julius dreyfsandt zu schlamm - Prosatexts in different languages
Prosa-Epos "Julius"
Wenn man die Zeit zurückdreht
bin ich am Anfang meines Lebens
heute Morgen nach dem Erwachen
wurde ich aus dem Nest gestoßen
ich hatte die Gabe der Vorahnung
fast augenblicklich entstand ein Gedicht
in ihm war die Zukunft eilig gewachsen
Ich schrieb. Ich schreibe noch immer,
es beginnt einem epischen Roman zu gleichen
Ich bin gut im Beschreiben der Charaktere
denn ich trage sie in meinen sehenden Augen.
der Held der Geschichte bin ich
und ich sehe mich selbst, wie ich alle möglichen Streiche spiele
Manchmal brüllend in einem dunklen Gewölbe
wo ich beinahe sterbe oder ersticke
dann liege ich wieder seufzend in einem Himmelbett
wo ich kurz, aber bestimmt meinen Teddybär abschlecke.
Im letzten Kapitel enden zwei Menschen
der eine sagt, es gibt Arbeit zu tun,
Vater, das ist sein Name
Ja, es ist meine Absicht
dass ich einen jungen Sprössling in die Welt setze
spricht die Frau, meine Mutter
es wird dunkle noch weiter zurück in der Zeit.
es ist, als schaute ich durch ein zerbrochenes Fenster
und schaue hinaus. Ich bin in Schweiß gebadet.
und plötzlich sehe ich den Schöpfer. Er ist mein Beschützer.
Hat Er meine Eltern eingeladen?
22-06-2024 om 11:20
geschreven door juliusdzs
About bread
The words are there before
where earthly food usually goes
the mind and emotions intrude
here a struggle is needed to learn wisdom
what kind of saliva then turns the knob?
It must be said that it has a personal control
sometimes the grain takes the lead
while the soul chooses its time
The art of balance is required
between these fields of tension;
to go back and forth with the other
The balanced listening is possible
when we honour the respect
22-06-2024 om 11:19
geschreven door juliusdzs
Di fatto
Nella desolazione vivente
non estraneo alla nostra esistenza
allo stesso modo, la vecchiaia cresce
su strade che non sono più
secondo i percorsi originari
Abbozzo un'immagine d'ombra
che sminuisce il quotidiano
anche qui è il tempo sconosciuto
che guarisce su una macchia che rimane
ma su cui la pioggia perde tristezza
Descrivo con frasi esterne
ciò che in grandezza è invisibile;
l'intangibile è quindi dentro,
incommensurabile perché l'altro è la mancanza
22-06-2024 om 11:18
geschreven door juliusdzs
Wenn ich so durch die Nacht wandere
und mich ein wenig umschaue
fühle ich das Licht vor und hinter mir
Das atmet, das mich trägt
das mich klar sehen läßt
aber auch die Schwere
vor der der Mensch fast zurückweicht
Ich wünschte so sehr... ich könnte selbst schweigen.
um dich frei zu machen von der stillen Last, die dich quält
die das Herz kalt macht und die Sonne im Leid
Ich schenke dich mein Lächeln durch den Nebel
meine Seele fühlt mit dir
es knüpft die Bande wie bei den Freunden
zu einem geschützten Land wo lieben wachsen kann.
Blumen, die zur Jahreszeit gehören
pflücke ich mit dir
es wird die Zeit kommen:
wenn der Morgen erwacht
Und ich werde dich auf den Schultern tragen
damit ich den Schritt zu neuen Ufern
wagen konnte, zärtlich und in aller Ruhe
22-06-2024 om 11:17
geschreven door juliusdzs
Sprache der Schatten
Der Tag danach ist die Melancholie
des Überflusses, wenn die Gefühle erschöpft sind
in der Vielfalt der Nuancen
Die Seele scheint veredelt durch die Gelegenheiten
der Worte, die jetzt im Geist
oder in einem einzigen Herzen ruhen
und mit oft geschlossenen Augen
Am nächsten Tag schreit man in die Leere
einer Wüste verblasster Herrlichkeit
Während noch etwas Schokolade im Blut schwimmt
die jetzt rein und manchmal unwillkürlich bitter schmeckt
bis die Gegenwart sich wieder mit dem Morgen verbindet
und Hoffnung auf Erwartung trifft
22-06-2024 om 11:16
geschreven door juliusdzs
Talking to myself
When I write in this way,
i am talking about the void.
i fill it with thoughts on paper
waiting for fulfilment
In the imposed afternoon silence,
like yesterday
it feels plainly poor in the growing chill
It enters as you take in my words
you hear them in the sound that spreads.
