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The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Stephen Hawking Claims He Once Held A Party For Time Travellers
Stephen Hawking Claims He Once Held A Party For Time Travellers
Professor Stephen Hawking is one of the greatest minds of our generation - scratch that, one of the greatest human beings, full stop. But his vastly superior intellect doesn't mean he doesn't have a sense of humour.
The theoretical physicist has previously been shown cracking jokes in interviews, savaging John Oliver on Last Week Tonight, and even having a Duff with Homer in one of his four appearances on The Simpsons.
Keeping his fun-loving reputation in mind, it probably won't come as a surprise to you that Hawking claims to have once held a party for time travellers.
Speaking with several journalists at Seattle Science Festival, Hawking explained that although he waited patiently for guests to arrive, no one ended up coming to the bash. D'aww.
There was a reason for that though, as Hawking eventually admitted that waiting until it was over to send the invites probably didn't help.
"I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible," Hawking said in 2012, in a Q&A written up by Ars Technica.
"I gave a party for time-travellers, but I didn't send out the invitations until after the party. I sat there a long time, but no one came."
However, in the Ars Technica write-up, Hawking said that Einstein's theory of relativity suggested time travel is possible - but it's equally likely trying it would destroy space-time itself.
"Einstein's general theory of relativity seems to offer the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that we could travel back in time," Hawking said.
"However, it is likely that warping would trigger a bolt of radiation that would destroy the spaceship and maybe the space-time itself."
The wide-ranging Q&A Hawking had with journalists also covered the possibility of alien life, and what the chances are aliens will pay us a visit.
Hawking shot that suggestion down too, saying we'll probably have no need to lay the welcome mats out - or build the HMS Thunder Child - any time soon.
"I'm discounting claims that UFOs contain aliens. Why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos?" Hawking asked.
"Do I believe that there is some government conspiracy to conceal the evidence and keep for themselves the advanced technology the aliens have? If that were the case, they aren't making much use of it."
Credit: PA
Hawking concluded that as we haven't picked up their TV quiz shows yet, all the evidence suggests that other intelligent life is probably quite far away.
While we make our best efforts to find it - such as through Hawking's Breakthough Initiatives programme - he said that we might need to accept that we're all totally alone in the universe - at least for the foreseeable future.
"It is true that we advertise our presence by our broadcast," Hawking said. "But given that we haven't been visited for four billion years, it isn't likely that aliens will come any time soon."
The truth is, though, who needs aliens when we have humans as impressive as Hawking?
Terwijl de bevolking te maken krijgt met hogere energierekeningen om de opwarming van de aarde te bestrijden, tekent zich voor onze ogen het begin van een nieuwe ijstijd af.
Net zoals in het bekende Maunder Minimum dalen de temperaturen in gebieden als de Sahara en de woestijnen van Saoedi Arabië, kijkt men vol verbazing naar de vallende sneeuw, net als in Tokio waar de bewoners rillend over straat gaan.
Bijna de complete wereld wordt geregeerd door de klimaatagenda, waarbij de bevolking wordt wijsgemaakt dat ze extra belasting moeten betalen om ervoor te zorgen dat er allerlei maatregelen genomen kunnen worden waardoor de temperatuur op aarde niet verder zal stijgen.
Uiteraard is dit de grootste oplichting aller tijden en zullen we de komende tientallen jaren te maken gaan krijgen met een koude periode, simpelweg omdat de mens niet de temperatuur op aarde bepaalt, maar primair de zon en secundair interplanetaire veranderingen. Zo eenvoudig is het en zo eenvoudig zal het altijd blijven ongeacht hoeveel belasting ze jou weten af te troggelen om een "duurzame" wereld te creëren.
We bevinden ons nu in zonnecyclus 24 waarvan de piek enkele jaren geleden was en we zijn nu weer op weg naar een volgend minimum. Zoals op de volgende afbeelding te zien, worden sinds 1980 de pieken in zonneactiviteit steeds lager.
Het wordt nog erger, want volgens verschillende modellen is de neerwaartse trend geen incident, maar vormt het onderdeel van een grotere cyclus waarbij we op een gegeven moment spreken van een zogenaamd "grand minimum". Dit doet zich voor als de zonnecycli tientallen jaren achter elkaar minder activiteit dan gemiddeld tonen.
Wanneer die neerwaartse trend zich voortzet zoals nu naar de volgende zonnecyclus, dan zal in cyclus 25 eenzelfde situatie zijn bereikt als tijdens het Dalton Minimum, de periode 1790 en 1820. Wanneer de trend zich dan ook weer voortzet naar de cyclus daarna, dan zullen we eenzelfde situatie hebben bereikt als tijdens het Maunder Minimun, de periode 1645 en 1715, ook wel het dieptepunt van de Kleine IJstijd genoemd.
Wanneer we kijken naar het verloop van de temperaturen gedurende het Maunder Minimum, dan valt op dat gebieden die toen hele lage temperaturen hadden zoals noordwest Afrika, nu tegen alle verwachtingen in wéér te maken krijgen met hele lage temperaturen en sneeuw.
Het volgende kaartje laat zien waar tijdens het Maunder Minimum de laagste temperaturen voor kwamen en het gebied waar nu Marokko ligt, iss bijvoorbeeld heel donkerblauw gekleurd, wat wijst op lage temperaturen.
Afgelopen maand, en nu nog steeds, in Marokko, zijn de eerste tekenen van een nieuwe mini ijstijd op het noordelijk halfrond zichtbaar.
Bewoners in bergachtige streken hadden dringend hulp nodig om te kunnen overleven in de barre omstandigheden.
Zelfs in het zuiden van Marokko is sneeuw gevallen en de berichten daarover zijn tegenstrijdig: er wordt gezegd de eerste keer in 50 jaar en anderen zeggen dat het de eerste keer ooit in de herinnering van de huidige bewoners is.
In dezelfde regio liggen ook de Canarische eilanden en het laatste dat je daar zou verwachten is sneeuw. Toch moesten daar enkele dagen geleden precies om die reden 40 mensen worden geëvacueerd op het hoger deel van het eiland.
Ook Israël is nu niet bepaald een land de je associeert met sneeuw, maar ook daar kijkt men verbaasd naar de hemel:
Een ander deel van de wereld dat tijdens het Maunder Minimum te maken had met aanzienlijke afkoeling, was Japan. Op dit moment hebben ze het in Tokio nog niet zo koud gehad als sinds 1970 en ook daar keken de Japanners rillend naar de sneeuw die uit de lucht kwam.
Bij elkaar schiet de energierekening flink omhoog. Eerder werd duidelijk dat de duurzaamheidsmaatregelen van het kabinet Rutte III volgend jaar ieder gezin gemiddeld 133 euro extra kosten. Onder meer de Opslag Duurzame Energie stijgt 45 euro, terwijl de energiebelasting op gas met gemiddeld 54 euro per huishouden toeneemt. Het kabinetsbesluit om de heffingskorting op energie met 62 euro te verlagen, drijft de energierekening verder omhoog.
Alien Contactee Discloses Info That is Beyond Our Comprehension
Alien Contactee Discloses Info That is Beyond Our Comprehension
This man has had astounding experiences with UFOs including the most head spinning and amazing visions from Nordic Blonde Alien.
Here is an at-length presentation on the state of contact: the maneuvers of the Nordics; the components of contact experiences that connect to mind control operations and targeting of contactees/abductees; the Yiazmat Paradox, German Triangle craft and A.I. communications; the orb beings/craft; remote viewing UFOs; filming the triangle craft over Yorkshire; Tony’s communications with a German intelligence agency over his sightings; and deep personal insights into the phenomena of UFO contactee experiences.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Alien Contactee Discloses Info That is Beyond Our Comprehension
Alien Contactee Discloses Info That is Beyond Our Comprehension
This man has had astounding experiences with UFOs including the most head spinning and amazing visions from Nordic Blonde Alien.
