julius dreyfsandt zu schlamm - Prosatexts in different languages

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en la habitación oscura, de vez en cuando aparecen imágenes de naturaleza desconocida.
aunque la percepción parezca clara e iluminada desde el ángulo correcto, a veces se desarrolla involuntariamente un espíritu maligno y oscuro, del que me estremezco seriamente
puede esconderse una serpiente, con una disposición diabólica, que de repente sólo proyecta sombras y, al parecer, quiere burlarse de mí por su debilidad.
también puede ser que los colores se hayan disuelto en blanco y negro porque la realidad choca con los sueños, o que en el flujo de la vida se aferre al aire y se deje llevar por lo dulce
da la vuelta al mundo donde los pensamientos se ahogan en un fuego inextinguible
se asesina mucho tiempo en la vigilia esperando un faro más allá.

21-06-2024 om 16:43 geschreven door juliusdzs

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claro que oigo regularmente "no entiendo tus palabras" y eso puede ser verdad
a veces ya son demasiado antiguas o están todavía en el futuro y no hay que pensar que lo entiendo todo.
no es en absoluto la intención entenderlo todo, yo también sólo espero a ver qué se me ocurre y me pregunto si no debería buscar en otro rincón
por eso te aconsejo que fantasees como un niño y digas: eso puede ser, nadie va a afirmar lo contrario
porque yo sueño con "lo mío" y tú sueles soñar con "lo tuyo".

21-06-2024 om 16:41 geschreven door juliusdzs

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errate nicht, was ich denke, wenn ich nach draußen schaue, oft ist es das, was auch auf mich wartet,
dann scheint die Stille mein bester Nachbar zu sein.
der Übergang von der Tiefe zum hellen Ton hängt in den meisten Fällen von einer unsichtbaren Kraft ab.
meist ist es die Einfachheit, die nach Kraft sucht. Oder das Chaos, das durch die Adern rauscht und das Harte ins Weiche übersetzen will.
Tag und Nacht fordern auch mich heraus, das klare Licht zu kultivieren, aber wenn meine Zunge auf Unwillen stößt. Ein nebliger Schleier hängt über die Erwartung

21-06-2024 om 09:20 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Ψάχνω τη θέση μου στο ουράνιο τόξο και ιδού, γλιστράω μακριά
Η παλίρροια του χειμώνα μου, ο ουρανός φαίνεται λιγότερο ψηλός
Η κάθοδος αναγκάζει τη ζυγαριά να ισορροπήσει με έντονο μάτι,
Ο πολύς άνεμος και η ακόμα περισσότερη γη αποδεικνύονται πάλι ελαφριά βάρη.
Ο τελευταίος αναστεναγμός χάνει πολλά πρόσωπα.
το κενό που προκύπτει μπορεί να χωνέψει τα περιττά στον αιώνιο χρόνο.

21-06-2024 om 09:17 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Les tempêtes poursuivent les eaux avec des forces imparables, et il n'y a pas que les rêves nocturnes récurrents qui assaillent l'âme.
Mais aujourd'hui, de nombreuses forces écrasantes envahissent mes cellules sans saluer ni prêter attention à mon ego.
C'est comme si elles conspiraient pour dissuader les imbéciles et hochaient délibérément la tête en faveur d'un esprit ouvert.
Mais elles se fondent dans mon corps et pourtant je porte toujours ma sécheresse.
Comment cela s'est-il produit, par qui ou par quoi la résistance gelée s'est-elle soudain remise à penser avec une chaleur ininterrompue.
(C'est ainsi que le printemps précoce pleure alors que mon hiver bâille encore).
Ma muse évoque un vide libérateur avec des images lumineuses vibrantes sur mon lit de plumes de paon.

