY, October 27th, 2018 at 8:40 pm when we finish eating, an information circulates on the social networks and local radio like what a meteorite crossed the West in EAST .. Followed by that by curiosity us we go up to the floor of our house to observe the sky by curiosity having a 180 ° Panoramic view on the horizon .At 20:50 very exactly, a light very far to the horizon has about 12/15 km from our position catches my attention, it’s like a flash.After taking my camera, we zoom in, because the 2 objects were visible and observable only in zooming with my camera that this light made a brutal descent then remained static. A few seconds later, another luminous point made a descent and we can observe that this second light turns around the first one. Which after a few seconds has disappeared (see videos). Following this, the first bright spot remaining on the spot began to move and make a very slow climb full WEST.We can distinguish very clearly on the videos and photos the shape of the object with at his place a white and blue / green light. We had been very surprised me and my family by observing this. It is not the first time that one observes strange things in this sector.I am informed to you of a previous observation in May 2018 which has been updated is always without réé answer .. I did research on air and sea traffic, and nothing, nothing was at this time if in the area. I attach you 3 videos, the 1st one can distinguish the 2nd object on the right doing a descent, .. on the 2nd one finds the 2nd object on the left of the 1st and the 3rd video one observes only the 1st object moving full West. Hoping to have explanations please
LAS VEGAS - A global scramble is underway to identify and perhaps replicate unidentified mystery materials that have been collected at multiple sites around the world.
A few of the samples have defied analysis by leading scientists, who say they don't know how the material was engineered, or why, or by whom?
Some of the metamaterial was allegedly collected in connection with UFO incidents, which gives the whole endeavor an otherworldly glow.
For years, the Pentagon secretly studied the seemingly impossible abilities of unknown craft captured in military videos.
Scientists now want to know if the materials used in these mystery aircraft allow them to do what they do. For years, one of the secret studies was carried out by BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), a Las Vegas operation hidden within Bigelow Aerospace.
Documents first reported by the I-Team show that BAASS landed a contract with the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), and one of the objectives was to study so called metamaterials, as well as futuristic technologies.
"It was a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about 10 times the size of a human hair, supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an advanced aerospace vehicle. It looks like it's been in a crash," said Dr. Hal Puthoff, with the Institute for Advanced Studies during a presentation in Las Vegas.
In June, physicist Hal Puthoff came pretty close to saying that the weird wedge of metamaterial came from a crashed saucer, but he can't know for sure. Puthoff and his colleague Dr. Eric Davis are on the cutting edge of attempts to identify an assortment of bits and pieces that are seemingly beyond anything we can create.
This one sample is engineered in layers thinner than microns, through a process unknown on earth, and for a purpose we can only guess.
"Nowhere could we find any evidence that anybody ever made one of these when we talked to people in the materials field who should know, they said we don't know why anybody would want to make anything like this," Dr. Puthoff said.
Astrophysicist Dr. Jacques Vallee has been analyzing mystery materials since the 80s, often using the technical expertise of Stanford University and Silicon Valley to unravel unknown samples acquired from all over the world. Vallee pointedly steers clear of any military funding and he's shared his findings at public conferences.
"We have multiple samples from multiple sources, a wide range of variety and integrity," said Lue Elizondo, To The Stars Academy.
These days, former intelligence officer Lue Elizondo helps to collect and protect unknown chunks for To The Stars Academy. Before that, he ran AATIP (Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program), the Pentagon's secret UFO study. The same one which released the now famous videos of encounters between Navy pilots and the mystery machines dubbed the Tic Tac and Gimbal UFOs.
This summer, To The Stars launched ADAM, its own effort to find and study pieces of material that may have been stashed for decades after being retrieved from the sites of close encounters. Elizondo says there are legitimate reasons why the military, and now private groups, are now in a race to figure out these materials.
"What our international efforts are to potentially -- and I say potentially, I'm not saying we're doing this, maybe to replicate that technology or to reverse engineer that technology. Now you're getting into sensitivities you don't necessarily want everyone to be privy to," Elizondo said in a June 2018 interview with the I-Team.
When the New York Times broke its story last year about the Pentagon's UFO story, it reported that a sample of mystery material was secretly stored at Bigelow aerospace. Managers of that program told the I-Team that while they are familiar with some of the metamaterial samples, none were ever stashed in Las Vegas.
Dr. Jacques Vallee invites the public to send inquires and samples of mystery metal to him at the following address: P.O. Box 641650, San Francisco, CA 94109
YouTube "outage"... was it to quarantine and erase a video of something hitting the moon?
Het mysterie van de buitenaardse legeringen. Deze bizarre, onbekende materialen werden uit UFO’s gehaald
Afgelopen jaar werd onthuld dat de Amerikaanse overheid jarenlang in het diepste geheim onderzoek deed naar UFO’s. Zo zouden er onder meer onbekende materialen, zogeheten metamaterialen, zijn verzameld.
Eén van die voorwerpen blijkt hoogstwaarschijnlijk rechtstreeks uit een UFO afkomstig te zijn.
Het voorwerp werd in juni dit jaar onthuld door dr. Hal Puthoff, die zei dat het materiaal uniek was en dat experts geen idee hadden wat het was en door wie het was vervaardigd.
“Het was een meerlagig monster bestaande uit bismut en magnesium,” zei hij. “De lagen bismut waren dunner dan een menselijke haar. De lagen magnesium ongeveer 10 keer zo dik als een menselijke haar.”
“Het monster zou zijn verzameld na de crash van een geavanceerd luchtvaartuig,” voegde hij toe.
Het materiaal is ontstaan tijdens een proces dat op aarde onbekend is.
Meerdere bronnen
Het lijkt erop dat we in de toekomst meer van dit soort voorwerpen gaan zien. Luis Elizondo, die aan het hoofd stond van het geheime UFO-programma van het Pentagon, liet doorschemeren dat hij de beschikking heeft over ‘meerdere monsters afkomstig van meerdere bronnen’.