Here is an at-length presentation on the state of contact: the maneuvers of the Nordics; the components of contact experiences that connect to mind control operations and targeting of contactees/abductees; the Yiazmat Paradox, German Triangle craft and A.I. communications; the orb beings/craft; remote viewing UFOs; filming the triangle craft over Yorkshire; Tony’s communications with a German intelligence agency over his sightings; and deep personal insights into the phenomena of UFO contactee experiences.
During a trip to the desert in Nevada, a tourist snapped multiple photographs of a landscape using a cell phone. The tourist had a great day admiring the beautiful scenery. Nothing strange occurred that day and the tourist returned home.
After reviewing photographs taken from that trip to the desert, the tourist realized there was a strange purple object seen in the background of one image. Only 3 photographs were taken that day in the location where the images were taken.
We have included two of three images to protect the case. The third image is a copy of the picture containing the purple object, taken from the same exact location, but no object can be seen.
Analysis From A Third Party
UFO Seekers asked Scott Brando from to analyze the photograph. The website is dedicated to debunking UFO hoaxes and exposing hoax content.
Scott gave this response to the image even though no raw file was available from the individual who submitted the images. He said the following:
I can say it could be an insect taken with blurfo effect… it is most likely a bug/insect flying near camera lens (it is out of focus).
Scott also provided a link to show what he is describing, in more detail. (
UFO Seekers Analysis
The original image is only 640x427 pixels. It was taken with a cell phone. No raw version of the image is available.
The image does show some lens flare anomalies separate from the purple object. The issue with the purple object is the lack of transparency common in lens flare anomalies. The color of the object does not seem to be normal of a lens flare, although not impossible for a lens flare to create.
If it was an object, it was something thrown in the air then photographed, making the color purple more plausible.
Due to the lack of better image quality, we can not provide an explanation. During our questioning the witness testified that no objects were in the air, nothing was seen, nothing was heard.
In 1958 a former United States military Major told the world, “Alien UFOs are real.” Luckily a rare interview has been posted on YouTube of Mike Wallace interviewing Major Donald Keyhoe in 1958. In the interview Major Keyhoe claims the U.S. Air Force is misleading the public about the existence of alien UFOs. Watch the full interview below.
Major Keyhoe references the famous Alien UFO Program named Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book was a U.S. government funded program that investigated UFO Sightings in attempt to discover if alien UFOs existed.
Project Blue Book vs.
Aerial Threat Identification Program
Project Blue Book was different than the recently disclosed Aerial Threat Identification Program (ATIP). ATIP was operated under the mission of identifying foreign aerial military threats without regard to the operator as opposed to Project Blue Book which was looking to answer questions surrounding alien craft visiting Earth. That is why the U.S. Air Force issued statements about alien UFOs when Project Blue Book was deemed completed.
A termination order for Project Blue Book was given in December 1969. All Project Blue Book activities ceased in January 1970.
The conclusions of Project Blue Book were:
No UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security.
There has been no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as “unidentified” represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present day scientific knowledge.
There has been no evidence indicating the sightings categorized as “unidentified” are extraterrestrial vehicles.
If you listen to the testimony of Luis ELizondo, he himself directly says the ATIP gave no regard to answering who was driving or operating the crafts seen in videos analyzed by the ATIP. Meaning the ATIP did not hunt for aliens, they hunted for aerial military threats. It’s only his opinion, “UFOs are real.”
Major Donald Keyhoe’s Background
Born June 20, 1897, Donald Edward Keyhoe became famous in the UFO community during the 1950’s as a UFO Researcher. He searved in the U.S. military as a Marine Corps Naval Aviator. Keyhoe later began writing aviation articles and stories.
During the 50’s and 60’s Major Keyhoe’s peers in the UFO community regarded him as the “leader in the UFO field.”
Major Keyhoe lobbied the government to disclose the truth about the existence of Alien UFOs with support from reputable businessmen, military personnel (active and non-active), commercial pilots, among others.
Het schijnt op zich een natuurlijk fenomeen te zijn en men noemt het cloud iridescence. Het is een vorm van diffractie en wordt veroorzaakt door kleine waterdruppels en ijskristallen. Ook worden dit soort lichtverschijnselen wel aardbevingslichten genoemd, omdat ze soms ook worden waargenomen net voor aardbevingen.
Het is hoe dan ook een indrukwekkend gezicht en wellicht is er ook nog een andere verklaring voor dit mysterieuze lichtverschijnsel aan de hemel. We zien natuurlijk de laatste tijd steeds meer vreemde luchten, waaronder paarse.
Dan een ander mysterieus verschijnsel dat zich voordeed aan de hemel afgelopen woensdag toen er tijdens de zogenaamde supermoon ook sprake was van een maansverduistering. Via een lezer ontvingen wij de volgende opname (dank!) die toen is gemaakt in Alaska, waarbij naast de maan duidelijk nog een ander hemellichaam waar te nemen is.
Het schijnt geen lensflare te zijn, maar wat is het dan wel? Wij hebben geen andere opnames kunnen vinden van hetzelfde verschijnsel.
We blijven nog even bij de maan, want eveneens op woensdag werd door een observatorium een UFO vastgelegd die de maan passeerde.
Hieronder zie je de bewegende beelden en daarin is heel duidelijk te zien hoe een UFO met hoge snelheid langs de man reist, misschien wel onderweg naar de aarde.
Vanaf de maan door naar de Filipijnen, waar ook iets opmerkelijks gebeurde.
Uit statistieken blijkt hoe het aantal aardbevingen de laatste decennia spectaculair zijn toegenomen en ook op het gebied van vulkanen geld hetzelfde.
Gedurende iedere week van het jaar 2017 zijn er ergens tussen de 14 en 27 uitbarstingen geweest en het lijkt er niet op dat dit in het nieuwe jaar zal afnemen. Eén van de vulkanen die veel activiteit vertoont is Mt. Mayon op de Filipijnen. Er zijn daar op dit moment al 82.000 mensen geëvacueerd vanwege het grote gevaar dat deze vulkaan vormt. Alarmfase 4 is afgekondigd, de op één na hoogste en de situatie daar is nu vergelijkbaar met die van ooit in Pompeï net voor de uitbarsting, waarbij duizenden mensen om het leven kwamen. Dit staat ook beschreven in de bijbel.
Volgens een Filipijnse legende is deze vulkaan niet zomaar ontstaan, maar is deze het resultaat van een tragisch liefdesverhaal.
Er was ooit een mooie vrouw genaamd Daragang Magayon die zo mooi was dat mensen van heinde en ver kwamen om haar te mogen aanschouwen. Tussen al die bewonderaars zat ook Pagtuga die haar overlaadde met mooie geschenken. Echter, Magayon moest niets van hem hebben, want zij had haar zinnen gezet op de held Pangaronon die haar bij toeval van de verdrinkingsdood had gered toen ze in een rivier aan het baden was.
Magayon was de dochter van het hoofd van de stam, Makusog, en dus toog Pangaronon naar de vader en vroeg hem om de hand van zijn dochter, die dit accepteerde. Maar, Pagtuga accepteerde dit niet en toen hij hoorde van de huwelijksplannen, ontvoerde hij vader Makusog en dreigde hem te doden als Magayon niet met hem zou trouwen.
Magayon stemde toe om het leven van haar vader te redden en er ontstond een oorlog tussen de legers van de twee liefdesrivalen. Pagtuga moest dit met de dood bekopen en vol geluk holde Magayon naar Pangaronon.... toen een verdwaalde pijl hem in de rug trof en ook hij stierf.
