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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Was J. Allen Hynek Secretly Involved in U.S. Air Force Misinformation?
Was J. Allen Hynek Secretly Involved in U.S. Air Force Misinformation?
As far as the scientific study of unidentified flying objects in the 20th century goes, few names would stand out in the minds of UFO researchers, past and present, like that of J. Allen Hynek.
Hynek served as the official scientific advisor to the U.S. Air Force and its UFO study program, Project Blue Book, throughout the 1950s and 60s. Later, with the formation of the Center for UFO Studies, Hynek would go on to become one of the leading proponents of the idea that the UFO mystery represents a real and valid phenomenon, capable of scientific study, and the possible rewards that might result from such studies.
However, what Greg had to say was indeed rather disturbing, rather than presenting the usual kind of “sunny” perspectives on the life of one of the most visible UFOlogists of the last century.
Greg writes:
“In 1980, Paul Bennewitz was trying to figure out what he was hearing on his home–built radio receiver, with its antenna array pointed at the Kirkland Air Force Base and the NSA’s coded microburst tests. With his knowledge of electronics, he was just beginning to figure out what was zipping into his DIY master control maze, which it almost filled his den and was starting to spill into the bedroom. His home-built computers and software were reeling off a frightening array of alien transmissions. Because of his special relationship with the Air Force, he told them what he was picking up, and what he thought it was.”
The story Greg begins to outline here is a pretty familiar one in UFO circles, having been previously outlined in the aforementioned Project Beta. The short version of the story here is that the Air Force got antsy about what Bennewitz had managed to uncover, but rather than spilling the beans and warning him that this was classified information, a dodgy misinformation campaign began against Bennewitz, with the objective of scrambling the information so that, rather than hiding it altogether, Bennewitz would continue to obtain new data, and with the help of the Air Force, misinterpret it horribly.
Greg continues:
“To this and, an unnamed computer scientist was hired to write a program specifically for Bennewitz. Instead of words like “telemetry,” “range,” and “target,” others were substituted. The same signals would now spit out things like “aliens,” “Home planet,” and “death ray.” Now, the whole thing needed to be delivered to Bennewitz’s doorstep.”
This is where things get really strange, however. In 1982, UFO researcher Bill Moore would be in attendance at a MUFON annual symposium, the same year J. Allen Hynek of the Center for UFO Studies had been there lecturing. According to Bishop, Moore told him that while talking with Hynek over drinks at the bar that year, Hynek admitted to having presented the “bogus” computer setup to Bennewitz, describing it as one of the last “official” actions he carried out during his tenure with the USAF.
This is unsettling data, to say the least, and it suggests a number of things about Hynek and his work. These range from Hynek apparently being complicit with one of the most infamous and well-known Air Force misinformation campaigns against the UFO community, as well as questions raised in relation to just how much official work he may have continued to carry out for the U.S. government after his tenure with the Air Force.
Greg Bishop at the grave of Paul Bennewitz (photo courtesy of Nick Redfern)
“If true,” Greg notes of the incident, “this throws new light on the sort of dealings that some major ufologists may go through in order to keep a line of communication (however tainted) open to authorities who can push the right buttons and make the right calls when they are needed.”
And in hindsight, maybe it bolsters some of the suspicions many in the UFO community have had over the years, especially as it pertains to the long-held concern that those in government — no matter how benign their individual intentions — may nonetheless serve as some part of a broader apparatus that does not want the public to know the full truth about UFOs.
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Is er een wolk ontdekt in de atmosfeer van Pluto?
Is er een wolk ontdekt in de atmosfeer van Pluto?
Tim Kraaijvanger
Negentien minuten na de scheervlucht langs Pluto keek de New Horizons-ruimtesonde terug en fotografeerde een in duisternis gehulde dwergplaneet. Op de foto is mogelijk een wolk te zien.
De lichte kring rondom Pluto is de atmosfeer. Er zijn nevels te zien die tot zo’n 130 kilometer boven het oppervlak van Pluto reiken. “Mijn mond viel open toen ik deze eerste foto van een buitenaardse atmosfeer in de Kuipergordel zag,” stelt onderzoeker Alan Stern.
Maar nu onthult deze foto opnieuw een geheim. Wie goed naar het midden van de inzet (rechtsboven) kijkt, ziet een heldere zweem. Deze zweem is mogelijk een wolk met een lengte van tientallen kilometers. Als dit klopt, dan is dit de eerste wolk die is aangetroffen in de atmosfeer van de dwergplaneet. Het is overigens geen gekke gedachte, want uit atmosferische modellen van Pluto blijkt dat methaanwolken zouden kunnen ontstaan.
De tweede inzet toont de zuidpool van Pluto. Het terrein is ruw, waardoor de valleien en scherpe pieken op een afstand van 21.550 kilometer van de dwergplaneet nog duidelijk te onderscheiden zijn. Het gebied is enkele dagen voor de scheervlucht ook al gefotografeerd, alleen toen van een veel grotere afstand. Het donkere terrein kan dus gebruikt worden als een soort ankerpunt om de hoogte van het terrein beter te bepalen.
Inmiddels is New Horizons alweer ver van Pluto verwijderd. Het ruimtevaartuig is onderweg naar Kuipergordelobject 2014 MU69 en zal daar naar verwachting in januari 2019 langs scheren.
Asteroïde explodeert boven de Amerikaanse staat Arizona
Asteroïde explodeert boven de Amerikaanse staat Arizona
Tim Kraaijvanger
Gisteren verbrandde er een twee meter grote asteroïde in de atmosfeer boven de staat Arizona. In de wijde omgeving was er een flinke knal te horen, maar gelukkig zijn er geen slachtoffers gevallen.
De ruimtesteen explodeerde kort voor 04:00 uur lokale tijd, waardoor er een lichtflits ontstond die tien keer zo helder was als een volle maan. Volgens de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie had dit brokstuk een gewicht van enkele duizenden kilo’s en kwam er bij de explosie ongeveer een halve kiloton aan energie vrij. Dit betekent dat de explosie te vergelijken is met het ontploffen van 500 ton TNT.
Volgens ooggetuigen bewoog het object boven het Tonto nationale bos ten oosten van het dorp Payson. De asteroïde werd voor het laatst gespot op een hoogte van 35 kilometer boven hetzelfde bos. Wetenschappers sluiten niet uit dat kleine fragmenten van de meteoriet op de aarde zijn beland. De asteroïde veroorzaakte een bijzonder patroon in de lucht, die te zien is in de onderstaande video en op de foto bovenaan dit artikel (gemaakt door Mike Lerch).
Deze video laat de baan van de asteroïde zien.
De laatste video toont de kracht van de lichtflits van de vuurbol. Deze video is gemaakt door de Sedona Red Rock Cam.
