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Beste lezer, mocht u onverwachts grammatica foutjes tegenkomen in de reportages/verhalen op dit blog, bij deze mijn verontschuldiging, Wayn, Storyteller
Dear reader, if you encounter, unexpectedly grammar mistakes in the reports / stories on this blog, my apology, Wayn, Storyteller
PLOT: Tonho gaat op zoek naar de moordenaar van zijn vader Lirio, omgebracht voor ruwe diamanten. Hij raakt verzeild in een wereld van intriges, moord en komt in bezit van een schatkaart. Het avontuur begint in Rio de Janeiro. Via de Mato Grosso en junglestad Manaus komt hij tenslotte terecht in Novo Mundo, Pará, waar 258 jaar geleden een goudschat begraven werd. Dit is ook het gebied van de Mundurucu-stam, met hun mysterieuze wereld en het woud van de Surucucu slangen, het metafysische van Amazonas. Het verhaal geeft een visie op de Braziliaanse samenleving en vraagt begrip voor het Indianen-vraagstuk.
BIOGRAFIE: Wayn Pieters (1948) werd geboren in Maastricht. Naast auteur is hij kunstschilder en singer-songwriter. Sinds 1990 bezoekt hij Brazilië, waar hij vele reizen ondernam en in 1995 een bezoek bracht aan de Xavante Indianen in de staat Mato Grosso. Zijn oom, pater Thomas, die 40 jaar in Brazilië werkte, omschreef hem ooit: ‘Op zijn reizen door Brazilië wordt hij geleid door een mystiek gevoel van broederlijke verbondenheid met ras, bloed en bodem.’
BOEK WAYN PIETERS: XINGU, DE INDIANEN, HUN MYTHEN mythologische verhalen der Xingu Indianen- midden-Brazilië vert. van uit Portugees/uitg. Free Musketeers - Het boek is verkrijgbaar bij boekhandel 'DE TRIBUNE' aan de Kapoenstraat te Maastricht
Roman over Brazilië: over het volk, Xavante Indianen, aanwezigheid van de Vikingen, Umbanda-cultus, erotiek, geschiedenis, politiek en intriges. plot: In het Xavante reservaat in de Mato Grosso worden stenenplaten met Viking schrift ontdekt door archeologen. Bij de opgravingen worden Indianen en houtkappers gedood. Er volgt de moord op een Amerikaanse Indianen beschermer. Couto, een naïve inspecteur van Japanse komaf moet de zaak onderzoeken. Het wordt een tijding van intriges en moorden, haat en liefde. Het leven van de Xavante-stam loopt centraal door het verhaal, net als de stelling dat Noormannen al in Brazilië waren vóór Cabral, terwijl de Macumba/Umbanda cultus belangrijk is in het geheel. De roman schreef ik, geinspireerd door mijn reizen, en indrukken. UItgegeven in eigen beheer; BRAWABOOKS 2005 281blz. in a-4 druk stuur een e-mail met adres en het boek wordt toegestuurd, euro 17,00,- inc. verzendkosten, u betaald met giro op bijgevoegd reken.nr opbrengst voor kleinschalig project Wayn
Op zoek naar de Ware Ziel van Brazilië - Het alternatief
no comment; corruption streets
(Photo: Marcos Vieira) jornal O Itaborai
The center sidewalks are for years cause of headache for those with physical disabilities or limited mobility - the problem is that the municipalety of Itaborai, RJ is full of corruption... so as many cities in Brazil
RIO - A serious accident involving a bus left one dead and 23 people injured on the morning of Thursday, in Madureira, in the north of the city. The accident happened in the Carolina Machado Street, close to the train station in the neighborhood. The driver of the bus had lost control of the vehicle, hit a bar and a furniture store, which were partially destroyed.
At least five vehicles from the Fire Department were on the spot to help the victims. Some of the injured were taken through the windows by the team, who were broken to facilitate the work of the firemen.
The driver of the bus stuck to the hardware, and firemen had difficulty removing him from the bus.
OIL CRISE IN ITABORAI, RJ left workers starving to death
Olie crisis in Itaborai, RJ, laat de werkmensen zo goed als doodgaan van honger
The bed placed on the sidewalk of a HOTEL called the attention of those who walk the Avenue 22 de Maio, in the center of Itaboraí nearby Rio de Janeiro. Furniture of the 'pousado do trabalhador' Pousada for the workingmen - are for sale, exposed where once was the restaurant on the four-story building. The initiative of the owner Marcos Paulo Pires de Silva was found a way for him to settle the debt of R $ 500 thousand gained in default of Alumini Engineering company, one of the contractors met with the oil crisis in the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro, Comperj.
Pousada dos Trabalhadores, is located five kilometers from the Comperj, accommodated about 150 workers of the enterprise and received the services provided by contract signed directly with the Alumini. With the suspension of Petrobras transfers to construturas Comperj, the Alumini stopped paying its suppliers.
