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The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Carlos Diaz: The Man Who Contacted And Filmed The UFO
Carlos Diaz: The Man Who Contacted And Filmed The UFO
One morning in January 1981, Mexican photographer Carlos Diaz pulled into a deserted car park at Ajusco Park near Mexico City. He was on an assignment for a magazine, and had arranged to meet a journalist who was yet to arrive.
Diaz sat in his car, preparing his camera for the job ahead. Although it was early in the morning, the air was thick with humidity which made even sitting still uncomfortable. Impatiently, Diaz began to look at his watch.
Suddenly, his attention was caught by a strange yellow glow coming from the valley below him. At first he thought it was a forest fire, but, an instant later, the source of light revealed itself to be a large, orange, oval-shaped UFO, slowly hovering about 30 metres from his car.
Unable to believe his eyes, Diaz quickly grabbed his camera. With it resting on his steering wheel, he began frantically firing off shots. Then, without warning, the whole car began to shake violently.
Diaz got out of the vehicle and took two more photographs before the craft sped up vertically into the sky, leaving Diaz in a state of shock. This encounter marked the beginning of what was to develop into one of he most fascinating and long-running contactee cases in the history of UFOlogy.
Carlos Díaz
Today, the case remains among a small minority of alledged extraterrestrial encounters to be supported by verified film documentation that has stood up to the scrutiny of a range of experts.
Indeed, the apparent credibility of Diaz’s claims has attracted the attention of some of the world’s top UFO researchers, including German author Michael Hesemann and abduction researcher Dr John Mack. Both concluded that Diaz’s story is completely credible.
Hesemann echoes the views of most researchers when he states: ‘The Carlos Diaz case is the most important case of documented alien-human contact to have emerged in modern times.’ Certainly, at the time of his initial encounter, Diaz little suspected what was to come.
The transition from a run-of-the-mill UFO sighting in an area now acknowledged as a UFO hot-spot, to one of the key cases of recent years did not occur until weeks later. In the days that followed this January sighting, Diaz remained preoccupied by his experience.
Unable to forget what he had seen, he repeatedly returned to the Ajusco Park location, hoping to secure more pictures. After a succession of fruitless visits, Diaz began to think that he was wasting his time. But then, on 23rd of March, his patience was rewarded.
While roaming the greenery, Diaz was again alerted to the presence of a UFO by an orange glow, which he could see only dimly through the fog and rain that had saturated the forest in Ajusco Park. As he climbed up the walls of the valley, he managed to position himself within 45 metres of the object. Diaz watched the ‘craft’ hovering above him, eminating a bright orange light.
It was, he said, dome-shaped with a smooth ring in its centre. This, claimed Diaz, was covered with a number of half spheres, each around one metre in diameter. Crouching behind some rocks, Diaz thought his actions had gone unnoticed, but, as he continued to watch the craft, he felt someone grab his shoulder from behind.
Diaz immediately fainted, and, when he awoke, it was dark and the UFO was gone. He was shocked to discover that, despite heavy rain, his clothes were completely dry. At that point, he knew something strange had happened to him. When he returned to his car, Diaz noticed another car parked in front of him.
At this point, Diaz claimed, a humanoid entity with fair hair approached him and told him that if he wanted to know more about what he had just experienced, he should return to the same spot at noon the following day. Apparently, when Diaz returned the next day, he discovered the same entity sitting on the grass.
Diaz claimed that the being then turned to him and explained that it was he who grabbed his shoulder the previous day. Before leaving, the being also told Diaz that he had come from inside the craft and that Diaz would gradually recover his memory of what had happened while he was unconscious. Sure enough, over the next few months, Diaz’s memory returned, piece by piece.
According to his account, he recalled the craft hovered directly over his head. As he attempted to touch the craft, his hand seemed to pass through the yellow light and he seemed to merge with it. The next thing he recalled was seeing the craft parked on a platform inside a giant cave.
Diaz was filled with awe when he remembered what he had seen inside: ‘It was full of stalagmites, some of which were carved into what appeared to be Mayan sculptures,’ he stated.
‘I saw many people in the cave, some of whom waved to me and, in a state of shock, I waved back.’ Apparantly the being Diaz had encountered in the park then led him to a smaller cave which contained seven glowing, egg-shaped orbs, one of which Diaz was invited to step into. On entering, Diaz could at first only see yellow light.
But then he found himself surrounded by the image of a forest. ‘I could see all the details of the forest as if I was walking through it,’ said Diaz. ‘I couldn’t touch anything, but I could feel the temperature and moisture.
I could see and experience everything, yet I wasn’t physically there.’ His guide then told him that the orbs were also a system for storing information and that certain data had been imparted to him. Diaz was then returned to the ship and, in time, to the park.
According to Diaz, this was only the first of a series of contacts with the same beings, which continue to this day. Since 1981, Diaz has stated that his experience inside the orbs has enabled him to ‘travel’ to different regions of the Earth’s ecosystem – forest, desert, jungle, shoreline, even Arctic areas – with his ET contact.
Through this contact, Diaz claims to have been imbued with an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life and the need to preserve our environment.
To many UFOlogists, especially those who have had their ‘fingers burnt’ by alledged contactees before, these claims may appear far-fetched. However, Diaz is seen by many researchers as a highly reliable source, not least because of the strong body of photographic evidence he has amassed to support his claims.
Mexican TV journalist and UFOlogist Jaime Maussan, who has been at the centre of UFO investigations in Mexico since the wave began in 1991, believes that Diaz’s UFO photographs are among the most impressive he has seen.
Maussan took Diaz’s photographs to Jim Dilettoso, an image processing expert at Village Labs, in Tucson, Arizona, who concluded they were genuine. After satisfying himself he was not dealing with a hoaxer, Maussan visited Diaz at his hime in Tepoztlan, Mexico. There, he spoke to a number of other witnesses who claimed to have seen exactly the same type of UFO.
The apparent credibility of the Diaz case has also attracted UFO researchers from further afield, who have attempted to glean insights into the alien agenda from Diaz’s contactee claims. German author Michael Hesemann, who first interviewed Diaz in June 1994, is convinced of the credibility of Diaz’s story.
‘Not only is he contacting these beings through encounters on the ships,’ says Hesemann, ‘but he claims to be meeting these beings socially, since he believes some of them are living among us.’ However Hesemann explains that, according to Diaz, the beings are reluctant to fully disclose their origins.
‘Apparently,’ says Hesemann, ‘they did, however, explain that they have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and are particularly interested in our evolution which, compared to their own, has happened at a much faster rate. They are trying to learn why.’
Another UFO researcher intrigued by Diaz’s case is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, John Mack. Mack has a long history of dealing with abductees and contactees and believes that the Diaz case is among the most convincing he has come across.
In his book Passport to the Cosmos, he states: ‘Out of all the experiencers I have worked with, it is Carlos Diaz who seems to have developed the richest understanding of the interconnected web of nature. Diaz’s experience of connecting with living creatures is so intense that he seems literally to become the thing he is describing.’
Diaz’s experience, Mack claims constitutes an ‘awakening’, a process which, he says, is common in abductees. Diaz told Mack that his contact with the ETs had instilled in him a need to preserve the environment and the ability to ‘enjoy a beautiful planet’.
Whether or not an extraterrestrial influence was involved, Diaz’s new-found concern for the environment has certainly become a driving force in his life. he has repeatedly and passionately conveyed this environmental warning publicly, most notably at a UFO conference in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1995.