Het is niet de zwaarste inslag van de afgelopen jaren. In 2013 stortte een meteoriet neer in Rusland, die een spoor van vernieling achterliet. De meteoriet brandde deels op in de atmosfeer, waarna er kleinere stukken op aarde vielen. Wetenschappers schatten dat de Russische asteroïde twintig meter groot was en dat er bij de inslag zo’n tachtig keer zoveel energie vrijkwam dan bij de explosie boven Arizona. Zo’n grote inslag komt gemiddeld een keer per honderd jaar voor. De laatste keer dat een meteoriet van deze grootte op aarde belandde, was in 1908. Een meteoriet stortte toen neer in Tunguska (Siberië).
Astronomen hebben de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop ingezet om de afstanden tot sterren in negentien verschillende sterrenstelsels te bepalen. Wat blijkt nu: het universum dijt sneller uit dan verwacht.
Het universum groeit vijf tot negen procent sneller dan dat wetenschappers eerder hebben berekend. “Dit is een belangrijke vondst, omdat het ons inzicht geeft in mysterieuze zaken, zoals donkere energie, donkere materie en donkere straling”, vertelt astronoom Adam Riess van de Johns Hopkins universiteit.
De snelheid waarmee het heelal uitdijt komt niet overeen met de expansiesnelheid kort na de oerknal. Eén mogelijk verklaring voor de snelle uitdijing is het bestaan van een nieuw subatomisch deeltje, die kort na het ontstaan van het heelal wellicht invloed heeft gehad op de evolutie van het universum. Een andere verklaring is dat het effect van donkere energie groter is dan verwacht.
Hubblecostante De verhouding van de snelheid waarmee een bepaalde lengte groter wordt door de uitdijing van het heelal wordt de Hubbleconstante genoemd. Wetenschappers hebben de Hubbleconstante nu vastgesteld op 73,2 kilometer per seconde per megaparsec. Stel, twee sterrenstelsels staan één megaparsec (=3,26 miljoen lichtjaar) uit elkaar, dan groeit de afstand tussen deze twee stelsels met een snelheid van 73,2 kilometer per seconde. De New Horizons-ruimtesonde reist met een snelheid van 50.000 kilometer per uur, maar zelfs dat is bij lange na niet genoeg om van het ene sterrenstelsel naar het andere sterrenstelsel te reizen. Sterker nog: pas bij een snelheid van ruim 263.000 kilometer per uur is er sprake van break-even en blijft de afstand tussen het ruimtevaartuig en het doel (het andere sterrenstelsel) gelijk.
Het einde van het heelal Het onderzoek van de astronomen zegt in principe weinig over de toekomst van het heelal. Er zijn verschillende scenario’s, zoals de Big Freeze (het heelal blijft uitdijen), de Big Crunch (het heelal krimpt) en de Big Rip (het heelal scheurt uit elkaar). Het idee van een Big Rip is niet gek. Een Big Rip ontstaat mogelijk wanneer het universum steeds sneller en sneller uit blijft dijen. Dat zou dan na een tijdje zó snel gaan, dat het universum letterlijk ‘uit elkaar wordt getrokken’. Toch lijkt het alsof we te maken gaan krijgen met de Big Freeze: het heelal blijft uitdijen en alle materie dooft op een bepaald moment uit. Dit stervingsproces gaat overigens heel langzaam. Zo is 75% van alle sterren in de Melkweg een rode dwergster en zo’n rode dwergster gaat mogelijk tien biljoen jaar mee. Dat duurt dus nog even!
Rutkowski, a Winnipegger who has researched UFOs since the 1970s, spent a few months studying UFO crashes in Canada. He was surprised to find "more than a dozen well-witnessed and well-documented examples of odd or unexpected objects apparently descending from the sky and landing or crashing on Canadian soil."
Rutkowski, who listed the incidents on his blog (, defined the crashes as anything unexplained that was witnessed to have fallen from the sky and didn't fly away.
"Certainly the Roswell one is the most famous one, but the purpose of this report was to show that there are many such cases not just around the world, but here in Canada," Rutkowski, research co-ordinator for UFOlogy Research of Manitoba, said Thursday. "To find more than a dozen, I think that's pretty interesting.
"Roswell has such a tremendous machine behind it to promote it ... it's taken on a mythology of its own. The fact is we actually have better cases, it's just that we're not Roswell."
The only Canadian example that received its share of attention globally happened in Shag Harbour off the coast of Nova Scotia in 1967, Rutkowski said, adding it's sometimes called "Canada's Roswell."
"This classic case is actually a bit better than Roswell, because a number of official documents have been located suggesting something really happened, unlike Roswell," he wrote in his report.
A glowing disc-shaped object was witnessed to have been flying over the harbour before it crashed into the water about 200 feet from shore, then floated for a moment. RCMP were called to the scene and attempts were made to reach the object, thought to be a crashed plane.
However, they failed to reach it before it sunk into the ocean, leaving a thick yellow foam.
Another example Rutkowski considers more compelling than Roswell is from Wallaston Lake, Sask., where a fragment from a "space vehicle" was found and taken to the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa. One of the pages of RCMP documents is titled: "U.F.O. Found in Northern Saskatchewan."
Manitoba had an incident in 1792 in Thicket Portage "when something fell to earth that sounded like it was a massive jelly, according to explorer David Thompson," Rutkowski said.
The brilliant object broke into many luminous pieces after hitting the river ice, Thompson noted in his diary. When he went to see the hole in the ice the object should have made, there was no sign of impact.
"If he says that happened, we can be fairly sure that it actually did happen," Rutkowski said, noting Thompson was a respected explorer who wrote extensively about his discoveries in Manitoba.
The most famous Manitoba UFO case happened in May 1967 at Falcon Lake. Stephen Michalak claimed he witnessed a UFO land and take off again while prospecting in the Whiteshell Provincial Park, but this incident isn't included in Rutkowski's report as it wasn't considered a crash.
Unlike the U.S., records of UFO incidents in Canada are easy to obtain, Rutkowski said.
"In Canada, there's a tremendous amount of information that's been available since the 1940s on objects seen in the sky and crashing," he said.
"It's good that we have relative open access to information."
More than 50 years ago, before man had ever set foot on the moon, the United States military hatched a daring plan to best the Soviet Union with a secret spy base on the lunar surface, dubbed Project Horizon.
The Project Horizon study was declassified by the National Security Archive last week, on the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11’s historic moon landing, as io9 reports, and is a fascinating look into a cold war mentality that placed victory over the Soviet Union above all else. Project Horizon was originally published in 1959, and at over 100 pages long, it details a plan to construct a “moon-to-earth surveillance system,” that would allow “communications with and observation of the earth.”
The United States military once planned to build a surveillance station on the moon.
Code named "Project Horizon," a declassified report released today on the 45th anniversary of Neil Armstrong's historic moonwalk outlines the military's detailed plans to install a moon-to-Earth surveillance system that would have been used for "facilitating communications with and observation of the earth." The report that was originally published in 1959 exceeds 100 pages.
