WORTELdag Wortel Bol Knol Stengel(prei) Kruiden(wortels) gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN bij AFNEMENDE maan = maakt ondergronds vruchten aan (aardappelen, knoflook, uien, wortelen, rode bieten, rapen, knolselderij, radijs, rammenas, schorseneren ...) OOGSTEN ondergronds Wortel Bol Knol Stengel(prei) Kruiden(wortels) gewas... ONDERHOUD Wortelgewas = Verzorgen, diepe BODEMBEWERKING (diep spitten, ploegen, eggen) STIKSTOFBINDENDgewas: Snijbiet Splijtkool Rucola Citroenverbena Wortelpeterselie Taro Egyptische erwt Chayote en takako Thaise aubergine Perilla Parelgierst Hyacint COMPOSTEREN [Verzamelen wortels-schors in de natuur], VERPLANTEN, BEMESTEN, inZAAIEN gazon, SNOEIEN OOGSTEN VERS uit de tuin Blad Kool Kruiden(blad) Gras ONGUNSTIG om een GOEDE FLES WIJN te kraken = Éviter de déboucher une bonne bouteille, le vin nexprimera pas tout son potentiel LICHT Bewolkt kans NEERSLAG 010% min 08 °C MAX 20 °C WINDKRACHT 015 km/u ZW
Planter en pleine terre : Echalote (planter les caïeux sur des buttes dans les régions humides pour éviter le pourrissement) Oca-du-Pérou (mettre en terre les tubercules germés le mois dernier) Oignon jaune et rouge (planter des caïeux directement en pleine terre ou bien ceux mis à germer en godet en janvier ou février) Pomme-de-terre (planter les tubercules mis à germer en cave en janvier et février dès lapparition des germes) Topinambour Retirer les voiles de forçage une fois les risques de gelées passés Amender les cultures dhiver avec un engrais à assimilation rapide (sang séché, corne broyée, ) À la floraison du lilas : Planter les pommes de terre de conservation Charlotte, Roseval, Sirtema. À butter quand le feuillage aura 25 cm de hauteur. Installer en rangs espacés de 30 cm et tous les 10 cm, les poireaux semés les 9 et 10 février. Repiquer pour la première fois les céleris-raves semés du 16 au 19 mars. Éclaircir les betteraves et les carottes semées les 4 et 5 avril. SIDEREAL Moon in VIRGO Dry and barren. Good time for garden maintenance
Waxing gibbous
This is a good time to sow vegetables that produce internal seed bearing fruits. Tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, chillis, pumpkins, courgettes.
Moon in Virgo: This is a Earth sign. It is a good time to sow Root plants like Asparagus, Beetroot, Carrots, Chives, Jerusalem Artichokes, Kohl Rabi, Leeks, Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes, Radish, Salsify, Scorzonera, Shallots, Spring Onions, Swedes, Turnips, but it would not be a good time to sow Flower plants like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Globe Artichokes
VM-1 VOLLE maan -48 uur : 48 uren die aan Volle maan voorafgaan schijnt er een noemenswaardige toename van het grondwater te zijn Invloed op groeikracht van gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN [PLANTdag DALENDE maan] GUNSTIG OOGSTEN om te bewaren
GEZOND LIEF VREUGDEVOL BLOEIEND VRUCHTBAAR 2013 vol schoonheid,verukkelijk voorjaar,zalige zomer,heerlijke herfst,wonderlijke winter GRAS (Wind-Kiem-Eier-Ooster-Paas-Ôstarmânoth-Eiken) maand APRIL [VOLKSWEERKUNDE mag vochtig maar niet te koud zijn] 0424 H. Benedictus Menni, priester H Fedelis van Sigmaringen, priester en martelaar H. Egbertus, monnik en priester H. Maria Euphrasia Pelletier, ordestichter FIDELIS 0424 Als het vriest op SINT-Fideel, vriest het nog veertig maal
WORTELdag Wortel Bol Knol Stengel(prei) Kruiden(wortels) gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN bij AFNEMENDE maan = maakt ondergronds vruchten aan (aardappelen, knoflook, uien, wortelen, rode bieten, rapen, knolselderij, radijs, rammenas, schorseneren ...) OOGSTEN ondergronds Wortel Bol Knol Stengel(prei) Kruiden(wortels) gewas... ONDERHOUD Wortelgewas = Verzorgen, diepe BODEMBEWERKING (diep spitten, ploegen, eggen) STIKSTOFBINDENDgewas: Snijbiet Splijtkool Rucola Citroenverbena Wortelpeterselie Taro Egyptische erwt Chayote en takako Thaise aubergine Perilla Parelgierst Hyacint COMPOSTEREN [Verzamelen wortels-schors in de natuur], VERPLANTEN, BEMESTEN, inZAAIEN gazon, SNOEIEN OOGSTEN VERS uit de tuin Blad Kool Kruiden(blad) Gras ONGUNSTIG om een GOEDE FLES WIJN te kraken = Éviter de déboucher une bonne bouteille, le vin nexprimera pas tout son potentiel ZWAAR bewolkt kans NEERSLAG 010% min 07 °C MAX 16 °C WINDKRACHT 015 km/u ZW
Planter en pleine terre : Echalote (planter les caïeux sur des buttes dans les régions humides pour éviter le pourrissement) Oca-du-Pérou (mettre en terre les tubercules germés le mois dernier) Oignon jaune et rouge (planter des caïeux directement en pleine terre ou bien ceux mis à germer en godet en janvier ou février) Pomme-de-terre (planter les tubercules mis à germer en cave en janvier et février dès lapparition des germes) Topinambour Retirer les voiles de forçage une fois les risques de gelées passés Amender les cultures dhiver avec un engrais à assimilation rapide (sang séché, corne broyée, ) À la floraison du lilas : Planter les pommes de terre de conservation Charlotte, Roseval, Sirtema. À butter quand le feuillage aura 25 cm de hauteur. Installer en rangs espacés de 30 cm et tous les 10 cm, les poireaux semés les 9 et 10 février. Repiquer pour la première fois les céleris-raves semés du 16 au 19 mars. Éclaircir les betteraves et les carottes semées les 4 et 5 avril. SIDEREAL Moon in VIRGO Dry and barren. Good time for garden maintenance
==Root Virgo
Waxing gibbous
Waxing gibbous
This is a good time to sow vegetables that produce internal seed bearing fruits. Tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, chillis, pumpkins, courgettes.