Does it close the gap? Or do I take you deeper?
are you tempted from the present?
I say this because it comes
so from the rigidity of the moment
rich in feeling,
yet difficult to express
This poet is not always able
to realise his task
sitting behind a frosted window
This little death I never get used to
22-06-2024 om 11:14
geschreven door juliusdzs
Old news
Where is happiness when it rains outside
and the light falls like sadness beyond parting
Do you then speak of a face that yields to the weight
of the grey air that sighs with reason
or of being carried away by the fate?
Could it be that it is just this moment that is cut off
and added to all that perishes anyway
and that you are only dwelling on the past
and the new tomorrow already feels like a timeless abandonment?
Yet I go on. I take a one-way trip
into a silent city or a charred forest
stripped of the Christianised kyrieleis
In dying to life we get rid of everything.
waiting can perhaps be soothing or can lead to insight.
one can even, slowly or suddenly, become entangled in the now.
Often then other thoughts come, slowly tearing down walls.
but for the moment it floats in unattainable thin air.
Where happiness dwells as winter reigns.
22-06-2024 om 11:11
geschreven door juliusdzs
Night Train
I spread out my hands like barriers in front of my eyes
I see little light. My fingers are like rays
restricting my vision
I divide the world even more than before
and see even less from outside:
Directionless thoughts roam like predators, hungry for food
inside my brain
It's as if I have no reason at all, as if I were a dark night train that can't be stopped.
This is not the way of life I have in mind
That's what I hope for on this dark day.
Yes, I know it's an escape
but I think it will be bearable for a while
22-06-2024 om 11:08
geschreven door juliusdzs
Dying in daylight
I have reached out my hand
so many times in moments of being
Each time in the dying of the day
I meet the death of your youth
Your fingers will never be able to touch me
they are already snapped, beyond repair
Your soul darkened by black visions
and you no longer feel me
Everything I want to share perishes as if by anticipation
along screaming throats of despair and betrayal
Would you rather live in the sight of shadow light
I let you go anyway
22-06-2024 om 11:07
geschreven door juliusdzs
Frozen tears
There are those moments when an old feeling separates itself from my new spring - like old sucking roots,
so sparse, so unfeeling, so cool
a misunderstood negative, how the soul was torn apart, painted in grey and black and white
Never again will this memory be a loving memory
Nor will this memory ever be the colour of a summer bouquet
Not even if it is carried by the highest good of indispensable people.
The recurrent sprout of sudden loneliness has nothing to wish for
The pain can only be eased if one has once again experienced how the feeling was once raped.
22-06-2024 om 11:05
geschreven door juliusdzs
I would have liked to be a rose
When life overtakes me through the pain of dying,
when my joy is rare
When expectation and hope
Give way to that which is out of reach
No longer knowing what to do, I stand so alone,
my heart turns to stone
I would have so longed for others to flourish through me,
more than has been given to me
In a garden of roses glowing in the sun
But it was not to be
The end turned against me more and more
Sometimes you could say
I succumbed to death
22-06-2024 om 11:04
geschreven door juliusdzs
The anticipation
My window is hidden behind the soft shades of green
of the forest and the trees
I can already feel what will come
Of autumn colours I dream of muted scents that gradually announce that summer is growing old
I pluck the last of the fruits before nature ceases to grow visible.
And so my thoughts drift out into the field of expectation
where the parting is so normal
and the falling of the leaves is possible
and makes the landing softer.
22-06-2024 om 11:01
geschreven door juliusdzs
dancing in silhouette
near ferns in my garden, spreading and sprinkling
like the green-grey fountain in the Plaza del Piedro
I think, so I think of the lost shadows of the evening
and contemplate you for a while
A dreamy being, you are
You dance the silhouette of the swaying of the palm trees
with a vulnerable smile of subdued pleasure
across the pavement of my deserted love's square a last ray of sunshine sweeps
and kisses the earth with advancing broad lips
until it has taken over the whole of the square
and I am getting lost in you, my love
with my old clarinet, out of date,
I echo in all the corners, into the dark alleys
This is how I console the bygone day
22-06-2024 om 10:59
geschreven door juliusdzs
From the parched land I float to the sweet waters
where the stricken lake is still tinged with the salty colour
surrounded by transient reeds
my time there seems wasted
The current sings
and kisses left and right the caressing shore
and whispers softly to the green that waits
The cold loses an opaque membrane,
it is the sunlight that offers a burst of warmth.