Project Horizon also included a proposal to build a moon-based weapons system that would have allowed the military to launch offensives from the moon towards Earth and even into outer space.
The declassified documents also reveal that the military attempted to investigate the effects of detonating a nuclear weapon on and in the vicinity of the moon.
Although no such detonation occurred, the report tries to speculate the effects nuclear radiation would have had on alien lifeforms.
Another declassified report entitled "The Kidnapping of the Lunik" details how American operatives stole and later returned a Soviet space capsule called the Lunik during a Soviet exhibition tour in order to gather intelligence on Soviet space capability.
Researchers at the time advocated setting up the Project Horizon base as a permanent installation, and recommended that construction begin as soon as possible:
“The program to establish a lunar base must not be delayed and the initial base design must meet military requirements. For example, the base should be designed as a permanent installation, it should be underground, it should strive to be completely self-supporting, and it should provide suitable accommodations to support extended tours of duty.”
Some ideas haven’t changed in the past half-century. As The Inquisitr previously reported, recently discovered holes in the moon, thought to be a byproduct of lava tubes, are being considered by NASA as a pre-formed shelter for astronauts sent to establish a permanent presence on the moon’s surface.
As ABC News reports, the Project Horizon documents also reveal that the military wished to investigate the effects of detonating a nuclear device “on and in the vicinity” of the moon. The plan was to send several astronauts to the moon to scout ahead, with reinforcements to follow soon after. The astronauts would have to construct a nuclear reactor once they arrived, and would be supplied with specially outfitted tractors to handle all foreseeable construction needs. The military even considered launching poultry and fish to the base, as sources of food for the 12 astronauts that would staff the moon base.
While scientists conceded that the technology didn’t exist to implement Project Horizon at the time, they nonetheless believed that it was only a matter of time before a permanent moon base was a fact of life:
“Based on present knowledge, the study has concluded that it is technically feasible to establish a manned base on the moon. “Technically feasible” is not meant to imply that the equipments are available, or the techniques are completely known.”
Image courtesy : Artist's representation of what the technology could look like. BristolIG
We hear sounds all around us all the time, but we can’t actually touch them.
The only exception is when we can think of it as a physical presence, as the vibrations that sounds create in other objects.
The idea that something so intangible as sound can lift or move material without having to touch anything seems unbelievable. But acoustic levitation does just that and uses sound waves to handle dangerous and fragile materials without contact.
A team of researchers at the University of Bristol, England called Bristol Interaction Group (BIG) have invented a sonic screwdriver gauntlet (or GauntLev) by utilizing the properties of sound waves. The Gauntlet puts acoustic levitation in the palm of your hand using wearable acoustic levitators.
Image courtesy Youtube
Apart from the main device, GauntLev, BIG has also developed a ‘Sonic Screwdriver’ and ‘Ultra Tongs’ that levitate small particles in mid-air using acoustic levitation. The devices can be used manually but for better stability and accuracy, the team has also designed it to work with a computer.
Currently, BIG can levitate small objects, but the plans for the future could revolutionize the production and transportation of dangerous and fragile materials.
Nidhi Goyal
Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. You can also find Nidhi on Google+.
Amazing International Space Station footage shows 'fireball-like UFO streaking through space'
Amazing International Space Station footage shows 'fireball-like UFO streaking through space'
The footage purportedly shows a UFO coming into shot behind the ISS and was reportedly captured on the unit's live feed on Thursday
This incredible footage is said to show a UFO speeding through space close.
Captured by the International Space Station's base's cameras, the clip has been released on Facebook - and conspiracy theorists are torn over what it shows.
Posted by UFO investigators Secure Team 10, it has had more than 5,500 views.
But commenters have clashed over whether the images show an alien craft.
Commenting on the film, Tyler Glockner, from Secure Team, said: "This amazing piece of ISS footage that was just emailed to me a few minutes ago has got me very excited.
"We have posted a lot of ISS videos showing these UFOs up there."
He goes on to explain how a source had been rewatching recorded ISS live stream footage, recorded on Thursday, and came across the inexplicable clip.
Tyler adds: "He says he sees what looks like a fireball of some sort streak in behind ISS.
"There is this bright object which cannot be a fireball because there's no air in space, hence there cannot be any fire.
"It comes out of the darkness of space, flies up behind the ISS and we can actually see just before it disappears some red lights shining on the ISS.
"When the ISS finally comes into view of the sun and you can see the Earth beginning to show underneath it and you can see in the exact spot where this object appears there is nothing there."
But some YouTube users were unconvinced, claiming the UFO was in fact a meteor.
One, Neil Conafray, wrote: "Looks like a view from the ISS of the meteorite exploding over Arizona."
While another said: "2 times last year I went to the live feed of the I.S.S. and both times within 15 mins or so... I seen a ship coming into view of the camera one was unbelievable and they cut the feed."
Dan Flynn:Have aliens reported throughout history? Have there been reports of spherical UFO’s in Egypt, thousands of years ago? Did the fill the sky and scorch the pyramids, and most of the surface of the planet earth? Are they returning?
In trying to make the videos’ shorter, I dare say, jam packing them full of information takes a lot more time than I expected. Made for content. Every 3600 years an alien race invades earth? What do you think?
The evidence in history seems to imply just such the further back you look. Leave a comment below, and let the debate begin.
Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College was authorized by his employers to discuss military plans to respond to an alien invasion.
Springer responded to questions by an Australian Television program exploring possible responses to an alien invasion that aired on Easter Sunday.
In the segment titled “U.S. military making plans for an alien invasion,” he discussed the implications of humanity being confronted by an extraterrestrial threat. Springer’s comments echoed the sentiments by Professor Stephen Hawking in April 2010 that advanced extraterrestrial life is likely to be ‘predatory‘, and humanity needs to be prepared for contact with hostile off-world visitors.
That really depends on why they are here in the first place. If they are here for the extraction of a specific resource, for example, they might just want to eliminate any resistance that might block them from their objective.
If, on the other hand, their goal was actual occupation and conquest, then they would probably have to prioritize anything they perceive as a threat to their own dominance.
So, they would probably start by wiping out as many communications networks as possible and eliminating as many weapons that might represent some form of threat either to them, or to the resources they are trying to extract.
So they might very well want to counter every nuclear weapon, not because it represented a threat to them, but because it might destroy whatever they’re here to collect.
Significantly, Springer addresses how the Pentagon would view extraterrestrial interference with nuclear weapons.
Aliens would interfere with nuclear weapons not because they are dangerous to life here or elsewhere, but because nuclear weapons are a threat to what the aliens wish to collect from Earth.
It has been well documented that for 60 years or more, UFOs have been monitoring nuclear weapons facilities, and in some situations have actively interfered with nuclear weapons. Many UFO researchers have interpreted this as a sign that extraterrestrials were trying to warn humanity of the global threat posed by nuclear weapons.