Diaz has revealed that he had been informed through his contacts that the civilization of the visiting extraterrestrial, like ours, had been threatened by its own history of destruction, but had somehow managed to survive.
He remains convinced that his contacts’ disturbing prediction for our future is only too real – a prediction that states with near certainty that humanity, on its current course, is headed for total extinction.
This outspokenness, coupled with the public nature of his experience, has le Diaz to assume visionary status in both his home town of Tepoztlan and UFO circles. however, Diaz has been quick to dispute this, claiming that he is not a unique visionary, but merely ‘a messenger’.
The real nature of Diaz’s current incarnation aside, for many UFOlogists, the Diaz case remains among the most convincing on record. Indeed, few UFO reports exist that boast such impressive and abundant photographic evidence. And fewer still have emerged that have stood up to the scrutiny applied to Diaz’s images.
Expert analysis of Carlos Diaz’s UFO pictures has been extremely thorough. Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan gave the original transparencies to Professor Victor Quesada at the Polytechnical Institute of the University of Mexico for examination.
Quesada stated: ‘We were shocked to discover that the spectrum of light from the object was unlike anything we have ever seen, it broke all previous parameters and didn’t match anything in our data banks.
The light was extraordinarily intense. There was no evidence of superimposition or a hoax. We estimated the object to be around 30 to 50 metres in diameter.’ Interestingly, the photographs were also analysed by Dr Robert Nathan at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Nathan, a notorious UFO sceptic, stated that he could find no evidence of a fake.
Certainly, for many who have examined the three images, the first shot is the most impressive. In it, the orange glowing craft can be seen through the windshield of the car, and light from the object is reflected both off the car’s bonnet and off the metal guard rail by the side of the road. These, in particular, are details that experts claim are extremely difficult to fake.
Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan was so intrigued by Carlos Diaz’s account of his experiences that he provided him with a video camera and asked him to see if he could record the UFO on tape when it next appeared. A few weeks later, Diaz awoke at 5 a.m. and grabbed his camera. He walked out and waited.
Apparently, within minutes, the craft appeared and hovered over the house, where Diaz filmed it. When Maussan saw the remarkable footage, he asked Diaz if he could get even closer to the craft while filming. Two months later, Diaz was once again able to film the craft, which this time hovered directly above him, without moving.
However it is Diaz’s third attempt to capture the craft on video that is the most spectacular. In this footage, Diaz having mounted his camera on a tripod, walks to the bottom of a field waving a flash light.
Responding to this, the craft suddenly materializes directly above Diaz’s head and sends beams of light down towards him. Then, the unidentified object remains motionless for 30 seconds, before blinking out. It is universally recognized that this video contains some of the best UFO footage ever taken.
The incredible story of Carlos Diaz and the big oval-shaped UFO
The incredible story of Carlos Diaz and the big oval-shaped UFO
Many believe that there are no so-called UFOs. They believe it is just a future secret technology under test. We are ignorant of it and therefore we think it is unknown. But what about large, strange yellow glow, oval-shaped object with spectrum, which unlike anything we have ever seen and didn’t match anything in our data banks, in 1981.
Nanorobotics is about creating robots which are so small they are nearly invisible to the naked eye. Operating as a swarm, these tiny robots have the promise to do some really incredible things.
Nanorobots are so small that they actually interact on the same level as bacteria and viruses. Nanorobots or nanobots are measured in nanometers or a millionth of a millimeter. Nanobots are envisaged to be little machines, or tiny robots that rush around and do things like cleaning out blocked arteries or swimming through the ocean eating polluting chemicals.
Nanobots are no longer speculation, but unlike science fiction, they won't take over the world, at least, not yet. A hypothetical end of the world scenario involves molecular nanotechnology, in which out-of-control self- replicating robots consume all matter on Earth while building more of themselves because of a programming error.
Nanotechnology is an emerging field in robotics with a promise of different solutions to problems which have plagued mankind since our beginning. Nanobots can be one of the most important achievements humans have ever produced. Nanotechnology is the creation of microscopic objects, which are so small that they are constructed not with regular materials but with the very atomic building blocks of life. Nanorobotics is a part of this line of work, with its main focus on creating robots, which are so small they are nearly invisible to the naked eye. Operating as a swarm, these tiny robots have the promise to do some really incredible things.
There are various areas of science that can benefits from nanotechnology. These are medicine, environment, industrial manufacturing, and even warfare. The first real application in medicine will be in treating cancers. Nanobots are preferable to the existing means of fighting cancer because they can bring the medicine directly to the tumor, helping to avoid killing healthy cells along with the cancerous ones.
Nanobots, delivering a killing blow to cancer cells
Researchers from Columbia University announced a fleet of molecular nanobots that can deliver drugs to specific cells, and also identify certain genetic markers by using fluorescent labeling. This type of targeted therapeutic approach could prove beneficial, especially for cancer treatment, which presently sweeps up healthy cells along with malignant ones, very often doing more harm than good. We are about to see a new phase of pharmaceuticals where conventional drugs are incrementally replaced by nanodrugs.
In addition to cancer treatment, nanobots can potentially be used for other medical purposes, such as regulating diabetes. Diabetic patients have to test their blood several times daily to ensure stable glucose levels. Nanobots can be used to travel through patients’ bloodstreams and send data about glucose levels to external electronic sources. They could travel with the natural flow of the bloodstream, sensing blood sugar levels along the way.
Another potential application is the detection of toxic chemicals, and the measurement of their concentrations, in the environment. Since nanobots can change things at the molecular level, they could possibly solve our pollution troubles.
A swarm of nanobots released into the atmosphere could quickly set to work deconstructing the pollution molecules and turning them into harmless material, which could easily be eliminated from the air. These molecular scrubbers could remain in the air, cleaning, until the air was as fresh as it was eons ago.
The theoretical uses of nanobots are virtually endless, as their size would allow them to essentially rebuild matter. In this sense, properly programmed nanobots would be able to take raw materials and build them into anything, from proteins to foods to tiny microprocessors. If set up to do so, they could, in theory, build more nanobots, through the process of auto-replication. A small group of nanobots could quickly develop into a massive swarm, capable of large-scale projects.
A million nanobots can fit on the head of a pin.
The ability of nanobots to work on an atomic level has far reaching implications for industry as well. Industrial manufacturing requires many resources, equipment and manpower. This is due to the need to acquire resources, process them to a usable state and then assemble them into the products we use on a daily basis. Rather than building things piece by piece and then assembling the component parts, factories could employ nanotechnology to build complete products. Since they can use raw molecules, industrial nanobots would only need the most basic of raw materials to construct nearly anything. As long as they have enough raw materials, these factories could simply reprogram the nanobots to build something else. This would free them from the need to completely replace large portions of the factory just to change its output.
As nanoweapons, nanobots could be used for surveillance for the military, or for assassinations, even used to eat-up and destroy enemy armor. Inspired by colonies of bees, ants and locusts, army engineers are creating armies of nanobots, which are used to locate bombs, clean weaponry, or fly over remote regions of a battlefield. Each individual custom robot is quite basic, but the combined activity in the entire swarm is way more complex. The entire army of robots can be considered as one single customized system, just like a bee colony can be considered a super organism, exhibiting swarm intelligence.
