Gelieve nota te nemen dat het nummer voor FREEFLIGHT moet zijn 04777/424566 en niet het nummer vermeld in de STREEKKRANT welk verkeerdelijk eindigt op een "NUL"
Deze organisatie werd in 1990 gesticht als een INTERNATIONAL NON PROFIT ORGANISATION onafhankelijk van politieke of commerciele intrest of de EU ibstitutions om te trachten de vele NGO en individuele personen de kans te geven hun stem te doen horen bij de EU en avvies en bijstand te verlenen bij het LOBBYING voor de rechten van de EUROPEESE ingezetenne
De voorzitter is MARIO MONTI en de directeur TONY VENABLES aan het hoofd van 12 medewerkers
Received this morning a debriefing from two participants on the ECP DIALOGUE meeting on the subject of: AIR TRANSPORT LIBERALISATION its impact on growth,jobs and sustainable development in EUROPE witch took place on Wednesday 7 june in Crown Plaza Hotel Brussels under the chairmanschip of HANS MARTENS the ECP chief Executive
From the Panel there was a comment thad there is not only the AIRLINE COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT but also GENERAL AVIATION and particular the BUSINESS AVIATION as discribed in the EUROCONTROL Study witch has a effect on the creation of JOBS and sustainable development in EUROPE
Was gisteren aanwezig op een zeer intresante vergadering met als onderwerp " THE NEED TO INFORM THE EUROPEAN CITIZEN" en " DELIVERING RESULTS FOR EUROPE"
Heden terug 190 E-MAILTJES te beantwoorden en dit zal moeten wachten tot tijdens het W.E gezien ik heden op 7,8 en 9 JUNI afwezig ben voor EU vergaderingen te BRUSSEL
Ik ben heden weer geheel bijgewerkt met al mijn E-MAILTJES en moet iedereen een ANTWOORD heb een gekregen op zijn VRAAG of OPMERKINGEN indien dit niet het geval is, moet u onmiddelijk mij uw vraag of opmerking terug bezorgen want dan heb ik deze verloren of vergeten
A number of E-MAILS from some RG and FTO are asking my advise on how to increase the their STUDENT PILOT population in the FUTURE EU CONSTRUCTION.
Although I have not " CRISTAL BALL" on how to proceed in the future I have some SUGESTIONS
Develop some positive contacts to the other AIRSPACE USERS instead of neclecting them and inform them of your activity and targets for the future of PILOTS required in AVIATION. I mean toward the GLIDERS,ULM,SPOTTERS ,HOME BUILTS,BALLOONING and SIMULATORCLUBS
I sugest reading the introduction to" PROJECT PILOT" at WWW.AOPA.ORG.
Start informing qalified PILOTS of your activity and have them become AVIATION MONITORS for the STUDENT PILOTS and CANDIDATE STUDENT PILOTS in vieuw to increase the final results of the new candidate and of the suplied training.
Try to locate persons who are sharing their PASSION for FLIGHT in their own NON AVIATION enviroment
Invite youngsters to join you in flight when you have a seat avaible in the front
STEP DOWN from YOUR PRESTGISE POSITION as A PILOT and spaek toward the NON AVIATORS about AVIATION as a target thad everbody can reach if he is motivated
Deze morgend nog een aantal vragen gevonden die eerst wat OPZOEKWERK en het nodig maken om het advied van enkele EXPERTS te bekomen alvorens ik deze zal beantwoorden tegen het einde van de WEEK !!!
Via mijn aanwezigheid op het NEDERLANDSE VIJFTIGPLUSSER forum onder het onderwerp HET GRAND CAFE met als benaming LUCHTVAART kreeg ik de volgende vraag :
Wat is voor u zo FACINEREND aan de LUCHTVAART ????
Ik zal daar later trachten een antwoord te formuleren !!!!!!
Veel jongeren stellen belang in de mogelijkheden tot de vorming van militaire PILOOT op de onderstaande website vind men een aantal intresante vragen en antwoorden:
Tijdens mijn bezoeken aan VLIEGVELDEN en LUCHTHAVENS stel ik herhaalde malen vast dat piloten van lichte vliegtuigen aan zeer hoge snelheid TAXIEN en zodoende de kans voor een incident sterk verhogen. Een STERK ADVIES is om niet zo snel te verplaatsen op de grond om onodige incidenten en beschadigingen te vermijden !!!
Deze opmerking makende krijg ik te horen dat dit het gevolg is van de hoge huurprijs per minuut van de toestellen, gelieve echter rekening te houden dat bij te vele grondincidenten de gemaakte onkosten en de verhoging van de verzekeringspremie de kostprijs per minuut weer zullen toenemen
Recently I receive a number of verbal complaints of candidate PILOTS on the negative aproche they obtain in conversations during their INITIAL MEDICAL CHECK for their PILOT LICENSE at the BELGIAN MEDICAL SERVICE.
Also out of the conversation with many operationel pilots with many year of experience they have the feeling the present team involved are very negative toward the AVIATION WORLD and areapaerently trying to reinvent the AVIATION MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS with al kind of newly aplied en confusing method never been seen before.
Also older pilots who are daily flying operational are been subject to aditional MEDICAL CHECKS for subjects mentioned in their MEDICAL PROFILE and after aditional medical checks by some of the experienced AME found as very normal.