Wetenschappers willen zien te achterhalen waar de materialen die uit de UFO’s zijn gehaald voor dienden.
You will not believe this, but a few followers may see this and a lot of followers noticed my account disappeared. My UFO account has been silenced, probably by the NSA and their hacking skills, but maybe by the Russians. My account got on world news hundreds of times but is muted, impossible to find on phone under keywords or name but only through mentions I’m not sure why the NSA would think this would silence me, but lucky for me I have another account.
I messaged the CEO of twitter @Jack and we will see if he can fix things up or make them worse...but who knows. By silencing my UFO account, it makes be wonder if a gov is preparing to make a hit on me to get rid of me? Smart of them...mute my accounts so I don't know that no-one can see my tweets other than my followers...cut my communication lines...figures. Well if I am a target and get confronted by an agent face to face with a gun, I'm not begging, I'm not going to negotiate with them, I'm just going to look them in the eyes and tell them to "Go f@#$ themselves!" Live and die like a man. Been in this business too long to have any fear. Now...I have anger which drives me to find answers...and I'm just warming up!
Classic UFO Disk Seen Over Lake Tahoe, Nevada On Oct 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Classic UFO Disk Seen Over Lake Tahoe, Nevada On Oct 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: October 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA
Source: MUFON 95950
Here is the most detailed UFO I have seen all week. This is a classic flying saucer...a beautiful metallic disk with a raised upper dome area. This is 100% proof that aliens are monitoring human up close and personal. Makes you wonder if they are so interested in us...when are they going to make their presence known by landing and having a meet and greet session with people? Right, I get that too, but they have rules and one of the rules was that they cannot disclose too much to too many humans without that countries president given consent. (That info is found in the book Stranger in the Pentagon, by a priest who met an alien from just such a disk, the priest worked side by side with several US presidents when greeting other countries VIPs and presidents.)
Awesome video shared with us by UFO Institute. Please click to to subscribe to their channel and like this video as a thank you for his hard work.
Eyewitness states:
We went to Lake Tahoe for vacation we got a tour on a boat to ride on the lake. I don't see the object in till we got home I was checking the videos this object appeared on the video with tremendous speed at 00.07 seconds of the video I short the video only for that section the video is 10 minutes long. also, it seems that one person sees the object and took off his hat.
UFO Sighted From from Gödöllő to Visonta, Hungary ( October 30, 2018 ) Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Sighted From from Gödöllő to Visonta, Hungary ( October 30, 2018 ) Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: October 30, 2018
Location of sighting: Visonta, Hungary
Source: MUFON
These UFOs seem to be able to form a single craft, and yet break apart when they want to fly off on their own. This is really an extraordinary catch and I would love to see the aircraft radar data on this location for that day.
This is a great sighting in Hungary this week. Many UFOs appear as glowing balls together...which has also been noted in thousands of past UFO reports. The video was posted today by UFO Institute of Youtube.
Eyewitness states:
Vajon UFO-t láttak Magyarországon? Mi lehet ez a jelenség az égen? TRANSLATED : Did they see UFOs in Hungary? What can this be like in the sky?
'War of the Worlds': Fake news that spawned ugly fake news — and holds lessons for today
'War of the Worlds': Fake news that spawned ugly fake news — and holds lessons for today
The purported mass panic tied to the 1938 broadcast is a myth that won't die. While some newspapers reported responsibly at the time, others sensationalized and put forth harmful stereotypes.
By Jefferson Pooley and Michael J. Socolow
Orson Welles, center, spoke to reporters on Oct. 31, 1938, the day after his dramatization of “War of the Worlds” aired on radio. Recent scholarship indicates that, contrary to popular belief, few people were panicked by the broadcast.
Eighty years ago this week, CBS broadcast Orson Welles’ adaptation of “War of the Worlds,” and mass panic ensued. Or did it?
We know today that the popular story of the mass panic sparked by “War of the Worlds,” a radio drama staged as a normal news broadcast interrupted by breaking reports of an alien invasion, was far overblown. In a nation of about 130 million people, fewer than 50 Americans were panicked enough to flee outside. That number emerges from recent scholarship by historian A. Brad Schwartz and others who have explored the scope of the panic in the past decade.
But the myth that thousands mobbed the streets remains powerful. Sensationalist journalism at the time was later validated by social scientists and relayed by historians, creating a myth that just won’t die. Efforts to debunk this myth reveal that fake news doesn’t just distort the historical record but also often spreads damaging racial and gendered stereotypes.
Newspapers that reported on the panic did so in ways that advanced ideas of racial inferiority. “Harlem was shaken by the ‘news,’ ” read one subhead in the New York Times. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle offered a similar, if more fanciful, account. “Sugar Hill in Harlem was transformed from a gay neighborhood into one in which sober, frightening thoughts were uppermost. Excited Negroes rushed into the parlor congregations they had ignored for years to join in singing spirituals. They were welcomed by their more pious brothers and sisters with ‘I told you so,’ as they changed their tune from swinging and swigging to hymning and praying,” the newspaper reported.
The racism in these reports was often coupled with gender stereotypes. Frightened mobs of women and children made appearances in newspapers throughout America. One famous example emerged from Providence, R.I., when “women in hysterical tears … besieged the switchboard of the Providence Journal.”
As with the mobs of frightened African-Americans, none of these women were identified or quoted. Even the policemen involved apparently preferred to withhold their identities. Everyone remained nameless. When researchers from Princeton University later analyzed approximately 12,000 news articles about the panic, the review “failed to produce more than a half dozen interviews” for a follow-up study. That’s because, with few exceptions, real names of actual people weren’t published — but racist and misogynistic stereotypes were.
