on a EC Mandate to EUROCONTROL for support on development of Standarised European Rules of the Air ( SERAà
This papers inform thad EUROCONTROL on behave of EC and EASA to develop common standarised EUROPEAN RULES of the AIR based on the ICAO ANNEX 2 to be finalised end of JUNE 2010
EUROCONTROL is developing a plan for this mandate
a EUROCONTROL ENPRM wil be circulated
CAUTION: some of this may have limiting results for VFR-OPERATIONS ??
Zal trachten vandaag de nog openstaande NEDERLANDSTALIGE E-MAILTJES te beandwoorden
Tevens de gevraagde afspraken en tijdstip op DE ANTWERPSE LUCHTHAVEN tijdens het W.E
Gelieve u aan de afgesproken uur te houden want anders hebben we geen voldoende tijd
Wat de vragen voor een bezoek aan de LUCHTHAVEN betrefd kan ik dit niet organiseren wegens de huidige VEILIGHEIDS ( SECURITY) VOORSCHRIFTEN en dient u zich te wenden aan de ANTWERPSE LUCHTHAVEN ZELF
Today visited a number of experts to evaluate the changes witch is going to result in function of the now aproved LISBON CONVENTION.
I also have leurn thad a number of very valuable contact persons in the ICAO-EUR office,and also in HQ EUROCONTROL and also in the E.C are retiring on 31 DECEMBER 2009 ore been assigned to a new function in the EU-INSTITUTIONS
Also the disapaerance of a number MEP in the EP is having some influance and the assiment of the composition of the NEW COMMISION .
This wil means a adaption of my activity in the EU-ARENA