"Our main customer left a hole with us more than £ 500,000 and with that, we have to close our activities. I am selling everything to honor with my suppliers, my employees, "claims Marcos Paulo. The businessman explains that he has the hotel chain for 14 years, and the last three settled in Itaboraí to meet the demand of Comperj. "In the middle of last year, we evaluated the company and it was worth US $ 1.3 million.Today, unfortunately, I will close the doors, I still owe my duty, four months of back rent," laments the entrepreneur .
Working ground of the oil project
On the other hand, the People's restaurant never received so many customers and tries to fit the demand. "Thank God we have this popular restaurant that causes us to feed every day," says the former employee of an outsourced company Comperj, Ricardo dos Santos Laurindo. The restaurant, which charges 1 real (m/l 30 euro cent) for a meal, has become a magnet for the unemployed. "We are finding many friends here in the restaurant," confirms Antionio, who worked in the complex as owner. Between bites are many sad stories.
Less Bullets, More Love - protest in the community of favela ' Complexo do Alemâo'
The demonstration was attended by over 1mil people occurred in response to the killing of four residents in less than 48 hours
By Vivian Fernandes translation stroryteller
More than 1000 people held a protest on Saturday morning (4) in Complexo do Alemão, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), asking for peace in the community, which has more than 15,000 inhabitants. The demonstration took place in response to police violence and the murder of four residents in less than 48 hours this week, including Eduardo de Jesus Ferreira, only 10 years.
With signs that read "- Bala + Love", "We deserve to live without fear of death" and "Poverty is not a police matter", residents and humanrights activists set out to march through the streets dressed in white
Residents call for end to police violence in the favela -Photo: Ninja Medi.
Photo: Ninja Medi.
Hundreds of families took to the streets of the complex Photo: Ninja Media
Indigenous peoples are also among the victims of the Brazilian dictatorship, as recorded the final report of the National Truth Commission.Indigenous peoples are also among the victims of the Brazilian dictatorship, as recorded to the final report of the National Truth Commission .
violation of human rights of indigenous peoples
During the military dictatorship, diverse Indian people were killed, exterminated, held prisoner, tortured and expulsed of their home lands
A new shooting in Complexo do Alemão, in the North Zone of Rio, on the afternoon of Wednesday, killed left a woman and a uspect and two others wounded by stray bullets. Elizabeth Francis would have been shot in the face while he was inside his home, and died instantly. A suspect was also shot in the head and died on the spot. Elizabeth's daughter, Maynara Moura and another boy were injured. On Tuesday, a military policeman was Fazendinha was also shot in the set of the favela fight.
Rio: military police starts to occupy favelas Praia do Ramos and Roquette Pinto
Militaire politie begint het zogenaamde pacificatie proces in 2 favelas in Rio
RIO - The Military Police began in the early hours of Wednesday, the occupancy of two communities in the Complexo da Maré in the city's North Zone: the Praia do Ramos and Roquette Pinto. The action is the kickoff for the gradual process of replacing about three thousand men of the armed forces operating in the set of slums for the implementation of four Pacifying Police Units (UPPs) within the complex.
During the night, the military police patrols were already positioned at the entrances to the two communities. There was also PM teams within the favela Praia do Ramos and Roquette Pinto. Despite the increase in policing, the mood in the favelas is one of tranquility: many residents circulated through the entries. There is no confrontation record.
Since midnight, Shock Battalion men (BPChq) also help in patrolling the region. According to the PM, at around 6, will be the turn of the Tactical Group of Motorcyclists (Getem) into action. They will act in the narrow roads of the region. The operation started yet on Tuesday, when, at around 20h, a safety belt was fitted as access to both communities.
Also according to the PM, 220 military police, who had been prepared to act in patrolling and attendance to events, continue to act in the Complexo da Maré. They make up PART of the company linked to the Coordinator of Pacifying Police and are, since November last year, working with the armed forces in the whole complex.
The Praia do ramos and Roquette Pinto are controlled by militiamen. The second stage of the process beginson the first day of May, when the military leave the Union Park, Rubens Vaz and Novo Holanda, dominated by another criminal group. Until June 30, the deadline set for the end of the agreement between the federal and state governments, the Law and Order Assurance decree (GLO), the 16 slums where about 140,000 people live, will be under the responsibility by PM.
The Taking of Tide, with areas dominated by traffickers and militia, is considered the biggest challenge of public security in Rio since November 2010, when the PM began the occupation of the complex da Penha and Alemâo. The armed forces are in these places since April last year.
Doctors set up hospital tents to help indians in Xavante village
Dokters team uit Sâo paulo zet tenten op om Indiaanse bevoking te helpen in hun dorp
Aldeia São Pedro, na Terra Indígena Parabubure, Mato Grosso
Volunteers of São Paulo leave comfort clinics to cure people of the forest, with many 'white illnesses'
The Xavante expedition, carried out in August last year, was the 29th group which had seven ophthalmologists, two clinical, two pediatricians, four surgeons, four anesthesiologists, three gynecologists, seven nurses, four dentists ten logistics employees and 15 volunteers. The ten days they were among the Xavante it was possible to held 223 general and ophthalmic surgeries, 1,504 medical and dental visits and 3,400 tests and procedures.