21-06-2024 om 09:16 geschreven door juliusdzs

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En mi subconsciente, tengo que cargar con montones de archivos. Un día es una gota en el océano, sin exagerar. Me parece que está formado por capas caóticas.
De conocimientos y sentimientos, digamos todos los altibajos, innumerables experiencias se entretejen en cuerpo y mente hasta el momento del presente y parece que ya estoy muy dentro de mi tiempo, no me atrevo a decir hasta dónde, pero ya puedo decir que mi imagen se está descomponiendo lentamente o casi inmortalizando tras el todavía desconocido último momento.
Admito que no necesito escribir unas memorias, serían una suma de virtudes que se quedarían en una sonrisa. También hay puntos ciegos. Pero la gente está acostumbrada a negarlos.
Por supuesto que saldrán a la superficie en alguna parte.
Además, no mucho después de mi suspiro más profundo, todo el presente desaparecerá de mí y de todos los demás, o será absorbido por un rumor, individual o no, o por un lugar común, quizá con una fotografía aguada.
El caso es que, habiendo llegado hasta aquí, al menos en años, y a esto se le llama modestia, parece que formo parte de algo que no puedo conocer, tan grande y amplio, pero no tengo ganas de negarme a mí mismo.
Sin embargo, no tengo una imagen completa de mí misma. Tampoco me he conocido nunca realmente.
Estoy pasando de algo a una nada indeterminada, del ser al olvido. Y donde ninguna tiene precedencia ni destaca sobre la otra.
Es en un arrebato de plena satisfacción cuando hago esta observación.
Lo terrenal suele ser adicto al poder y al honor.
O sobrevive para oprimir
Seguramente yo también he conocido mucha felicidad y dolor
y por eso ahora sé de mi relativa insignificancia.
Esto es un verdadero alivio, y lo digo una sola vez.
... Pensamientos en la vejez ...

21-06-2024 om 09:14 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Der Ritter und der Tod
Kämpfen um ihre Ehre
Es kann auch sein
dass mein Geist der Spieler in der Schlacht ist,
Sind sich die anderen dessen bewusst?
Oder ist es etwas Tieferes? Spielt meine Seele eine Rolle?
Sind es meine Hormone?
Oder nur mein materieller Drang zu überleben?
Was will mein - ich - wieder und wieder und wieder und immer wieder
mich in einem endlosen Film zeigen?
Alles deutet darauf hin: Die Nacht zeigt den Untergang
aber auch, dass der Tag noch in meinem Atem lebendig ist.
Es ist eine Spaltung. Manchmal erstarre ich darin,
das weißt du auch
Und ich bin weniger ausgeglichen.

21-06-2024 om 09:11 geschreven door juliusdzs

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любовта пламва за кратко, докато кръглата топлина потъва зад засмукващия трюм
но как мога да я възхваля, когато гласовете ни са насилствено угасени
и с дълбока въздишка, на отворения прозорец, студът на раздялата се изтласква напред
мълчанието ли е накърнено с ръжда и разстоянието заплашва постепенно да се сгъсти в затворен възел?
докато аз отново крия желанието зад разрошената си пушаческа кашлица
Тази сутрин обаче зората се появява отново. тя носи износена светлосиня роба
така че времето е преодоляно и отново рисува въпросителни очи, ориентирани към бъдещето.
Вчерашният ден също страда, изглежда, от мимолетен слух

21-06-2024 om 09:08 geschreven door juliusdzs

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agita tu sombrero de ala ancha hacia mí como un guiño que tiene muchos ritmos.
veo tus dedos extendidos enviando una ráfaga de verano que también es sensual y nos complace a los dos.
tus faldas en capas bailan sin cesar
es común un saludo aéreo que traiciona brevemente la curva de tu boca.
de repente aparece tu amor con un traje a medida
veo tus ojos brillar de sol
un ligero escalofrío recorre tu cuerpo mientras bebéis la cercanía del otro.

21-06-2024 om 09:02 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Βιώνω όλο και λιγότερο ότι ο ορίζοντας επιβραδύνει και η γη φέρνει αύριο φρέσκα λουλούδια.
Και ότι το τραπέζι στο οποίο τρώω κρύβει πάντα μια ακόμα καρέκλα.
Είναι σαν να ανεβαίνω ένα βουνό του οποίου η θέα, αν και βελτιώνεται, με αφήνει ολομόναχο στην κορυφή.
Θα συναντήσω τότε την τελευταία μου αγάπη; Το ονομάζω θάνατο.
Το πώς η αναπνοή γίνεται τελικά θολή είναι σχεδόν άγνωστο σε πολλούς.
Ο χειμώνας μοιάζει με μια φήμη που περνάει με τον καιρό.
Ωστόσο, δεν υπάρχει τίποτα παράξενο σε αυτό. Είναι η διαδρομή ενός ουράνιου τόξου που μας δείχνει τη γήινη ζωή με το στραβό του σχήμα στον ουρανό.