Some newspapers, however, searched for facts, not tropes. And quite a few discovered little actual panic. “Maine Refused to Get Excited,” read the headline of a piece in the Lewiston Daily Sun. “The nationwide wave of hysteria generated by the Sunday night broadcast … apparently failed to affect Dubuque,” noted the Telegraph-Herald in Dubuque, Iowa. In Chicago, Salt Lake City and elsewhere, some newspapers relayed the lack of any detectable local panic.
Perhaps the most professional reporting to occur that evening came out of the Long Island Daily Press newsroom. Once the phone started ringing, the Press’ reporters and editors got an idea. They decided to conduct a telephone poll of 50 people, and found only four were tuned into the broadcast but “none of them were upset.” More than half of the people telephoned weren’t even listening to the radio, thus confirming the findings of the C.E. Hooper nationwide ratings survey. The Hooper survey established that the ratings for “War of the Worlds” were tiny, and it concluded that 98 percent of Americans were listening to something else, or not listening to the radio, when “War of the Worlds” was on the air.
The Daily Press telephone survey was excellent journalism. Once alerted to a rumor, the newspaper’s staff investigated its reality and reported results. Yet nobody has cited their work. It was forgotten until Tom Tryniski digitized the defunct newspaper’s front page and put it on the Web, where we found it.
The discovery of this forgotten reporting, when compared with the cultural memory inspired by the media’s sensationalism, pinpoints the issues arising when historians inadvertently rely on the fake news from the past. In this case, the mass panic as commonly understood didn’t happen — but newspaper journalists believed that readers would pay for stories about huge mobs of panic-stricken citizens. Their unethical and sensational journalism was a response to economic and social incentives. (Today’s fake news is responsive to these same incentives.)
This episode provides a clear example of the process by which fake news can quickly become ingrained deeply in American culture. Political decisions, governmental administrative moves and even social theory in the United States were made based on the idea that masses of panicked listeners fled their homes, terrorized by the radio — even though it didn’t happen that way.
The lesson is clear. Both journalists and scholars need to be more self-aware and skeptical whenever sensational stories about media manipulation arise. Today’s fake news can just as easily inform tomorrow’s social psychology and history textbooks.
Jefferson Pooley is associate professor of media & communication at College in Allentown, Pa. Michael J. Socolow teaches journalism at the University of Maine.
Where there’s water, there’s usually life — at least on Earth — and we just got confirmation that there used to be far more water on the surface of Mars than scientists previously believed.
The news comes courtesy of a team of researchers from the SETI Institute and NASA’s Ames Research Center. They’ve identified dozens of potential “paleolakes” — lakes that existed when the climate of a region was different than it is today — in the southern hemisphere of Mars. And the finding could forever change the hunt for extraterrestrial life.
On The Map
We already knew of one potential paleolake located in the northeastern part of Hellas, a massive basin in the southern hemisphere of Mars. In a study published in the journal Astrobiology on Tuesday, the researchers detail their discovery of 33 more.
The team conducted a detailed hydrogeographic analysis of the region, mapping its channels and depressions to suss out where additional Martian lakes may have once existed. This turned up the 33 new paleolakes.
By looking at each paleolake’s distinct characteristics, the team was even able to identify its most probable source of water: precipitation, groundwater, or rivers and streams.
Life On Mars
The discovery of these paleolakes is about more than just mapping the geology of Mars. It could also inform our search for life on the Red Planet.
As the researchers note in the paper, the former Martian lakes could contain the biological record of what, if any, life once existed on the planet, so as we plan future missions to Mars, we might want to consider devoting significant time to exploring this once-wet region of its surface.
Harvard Researchers Suggest ‘Oumuamua Was Alien ‘Reconnaissance Mission'
Harvard Researchers Suggest ‘Oumuamua Was Alien ‘Reconnaissance Mission'
‘Oumuamua, the mysterious interstellar object that has caused much head scratching in scientific circles, now has a new possible origin: part of a reconnaissance mission initiated by an alien civilization wanting to check out other galaxies.
The latest theory on ‘Oumuamua comes from a study published on Thursday by Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb, a pair of astronomers with the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
When scientists reviewed data collected by the Pan-STARRS-1 survey of ‘Oumuamua's closest flyby of the sun on September 9, 2017, they noted that the mysterious rock gained speed, rather than slowing down. Researchers at the time explained that the increase in ‘Oumuamua's velocity was likely explained by outgassing, the release of gas trapped or frozen inside the rock. The object itself was later classified as a cometby officials.
However, this explanation didn't sit right with Bialy and Loeb, who argue that had outgassing been the cause of ‘Oumuamua's increased velocity, it would've sent the interstellar object into a spin, which wasn't observed.
The pair suggested that ‘Oumuamua could actually be a light sail, a spacecraft that relies on radiation pressure for power, that's been sent from an alien civilization looking for signs of life in our solar system.
"We explain the excess acceleration of ‘Oumuamua away from the sun as the result of the force that the sunlight exerts on its surface. For this force to explain measured excess acceleration, the object needs to be extremely thin, of order a fraction of a millimeter in thickness but tens of meters in size," Loeb told Universe Today via email.
"This makes the object lightweight for its surface area and allows it to act as a light sail. Its origin could be either natural (in the interstellar medium or proto-planetary disks) or artificial (as a probe sent for a reconnaissance mission into the inner region of the solar system)."
Bialy and Loeb later explained in their work that should their theory prove true, there is the slight possibility that the light sail could even just be a "defunct sail floating under the influence of gravity and stellar radiation."
"The alternative is to imagine that ‘Oumuamua was on a reconnaissance mission. The reason I contemplate the reconnaissance possibility is that the assumption that ‘Oumumua followed a random orbit requires the production of ~10^{15} such objects per star in our galaxy. This abundance is up to a hundred million times more than expected from the solar system, based on a calculation that we did back in 2009," Loeb wrote.
"A surprisingly high overabundance, unless ‘Oumuamua is a targeted probe on a reconnaissance mission and not a member of a random population of objects."