In tents pitched in the Brazilian forests they already attend more than 28 thousand people, with 4,800 surgeries. Yanomami, Kayapo and other ethnic groups of the Xingu and Amazon have received service of the expedition. "With a history of having been in many projects, I can say that this is a difficult scenario. The Xavante have many diseases of the white man, like DIABETES and hypertension, "said the expedition's coordinator, Ricardo Affonso Ferreira.
for the first time a Indian woman hears the heart of her baby
In the ten days of the expedition here were carried out 223 general surgery and ophthalmology
"The systematic attack on the rights of indigenous peoples is unacceptable in a democratic and pluralistic society, where these rights are now treated as currency trading and political bargaining objects. But the indigenous peoples have given sufficient evidence that will not yield to this new offensive, full of hatred, discrimination, racism and incitement to violence, promoted by the owners or representatives of political and economic power.
It is to continue this struggle that the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil - APIB, calls to all peoples, indigenous organizations and leaders and their allies and partners to participate in the free Land Camp (ATL) - In defense of indigenous lands and territories to be held in Brasilia - DF 13-16 of April of the current year. At the same time in this period, the indigenous peoples and organizations will also be promoting mobilizations in the different regions of the country. "
The Amazon capacity to absorb carbon from the atmosphere, fell by half in just over 20 years, this according to the most comprehensive study ever done on the subject. From a peak of two billion tons of carbon dioxide per year in the 1990s, capturing the forest was reduced to one billion tons and, for the first time, is less than the fossil fuel emissions in Latin America.
The study, published Wednesday in the journal "Nature", was developed over 30 years, involved an international team of nearly a hundred researchers, led by the University of Leeds.
The survey is a warning. Although Amazon will act as a kind of brake of climate change by absorbing more carbon from the atmosphere than releases, the analyzed forest dynamics shows that there is an increased rate of dying trees throughout the forest.
THe city council of Boca do Acre, city at 1.028 quilômetros from Manaus, says that more than 200 families leaving the city the last 2 weeks. Eight of the nine city neighbourhoods are flooded. The lack of drinking water, the impossibility of movement and fear of damage caused by water forced by Acre and Purus rivers have led residents to seek shelter in the capital Rio Branco (AC). On March 10 the city went into a state of emergency due to the flood and, so far, is the only city in Amazon in this extrem situation. It is expected that the Acre and Purus rivers reach 22 meters and the water starts to decline in nearly three weeks. "In 1997 the water reached 23 meters. Hardly get to that now, but it will take a while for the water drops.
A bus fell from a cliff in northern Santa Catarina, and left 49 dead, eight children, three teenagers, 14 men and 24 women, and 11 wounded. The accident occurred at Km 89 of the SC-418 state highway in Campo Alegre, near Joinville, in the southern state SC. The bus driver would have lost control of the vehicle. The destination of the trip was the city of Guaratuba, within the state.
Millions of people protested against the corruption of president Dilma Rouseff and her PT, cynically called the' labor party', a socialisme idea in Brasil which seems a phantasm
But what will be the result when Dilma leave the theatre? She is really involved in the corruption that rumbles the country and even her mentor Lula have no strength to stop the rotten direction. Impeachment will be a option, but there are some people who screaming and longing for a militaire invention. the army as saviour for Brasil. Again? Damned. This will be be disastrous, this will be a inferno for the country. The democratization will be further away then ever. Revolution is almost impossible in this country. A new wind which will come from the left wing should be the best way, but how truthful are the politicians? Money and devils horns seems more valuable than peace and good government, eyes for the poor, homeless, sem terras, indians, justice for the people.
favela Maré were 20 killings occured since april 2014
While warmly discuss the serious political and economic problems which runs in Brazil, most people will not behold another process as thats more harmful to democracy: the growing militarization of everyday life. Obviously, the poorest are the first to deal with it, and much more dramatically than in a correctly denounced repression in demonstrations. If someone ask if "military intervention" would be a solution to anything, they need to be told that it is already runs in some parts of Brasil. The deployment of military troops it's in most cases disatrous.
In the Indian reservation Terra Indígena Alto Rio Guamá, in the northeast of the state Pará, the Indian girl Iritan Tembém, 30 years, looks at a macaw (arara) pet from the window of her home - photo Marcia Foletto
THE REVOLT STARTED (workers more than 3 months without wages)
Workers of the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Petrobras) marched across the Rio-Niterói bridge demanding payment of back wages for three months, opening another wave of popular revolt against the "actions" crise and attack of working man rights applied by the corrupt goverment of Dilma and her PT (partido trabalhadors).
workers of Comperj walk off the bridge Rio-Niterói and by arriving at the building of Petrobras, in Rio's centre, to show their displeasure, they are 3 months without wages
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