Moon in Virgo: This is a Earth sign. It is a good time to sow Root plants like Asparagus, Beetroot, Carrots, Chives, Jerusalem Artichokes, Kohl Rabi, Leeks, Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes, Radish, Salsify, Scorzonera, Shallots, Spring Onions, Swedes, Turnips, but it would not be a good time to sow Flower plants like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Globe Artichokes
VM-2 VM-1 VOLLE maan -48 uur : 48 uren die aan Volle maan voorafgaan schijnt er een noemenswaardige toename van het grondwater te zijn Invloed op groeikracht van gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN [PLANTdag DALENDE maan] GUNSTIG OOGSTEN om te bewaren
GEZOND LIEF VREUGDEVOL BLOEIEND VRUCHTBAAR 2013 vol schoonheid,verukkelijk voorjaar,zalige zomer,heerlijke herfst,wonderlijke winter GRAS (Wind-Kiem-Eier-Ooster-Paas-Ôstarmânoth-Eiken) maand APRIL [VOLKSWEERKUNDE mag vochtig maar niet te koud zijn] 0423 H.Joris, martelaar JORIS 0423 SINT-Joris die de draak overwon, houdt meer van regen dan van zon 0423 SINT-Joris guur en goed, wil lover om zijn hoed 0423 SINT-Joris warm en schoon, heeft ruw en nat tot loon 0423 Valt er voor SINT-Joris geen regen meer, dan komt er na hem des te meer 0423 Valt voor SINT-Joris geen regen meer, dan valt er na hem des te meer
Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Democratic Republic Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Great Britain Greece Grenada Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Independent Olympic Participants India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati North Korea South Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Chinese Taipei Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
VRUCHTdag Vrucht Peul Fruit Zaad(zaai) Kruiden(vrucht) Graan gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN bij WASSENDE maan = vormen bovengronds binnenin hun zaden (bessen,noot,fruit,(soja)boon,erwt,paprika,tomaat,courgette,komkommer,pompoen,linzen,maïs,alle granen..)... ONDERHOUD Vruchtgewas = Verzorgen, diepe BODEMBEWERKING (diep spitten, ploegen, eggen) ZAADgewas: Bleek(stengel)selderij Broccoli Selderij Peterselie Koriander Kervel Dille Citroenkruid Chinese gember Aardpeer Erwt Kapucijner Sopropo Stekelige kalebas Gac Garden huckleberry Karwij Koriander Anijs Komijn Pluimgierst Vogelmelk inZAAIEN gazon, SNOEIEN, maken Activated EM1 Plukken-Verzamelen (eventueel om te COMPOSTEREN) van vruchten (fruit) en zaad (zaaizaadwinning) in de natuur OOGSTEN VERS uit de tuin Blad Kool Kruiden(blad) Gras PLANTEN van STEKKEN gesneden bij KLIMMENDE maan GUNSTIG om een FLES WIJN te kraken = Bon moment pour déboucher une bouteille LICHT Bewolkt kans NEERSLAG 010% min 03 °C MAX 14 °C WINDKRACHT 015 km/u WZW
Planter en pleine terre : Fève et pois (planter les plantules germées en intérieur) Lianes fruitières Tailler les petits fruitiers (il sera trop tard par la suite) Tailler les fruitiers à noyaux Pailler et amender au pied des arbres fruitiers Protéger les fruitiers en fleurs à noyaux par un voile dhivernage en cas de gelées annoncées Retirer les voiles de forçage une fois les risques de gelées passés Amender les cultures dhiver avec un engrais à assimilation rapide (sang séché, corne broyée, ) Planter des fraisiers remontants, des petits fruits, groseilliers à grappes, à maquereau, cassissiers, framboisiers
et en terre acide des myrtilliers. Enrichir le sol en compost, mettre en place et
arroser. Dans les régions douces, installer les aubergines, piments, poivrons, semés du 6 au 8 février et
repiquer en godets ces mêmes légumes ainsi que les tomates, semées du 5 au 7 mars. Biner et butter les pois et fèves semés du 2 au 4 avril.
SIDEREAL Moon in LEO Dry and barren. Good time for garden maintenance
==Leaf Cancer
First quarter
First quarter
This is a good time to sow vegetables that produce internal seed bearing fruits. Tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, chillis, pumpkins, courgettes.
Moon in Cancer: This is a Water sign. It is a good time to sow Leaf plants like Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Celeriac, Celery, Dill, Kale, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Spinach, Swiss Chard, but it would not be a good time to sow Fruiting plants like Aubergines, Broad Beans, Cucumber, French Beans, Marrow, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Runner Beans, Squash, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes,
WASSENDE maan WM WASSENDE MAAN EK OM Periode van Nieuwe tot Volle maan Bevorderen bovengrondse groei-bloei (uitademen grond-plant winter-lente), opstijgen levenssappen, alle bovengrondse werkzaamheden = beste tijd alles wat naar boven groeit (bladgroenten, salades, enz.) Aantrekkingskracht van de maan laat het grondwater stijgen, en laat de zaden zwellen & barsten Deze aantrekkingskracht en verhoogde maanlicht leidt tot een evenwichtige wortel & bladgroei ZEER gunstig PLANTEN [PLANTdag DALENDE maan]bij WASSENDE maan van BLOEM BLAD VRUCHT gewas op BLOEM BLAD VRUCHT dag (gewassen die boven de grond groeien) GUNSTIG OOGSTEN om te bewaren PLANETEN 22 ASTROLOGIE
GEZOND LIEF VREUGDEVOL BLOEIEND VRUCHTBAAR 2013 vol schoonheid,verukkelijk voorjaar,zalige zomer,heerlijke herfst,wonderlijke winter GRAS (Wind-Kiem-Eier-Ooster-Paas-Ôstarmânoth-Eiken) maand APRIL [VOLKSWEERKUNDE mag vochtig maar niet te koud zijn] 0422 Z. Marie Gabriella, geestelijke H. Alexander 0422 Regen op Sint-Opportuine, geeft kersen noch pruimen
VRUCHTdag Vrucht Peul Fruit Zaad(zaai) Kruiden(vrucht) Graan gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN bij WASSENDE maan = vormen bovengronds binnenin hun zaden (bessen,noot,fruit,(soja)boon,erwt,paprika,tomaat,courgette,komkommer,pompoen,linzen,maïs,alle granen..)... ONDERHOUD Vruchtgewas = Verzorgen, diepe BODEMBEWERKING (diep spitten, ploegen, eggen) ZAADgewas: Bleek(stengel)selderij Broccoli Selderij Peterselie Koriander Kervel Dille Citroenkruid Chinese gember Aardpeer Erwt Kapucijner Sopropo Stekelige kalebas Gac Garden huckleberry Karwij Koriander Anijs Komijn Pluimgierst Vogelmelk inZAAIEN gazon, SNOEIEN, maken Activated EM1 Plukken-Verzamelen (eventueel om te COMPOSTEREN) van vruchten (fruit) en zaad (zaaizaadwinning) in de natuur OOGSTEN VERS uit de tuin Blad Kool Kruiden(blad) Gras PLANTEN van STEKKEN gesneden bij KLIMMENDE maan GUNSTIG om een FLES WIJN te kraken = Bon moment pour déboucher une bouteille LICHT Bewolkt kans NEERSLAG 010% min 02 °C MAX 13 °C WINDKRACHT 015 km/u WZW
Planter en pleine terre : Fève et pois (planter les plantules germées en intérieur) Lianes fruitières Tailler les petits fruitiers (il sera trop tard par la suite) Tailler les fruitiers à noyaux Pailler et amender au pied des arbres fruitiers Protéger les fruitiers en fleurs à noyaux par un voile dhivernage en cas de gelées annoncées Retirer les voiles de forçage une fois les risques de gelées passés Amender les cultures dhiver avec un engrais à assimilation rapide (sang séché, corne broyée, ) Planter des fraisiers remontants, des petits fruits, groseilliers à grappes, à maquereau, cassissiers, framboisiers
et en terre acide des myrtilliers. Enrichir le sol en compost, mettre en place et
arroser. Dans les régions douces, installer les aubergines, piments, poivrons, semés du 6 au 8 février et
repiquer en godets ces mêmes légumes ainsi que les tomates, semées du 5 au 7 mars. Biner et butter les pois et fèves semés du 2 au 4 avril.
SIDEREAL Moon in LEO Dry and barren. Good time for garden maintenance
==Leaf Cancer
First quarter
First quarter
This is a good time to sow vegetables that produce internal seed bearing fruits. Tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, chillis, pumpkins, courgettes.