Questions remain regarding the origin of ‘Oumuamua, and considering the rock is no longer in our solar system and is much too far away for researchers to observe, the lab coats might be in the dark for some time on the matter.
UFO proof? Hovering rock on Mars ‘remnants of an alien aircraft or spacecraft'
UFO proof? Hovering rock on Mars ‘remnants of an alien aircraft or spacecraft'
A STRANGE ‘levitating’ rock has been found on Mars which is the “remnants of an alien aircraft or spacecraft of long ago”, according to a conspiracy theorist.
UFO proof? Hovering rock on Mars ‘remnants of an alien aircraft or spacecraft'
(Image: GETTY)
The rock was picked up by images from NASA’s rovers on the Red Planet, prompting speculation from alien hunters.
It looks as if the rock is hovering above the ground of Mars, casting a dark shadow over the surface as it does.
Conspiracy theorists quickly picked up on the image, claiming that it is proof that a once highly advanced species either existed or visited Mars in the distant past.
The image was picked up by prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring.
Mr Waring wrote on his website UFO Sightings Daily: “Now here is something you don't see everyday. I found a hovering rock on the surface of Mars in a NASA photo.
“The thick rectangle shaped rock has a rectangle shape shadow below it. The object is about 10-12 inches from the surface, just hovering in place.
“This could indicate that this is some ancient technology, not a mere rock after all.
“Still filled with power, still hovering on its own, even though the rest of its craft no longer exists
“Probably remnants of an alien aircraft or spacecraft of long ago.”
However, sceptics and NASA would say the hovering rock and other similar findings are just the effects of pareidolia – a psychological phenomenon when the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects or shapes in patterns or textures such as a rock surface.
This is not the first time that evidence of aliens on Mars has allegedly been discovered.
Earlier this year, an "alien face" was found in a NASA satellite image of Mars, according to more bonkers claims.
Mr Waring was convinced it could be a rock carving, done by a Martian race, in the same way ancient Britons carved out the chalk figures in hillsides like the giant of Cerene Abbas in Dorset and the Long Man of Wilmington in East Sussex.
This could indicate that this is some ancient technology, not a mere rock after all"
(Image: NASA)
However, NASA insisted the rock is just a meteorite impact crater that has been left in the unusual form by later erosion.
When NASA released the image under the "alien head" caption, it said: "The image shows an impact crater in Chryse Planitia, not too far from the Viking 1 lander site, that to seems to resemble a bug-eyed head.
"The two odd depressions at the north end of the crater (the ‘eyes’) may have formed by wind or water erosion.
"This region has been modified by both processes, with water action occurring in the distant past via floods that poured across western Chryse Planitia from Maja Valles, and wind action common occurrence in more recent history.”
NASA has enjoyed a nice run of Mars-landing success lately, but that doesn't mean the agency is getting cocky ahead of next month's touchdown of its $850 million InSight mission.
NASA's twin Spirit and Opportunity rovers both aced their landings in January 2004, as did the Phoenix lander in May 2008 and the car-size Curiosity rover in August 2012. Regardless, InSight team members will doubtless be on tenterhooks as their spacecraft barrels into the Martian atmosphere at around 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT) on Nov. 26.
"Although we've done it before, landing on Mars is hard, and this mission is no different," Rob Manning, chief engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said in a newly released video. "It takes thousands of steps to go from the top of the atmosphere to the surface, and each one of them has to work perfectly to be a successful mission." [NASA's InSight Mars Lander: 10 Surprising Facts]
Manning walked viewers through some of the most important steps, starting with the separation of InSight's capsule from the "cruise stage" that has guided the lander through deep space since liftoff on May 5.
This separation will occur 7 minutes before InSight hits the Martian atmosphere, if all goes according to plan. InSight must then realign itself precisely, so that it enters the atmosphere at a 12-degree angle.
"Any steeper, the vehicle will hit the thicker part of the atmosphere, and it will melt and burn up," Manning said. "Any shallower, the vehicle will bounce off the atmosphere of Mars."
As the InSight capsule plows through the air, its heat shield will experience temperatures well over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius) — hot enough to melt steel, Manning said. After 2 minutes of such Martian air travel, InSight's speed will drop from 13,000 mph (20,900 km/h) to about 1,000 mph (1,600 km/h), he added.
It will then be time for InSight to deploy its big supersonic parachute. This milestone should occur at an altitude of about 10 miles (16 kilometers) above the Martian surface. Shortly thereafter, six pyrotechnic devices will fire simultaneously, jettisoning InSight's heat shield.
Ten seconds later, three more mini-explosions will deploy InSight's landing legs. About 1 minute after that, the lander will begin beaming out radar pulses to gauge its altitude and speed.
When InSight is just 1 mile (1.6 km) above the Martian surface, the lander will fall away from its parachute-toting backshell and light its descent engines, Manning said. InSight will have to rotate out of the way very quickly after it does this, to avoid being beaned by the parachute and backshell.
And then comes the landing itself, on a broad, flat plain just north of the Martian equator known as Elysium Plantitia.
"The last thing that has to happen is that, on the moment of contact, the engines have to shut down immediately," Manning said. "If they don't, the vehicle will tip over."
As this rundown indicates, all of this will happen in rapid succession: InSight's entire journey through the Martian air, from atmospheric entry to touchdown, will take just 6 minutes, NASA officials have said. (Curiosity team members dubbed that rover's entry, descent and landing sequence "7 minutes of terror," but InSight will get down a bit faster. And, unlike the heavier Curiosity, InSight won't need a sky crane.)
Then it will be time for the lander to get to work. InSight (whose name is short for "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport") carries two main science instruments, a burrowing heat probe and a suite of superprecise seismometers.
The measurements made by this gear over about two Earth years will help mission team members better understand Mars' internal composition and structure, as well as how rocky planets form and evolve. InSight will also use its communications gear to perform a radio-science experiment, which should reveal key details about Mars' core, NASA officials have said.