Indeed, numerous individuals claiming to have been contacted or abducted by extraterrestrials since the early 1950s have made a similar point. Springer’s comments reveal the contrasting conclusion drawn by the Pentagon in their planning scenario.
Springer is then asked:“Wouldn’t it be a strange situation if humanity had to band together, fighting alongside Russia, or I guess, the Taliban?”
He responded:
It would, but keep in mind that many of the greatest civilizations in human history have been formed, basically, to counter a common enemy. When you look at the great world powers of the globe today, you find a lot of them formed because of the fear of a common enemy.
Significantly, this echoes the same sentiment drawn by former President Ronald Reagan at a famous speech at the UN General Assembly in September 1987:
In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.
I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask – is not an alien force already among us?
Reagan’s last question reveals that he did not believe that an alien invasion scenario was something that lay ahead in future decades.
It was a contingency humanity had to grapple with in the immediate moment – an extraterrestrial presence was already among us. Global unity was an imperative to deal with all the implications of such a presence! It appears that Reagan was secretly briefed about extraterrestrial life, and some of the threats this posed to humanity.
Was he really warning the world about classified alien secrets withheld from the global public? Not so fast according to reporters such as Alex Jones and Kurt Nimmo.
They believe that the alien invasion scenario described by Springer would in fact be a false flag operation using very earthly advanced technologies to simulate an alien invasion:
The goal would be to justify the creation of a one world government where more and more civil liberties would be lost – especially for U.S. citizens.
A false flag alien invasion scenario was first revealed by Dr Werner Von Braun, a founder of the US Apollo Space Program, to Carol Rosin shortly before the former’s death in 1977.
This gives credence to a possible agenda behind the Pentagon leaking an alien invasion plan.
The threat would be contrived, extraterrestrials aren’t real at all. What, however, would be the case if Reagan’s warning was authentic, and extraterrestrials are already here?
In such a scenario, there would be many good reasons why Jones and Nimmo are wrong, and greater global governance would be essential in dealing with advanced extraterrestrial life and technology.
Prof Springer’s revelation of classified Pentagon plans to respond to an alien invasion raises many intriguing questions.
Most importantly, Springer reveals that the Pentagon acknowledges the importance of thinking through the many national security issues surrounding the ’possible’ existence of extraterrestrial life and technology.
Whether one agrees with former President Reagan that extraterrestrials are already here and constitute a global threat, or whether the Pentagon plan is merely a ruse for a false flag event to usher in a one world government; in either case, the time for serious study of issues concerning extraterrestrial life has come.
The global media and scholarly community need to educate themselves and the public about the many political implications of advanced alien life, evidence that such life is already visiting us, and finally whether extraterrestrials are our friends or foes.
What is the truth about Aliens and Extraterrestrials? Do these creatures exist out there? If they do exist, are they more advanced than humans?
Since then, humanity has looked at the stars and still wondered. If you’ve read some books on UFOs, you may be wondering why it is such a big deal for the military and governmental forces to protect the people by hiding the truth. A West Virginia witness in Clendenin, reported watching a triangle-shaped mysterious object and described as “the size of a mountain.”
The sighting was seen by the witness along with her 31-year-old son on May 24, 2016, at 9:30 p.m. At first, they noticed a ball of light streaking in from the west. Seconds later, it abruptly stopped. For over a two-hour period, it stayed until it slowly moves towards the east. The witness started to see the sheer mass of the object after it cleared the western trees.
According to the witness, three white lights underneath it were moving with it. The witness could see a triangular shape of the object as the moon brightened. He added that it was so big that it bears a resemblance to a mountain moving through the sky. Due to the uniqueness of the encounter, he chalked it as one of the most unexplainable things that he has ever seen.
Clendenin is situated in Kanawha County, West Virginia with a population of 1,227. A MUFON Field Investigator is investigating for West Virginia MUFON.
#1 Most Viewed UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon Shares Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
What Would Happen If Humans Disappeared? What Would Happen To The Earth? June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
What Would Happen If Humans Disappeared? What Would Happen To The Earth? June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of video: May 24, 2016
Maker of video: #Mind Warehouse
Human beings have been spreading across earth for thousands of years. It is believed that we originated from Southern Africa around 200,000 years ago and Around 130,000 years later we migrated out of Africa and colonised pretty much the entire planet. Within these tremendous years humans have used and destroyed parts of the earth for our own benefit. We have invented all sorts of things to improve our own quality of life and have only recently started to worry about what our actions mean for our home planet. But what if our time is nearly up? What if the human species was wiped out, or maybe we drained the resources we use to survive and just upped and left? What would the earth be like without humans. Well it is said that one of the first things to happen if humans disappeared would be very destructive. Man kind has built 437 nuclear power plants around the world and if we left, the generators that circulate cold water around the reactors would lose power. This could lead to over heating and melt down, causing hundreds of radio active areas. Some of the air, rivers and oceans close to the reactors would be polluted with radiation for many years. But in the other areas of the world, Mother Nature would start to recover, trees and plants would be allowed to grow freely and certain animals would thrive. General livestock would struggle without human aid, and most would likely become prey for other animals. But other more wild animals become free to wander the abandoned streets of our city's and towns. Even domesticated animals would have to rediscover their wild ways. Monuments like the Eiffel Tower that are made of steel would start to rust and the roads would become rubble and overgrown with weeds. Many buildings would start to fall apart. Books, photographs, electronic data would fade away, leaving little evidence that we ever existed.The natural world would take back its land. Some more hard wearing structures would likely survive over many years, maybe even some of the ancient structures would out last our modern buildings and look as if they were the last civilisation on earth. But it is still believed that even after thousands and thousands of human free years, you would still be able to find many objects that we had left behind in our legacy. From plastic shopping bags to frames of airplanes or even some buildings. Maybe after millions of years even a new species of animal would become dominate and evolved in to a Homo sapiens like creature. Some scientists believe that pretty much any vertebrate land animal could evolve intelligence, provided it finds the right environmental challenges that favor strategic thinking. Obviously this would not happen overnight, but it is still a possibility that with the right amount of time an animal could evolve a complex brain like our own. This would take millions of years without the presence of humans to happen, but if we can still find traces of the dinosaurs from 65 million years ago, surely parts of the human race would still exist to be discovered. I suppose we will never really know what will truly happen unless we left and monitored the planet. But when you look around in your day to day life and see how we have changed and shaped the planet. You do have to wonder if mother nature could ever wipe the evidence of man kind away completely. Scott C. Waring
#Mind Warehouse states:
Today we are presenting you a video on an unusual topic. Imagine that all people suddenly disappeared from the planet. The reason is irrelevant, just imagine the result. Now we are going to tell what is going to happen after we are gone.