Moon in Cancer: This is a Water sign. It is a good time to sow Leaf plants like Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Celeriac, Celery, Dill, Kale, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Spinach, Swiss Chard, but it would not be a good time to sow Fruiting plants like Aubergines, Broad Beans, Cucumber, French Beans, Marrow, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Runner Beans, Squash, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes,
WASSENDE maan WM WASSENDE MAAN EK OM Periode van Nieuwe tot Volle maan Bevorderen bovengrondse groei-bloei (uitademen grond-plant winter-lente), opstijgen levenssappen, alle bovengrondse werkzaamheden = beste tijd alles wat naar boven groeit (bladgroenten, salades, enz.) Aantrekkingskracht van de maan laat het grondwater stijgen, en laat de zaden zwellen & barsten Deze aantrekkingskracht en verhoogde maanlicht leidt tot een evenwichtige wortel & bladgroei ZEER gunstig PLANTEN [PLANTdag DALENDE maan]bij WASSENDE maan van BLOEM BLAD VRUCHT gewas op BLOEM BLAD VRUCHT dag (gewassen die boven de grond groeien) GUNSTIG OOGSTEN om te bewaren PLANETEN 21 03:58 05:22 12:03 13:46 17:41 19:17 ASTROLOGIE
GEZOND LIEF VREUGDEVOL BLOEIEND VRUCHTBAAR 2013 vol schoonheid,verukkelijk voorjaar,zalige zomer,heerlijke herfst,wonderlijke winter GRAS (Wind-Kiem-Eier-Ooster-Paas-Ôstarmânoth-Eiken) maand APRIL [VOLKSWEERKUNDE mag vochtig maar niet te koud zijn] 0421 H.Anselmus, bisschop en kerkleraar H. Koenraad van Parzham, geestelijke 0421 Een dorre, droge april, is niet der boeren wil Aan een april met regen, is den boere meer gelegen
BLADdag Blad Kool Kruiden(blad) Gras gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN bij WASSENDE maan
03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00
15:00 18:00 21:00 24:00
VRUCHTdag Vrucht Peul Fruit Zaad(zaai) Kruiden(vrucht) Graan gewas ZEER gunstig PLANTEN bij WASSENDE maan = vormen bovengronds binnenin hun zaden (bessen,noot,fruit,(soja)boon,erwt,paprika,tomaat,courgette,komkommer,pompoen,linzen,maïs,alle granen..)... ONDERHOUD Vruchtgewas = Verzorgen, diepe BODEMBEWERKING (diep spitten, ploegen, eggen) ZAADgewas: Bleek(stengel)selderij Broccoli Selderij Peterselie Koriander Kervel Dille Citroenkruid Chinese gember Aardpeer Erwt Kapucijner Sopropo Stekelige kalebas Gac Garden huckleberry Karwij Koriander Anijs Komijn Pluimgierst Vogelmelk inZAAIEN gazon, SNOEIEN, maken Activated EM1 Plukken-Verzamelen (eventueel om te COMPOSTEREN) van vruchten (fruit) en zaad (zaaizaadwinning) in de natuur OOGSTEN VERS uit de tuin Blad Kool Kruiden(blad) Gras PLANTEN van STEKKEN gesneden bij KLIMMENDE maan GUNSTIG om een FLES WIJN te kraken = Bon moment pour déboucher une bouteille HELDER kans NEERSLAG 005% min 03 °C MAX 11 °C WINDKRACHT 005 km/u N
Planter en pleine terre : Fève et pois (planter les plantules germées en intérieur) Lianes fruitières Tailler les petits fruitiers (il sera trop tard par la suite) Tailler les fruitiers à noyaux Pailler et amender au pied des arbres fruitiers Protéger les fruitiers en fleurs à noyaux par un voile dhivernage en cas de gelées annoncées Retirer les voiles de forçage une fois les risques de gelées passés Amender les cultures dhiver avec un engrais à assimilation rapide (sang séché, corne broyée, ) Planter des fraisiers remontants, des petits fruits, groseilliers à grappes, à maquereau, cassissiers, framboisiers
et en terre acide des myrtilliers. Enrichir le sol en compost, mettre en place et
arroser. Dans les régions douces, installer les aubergines, piments, poivrons, semés du 6 au 8 février et
repiquer en godets ces mêmes légumes ainsi que les tomates, semées du 5 au 7 mars. Biner et butter les pois et fèves semés du 2 au 4 avril.
SIDEREAL Moon in LEO Dry and barren. Good time for garden maintenance
==Leaf Cancer
First quarter
First quarter
This is a good time to sow vegetables that produce internal seed bearing fruits. Tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, chillis, pumpkins, courgettes.
Moon in Cancer: This is a Water sign. It is a good time to sow Leaf plants like Basil, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Celeriac, Celery, Dill, Kale, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Spinach, Swiss Chard, but it would not be a good time to sow Fruiting plants like Aubergines, Broad Beans, Cucumber, French Beans, Marrow, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Runner Beans, Squash, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes,
WASSENDE maan WM WASSENDE MAAN EK OM Periode van Nieuwe tot Volle maan Bevorderen bovengrondse groei-bloei (uitademen grond-plant winter-lente), opstijgen levenssappen, alle bovengrondse werkzaamheden = beste tijd alles wat naar boven groeit (bladgroenten, salades, enz.) Aantrekkingskracht van de maan laat het grondwater stijgen, en laat de zaden zwellen & barsten Deze aantrekkingskracht en verhoogde maanlicht leidt tot een evenwichtige wortel & bladgroei ZEER gunstig PLANTEN [PLANTdag DALENDE maan]bij WASSENDE maan van BLOEM BLAD VRUCHT gewas op BLOEM BLAD VRUCHT dag (gewassen die boven de grond groeien) GUNSTIG OOGSTEN om te bewaren PLANETEN 20 11:20 ASTROLOGIE
GEZOND LIEF VREUGDEVOL BLOEIEND VRUCHTBAAR 2013 vol schoonheid,verukkelijk voorjaar,zalige zomer,heerlijke herfst,wonderlijke winter GRAS (Wind-Kiem-Eier-Ooster-Paas-Ôstarmânoth-Eiken) maand APRIL [VOLKSWEERKUNDE mag vochtig maar niet te koud zijn] 0420 H. Hugo van Poitiers, prior Z. Oda van Rivreulle, kloosterlinge 0420 Grasmaands regen, zomermaands zegen
- 1965 EP BUEN VIAJA ANGELINA Colores Termino Todo Muchacha Triste Me He Acordado HAM 257-05 AMADEO !!
= 1965 EP ENGINE 143 Banks Of The Ohio Plaisir D'Amour The Trees They Do Grow High 15801 AMADEO 219 004 VANGUARD
=1965 EP THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE I Still Miss Someone Bachianas Brasileiras N°5 15802 AMADEO ??? VANGUARD
1965 EP ON THE BANKS OF THE OHIO Lowlands What You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little Girl Sail Away Ladies VRS 45-3452 VANGUARD VREX 65038 ROULETTE
- 1965 SP WE SHALL OVERCOME Don't Think Twice It's All Right 271.709 TF TF 564 FONTANA
1965 SP IT'S ALL OVER NOW BABY BLUE Daddy You Been On My Mind
ù 1965 SP THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE Plaisir D'Amour TF 587 FONTANA !!!