InSight launched with twin, briefcase-size spacecraft, which together comprise a JPL demonstration mission known as Mars Cube One (MarCO). MarCO's main goal is to show that tiny cubesats can indeed explore interplanetary space.
The two spacecraft, known as MarCO-A and MarCO-B, will also attempt to beam home data from InSight during the latter's landing attempt on Nov. 26. But this is not a vital task; other NASA craft, such as the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, will do this work as well.
MarCO-A and MarCO-B will not attempt touchdowns of their own. They'll zoom past Mars on Nov. 26, and their mission will come to an end shortly thereafter.
Mike Wall's book about the search for alien life, "Out There," will be published on Nov. 13 by Grand Central Publishing.
The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction - PART I
The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction - PART I
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Sci-Fi Ships
So many discussions of ships in science fiction fall into the same tired debates. Who goes faster, the Millennium Falcon or the USS Enterprise? How big of a planet would the Death Star blow up — and how much would that ship cost, anyway? This slideshow takes things a step further. We talk about the most creative ships of science fiction. Yes, you'll see some familiar names on here, but we hope there will be at least a couple of surprises. Enjoy! [Best Space Movies in the Universe]
Photo Credit: Microsoft
1. UNSC Infinity ('Halo' franchise)
The beautiful Infinity base in Halo is not only pretty to look at, but also a useful vessel for getting places. It's equipped with sublight and translight power, and able to avoid enemy attacks with the use of energy shields, according to Halopedia. The crew on board has the latest in entertainment, including a biosphere (said to rival natural parks on Earth) and a bar, called the Full Moon. To communicate with allies across long distances, Infinity even has superluminal communications capabilities. Now, if only there wasn't a war to fight, we could really enjoy a nice vacation on this ship.
Photo Credit: BBC
2. TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space)
Pick your favorite Doctor Who — there's probably going to be a TARDIS story in there sometime. This ship appears like a phone booth, but once you get inside the magic really starts to happen. At first glance, TARDIS appears like a mere time-travel machine, whisking characters back to chat with people like artist Vincent Van Gogh. But it's much more innovative than that. It not only can travel through time, but also space. First-time visitors are always surprised at how big the interior is — "It's bigger on the inside", is the famous line — as well as the ability of TARDIS to blend into its surroundings. It can withstand gunfire, falling from great heights or even entering a planet's atmosphere; indeed, it appears the only thing that will easily kill a TARDIS is to have another TARDIS interfering with it nearby.
In a TV series filled with amazing ships, it's hard to pick just one. But there's something special about the Battlestar Galactica. Sure, it's not a networked ship and yes, it takes some heavy damage against the Cylons when attacked. But it's adaptable and flexible; during one memorable episode when the ship's computers are networked to solve a complicated problem, crew members use the ship's to stave off a Cylon virus. And Battlestar manages to stay one step ahead of the Cylons in many cases, safely using its faster-than-light drive to escape.
Photo Credit: Everett Collection
4. Elysium ship (2013)
While Elysium is fundamentally a sad story, its ship is a marvel of technology. This is a massive space station that actually looks like another world. Sadly, only the ultra-rich get to live and party here, but for what it's worth, Elysium looks a lot like a paradise. Glimpses of the ship reveal a world of verdant green — natural enough to make you feel relaxed, but close enough to civilization to whisk you to a Med-Bay to cure your worst illnesses. The best part is what happens once you are registered as an Elysium citizen. The space station is automatically programmed to deploy rescue ships to pick you up and bring you back home, even if you're stuck on the stinking hell that is Earth in this film.
Photo Credit: Electronic Arts
5. Reapers ('Mass Effect' franchise)
The Mass Effect game franchise features characters valiantly trying to protect our home galaxy from baddie aliens; in a later game, a new fight begins in the Andromeda galaxy. For ship innovativeness, it's hard to beat the villain Reapers. They blend biology and machine, lurking in the space between galaxy for up to 50,000 years, according to the Mass Effect wiki. While they're mainly portrayed as intruder chasers, we can't forget how smart these Reapers are. They created the mass relay network that all ships use to jump locations. They also made the Citadel, a massive space station.
Photo Credit: CBS Photo Archive/Getty
6. USS Enterprise line ('Star Trek' franchise)
This isn't the time to quibble about whether the NCC-1701-A or NCC-1701-D was the better U.S.S. Enterprise, but keep in mind that the entire ship line has an impressive history. If we take the movie and television franchises as a whole, the U.S.S. Enterprise not only performs, but outperforms in most situations. It regularly operates well beyond safe speed limits (to the chagrin of Scotty), some versions have the ability to split in two independent parts, and it can deal with extreme environments (like burning up in Earth's atmosphere or lurking under the ocean.) Some of the more advanced versions can even cloak, taking away the element of surprise that Romulans and Vulcans previously enjoyed.
Photo Credit: Lucasfilm
7. Millennium Falcon ("Star Wars" franchise)
Coming in close behind the U.S.S. Enterprise — sorry, "Star Wars" fans — is the amazing Millennium Falcon. It's a bit of a nice contrast to the sleek Enterprise, because there's no huge crew running this ship; instead, it's a bunch of ragtag heroes who need to use whatever they have on hand to keep this ship going. The Falcon, though, is surprisingly adept and adaptable. Yes, it's got fast travel capabilities, but there's more to it than that. The ship is able to fit into small cracks, to engage in epic fights on- and off-planet, and even survive in weird environments like an alien mouth. Like any jet fighter worth its name, it also has great weaponry on board to help fight the evil Empire. [Building the Fastest Hunk of Bricks in the Galaxy (Video)]
Photo Credit: Zoic Studios
8. Serenity ('Firefly' franchise)
Sure, Serenity doesn't have the trappings of more elegant spaceships. There's no warp drive or fast travel. There are very clearly toilets on board, counteracting the old "Star Trek" myth about their starships. It looks a bit like a warehouse inside, and it always seems to be breaking down. But fans don't gorram care, because Serenity is built to last. The ship's modest appearance means it's easy to miss when the crew members take on their main job of scrapping other starships for supplies. If it takes a bad hit, usually it can be fixed with scavenged parts. And above all, it just works. No high-fuss mechanical work needed here; just put a capable mechanic on the crew, and Serenity will give you all you need.