The Nano-Hummingbird is a flying robot created through a program sponsored by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) that is meant to be used in future indoor and outdoor surveillance missions. DARPA requested a remote controlled nanobot that can fly, hover, move forward and backward and be controlled without an external power source. DARPA specifically asked AeroVironment to create a flying robot that had the body and wings of a bird. What better bird to use than the agile and tiny hummingbird?
AeroVironment employed biomimicry at a very small scale to create the nanobot, which flies just like the real thing. It can travel forward at eleven miles an hour; and resist a wind gust of 5 mph while hovering without being thrown more than three feet off track, and it can be controlled by a distant operator using only the information from an on-board camera.
Molecular nanotechnology (MNT), the umbrella science of nanomedicine, envisions nanobots manufactured in nanofactories no larger than the average desktop printer. The nanofactories would use nano-scale tools capable of constructing nanobots to exacting specifications. The design, shape, size and type of atoms, molecules, and computerized components included would be task-specific. Raw material for making the nanobots would be nearly cost-free, and the process virtually pollution-free, making nanobots an extremely affordable and highly attractive technology.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
A team of Cornell University scientists developed a new robot — so small that it’s invisible to the naked eye — that they hope will someday crawl around inside the human body and hunt for disease.
The robots themselves are little more than microchips attached to four origami-inspired legs, BBC News reports. But their simplicity — the engineers can manufacture 1 million of the bots every week, each one steered by beaming a laser at its feet — gives the team hope that they’ll become a useful medical tool. BBC News published a video of the robots wiggling around, and it’s highly recommended.
New Legs
The hardest part, the team told BBC News, wasn’t necessarily building a microscopic robot, but rather giving such a tiny machine a way to actually move around.
“People have become very good at shrinking computer chips to microscopic dimensions,” Cornell physicist Itai Cohen told BBC News. “The problem was that there weren’t any legs that would work at that scale that could connect to these microchips. We invented a new technology [that’s] essentially the legs for these robotic brains.”
Hunter Killers
So far, the team is celebrating the tiny robots as an achievement and development all of their own. But someday, Cohen hopes that they could serve as medical devices that root around for signs of disease.
“You could imagine having these as little microsurgery devices,” he told the BBC. “You inject these robots in, they locally track down either bacteria or maybe a tumor cell and then they go snip it up and destroy it.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Near The International Space Station Spotted A Fleet Of UFOs
Near The International Space Station Spotted A Fleet Of UFOs
Near the space station, a flotilla of three U̳F̳O̳s was spotted, the first to report the discovery was researcher Marco Pedotti.
After that, the well-known Taiwanese U̳F̳O̳logist Scott Waring commented on the footage.
“I went over this footage again and again, and I cannot see anything wrong with it. It is 100% authentic. When I took screenshots of some of the U̳F̳O̳s…I noticed they were all blurry and transparent. But one U̳F̳O̳ was over land and it looked like a triangle, but when focused is actually a four sided pyramid,” Waring wrote on his blog.
“This is crazy cool for sure. These are not satellites, they shoot off turning incredibly fast. I have seen satellites released before from the space station… this is not such a thing. These are 100% a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ technology, piloted by living entities. ”
Of course, Internet users also actively joined the discussion. And, as expected in such cases, opinions were divided.
Someone was skeptical about what they saw, someone supported the idea that we are talking about a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s.
Open Season
Another former NASA astronaut is piling on to mock Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Russia’s space agency Roscosmos, for his inflammatory comments amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“Rogozin has always been a fool,” former NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman tweeted this week in Russian. “Only now he actually mortally wounds Roscosmos and ends one of the few remaining sources of currency for Russia.”
“Keep this in mind when your ATM is empty,” he added. “It will need a trampoline soon,” referring to a notorious quip in which Rogozin mocked SpaceX back in 2014.
At the time, the space chief famously told the US to “bring their astronauts to the International Space Station using a trampoline” after the US aimed sanctions at the country over — you guessed it — the 2014 Ukraine crisis.
Rogozin had previously been butting heads with former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, an argument that ballooned into a bitter Twitter feud.
“Maybe you can find a job at McDonald’s, if McDonald’s still exists in Russia,” Kelly tweeted at the space chief on Sunday.
Lashing Out
Rogozin has garnered a reputation for making hotheaded comments and repeatedly lashing out at the international community over the years. Most recently, he’s griped that Roscosmos was being unfairly targeted by fresh waves of sanctions, the result of Russia’s troops invading Ukraine this year.
Rogozin went as far as to seemingly threaten the United States with a plummeting International Space Station late last month, then posting a bizarre video of the station breaking apart on Twitter over the weekend.
In short, Rogozin is actively burying any good will Roscosmos had left, potentially cutting the organization off from any future collaborations with international partners.
And that has the agency in dire straits. Rogozin has already had to resort to slashing his own salary, as well as that of other top figures, significantly.
His controversial scorched Earth approach has earned him plenty of derision and mockery — and only time will tell if Roscosmos will be able to pick up the pieces once the dust has settled.
Een Egyptisch-Oostenrijks team van archeologen heeft meer dan twintig ronde graansilo’s opgegraven in Kom Ombo in het zuiden van Egypte. Volgens de archeologen vormden de silo’s tussen 2.180 en 2.050 voor Christus een belangrijk distributiecentrum voor de Egyptische graanhandel.
De ontdekking werd gedaan in de buurt van de beroemde Tempel van Kom Ombo, die stamt uit de veel latere periode 180 - 47 v.Chr. Het archeologische onderzoek was onderdeel van een project dat al sinds 2017 loopt, om de restanten van Kom Ombo in kaart te brengen. Vreemd genoeg is hier namelijk nooit systematisch archeologisch onderzoek verricht.
De ligging van Kom Ombo
Publiek Domein.
“De architectonische elementen van de silo’s zijn uitzonderlijk goed bewaard gebleven”, liet archeoloog Abd El-Moniem weten in een interview met de Luxor Times. “Sommige muren zijn zelfs nog zo’n twee meter hoog.” Ook melden de archeologen dat de grootste silo’s een diameter van twee meter lang hebben, en dat er botten en uitwerpselen van ratten zijn aangetroffen. “Dit bewijst dat er ongedierte aanwezig was in de silo’s”, aldus El-Moniem.
Egyptisch Ministerie van Oudheden.
Het is niet geheel duidelijk wanneer Kom Ombo precies gesticht is. Wel weten we dat de stichting op zijn laatst plaats heeft gevonden in de tijd van het Oude Rijk (ca. 2.686 - 2.181 v.Chr.). Gedurende alle dertig dynastieën die het oude Egypte gekend heeft, diende Kom Ombo als garnizoensstad. Deze stad lag namelijk op een strategische locatie, aan een belangrijke handelsroute tussen Nubië in het huidige Soedan, en de steden in het noorden van Egypte. Over het algemeen gaan historici ervan uit dat de stad pas echt belangrijk werd tijdens de heerschappij van de Ptolemaeën (305 - 30 v.Chr.), de van oorsprong Griekse dynastie die over Egypte heerste, nadat Alexander de Grote in 332 v.Chr. Egypte veroverde. Met name in 180 v.Chr. toen farao Ptolemaeus VI Philometor (ca. 191 - 145 v.Chr.) de opdracht gaf om de Tempel van Kom Ombo te bouwen.
De Tempel van Kom Ombo
Olaf Tausch via Wikimedia Commons.