1966 EP FAREWELL ANGELINA Daddy you been on my mind The Wild Mountain Thyme (Will You Go Laddie Go) 15806 AMADEO
= 1966-06 SP PACK UP YOUR SORROW The Swallow Song VAN3880 VANGUARD VRS-35040 VANGUARD 1966-07 TF 727 FONTANA 1966-09 AVRS 21355 AMADEO International
1966 EP FAREWELL ANGELINA Ranger's Command The Wild Mountain Thyme (Will You Go Laddie Go) Daddy You Been On My Mind AVRS EP 15641 AMADEO
- 1966-11 SP THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY Cantique De Noel VRS-35046 VANGUARD
1966 EP PACK UP YOUR SORROW The Swallow Song O' Cangaciero Stewball 15807 VANGUARD AMADEO
1966 EP CANTIQUE DE NOËL Silent Night Ave Maria (sung in German) Down In You Forest 15808 VANGUARD AMADEO
1967 EP ELEONOR RIGBY The Lady Came From Baltimore The Greenwood Side 219 001 VANGUARD
1967 EP WE SHALL OVERCOME Te adore The House Of The Rising Sun Don't Think Twice It's All Right 15809 AMADEO
1967 SP KUMBAYA Don't Think Twice It's All Right 119 002 (in concert) VANGUARD 2
1967 ? SP WE SHALL OVERCOME Battle Hymn Of The Republic 119 003 (in concert) VANGUARD 3
1967 ? SP PLAISIR D'AMOUR Banks Of The Ohio 119 004 VANGUARD 4
- 1970 SP JOE HILL Drug Store Truck Drivin' Man LIVE at WOODSTOCK 1C 006-91 026 VANGUARD
1970 SP JOE HILL A Song For David 6076251 VANGUARD
- 1970 SP HERE'S TO YOU La Ballade De Sacco Et Vanzetti 49748 RCA Victor
- 1971-08 SP MARIA DOLORES Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos) SPV-6 VANGUARD
= 1971-11 SP LET IT BE with MIMI FARINA I Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger VRS-35145 VANGUARD !! A7219 ASTOR
- 1971-12-10 SP LET IT BE Gabriel And Me VAN 1002 VANGUARD
- 1971 SP HERE'S TO YOU The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzetti Part 2 47-0568 RCA SPS 45-285 RCA
=1971 SP HERE'S TO YOU La Ballade De Sacco Et Vanzetti 49 748 RCA Victor The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzetti 74-16 080 RCA Victor Ballata Di Sacco E Vanzetti OC 17 RCA
- 1971 SP WILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN Just A Closer Walk With Thee VA-817 VANGUARD
1971 SP LET IT BE Poor Wayfaring Stranger ?? VA 37013 VANGUARD VRS-35145 119 034 VRS-37013 VA-816 VANGUARD
- 1971 SP LET IT BE Poor Wayfaring Stranger VRS-35145 VANGUARD
- 1972-03-24 SP SONG OF BANGLADESH Prison trilogy (Billy Rose) AMS 897 A&M
- 1972-06-16 SP IN THE QUIET MORNING Song Of Bangladesh AMS 7011 A&M
- 1972-10 SP TUMBLEWEED MO Tumbleweed ST 1393-S A&M
= 1971-11 SP REJOICE IN THE SUN Silent Running 32890 DECCA
=1972-10-06 SP REJOICE IN THE SUN Silent Running MU 1170 MCA
=1972 SP SONG OF BANGLADESH Prison Trilogy (Billy Rose) AM 1334 A&M 1972-03-24 12 067 AT A&M
- 1972 SP HERE'S TO YOU The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzetti RCA Victor
1972? SP REJOICE IN THE SUN Silent Running 110 016 MCA
1972-10-06 SP REJOICE IN THE SUN Silent Running MU 1170 MCA
1972-10-06 SP REJOICE IN THE SUN Silent Running MCS-5899 MCA
- 1972 SP JOE HILL Ghetto VA 37015 VANGUARD
- 1973-03-30 SP LOVE IS JUST A FOUR LETTER WORD There But For Fortune VAN 1007 VANGUARD
1973-06-08 SP LESS THAN THE SONG Mary Call AMS 7072 A&M
1973 SP MARY CALL Best Of Friends 12782 AT A&M
= 1973-10 SP LESS THAN THE SONG Windrose 1472-S A&M
= 1973 SP LESS THAN THE SONG Windrose 13 055 AT A&M
1973 EP IN THE QUIET MORNING Imagine Stranger In My Place Myths ???
** 1993-10-19 = FROM EVERY STAGE 1976 2 CD'S MP3A&M CD-6506
** 1993-12-31 = JOAN BAEZ CD MP3 LPFALCON NEUE MEDIEN 5903324
1995-08 RING THEM BELLS rec LIVE Bottom Line Cabaret NY 1995-04 GRAPEVINE GRALP-208 CD rec LIVE Bottom Line Cabaret NY 1995-04 GUARDIAN 72438-34989 GRAPEVINE ARCADE 990-2281 VIRGIN 72438-40800
** 1993-10-19 = FROM EVERY STAGE 1976 2 CD'S MP3A&M CD-6506
** 1993-12-31 = JOAN BAEZ CD MP3 LPFALCON NEUE MEDIEN 5903324
1995-08 RING THEM BELLS rec LIVE Bottom Line Cabaret NY 1995-04 GRAPEVINE GRALP-208 CD rec LIVE Bottom Line Cabaret NY 1995-04 GUARDIAN 72438-34989 GRAPEVINE ARCADE 990-2281 VIRGIN 72438-40800
1951 JOAN spends a year living in BAGHDAD IRAQ with her family when her father accepts a job there Upon their return to the US the family moves to CALIFORNIA
1956 For the first time JOAN hears a young MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. lecture on NONVIOLENCE WAR FREEDOM CIVIL RIGHTS... JOAN BAEZ buys her first GUITAR
1957 JOAN commits her first act of civil disobedience by refusing to leave her PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL during an air-raid drill Joan also meets Gandhian scholar IRA SANDPERL who becomes one of her strongest political influences
1958 JOAN graduates from PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL CALIFORNIA in 06-1958 Joan also records a demonstration ALBUM but it fails to garner interest from record company executives & the project is shelved In late summer the BAEZ family moves to BELMONT MASSACHUSETTS when JOAN's father accepts a teaching post at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joan's interest in the CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS FOLK SCENE grows as Joan begins visiting the local coffeehouses Joan registers as a student at BOSTON University but only sporadically attends classes & soon quits school to concentrate on her blossoming singing career
1959 FOLKSINGERS 'ROUND HARVARD SQUARE VERITAS -1959 JOAN begins performing regularly at Club 47 a folk music club in Cambridge where Joan attracts a large & devoted following Joan meets Bill Wood prior to taping WHRB Harvard Radio Balladeers program which Wood hosts They become friends & begin performing together With Bill & Ted Alevizos JOAN records the ALBUM FOLKSINGERS ROUND 'HAVARD SQUARE a local BOSTON record company At the invitation of impresario Albert Grossman JOAN appears at The Gate Of Horn nightclub in CHICAGO During her two-week stint there Joan meets both Bob Gibson & Odetta Bob is impressed enough with her that he invites her to join him during his set at the NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL 11-07-1959 Her unscheduled appearance makes her the talk of the Festival & establishes her as a talented & exciting new FOLKSINGER
1960 JOAN BAEZ VANGUARD 11-1960 JOAN appears at the 1960 NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL as a solo performer & makes her NEW YORK City CONCERT debut at the ballroom Manhattan Towers Hotel 92nd Street in NEW YORK on 05-11 First ALBUM JOAN BAEZ is released & becomes a HUGE SUCCESS
1961 EP SILVER DAGGER & OTHER SONGS FONTANA JOAN meets BOB DYLAN at Gerde's FOLK City in 04-1961 following his appearance there as an opening act for John Lee Hooker Joan also records & releases her second ALBUM JOAN BAEZ VOLUME TWO & embarks on her first national CONCERT tour
1962 JOAN BAEZ IN CONCERT VANGUARD 09-1962 As JOAN becomes more involved with the civil rights movement Joan conducts the first of three CONCERT tours to Southern college campuses with a strict no-discrimination policy for audiences Album JOAN BAEZ in CONCERT PART 1 is released & Joan is the subject of the 23-11-1962 TIME Magazine cover story
1963 EP WITH GOD ON OUR SIDE FONTANA 1963 EP DON'T THINK TWICE IT'S ALL RIGHT FONTANA 1963 SINGLE WE SHALL OVERCOME JOAN BAEZ IN CONCERT PART 1 is nominated for a Grammy Award in the BEST FOLK Recording category JOAN appears at the MONTEREY FOLK FESTIVAL with BOB DYLAN & invites him to be a surprise guest on her summer tour & headlines at the NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL JOAN refuses to appear on & leads a much-publicized artist boycott of ABC-TV's Hootenanny show due to their banning of PETE SEEGER as a result of his political activism In 08-1963 Joan sings WE SHALL OVERCOME before an estimated quarter of million people at the CIVIL RIGHTS MARCH on Washington JOAN BAEZ IN CONCERT PART 2 is released & Squire Records releases an unauthorized reissue of FOLKSINGERS 'ROUND HARVARD SQUARE
