IYNEFERTI "Here Comes The Beauty" KAMAAT "Soul of Truth" KASMUT "Her Soul Belongs To Mut" KHENEMETAMEN "United with Amun" KHENEMET-NEFER-HEDJET "United with the Beautiful White One" KHENEMET-NEFERU-ES "United with Her Beauty" KHUIT "Protected"
MAATKARE "Truth is the Soul of Re" MAATHOR-NEFERURE "She who Sees Horus and the Beauty of Re" MAATNEFERURE "She who Sees the Beauty of Re" MAYATI (A pet name for Princess Meritaten) MEKETATEN "Behold the Aten" or "Protected by Aten" MERENISET "Beloved of Isis" MERENMUT "Beloved of Mut"
MERESANKH "She Loves Life" MERETSEGER "She Loves Silence" MERIT "Beloved One" MERITAMEN "Beloved of Amun" MERITATEN "Beloved of Aten" MERITITES "Beloved of her Father" MERITNEITH "Beloved of Neith" MERITNETER "Beloved of the God" MERITPTAH "Beloved of Ptah" MERITRE "Beloved of Re" MERITSEKHMET "Beloved of Sekhmet" MUTEMHEB "Mut on Jubilee" MUTEMINET "Mut in the Valley" MUTEMWIYA "Mut in the Divine Bark" MUTNEDJMET "Mut is Lovely" MUTNOFRET "Mut is Beautiful" MUT-TUYA "Tuya, the Mother" NEBET "Lady" NEBETAH "Lady of the Palace" NEBETNOFRET "Beautiful Lady" NEBETTA "Lady of the Land" NEBETTANEB "Lady of All Lands" NEBETTAWY "Lady of the Two Lands" NEBETYUNET "Lady from the city of Iunu" NEDJMET "Lovely" NEFERAMEN "Amun Is Good/Beautiful" NEFERHENUT "The Beautiful Mistress" NEFERHETEPES NEFERITATENEN NEFERNEFERUATEN "Beauty of the Beauties of Aten" NEFERNEFERURE "Beauty of the Beauties of Re" NEFERTITI "The Beautiful Woman Has Come" NEFERTKAU "Beauty of Souls" NEFERTNESUT "Beautiful One of the King" NEFERU "Beauty" NEFERUATEN "Beauty of Aten"
NEFERURE "Beauty of Re" NEFERUPTAH "Beauty of Ptah" NEFERUSHERY "Little Beauty" NEITH (name of a goddess) NEITHEMHAT "Neith in the Palace" NEITHHOTEP "Neith is Pleased" NEITHIQRET "Neith is Excellent" NEITHNOFRET "Neith is Beautiful" NESITANEBETASHRU "She Who Belongs to the Lady of Ashru" NEKHBET "Woman From Nekheb" (a goddess name) NESMUT "She Who Belongs to Mut" NESNEITH "She Who Belongs to Neith" NESNUT "She Who Belongs to Nut" NESTEFNUT "She Who Belongs to Tefnut" NIANKHBASTET NIANKHHATHOR NIKAUHATHOR "She Who Belongs to the Souls of Hathor" NIMAATHAPI "She Who Belongs to the Truth of Hapi"