Ze was helemaal buiten zinnen van verdriet en schreeuwde de naam Pangaronon uit toen ze zichzelf doodde omdat ze geen leven zonder hem kon verdragen. Makusog begroef zijn dochter samen met haar geliefde en vele jaren gingen voorbij totdat de bevolking merkte dat er langzaam een heuvel ontstond, wat nog veel later de vulkaan Manyon werd.
Op 18 januari 2018 kwamen beide geliefden weer tevoorschijn, dit keer aan de hemel, toen de vulkaan weer eens van zich liet horen. De lokale bevolking is er heilig van overtuigd dat Magayon en Pangaronon samen te zien zijn op de volgende foto's.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETMensen die 12.800 jaar geleden de ijstijd overleefden en uit hun schuilplaatsen kwamen toen de Aarde langzaam weer aan het opwarmen was, zullen snel weer beschutting hebben moeten zoeken toen er opeens gigantische vuurballen uit de hemel kwamen neergeregend. Dat blijkt uit een studie die gepubliceerd is in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Journal of Geology. Het zou om fragmenten hebben gegaan van een enorme komeet en de impact zou groter geweest zijn dan die van de asteroïde die de dinosaurussen uitroeide 65 miljoen jaar geleden.
Na de impact volgden schokgolven en vuur verspreidde zich over het land. Volgens de studie zou op die manier 10 procent van de totale aardoppervlakte opgegaan zijn in vlammen, wat overeenkomt met 10 miljoen vierkante kilometer. Er kwam stof in de atmosfeer terecht en die sneed het zonlicht af.
Daardoor koelde het klimaat weer af. Planten stierven, voedselbronnen raakten uitgeput en de gletsjers wonnen opnieuw terrein. De stromingen in de oceanen veranderden en er ontstond een toestand die weer aan de voorbije ijstijd deed denken. En nog 1.000 jaar zou duren.
Uiteindelijk werd het opnieuw warmer en de mens kwam weer tevoorschijn. In een wereld met veel minder grote dieren en een menselijke cultuur die er helemaal anders was gaan uitzien. (lees hieronder verder)
Dat is het verhaal dat geschetst wordt door de 24 onderzoekers die meeschreven aan de nieuwe studie. Onder meer emeritusprofessor fysica en astronomie Adrian Melott van de universiteit van Kansas, die nu aan de universiteit van Washburn werkt. “We deden metingen op meer dan 170 verschillende plaatsen ter wereld om tot onze conclusies te komen”, aldus Melott.
Volgens de studie zou de ramp veroorzaakt zijn toen de Aarde geraakt werd door fragmenten van een uiteenvallende komeet, die een diameter had van zo’n 100 kilometer (dat is ongeveer de afstand van Brugge tot Brussel). Ter vergelijking: de asteroïde die verantwoordelijk wordt geacht voor de uitroeiing van de dinosauriërs had een diameter van bijna 10 kilometer. Resten van die gigantische komeet zouden vandaag nog altijd door ons zonnestelsel vliegen.
“Onze hypothese is dat de komeet uiteengevallen was in kleinere stukken en dat die kleine stukken insloegen op de Aarde. Dat zou een ongeziene ramp veroorzaakt hebben”, aldus Melott. “Chemische resten van onder meer koolstofdioxide, nitraat en ammoniak suggereren dan een tiende van de Aarde in vlammen opging. De analyse van pollen wijst er ook op dat dennenwouden vervangen werden door populierenbossen, een boomsoort die vaak vrijgemaakte ruimten inneemt.”
Volgens de studie zou de impact het Jonge Dryas veroorzaakt hebben, de plotse koude periode die op de ijstijd volgde. Maar ook het verbranden van biomassa, het verdwijnen van een groot aantal grotere dieren op het einde van het pleistoceen en een terugval in de mensenpopulatie. Zij die de vreselijke inslagen overleefden, waren trouwens nog niet veilig.
“Onze berekeningen doen vermoeden dat de inslagen de ozonlaag fel verzwakten, waardoor onder meer een toename van huidkankers en andere gezondheidsproblemen ontstaan zullen zijn. Onze studie is nog altijd een hypothese, maar de gegevens die we verzamelden kunnen eigenlijk alleen maar verklaard worden door een zware kosmische inslag”, klinkt het nog.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Latest Nevada UFO sighting 2018!
Latest Nevada UFO sighting 2018!
New footage of a multiple lights in the sky above Las Vegas, Nevada.
Witness report:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of January 28, 2018. I’ll keep it short by saying that “UFO Tourists” would probably be far better off watching Nellis Air Force Base instead of wasting gas, money, time and energy going out to Area 51 to try and see UFOs. Whoever puts these amazing things in the sky must laugh their rear ends off knowing that the overwhelming majority of people have no idea what’s going on right here in their own backyard and under their noses. It’s true that the best place to hide something is in plain sight. I am definitely not the only person who is aware of what goes on at Nellis.
This Is What Bill Clinton Found In His Efforts To Discover the Truth About UFOs
This Is What Bill Clinton Found In His Efforts To Discover the Truth About UFOs
The US Government has been accused of withholding files on UFO encounters, but if there is one person who would know the entire information, that would be the President of the United States. Unfortunately, it was not the case, at least during Bill Clinton’s administration.
Bill Clinton reportedly spent much time in trying to know what other government agencies were not telling him about UFO encounters. His associate attorney general Webster Hubbell allegedly told the President about a secret government holding information on UFOs.
According to Hubbell’s memoir, President Clinton gave him two essential tasks, one to know who assassinated John F. Kennedy and the other one was to figure out how much the government knew about UFOs.
While investigating other agencies about UFO encounters, he found himself blocked at each turn. It was only after sufficient pressure when CIA director James Woolsey started declassifying records of the involvement of the CIA in UFO investigation and the projects of the Air Force to research UFO sightings.
Project SAUCER and Project SIGN were Air Force’s projects to research UFO sightings, which were conducted in spite of the official government announcement that no research was done in the aftermath of the Roswell Incident. These investigations were designed to collect, collate, evaluate, and distribute all information relating to such sightings but only within the government. These projects were born on the premise that UFOs might be real and of national security concern.
The CIA also confirmed reports that the agency had years of records and a wealth of knowledge when it came to UFO research that was initially withheld from Clinton and Hubbell.
Disclosure of some files on US interest in UFOs involves no smoking gun evidence that conspiracy theorists are seeking. Mr Hubble concludes that a secret government wing holds all records on US interest in UFOs that even the President has been kept in the dark.
The Peterson Case is bound to be very creepy.QUARTER CIRCLE GAMES
We have our fair share of zombies in the gaming sphere already, so it's good to see that we're finally adding some newer titles that add aliens into the mix. Specifically, an upcoming game from English developer Quarter Circle Games explores Roswell incident that UFO enthusiasts have researched for years. The title, called The Peterson Case, takes players to the 1947 Roswell crash and the weirdness that surrounded it.
The self-professed horror game will have players follows Detective Franklin Reinhardt as he investigates a deserted house whose residents have gone missing under mysterious circumstances. Set in 1947 in a remote area near the infamous Roswell site, the game will invite you to investigate the house as well as the myriad clues surrounding the family’s disappearance. The Peterson Case slowly turns into an investigation involving none other than aliens. Franklin must race to learn the truth “before it's too late,” whatever that means.
The announcement trailer does a decent job of setting the stage for what could be a pretty unique game, one of the most recent titles to explore the Roswell incident or aliens in the way only adventure games can. There haven’t been many games made specifically about Roswell or the theories about what actually happened there, at least not like this one, so it’ll be interesting to see how the company approaches the subject.