JOAN protests UNITED STATES involvement in Vietnam by withholding 60% of her income taxes the amount determined used for military purposes The Internal Revenue Service responds by placing a lien against her Joan continues to withhold portions of her taxes for the next ten years & after performing for President Johnson in Washington Joan urges him to withdraw UNITED STATES troops from Vietnam JOAN also continues her civil right work by appearing at a benefit CONCERT at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles protesting the state's Proposition 14 which would allow segregated housing & Joan becomes involved with the Free Speech Movement at the University of California at Berkeley As the students take over Sproul Hall JOAN instructs them to Have love as you do this thing & it will succeed The police wait until Joan departs the building before moving in & arresting 800 students Fantasy Records releases JOAN BAEZ in SAN FRANCISCO unauthorized release of the demonstration ALBUM Joan recorded as a teenager in 1958 & Joan files for an injunction to block distribution
JOAN once again headlines at the NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL leads a seminar on THE NEW FOLK MUSIC at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur California & travels with the Beatles on a portion of their UNITED STATES CONCERT tour JOAN BAEZ 5 her final ALBUM of all ACOUSTIC MUSIC is released
1965 SINGLE THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE 1965 SINGLE IT'S ALL OVER NOW BABY BLUE 1965 SINGLE FAREWELL ANGELINA THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE becomes a hit single & is nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best FOLK Recording category JOAN does a joint UNITED STATES CONCERT tour with BOB DYLAN gives her first major CONCERT outside the UNITED STATES at London's Royal Albert Hall & FAREWELL ANGELINA is released In March JOAN participates in the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery Alabama & in 08-1965 Joan participates in a demonstration outside The White House protesting UNITED STATES involvement in Vietnam with IRA SANDERL Joan founds the Institute For The Study Of Nonviolence in Carmel Valley California After area residents claim the onslaught of HIPPIES & FREELOVE subversives will threaten property values the Institute closes after one month but re-opens without incident in 12-1965
1966 SINGLE PACK UP YOUR SORROW JOAN's first three VANGUARD recordings are certified GOLD by the Recording Industry Association of America & NOËL is released Joan also begins recording an ALBUM of contemporary popular songs produced by her brother-in-law Richard Farina but the project is shelved after Farina's untimely death in a motorcycle accident in late April
While in West Germany JOAN leads an Easter Day anti-war march & in September Joan participates in a march with Dr Martin Luther King Jr in Grenada Mississippi protesting the beatings of black school children as schools were de-segregated When JOAN attempts to enroll five black children in a formerly segregated school Joan is barred from entering the school In 12-1966 Joan both performs at a benefit for striking farm workers in California & participates in a Christmas vigil at SAN QUINTEN Quentin Penitentiary urging the commutation of death sentences for 64 prisoners
1967 == JOAN BAEZ IN ITALY VANGUARD -1967 Milan 29-05-1967 Vienna 02-06-1967 Re-issued 1972 JOAN BAEZ EUROPA 1992 on CD JOAN BAEZ LIVE Music of The World While performing in JAPAN Joan's political comments are intentionally mistranslated The interpreter claims & later denies that a CIA agent pressured him to mistranslate her political remarks The CIA denies any involvement in the matter Back in the UNITED STATES JOAN is denied permission to perform at Constitution Hall in Washington DC by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) due to her anti-war activities Joan responds by performing in a free CONCERT at the base of the Washington Monument before an estimated audience of 30000 Later in the year JOAN joins 56 others in filing suit in California's Federal District Court to reclaim portions of their 1965 & 1966 income taxes on the grounds that they are conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War The suit is dismissed from court in 01-1968 JOAN headlines at the NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL in 07-1967 Joan also appears on the Women Strike For Peace benefit recording SAVE THE CHILDREN as well as appearing in the films DON't LOOK BACK & FESTIVAL Her own JOAN is released In 10-1967 JOAN is among 119 people arrested for blocking the entrance to the Armed Forces Induction Center in Oakland California Joan is sentenced & serves ten days at the Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center In December Joan is again arrested with 49 other demonstrators for blocking the entrance of the same induction center Joan receives a 90 day prison sentence (45 days suspended) but is abruptly released after just a month because prison officials fear an inmate uprising on her scheduled release date
1968 SINGLE LOVE IS JUST A FOUR-LETTER WORD The EUROPEan Exchange System reveals that the sale of JOAN BAEZ recordings has been banned in Army PXs because of her anti-war activities JOAN BAEZ trouwde marries op 26-03-1968 met DAVID HARRIS draft resister & activist They tour the country on a joint CONCERT & lecture series advocating draft resistance Later in the year twenty young men spontaneously present JOAN with their draft cards during her CONCERT at the Los Angeles Forum BAPTISM A JOURNEY THROUGH OUR TIME an ALBUM of poetry recited & sung is released JOAN again appears at the NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL & ANY DAY NOW Songs of BOB DYLAN a two-record collection of BOB DYLAN songs is released Daybreak a memoir penned by JOAN is published & is a bestseller
1969 SINGLE SWEET SIR GALAHAD During a taping of CBS-TV's The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour Joan's remarks pertaining to draft resistance are censored prompting a pre-emption of the show When it finally does air her remarks are deleted from the tape & soon thereafter CBS cancels the controversial program DAVID HARRIS begins serving a three year prison term for draft resistance in July JOAN gives birth to their son GABRIEL EARL 12-1969 HARRIS is released in 1971 after serving 20 months ANY DAY NOW is nominated for a Best FOLK Recording GRAMMY AWARD DAVID'S ALBUM is released & on 08-1969 JOAN is a headliner at the WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL
1970 == JOAN BAEZ ON VANGUARD compilation VANGUARD -1970
Both ONE DAY AT A TIME & THE FIRST TEN YEARS are released JOAN appears at the ISLE of WIGHT FESTIVAL the BIG SUR FOLK FESTIVAL & the INTERNATIONAL SONG FESTIVAL in SOPOT POLAND The film CARRY IT ON featuring JOAN & DAVID HARRIS is released as is the film of WOODSTOCK which features Joan's performance of JOE HILL
1971 SINGLE THE NIGHT THEY DROVE OLD DIXIE DOWN 1971 SINGLE LET IT BE DAVID HARRIS is released from prison on 15-03 He & JOAN later separate & eventually divorce The book COMMING OUT written by JOAN & DAVID HARRIS is published Also the soundtrack ALBUM to the film CARRY IT ON Soundtrack Album is released The CHICAGO Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace honor JOAN with an award for her anti-war work In 10-1971 JOAN gives three sold-out CONCERTs at University of California at Berkeley's Greek Theatre including a benefit for the Greek Resistance attended by Melina Mercouri Jules Dassin & other exiled patriots The film SACCO & VANZETTI & its soundtrack recording are released Both feature songs sung by JOAN & written by JOAN with ENNICO MORRICONE The film CELEBRATION AT BIG SUR comprised of highlights of the 1969 BIG SUR FOLK FESTIVAL & featuring several performances by JOAN is released JOAN's own BLESSED ARE... is released & The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down reaches the Top Ten & is certified GOLD by the Recording Industry Association of America
