Some persons are proposing to have GALILEO as back up for GPS
Acordint to the obtained information is GPS, GALILEO and GLONAS using the same
FREQUENCY SPECTRUM and under the influance of SUNSPOTS or a unlawfull transmission wil have effect in a large AREA the utulisation of any of the three GNSS systems
For the moment whe have stil the NDB's and VOR's but this is a very costly groundbased system
where the GNSS will be much less costly and more homogene and precise navigation system
A intresting subject concers te BACK UP for GNSS failure
The present ATSP and CAA are trying to decrease the presence of NDB and VOR for RADIONAVIGATION in vieuw of the present avaiblity of GPS( a GNSS)
Also in the future the avaiblity of GPS, GLONAS, GALILEO and other SATELITE NAVIGATION.
BUT ....... there is a need for a BACK UP incase of the failure of the GNSS because al this systems are subject to failure by SUN SPOTS or by TERORISME.
The CAT is for this proposing the DME/DME
but this is not avaible for lichter AIRCRAFT operating in IFR.
for this whe have evazluated in a certain group of IAOPA thad the best solution is the already esisting LORAN "C" used by the US-NAVY and also the FRENCH MILITARY.
Whe have made this proposal already in 1990 toward the FAA and EUROCO0NTROL without succes
But there is again a danger toward the US-NAVY LORZN "C" via a footnote to the USA BUDGET to abolisch the LORAN "C" in vieuw to reduce the budget with 190 milion $ over five years.
From inside USA information this proposal will be again rejected
At EUROCONTROL there is a team of experts pro LORAN C as back-up for GALILEO, andalso in the SESII and SESAR this is mentiones as a solution
On behave of GA & AW operating IFR do whe need strongly support the LORAN "C" to be maintained and developed as back up for GNSS, acording us there is no other solutions the DME/DME is to HEAVY in WEIGHT and to COSTLY.
Presently dit I obtain a verbal story about the present SECURITY ??
A AIRPLANE flying from A to B on a VFR training flight on radionavigation outside controlled airspace is in R/T contacy withe the FIC.
On a certain moment the FI with a student relakise thad he has a radiofailure and return to his airport of departure he changes the transponder from 7700 ( VFR) to 7600( RADIOFAILURE) .
On arrival on the aerodrome of departure he is imediatly surrounded by the POLICE SERVICEs and the aircraft is chearched for drugs, or explosifs, apaerently has the military RADARSERVICE noticed the 7600 SSR code and confused withe the 7500 SSR code .
The local police has made a very in depth control of the AIRPLANE and the documents from the airplane and the crew and apaerently was looking for a possible TERORIST ACTIVITY
I ame intrested to see the administratif follow up of this incident ??
The owners of a FAA LICENSE based on 61.75 CERTIFICATE to FLY "N" registered AIRCRAFT on the basis of their NATIONAL LICENSE seems to have a problem to obtain this QUALIFICATION
Een der E-mailtjes maakte de vaststelling dat men in het LT/AVN enkel met kleine eenmotorige vliegtuigen (SEL) vloog.
Moet er wel op wijzen dat de opgelegde opleiding en zendingen niet steeds zo eenvoudig waren
In de periode dat ik operationeel was in het LT/AVN vloog men met L18C, DO27 en ALII
Men moge niet uit het oog verliezen dat tijdens de operationele opdrachten ( niet bij de scholing) er toch 5 dodelijke ongevallen gebeurde tijdens de zendingen
De gevreegde opdrachten met de L18C, DO27 en ALII waren in vele gevallen niet van de eenvoudigste, ook tijdens de opleiding op L18C waren er een aantal ongevallen maar gelukkig zonder persoonlijke slachtoffers, de gevraagde nauwkeurigheid en de toegepaste vluchten op lage hoogte en op niet voorziene landingsplaatsen waren ver boven de normale vliegprocedures in de LUCHTVAART. MILITAIRE LUCHTVAART in LANDMACHT en LUCHTMACHT zijn veel toegespits op de te mogelijke PRESTATIES van de gebruikte LUCHTVAARTUIGEN
Bij de opleiding van een BURGERPILOOT blijven wij 30% van de GEBRUIKSLIMIETEN van het toestel bij de MILITAIRE opdrachten is dit 1%.
For the required KNOWLEDGE of ENGLISH acording the ICAO ELP-TEST read careful the KB
30 JUNE 2008 published in the B.S 22.09.2008
Their is no requirement to folow a preparation on a aproved FTO, however the required level 4 is very hich and I sugest a vry good education an training before participating at the TEST
The TEST can be done at ANY NATIONAL APROVED organisation in the EU memberstates
Noot: On a unprepared ELP-TEST dit I failed and received the advise to take a cours at their school ??