21-06-2024 om 08:59 geschreven door juliusdzs

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A viharok megállíthatatlan erővel űzik a vizeket, és nem csak a visszatérő éjszakai álmok támadják meg a lelket.
De ma sok elsöprő erő hatol be a sejtjeimbe anélkül, hogy üdvözölném vagy odafigyelnék az egómra.
Mintha összeesküdnének, hogy elriasszák a bolondokat, és szándékosan bólogatnak a nyitott elme javára.
De beleolvadnak a testembe, és mégis hordom a szárazságomat.
Hogyan történhetett ez, ki vagy mi okozta, hogy a megfagyott ellenállás hirtelen megszakítás nélküli melegséggel újra gondolkodni kezdett.
(Így sír a kora tavasz, miközben az én télem még mindig ásít).
Múzsám felszabadító ürességet idéz vibráló, fénylő képekkel pávatollas ágyamon.

21-06-2024 om 08:56 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Following a devotional path means passing several Stations of the Cross
I long had the impression that there was something peaceful about the park, but how and what?
Statues and an altar stand there day and night.
The altar is protected by a large niche. It was once used for Holy Mass. Faith once showed the event.
With my dogs, two barkers on leashes, this place partly occupies the walking route and like the old writer, I make a modest round every day.
The joy lies buried there, however, more than the living greenery can tell.
The desire to choose a tall tree overwhelms me. I want a relationship.
To touch for a moment, to say a word. as if it were a human being sharing my existence and asking for affection. I cannot resist.
Suddenly I discovered a swastika in the bark, almost invisible. it had been there for a long time.
It amazed me, in this place, why such a hateful thing had been conceived here.

20-06-2024 om 22:03 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Love grows in the light. Where it is shining, it blossoms.
Even when you are no longer in my field of vision. It is often sung at night.
Sometimes it is just a soft sigh. At other times it is a few moments in a row. Consciousness cannot experience eternity.
They are counted from the season called spring.
It cannot be measured in time and duration, where hopes and longings seem great, wonderful or small, and often not even in measure. It cannot be grasped with one hand and cannot be explained in words.
It's overwhelming. It colours your awareness. Sometimes at the end of contemplation, in depth, in silence...
Love as a bearer of challenges.

20-06-2024 om 22:00 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Before I pull them tight, I make a loop around them (or untie them from yesterday).
My fingers cradle them both and caress them. I give them a kind of hand kiss.
Sometimes they have missed a shoe eye. Then I bend deeper towards it.
and when I have found them between the sock and the leather, I feel myself coming closer.
I want to catch them, hold them
I like a soft one, not too young, not too old, not too doomed.
Sometimes things get in the way. The belly or the knot of yesteryear is too tight.
Suddenly I see holes in my socks. I keep quiet about what I say.
For a while intimate love has left me.

20-06-2024 om 21:53 geschreven door juliusdzs

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When my heart begs for a resounding melody, sometimes I just want to hit the keys for capital letters.
It seems that black and white doesn't want to echo in my soul. I don't hear the translated echo, I only see it in a string vibration.
It is this muse that is also the driver of my inner self, and more often than not demands lyrical attention, but then through the fingers of creation.
From which only I myself expect something to emerge. I might dab feelings into a Swan Lake.
For me it is like life, as a human being alone.
Where especially the universe will understand me, it is good what I do and has no coldness and may be there and will mature freely in expansion
Should you experience me less on the hard white, know this: My muse and I dream in silence.

20-06-2024 om 21:42 geschreven door juliusdzs

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The open doors of my garden give me a glimpse of the green of the world.
I have never had hands of this colour. There are kindred spirits who do it.
In accordance with my character, nature goes its own way.
I feel at home there. I have never had any conscientious objections.
And now, finally, a shower of light is spreading over my property, which is putting a protective layer on my soul.
It's like looking without glasses. Everything looks more beautiful, sometimes mysterious, sometimes an inner glow.
through the ever-expanding grey, seeing deer and foxes and neighbours at their best.
Yes, these magnifying glasses do act like a sunny valve at times.
One of the walls is lined with soft moss. I think.
Behind it lies a part of the rest of the world, and it gives me a free way of being.
And it is a pleasure not to be disturbed by the chirping of birds in the sky.
Seeing blind and hearing deaf is something I can cope with well.
These things give me a well-deserved sigh.