UFO Over Ecuador Recorded Over Street On June 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Ecuador Recorded Over Street On June 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: June 2, 2016 Location of sighting: Ecuador Source: and
This UFO was recorded and is on video, however the video is only on Facebook so click here to view it. The UFOs do appear similar to real UFOs seen in the past in the sky. I do have some reservations about UFOs being recorded through windows, because windows can reflect light as you are recording and thus make a UFO appear as though its real. This looks like such an incident to me, but I could be wrong. Tell me your thoughts on this sighting in the comments below please. Scott C. Waring Inexplicata states: An Alleged UFO Over Guayaquil On May 30, a video posted to Facebook exceeded 52,000 hits. According to the person posting (Boris Tacle Lopez), the clip showed a "flying saucer". As of this writing, the publication has been shared over 1000 times. As the image shows, the object flies next to a rainbow in the sky. No critical version of this event exists as of this moment. What do you think?
: U.S. Government Official Talks About UFO Cover-Up
: U.S. Government Official Talks About UFO Cover-Up
Colonel Wilfried De Brouwer
A US investor, who held positions in the Ministry of Defence and within the intelligence community, has openly expressed for the first time about the information the government has onhand on UFOs.
Working 20 years for the federal government, Christopher Mellon received several awards. He claimed to have visited Area 51 and various other military bases.
His interest in UFOs started as a child when his friend showed him a video clip of a massive disc-shaped, golden object. He then began to read books on UFOs and performed a research project for his university Physics professor.
Mellon doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton will ever get a chance to get access to secret government programs on UFOs if she wins her presidential bid. Mellon shared instances where White House employees couldn’t gain access to Ministry of Defence secret programs. He thinks that Clinton and other people like her may hold high positions for years without getting at secret programs of the Ministry, which mostly involve the development of new weapons.
Mellon also pointed out some incidents involving UFOs when he worked for the government.
A Navy pilot called him one day to report about a UFO circling a fighter. As far as Mellon knew, the Navy didn’t conduct further investigation.
Another instance involved four or five bright UFOs that were captured on the radar in the evening sky. Mellon said that everyone was puzzled, but no government employee gave some interest, even after a TV program, Nightline, showed the images. Mellon said that political correctness resulted in complete lack of scientific curiosity.
Mellon suggested that Clinton should reach out to NORAD and let them perform the research if she is serious to find out the UFO topic deeply. NORAD is a military organization that monitors the U.S. airspace.
According to Mellon, there are many well-documented UFO sightings, including the UFO sighting that took place in November 1989 in Belgium. There were 13 police officers and hundreds of other people witnessed two triangular objects flying in the sky. However, authorities could not give clear explanation even after the Belgian Air Force launched an investigation with a group of scientists and experts from the U.S. and NATO countries.
In another UFO sighting, more than a hundred witnesses, including soldiers and law-enforcement officers, saw a triangular object above England on March 30, 1993. It managed to move away suddenly at a very fast speed from a standstill. The British Ministry of Defense failed to know the origin of the aerial object.
Could it be that the UFO’s in the sky are actually Alien ‘probes’? According to leading Mathematicians YES!
In recent months a new statement from two top mathematicians in the UK, from the University of Edinburgh, have stated that “Alien probes” could very well be operating in our very own Solar System – Possibly scouting the area for signs of life and habitable planets.
Could this mean that the now well-known Black Knight Satellite might actually be a reality? And now supported by Science? It appears that way doesn’t it. This could also help explain what many of these sightings are seen above the planet, including those bright pulsing large Orbs that many of us around the world have witnessed over the years.
Could those Orbs in Space have been sent into space ‘scouts’?
The scientists from the University of Edinburgh believe that there is a good possibility that “self-replicating” robotic ET spacecraft are now exploring our very own solar system that we live in. If true, these probes would be a product of such highly advanced technology, impossible for us to yet understand – it could also mean that these probes could even appear completely invisible to human beings, the researchers said.
The basic rules to slingshot g a craft into space
Powerful computers were used to come up with these predictions, of which the two mathematicians then analysed the possibility that probes could travel through space, which was highlighted in a study published in the ‘Journal of Astrobiology’
The two gentleman involved, Duncan Forgan and Arwen Nicholson have confirmed the possibility that there may very well be highly advanced ET races taking advantage of the intense ‘gravitational field’ of the stars in order to speed up their high-tech craft travelling through space.
Perhaps the UFO’s that we see near the Sun are using this technique to travel the vastness of space!? Us humans already use this “technique” take for example the Voyager probe which uses the gravitational field of the planets in our solar system to gain and travel through the depths of space and time – perhaps some of the Alien crafts have super intelligent robots onboard, looking for other planets to discover and in some cases possibly to even attempt to take over!? (Please click HERE to read more about this!).
The voyager craft in space – Humans own ‘probe’
The intriguing mathematical analysis that supports this theory, has suggested that you could quite possibly have a fleet of alien probes out there, with incredibly advanced technology onboard which could self-replicate itself, creating new realities for themselves, whilst at the same time making full use of any cosmic dust and gas, then dividing into parent and child probes which would set off to explore a different star, in their goal to look for signs of life and so on in their never-ending journey throughout the vastness of the universe! They would make our Voyager craft look somewhat ‘prehistoric’ in comparison.
It has also been suggested that this level of technology is that advanced that these “alien” probes could explore any galaxy out there in the vastness of space, in a relatively short time. Let’s not forget that there are planets out there which have millions if not even BILLIONS of years ahead of us – just imagine the level of technology any beings on these types of planets may have discovered.
Alien probes in space, possibly sent by advanced civilizations
The researcher made by Duncan Forgan and Arwen Nicholson coincides with a study made by Jacob Haqq-Misra in 2011, where it is suggested that extraterrestrial objects could exist right now in our solar system without our knowledge. These objects are so advanced technologically speaking that we couldn’t even identify them even if we wanted, perhaps our minds could not even comprehend their existence. Or could it be that some of these strange UFO’s seen in the skies above us, could actually be Alien probes, scouting for life.
The scientists said interestingly went on to conclude that:
‘We can conclude that a fleet of self-replicating probes can indeed explore the Galaxy in a sufficiently short time…orders of magnitude less than the age of the Earth.’
It really does feel like we are being ‘drip fed’ information nowadays about the existence of life beyond planet earth! Who knows perhaps there is some kind of major project at hand which involves some of the worlds key figures in Science to push out the TRUTH onto the masses! I still believe that the ‘Elite’ are not going to confirm the existence of Alien life anytime soon and NOW is the time that we push harder than ever in order to find out who our ET visitors are.
This story is very similar to my own personal thoughts on some of the UFO’s captured in the skies above us. I have often said that some of these strange looking crafts/Orbs caught above Earth, could very well be ET technology sent out into space to scout for life beyond their own solar system. Some people may ‘scoff’ at this suggestion, but is it really that daft to say that some advanced alien civilizations out there may have the technology to send out space probes to discover what lies beyond….NO of course it isn’t, as we are doing it ourselves with the Voyager craft, which is probably a very basic version of what the ET’s are using in space.