Maar Kom Ombo was dus niet alleen belangrijk vanaf de tweede eeuw voor Christus. El-Moniem: “Deze unieke ontdekking in Kom Ombo laat het belang zien van de stad in Opper-Egypte, gedurende de Eerste Tussenperiode (ca. 2180 en 2050 v.Chr.).” De Eerste Tussenperiode is de benaming voor de overgangsfase tussen het Oude- en het Middenrijk, waarin het centrale gezag van de farao tijdelijk wegviel.
This has been found beside the temple at Kom Ombo. You can see a tour boat in the background. I wonder if this used to be the lovely park we spent time in while Akram broke his fast before we went to the temple in the evening
Archaeologists Discover 4000-Year-Old Silos in Upper Egypt
FIP Administrative Building Discovered in Kom Ombo
The Egyptian-Austrian archaeological mission working at Kom Ombo (45 kilometres north of Aswan and 170 kilometres south of Luxor) discovers an administrative building dated to the First Intermediate Period (FIP) (2180-2050 B.C).
Dr Mostafa Waziry said “During the excavation to the northern east side of the ptolemaic temple, a large administrative building with more than 20 conical silos used to store grains were discovered. The administrative facility is dated to the First Intermediate Period.”
Dr Waziry added “This discovery highlights the importance of Kom Ombo during the FIP as it has a large population and it was a center for agricultural and commercial activities.”
Dr Abd El-Moniem Said (Director of Aswan and Nubia antiquities) explained “The architectural elements of the silos are very well preserved and some of the silos walls standing as two meters hight. The existence of rats bones remains and feces proves vermin infestation in the storage rooms.
Dr Irene Forstner-Müller (Director of the Austrian mission of the Austrian Archaeological Institute) said “During the mission’s work over the previous seasons at the archaeological site around the Ptolemaic temple, the remains of a fortress was probably built during the British occupation during the 19th century and was used as an observation and defense point by the Nile during the Mahdist revolution in Sudan (1881-1898)”
Think “Interstellar” or “Event Horizon.” These wormholes could allow a person to jump into one black hole and emerge in a totally different galaxy, in a totally different part of the universe.
Unfortunately, most leading hypotheses surrounding wormholes suggest that they would collapse as soon as they formed due to instability. However, one new theory slated to be published in The Journal of Modern Physics D posits that, actually, wormholes can remain stable enough for objects to enter on one side and leave through the other.
Wormhole Metrics
The theory, by Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon computer scientist Pascal Koiran, relies on the Eddington-Finkelstein metric to describe the movements of objects in and around a wormhole. This metric differs from the more often used Schwarzschild metric, which breaks down once an object reaches the event horizon, meaning the point at which no object can escape the pull of a black hole, according to LiveScience‘s writeup of Koiran’s work.
Using the Eddington-Finkelstein metric, though, Koiran was able to mathematically simulate a path for an object into a black hole and through a wormhole instead of breaking down at the event horizon.
Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean that jumping through any ol’ black hole will send you across the universe. However, it does pose a very interesting theory that shows that wormholes wouldn’t just instantly collapse as soon as they’re created.
Scientists just managed to snap an image of two photons linked by quantum entanglement, marking the first time that the bizarre phenomenon has been captured with a camera.
The image shows two photons that have been linked through quantum entanglement, which means that they instantly respond to changes that occur in each other, even if they’re separated by a vast physical distance, according to research published Friday in the journal Science Advances. This first-ever photographic evidence of entanglement could help scientists better understand new technology, reports New Atlas, like quantum computers or cryptography.
Taking the image was no easy task, according to the research. The University of Glasgow physicists rigged a camera to capture 40,000 frames per second of an experimental setup that they maintained at -30 degrees Celsius in pitch black. They then had to comb through thousands of frames to find signs of entanglement.
“The image we’ve managed to capture is an elegant demonstration of a fundamental property of nature, seen for the very first time in the form of an image,” Glasgow physicist Paul-Antoine Moreau, told New Atlas. “It’s an exciting result which could be used to advance the emerging field of quantum computing and lead to new types of imaging.”
Barcelona-based startup Kreios Space wants to unleash the potential of very low Earth orbit (VLEO) satellite missions.
Its secret weapon? The company is developing a fuel-free propulsion system that enables satellites to orbit much closer to Earth.
"Right now, very low Earth orbit is an unused orbit simply because of the lack of propulsion systems capable of staying in this orbit," Jan Mataró, Kreios Space CTO told IE in an interview at the Mobile World Congress. "But it could allow for a huge increase in the resolution for both telecommunications and earth observation."
What is very low Earth orbit?
VLEO is roughly defined as any orbit in the range between 95 miles to 250 miles of altitude. As a point of reference, the Kármán Line, which some define as the boundary of space, is about 65 miles high. Most satellite missions currently operate at about 370 miles or much higher, where they can maintain an orbit that keeps them rotating around Earth with minimal thrust.
Operations in VLEO can provide substantial benefits, according to Kreios Space, but it is currently an unexploited orbit due to the fact that constant thrust is needed to prevent satellites from deorbiting because of the atmospheric drag effect at this relatively low altitude.
With current technologies, this constant orbital correction would simply be too costly, but Kreios Space thinks it has the solution — and it's one that could also help with the growing problem of space debris. Called ABEP, which stands for Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion, the company's system works by absorbing air to generate plasma, which is then accelerated through an IPT thruster and electromagnetic nozzle. And yes, there is still some air in the altitude at which ABEP will operate. The team at Kreios Space believes its system will lower the costs of VLEO operations enough to make them feasible.
There's no space debris in VLEO
But what are the main benefits of operating in VLEO? "Descending to VLEO would provide two major improvements," Mataró told IE. "The first one is a massive increase in resolution for satellite images, and the second comes from the fact that space debris does not accumulate at this altitude."
To be precise, Kreios Space says operating in VLEO will allow a 16x increase in resolution for Earth observation and telecommunications satellites. What's more, the firm claims its system "doesn't produce space debris" as satellites operating at such a low orbit will have to eventually make a planned deorbit. "When the satellite's lifetime is finished," Mataró said, "it will simply deorbit and disintegrate." More often than not, satellites are placed into a graveyard orbit at the end of their lifetime, which has resulted in a massive accumulation of orbital space debris over the years — according to the European Space Agency, there are approximately 98,000 tonnes worth of space objects currently hurtling around the planet.
According to a statement provided to IE, Kreios Space said it aims to have the first complete functional ABEP system ready by 2024. To do that, they hope to raise €2.5 million (approx. $2.7 million) over two upcoming investment rounds.
If Kreios Space — which is composed of six co-founding engineers from Barcelona — achieves its goal of making constant orbital corrections at such a low orbit affordable, it will open up a whole new avenue for satellite operators. This would reduce the cost of high-resolution images, making them more accessible to all. It would be of massive benefit to the scientific community, which is more reliant than ever on Earth observation.
Correction 09/03/22: An earlier version of this article incorrectly cited geostationary orbit and pointed to the effect of gravity on satellites as opposed to atmospheric drag. This was corrected.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia Found To Be Genuine
UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia Found To Be Genuine
An Airbus A320 pilot, on a routine flight over Medellin, Colombia, looked out the cockpit window and spotted something he had never seen before in the clouds – a UFO. And now, many experts have agreed that the mysterious object filmed by an eyewitness is “real”.