In the three-minute clip, we're treated to some pretty decadent visuals that bring to mind the excellent P.T., especially with how realistic the room and door look. There's also some sort of weird tentacle-like presence that's overtaking the house that our protagonist is exploring. A woman is standing in the hall, something obviously very wrong with her—and then the scene changes. You're taken through an opulent building, and then what looks to be the outside of a military camp, complete with guards. It's all unsettlingly realistic, and if this is indicative of the final quality of the horror game, it should make fans pretty happy, indeed.
The Peterson Case doesn’t have a release date just yet, but it’s set to debut on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Alien invaders have pulled out of Cambridgeshire - and taken their flying saucers with them.
Police data on UFO and ET sightings in the county has revealed the county is no favourite with bug-eyed monsters or little green men - or whatever aliens look like.
The data shows there was one report of aliens and one report of a UFO to the Cambridgeshire force in 2015.
The following year ET was a bit more active with two reports of aliens sighted and two of UFOs.
But last year (2017) not one extraterrestrial or their space craft were reported to police, according to figures released using freedom of information laws.
Dr David Sutton, editor of the Fortean Times, a monthly magazine of news and research on strange phenomena, said: "At Fortean Times we tend to associate Cambridgeshire with reports of mystery big cats – like the infamous 'Fen Tiger' – rather than UFO sightings.
"And on the strength of these figures, it's not exactly a UFO hot-spot, with 2017 having been a particularly disappointing year.
"Perhaps we should bear in mind, though, that these figures are based on emergency calls to the local police ... who are probably extremely grateful that they don't receive too many 999 calls about alien visitors."
But Tony Buckingham, founder of East Anglia UFO Group, said alienss are amongst us.
He said: "Although UFO sightings are down from a few years ago, they have not left Cambridgeshire. I interviewed two people just this week (Littleport and Chatteris).
"One of the sightings was a few weeks ago and the other was older. My feeling is that people have their heads down much more often (looking at phones etc I guess), and just don’t look up, like they once did.
Indeed last year (2017) an eagle-eyed amateur photographer spotted an eerie green UFO shaped light in the Cambridge skyline.
Carole Middleton was on a camera club outing with the Cambridgeshire Bat Conservation Trust on June 21 when she caught sight of a mysterious saucer shaped green light hovering above the old Cambridge pumping station in Cheddars Lane.
Cambridgeshire's most remarkable UFO sightings
Three years ago a woman who is a member of the group saw 'a big gun metal grey triangle floating in a field' with her two children.
Following the incident all three claim to have developed supernatural abilities.
One of her children 'sees auras' around people of all different colours.
Her other daughter claims she has visitations at night time, and her third daughter has what looks like an implant on her hand which she claims gives her electric shocks which have given her an intelligence beyond her years.
Another member claims she was driving to Newmarket with her brother when she was chased by a flying saucer.
It came down behind her and she could see 'a big white light'. As fast as she was going, she couldn't get away from it - until she stopped in Newmarket and it 'just disappeared'.
Was it a lorry or an alien? You decide.
She claims ever since she's been visited by strange orbs, and on one occasion saw 'footprints in her bedroom mirror'.
Another lady in the group says she was driving through Newmarket several years ago at 7am when a 'red light' appeared in the distance.
It was was joined by five or six others which seemed to be 'dancing and playing tag', until one came forward very quickly and landed in the field opposite where they were sitting.
When she got out to have a look, a huge bright white object rose up - the height of a house - then just flew off behind them.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Google Maps mystery: UFO hunters claim this object is an underwater alien base
Google Maps mystery: UFO hunters claim this object is an underwater alien base
GOOGLE maps is an informative mapping service that offers satellite images of locations around the globe. But every now and again strange and peculiar sightings are picked up. One photograph of a specific pin point in Antarctica shows a lonely iceberg that UFO hunters claim if an underwater alien base.
Google Maps is one of the most useful tools available on the internet, allowing people to visit all areas of the world from the comfort of their own home.
But as well as its informative qualities, the site also provides countless entertaining images.
Alongside the ordinary looking residential streets and national parks is everything from the amusing to the downright bizarre.
One particular image shows an isolated iceberg off the coast of Antarctica.
I'm not an iceberg expert but this object is really peculiar and looks like a vessel disguised as an iceberg
At the coordinate 72°43'13.53"S 78°40'21.56"W is a block of ice around 500 metres long.
Apart from its placing, the iceberg looks nothing out of the ordinary.
But according to UFO hunters the object is an underwater alien lair.
The website, UFO Sightings Hotspot, believes it doesn’t fit the normal iceberg description.
Google maps: UFO hunters say the
The site reads: "Icebergs can be classified on the basis of their shape.
"The two basic types of iceberg forms are tabular and non-tabular.
"The shapes and forms from this iceberg look very different if we compare it with all the different shapes and forms of tabular and non-tabular icebergs.
"I'm not an iceberg expert but this object is really peculiar and looks like a vessel disguised as an iceberg.
While he worked on the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project, Nick Pope sent extraterrestrial footage to a Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre.
Its analysts enhanced and analysed a raft of pictures and videos.
Nick says the US intelligence community has the same specialists – but their workings have not been made available.
He told "The detailed results of these analyses, perhaps including enhanced, crystal clear images of what the pilots encountered, haven't yet been made public, and may never see the light of day.
ON THE INSIDE: Former investigator Nick Pope worked on the Ministry of Defence's UFO project
"In summary, sceptics may not be impressed by the blurry videos that have been made public – and I take their point – but somewhere in the US intelligence community there will be considerably more impressive material.
"However, whether any of this can be declassified and made public remains to be seen."
The Pentagon ran a top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme (AATIP) Programme from 2007 to 2012 at a cost of £16.5 million.
“In the US intelligence community there will be considerably more impressive material”
Nick Pope
It was the brainchild of former Nevada Democrat Senator Harry Reid, who pushed for its creation in 2007.
Reid – whose region of control extended over the infamous Area 51 – tweeted last month: “The truth is out there, seriously.”
His comments came as a serious of bizarre UFO encounters with US pilots emerged.
Depuis ses premières déclarations publiques sur le sujet en 2005, Paul Hellyer, 91 ans, n’a eu de cesse de répéter son message : oui les extraterrestres existent, oui les extraterrestres sont déjà parmi nous, et le gouvernement américain travaille avec eux depuis plus de 60 ans.
Dans ses révélations en date de mai 2015 par le biais d’une vidéo, Paul Hellyer a créé un véritable buzz sur la toile : « Nous n’avons plus que quelques mois » affirme-t-il, tout en dénonçant dans la foulée le rôle de la « money mafia » et des lobbys dirigeant nos sociétés.
Mais pourquoi diantre s’attarder sur de telles déclarations, qui ne sont en soi pas une première dans la rubrique phénomènes paranormaux ? Tout simplement parce qu’elles sont soutenues par un ancien ministre canadien (1963-1967), de la Défense qui plus est. Ce qui fait de lui l’officiel le plus haut gradé soutenant l’existence d’extraterrestres.
Dans cet article, nous avons choisi d’analyser une courte vidéo (10 minutes) de Paul Hellyer datant de 2013, et abordant spécifiquement la question de l’existence des aliens. Nous avons entre autres analysé ces déclarations sur la base de 19 critères verbaux, les dénommés critères « CBCA » (Criteria Based Content Analysis). Ces critères ont été développés dans les années 1960 par des psychologues allemands pour aider les juges à évaluer la crédibilité de récits dans des procès en situation de parole contre parole. Les recherches en psychologie du mensonge ont montré que ces critères permettaient de discriminer de manière fiable les récits véritablement vécus vs. inventés. Plus ces critères sont présents dans un récit, plus celui-ci sera jugé crédible (ex : quantité de détails, reproduction de conversations, etc.). Nous avons ainsi adopté une démarche en deux temps : codage de la présence de certains critères (verbaux, non-verbaux), puis évaluation de la crédibilité du témoignage sur base de ces critères.