Photo Credit: Paramount
9. Alien ships in 'Arrival' (2016)
"Arrival" is one of those films where you would love to know much more about the aliens, the beautifully named "Heptapods" who communicate with special symbols representing full sentences or concepts. One of the questions we barely get answered is how their amazing ships work. The ships suddenly arrive on Earth and appear to be synchronized across locations, instantly reacting to events that just one of the ships is privy to. They hover in mid-air with no apparent propulsion system, and they appear to use some sort of warp drive that involves visual dissolution on-site. Inside these ship entrances, gravity is a bit uncertain; the interior is filled with some sort of atmosphere that may alter how humans experience the environment. These ships, in a word, are beautiful — but we wish we knew more about how they worked.
Photo Credit: MGM
10. Spaceball One ('Spaceballs,' 1987)
We love Spaceball One for showing all the plot holes that other spaceships missed. The ship has a number of speeds to choose from: Light Speed, Ridiculous Speed, Ludicrous Speed, Plaid Speed. As the crew quickly shows in the film, if you hit a speed that is too fast, you'll easily overshoot your target. It also has an unusual cloaking mechanism, demonstrating there are other uses to a costume besides hiding; Spaceball One can change into huge robotic maid with a vacuum cleaner, capable of sucking air off of planets.
Photo Credit: Lucasfilm
11. Death Star and its successor, Starkiller Base ('Star Wars' franchise)
The Death Star and successor Starkiller Base are pure cool, but they're a few ranks behind the Millennium Falcon because well, people keep finding ways to destroy them. But let's ignore that and focus on the positives. First of all is the pure power — the Death Star can easily kill a single planet, while the Starkiller Base can wipe out entire planetary systems. They also have a bit of a stealth aspect, despite being so big; one famous line compares the Death Star to a moon, at least because it's so huge and has a crater on it. And let's not forget that Starkiller Base somehow broke the laws of physics and got its power from "quintessence," a sort of dark energy that is everywhere in the universe.
Photo Credit: MGM Studios
12. Ha'tak ('Stargate' franchise)
Ha'tak looks like a lumbering pyramid in space, but even a newbie to the Stargate universe can see it's a powerful force to be reckoned with. The Stargate fan wiki notes that Ha'taks use an advanced form of propulsion that allow the ship to get as fast as 5 percent of lightspeed. Its shields are so powerful that they can hold off the heat of the corona — the atmosphere — of a huge star for many hours. Some Ha'taks even include cloaking devices, although that's not standard issue in the fleet. It sure was enough of a threat to worry the humans in the Stargate program, however.
The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction - PART II
The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction - PART II
Photo Credit: Alamy
13. Event Horizon ship (1997)
In terms of pure terrifying innovation, it's hard to beat the after-effects of the Event Horizon. As recounted in the eponymous 1997 film, a crew of astronauts from the future set out on a rescue mission. They're after the Event Horizon, which had suddenly appeared in orbit around Neptune. The crew boards the ship in search of any of their missing crewmates.
Unfortunately, they find out that Event Horizon's experimental engine caused a few problems — namely, it ripped a hole in space-time and a nasty homicidal alien was on board the ship. While we (unfortunately) don't get to see the ship at full health during this terrifying movie, we do learn it's capable of generating black holes. Talk about power.
Photo Credit: Getty
14. 'Independence Day' mothership (1996)
Hovering ominously over Earth in the original 'Independence Day,' this ship is huge — some 600 kilometers (roughly 370 miles) long. As viewers saw in the film, there are a bunch of tunnels that lead to the inside of the ship; two brave crew members from Earth managed to make their way into the control center, where they saw an eerie blue mist surrounding the zone. The Independence Day wiki also mentions a "beehive-like structure" that serves as the ship's transportation center. Little is known about this ship's capabilities, but it's downright scary.
Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox
15. USCSS Prometheus ('Prometheus,' 2012)
This black beauty is the most advanced and expensive faster-than-light ship ever made, according to the "Alien vs. Predator" wiki. It's got all the comforts you'd expect for a spaceship going long distances — a hypersleep chamber, a series of on-board ATVs for planetary exploration, escape modules and even intergalactic communications antennas. It even — improbably, for its size — can do vertical takeoffs and landings, which makes it ideal for landing on a planet. Well, that's if the planet doesn't have homicidal aliens living there already.
Photo Credit: SyFy
16. The Rocinante ('The Expanse' franchise)
The Rocinante is a comfortable, yet fast warship — the designers even took into account the preference for humans to have g-forces similar to normal gravity (at least, while the ship is under thrust). It's a pretty awesome workhorse ship, in that it can fire torpedoes or help with boarding parties. Besides which, it goes fast through space. Perfect for dodging any incoming missiles. [Jeff Bezos Saves 'The Expanse']
Photo Credit: Disney
17. Heart of Gold ('Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' franchise)
This is a fun, zippy ship, thanks to its unique use of the Infinite Improbability Drive — an engine that provides for near-instantaneous travel with "tedious mucking about in hyperspace," according to the Hitchhiker's fan wiki. The designers gave a lot of attention to creature comforts, even including doors who say (in the books) how glad they are to help you. While the shape of the ship varies between the book, movie and TV series, a common theme in all three media is how white and clean the ship looks
Photo Credit: Everett Collection
18. Icarus II ('Sunshine,' 2007)
We love this spaceship because it shows just what humans can do if they are desperate enough. Basically, Earth is in crisis because the sun's power is fading a lot earlier than expected (in the year 2057, to be precise.) The point of Icarus II is to carry a huge nuclear bomb towards the sun. The crew faces many problems and saboteurs along the way, but somehow this ship just keeps on running — mostly as it's supposed to. That makes it worthy of a mention.