The pilot quickly grabbed his phone and began filming the mysterious object, first pointing the camera at his altimeter, which shows he was flying at about 30,000 feet, and then pointing it out the window towards the clouds.
The pilot zoomed in and immediately saw a strange geometric metal object flying in a straight line in the opposite direction.
The Proof Is Out There on the History channel further examined the footage, after which it became definitely clear that the UFO looks like a polyhedron. Various video experts were then interviewed.
One researcher has suggested that the object’s diameter is between 10 and 15 feet, but its structure is unlike any flying object on Earth.
The aviation expert added that the object was moving too slowly to be a plane or a rocket, which implies that it does not look like a drone at all.
Against this backdrop, it has been suggested that it could be a solar orb, but this is highly unlikely as they do not “survive” at such a high altitude.
“I don’t have a good explanation,” the specialist said. Against this background, the interviewed experts classified the material as one of the “real UFOs”.
Commentators also agreed with the findings and suggested that the pilot was able to quickly zoom in on the object because he had already seen it, followed it, grabbed his phone, and knew where to shoot:
“Pilots are required to have excellent vision to fly. Some commercial pilots once were military fighter pilots and they needed to have ABOVE average vision. All pilots are supposed to scan the sky visually to avoid collisions. The object traveled slower than them so it stuck out visually. It isn’t surprising that he could spot it and then zoom in on it,” wrote one commentator.
Many believe that a UFO is a weather balloon sent to the planet to collect samples or conduct surveillance. It is also interesting to note that Navy FA-18 fighter pilots saw similar UFOs at 35,000 feet off the East Coast a few years ago.
The Department of Defense is still investigating what those objects were. Meanwhile, Medellin is no stranger to sightings. This South American city has witnessed so many events that it has been nicknamed the New Roswell.
Jean-Paul Keulen
Een wormpje met een behoorlijk klein stel hersenen zet zijn beet op doordachte wijze in bij het bewaken van zijn voedselvoorraad.
In eerste instantie lijkt het eetgedrag van de rondworm Pristionchus pacificus (P. pacificus) ontzettend simpel. Het enige wat dit wormpje van ongeveer een millimeter lang doet, is bijten. Komt het bacteriën tegen die het kan eten? Hap. Komt het een larve tegen van de worm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)? Hap. Komt het een volwassen exemplaar van C. elegans tegen? Hap.
Maar, zo hebben neurowetenschappers Kathleen Quach en Sreekanth Chalasani van het Salk Institute for Biological Studies vastgesteld in hun lab: in werkelijkheid lijken er flink wat afwegingen schuil te gaan achter de beten van P. pacificus. En dat terwijl het diertje het moet doen met een brein dat maar zo’n driehonderd neuronen bevat, waar onze hersenen er zo’n 86 miljard hebben.
Zes uur bijten
Wat de situatie rond P. pacificus en C. elegans complex maakt, is dat C. elegans een dubbelrol speelt. Deze worm is zowel een prooi van P. pacifus, als een concurrent. Hij voedt zich namelijk met dezelfde bacteriën als P. pacificus, maar doet dat anderhalf keer zo snel.
Daarbij komt dat vooral de larven van C. elegans geschikt zijn als prooi. Die bijt P. pacificus in één keer dood, waarna de maaltijd kan beginnen. Wil P. pacificus zich vergrijpen aan een volwassen C. elegans, dan wordt het een heel ander verhaal. Zes uur bijten voordat de prooi/concurrent het loodje legt, is geen uitzondering, zo blijkt uit de experimenten van Quach en Chalasani. Maar: een gebeten C. elegans druipt wel af na een enkele beet – en zal dan dus minder van de bacteriën opeten waar P. pacificus het ook op heeft voorzien.
Een C. elegans-worm (rechts) vlucht weg voor een bijtende P. pacificus.
Kortom, het bijtgedrag van P. pacificus kan twee doelen dienen. Ofwel het gaat om eten (van bacteriën of larven), ofwel het gaat om het wegjagen van concurrenten om de voedselvoorraad te beschermen.
Eten of verjagen
Nu zou je kunnen denken dat P. pacificus zich simpelweg in alles vastbijt dat op voedsel lijkt. Blijkt dat een kwakje bacteriën of een larve, dan heeft hij meteen wat te eten. Zet hij zijn tanden per ongeluk in een volwassen C. elegans, dan heeft hij in eerste instantie pech: zo’n grote worm krijgt hij niet zomaar dood. Maar dat pakt dan op de langere termijn toch positief uit voor de hoeveelheid bacteriën die tot zijn beschikking staat.
Het zit echter complexer dan dat. Als er weinig tot geen bacteriën in de buurt zijn, blijkt P. pacificus de volwassen C. elegans-wormen voornamelijk met rust te laten. Bij een overvloed aan bacteriën idem dito. Alleen als er een schaarse hoeveelheid bacteriën is, moeten volwassen C. elegans gaan uitkijken: dan zet P. pacificus het op een bijten. Bovendien lijkt P. pacificus in die situatie sneller te gaan bewegen en actief op zoek te gaan naar C. elegans die het op ‘zijn’ bacteriën voorzien hebben.
Zijn kleine brein ten spijt, lijkt P. pacificus dus behoorlijk slim te werk te gaan. Zijn beet kan bedoeld zijn om te eten of te verjagen, afhankelijk van de omstandigheden.
Quach en Chalasani zijn allesbehalve uitgekeken op hun wormpjes en hebben volop plannen voor vervolgonderzoek. Zo keken ze nu alleen naar hoeveel energie bacteriën of wormen P. pacificus opleverden, niet naar specifieke voedings- of giftige stoffen. Ook varieert de ‘bijtbereidheid’ per worm; de onderzoekers zouden graag begrijpen waarom sommige exemplaren van P. pacificus zoveel agressiever zijn dan andere.
Maar, zo schrijven ze, hun uiteindelijke doel is om uit te vinden hoe dat handjevol neuronen zulke complexe beslissingen neemt.
ALLE GERELATEERDE VIDEO'S, uitgekozen en gepost door peter2011
Strange Alien UFO Spotted Above South Carolina Released Strange Pulsing Orbs
Strange Alien UFO Spotted Above South Carolina Released Strange Pulsing Orbs
On January 6, a retired US Air Force veteran in Orangeburg, South Carolina, captured this clip.
The raw video of the alleged UFO sighting in provided to ufologist Scott Warring. In a recent article, he wrote, “It’s mind-blowing!” A lot of footage of UFOs has been shown over the years, but this is the closest shot of one I’ve ever seen!
I watched the video several times and found no evidence that it was a hoax. With covid and the late-night hours, it’s very improbable that anyone else saw the craft that night.
“The city of Orangeburg has a tiny population of just 12,000 people. But with Covid-19, and the late night hours, it is quite unlikely that anyone else saw this craft that night.
“Indeed, alien spaceships hover straight above our houses when we are all asleep.”
In the footage, we can see that the strange flying object emerged from the forest line. There were two orbs blinking red after a few seconds.
“I worked on C-17s in the Air Force and know that this is not an aircraft,” the video’s creator explains. He said the object was moving slowly toward the neighbors and then disappeared into the woods.
“When I left the house, I was scared. I thought something was wrong. When I got outside, I saw them walk through the swamp towards the woods.” The end of the movie saw the red orbs transform from a vertical position to a horizontal one, signaling the end of the movie.