1972 SINGLE IN THE QUIET MORNING BLESSED ARE & ANY DAY NOW are certified GOLD & JOAN is nominated for a Best Female Vocalist Grammy Award JOAN having left VANGUARD Records the previous year signs with A&M Records & records & releases COME FROM THE SHADOWS as her debut with A&M While working in Nashville Joan co-produces Jeffrey Shurtleff's ALBUM State Farm also contributing vocals to the project In 06-1972 JOAN helps to organize an anti-war demonstration for women & children called Ring Around The Congress Though plagued by political sabotage & Hurricane Agnes 2500 women & children succeed in surrounding the Congress Back home JOAN devotes almost a year to helping establish Amnesty International on the west coast Joan gives benefit CONCERTs for the fledgling organizations & later serves on the Advisory Council In December JOAN travels to Hanoi at the invitation of The Liaison Committee to distribute mail & Christmas presents to the American prisoners of war While Joan is there Hanoi is subjected to heavy aerial bombings from UNITED STATES forces later known as the Christmas Bombings
1973 HITS GREATEST & OTHERS compilation -1973 WHERE ARE YOU NOW MY SON ? is released This recording features taped segments from Joan's trip to HANOI Joan also does more fundraising & outreach for AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - Divorce DAVID HARRIS
1974 SINGLE FOREVER YOUNG GRACIAS A LA VIDA a Spanish language ALBUM is released JOAN tours around the world including JAPAN AUSTRALIA ISRAËL LEBANON TUNISIA ARGENTINA Also the film SING SING THANKSGIVING featuring JOAN & taped at SING SING PRISON in OSSINING NEW YORK is released
1975 SINGLE BLUE SKY 1975 SINGLE DIAMONDS & RUST DIAMONDS & RUST is released & later in the year it is certified GOLD In 01-1975 JOAN begins touring with BOB DYLAN's Rolling Thunder Revue In 05-1975 JOAN appears at The WAR IS OVER! rally in NEW YORK's Central Park In 08-1975 Joan receives the PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD at the first annual ROCK MUSIC AWARDS & is honored with JOAN BAEZ Day on 02-08-1975 in ATLANTA GEORGIA
1976 JOAN BAEZ in CONCERT -1976 FROM EVERY STAGE an two-record set comprised of performances from Joan's 1975 UNITED STATES CONCERT tour is released & later in the year GULF WINDS the first ALBUM to consist solely of her own compositions is also released Joan also tours for a second time with Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue JOAN travels to Northern IRELAND & marches with the IRISH PEACE PEOPLE calling for an end to the violence plaguing the country Joan also promotes the plight of jailed Czechoslovakian musicians through a mass mailing to members of the music industry
1977 == THE SONGBOOK compilation -1977 JOAN appears at a KENT STATE rally protesting the building of a gymnasium over the site where four students were gunned down in 1970 & while touring in Spain Joan sings NO NOS MOVERAN We Shall Not Be Moved on a LIVE national television show ignoring a sanction imposed by the late dictator Francisco Franco 40 years earlier prohibiting the song from being performed BLOWIN' AWAY is released on Portrait Records & JOAN tours both EUROPE & the UNITED STATES CONCERTS in the UNITED STATES include one at California's Soledad Prison & one as part of the Bread & Roses Festival of Acoustic Music presented at the University of California at Berkeley's Greek Theatre in 10-1977
1978 The film RENALDO & CLARA comprised of footage from the Rolling Thunder Revue & featuring JOAN is released in 01-1978
JOAN appears at various demonstrations & rallies on behalf of the nuclear freeze movement & Joan also performs at several benefit CONCERTs in California to defeat Proposition 6 (Briggs Initiative) legislation that would have banned openly gay people from teaching in public schools Joan is also scheduled to perform a CONCERT in Leningrad on July 4 with Santana & The Beach Boys but the CONCERT is abruptly cancelled without explanation by Soviet officials Despite the cancellation JOAN travels to Moscow & meets with dissidents including Andrei Sakharov & Yelena Bonner bringing them messages & gifts from their friends & relatives in the UNITED STATES JOAN brings suit under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain National Security Agency files pertaining to her A Federal judge orders all documents with the exception of two paragraphs in one report released in November The NSA protests the judge's ruling claiming that the de-classified information would prove harmful to national security Also late in the year JOAN participates in the candlelight memorial march to City Hall following the assassinations of SAN FRANCISCO Mayor George Moscone & Supervisor Harvey Milk & later presents a free CONCERT on the steps of SAN FRANCISCO's City Hall as her Christmas gift to the city
1979 SATISFIED MIND compilation -1979 The SONGBOOK & THEN I WROTE containing Joan's original songs & sketches is published Also HONEST LULLABY is also released this year & JOAN receives the SAN FRANCISCO Bay Area Music Award (BAMMY) as top female vocalist for 1978 In the fall Joan again performs at the Bread & Roses Festival of Acoustic Music & Joan also receives the American Civil Liberties Union's Earl Warren Award for her commitment to human & civil rights issues JOAN founds Humanitas International Human Rights Committee a human rights organization Joan will head for the next 13 years The first course of action for Humanitas is to publish the Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in five major UNITED STATES newspapers The letter protests human rights violations occurring in that country JOAN travels to Southeast Asia to substantiate reports of human rights violations there & back in the UNITED STATES Joan successfully prevails upon President Jimmy Carter to dispatch the Seventh Fleet to rescue large numbers of boat people fleeing the region Humanitas along with KRON-TV & the SAN FRANCISCO Examiner newspaper forms the Cambodian Emergency Relief Fund & raises over one million dollars in aid
1980 == EUROPEAN TOUR -1990 JOAN is bestowed Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degrees by both Antioch University & Rutgers University for her political activism & the universality of her music Joan also receives the Jefferson Award presented by the American Institute of Public Service & Joan receives the SAN FRANCISCO Bay Area Music Award (BAMMY) as top female vocalist for 1979 The recording Tournee EUROPEene (EUROPEan Tour) comprised of songs from her EUROPEan CONCERT tour is released in EUROPE & Latin America Joan also gives a free CONCERT in front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in PARIS on Christmas Eve & begins working with members of the Grateful Dead on a record which is never released in its entirety In another trip to Southeast Asia JOAN assists in an effort to take food & medicine into the western regions of Cambodia & participates in a United Nations Humanitarian Conference on Kampuchea CAMBODIA
1981 During a five-week CONCERT & human rights fact-finding tour of Latin America JOAN is forbidden to perform publicly in Argentina Chile & Brazil While there Joan is subjected to police surveillance & death threats The country of Nicaragua however allows her to perform
1982 VERY EARLY JOAN VANGUARD -1982 The film THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE JOAN BAEZ in Latin America documenting her 1981 Latin American tour premieres on Public Broadcasting System television JOAN also makes several appearances in support of a nuclear weapons freeze including performances with BOB DYLAN at the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles & Paul Simon in BOSTON Additionally Joan joins Jackson Browne in an ecumenical vigil in Washington DC in memory of assassinated Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero VERY EARLY JOAN a two-record set comprised of Joan's LIVE CONCERT performances recorded between 1961-1963 is released by VANGUARD Records