We're more intrigued by Superman's spaceship than able to say much about it, but that said, there are some cool unanswered questions to consider when thinking about Superman was shipped to Earth. Kal-El, as the infant was called, somehow stayed in a small space and was fed, cleaned, kept warm and kept entertained on his trip to Earth. That's some mean sort of automation. Also, the ship was relatively small — where did all of these systems fit? Goes to show you that planet Krypton residents were really smart.
Photo Credit: Alamy
20. The Valley Forge ('Silent Running,' 1972)
We applaud the constructors of the Valley Forge for somehow figuring out how to build a closed ecosystem. Inside of this (somewhat large) spaceship is a forest filled with animal and plant life, tenderly cared for because Earth's planet life has somehow gone extinct; this ecosystem should give our planet a kick-start, once the time is right. There's a flaw with this forest, though, in that it needs a source of light to survive. This ends up being crucial to the plot. Alas, the forest is shown drifting into deep space at the end of the film, so it's not clear how the lights will be generated once the ship's power source runs out.
Photo Credit: Everett Collection
21. Moonraker space station ('Moonraker,' 1979)
The Moonraker space station is kind of a one-trick pony, but it's still a neat place to visit — as long as you aren't worried about suffocation or anything. According to the Evil fan wiki, the space station was located above Earth and was ready to drop 50 nerve gas globes to kill all the residents. However, our heroes James Bond (Roger Moore) and Dr. Goodhead (Lois Chiles) discover a crucial flaw in the radar-jamming system on board. As a point of interest, it's fun to see all the space shuttles flying around this station; the real NASA space shuttle didn't make its first flight until 1981.
22. The Resolute ('Lost In Space,' 2018)
While the Resolute looks cool, there definitely are some issues with this ship. There's the not-so-small matter that a single alien robot could cause a lot of damage, which makes us wonder how the ship was expected to make the jump from Earth to Alpha Centauri if it was so delicate. Also, the Resolute seems to have a lot of problems picking up small transport ships on the surface, unless the ships are able to communicate directly with a strong enough signal. What about away missions? Otherwise, though, the ship is comfortable and large and even open to families, which is more than can be said for some of the other ships in this group.
Photo Credit: Universal/Amblin
23. E.T. spaceship ('E.T.,' 1982)
If only we knew more about this cute little spaceship. The movie shows that it's capable of bringing alien botanists to Earth, in search of learning more about our planet's organisms. But we only catch glimpses of this extraterrestrial technology as it touches down on Earth and flies away again. Its whimsical shape is supposed to look like a hot air balloon from the pages of a Dr. Seuss book, according to artist Ralph McQuarrie, quoted in Mental Floss.
Photo Credit: Columbia
24. District 9 alien ship ('District 9,' 2009)
The story of "District 9" unfortunately doesn't tell us much about its mothership, but in terms of sheer terror factor, seeing this behemoth hovering over Johannesburg is one of the most memorable parts of the film. Perhaps its most interesting feature is it can be activated remotely. But the ship certainly isn't a perfect design, because its inhabitants were basically starving to death at the beginning of the film. Hopefully there's a Mothership 2.0 being developed for this alien species.
Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox
25. The Hermes ('The Martian,' 2015)
While most of the action in "The Martian" takes place, naturally, on Mars, the Hermes appears like a pretty capable interplanetary starship. First of all, it's surprisingly hackable; the crew is able to get into the mainframe to redirect its path at a crucial point in the film. Second, it's super-reliable. The Hermes was only supposed to take one Mars-Earth trip at a time, but in this film it actually takes on two. And finally, it's resilient; the crew literally uses a bomb aboard the ship to slow down its speed at Mars. There's a wicked explosion, but the ship appears (incredibly) to suffer no permanent devastating damage.
WETENSCHAPOnderzoekers hebben een nieuw soort superijs ontdekt, eentje dat de hoop op buitenaards leven kan vernietigen. Het vermenigvuldigt zich met een snelheid van meer dan 1.600 kilometer per uur en het bevindt zich diep onder onze voeten. En wetenschappers begrijpen nu eindelijk hoe het precies in zijn werk gaat, vermoedelijk ten koste van buitenaards leven.
Afgelopen jaar in maart onthulden onderzoekers dat ze voor het eerst het dodelijke ijs hadden teruggevonden. En dat in diamanten die in Zuid-Afrika en China werden opgediept. De ijsachtige substantie was er diep ingekapseld en bleef vloeibaar omwille van de extreme druk en hitte.
Voor de vondst van zulke diamanten hadden ze het bestaan van zulk ijs voorspeld, maar dat wist niemand met staalhard bewijsmateriaal aan te tonen. De vondst in de diamanten bevestigde het vermoeden dat de aarde een vloeibare mantel -tussen de aardkorst en de kern- bezit. Die mantel bestaat uit een kristalstructuur zoals die van diamanten. Nu pas begrijpen de onderzoekers hoe die mantel precies gevormd wordt.
Bepaalde combinaties van temperatuur en druk zorgen ervoor dat het dodelijke ijs, dat de naam Ice Vll kreeg, ontstaat. Hoe intenser de temperatuur en drukcombinatie wordt, hoe sneller het ijs gevormd wordt. En dat zo’n 600 kilometer onder onze voeten.
Het vormingsproces van dat ijs is wel problematisch voor eender welk buitenaards leven. Bepaalde drukpieken, bijvoorbeeld door een meteoorinslag, zorgen immers voor een explosieve groei van het ijs, dat zich voortbeweegt met een snelheid van 1.600 kilometer per uur. Dat zou elke vorm van leven, op levensvatbare planeten zoals Aarde, al doen uitdoven voordat het echt kan beginnen. De mens heeft het geluk dat het proces zich diep onder onze voeten afspeelt.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Alhoewel de laatste tijd misschien wat minder in het nieuws, ze zijn er nog steeds die ufo's, oftewel de niet geïdentificeerde vliegende objecten.