20-06-2024 om 21:39 geschreven door juliusdzs

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What I will become: I'll keep it short;
My star is rising,
untouchable on the top
Looking down upon you all
Enjoying all the stars that have gone
before me
You see, I try to reach the highest.
It is a great comfort to me to know that even after my death you have not forgotten me.
That time has not yet come!
It is true that there was a long search before Vondel was found....He was a foundling, it is still unclear to me, but he was found and is a star.
He is a fallen star, so he is back on earth.
You naturally thought of a falling star as someone who rises and falls.
That is obvious, after all most disappear forever in the Dutch dung....too many cows, pigs and poets.
Even my next-door neighbor is on the poets' path.
It's a long way (Pieterpad) but he's doing it.
He writes about those wretched nettles. Yes, it doesn't sell.
My dead father's words : Julius, if you want to write poetry, you have to do great work. And I did great things.
I bought the most expensive fountain pen. I looked for a room under the eye of Simon Vinkenoog.
I stocked up on booze and shag and could not sleep. I exhausted myself with poetry. ....
I used to be a regular wholesale customer of the Hema, they have a great range of notepads.
For years I dabbled and filled the sheets with, if I do say so myself, great work.
Then, as it should be, I hid out in Paris for a very long time.
That's how it should be, I became a tramp.
And lived on the generous handouts of the Dutch,
That was hard, those Dutch. They came with old coins with Juliaantje still on them. Well, that doesn't help in the age of the euro.
So I was waiting for people to find me, the real connoisseurs, and rescue me from mortality.
Unfortunately, I was the victim of a kidnapping by the French immigration authorities.
I was expelled from the country by the latter.
That is how I became a postman.
And I can tell you that I have never delivered so many texts. I know that when I pass by, people run to the letterbox.
Ah, it's nice to work, and grateful too, you know, people are waiting for you.....
And then, when I am in heaven, the people will say goh.... You remember old Julius: he always had something to bring.
They see.....that they will not forget me when I am dead!!!

20-06-2024 om 16:19 geschreven door juliusdzs

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Sometimes you see someone looking at you. It's my eyes that understand the look.
Maybe I am sucked in by the distance. It teaches me to tolerate.
When my love finds no way, nails me to the ground, binds me to the irrevocable. While the soul continues to search, even as the evening fades.
Then sometimes you suddenly meet the deepest in the other, who in a moment, unasked and without words, proclaims the memory.
No, my longing is not dead, it is a value that is alive, for a moment I felt as if I had heard you.

20-06-2024 om 16:15 geschreven door juliusdzs

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When I can't see your eyes, your soul slumbers in the shadows.
Do you choose to make yourself stiff for me?
Do you prefer to stay away from me? Or are you an elusive shy one?
Somehow, you seem to draw the night closer and closer to you.
I collide with your smile that reveals a "dark" power that says:
Leave me alone, I have nothing to show you, just my shadow,
That's enough, that's my feeling

20-06-2024 om 16:10 geschreven door juliusdzs

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In my subconscious, I have to carry piles of archives. One day is a drop in the ocean, no exaggeration. It seems to me to be made up of chaotic layers.
Of knowledge and feelings, let us say all the ups and downs, innumerable experiences are interwoven in body and mind up to the moment of the present and I seem to be already far into my time, I dare not say how far, but I can already say that my image is slowly decaying or quasi immortalised after the still unknown last moment.
I admit that I don't need to write a memoir, it would be a sum of virtues that would remain with a smile. There are blind spots, too. But people are used to denying them.
Of course they will surface somewhere.
Besides, not long after my deepest sigh, all of the present will disappear from me and everyone else, or be absorbed into a rumour, individual or otherwise, or a commonplace, perhaps with a watered-down photograph.
The thing is, having come this far, at least in years, and this is called modesty, I seem to be part of something I cannot know, so big and wide, but I do not feel like denying myself.
Yet I do not have a complete picture of myself. Nor have I ever really known myself.
I am passing from something to an indeterminate nothingness, from being to oblivion. And where no one takes precedence or stands out from the other.
It is in a fit of complete contentment that I make this observation.
The earthly is often addicted to power and honour.
Or surviving to oppress
Surely I too have known much happiness and pain
and therefore now know of my relative insignificance.
This is a real relief, and I say this only once.
... Thoughts in old age. ...

20-06-2024 om 16:06 geschreven door juliusdzs

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    Startpagina !