Any collegue PILOT who have problems may always inform me to assist hem confidential in any problem witch I will transfer to some personel specialised PRO-AVIATION MEDICAL ADVISERS
However I have NO knowledge of the aplied fees by this persons but my only involvement is to refer to them in function of their expertise in the MEDICAL AVIATION FIELD to assist YOU to obtain or maintain your MEDICAL JAA CERTIFICATE( in the future to be replaced by the EU(EASA) MEDICAL CERTIFICATE
I suply this SERVICE for free to any member of the ABI,AOPA,KACB or any of the FEDERATIONS be it in BELGIUM or any other EU COUNTRY or the USA(FAA)as contribution to the AVIATORS and in compensation for the ASSISTANCE and SUPPORT I received myself in the past from some persons in my AVIATION CAREER in the past frpm a number of persons at no COST
Vrouwtje heeft me deze avond verast met een leker etentje thuis van :
PENNE met KALKOEN en BOURSIN a la ITALIA met een lekker flesje MORELLINA DI SCANSANO 2004 volgens een recept van bij de DELHAIZE program LEEF ZOALS JE WIL
Volgens mij mag men in veel straten in het ANTWERPSE de 30KM/uur beperking gerust afschaffen de meeste rijden toch 50 KM/uur en zelfs meer gezien er geen controle is !!!
Vanaf ZONDAG 04 JUNI is er op de ANTWERPSE een hernieuwde ARRIVAL en DEPARTURE regeling in de hernieuwde TERMINAL in voege, alsook de toegang tot het CAFETARIA is nu terug via de vroegere hoofdingang, even zoeken is nu de boodschap dus hou daar rekening mede in uw timing en afspraken !!
This week the EU-OPS based on a adapted JAA-EU-OPS1 was voted in the EU at the level of the EP-TRAN to be introduced in the JULY EP-PLENAIRE. in STRASBOURG
A misconception has been circulated by some organisations thad this also include the FLIGHT TIME and DUTY TIME made by a PILOT on FLYING in a FTO or RF as FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR , this acording my understanding is not the case since the EU-OPS will only aply to CAT operations and not to GENERAL AVIATION & AERIAL WORK operations by a ATPL flying outside the CAT operations
Many persons ask me how to obtain RESULTS for the NON-CAT-AIRSPACE USERS in the new EUROPEAN SITUATION via the EU INSTITUTIONS in BRUSSELS !!!
This is a very complex question thad I will try to develop in a number of inputs on this same TITEL.
The first advise I <will give to the NONCAT AIRSPACE USERS is to be a member of one of the ACTIVE organisations who are REGULAR present in BRUSSELS.
-IAOPA via memberschip in one of the NATIONAL AOPA -EBAA via membership -EAS via memberschip in the NATIONAL AEROCLUB(federations) -FAI -PPL/IR -ECA - ????? this are the 6 ORGANISATIONS from witch I see input in some EU INSTITUTIONS and EUROCONTROL
Try to introduce you REQUIREMENTS for your activity in the EU AVIATION toward this ORGANISATIONS
For the ORGANISATIONS do I strongly advise thad they have very close contact to each other to keep a number very HIGH LEVEL TOPIC to be introduced at ALL LEVELS via the involved structures of the EU: -NATIONAL CAA -NATIONAL ATSP -COREPER -EU DG- TREN and other DG for a number of subjects -EU POLITICAL PARTY present in BRUSSELS EP -toward the ESC and COR - toward the MEP of your NATIONALITY present in the EP TRAN -toward the MINISTER present in the EU COUNCIL -toward the AVIATION TEAM in the COUNCIL -Also keep theother AVIATION ORGANISATIONS INVOLVED: -IATA -AEA - ELFAA -IACA -ACI -IFALPA -IFATCA -EUROCONTROL -ECAC - ICAO(EUR/NAT) -ERAA -AECMA -EUROCAE
I hope I dit not omit any vital ORGANISATION and if so pleas inform me???
Have a DELEGATION of YOUR EUROPEAN ORGANISATION make regular VISITS to the EU INSTITUTIONS with at least 3 persons of various nationality. Who present in VERBAL en WRITTEN FORM YOUR REQUIREMENTS.
ADITIONAL have a individual LOBBYIST keep regular contact with the persons in the ADMINISTRATIONS who are DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY involved with AVIATION related subjects, with the MEP and their ASSISTANTS , with the EU POLITICAL PARTY's SECRETARIAT
SUPPLY this persons with your E-mail & phone because on many occasions they are trying to obtain personel advise or clarifications on the various AVIATION ACTIVITY on a non official level or need assistance to understand certain subjects
Make always a clear difference between a DELEGATION and a input as LOBBYIST and be registered as a EU LOBBYIST at the EP and EC.
This is a first advise but more clarification will be given later and any sugestions and question are welcom
As a LOBBYIST present in the BRUSSELS ARENA since 1980 for IAOPA for GENERAL AVIATION & AERIAL WORK operations but now retired since DEC 2004 i keep myself avaible for any assistance.
Be aware thad I ame very mutch in BRUSSELS and no GSM avaible since in most meetings you must switch it of anyway
Onafgezien dat mijn E-MAIL eidigd op YAHOO.FR wonen wij nog steeds in BELGIE namelijk te ANTWERPEN hoor en ben bereikbaar met 03-2362954 telf/recording/fax .