Who knows perhaps the Black Knight satellite seen above earth is actually an Alien probe which was sent out to find other lifeforms, or who knows perhaps it has made to watch over us all!? It is very interesting how the recent Pepsi advert is all about the Black Knight Satellite and deciphering the code on-board the unknown mysterious craft, which at the end of the advert shows the masses on Planet earth uniting for some strange kind of ‘New World Order’ – Perhaps the scene is being set out, as to what’s to come!?
No matter what these unknown UFO’s are, one thing is for sure we are VERY much NOT alone in the Universe.
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UFO’s Protecting Earth From Huge Objects From Space?
UFO’s Protecting Earth From Huge Objects From Space?
Many people believe that these images could quite possibly show “friendly aliens” in the process of saving the planet from a potentially destructive deadly meteor strike. This isn’t the first time UFO’s have apparently saved the planet from dangerous meteors from Space, just a few years ago a clear ‘BLACK’ UFO was witnessed destroying a huge chuck of rock which was hurtled towards the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.
This recent intriguing theory emerged after the release of footage of a fireball exploding in the skies above Maine, New England, USA
Clips of the natural phenomena show what appears to be a second, smaller object entering the Earth’s atmosphere during the event on Tuesday. The American Meteor Society (AMS) has since confirmed a second object was present, but says it was just a smaller fragment of the meteor as it broke up in our atmosphere – many people are now disputing this and believe that this was a UFO rushing to earth to help stop imminent disaster – the seemingly satisfactory explanation, has done nothing to dampen speculation from die hard alien chasers looking for evidence of extra terrestrial visitations.
The most popular theory out there is that it was an alien craft dispatched to destroy the meteor to prevent an impact. At this moment in time there is NO other true theory as to what this could be!
The meteor was caught on webcam entering Earth’s atmosphere
It has also been claimed that there could be some kind of Alien galactic patrols watching over us as all and they know that we do not yet have the technology to deal with any asteroid or comet strikes which could potentially wipe out life on this planet – This would explain the sheer amount of UFO sightings seen across the Planet by many people.
Originally at the time of this event, most eyewitnesses saw only one object enter the atmosphere, steak across the skies and then burn up. It was only until the footage was properly analysed that you can see the small UFO appear next to the incoming meteor!
The AMS had more than 700 reports from witnesses with the fireball also seen over New Hampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, and in Canada!
A YouTube channel called ‘Nemesis Maturity’ uploaded a video showing two objects arrived, one appearing to follow the other. The second, smaller unknown object, then appeared to strike the bigger one before a huge explosion – almost as if this UFO stopped this meteor in its track!
This intriguing footage was taken from a security camera at Burlington International Airport, South Burlington, Vermont and uploaded by AMS.
Nemesis Maturity, confirmed that some leading UFO researchers analysed the footage, before taking the leap that the second object could have been an alien UFO that shot down the speeding meteor. The video said: “The meteorite that exploded over Northeastern US was hit by an unknown object causing it to explode before it crasheddown.”
Please check out their interesting video below:
You can clearly see the smaller UFO in the images highlighted below:
The Russian Black UFO vs The Chelyabinsk Meteor
This is not the first time people have claimed that UFOs are watching from space to prevent asteroid strikes and even a potential nuclear conflict! One of the most exciting incidents happened back in 2013 above a city in Russia. The Chelyabinsk meteor (named after the city it exploded over!) was a superbolide caused by a near-Earth asteroid that entered Earth’s atmosphere over Russia on 15 February 2013 at about 09:20 YEKT (03:20 UTC), with a speed of 19.16 ± 0.15 kilometres per second (60,000[5]–69,000 km/h or 40,000[5]–42,900 mph).[6][7] It quickly became a brilliant superbolide meteor over the southern Ural region. The light from the meteor was brighter than the Sun, up to 100 km away. It was observed over a wide area of the region and in neighbouring republics.
Some eyewitnesses also felt intense heat from the fireball, but many also saw what appears to be a second object which appeared to ‘destroy’ the Meteor in front of everybody’s very own eyes. Perhaps the ET’s saved many lives on that now famous day back in 2013 – Many people described the object as a ‘Black UFO’ which didn’t move like anything man-made!
This video below is one of U.I.P’s favourites as we have checked the original footage and this video has NOT been edited in any way and is a 100% legit. Please make sure you watch and PAUSE the video at 2:26 minutes – You can also CLEARLY see the UFO come in from left to right:
The thought of Aliens rescuing us from potentially dangerous earthbound Meteors may appear a little over the top, but is it really!? It is VERY obvious that we are being watched daily and who is to say that some of the ET’s watching us are ‘bad’ – If they have the technology to get to us, I am sure they have the capability to stop a Meteor in its track!
It is important to remember the Tunguska Event which happened back in June 30, 1908 a colossal ‘magnificent’ flash lit across the sky over Siberia. The explosion was thought to have been caused by a massive explosion at least 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima in World War 2! But the unfortunate thing about this entire event was that it happened over a large completely uninhabited area in the basin of the Podkamennaya Tunguska river basin in modern-day Russia. There was not one direct witness to the event sadly, however people heard from a far loud booming noise! It is believed that some unknown craft potentially STOPPED a large Meteor from hitting the earth! Please click HERE to read more –
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Michio Kaku: “This Has To Be An Alien Super Structure!”
Michio Kaku: “This Has To Be An Alien Super Structure!”
Well respected Top Theoretical Physicist Michio Ksku believes that the recent announcement about a potential Alien Super structure being found next to a star “1,500 light years away” could actually be “the biggest story in the past five-hundred years!” He also believes that has to be proof of an advanced Alien civilisation.
We recently posted an article about this very same subject (please click HERE) and it now appears that many leading figures are getting behind this exciting theory, that there is a potential ‘Alien superstructure’ around star KIC 8462852″ which was first discovered in 2009.
KIC 8462852 (pictured), located 1480 light-years away, and has produced a series of bizarre light fluctuations researchers have not been able to conclusively explain.
Michio Kaku who has written many intriguing books and appeared on many TV shows with his exciting views on things, appears VERY excited about this latest discovery!
“This could be the biggest story in the past five-hundred years,” Michio Kaku explained.
Kaku said went on to say that “this star is breaking all the rules” and that “we would have to rewrite astronomy text books” to think anything different.
“Basically if a planet eclipses a Mother Star, goes in front of the Mother Star, starlight drops maybe one percent at maximum–however starlight has been dropping at twenty-two percent,” Kaku explained.
“There is a colossal, humongous, object of some sort blocking the starlight from this star.”
“We’ve ruled out all of the usual suspects; rouge planets, comets, asteroids” and the only thing left is an ‘alien superstructure’ of some type.