1983 LIVE EUROPE '83 GAMMA 01-1983 LIVE EUROPE '83 a LIVE ALBUM comprised of performances recorded during her spring 1983 CONCERT tour of EUROPE is released in EUROPE & Canada The ALBUM is awarded a GOLD record in France & the Academy Charles Cros Award for the Best Live Album of 1983 Also while on tour in France JOAN presents a free CONCERT dedicated to nonviolence in Paris on the Place de la Concorde on July 15 attended by an estimated crowd of 120000 & Joan receives the French Legion D'Honneur Award In the UNITED STATES JOAN appears on the GRAMMY AWARDS telecast for the first time performing BLOWIN' IN THE WIND & Joan embarks on her first UNITED STATES CONCERT tour in three years
1984 The American Civil Liberties Union brings suit on behalf of 15 organizations & 37 individuals including JOAN against the conservative Western Goals Foundation The plaintiffs charge that the organization illegally accessed Los Angeles police department databases & intelligence files on dissident organizations & individuals The suit is later settled for $18 million dollars JOAN appears in the film Hard Travelin' a documentary on Woody Guthrie & contributes a song to the film's soundtrack ALBUM Joan also tours the UNITED STATES & EUROPE & begins work on her second autobiographical book The VANGUARD collection Greatest Hits is released
1985 JOAN attends Club 47's 25th Anniversary CONCERT held at BOSTON's Symphony Hall & also performs with the BOSTON Pops Orchestra for a segment of PBS's Evening At Pops television program In the summer Joan opens the UNITED STATES portion of the Live Aid benefit CONCERT Joan also tours the UNITED STATES Australia & Canada & appears at the NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL in 08-1983 the first Festival since 1969 In 11-1983 JOAN travels to Poland with her friend & fellow activist Ginetta Sagan & among others meets Lech Walesa
1986 JOAN is featured as a performer with Amnesty International's Conspiracy of Hope tour & Joan appears at Bill Graham's Fillmore Auditorium reunion CONCERT in SAN FRANCISCO which is later broadcast on television as A 60s Reunion With Bill Graham Also at the time of the summit meeting between UNITED STATES President Ronald Reagan & Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev in REYKJAVIK ICELAND JOAN performs The People's Summit CONCERT which is broadcast LIVE throughout ICELAND
1987 A&M CLASSICS VOLUME 8 compilation A&M -1987 A VOICE TO SING WITH JOAN's autobiography is published by SUMIT BOOKS (Simon & Schuster) & becomes a NEW YORK Times bestseller RECENTLY Joan's first studio ALBUM in eight years is released by Gold Castle Records JOAN BAEZ a PBS documentary featuring CONCERT & other footage & an interview premieres JOAN travels to the Middle East to meet with & sing for the people of Israel West Bank & Gaza Strip Joan also performs in a sold-out benefit CONCERT at NEW YORK's Carnegie Hall for Countdown '87 a coalition formed to lobby against the UNITED STATES support of the Nicaraguan contras Through Humanitas JOAN together with Bill Graham co-produces a benefit CONCERT for the AIDS Emergency Fund at Graham's Warfield Theatre in SAN FRANCISCO The show features JOAN & Mimi Farina as well as members of the Grateful Dead
1988 JOAN BAEZ IN CONCERT compilation -1988 The song ASIMBONAGA from RECENTLY is nominated for a Best Contemporary FOLK Recording Grammy Award JOAN is featured as a special guest performer on Amnesty International's Human Rights Now! CONCERT tour While touring in EUROPE Joan leads a candlelight march in Rome on July 28 seeking repeal of a death sentence against a UNITED STATES teenager
1989 QUEEN OF HEARTS CEDE -1989 In 05-1989 JOAN performs in CZECHOSLOVAKIA in a CONCERT attended by many of that country's dissidents Joan is later credited by President Vaclav Havel (who was in attendance at the CONCERT) as having been a great influence in the subsequent nonviolent Velvet Revolution JOAN also receives the Leadership Award from the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern CALIFORNIA DIAMONDS & RUST IN THE BULLRING recorded in CONCERT in Bilbao Spain in 1988 is released in 04-1989 SPEAKING OF DREAMS featuring songs recorded with Paul Simon Jackson Browne & the Gipsy Kings is released in 11-1989
1990 == THE ESSENTIAL JOAN BAEZ FROM THE HEART-LIVE A&M -1990 edited version FROM EVERY STAGE The video JOAN BAEZ In CONCERT featuring a guest appearance by Jackson Browne premieres on PBS television in 03-1990 JOAN tours EUROPE in the spring & the UNITED STATES in the summer including six dates with the Indigo Girls in which they open & close the shows as a trio
1991 == DIAMONDS-THE BEST OF VANGUARD YEARS box set -1991 BROTHERS IN ARMS a Gold CASTLE Records compilation ALBUM featuring two previously unreleased songs is released in 09-1991 In a benefit performance for Humanitas International Human Rights Committee JOAN performs in a vocal quartet appropriate titled Four Voices For Human Rights with Indigo Girls & Mary Chapin Carpenter in Berkeley California in 10-1991 The four women perform together numerous times throughout the next few years
1992 NO WOMAN NO CRY compilation -1992 PLAY ME BACKWARDS is released on VIRGIN Records & JOAN embarks on a world tour lasting through 1993 Humanitas International HUMAN RIGHTS Committee ceases operations after thirteen years of work
1993 RARE LIVE & CLASSIC 3-CD box set retrospective VANGUARD -1993 At the invitation of Refugees International & sponsored by The Soros Foundation JOAN travels to war-torn Bosnia-Herzegovina in an effort to help bring more attention to the suffering there Joan is the first major artist to perform in Sarajevo since the outbreak of the civil war In October JOAN becomes the first major artist to perform in a professional CONCERT presentation on Alcatraz Island (former Federal Penitentiary) in SAN FRANCISCO in a benefit for her sister Mimi Farina's Bread & Roses organization Play Me Backwards is nominated for a Best Contemporary FOLK Recording Grammy award RARE LIVE & CLASSIC a box-set retrospective chronicling her career from 1958-1989 is released on VANGUARD Records The set contains 60 tracks 22 of which are previously unreleased
1994 JOAN tours the UNITED STATES & EUROPE extensively Joan performs at the Kennedy Center Honors Gala in WASHINTON DC in honor of one of the recipients Pete Seeger Along with Janis Ian JOAN performs for the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force's Fight the Right fundraising event in SAN FRANCISCO
1995 THE BEST OF JOAN BAEZ compilation -1995
In 04-1995 JOAN performs four shows at the legendary Bottom Line club in NEW YORK City with guest artists Mary Black Mary Chapin Carpenter Mimi Farina Tish Hinojosa Janis Ian Indigo Girls Kate & Anna McGarrigle & Dar Williams The best of these performances are released on the CD RING THEM BELLS on GUARDIAN Records
1996 == DIAMONDS compilation -1996
JOAN receives the SAN FRANCISCO Bay Area Music Award (BAMMY) for Outstanding Female Vocalist for 1995 Greatest Hits a compilation by A&M Records is released as part of their Backlot Series releases LIVE AT NEWPORT a CD of previously unreleased performances from Joan's 1963 1964 & 1965 NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL appearances is released by VANGUARD Records Joan tours the world in support of RING THEM BELLSs In 10-1996 Joan once again returns to Alcatraz Island in SAN FRANCISCO in a benefit CONCERT for Bread & Roses along with Indigo Girls & Dar Williams
1998 JOAN continues to tour in support of Gone From Danger Joan also appears at a fundraising event to benefit the legal defense fund for her cousin Peter BAEZ fighting charges stemming from his operating a medicinal marijuana clinic
1999 JOAN & Bonnie Raitt visit environmental activist Julia Butterfly Hill in a 200 foot redwood tree named Luna several hundred miles north of SAN FRANCISCO to encourage her during her two-year stay to protect the tree from the logging industry