Shapeshifting, for most people, provokes imagery of nothing more than centuries-old tales of savage, murderous werewolves and of big-bucks movies, such as An American Werewolf in London, Underworld, Dog Soldiers, and The Wolfman. That is not the case, however. As incredible as it may seem, shapeshifters are not merely the stuff of Hollywood and urban tales of a friend-of-a-friend variety. Rather, they are all too menacingly real. And, they are not all of the man-turns-into-wolf variety, either. Quite the opposite, actually: shapeshifters come in all kinds and sizes and have done so for countless millennia. While the traditional image of the werewolf is, without a doubt, the first thing that springs to mind when a discussion of shapeshifters takes place, the truth of the matter is that there is a veritable menagerie of such infernal things in our midst. Were-cats, were-tigers, were-hyenas, and were-coyotes are also near the top of the monstrous list. Then, there are the ancient beliefs that those who died violent deaths – or those who were, themselves, murderers – were often destined to return to our plain of existence in the forms of hideous beasts, including wild and savage ape-like animals, fearsome black dogs with glowing and blazing red eyes, and mermaid-like things. There are also beings from other worlds: aliens, extraterrestrials, and Men in Black.
(Nick Redfern)
The Nessies of Scotland have the supernatural ability to transfer into wild, black horses
Even the legendary monsters of Loch Ness, Scotland, are believed – in certain monster-hunting quarters – to be paranormal beasts that have the ability to alter their appearances at will. As are legendary vampires, who, the old legends suggest, can transform into the likes of bats and wolves. Collectively, all of these “things” amount to an absolute army of otherworldly creatures, and half-human monsters that have plagued and tormented us since the dawning of civilization. And, they show zero signs of slowing down anytime soon. The things you thought were only fit for campfire tales, late-night stories intended to thrill little children, and entertaining monster-movies, are, in actuality, creatures of the real world. Of our world. Shapeshifters are everywhere: they lurk in the shadows, in the deep woods and expansive forests, in dark and dank caves, and in the murky waters of our lakes and rivers. Maybe even, after sunset, in the recesses of your very own backyard, patiently waiting to pounce. And many of them like nothing better than to terrorize and torment us, the human race. And, today, I’m going to share with you a case that really stands out int the shapeshifting category.
Pauline Fry, who I interviewed in 2013, had a very strange encounter with a Man in Black back in October 1973, when she was living in Pasadena, California. It’s notable, and probably relevant, for me to reveal that a major UFO wave was going on at that time, and all across the United States. While hiking in the California hills one Sunday morning, Pauline encountered a classic, silver-colored flying saucer-style UFO which, at first, at least, was high in the sky. Suddenly, it dropped to around fifty or sixty above her, hanging there in an odd, wobbling fashion. Amazed, Pauline could only stare as the silent craft bobbed around – like a boat on churning waters – and then shot away at high speed. Pauline raced home and excitedly told her family of what had just taken place. They, apparently, weren’t the only ones who knew what had occurred on the fateful morning in 1973. Three days later, and after sunset, Pauline had a visitor. Not a welcome one, I should stress. It was a Man in Black, a skinny – almost emaciated – old man, dressed in a shabby black suit, looking pale and ill, and wearing an old, 1950s-style fedora hat.
(Nick Redfern)
Beware of those creepy black cars and the things inside them
Pauline said that she felt her mind was briefly enslaved, as the MIB near-hypnotically asked her to invite him into her home. In a slight daze, and to her eternal cost, she did exactly that. She retreated to the couch, stumbling slightly and feeling ice-cold. The old man followed her, and stood in the living-room, looming over her, as he warned her – in no uncertain terms – never to discuss her close encounter again. Ever. The MIB then turned around and headed to the door. At that exact same moment, Pauline felt her mental faculties return to normal and she raced after him, just as he exited the door and closed it behind him. Pauline threw the door open wide, only to find the old Man in Black gone. In his place, however, was something else: it was a large, black dog with bright red eyes. It snapped and snarled in Pauline’s direction and in what was clearly a deeply malevolent, dangerous fashion.
She stared in horror as the glowing-eyed monster prowled around the yard, clearly intent on adding to the malevolent atmosphere that was already firmly in place. Suddenly, and as if out of nowhere, a large, black Cadillac – that looked decades-old in design – appeared and screeched to a halt outside of Pauline’s home. It should be noted, here, that the MIB almost always drive such cars of that particular type, age and color. Pauline watched, shocked and scared, as the back door on the driver’s-side opened and the fiendish black hound bounded across the front yard and leapt into the back of the Cadillac, which shot away at high speed! Today, Pauline – now a grandmother and someone who is fairly comfortable about sharing her bizarre experience – is of a firm opinion that the aged MIB and the red-eyed beast were one and the same: A DangerousShapeshifter.
In a recent story, an ‘expert’ in extraterrestrials and UFOs suggested the reason Russia invaded Ukraine was to get possession of an “alien space ark” whose existence would be confirmed when it rose from its underground hiding place and flew into the air. As of this writing, that event hasn’t been reported by mainstream or military news or social media. However, there have been a number of UFO sightings which have been reported and recorded – including one where the UFO appeared to engage in battle with Russian tanks. Are aliens, as one site suggests, attempting to prevent a nuclear war that would not only affect Earth but the rest of the solar system? Or are these just the usual visuals of aerial battles by unknown or secret planes and drones in smoky darkness that makes them UFOs?
Clouds or spaceship?
“He said, ‘There’s some miracle that happened. It looked like an attack (on the Russians) from a spaceship. There was some kind of lightning shooting from the sky.’ And sparks were spreading everywhere.”
This account was relayed to CBN News by its Ukraine director, Kostyantine Lytvynenko, who received it from a the father of a Ukrainian soldier who called to say he and his troops were in a desperate and seemingly losing battle. While the soldiers on the scene called it help from a “spaceship,” the news director left it open to “divine intervention” as well. Or both – there are many who support the idea that many “miracles” in religious texts could have been alien encounters.
Or pareidolia – there have a number of reports of clouds in the shape of angels or deities, as in this tweet (see it here).
Look at the sky. There is an Angel above Kiev #ukraine
Sightings like the green orb in this video said to from Kyiv had some people speculating on the answer to an often-asked question – why don’t the aliens intervene or save us.
An interesting respondent gives an answer from the ET’s perspective:
“Often you ask our operator the following question: “why are these extraterrestrials not intervening to solve our age problems?”. We ask you: according to you, earthly, how should we intervene? Do you force yourself to accept our scientific, social, moral and religious values? Truthly, tell us: what would your reactions be if we do this, thus violenting your freedom, your free will? By doing it, we would like to know if you would believe us better or worse than you, used as you are to coercing, violent, impose political and economic interests for egoistic and blaspical purposes. We would like to know!”(Google translation)
Would you take a cow instead?
We saved you … now you must follow our teachings/leadership/religion. How often in our history have humans done the same to other humans? Ukraine is not alone in the UFO sighting – a UFO recorded over St. Petersburg (watch it here) was said by the witness to be too fast and too bright to be a helicopter. Another unidentifiable wartime ship or something else? Another over Omsk was cigar-shaped and one in an unidentified area appeared to be triangular. A secret Russian jet? The U.S. can’t be the only country with triangular aircraft – can it?
How long before we see Tic Tacs over Ukraine or Russia?