Notre but : évaluer la crédibilité des déclarations de Paul Hellyer d’une part, déterminer si l’expérience qu’il décrit a des chances de correspondre à un événement réellement vécu par lui d’autre part, et le cas échéant s’il s’agit d’un vrai souvenir.
Il est toujours déconseillé d’analyser un récit trop souvent répété ou trop éloigné dans le temps des événements décrits, qui plus est sur base d’une vidéo dont des passages ont été coupés au montage.
Malgré cela, cette courte vidéo soulève un nombre conséquent de remarques immédiates quant à la crédibilité des affirmations de l’ancien ministre :
1. Pauvreté des détails fournis.
La quantité de détails fournie est l’un des critères les plus importants pour évaluer la crédibilité d’un récit. La présence de détails inattendus est également un critère d’analyse important en CBCA. Aucun de ces critères verbaux ne peut être considéré comme présent dans les déclarations de Hellyer dans cette vidéo, tant les descriptions données sont peu détaillées et stéréotypées dans les parties critiques de son récit.
Exemples :
Description des formes d’extraterrestres : il y aurait les « petits gris », les « grands gris », les « mantes religieuses » et les « blonds nordiques ». Nous n’en aurons pas de description plus détaillée sur toute la vidéo, et pour cause : à aucun moment Paul Hellyer ne prétend les avoir vus lui-même. Il fait au contraire état de « rapports » sur ces extraterrestres. Il s’agit donc de descriptions indirectes, expliquant la pauvreté des détails fournis.
Référence aux exemples connus d’interventions d’extraterrestres sur Terre : « Il y a eu la fois dans l’Ouest des Etats-Unis où un OVNI observait des missiles balistiques intercontinentaux et les a mis hors-service ». Encore une fois, Paul Hellyer fait une révélation de première importance, mais très peu étayée : en quelle année l’événement a-t-il eu lieu ? Au-dessus de quelle ville ?
2. Rigidité du récit.
La présence de reproductions de conversations est un autre indice de crédibilité en analyse CBCA. Comme pour la quantité de détails d’un récit, plus nombreuses sont ces reproductions, plus le témoignage est jugé crédible.
Bien que nous ayons une reproduction de conversation sur un élément critique des affirmations faites par l’ancien ministre (« Tous les mots que tu as lus sont vrais et bien plus encore »), une certaine rigidité du récit est à noter dans ce témoignage. En effet, « le » général à l’origine de cette affirmation aurait répété exactement la même phrase, mot pour mot, mais en deux circonstances différentes (une fois avec Paul Hellyer, une autre avec son neveu).
En codage CBCA, rappelons enfin que la phrase « Il a dit : ‘Tous les mots que tu as lu sont vrais et bien plus encore' » compte comme une reproduction de conversation ; mais pas la tournure indirecte « il m’a dit qu’en fait il avait eu des rencontres en personne ».
3. Usage d’expressions de doute.
Sur certains passages, Paul Hellyer utilise, sans s’en rendre compte, des tournures de phrases exprimant un doute sur ses propres affirmations. Il utilise également des qualificatifs, qui sont des mots censés renforcer ses propos mais qui en termes de crédibilité les fragilisent en réalité.
Exemples :
« [Les extraterrestres sont toujours en avance sur nous] j’imagine, vraisemblablement, en technologie »
« Il est évident que le gouvernement américain a pris toute cette idée de technologie avancée très sérieusement »
Journaliste : « Selon vous, de quelles technologies êtes-vous sûr qu’elles nous ont été fournies par des extraterrestres ? ». Paul Hellyer : « Fibre optique, puces électroniques, kevlar, lasers améliorés et tout un tas de trucs où leur technologie était bien plus avancée que la nôtre. A des années-lumière, vraiment, je pense »
4. Origine des croyances de Paul Hellyer.
Un autre aspect fondamental est de nature à remettre en question la crédibilité des affirmations de Paul Hellyer : l’origine de ses croyances en l’existence des extraterrestres.
Si ses convictions semblent être des certitudes, il est à noter qu’elles précèdent sa première expérience paranormale en personne. Dans cette vidéo, ses convictions semblent uniquement provenir de deux sources initialement :
La lecture du livre The Day After Roswell
Puis sa conversation avec « un » ancien général de l’armée de l’air américaine (sur lequel nous n’avons à nouveau pas plus de détails)
Il semblerait donc que sur base de ces deux éléments uniquement, Paul Hellyer ait pris la décision de faire des déclarations publiques sur l’existence d’extraterrestres.
Dans cette vidéo, toutes les autres affirmations ont ainsi été faites par l’ancien ministre sans aucune justification (ex : « il y a eu beaucoup de visites sur Terre, sans doute depuis des milliers d’années », « ils ont peur qu’on fasse exploser notre planète », « ils ont répertorié toutes les bases »). Il ne semble pas non plus émettre de quelconque réserve sur les « dizaines d’emails » qu’il aurait reçus suite à ses déclarations publiques.
Enfin, il est important de relever que ses convictions en l’existence d’extraterrestres sont nées après la période où il était à la tête du ministère de la Défense canadien. Ses croyances n’ont donc aucun rapport avec des informations confidentielles auxquelles il aurait eu accès par son statut.
5. Timing de la première expérience extraterrestre.
La date de la première expérience extraterrestre de l’ancien ministre soulève également un certain nombre de questions.
« L’un des problèmes que j’ai eus quand j’ai fait mes premières déclarations publiques c’est que les journalistes me disaient : « Vous en avez déjà vus ? ». Et je disais « non ». Alors ils me disaient : « On ne peut pas vous prendre au sérieux alors. »
En résumé sa première expérience survient :
1) après que sa conviction ait été forgée ;
2) qu’elle ait été déclarée en public ;
3) et que des journalistes lui aient dit que ses déclarations ne pouvaient être prises au sérieux tant qu’il n’avait pas vécu de rencontre lui-même.
6. Description de l’expérience de Paul Hellyer.
« Ma première observation, j’étais chez moi à Muskoka, il a quelques années pour Thanksgiving. Ma femme Sandra me dit : « je vais regarder les étoiles dehors ». Il y avait cette étoile très très brillante, juste de l’autre côté de la baie. On l’a tous les deux regardée, et d’un coup on l’a vu changer de position dans le ciel, de 3 ou 4 degrés, en 3 ou 4 secondes. Les étoiles, les satellites et les avions ne font pas ça. Ils ne le peuvent pas. C’était une expérience incroyablement intéressante. Et qui a bien entendu confirmé ma croyance en leur existence. »
La description de cette expérience, vécue en personne par Paul Hellyer, correspond au récit le plus détaillé de toute l’interview. On y trouve notamment :
Des détails spatiaux : « déviation de 3 ou 4 degrés », « de l’autre côté de la baie »
Des détails temporels : « en 3 ou 4 secondes », « pour Thanksgiving »
Des détails visuels : « chez moi à Muskoka », « cette étoile très très brillante »
Des reproductions de conversations (avec présence d’un témoin) : « ma femme Sandra me dit : ‘je vais regarder les étoiles dehors' »
Des descriptions d’interactions : « On l’a tous les deux regardée »
Ce n’est pas étonnant, dans la mesure où le récit d’un événement véritablement vécu est toujours plus détaillé que des récits d’événements rapportés. Bien que cette description soit assez peu riche en détails dans l’absolu, le fait qu’elle en contienne davantage que toutes les autres crédibilise le fait qu’elle soit véritablement survenue. D’autant que Paul Hellyer accompagne cette description de nombreux illustrateurs, qui sont des gestes n’ayant pas de sens en soi mais qui sont plus présents dans des descriptions de faits véritablement vécus (par exemple, le fait de pointer du doigt vers une direction en racontant un événement).
