te gast bij Wim Helsen, Bruno Wyndaele met een tekst van Raed Fares
We warn our listeners when fighter jets take off and track their routes so we can give people as much time as possible to find as safe a place as possible to hide. (...)
With threats from extremists, the risk of detention and airstrikes, we’re working under incredibly difficult circumstances. But the more challenges that come our way the more determined we become. When the extremist group Tahrir Al Sham banned the station from playing music and tried to take female reporters off air, we replaced music with animal sounds and used software to distort the voices of women on the team to make them sound only a little bit like men. (...)
What’s happened in Syria over the past seven years no history book can contain but we fear the worst is soon to come. With millions trapped with nowhere to go, the outlook is terrifying. But I also refuse to give up on creating a new Syria, and the only way to build an accountable democracy and true freedom is through a vibrant civil society, a free and impartial media and an informed public.

De knop voor de ondertiteling staat rechts onderaan, de =-knop. Wyndaele in gesprek met Helsen, https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/a-z/winteruur/4/winteruur-s4a73/ 14min40
Over Bruno Wyndaele : https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Wyndaele Over Raed Fares : https://nos.nl/artikel/2260485-syrische-activist-raed-fares-vermoord.html , https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2018/11/23/icoon-van-syrische-revolutie-vermoord-die-streed-tegen-assad-en-de-jihadisten-a2756355