These sightings should remind us how terrible wartime is – when people wish for alien intervention and even hope to see crafts from another planet rather than those of the enemy. Would we really be ready to trade our humanity for help from extraterrestrials?
Underwater ruins and pyramid of ancient civilization discovered off St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
Underwater ruins and pyramid of ancient civilization discovered off St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
Amateur archeologist Gelé says he’s discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization off the coast of St. Bernard Parish and he said: “All I know is somebody built a city 12,000 years ago and it’s stuck out in Chandeleur."
He claims there are large underwater granite mounds near the Chandeleur Islands that may have once been the site of the lost city.
“What’s down there are hundreds of buildings that are covered with sand and silt and that are geographically related to the Great Pyramid at Giza,” Gelé said.
He produced underwater sonar images of what he claims are remnants of major buildings, including a large pyramid which produces an electromagnetic energy that’s incredible,” Gelé said. “It is apparently 280 feet tall” reports wwltv.
This UFO video was just submitted to me, allegedly by a locals in Ukraine. This was filmed near Lviv in Sunday, 7th March 2022. Huge bright UFO was slowly flying over the night sky.
We know a ton about the inside of Earth. We know it has both an inner core and an outer core and that the churning and rotation create a protective magnetosphere that shields life from the Sun’s radiative power. It has a mantle, primarily solid but also home to magma. We know it has a crust, where we live, and plate tectonics that moves the continents around like playthings.
But what about Super-Earths? We know they’re out there; we’ve found them. What do we know about their insides? Earth’s structure, and its ability to support life, are shaped by the extreme pressure and density in its interior. The pressure and temperature inside Super-Earths are even more powerful. How does it shape these planets and affect their habitability?
Super-Earths are more massive planets than Earth but not as massive as our Solar System’s ice giant planets, Uranus and Neptune. Uranus and Neptune are 14.5 and 17 times more massive than Earth. Generally, a Super-Earth is about two times more massive than Earth to ten times more massive than Earth. There are no firm definitions for Super-Earths, and different sources use different mass categories.
Of the almost 5,000 confirmed exoplanets, NASA calls 1539 of them Super-Earths. Super-Earths are defined by their masses, not by their composition or other characteristics. There are a lot of them, and some of our nearest stellar neighbours appear to host Super-Earths. There are different classifications for Super-Earths according to their densities and compositions. But many of them have similar densities to Earth and are likely compositionally similar.
This screenshot from the NASA exoplanets website shows the types of planets discovered beyond our Solar System. Image Credit: NASA
A team of researchers at Carnegie University and other institutions investigated the effect of extreme pressure and temperature on minerals inside Super-Earths. They performed lab experiments to simulate their interiors. They subjected minerals to extreme pressures and temperatures to see what would happen to them in the mantles of this common type of planet.
Earth’s interior dynamics support life in different ways. The magnetosphere generated by the core is one way. The magnetosphere directs harmful solar radiation away from the planet’s surface and prevents the solar wind from stripping away the atmosphere.
On Earth, plate tectonics and mantle convection have a thermostatic effect on the climate. Volcanoes release heated material and CO2 into the Earth’s atmosphere, stopping Earth from getting too cold. The same processes regulate the amount of CO2 by subducting carbonates back into rock with the help of rainfall. Plate tectonics also creates the complex chemistry necessary for life. So scientists think that plate tectonics and mantle convection play a critical role in life’s appearance and Earth’s ongoing habitability.
How would the extreme conditions inside a Super-Earth affect its habitability?
“The interior dynamics of our planet are crucial for maintaining a surface environment where life can thrive—driving the geodynamo that creates our magnetic field and shaping the composition of our atmosphere,” explained Carnegie’s Rajkrishna Dutta, the paper’s lead author. “The conditions found in the depths of giant, rocky exoplanets such as super-Earths would be even more extreme.
Silicate minerals make up most of Earth’s crust. The high temperature and pressure exerted on silicate minerals create key boundaries between the upper and lower mantle deep inside our planet. Studies of rocky exoplanets show they might also have silicate crusts. They exhibit the same density, roughly, as Earth.
Since Super-Earths can be so much more massive than Earth, the temperature and pressure inside them would be even more extreme than on Earth. The researchers wanted to probe those conditions and the effect they have on silicate minerals. They wanted to know if new types of silicates would emerge and if they would behave differently.
Silicate minerals make up most of the Earth’s mantle and are thought to be a significant component of the interiors of other rocky planets. On Earth, the structural changes induced in silicates under high pressure and temperature conditions define key boundaries in Earth’s deep interior. The research team was interested in probing the emergence and behaviour of new forms of silicate under conditions mimicking those found in distant worlds. The illustration is courtesy of Kalliopi Monoyios.
Under normal conditions, most silicates are organized into the same orientation called a tetrahedral structure. A tetrahedral structure has one central atom bonded with four other atoms.
This is a 3D ball model of a tetrahedral molecule. A central atom is located at the center, with four substituents situated at the corners of a tetrahedron. Image Credit: Public Domain,
Mg2SiO4, also known as Forsterite, is one of the most abundant silicate minerals in the Earth’s mantle above about 400 km (250 miles.) It’s likely abundant in rocky Super-Earths, too. Modelling shows that new phases of silicates emerge in extreme temperatures and pressures inside Super-Earths, but there’s no way to observe them. Calculations show that it requires about 490 GPa of pressure for new silicate phases to emerge. But there’s no way to simulate that pressure.
Fortunately, scientists can use an analog for silicates that responds the same way but at less extreme temperature and pressure. That analog is germanium. Specifically, it’s magnesium germanate, or Mg2GeO4. Calculations show that magnesium germanate also changes to a new phase at high pressure, but the threshold is lower. New phases emerge at about 175 GPa, and that pressure can be created in a lab.
The research team used a diamond anvil to subject Mg2GeO4 samples to extreme pressure, then heated them with a laser. They exposed the magnesium germanate to two million times Earth’s normal atmospheric pressure and watched as a new crystalline structure emerged.
At 2 million atmospheres, the central germanium atom bonded with eight oxygen atoms instead of four. The new mineral is called an “eight-coordinated, intrinsically discorded mineral,” and it could substantially affect the internal temperature and dynamics of Super-Earths.
Working with magnesium germanate, Mg2GeO4, analogous to one of the mantle’s most abundant silicate minerals, the team gleaned information about the potential mineralogy of super-Earths and other giant, rocky exoplanets. Under about 2 million times normal atmospheric pressure, a new phase emerged with a distinct crystalline structure that involves one germanium bonded with eight oxygens. Scientists expect the new eight-coordinated, intrinsically discorded mineral to strongly affect these planets’ internal temperature and dynamics. Image courtesy Rajkrishna Dutta.
“The discovery that under extreme pressures, silicates could take on a structure oriented around six bonds, rather than four, was a total game-changer in terms of scientists’ understanding of deep Earth dynamics,” explained study co-author Sally June Tracy. Tracy refers to the discovery of silicate-perovskite (now called bridgmanite) and post-perovskite. Perovskite is a mineral structure that only forms under high pressure. It’s not stable at Earth’s surface and mainly exists in the lower part of Earth’s mantle. Scientists first discovered natural silicate perovskite in a heavily shocked meteorite.
“The discovery of an eightfold orientation could have similarly revolutionary implications for how we think about the dynamics of exoplanet interiors,” said Tracy.