En supposant donc que le récit corresponde bien à un événement vraiment expérimenté par Paul Hellyer, il resterait donc à déterminer l’essentiel : s’agissait-il d’un vrai OVNI, ou d’un phénomène naturel mal interprété ?
On remarquera tout d’abord l’utilisation des mêmes chiffres pour les descriptions spatiales et temporelles (3 ou 4 degrés / 3 ou 4 secondes), dont la coïncidence peut être questionnée. On regrettera également le flou de la description sur la date de l’événement (« il y a quelques années »), rendant sa vérification et la recherche de phénomènes naturels concordants infaisable.
Notons également qu’à aucun moment Paul Hellyer n’affirme explicitement avoir vu d’OVNI dans son récit : il parle ainsi d’une « étoile » très très brillante. Pas d’un OVNI.
Par ailleurs, l’emploi même du terme croyance (« C’était une expérience […] qui a confirmé ma croyance en leur existence »), est également intéressant. Paul Hellyer a déclaré publiquement que les extraterrestres existent, dès 2005. Qu’il en avait la preuve. Avant même d’en avoir vu lui-même. Il est donc aussi surprenant que Paul Hellyer parle de croyance que d’entendre quelqu’un dire qu’un événement aurait confirmé sa croyance dans le fait que la Terre soit ronde.
Enfin, d’un point de vue non-verbal, Paul Hellyer affiche de subtils sourires lorsqu’il décrit son expérience (lorsqu’il dit « C’était une expérience incroyablement intéressante »). Comme une fierté d’avoir expérimenté par lui-même un tel événement. D’en « savoir plus » que les autres.
Les pièges des biais de confirmation
Si nous devions formuler une évaluation de crédibilité sur base de cette vidéo uniquement, nous pencherions donc pour dire que Paul Hellyer :
a véritablement vécu le phénomène qu’il décrit (vision d’une étoile très brillante)
est véritablement convaincu qu’il a eu affaire à des extraterrestres
qu’il s’agit en réalité d’un biais de confirmation, tant le fait d’avoir effectué de nombreuses déclarations publiques est engageant psychologiquement, et le pousse à interpréter toute nouvelle information de manière à ce qu’elle confirme ses croyances antérieures
Cette vidéo ne prouve donc aucunement l’existence des extraterrestres. Elle prouve seulement que de telles croyances peuvent exister à tous les échelons du pouvoir.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Rex E Heflin. The Highway Maintenance Man & A UFO.
Rex E Heflin. The Highway Maintenance Man & A UFO.
Rex E. Heflin was a friendly guy but not known as a joker. He worked hard, loved his job and did it well, said his co-workers. If he told you something was true, you would take his word for it.
Rex E Heflin.
On August 3, 1965 at approx. 12:30 p.m. Heflin stopped his work van near the intersection of Myford Road and Walnut Avenue, near the city of Santa Ana. The 38-year-old kept a Polaroid camera in his vehicle to help document conditions, part of his duty. Heflin was a highway maintenance engineer for the Orange County road department — and a portion of his job was keeping road signs visible.
Driving about half a mile outside the perimeter of El Toro Marine Base, his van faced north and he noticed branches of a tree obscuring a railroad-crossing sign. Rex stopped to take a picture and report it to his supervisor on his van radio as he routinely did. He experienced radio failure and was unable to make contact.
Very clear saucer craft.
Still sitting in his van, he planned to take a picture of the sign (with his Model 101 Polaroid & ASA 3000 film) when he saw a flash of motion on the periphery of his left eye. A silvery craft flew slowly from left to right across Myford Road, Rex said.
Appearing about one-eighth of a mile away and approx. 150 feet altitude it seemed to hover, then cross his line of vision as Heflin photographed it through the car windshield. Moving toward the east, the craft tipped and revealed a dark underside. “This is when I saw a rotating beam of light emitting from the center of the UFO on the bottom side,” Rex Heflin stated. He took four Polaroid pictures.
Heflin assumed it was an experimental aircraft from El Toro, he said. He judged its size by comparing it to the 20ft. wide traffic lanes over which it flew. On September 18, 1965, Rex signed a statement that the information he supplied was a true.
Shot from side window.
In an unexpected phone call from Larry Tarrant of Sun City, California on Oct. 10, 2005, sadly informed me that Rex Heflin had died on October 7th, 2005.
The news came as a shock, since Rex had left a message a few days earlier on my answering machine that he wanted to “catch up” with what was happening on the four UFO Polaroid photos that he had taken on Aug. 3, 1965, which had been studied and restudied by numerous researchers during the ensuing years.
More recently, a team of scientists – Dr. Robert M. Wood, Dr. Eric Kelson, and I had reanalyzed Heflin’s photos with state-of the-art computer technology, and had our findings published in a refereed scientific journal, the Journal of Scientific Exploration.’
Our paper clarified certain questions which various researchers in the UFO field had raised over the years concerning the validity of Heflin’s pictures.
The smoke ring left behind.
The pictures of the object are unambiguously clear and present an immediate problem for skeptics: Either the photos are clever fakes or they are actual pictures of a very unconventional flying craft; there is simply no third alternative explanation. Heflin initially told investigators that he believed that he had probably photographed an experimental aircraft from a nearby Marine base. As we shall discover shortly, however, there are several unique features in the pictures themselves that lower the probability that the strange craft was one of “ours.”
Since pictures and photographic negatives can be touched up and doctored, all serious UFO photo analysis requires first-generation prints and /or original negatives. In the Heflin case, negative tampering was eliminated since his pictures were shot with a Model 101 Polaroid camera on 3000 ASA Polaroid film, i.e., no negatives. And when high-resolution prints of the original Polaroid pictures themselves were reanalyzed 30 years later employing image digitization technology (See Ann Druffel, Robert M. Wood, and Eric Kelson, “Reanalysis of the 1965 Heflin UFO Photos,” Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2000, pp. 583-622), there were no indications of tampering.
But could Heflin have faked the pictures by using a suspended model or, perhaps, by tossing some object into the air? Very unlikely. The latest computer analysis revealed no string or support-like structures in any of the photos. In addition, shooting convincing pictures of a thrown object would require dozens of trials (and pictures) and the help of a confederate; no evidence for either scenario has ever surfaced.
In short, the latest photo analysis appears to confirm Heflin’s original account: that he snapped three daytime photographs of a wingless, hat-shaped object – approximately 20 feet in diameter and about one-eighth of a mile from his truck – and that the structured craft wobbled slightly before it stabilized and flew off silently toward the northeast.
The most controversial element of the Heflin story is his fourth photograph. When the UFO flew out of sight, Heflin claimed that he spotted a dark “smoke ring” in the sky where the UFO had been moments before, which he then photographed after stepping out of his truck. Early investigators were troubled by the smoke-ring picture. They claimed that the clouds in the picture implied that the smoke-ring photo and the three other pictures could not have been taken on the same day. Several skeptics, doubtful of the authenticity of the smoke-ring photo, then labeled all of the Heflin photos a hoax.
However, the recent reanalysis of all four of the Heflin photos, employing state-of-the-art technology (obviously not available back in the 1960s) now concludes that the smoke-ring photo, rather than discrediting Heflin, actually appears to strongly substantiate him.