Nu is er bij beelden van UFO's veel kaf onder het koren, maar soms duiken er beelden op die wel degelijk echt lijken te zijn.
We zouden graag zeggen: opnames die echt zijn, maar dat kan eigenlijk niet meer tegenwoordig, omdat er zo ontzettend veel wordt geknoeid met beeldmateriaal.
Wel zijn er bepaalde dingen waaruit je soms kunt afleiden dat beelden waarschijnlijk echt zijn. Youtube is wat dat betreft een hele slechte bron, omdat 99 procent van wat daar wordt geplaatst totale nep is. De filmpjes worden gemaakt in de hoop dat ze viraal gaan, er veel mensen naar kijken en dan op een advertentie klikken, wat dan inkomsten oplevert.
Opnames die gemaakt zijn door privé mensen die bij Mufon worden ingeleverd om onderzocht te worden, zijn een ander verhaal. Men heeft er niets bij te winnen door daar nepbeelden te deponeren en wat je dan bij Mufon tegenkomt is vaak echt.
Lake Tahoe is een groot zoetwatermeer in de Amerikaanse Sierra Nevada, op de grens tussen Californië en Nevada, ten westen van Carson City. Lake Tahoe is het grootste alpiene meer in Noord-Amerika.[1] Met 501 meter diepte is het tevens het op een na diepste meer van de Verenigde Staten, na Crater Lake in Oregon. Bovendien is Tahoe qua volume het zesentwintigste meer in de wereld.
Een UFO die van rechts naar links met hoge snelheid voorbij vliegt aan een groep vakantiegangers.
Het object heeft de klassieke of retro vorm en ziet eruit zoals je zou verwachten dat een vliegende schotel eruit ziet.
Degene die de opname heeft gemaakt en ingediend bij Mufon zegt dat ze in die streek met vakantie waren en helemaal niets hebben gemerkt van de UFO. Pas toen ze thuis waren en de beelden rustig bekeken, verscheen daar de vliegende schotel.
Bij Ufocasebook hebben ze de volgende video gemaakt met vertraagde beelden en ook een aantal foto's zodat de UFO goed zichtbaar is. Deze verschijnt voor het eerst in beeld rond 18 seconden in de video en wel aan de rechterkant.
Dawn is dead. Kepler is dead. Rover is missing and presumed dead. This is not the opening scene of a new murder mystery … it’s the news coming out of NASA as it reports the recent demise of many of its most famous and productive spacecrafts and space equipment. Why do they seem to be dying all at once? Something is killing the great crafts of NASA … and it may not necessarily be old age.
“Following an analysis of the progress of the listening campaign, NASA will continue its current strategy of attempting to contact the Jeep-rig Opportunity during the foreseeable future. The winds may increase over the next few months on Opportunity’s location on Mars, resulting in dust being torn from the vehicle’s solar panels. The agency will reassess the situation in January 2019.”
The Opportunity rover has been on Mars since January 2004 and its original 90-day mission has been constantly and surprisingly extended annually as it broke the record for the longest distance driven by any sort of wheeled vehicle on a space body other than Earth. Then the dust storm hit. While Opportunity has obviously survived plenty of Martian dust storms, this on in June was apparently the Mother of all Martian Dust Storms and the thick layer of particles on its solar panels have prevented it from recharging its batteries. Even though NASA is giving its overachieving rover until January 2019 in hopes that another dust storm will blow off the panels, the first people on Mars may be looking over their dead dog rover.
An even bigger loss is the death of another overachiever – the Kepler space telescope. Launched in March 2009, Kepler outlasted its original 3.5-year mission and solidified its place in the space hall of fame by discovering 2,681 exoplanets. It also survived devastating injuries that would have ended the season of other space players (get ready … more football references coming) – Kepler lost two of its four orientation-maintaining reaction wheels and was put on the disabled list. NASA’s team doctors got it back in the game by using the remaining wheels and gave it a new playbook called K2 where it found more confirmed exoplanets and 2,900 waiting for likely confirmation. Unfortunately, Kepler finally ran out of fuel and NASA forced its retirement this week, shutting everything down but leaving it on the playing field in a safe orbit around Ceres.
Vesta photographed by Dawn
Running out of gas has also put Dawn out of commission. After missing two scheduled check-ins this week, NASA announced that Dawn is now a sunset and its asteroid-visiting days are over. After being launched in September 2007, Dawn traveled 4.3 billion miles (6.9 billion km) on its cosmic road trip, stopping first at Vesta, the second largest rock in the main asteroid belt, and then taking on the belt’s #1 asteroid and dwarf planet Ceres, where it will now orbit in perpetuity. Mission Director and Chief Engineer Marc Rayman pointed out in a press release/obituary that Dawn leaves behind a huge collection of data still to be examined.
This mosaic of a bright spot on the dwarf planet Ceres known as Cerealia Facula combines images captured by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft from altitudes as low as 22 miles (35 kilometers) above Ceres' surface. The mosaic is overlain on a topography model based on images obtained during Dawn's low-altitude mapping orbit (240 miles, or 385 km altitude). No vertical exaggeration was applied.
Credit: NASA
“The demands we put on Dawn were tremendous, but it met the challenge every time. It’s hard to say goodbye to this amazing spaceship, but it’s time.”
So, these three space stalwarts may have been senior citizens but they acted more like the cosmic version of “60 is the new 40,” outperforming their younger counterparts and turning up their nose cones at retirement. That explains why Dawn and Kepler ran out of fuel – no one expected them to be around this long. On the other hand, Opportunity was more like they guy who says “If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself” when he realizes he should have exercised enough to run behind a rock and out of the dust storm. They’re all proof that NASA can and does build some really good stuff.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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