Seismic discontinuities create the boundaries between Earth’s core, mantle, and crust. A seismic discontinuity is a sudden jump in seismic velocity across a boundary. The different structures of minerals under high pressure and temperature help create these discontinuities. So in effect, the structure of the minerals contributes to regulating the heat flow from the planet’s interior to the surface and also to plate tectonics. As a result, the structure of the minerals is a big part of what determines habitability.
Minerals determine the boundaries in Earth’s core under different pressures and temperatures inside the planet. This figure shows the pressure as it increases with depth in green. It also shows the speed changes in S (red) and P (blue) seismic waves. The seismic discontinuities coincide with mineral changes. Image Credit: University of Maryland
In an email exchange with Universe Today, study lead author Rajkrishna Dutta explained the big picture.
“The germanate is an analogue for the silicate. So, we expect to see a silicate eight-coordinated phase in the deep mantle of large super-earth planets. Having an eight-coordinated phase suggests a tighter, denser crystal structure.”
How does a tighter, denser crystal structure affect a planet’s interior?
“A transition from the six-coordinated post-perovskite leads to significant (~2.5%) difference in volume. This suggests the possibility of a seismic discontinuity in the mantle of those giant planets. Depending on the slope of the transition (expected to be negative), this can create a boundary layer for subducting plates and mantle convection.”
The question is, how exactly will this affect Super-Earths’ potential habitability? Earth’s interior structure plays a considerable role in maintaining habitability. The same must be true on Super-Earths.
This artist’s impression shows the planet K2-18b, its host star and an accompanying planet in this system. As of 2019, K2-18b is the only super-Earth exoplanet known to host both water and temperatures that could support life. What role does the planet’s interior structure play in the potential habitability? Image Credit: ESA/Hubble, M. Kornmesser
“Not much is known about the geology of the large exoplanets. Our study is still preliminary, and further work needs to be done to understand the effect of the structure on the thermodynamic and rheological properties of this structure. But, interestingly, this structure is disordered, so the two very different-sized cations occupy the same site. This suggests, at such extreme conditions, materials may behave very differently and undergo more chemical mixing,” Dutta explained.
Previous studies on Super-Earths have produced different results. Some research shows that Super-Earths have much more powerful geological activity than Earth. The tectonic plates would be thinner and under more stress so that that plate tectonics would be more vigorous. Other research shows that Super-Earths would have much stronger crusts that inhibit plate tectonics. And there’s no widespread agreement among scientists that plate tectonics is necessary for life.
Unfortunately, we’re nowhere near understanding the interior structure and dynamics of distant exoplanets. The InSight lander is gathering data on the interior of Mars, which will give us one more data set on planetary interiors. But we’re nowhere near a comprehensive understanding of exoplanet interiors.
The InSight lander is gathering data on Mars’ interior. Though Mars is far from being a Super-Earth, the data InSight is gathering will help scientists understand planetary interiors better in general. The SEIS (Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure) instrument is under the white protective in this image. Image Credit: NASA/JPL
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no progress to be made.
“But, understanding of the interiors of these planets are mostly based on laboratory experiments and theoretical computations,” Dutta said. “This is a domain where a lot of collaborative work between geoscientists, astrophysicists, chemists is required. With more experiments and modelling, we believe we can get a clearer picture of these planetary interiors.”
That work will only increase as we discover more and more exoplanets.
“Just as the discovery of widespread, six-coordinated germanates/silicates profoundly altered our understanding of silicate crystal chemistry and its role in the Earth’s deep interior, the discovery of an eightfold-coordinated, intrinsically disordered germanate opens the possibility of previously unexplored crystal–chemical behavior in the silicate minerals of large, rocky exoplanets,” the authors write in their conclusion.
SpaceX’s first Jupiter launch a step closer as NASA begins assembling ‘Europa Clipper’
SpaceX’s first Jupiter launch a step closer as NASA begins assembling ‘Europa Clipper’
NASA says that the assembly of Europa Clipper has begun at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), in Southern California.
Europa Clipper is an interplanetary spacecraft developed by NASA to observe Europa, a large moon of Jupiter, over the course of a series of flybys while orbiting the gas giant. The Clipper’s primary goal is to determine whether Europa hosts conditions suitable for life in an immense liquid water ocean that lies under its icy surface. NASA has selected SpaceX to launch the ~$4.25 billion spacecraft to Jupiter in 2024 on its Falcon Heavy rocket – a contract SpaceX effectively beat out NASA’s own Space Launch System (SLS) rocket to win.
The engineering components and science instruments that make up the spacecraft’s flight hardware began development in 2016 and are expected to be completed by the end of 2022. These components come from across the United States and Europe and will be assembled at JPL. The main body of the spacecraft is a 10-foot-tall (3-meter-tall) cylindrical propulsion module. Fitted with electronics, radios, cables, and the spacecraft’s propulsion systems, it will ship to JPL this spring. Europa Clipper’s 10-foot-wide (3-meter-wide) high-gain antenna is expected to follow not long after.
The first instrument to arrive at JPL was the Europa-UVS, an ultraviolet spectrograph that was assembled in San Antonio, Texas. Europa-UVS will search above the surface of Europa for signs of plumes. The instrument collects ultraviolet light, then separates the wavelengths of that light to help determine the composition of the moon’s surface and gases in the atmosphere.
As components of the spacecraft arrive, they will be integrated together and re-tested. Engineers need to be sure the instruments can communicate with the flight computer, spacecraft software, and power subsystems.
“Once all the components have been integrated to form the large flight system, Europa Clipper will move to JPL’s enormous thermal vacuum chamber for testing that simulates the harsh environment of deep space. There also will be intense vibration testing to ensure Europa Clipper can withstand the jostling of launch. Then it’s off to Cape Canaveral, Florida, for an October 2024 launch.”
According to NASA, “when it’s fully assembled, Europa Clipper will be as large as an SUV [and have] solar arrays long enough to span a basketball court – all the better to help power the spacecraft during its journey to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.”
Previous imagery has already provided scientists with certainty that Europa’s surface is made up of mostly water ice. Additionally, other data about the moon’s physical characteristics have engendered great confidence that beneath or within some of that 15-mile-thick ice lies pockets of liquid water that could go thousands of years between re-freezing events. Those water pockets could potentially be habitable and even contain microbial life that Europa Clipper could detect.
The icy crust of Jupiter’s fourth-largest moon, Europa, may hold pockets of liquid water that could support life.
Some scientists like Monica Grady, Chancellor at Liverpool Hope University, believe it is almost certain that Europa is harboring life. “When it comes to the prospects of life beyond Earth, it’s almost a racing certainty that there’s life beneath the ice on Europa,” stated Grady in 2020.
NASA says that “Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter and conduct multiple close flybys of Europa to gather data on the moon’s atmosphere, surface, and interior. Its sophisticated payload will investigate everything from the depth and salinity of the ocean to the thickness of the ice crust to the characteristics of potential plumes that may be venting subsurface water into space.”
Falcon Heavy, 2019. (SpaceX)
Europa Clipper will be carried into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, the most powerful operational rocket today. The ~$178 million launch contract was announced on July 23rd, 2021. Following a tentative Q4 2024 launch into heliocentric (sun-orbiting) space, Europa Clipper will spend around three years in deep space, performing gravity-assist maneuvers at Earth and Mars to eventually boost itself to Jupiter for a 2028 arrival.
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