First, the latest photo analysis was accomplished with all of the original Polaroid photos and high-resolution first-generation prints and does, in fact, show similar clouds in all four of the photographs. Second, computer enhancement of photo two shows a bright line (or light beam) extending out from the bottom center of the disc to its outer rim, which is exactly what Heflin claimed that he saw back in 1965. And finally, computer enhancement of photo three shows something quite extraordinary: There appears to be a stream of “black particulate matter” trailing behind the UFO, which was not apparent under normal viewing.
This additional discovery is by far the most significant since the reanalysis of the smoke-ring photo shows that the ring appears composed of the same sort of black particulate matter seen trailing the UFO in photo three. This similarity in two different photos strongly supports the veracity of Heflin’s encounter. How any of these peculiarities could have been artificially manufactured over four decades ago (or can even be conventionally explained today) is extremely difficult to comprehend.
In conclusion, it would appear that Rex Heflin µ
1) photographed an odd-shaped and silent experimental aircraft that in the 44 years since has not been reportedly seen again or identified;
2) he perpetrated an amazing hoax that no one yet has unraveled;
or 3) he was fortunate enough to have taken several clear pictures of a genuine unidentified flying object.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mars Rover snaps selfie and takes stunning panorama of Red Planet (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
Mars Rover snaps selfie and takes stunning panorama of Red Planet (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
NASA’s Mars Rover Curiosity has sent a fresh update, and it appears the science-lab-on-wheels has been busy acting like a tourist, snapping selfies at famous sites and taking stunning panoramic photos of the Martian landscape.
The rover, which is part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, sends back raw images of what it encounters based on commands sent from the mission team.
The latest batch of photos shows the dusty robot posing for a selfie on Vera Rubin ridge which it’s been investigating for the past few months in a bid to establish whether Mars is, or ever was, capable of supporting life.
In the background of the picture, the 3.4 mile high Mount Sharp can be seen just behind Curiosity’s head.
The selfie was included in a huge tranche of images recounting what Curiosity has been doing in recent months. From the collection, NASA researchers stitched together a stunning panoramic view of Gale Crater, which the rover has been exploring since it touched down in August 2012.
The full view features a total of 16 photos pieced together. The pictures were taken from the rover’s vantage point on the side of the mountain, more than 1,000 feet above the crater.
It stretches across an expanse greater than 30 miles and shows the route the rover has taken over the last five years as it trundles around at an average speed of one centimetre per second.
"Even though Curiosity has been steadily climbing for five years, this is the first time we could look back and see the whole mission laid out below us,” said Ashwin Vasavada of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who works with Curiosity.
“From our perch on Vera Rubin Ridge, the vast plains of the crater floor stretch out to the spectacular mountain range that forms the northern rim of Gale Crater.”
Curiosity will soon go back to drilling for soil samples, this time along the Vera Rubin Ridge.
Lying within the U.S. state of Arizona is one of the most majestic natural wonders of our planet, the Grand Canyon. Carved over hundreds of millions of years by the Colorado River and measuring 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide, the Grand Canyon is a major natural phenomenon, but it is also a place of deep historical mysteries and oddities as well. One of the most unusual of these is the claim that somewhere under the earth here once ruled an advanced civilization with unknown origins and who have become lost to history, which supposedly inhabited a complex cave and cavern system that they left behind to sow bafflement and speculation with their passing. It is a very curious, far-out case that, if real, could shake our historical perceptions to the core.
The whole bizarre tale began with a curious article that appeared right on the front page of the April 5, 1909 edition of the Arizona Gazette, which gave a spectacular account from two alleged Smithsonian-funded archaeologists, a Prof. S. A. Jordan and G.E. Kinkaid, who claimed to have found deep within the bowels of the earth in the Marble Canyon region of the Grand Canyon a vast cavern system with evidence of some ancient lost civilization.
The Grand Canyon
The two men were reportedly funded by Smithsonian’s Department of Anthropology, and claimed that they had found the entrance to the mysterious cavern system lying around 1,500 feet down the wall of a sheer cliff in a remote, undisclosed area. The area was described as being nearly inaccessible and surrounded by desolate, forbidding wilderness, and the more vocal Kincaid would say in his account of the discovery of the entrance and further study of it thus:
First, I would impress that the cavern is nearly inaccessible. The entrance is 1,486 feet down the sheer canyon wall. It is located on government land and no visitor will be allowed there under penalty of trespass. The scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear of archaeological discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic hunters. A trip there would be fruitless, and the visitor would be sent on his way. The story of how I found the cavern has been related, but in a paragraph: I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for mineral. Some forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2,000 feet above the river bed. There was no trail to this point, but I finally reached it with great difficulty. Above a shelf which hid it from view from the river, was the mouth of the cave. There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards to what was, at the time the cavern was inhabited, the level of the river.
Upon making the treacherous trek down to the entrance there was apparently found a whole intricate system of tunnels, caverns and caves that allegedly meandered off into the darkness, and it was noted that much of it seemed to have been laboriously chiseled and hewn by hand right into the stone. Upon investigation the system was said to plunge to around a mile under the earth, with vast chambers that radiated out into new tunnels and which opened up into hundreds of rooms with oval doorways. Kincaid said of these passages and rooms:
The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet toward the farther end. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first side-passages branch off to the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some are 30 by 40 feet square. These are entered by oval-shaped doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls are about three feet six inches in thickness. The passages are chiselled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by an engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a center. The side-passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction.
Even stranger than all of this were some of the things apparently found within this system of tunnels and caverns, which included numerous relics and artifacts such as weapons, various copper instruments, idols, urns, vases, all of which was taken as evidence of some ancient, previously unknown civilization apparently from the Orient. At one point they purportedly came across what appeared to be a grand shrine absolutely brimming with such artifacts, none of which were from that region or the known people’s inhabiting it. This shrine was described in Kincaid’s report thus:
Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the people’s god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving this cavern. The idol almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that this worship most resembles the ancient people of Tibet. Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in form; others crooked-necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cactus with protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemicals for centuries without result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancients smelted ores, but so far no trace of where or how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore.
Other rooms found were full of other bizarre items and there were even discovered granaries full of seeds. The report dramatically goes on:
Among the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, made very artistic in design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels. Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found in the oriental temples. They contain seeds of various kinds. One very large storehouse has not yet been entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be reached only from above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, which indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded, as the materials of which they are constructed, I think, is a very hard cement. A gray metal is also found in this cavern, which puzzles the scientists, for its identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call “cats eyes”, a yellow stone of no great value. Each one is engraved with the head of the Malay type.
More bizarre discoveries were still to be made down within these dank tunnels, caves, and rooms as well. In many places were found mysterious hieroglyphics etched into the stone, on urns, and carved into stone tablets, although it was unknown what purpose they served or what they said. Perhaps the most fascinating and also macabre discovery made down there in the gloom was what can only be described as some sort of crypt, where there were allegedly found rows and rows of actual mummies stuffed into shelves carved into sheer stone walls. Kincaid explained the unsettling crypt in great detail, saying:
The tomb or crypt in which the mummies were found is one of the largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. On these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench, on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with clay, and all are wrapped in a bark fabric. The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design, showing a later stage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here. This leads to the belief that this exterior section was the warriors’ barracks.
Some areas were even more inscrutable and spooky, to the point that they were mostly seen as possibly dangerous. One such location seemed to permeated with a sense of dread and danger, and Kincaid’s description of it read almost like something out of an Indiana Jones film:
There is one chamber of the passageway to which is not ventilated, and when we approached it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will not know what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but other boo-hoo this idea and think it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same. The whole underground installation gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on one’s shoulders, and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space.
