195 Auralog nu
Op http://www.auralog.com vonden wij de huidige stand van zaken. Er blijkt weinig geëvolueerd te zijn. De traditionele opdeling in de vier taalfacetten blijft in de didactische toepassingen in 37 verschillende types oefeningen aanwezig. Vergelijking met de door ons omschreven oefeningen in de Interactieve Verbale Leerprocessen in het A.A.AC.ZC.-talenpracticum zou nuttig kunnen zijn.
Exercises for assimilating what has been learned. These exercises help students assimilate grammatical and lexical structures, as well as phonetics. · Repetition: Word Pronunciation, Sentence Pronunciation
· Substitution or Transformation: Sentence Practice, Grammar Practice
Exercises for putting the rules into practice. The aim of these exercises is to make students focus on specific functional components within a language. · Reflection on the organization of sentence components: Word Order
· The use of vocabulary and grammar in fill-in-the-blanks exercises, which require students to analyze a sentence in its entirety in order to place the correct word: The Right Word, Fill-in-the-Blanks
· Vocabulary practice, which consists of associating a word with its antonym, synonym or a related image: Picture/Word Association, Word Association
· Reflection on vocabulary or grammar using texts or lexical groups, in which students must identify words belonging to a specific lexical or grammatical group: Words and Functions, Words and Topics
Exercises for mastering the language. These exercises are designed to put what has been learned into practice through written expression. · Guided expression, focusing on rewriting a text in different contexts: Text Transformation
· Semi-guided expression: writing a short essay based on an image or video, or a summary of a given text: Written Expression
Tell me more werkt met hedendaagse oplossingen om talen te leren, maar het actief-comparatieve en zelfcorrectieve luik ontbreekt. Perfecte uitspraak proberen ze te bereiken via hun Advanced Voice Recognition and Speech Analysis Tools. De geprogrammeerde talen zijn : Engels, Spaans, Frans, Duits, Italiaans, Nederlands, Chinees, Japans en Arabisch.
21-04-2009 om 09:17
geschreven door Jef De cuyper