2000 JOAN continues extensive touring in the UNITED STATES & EUROPE Joan joins an all-star cast & participates in three Honor the Earth benefits on reservations in Montana A CONCERT performance taped in Philadelphia is broadcast over the internet At the first BBC2 FOLK Awards in London JOAN is presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award
2001 JOAN cancels her UNITED STATES & Canadian tour due to the illness of her sister Mimi Farina Mimi succumbs to a rare form of cancer on July 18 & JOAN eulogizes her sister at a memorial service a Grace Cathedral in SAN FRANCISCO JOAN accepts the limited engagement role of La Contessa as part of the cast of Teatro ZinZanni in SAN FRANCISCO In 08-2001 VANGUARD Records begin re-releasing Joan's catalog as part of their Original Master Series The series will encompass all 13 original ALBUMs Joan recorded while under contract from 1960-1972 Each reissue will feature digitally restored sound bonus cuts new & original artwork & new liner notes essays written by Arthur Levy
2002 JOAN returns to touring in the UNITED STATES & Canada JOAN also rejoins the Teatro ZinZanni cast for another limited run
2003 DARK CHORDS ON A BIG GUITAR KOCH 10-2003 The Bay Area Chapter of NARAS presents JOAN with their Governor's Award Joan is also presented with an special award by the John Steinbeck Society For the third time JOAN reprises her role as La Contessa in Teatro ZinZanni In August Universal follows VANGUARD's lead & releases a mini-boxed set of Joan's six complete A&M ALBUMs with bonus material & new liner notes by Arthur Levy JOAN joins Emmylou Harris Steve Earle Billy Bragg & Chrissie Hynde in London for the Concert for a Landmine Free World Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist Sharon Isbin presents her debut performance of The JOAN BAEZ Suite Opus 144 Composed for Isbin by John Duarte & commissioned by the Augustine Foundation the piece features songs from Joan's early career DARK CHORDS ON A BIG GUITAR is released & JOAN begins to tour in support of the CD
2004 JOAN tours the UK in January & February & presents Steve Earle with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the BBC2 FOLK Awards JOAN & Steve also do a series of CONCERT dates together in June after which Joan heads to EUROPE for a summer tour In the fall JOAN joins the west coast leg of documentary filmmaker Michael Moore's Slacker Uprising Tour in advance of the UNITED STATES elections
2005 BOWERY SONGS KOCH 09-2005 After some well-deserved time off in the winter & spring JOAN returns to Teatro ZinZanni as the Gypsy Calliope In 08-2005 Joan joins antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan in Crawford Texas for the weeks long protest outside President BUSH's ranch Sheehan's son Casey was killed in combat while in IRAQ JOAN returns to touring in the UNITED STATES in the fall after the release of her LIVE CD BOWERY SONGS recorded on 06-11-2004 at the Bowery Ballroom in NEW YORK City
2006 JOAN tours the UK FRANCE GERMANY & ITALY in 03-2006 & 04-2006 In late 05-2006 JOAN joins Julia Butterfly Hill & others in an effort to save a community farm in south central Los Angeles In 07-2006 JOAN is honored by the Legal Community Against Violence a public interest law center dedicated to preventing gun violence In October JOAN travels to the Czech Republic to help honor Vaclav Havel at the annual conference of Forum 2000 JOAN tours the UNITED STATES in 10-2006 & 11-2006
2007 RING THEM BELLS PROPER 02-2007 reissue 1995 double-disc with bonus tracks RING THEM BELLS reissue double-disc with bonus tracks JOAN returns to the UK EUROPE for a CONCERT tour in the winter On the night of 11-02-2007 at the 49th annual GRAMMY AWARDS telecast viewed by more than a billion people worldwide it was announced that JOAN BAEZ had received the highly prestigious Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award the greatest honor that the Recording Academy can bestow In turn Joan introduced the LIVE performance of Not Ready To Make Nice by dark horse nominees the Dixie Chicks It was an ironic moment as Joan's lifetime of activism resonated in sync with the trio They had been blacklisted by country radio & the Academy Of Country Music (ACM) when they criticized the President & the impending WAR in IRAQ back in 03-2003
2008 DAY AFTER TOMORROW BOBOLINK RAZOR & TIE 09-09-2008 DAY AFTER TOMORROW JOAN was seen by a billion tv viewers around the world standing center stage behind NELSON MANDELA at the 90th birthday celebration in his honor at LONDON's HYDE PARK on 28-06-2008 - JOAN BAEZ has never sounded wiser or more deeply human - the sublimest bunch of songs to have graced a JOAN BAEZ disc since the mid-1970s - This ALBUM sung by an angel (Joan's voice is a remarkable instrument still capable of great beauty & power) keeps faith with JOAN BAEZ's long-established tradition of taking contemporary songs & making them sound like they've always been here
1964 THE JOAN BAEZ SONGBOOK is published Containing 66 SONGS from her repertoire & with illustrations by Eric Von Schmidt the book becomes a staple among GUITAR STUDENTS & is reprinted twenty times over the next few decades
The most accomplished interpretive folksinger of the 1960's JOAN BAEZ has influenced nearly every aspect of popular music in a career still going strong JOAN BAEZ is possessed of a once-in-a-lifetime soprano which since the late '50s Joan has put in the service of folk & pop music as well as a variety of political causes Starting out in BOSTON JOAN BAEZ first gained recognition at the 1959 Newport Folk Festival then cut her debut ALBUM JOAN BAEZ 10-1960 for VANGUARD Records It was made up of 13 TRADITIONAL SONGS some of them CHILDREN'S BALLADS given near-definitive treatment A moderate success on release the ALBUM took off after the breakthrough of JOAN BAEZ VOLUME 2 09-1961 & both ALBUMs became huge hits as did her third ALBUM JOAN BAEZ in CONCERT PART 1 09-1962 Each ALBUM went GOLD & stayed in the bestseller charts more than two years
From 1962 to 1964 JOAN BAEZ was the popular face of FOLK MUSIC headlining festivals & concert tours & singing at political events including the 08-1963 March on WASHINGTON During this period Joan began to champion the work of FOLK songwriter BOB DYLAN & gradually her repertoire moved from traditional material toward the socially conscious work of the emerging generation of '60s artists like him. Joan's ALBUMs of this period were JOAN BAEZ in CONCERT PART 2 11-1963 & JOAN BAEZ 5 10-1964 which contained her cover of Phil Ochs' THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE a Top Ten HIT in the UK
Although best known for Western themes that evoke the open spaces and existential emptiness of the frontier, master film composer Ennio Morricone has many other tricks up his sleeve, as evidenced on this stunning 1971 soundtrack for the film SACCO E VENZETTI. Both folkier and more traditionally orchestral than his trademark scores, SACCO is nevertheless unmistakably Morricone, with its stark melodies and imaginative instrumentation. Additionally, Joan Baez lends her beautiful voice to the haunting "Ballad of Sacco E Vanzetti
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Een bekende song staat op het album The Times They Are Changin dat is het nummer With God On Our Side dat ze samen met Bob Dylan ten gehore bracht In 2008 verscheen het door Steve Earle geproduceerde album Day After Tomorrow Hiermee is de trilogie van albums die zij samen met Steve Earle maakte, compleet. Na het album Dark Chords On a Big Guitar uit 2003 en het live album Bowery Songs dat in 2005 verscheen. Van BAEZ zijn sinds 1960 40 albums en cds verschenen JOAN BAEZ geldt nog altijd als een van de prominentste leden van de protestgeneratie Ze is nog steeds betrokken bij acties voor maatschappelijke rechtvaardigheid Gedurende haar lange carrière kreeg ze een groot aantal onderscheidingen waaronder een groot aantal gouden platen