What was the purpose of this particularly eerie place, if any of this ever existed at all? Kincaid doesn’t really say. There were also supposedly found barracks, sleeping quarters, and a vast dining hall complete with myriad cooking utensils. So extensive and complete was this veritable subterranean city that Kincaid speculated that there was enough space and facilities to comfortably house around 50,000 people, although who those people could be was left to speculation. Kincaid’s own theory was that this mysterious civilization had been there before the Native peoples of region, and indeed that the natives had possibly descended from them. He believed that these mysterious people had been there for thousands of years, and that they had developed their advanced civilization here in solitude. The newspaper article itself speculated that this civilization could have even come from ancient Egypt, proving that the Egyptians has made their way to the New World, saying that the discovery:
almost conclusively proves that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing back to Ramses. If their theories are borne out by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist.
The whole tale is quite sensational, and the idea of some lost civilization from Egypt dwelling underneath the Grand Canyon captured the imagination of the public at the time, with Kincaid’s lost underground city going on to become the stuff of legend. The problem is, there is very little to corroborate this story or to even prove that Kincaid was ever a real person. No artifacts seem to have ever been recovered from the supposed amazing find, even though Kincaid claimed he’d shipped a number of relics to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., for evaluation, nor were there any known pictures taken, and indeed there are no other articles in any other publication to support or verify the claims. Even the one that appeared in the Arizona Gazette was penned by an anonymous author, which does not bode well. Additionally, there seems to be no record of a Professor Kincaid or Professor Jordan within the Smithsonian’s Department of Anthropology, nor is there any paperwork concerning them or their supposed discoveries. The Smithsonian itself has bluntly said in a statement to The World Explorers Club :
Well, the first thing I can tell you, before we go any further, is that no Egyptian artifacts of any kind have ever been found in North or South America. Therefore, I can tell you that the Smithsonian Institute has never been involved in any such excavations.
Considering this lack of evidence and the pure off-the-wall sensationalism of the report, it seems like there is a very good possibility that this was all a hoax perpetrated by either the newspaper to sell copies, the anonymous author, or Kincaid himself, if he was ever real to begin with, all made more plausible by being dressed up with references to the Smithsonian and then plastered on the front page for effect. However, when has anything like this ever stopped a good conspiracy theory? Despite all of the evidence that this underground civilization never really existed the story just will not die, and has been published and republished in numerous sources and debated as being possibly real ever since.
One of the more popular theories is that the venerable Smithsonian itself is engaged in a cover-up of the findings, destroying the evidence and the paper trail that leads to it in order to maintain the status quo and preserve the accepted historical paradigm. There are even those who claim to know the actual whereabouts of the cavern entrance, such as researcher Jack Andrews, who says that he was able to ascertain the location way back in 1972 and has only cryptically given hints about it that are maddeningly ambiguous, saying:
I think the “cave” described in the headline story of the Arizona Gazette, April 5, 1909 and its fantastic underground installation was, and still may be, located above an approximate six-mile stretch of the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, at the border of Marble Canyon and the Navajo Nation above an area near Kwagunt Rapids.
Conspiracy theorist John Rhodes also claims to know the secret to the location of Kincaid’s cave, although he is very secretive about it, only to say that it is constantly guarded by an armed security guard and adding that it has become a base of operations for a shadowy secret society. Even more bizarre is a theory proposed by researcher and for many professional crackpot David Icke, who is mostly known for his outlandish theories about reptilian humanoids infiltrating society in an effort to become our overlords and take over. Icke believes that the Kincaid cave system not only exists, but is also Reptilian central. In his sensationalist 1999 book The Biggest Secret Icke writes:
In 1909 a subterranean city which was built with the precision of the Great Pyramid was found by G. E. Kincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was big enough to accommodate 50,000 people and mummified bodies found were of oriental or possibly Egyptian origin, according to the expedition leader Professor S. A. Jordan. My own research suggests that it is from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, that the reptilian control and manipulation is primarily orchestrated.
It is clear that the tale of Kincaid’s mysterious caves continues to incite speculation and debate, and that is a spectacular story that captures the imagination and shows no real signs of waning. Is there anything to it or is this all a pure hoax or half-truths? If the caves ever did exist, then where were they and who were the inscrutable people who supposedly inhabited them? Were they made by ancient out-of place Egyptians, some sort of other lost civilization, or underground goddam reptilian monsters? Such a place and its relics would be absolutely groundbreaking, rewriting history itself, but considering the lack of articles talking about them and the complete lack of any evidence, the story is a dead end at best, and will probably remain mysterious and fuel for conspiracies, just as buried in mystery as the city itself.
WETENSCHAPEen nieuwe onderzoeksmethode heeft een gigantische Mayastad aan het licht gebracht. Eeuwenlang zaten de bouwwerken verborgen onder de Guatemalteekse jungle. “Dit is de grootste archeologische vondst in honderd jaar”, jubelen de onderzoekers. De ontdekking plaatst alles wat we al wisten over de Maya’s in een nieuw perspectief.
Het einde van de Maya-beschaving is nog steeds een mysterie. Maar deze gigantische vondst zou het raadsel mee kunnen helpen ontrafelen.
De archeologen hebben 2.000 vierkante kilometer van de jungle in Guatemala, meer bepaald in de regio Peten - vanuit de lucht gescand. Daarvoor hebben ze gebruik gemaakt van de zogenoemde LiDAR-technologie (light detection and ranging) die toelaat om door het dichte bladerdak van de weelderige jungle te kijken.
Zo is er een verborgen netwerk van huizen, piramides, wegen, irrigatiekanalen en terrassen aan het licht gekomen. In totaal zou het om meer dan 60.000 tot nog toe onbekende bouwwerken gaan.
Wild Blue MediaOp deze afbeelding zijn de onbekende structuren te zien.
Hieruit concluderen de onderzoekers dat het Maya-rijk uiteindelijk veel omvangrijker was dan men altijd heeft aangenomen. Het zou zich zelfs kunnen meten met het Oude Egypte en China.
Ook het bevolkingsaantal zou veel te laag zijn geschat. Men gaat nu uit van mogelijk vijftien miljoen inwoners terwijl eerdere ramingen het hielden op een bevolking van maximaal vijf miljoen. Een wereld van verschil.
Bovendien blijkt nu dat veel mensen woonden in laaggelegen moerasachtige gebieden die als onbewoonbaar werden geacht. “De Maya-beschaving heeft letterlijk bergen verzet”, concludeert archeoloog Marcello Canuto.
Wild Blue MediaDe vondst is gigantisch en heeft onderzoekers verbaasd
Volgens wetenschapper Tom Garrison is deze vondst de belangrijkste in ruim honderd jaar, alleszins wat betreft de Maya’s. Bovendien moeten de archeologen nog een gebied van 20.000 vierkante kilometer doorzoeken. Francisco Estrada-Belli van het National Geographic Explorer-programma vermoedt dat er “nog honderden verborgen steden zullen gevonden worden”.
“Het is een revolutie”, besluit Estrada-Belli. “We zullen nog honderd jaar nodig hebben om te begrijpen wat we hier allemaal zien.”
Wild Blue MediaOnderzoeker Tom Garrison
De reportage van National Geographic over deze spectaculaire vondst en de daarmee samenhangende nieuwe bevindingen, ‘Lost Treasures of the Maya Snake Kings’, gaat op 6 maart in première.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
The Ruins of a Massive Ancient City Have Been Discovered in Guatemala, UFO Sighting News.
The Ruins of a Massive Ancient City Have Been Discovered in Guatemala, UFO Sighting News.
This ancient Mayan civilisation was recently discovered using a special laser that maps through the trees from the air. Such a technique could also be used to better see the ruins on Mars and other planets and moons. The laser brings out details that the human eye will normally miss.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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