Countless fluttering wings spread the scent
The scent that grows stronger and stronger towards the distance where dawn awaits me.
I hope that tomorrow you will look at me gently.
With some tender tears
22-06-2024 om 10:58
geschreven door juliusdzs
In Pacem From : The Requiem by Julius Dreyfsandt zu Schlamm
Farewell, my friends who are all gathered around me
I still feel the warmth of your love
and take it with me. This all will remain in my heart.
It will encourage the journey to the everlasting
where the creator will surely be in wait for me
and the angels, full of spirit and so finely circumscribed
will soothe your earthly sorrow with their wings of light
I weep once more and touch with my soul
your great hearts a moment longer
while the tender peace is already telling me about the silence
and helping me to shed earthly sorrow
Sing with me the song of the eternal peace
so that all our tears may be interwoven
Gradually divine joy will be born and revive in you
I may now be on my way and hear the call of the cherubs.
They want to carry me to the Lord on the palms of their hands.
For all of you a consoling thought
Farewell and wait till my return to you
22-06-2024 om 10:56
geschreven door juliusdzs
Empty boxes
Hear me fill the voids of uneducated shadows that echo off the thickly plastered, blind walls
And the shameless fall of sand and gravel I perceive
as the crashing of decapitated words
So many layers over the years become artificial calloused or dust from ancient images
The soul, forced to nudity by the firing of cannons
that saw deep layers as certainty
The soul that regurgitates the mud in which the rotten poles have performed as a foundation for the pretence of hopeless plays to be performed
I often try to fill these voids with grey dreams
while my fists pound on empty boxes of hope
22-06-2024 om 10:55
geschreven door juliusdzs
it is silent
the pure becomes visible in silence
I do not speak of coldness. I speak of calm in a wordless gesture.
turbulent currents drift towards the sea where I see a growing confidence rising in the burgeoning bilge
In this silence of rising joy, where sand and water come and go, my soul tells me: Ebb and flow have always carried me.
22-06-2024 om 10:54
geschreven door juliusdzs
when desire is dying
I would so much like to bind my deepest desire to a chain in my soul
Or embrace it tightly. and to sing with love songs
it says so much about suffering on earth
and even more about our human existence
There is so much desire for avoidance of the inescapable loneliness.
I want so much to relive those moments, to count the intimacy,
but then I am driven on in such a hurry
In the attempt to cling to dreams, in the attempt to be guided by dreams
When I find the other, the one who knows me and understands me
I will slowly be aware of what my bond with life is
The feeling that I have the right to be there will be more and more mature.
The desire will die. To inherit true love.
22-06-2024 om 10:51
geschreven door juliusdzs
a gilded lance
icy thoughts often eat away at the past in the conscience.
It atrophies the, gentle desire. It turns the skin into a shield and sees desire through an unsharpened lens.
and yet, sometimes very briefly, shines through supposed walls like a gilded lance, shining with pure brilliance.
For a moment it makes the feeling quiver
Only to die, as it were. Cast aside like a missed opportunity.
22-06-2024 om 10:47
geschreven door juliusdzs
His chair was empty. It was so nude he sank into it.
into his world with the silk pillow; down to the wire worn and dilapidated, its seat still held together by two straps, soft with lost lustre
I feel he is not gone. I smell the scent of his skin, his unwashed hair, and share the sadness of his lost bride, with the tears through the years.
I can still see his smile on his face. His lips curled mischievously and words formed, sometimes spoken in silence.
He's still here. Isn't he?
22-06-2024 om 10:45
geschreven door juliusdzs
Over mijzelf
Ik ben
, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam
Julius V.E. Dreyfsandt zu Schlamm .
Ik ben een man en woon in
Nijnsel (Nederland) en mijn beroep is
proza dichter/poet .
Ik ben geboren op 14/07/1948 en ben nu dus
76 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Mijn hobby's zijn: music improvisations organ and other instruments. julius.dreyfsandt.zu.schlamm@gmail.com.
J.Tourbière de Sable - poèmes en français (schuilnaam Franse teksten) Johannes Revisius (schuilnaam impr. componist)