“We’re talking about what’s called a Type Two Civilization that could build a gigantic [Dyson Sphere] sphere possibly bigger than Jupiter to absorb starlight, to produce energy and is right out of science fiction.”
Michio Kaku – “There is a colossal, humongous, object of some sort blocking the starlight from this star.”
U.I.P SUMMARY – Kaku went on to state the below which makes some extremely valid points and puts our very own existence in the Universe very much into perspective:
We here on Earth are “what’s called a Type Zero Civilization” because “we get our energy from oil and coal.”
“Type one would be like Buck Rodgers” and imagine we are talking Type II.
“Next we are going to focus our radio-telescope to see if we can eavesdrop” on them, Kaku said.
We want to “see if there is any regular radio emissions from that planet.”
KIC 8462852, located 1480 light-years away, and has produced a series of bizarre light fluctuations researchers have not been able to conclusively explain. @MailOnline
I recently read an interesting article about the different civilizations out there, which really does make you think about how far behind we probably are from other ‘older’ more advanced species out there in deep space (and possibly other dimensions). Please have a read of the below about the Kardashev Scale:
The Kardashev Scale
The scale was initially made in 1964 by the Russian astrophysicist, Nikolai Kardashev (who was searching for signs of extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals). It has 3 base classes, each with an energy usage level: Type I (10¹⁶W), Type II (10²⁶W), and Type III (10³⁶W). . Other astrophysicists have prolonged the scale to Type IV (10⁴⁶W) and Type V (the energy accessible to this kind of civilization would equal that of all energy accessible in not just our cosmos, but in all universes and in all time-lines). These additions reflect both energy access as well as the amount of knowledge the civilizations have access to.
Initially, it is significant to note that the human race is not even on this scale yet. Since we still sustain our energy requirements from dead plants and animals, here on Earth, we are a poor Type 0 civilization (and we have a LONG way to go before being promoted to a type I civilization). Kaku inclines to believe that, all things taken into concern, we will reach Type I in 100 – 200 years time. But what does each of these classes really stand for in literal terms?
A Type I title is a given to species who have been capable of harnessing all the energy that is obtainable from a nearby star, collecting and storing it to meet the energy demands of a growing population. This means that we would need to increase our current energy production over 100,000 times to reach this status. Though, being capable of harnessing all Earth’s energy would also mean that we could have control over all natural forces. Human beings could control volcanoes, the weather, and even earthquakes! (At least, that is the impression.) These types of achievements are hard to believe, but compared to the advances that may still be to come, these are just basic and basic levels of control (it’s completely nothing comparative to the abilities of societies with higher rankings).
The next step up – a Type II civilization – can harness the power of their whole star (not just converting starlight into energy, but controlling the star). Numerous methods for this have been suggested. The most popular of which is the hypothetical ‘Dyson Sphere.’ This device, if you want to call it that, would include every single inch of the star, collecting most (if not all) of its energy output and transporting it to a planet for later use. Instead, if fusion power (the mechanism that powers stars) had been mastered by the race, a reactor on a truly enormous scale could be used to fulfill their requirements. Nearby gas giants can be utilized for their hydrogen, gradually drained of life by an orbiting reactor.
What would this much energy mean for a species? Well, nothing known to science could wipe out a Type II civilization. Take, for instance, if humans lived long enough to attain this status, and a moon sized object arrived our solar system on a crash course with our little blue planet–we’d have the capability of vaporizing it out of existence. Or if we had time, we could move our planet out-of-the-way, totally dodging it. But let’s say we didn’t want to move Earth… are there any other options? Well yes, since we’d have the ability to move Jupiter, or another planet of our choice, into the way – pretty cool, right? So we’ve gone from having control over a planet, to a star, which has resulted in us harboring enough “disposable” energy to fundamentally make our civilization immune to extinction. But now, onto Type III, where a species then becomes galactic traverses with knowledge of everything having to do with energy, resulting in them becoming a master race. In terms of humans, hundreds of thousands of years of evolution – both biological and mechanical – may result in the populations of this type III civilization being extremely different from the human race as we know it. These may be cyborgs (or cybernetic organism, beings both biological and robotic), with the offspring of regular humans being a sub-species among the now-highly advanced society. These completely biological humans would possibly be observed as being disabled, poorer, or unevolved by their cybernetic colleagues.
At this stage, we would have developed colonies of robots that are proficient of ‘self replication’; their population may upsurge into the millions as they spread out across the galaxy, inhabiting star after star. And these being might build Dyson Spheres to encapsulate each one, making a huge network that would carry energy back to the home planet. But extending over the galaxy in such a manner would face numerous difficulties; namely, the species would be constrained by the laws of physics. Chiefly, light-speed travel. That is, except they develop a working warp drive, or use that spotless energy cache to master wormhole teleportation (two things that remain theoretical for the time being), they can only get so far.
Kardashev believed a Type IV civilization was ‘too’ advanced and did not go beyond Type III on his scale. He thought that, confidently, this would be the extent of any species’ capability. Many think so, but a few believe there is a further level that could be achieved. (I mean, surely there is a limit?) Type IV civilizations would almost be capable of harnessing the energy content of the whole universe and with that, they could traverse the accelerating expansion of space (additionally, advance races of these species may live inside supermassive black holes). To previous methods of producing energy, these kinds of feats are considered impossible. A Type IV civilization would require to tap into energy sources unknown to us using strange, or currently unknown, laws of physics. Type V. Yes, Type V might just be the next possible advancement to such a civilization. Here beings would be like gods, having the knowledge to manipulate the universe as they please. Now, as I said, humans are a very, very long way from ever reaching anything like this. But it’s not to say that it cannot be achieved as long as we take care of Earth and each other. To do so, the first step is to preserve our tiny home, extinguish war, and continue to support scientific advances and discoveries.
Advanced Civilizations out there in deep space.
All of the above shows how potentially far we are behind the rest of the Universe! Like us guys always state here at U.I.P “In an infinite Universe, comes INFINITE possibilities!”
These are exciting times – but how much are they ‘truly’ going to tell us about!?
Source info on the Kardashev Scale – Article Originally Published on FQ2Q Author: Joe Garland
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British Fighter Jets Scrambled After UFO Comes Up From Sea 5/6/16
British Fighter Jets Scrambled After UFO Comes Up From Sea 5/6/16
Published on May 6, 2016
Special thanks to David from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire for his help in bringing this story to our attention! Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, information on the government coverup, and the alien activity happening on and off of our planet. Send us YOUR footage by visiting the contact links below, and help us continue the good fight for disclosure! ➨Follow Us On Twitter: ➨Facebook: ➨E-mail us with your ideas & footage: ➨Visit our online shirt shop and gear up with your own ST10 Tee!
ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under Fair Use for commentary/research/news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
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Clinton campaign head says he filed FOIA request for UFO documents
Clinton campaign head says he filed FOIA request for UFO documents
Hillary Clinton has often been depicted as an enemy of government transparency in the long-running controversy over her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. It took severallawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a law that gives the public access to government documents and data, to pry her emails loose from the State Department.
But during a talk today at Code Con, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said he helped the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee use the very same law to request transparency on an issue she’s interested in — UFOs. Podesta claimed that he helped Clinton file a FOIA request for documents related to a possible UFO incident.
Clinton and Podesta have been vocal about their interest in extraterrestrial life. During a March appearance onJimmy Kimmel Live!, Clinton said she would fight for the release of government documents related to UFOs if elected president. Podesta, who was formerly President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, has also championed government transparency about UFOs.
Podesta didn’t offer many details on the incident that led to their FOIA request, saying simply that it involved a crash of what he described as a possible UFO or Soviet device.
“I worked with her and filed an FOIA case on it,” Podesta said, adding, “The files had disappeared but it was clear there’d been some investigation by the Air Force.”
The frustration of seeking documents under FOIA only to be rejected is probably a familiar one for the journalists who worked to make Clinton’s emails public, and Podesta acknowledged that Clinton’s use of a private email server had damaged her as a presidential candidate. “I think it’s definitely hurt her,” he said.
“The decision at the outset to use a private email system was, in retrospect, the wrong one. She did it out of convenience but it’s been anything but,” Podesta continued. However, he said the contents of Clinton’s emails spoke to her capability as a candidate.
“What you see is someone working hard, doing the job that the President entrusted to her,” Podesta said.
Podesta also discussed Clinton’s California campaign and her relationship with Silicon Valley. He said that support for Clinton is building in the tech industry and suggested that the campaign would soon release a list of her Silicon Valley supporters. “We’ll probably roll out a group of technology leaders who support her before the election and I think that will be an impressive list,” Podesta said.
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"It Defies Language!" by Greg Bishop
"It Defies Language!" by Greg Bishop
BOOK REVIEW:It Defies Language! Essays on UFOs and Other Weirdness by Greg Bishop (Excluded Middle Press) 2016
My first true encounter with the work of writer, researcher, blogger, fringe-culture historian, radio host and Ufologist Greg Bishop was via his excellent 2005 book Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth, which I reviewed at the time for a Louisiana newspaper.
What impressed me most that was despite Bishop’s obvious interest in the topic of UFOs and related “high weirdness,” he was willing to do the yeoman’s work and produce a book that exposed a lot of the rumors out there about a New Mexico physicist – Paul Bennewitz – who urgently believed an alien invasion was imminent and that an underground base near the town of Dulce, N.M. (read our review of Greg Valdez’s Dulce Basehere) was already populated with sinister aliens.
And yet, in Project Beta, we learn it was all a government disinformation campaign to get Bennewitz off the trail of down-to-earth technology (the strange lights over Albuquerque) being tested at nearby Kirtland Air Force Base. Sad thing is, the experience left Bennewitz a paranoid and broken man, and committed to a mental institution.
So, upon learning about Bishop’s latest UFO-tinged book project, It Defies Language!, I knew I would be of great interest to me, since it featured a bunch of his posts from the defunct website (2006-2011), one that was prominently linked here atRed Dirt Report, and also featured work by our friend Nick Redfern, prolific author and regular at Mysterious Universe.
Broken up into nine chapters, It Defies Language! starts off in the introduction with Bishop straight-up saying, “Some people build model railroads.Others collect stamps or bottlecaps. I write and think about UFOs.” And I can relate to that to a certain extent.
I can also relate to Bishop’s approach to the topic that he is not necessarily a “nuts-and-bolts” UFO guy, that there is likely a metaphysical angle to the phenomenon, noting "there is no real, verifiable evidence that UFOs and apparent associated beings come from other planets."
Anyway, Bishop jumps around with the posts, but even though it isn’t necessarily chronological, we get insight into the intellectually honest process he undertakes when it comes to tackling the difficult subject of UFOs and related phenomena and even fellow UFO researchers who aren’t always as honest about their objectives as they should be, some even covertly working for the US government to sidetrack researchers. It happens.
Being an obsessive fan of the David Lynch TV show Twin Peaks (1990-91), which will be rebooted for Showtime next year, I was interested in one 2007 UFOMystic post Bishop includes titled “David Lynch, Twin Peaks, and UFOs (and the Government).” In the post he notes that an unnamed source told a friend of his, Miles Lewis, that Lynch created his “Agent Dale Cooper” character based on someone who worked in the government, someone he simply calls “Agent Cooper.”
Notes Bishop: “However, from what I understand, under this ‘Agent Cooper’s” urging, Lynch infused certain codes and secret messages pertaining to different things he had learned from ‘Agent Cooper’ – and they are scattered throughout the series.”
Don S. Davis as Maj. Garland Briggs - UFO seeker - in Twin Peaks. (Lynch/Frost Productions)
It is true that Twin Peaks features a rather esoteric storyline where Air Force Maj. Garland Briggs (Don S. Davis) works, in a classified manner, with “deep space monitoring” and also for the infamous Project Blue Book, where the Air Force was allegedly looking into UFO sightings between 1952 and 1969. But the real purpose, Bishop is told, is “to test to the general public’s perception and reaction to UFO reports and sightings, and to use the data gleaned from this study as a mean to maximize the effectiveness of using such UFO stories to manipulate the population.”
In another 2007 post, Bishop delves into the aforementioned subject of “underground bases.” What is their purpose? What is hidden there? Was there a “firefight” between US soldier and “alien humanoids” at an underground base in Dulce, N.M. as claimed by one Philip Schneider? And was Schneider “killed for talking about alien bases”? He goes into that, as well as the issue of cattle mutilations, the 1950's "contactee" movement, crop circles, and even a bit on “alien writing.” It is that subject where Bishop, in talking about the "alien symbol" research of the late Dr. Mario Pazzaglini, also notes that “one of the earliest concrete examples of what was purported to be extra-human communication was channeled by medium Edward Kelley, and his boss, Elizabethan astrologer and all-around magician John Dee, from 1582-1589.”
Like those who come across alleged alien “symbols” following an encounter, it was Dee who said the “Enochian” symbols he received from an "angel," dictated through medium Kelley. Is there a connection between the 400-plus year old findings of Dee and the symbols being discussed today? Bishop is of the opinion that this "as-yet unknown, non-human intelligence or consciousness that interacts with us from time-to-time" has likely been around for a very long time.
Bishop has a smart and easy-to-understand style that will appeal to both serious UFO researchers and those with, perhaps, simply a passing interest in the topic. For Bishop, putting this online essay collection together was a labor of love, for someone who has a passion for investigating the unknown.
Regardless, in It Defies Language!, there is plenty of thoughtful - and even humorous and lighthearted - information to sink your teeth and your mind into.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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