    Over mijzelf
    Ik ben , en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Julius V.E. Dreyfsandt zu Schlamm.
    Ik ben een man en woon in Nijnsel (Nederland) en mijn beroep is proza dichter/poet.
    Ik ben geboren op 14/07/1948 en ben nu dus 76 jaar jong.
    Mijn hobby's zijn: Mijn hobby's zijn: music improvisations organ and other instruments. julius.dreyfsandt.zu.schlamm@gmail.com.
    J.Tourbière de Sable - poèmes en français (schuilnaam Franse teksten) Johannes Revisius (schuilnaam impr. componist)

    Startpagina !

    Inhoud blog
  • Wie es läuft
  • Απροσμετρητο
  • Euterpe
  • un dulce ballet
  • Жодного слова мені не відомо
  • Un amigo
  • Water of Life.
  • Die Verlassenheit
  • wieder
  • Hay sombras
  • There are shadows
  • Liturgia de la Divina Desesperación
  • Cappella nella foresta
  • Historia ascendente
  • Світло.
  • Para mí
  • tempesta
  • Tropfen
  • εξαγορά
  • Мертве коріння
  • Wonderful
  • Gespiegelte Bilder
  • En el parque
  • sonrisa (AFORISMO)
  • Credere (Aforisma)
  • Apasionado
  • La battaglia notturna
  • La bataille de nuit
  • La batalla de noche
  • Wenn sich der Horizont nähert.
  • A horizont közelében
  • 期待明天
  • Momente eines Augenblicks
  • 眼睛之詩
  • Poèmes en français J.Tourbière de Sable
  • Credo ancora in te
  • soñando entre árboles
  • Auf der Suche nach den Tropen
  • W poszukiwaniu tropików
  • In search of the tropics
  • Σε μια ορισμένη ηλικία
  • капки
  • kvapky
  • tieň
  • Sprokies verhale
  • Permaneciendo en el desapego
  • la fortaleza
  • Pevnost
  • Immer und immer wieder.
  • Auf dem Weg zum Sinn
  • Πάω βαθιά
  • Навлизам дълбоко
  • Rumor
  • un poeta en otoño
  • Ein Dichter im Herbst.
  • Hogar inmortal
  • When the sun calls me
  • Continuo a acreditar em ti
  • I still believe in you .
  • Der Abstieg ins Jenseits
  • Descendiendo al más allá
  • Ένας ποιητής το φθινόπωρο.
  • słowa
  • slova
  • Βλέπε
  • Véase
  • Siehe
  • a szavak
  • Der Schrank
  • El armario
  • Vibración .
  • Porque la hierba también crece
  • Magány
  • Cuento de hadas.
  • La soledad
  • Η μοναξιά
  • Wo ist die Liebe geblieben?
  • Η σοφία αυξάνεται με την ηλικία
  • Märchen
  • Cuando hay tormenta
  • sobre la luz y la oscuridad
  • Cuando las luces se apagan
  • Schauplatz
  • Scene
  • Scena
  • Σκηνή
  • Tabernáculo
  • Karl-Eduard Dreyfsandt zu Schlamm : IN MEMORY
  • Hohle Gefäße
  • Es
  • Es ist
  • Αλυσοδεμένη
  • Incatenato
  • Дмитрий Шостакович
  • Misericordioso
  • My studies
  • Melpómene
  • Aforismus : Endlich und Unendlich
  • A lo largo de los años
  • El palo de descanso del pollo
  • Aus der Liturgie: Das Requiem (In Paradisum)
  • De la liturgia : El Réquiem (In Paradisum)
  • Poesía épica "Julius"
  • Es tarde o temprano
  • Юлиус Дрейфсанд цу Шлам Голландский поэт/ ho
  • Naturaleza muerta
  • Amanhã
  • Voci
  • Donnerschlag
  • Me and the crow
  • Nordlichter
  • luzes do norte
  • ο κρύος άνεμος
  • el viento frío
  • 긴 저녁에
  • Lift
  • Di mana aku berada.
  • 我在哪里
  • Я жил
  • W leglo ot cvetya
  • Scarlet
  • You Tube Channel
  • Tausend Trophen
  • A thousand drops
  • Λέγοντας αντίο
  • vale menos
  • Kompas (Afrikaans)
  • стари и нови
  • Следователно
  • Приказки Дали тишината около мен се връща
  • Märchen
  • غامض
  • Vandring
  • Skarp
  • Fra en terrasse
  • Når dagen går
  • Thoughts in old age : Introduction
  • παρανόηση
  • cómo se extiende el amor
  • πώς εξαπλώνεται η αγάπη.
  • So he is
  • DAS LICHT DES TODES (philosophisch)
  • Saubere Fenster

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