te gast bij Wim Helsen, Lennert Coorevits met de songtekst Someone Great van LCD Soundsystem
I wake up and the phone is ringing Surprised, as it's early And that should be the perfect warning That something's a problem To tell the truth I saw it coming The way you were breathing But nothing can prepare you for it The voice on the other end
The worst is all the lovely weather I'm stunned, it's not raining The coffee isn't even bitter Because, what's the difference? There's all the work that needs to be done It's late, for revision There's all the time and all the planning And songs, to be finished
And it keeps coming And it keeps coming Till the day it stops
De knop voor de ondertiteling staat rechts onderaan, de =-knop. Coorevits in gesprek met Helsen, https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/a-z/winteruur/4/winteruur-s4a33/ 12min06
Over Lennert Coorevits : https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2017/07/15/het_creatieve_labvanlennertcoorevitsrepeterendoenwezoweinigmogel-1-3024631/ Over LCD Soundsystem: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCD_Soundsystem 'Someone Great' : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV1mv9YZ-8Y – 06min16
Eerste indruk : ne wijze gast. Wijs in de twee betekenissen.